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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
V SECTION THREE Rages 1 to 12 EDITORIAL - AND SOCIETY VOL,. XXXIII. ' PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORMXG, OCTOBER -. 1f14. XO. 43. I, .1 Next Wednesday Will Be "RED LETTER DAY" in Premium Parlors on the 4th Floor IP FREE STAMPS Will Be Given to All Visitors! Portland Agents for Gossard Front-Lace, Nemo, Bien Jolie, Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets Carter's and Merode Knit Underwear Monarch and Derby Kid Gloves Only 51 Shopping Days Till Christmas! Shop Early Begin Tomorrow ! Save "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps and" Get Beautiful Christmas Gifts Without One Cent of Cost. Ask for Book With 10 Free Stamps Olds,Wortmah-& King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231 Free Classes in Knitting and Crocheting Daily Art Department. tecona r Joor. to 12 and 1 to dally. Expei instruction. Children's Free Classes i30 to 12 Saturdays. flLEISHERlT If " Pre-Holiday Sale Men's Neckwear 24,000 Beautiful Christmas Ties Largest and Most Varied Assortment Shown in Four Windows on Morrison Street p"f rf T TO Our Men's Furnishing Dept., 1st Fir. (Southeast) is a Bower of Rich New Neckwear JCj DjC OOC pJLJ.i7 THE LARGEST assortment of Men's high-grade Neckwear ever shown in Portland, and a sale that will attract the attention of every man and woman, too for the prices we have put upon these beautiful Ties are far below their actual worth. Eight at the begin ning of the holiday season, when the gift question is being seriously considered, this sale offers a splendid opportunity to select the one article above all else which every man appreciates. All are the very latest wide flowing-end styles, in Moire, Repps, Baratheas, Knit Silks and other wanted weaves, in Roman Stripes, College Stripes, French Flowered Designs, Black - and - White effects, Cubist patterns, etc., in various color combinations. Also many in the popular nigger browns, creams, blacks, grays and other staple shades. Extra good quality materials. Four of our large display windows on Morrison street have been used to properly display the hun- J t TO dreds of patterns. Grouped into four great lots. Special tomorrow at 50, 65, 85 and v. .- .P-- Pre-Holiday Sale of Slippers Bargain Circle 1st Floor Choose the Iloliday Slippers to morrow and reap the benefit of ex tremely low prices. Note the prices: $2.50 Slippers at $1.25 Women's Gray . Ooze or Suede Boudoir Slippers, nearly all sizes. Regular $2.50 grade. jj 7 Off Special at, the pair P Women's Crocheted Slip-i Qg pers. Reg. 9So grade at O I Men's and Women's CP W O ET $2.50 Moccasins now P -- WJ Women's $1.50 Spats in black, pearl gray, fawn, tan andff brown. Special, the pair Women's Shoes 2JQ fZCk worth to $6.00 atP-- Pre-Holiday Sale of Stationery Main Floor1 Tomorrow we inaugurate our Annual Pre-Holiday Sale of Gift Stationery. The prices have been substantially reduced in order to induce yon to do your buying early. Fancy floral "design boxes, with high-grade paper and cards put up especially for the holiday trade. 60c Boxes, 1 quire paper, 40c 75c Boxes, 1 quire paper, 50c $1.00 Boxes, iy2 quire paper, 67c $1.25 Boxes, 2 quire paper, 83c $1.35 Boxes, ly quire paper, 90c $1.50 Boxes, 2 quire paper, $1.00 $1.75 Boxes, 2 quire paper, $1.18 $2.00 Boxes, 3 quire paper, $1.34 $2.25 Fancy Boxed Stationery, three quire to the box, special, $1.50 Vomens Waists $3.98 Dainty Lace and Crepe de Chine Waists. with Ions; sleeves and low neck. Several uery attractive styles in this lot. Trimmed with novelty buttons, fancy vests. Light and tfJO QQ dark colors. Priced spe. Opi3o Women's Waists $6.75 B eautlful new Waists of c r e d e de chine. Georgette crepe, chiffon, mes saline and lace. New long: sleeve and low neck. Some have yoke effect- Lace, embroidery and tuck trimmed models in 7Et sixes. Priced special at DD m O At $3.98 At $6.75 Annual Sale Women's and Children's Handkerchiefs Take Advantage of These Special Prices and Supply Your Holiday Needs R EADY ! with the largest and best-selected stock of snowy . Handkerchiefs we have ever shown. Tomorrow we start our Great Annual Sale an event -that women have come to look forward to with great interest, because the savings offered are thoroughly genuine the qualities unsurpassed. Make up your Christmas list and come to this sale you'll be well repaid for so doing. See special Kerchief display in Morrison-street window. 10c Kerchiefs 7& Women's fine, sheer Lawn Handkerchiefs, with plain hemmed edge. Spe- cial, 4 for 25S or, each 15c Kerchiefs 10 Women 's pure Linen Handkerchiefs, with dainty initials of script, black and fancy effects. Reg- l ff ular 15c grade. Each 20c Kerchiefs "LZVit Women's fine, sheer Handkerchiefs, with pretty lace or hemstitched edge and neat embroidered design in' corner. Regular 20c W f?fiyf quality. Special 20c Kerchiefs 15 Women's sheer. Linen Lawn Kerchiefs, with attractive - lace edges, in many pretty designs. Fancy embroidered design in 1 corner. 20c grade. Ea. "S. & H." Stamps With Purchases 25c Kerchiefs 19 ' Women 's very fine, sheer quality Linen Handkerchiefs, with Ys and inch hemstitched edge. Stand ard 25c grade. Priced t Os special for this sale at 35c Kerchiefs at 23 Women's pure Linen Handkerchiefs, with pretty hand-embroidered design in corner. Great many attractive patterns to select .from. O Qg Regular 35c grade at 35c Kerchiefs at 23 Women's sheer Linen Lawn Handker chiefs, with -inch hem and neat spoke-work initial. Also in plain linen. Regular 35c O O grade. - Special, each"'"' $1.00 Kerchiefs at 75 Beauti ful Venise lace, in 12 different designs. Put up one in 9 fancy holder. Special $1.25 Box of 6 at 85 Women's pure Linen Handkerchiefs, with hemstitched edge and dainty em broidered corner. Put up six in neat box. Standard G CTg $1.25 grade. Special at $1.25 Box of 6 at 83 Women's Shamrock Linen Lawn Kerchiefs of very fine quality, with em broidery in corner. Reg- QCZg $1.25. Box of 6 now at O 65c Box of 3 at 50S Women's Pure Linen Kerchiefs, with Amriswyle embroidery, tfhg Put up 3 in fancy box-'' 65c Folder of 3 at 50J Women 's Handkerc'fs of fine grade, with dainty colored emb. de- EZfhf signs. 65c folder of 3 at $1 Box of 6 at 85 Very fine, sheer linen, emb. V&t-QEZ tern. 6 in Japanese boxOJv $1.25 Box of-S at 85 Women's Linen Handkerchiefs, with hand embroidered fancy initial. Put up 3 in a neat box. . Reg- O C!f ular $1.25 grade. Special Owt 75c ' Kerchiefs 49c Arme- jdf nian lace edge, at, each"-' " Smart New Fall Suits $25 Ice Skates Fourth Floor Own your own Skates get ready for the opening of the Ice Hip podrome! We have a com plete stock in all the best makes for men, women and children. Select j-ours NOW. Skates at $1.25 to $6.00 Pair Skating Shoes, $3.50 to $6.00 "Beacon" Bath Robe Flannels Sold by the Yard or in Patterns Main Floor Why not select the materials and make "him" or "her" a Bathrobe for Christmas f A practical, useful 'gift which is always ap preciated. We have a handsome assortment of the new "Beacon" Robe Flannels in scores of pretty patterns and all colors. In patterns j with cord and tassel to match at $3.50, or priced by the yard'"' New Viyella Flannels Priced 75c a Yard New Line "Eden Cloth' at 15c a Yard Main Floor Viyella Flannels will wash without shrinking. Beauti ful new designs for waists, 7 pajamas, etc., at, the yard Main Floor New arrivals in "Eden Cloth" for waists, pajamas, boys' and men's shirts, p etc. Priced at, the yard Outing Flannels New Patterns 10c-20c Yard Holland Bulbs Plant Now! Grocery Department, Fourth Floor Our own direct impor tation from Holland now is the time to plant. Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus, etc. Showing Many Beautiful Models Suit Salons. Second Floor One especially attractive model is shown in the cmart Redingote style, with long waistline, deep revere, set in sleeves and velvet-triramed collar and cuffs. Supeibly tailored, from excellent quality broadcloth, in navy, brown and Rassian green. Skirt styled in latest yoke effect. Coat is lined with splendid grade silk messaline. Great many other models to select JJ?T in from in all the wanted materials and colors. Special PsW- W Beautiful line of New Fall Suits for women and misses at $35.00 Also hundreds of smart, new Suits from $18. 5Q to $98. 5Q New Coats for Street Wear $7.50 to $57.50 Garment Salons, Second Floor We are enthusiastic about our Coats, and so is every woman who has seen them! Nowhere else in Portland is there a collection to compare with them. There is hardly a style you can mention whidb is not shown in its many variations throughout these assortments. Beautiful models for street and sport wear of Scotch Plaids, Checks, Zibelines, Broadtail and Fancy Mix tures. Belted and loose-back styles some fur-trimmed others trimmed with fancy collars and cuffs. A complete GJffT range of all sizes. Reasonably priced at $7.50 to P-' Evening Coat's and Wraps 345 to $145 New Dress Skirts $5 to $38.50 Models for Dress or Street Wear ' Garment Salons, Second' Floor Prominently to the fore are the smart new Skirts designed for dress1 occasions, with net or lace flounces. These are shown mostly in all black and are decidedly dressy. Other models with plaited or flare tunics and yoke effects. Many are made of combinations of different materials and silks, or of the handsome plaids. Many new Skirts are of corduroys, satins and velvets, in black, navy, dark green and brown. A most inter esting showing of the season's newest models for women and misses.' Prices range from 5.00 to P-0-'" Women's Silk Petticoats at $2.79 to $25.00 Women's and Misses' Sweaters $3.98 to $2Q Women's Bath Robes at $3.98 Up to $25.00 Beautiful Evening Gowns $45 to $175 i Dresses for Street Wear $12.50 to $45 Second Floor Exquisite new Evening Gowns for women and misses from the foremost designers. Beautiful creations of Duchesse Satins, Brocaded Silks, Silk Chiffon Velvets, Chiffon Taffetas, Beaded Nets, Silk Laces and many other materials in all the newest shades for evening wear. Many are trimmed with fur and tinseled 3J T 7 fC chiffons. Prices range $-45 to ?-- J.JJ Second Floor Women's and Misses' Dresses of broadcloth, serges, French cords, etc., with trimmings of silks, velvets, laces, braids, etc. Redingote and basque styles, with flare or plaited tunics. Also handsome Dresses of silk poplins, charmeuse and crepe de chine, in combination models, with trim mings of . laces, beaded chiffons, V fd C f etc. Prices range 12.50 to PJ. UU Dainty New Neckwear 35c Express Shipment Just Received Main Floor Hundreds of smart, new effects in this big lot pique col lars and set organdie collars and sets vestees in pique and organdie lace collars in great variety of stj'les. Also latest ideas iu laundered collars- and cuffs. See these tomorrow! Priced at A Great Annual Sale of Libbey's Cut Glass We Give S. & H. Stamps Prepare for the Holiday Season Select Your Gifts Now! Third Floor Every piece of Lib bey Cut Glass has the name etched on it, which signifies the very best quality of glass and the finest workmanship. Note prices below: $1.75 Libbey Olive Dishes $1.40 $2.00 Libbey Bon Bons at S1.60 $3.50 Handle Olive Dishes $2.80 $5.00 Libbey Bowls only $4.00 $6.00 Libbey Bowls only $4.80 $8.00 Libbey Bowls only S6.40 $6.50 Candlesticks at only $5.20 $ 5.5ft Sugars, Creamers, $4.40 $ 6.00 Sugars, Creamers, S4.80 $ 8.00 Sugars, Creamers, S6.40 $10.00 Sugars, Creamers, $8.00 $12.00 Sugars, Creamers, $9.60 $ 5.00 Cut Glass Trays at $4.00 $ 6.00 Cut Glass Trays at S4.80 $ 8.00 Cut Glass Trays at $6.40 $10.00 Cut Glass Trays at $8.00 $ 6.00 Cheese Plates now S4.80 $ 9.00 Cake Plates now at S7.20 $ 5.50 Candlesticks now $4.40 Every article in Cut Glass now on Bale at reduced prices. Select your Christmas gifts at this store. Rogers' Silverware Complete line 1847 Rogers Bros.' Silverware. Heaviest grade silver plate, backed by unqualified guar antee, made possible by an actual test of over 65 'years. Silverware Department, on the Third Floor. Special Sale of Wire Goods Third Floor 30c Exten. Soup Strainers 24 25c Bowl Soup Strainers at 19 10c. Door Loops on sale at 8 10c Shelf Bars on sale at 8h 15c Comb. Suit Hangers at 10 15c Wardrobe Hooks now 12 4c Coat Hangers now for 3J 8c Soap Shakers on sale at 6 15c Square Soap Shakers 12 10c Pot Scrapers now at only 8 7c Coffee Strainers now at 5 15c Handle Cof. StAiners 12 25c Cake Coolers now at 19J 25c Cone Gas Toasters now 19 30c Wire Sink Strainers at 24 10c Dover Egg Beaters now 8i 25c Antomatic Egg Beats 19J 15c Coat and Hat Hooks at 12 15c Wire Rug Beaters now 12 20o Flat Soup-Strainers at 16 25o Round Soup Strainers 19 An Opportune Time to Choose Your New Draperies! s ' Department Third Floor h J 1 : Department Third Floor Madras Curtains Standard 35c Cretonnes in fancy floral and 1 On rT Drapery Silks in rich patterns and colors. Qt tapestry effects. Special tomorrow, yard-10' Wortn Up to j75Q - Grades worth to $2.00. Special, the yard Chintzes grade selling ordinarily at 45c O 7g g-t v Sunf ast Drapery Fabrics in attractive pat- O on special sale tomorrow at only, the yard"' vAfe -terns. Regular 50c grades. Special, yard"" Imported Cretonnes in great variety of j fJJ.mrJ Sunf ast Drapery Fabrics this quality al-CJQ beautiful patterns. Reg. $1.50 grades. , Yard 0 . ways sells at $L00 yard. Special now at-',, Fancy Voiles and Scrims, worth up to 35c 1Q. Third Floor Fine Imported Mad- , Tapestries of finest quality, selling here- the yard, on sale tomorrow at only, yard - ras Cutajflf .m i ,C2 tofore at $1"50 to $2-50' on sala at' the yard 70C' Fancy French Voiles in handsome new pat-07 r;i H th rZiiS1.98 Arts and Crafts Portieres in mission T 0 terns' Standard 45c grades. Special at C Special at, the pair " effects Worth np to $12. n,, 140