The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 25, 1914, Section One, Page 4, Image 4

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Resources and Bravery of
Scouts Described in Re
cital of Observer.
Tendency to Rely More on Splendid
War Material and Tx"ss on Masses
of Men Noted Old Pattern
Ammunition Captured.
LONDON. Oct. 24. Another descrip
tive recital of events in the north of
France from an eyewitness attached
to British general headquarters was
issued today by the official informa
tion bureau. It is dated October 17, and
speaks of the fitness of the troops and
declares that the "fact that we are
steadily advancing and that the enemy
is giving way before us has proved a
most welcome and inspiring r change."
Continuing, the report sayB:
"We still hear from prisoners that
German advance troops, at any rate, are
short of food and exhausted by con
tinual outpost work. We can afford
to give our troops more rest and there
is no lack of food. Many of the men
opposed to us at present have had only
two months service and some prison
ers declare they will not expose them
selves in the trenches.
Germans Are Fighting Well.
"Nevertheless, the army is fighting
well and skilfully and showing consid
erable powers of endurance. They
generally contrive to remove their
wounded and often to bury their killed
before they retire and their escape is
often facilitated by the numerous deep
ditches in this country."
Many of their cavalry patrols are
wearing Belgian uniforms, a practice
which is not excusable on the ground
of any lack of their own.
"An incident which occurred October
13 shows the resource and bravery of
some of our enemy's scouts. A detach
ment of German artillery was retiring
and from time to time coming into ac
tion. An officer of one of our flank
cavalry patrols had been standing for
some minutes under a tree when he
noticed a fine wire hanging close to
the trunk. He followed the wire with
his eye and was astonished to see one
of the enemy in the tree. As he drew
his revolver and fired the German
dropped onto his head, also firing. The
British officer was stunned and when
he came to it was to find himself alone,
with the peak of his cap blown away
and his uniform covered with blood
which was not his own.
Enemy More Sparine of Men.
"As the campaign goes on the tend
ency of the Germans to rely on their
splendid war material with which they
have been so amply provided, rather
than on the employment of masses of
men, has become more marked. There
are Indications, however, that their ma
terial is not inexhaustible and the sig
nificant circular of the Prussian Min
ister of War, enjoining a careful search
of battlefields for equipment and even
the collection of empty cartridge casks,
has been quoted in a previous letter.
"This circular seems to have been
promoted more by necessity than by
economy, for in the recent fighting
both gun and rifle ammunition of old
pattern has been found in trenches
evacuated by the enemy on their dead
and on prisoners. Among the latter are
Mauser cartridges, similar to thoBi
used by the Boers in South Africa."
The narrative then quotes from Dam
phlets dropped by German airmen sum
moning the French to surrender on
the ground that they are only pulling
cnestnuts out or the fire for the Eng
Soldiers Have Newspapers.
'"News of a sort Is disseminated
among, the German soldiers by means
of a special military newspaper called
The Patrol, published in Berlin." the
report continues. "Its historical value
may be gauged by the statement made
in its issue of September 6, as fol
" 'It may be confidently asserted that
the resistance of the active army of
the French has been overcome. The
reserve troops and new formations will
no doubt give our heroic forces plenty
to do as they advance further.
"Three weeks more of fighting, how
ever, must have convinced the German
troops that this assertion was not jus
The writer of this report then gives
passages from captured German let
ters, which indicate anxiety concerning
the result of the fighting. One of these,
dated September 27, contains the fol
"Today we got papers from the first
to the fifth of September, and it is
really painful to read of the boastful
announcements of our march on Paris,
tor we are no nearer Paris now than
we were then. I don't know whether
you realize this, but there is no use of
trying to hide it.
The narrative, after saying ''Infor
mation received corroborates the im
pression already gained that the en
emy's troops suffered severe privations
during August and September," con
cludes with these words: There Is no
doubt that the Germans have to a great
extent recovered from this condition
but their forces are by no means what
they were."
Ration X'rffcd to Aisome Whole Prob
lem of Care of Belgians AYlthont
Delay or Parsimony.
I-OXDON. Oct. 24. "England can and
tvill look after the Belgian refugees in
tireat Britain says the Eaily Chronicle
in an editorial today, "but our duty
does not end here. Holland is a small
country, and witn the heavy burden im
posed by the war it is not right that
she should be left to struggle unaided
with the problem of housing and feed
ins l.OOO.OOU refugees. We hold it
an obligattoln of honor for Great Brit to come to her rescue.
"Let the British government under
take to bear the whole cost of the
maintenance of these refugees. The
British nation will rejoice if the gov
eminent acts promptly and handsomely,
but it will not forgive tardiness or par
"As for the problem of Belgians left
In our country, the need for relief oper
ations on a glgnatic scale Is self-evi
dent. We rejoice that the American
people, true to their characteristics,
have taken the lead in the organization
of funds to deal with this tremendous
problem. This compassionate movement
deserves generous support in England
as well as America." ,
d-L.ark Ooll' Day-Monday, October
3500 Beautiful Dollies Given Away Free
One to Every Purchaser of Fifty Cents or Over
They are in our windows today, waiting to make glad the hearts of 3500 little girls. Prettier than ever are these jointed dollies blue eyes that open and shut and smiling baby faces. Dolls that are
usually sold for 50c in other stores. DOLL-DAY brings to us thousands of new customers, who remain patrons and friends. It enables us to show our holiday lines and demonstrate the real service
our store gives. x . . No Prices Advanced on This Day
Articles from 50c to $1.00
China Ash Trays Jewel Cases
Metal Frames Ink Stands
Pictures Pin Cushions
Candle Sticks
Sweet Grass Baskets
Brass Fern Dishes
J ardinieres
Flower Baskets
Cut Glass Vases
Paper Weights
Letter Clips
Card Trays
Brass Hanging Baskets
Necktie Racks
Brass Smoking Sets
Japanese Baskets
Bath Sprays
Rubber Balls
Rubber Gloves
Rubber Sponges
Invalid Cushions
Infants' Sets
Slumber Socks
Traveling Roll-ups
Teddy Bears Dolls Ice Bags
Rubber Baby Pants
Bailey's Complexion Brushes
Syringes Water Bottles
Remember These Rules of
One doll to a customer
No dolls on phone orders
No dolls delivered
No dolls rsered
No -ioUa with patent medicines.
Cold Creams
Talcum Powders
Toilet Waters
Lavender Smelling Salts
Sachet Powders
Face Powders
Sapolio, three for .. 25$
Bon Ami, three for 25$
Valiant's Antiseptic Toilet Soap, 3 25$
Uardas Luxury 50$
Uardas Cream 50$ and 75$
Almond Cream. ...25 to 85t
Theatrical Coid Cream 25 and 50$
Sternes Bath Soap Tablets, 3 25$, dz. $1
Perfume Atomizers 50$ to 58. 50
Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream
at 50$ and 75$
Princess Cream 50$, 75$ and
Theatrical Powders
Full Line Make-Up
Physicians' Atomizers, Nebulizers, Powder Blowers, each Sl.OO
Fever Thermometers 75$, $1.00
50 Fever Charts 50$
Ear and Ulcer Syringes 50$
1 box Tongue Blades and 1 of Applicators.. 70$
Rectal Tubes 50
Colon Tubes 75$
Utility Scale 25$
Mazda Lamps, two for GO$
Watch Case Buzzers for desk 70$
Columbia No. 6 Ignitor Batteries 3o
Auto Gauge Lamps.... .$1.75
Bronze Push Buttons 80$
Attachment Plugs, two for 50$
Surgical Scissors 75$ to Sl.OO
Splinter and Thumb Forceps 50$ to 1.00
Wood-Lark Olive Oil, bottle 50$, full quarts Sl.OO
Salad OiL pint 25$, quart 50
Lustral, marvelous, elastic, brilliant polish for automobiles 50$
Lister's Antiseptic Fluid, Antiseptic, Prophylactic (mouth wash) 50$
Epsom Salts, 6y2 pounds . ... .50$
Castor Oil Aromatic 25$
Caldwell Cough Syrup ; 25$, 50$
White Pine Cough Balsam 25$, 50$
Extract Vanilla, 25$, 50$, 85$, pints S1.50
Extract Lemon, 25$, 50$, 85$, pints S1.50
Imperial Dancing Floor Wax, 40$, three for...... ...$1.00
Witch Hazel, pints 25$, quarts 40$
Beef, Iron and Wine Wood-Lark, pint 50$
Cod Liver Oil, pure, pint jug 50$, three for $1.25
Sack Bird Seed -...25$ Cream Tartar, pound
Bath Brush Sl.OO
Turkish Bath Towel SO
Bathtub Soap Holder 65
H dz. Wood-Lark Toilet Paper.
large rolls 50
Large Feather Duster 50
First-Grade Chamois Sktn..50
Reliable Household Thermome-
eter SO
Candymaker's Thermometer SI
Roll Paper Towels and Holder
at SO
Quality Whisk Broom SO
Six packages Dye SO
Large can Ripe Olives 65
1 quart Best Olive Oil ..Sl.OO
1 gallon Grape Vinegar . ..T5
4 lb. Pekoe Tea SO
1 pt. Mar-not Varnish . ....50e
1 pt. White Enamelold ....SO
1 qt. Inside. Floor Paint . .60
1 lb. S-W Floor Wax 50
1 bottle "Cederoil" Polish for
Mops SO
Men's Purses. .. .50 to S S.OO
Handbags 67c to $20.00
Drinking Cups. .25 to 6.00
Bill Folds. Card Cases. Wallets
. from 50c to 8 9.00
Collar Boxes . . . 75 to SIO.OO
Umbrellas . . .S1.09 to S20.00
Novelties 25 to 3.00
Bring Us Your
Prescriptions Tomorrow
and Get a Dollie for
the Little Ones.
Robison, Henckel and Wosten-
holm Knives
Robison, Henckel Scissors
Nail Clips Manicure Scissors
Nail Files Cuticle Knives
Nail Buffers
Pearl, Ebony and Ivory Button
hooks Corn Razors
Chiropodist Knives
Auto Strop, Gillette, Gem and
many other Safety Razors
All kinds Safety Razor Blades
Razor Strops and Hones
Shaving Mugs China or Silver
Plain and Fancy, Hand or
Triplicate Mirrors
Cigar Lighters v
Ingersoll Watches
Alarm Clocks one or eight
day Rubberset Shaving Brushes
Howard's Turtle Ebony Shav
' ing Brushes
Thermos Bottles and Lunch
Hair Brushes
Cloth Brushes
Ladies' Fine and Coarse Combs
Tooth Brushes
Nail and Hand Brushes
Ivory Combs
Ivory Picture Frames
Ivory' Handle Nail Files
Ivory Handle Shoe Hooks
Ivory Handle Shoe Horns
Wood-Lark Brush Powder.
1-pound Hand-Rolled Chocolates...
1-2-lb. Flowery Orange Pekoe Tea.
2 pounds Old Master Coffee
Box Initial Stationery 50$
Box Hard's Paper 50
Box Hurd's .Correspondence
Cards 50$
Quire Linen Paper, pkg. of
Linen Envelopes 50$
Pound Oregon Lawn Paper
and three packages of En
velopes 50$
Linen Tablet, Envelopes to
match 50$
Ream Typewriter Paper, one
Steno Note Book 50$
Package "Oregon Souvenir"
Playing Cards 50$
Two package "Wood-Lark"
Playing Cards 50$
Box Game Counters (Poker
Chips) 50$
Halloween Lunch Set, paper 50
Pint Fountain Pen Ink....50?
Box Whiting's Paper, as
sorted Tints 50$
Loose Leaf Postal Alb'm 50$ up
Address or Engagement Book
for 50$ up
Fountain Pens. .$1.00 np
Comp. Extract Buchu 50$
Effervescing Sodium Phos
phate 25$, 85
Sal Rheumatica 50$
Micro Hair Tonic $1.00
Cooper's Comp. Extract of
Sarsaparilla 75$
Kasparilla Tonic $1.00
Cooper's Nasal Spray 50$
Chocolate Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil 75$
Allen's Celery Comp 85
Simms' Aseptic Eye Bath.-SO
Wood-Irk Comp. Syrup of
Hypopbosphites $1.00
Balsam White Pine and Tar 50$
Cooper's Syrup Hoarhound
and Tar 50$
Cooper's Liniment 50$
Wjkoffs Asthma Powder.. 50$
Blair's Kidney Pills". 50$
Liebig's Skin Ointment 40
WOOD ARD, CLARKE & CO., Wood-Lark Building Alder at West Park St
Struggle in Northern France Expected
to Continue Until One of Armies
Becomes Exhausted.
LONDON. Oct 24. (Special.) The
London Times said in its leading war
dispatch Saturday morning.
For some days past tne war bulle
tins issued in Paris have spoken of se
vere fighting on the- left flank of the
allies, between La Bassee ana the sea-
coast. The inner meaning of these
announcements is revealed today,
curiously enough, by German military
experts writing in Berlin papers.
One of these experts in the .Berliner
Tageblatt frankly says: "The greatest
battle of the war is now in progress
between Lille and Dunkirk. This battle
is for the Germans a question of life
or death. On h.e. issue of this en
counter will depend the fate of German
operations in France."
Another German military expert,
writing also in a Berlin paper, offers
the opinion that the battle In Northern
France will finish only when one of
the opposing armies is too exhausted
to continue any longer." .
San Francisco Contributes to Widows
. . and Orphans in Europe.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct.. 24.Traffic
in San Francisco's downtown streets
stood aside at midday today to allow
a procession of 11 huge paper trucks
bearing 450 big packing cases to pass.
In the boxes were more than 250,T00
presents from the people of California
to the widows and orphans of the Eu
ropean war. From the schools of San
Francisco came 100,000 useful firifts,
and sewing societies and churches add
ed manv garments. ' '
The shipment of donations left by
rail tonight for New Orleans, where it
will be transferred to a vessel ana
taken to Brooklyn to be loaded on the
Navy collier Jason. With gifts from
other parts of the country, California's
contribution will be taken across the
Atlantic in time for Christmas.
The collection of good cheer was
made by a San Francisco newspaper.
patriotic british burglars
pause: because of war.
London Police' Records Show City Is
More Law -Abiding; and Improve-
t Is Said to Be General.
LONDON, Oct. 16. (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) The patriotic
fervor over the war ' has touched the
souls of even burglars, pickpockets and
strong-arm men. London's police rec
ords prove it, for crime has fallen
off nearly 40 per cent since the war
"Praise is due the criminals," said
Robert Wallace, K. C. in addressing
the grand jury at the London sessions,
"for the self-control they are exer
cising during this period of stress and
A well-known social reformer, com
menting on this, attributes much of
crime to the ebullient animal spirits
or youths brought up in wrstched sur
roundings. Defiance of law and order
offers them a means to escape from
their dull drab environment and to
indulge their propensities for romance
and adventure. This they now prefer
to seek at the cannon's mouth. A cross
of honor or a corporal's stripes for
valiant service may reclaim many who
have- heretofore been considered can
didates for the gallows.
The' annual report of the prison com
missioners for the past year show, there
has been a general decrease in crime
all over Britain. Sentences to penal
servitude are 797. as against '871 in
the preceding year, while the impris
onments of all classes are 136,140,
against 149,552.
British reform, the substitution of
kind and helpful treatment for the
harsh disciplinary methods of old, and
mercy for young offenders are held re
sponsible for the change.
Assurances as to Cotton Sought.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 24. Senators
from the cotton states asked Acting
Secretary Lansing, of the State Depart
ment, to obtain assurances from the
belligerent countries of Europe that
shipments of cotton from the United
States either to neutral or belligerent
countries would not be detained or
seized. rE;i.'
Force Reported as 10O0, VVlth Some
German Gunners, and Retreat
Reported to Be Cnt Off.
LONDON. Oct 24. A dispatch to
Reuter's Telegram Company from Cape
Town, Union of South Africa, says:
The force led by Lieutenant-Colo
nel Maritz, the head of the rebellion
in British South Africa, is understood
to consist of about 1000 rebels besides
Cre-ws of British submarine boats are
regularly drilled In the use of life-saving
Helmets, witn wmcn tney may escape should
la boat sounder.
n 1
70 or 80 German gunners, who have a
few Maxims and a couple of field guns.
Maritz endeavored to retire into South
west Africa, but found his retreat cut
off by a. strong force of English and
"It is understood that Maritz sent an
offer to surrender if his followers were
granted free pardon and the Germans
allowed to return to their own territory.
No notice was taken of his message.
It is unofficially reported that four
rebels 'who surrendered were court
martialed and sentenced to death. The
sentences were referred to Pretoria
for confirmation."
I wish to thank my friends for the
kindness shown me in my bereavement
in the death of my wife. (Signed)
The Questions answered below are
general in cnaracter, the symptoms or
diseases are given and the answers will
apply in any case of Blmilar nature.
Those wishing- further advice. Tree,
mav address Dr. Lewis Baker, College
Bldg., College-Ellwood Sts.. Dayton. O..
inclosing; self-addressed, stamped en
velope for reply. Kull name and ad
dress must be given, but only initials
or fictitious name will be used In my
answers. The prescriptions can be
filled at any well-stocked drug store.
Any druggist can order of wholesaler.
Miss Adele writes: "Mv hair im comb
ing out, my scalp Itches and dandruff is
very annoving. and I want something
to cure tnese conaitions.
Answer: For hair and scalp troubles
nave never iouna anvtnina- to eauai
the beneficial results of a thorough
treatment of plain yellow minyoL It is
cooling, cleansing and invigorating, and
tnousanas now use it regularly as
hair and scalp tonic.
W W w
Henry J. C. writes: "Something
seems to be wrong with my system and
i flon t Know wnat it is. I nave huge
puffs under my eyes, my eyes are
bloodshot in morning and my feet and
ankles are swollen. Sometimes I have
chills and feel weak and tired most of
the time.
Anitwfr' Vnnr Hmlnatliiv r- tr-n m
such as liver and kidneys, are in need
of treatment. Begin taking balmwort
laojets at once, ijet tnem in Beaied
tubes, with full directions, of anv well-
stocaea aruggisu
C. M. C. asks: "Please reliava me of
a coated tongue, foul breath, headache.
consupauon ana general in neaitn.
Answer: If habitually constinated.
you should take three-grain sulpherb
tablets (not sulphur) and arousa the
organs which eliminate waste material
trom your Doay. These tablets purify
the blood and improve the health' by
acting on the liver, kidneys and bowels.
Obtain In sealed tubes, with full directions.
John C L. writes: "I find mv natural
strength and nervous system failing
me. i do not recuperate as or yore.
My food and rest seem not to benefit
as they should. Am weak, despondent
and unable to perform the duties which
were assumea earner in tixe, wane jay
ambition for work and' pleasure is
slowly going."
Answer: I think a powerful, harm
less tonic and nervine medicine will re
juvenate and restore the functions of
digestion, assimilation and elimination
by invigorating the nervous system.
Obtain three-grain cadomene tablets,
packed in sealed tubes, and take as per
directions accompanying.
Miss Bertie L. asks: "What remedy
can you recommend to reduce obesity
safely? I want to reduce about thirty
Answer: I rely on five-grain arbolone
tablets as being the most effective and
convenient treatment to reduce abnor
mal fat. Druggists supply this in sealed
tubes, with complete directions. After
the first few days a pound a day Is not
too much reduction.
Mrs. M. D. D. asks: "Do you think It
is possible for me to Increase my
weight from 97 pounds to about 1-i
Answer: "Tea. I believe that the reg
ular use of a special tonic tablet will
do this for you as it has for thousands
of others. Ask your druggist for three
grain hypo-nuclane tablets in sealed
package, with full - directions. Take
them for several months to get the full
benefit. Adv.
Is Ruptured -
and wears a Seeley Spermatic Shield
Truss. This appliance closes the open
ing In 10 days In most cases, producing
results without surgery or harmful In
jections. Fitted only by Lane-Davts
Drug Co.. who are truss experts ana
guarantee perfect satisiaction.
iftefeys Spermatic Shield Truss
Spsrmino Shtotd Ps4
08 oa"6"iht areow
Mention tnls paper when sending; for measuring- blank, descriptive Uterntnm.