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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
14 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, POKTLiAXI, OCTOBER 23, 1914. BL SINEWS OPPORTUNITIES. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. Wanted at once, a. party able to invest $500 with services in one of the beat-paying propositions on the market; business is legitimate, refined, aucl educational; suitable for single man or married couple; big income; affords an opportunity to travel; business good year around; Inves tigate at once if you mean business, as 1 need personal assistance. This is no selling' or canvessing proposition, but a business of the highest merit. No spe cial experience required. You have full control of investment. I have bert ref erences. Address AH 347, Oregonian. FOR SALE in a live town, dray business; established 14 years, hauling freight tor 5o business houses; will sell all or one half of this business; horses, harness, drays, express -wagons, hand trucks, piano - - trucks, rope and blocks, hay and oats and everything that is required to run a first-class dray business. For particulars address box 51, Eugene, Or. A SUBSTANTIAL interest in oldest estab lished high-class mercantile institution on Puget Sound can be secured by a capable business man who can assume active part in management; this business has made several fortunes and is capable of mak ing many more; at leat $20,000 cash and not to exceed $35, Ow required. Address principals direct, care H. Erwia French, P. O. box 1903. Seattle, Wash. LADY or gentleman to finance a local edu cational movement along psychological lines. The plan is practical and profit able; can handle your own funds. Digni fied. Interesting employment If desired; monthly Income assured, also ample se curity for amount expended to start work. AL an 1. Oregonian. WANTED Physical assistance for an auto matic heating proposition that starts at the push of a button with gas and oper ates on fuel oil. Parties applying must possess first-class mechanical knowledge, for this is an engineering proposition, us ing a small-capacity, high-efficiency boiler, which is the result of 5 years' in termitant experiment. AH 346, Oregonian. SAMUEL, P. BlTuMENBERgT M. D., offers 10'y'o Preferred Stock in Sanltorium for CORRECT treatment Tuberculosis-Consumption. His delicate-successful method, fully demonstrated, is based on AUA M A.N T Laws of Life! No Deadly "Ser unu" used! Office llsl5 Sutter, San Fran- - cisco. PICTURE SHOW TO RENT. Will give a 5-year lease on a picture how; located in one of the best towns in Oregon; 7ooo population': it other shows in town. This place is not equipped. Rent $35 month. Seatfe 350. See me at room 018 Yeon bldg. GROCERY STORE. A fine stock of groceries at invoice, about 2000: on a paying basis and a fine East Side location ; half cash, balance time. Ask Mr. pickarts, with GKUSSI A BOLUS. 320 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. WANTED Man or woman, fair education, who desires to become teacher of easy shorthand system ; you teach by mail, pleasant home work; large field ; Individ ual Instruction; no money in advance. Write for free lesson. Trl-State Insti tute, 12-45 E St., Salem, Or. - A SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants reliable party to establish office and manage sales men. Shoula pay $:000 to $15,0O annu ally; $300 to $700 will finance business, you handle own money. References ex changed. Sales Manager, 400 Fisher bldg., Chicago. 111. : STRICTLY modern and thoroughly equipped confectionery and ice cream establishment, with electric freezers and auto delivery; all new fixtures; best location in dry town ; long lease at low rent, $25,000 business last year; part cash, balance on liberal terms. Box 470, Albany, Or. " CAUTION, BUYERS. ' Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. P. I PURSE, Secretary. 632 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE One of the best located grocery, fruit and vegetable stands in Portland, Yamhill street, between Third and Fourth; hew public market, cash business, good fixtures and cheapest of rent. Inquire for Mr. Glazik at store, 200 Yamhill street. Phone Mafh U351. PLUMBERS' ATTENTION. Tip-top location. Does big repairing business; aluo handles light hardware; rent only $25; - living-rooms in connection. $400 cash takes this if sold Monday morn ing. Call room 018 Yeon bldg. (C775) IF YOU are looking lor a grocery, gen, mer chandise, confectionery, cigars, mfg. busi ness, livery, garage or any other line of business, why look further when you can get a complete list of ail A-l business for sale in the city at 050 Plttock block? BARBERS' ATTENTIONS $1000, half cash, balance long time at 7 per cent, will locate you in splendid 2 ctmir shop, low rent, and buy a 'beauti ful home in a prosperous town. CARNER & BELL, 833 Morgan bldg:. P1I YSiCi AN'S practice for sale in town of iiOOO, Oieeon; Includes household furni ture and office fixtures; new; reasonable; am leavinir to specialize. . AV yo, Ore sonian. ESTABLISH ED abstract business for sale; well euutDPed: desirable opening fur gen tleman or lady wishing to engage in a steaiiy. good paying, genteel line; prica reasonable, with easy terms. Address 205 Hubbard bldg., Salem, Or. " APARTMENT-HOUSE. I offer lease and furniture of well-located apartment-house, at a sacrifice. Must leave Portland on account of bad health. Xo agents. M 352, Oregonian. RESTAURANT. Welt located and doing about $15 a day business; rent only $2o month. Price com plete $45U. Might consider some cash and acreage or lot. Call 01 Yeon bldg. C75G) GROCERY A good one, thorough investi gation solicited ; extra clean stock, auto delivery, fine trade, well located, neat, clean and attractive. See our representa tive. 513 Henry bldg. GENERAL merchandise store wanted; will exchange good acreage about 8 miles west of Portland; good cord wood timber; (150 per acre; clear of incumbrance. AM 344, Oregonian. " MEAT MARKET" Best business district of East Side; rent $50: 3 years' lease; daily sales from $75 to $100. Best of fixtures. Price and terms , at room 618 Yeon bldg. (C770) FOR SALE A racket store in a prosperous city in Grays Harbor, established several years; will accept city property or acreage as part payment. Reply to AV b2, Orego nian. $5000 PHYSICIAN general practice for sale at Tacoma, Wash., with up-to-date office eqpipment, very cheap. For particulars call at Nisbeth Sanitarium, 610 Lovejoy street. yOU SALE Established business in the Willamette Valley, about 100 miles from Portland, consisting of dry goods, ladies' furnishings and shoes; will inventory about $20,000. AV bo, Oregonian. APARTMENT, with first-class furniture, brick bldg., 3 years old, best corner; price in trade $45tK; great bargain for cash or part this week. Phone or call at Chelten ham. feOLID cash store business for sale. This clears $30 week after all expenses are paid. Trial given before you invest one cent. Room 32l Morgan bldg. PARTNER wanted with small capital in a well-paying business ; investment secured. Call at 310 McKay bldg., or phone Mar shall 53i3. iOK SALE or trade. 1 50-b a it el capacity flour mill: machinery second-hand, and I'rul: dryer. Address 233 State si, or 430 Court St.. Salem. Or. WILL put in complete sign factory with improved sign-making machinery for $300 to $500. Write Unity Mfg. Company, Los Angeles. Cal. fcTOCK of shoes and fixtures lu A-l condi tion; good location. Invoice $12,010 to $13. 00O. part cash, balance In property. O 310, Oregonian. JCESTAURANT, with a 14-table lunch coun ter, 7 table. 20 chairs; centrally located. Cheap. N. V. Realty Co., SO0 Oregonian Diag. IF you are looking for a good investment In real estate, see N. W. Realty Co., 3 00 uregoman oiay. 1'uR SLE or trade for grocery store, bil- jiura Jian; mmea. a-ii (irana ave. Eat 850. 2-CHAIR barber shoo In town close to Port land: this is a cheap proposition; Investi gate. v 3?, ureKonian. FOR SALE A cood bakery with brick oven: price reasonable. Inquire box 7U, JefCer- sor. ur. WANT a man who wishes to invest some money in a conrectionery and light lunch. tan rauor ii.t. tu. .at. Elliott. GOING business of promise needs assistance or active, intelligent man of character, with little money. AE 340, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for a little repair shop. Will pay you $100 to $125 month. Call room .Morgan mag. .MUST a ife pose of two pool tables; cigar case, oy Aovemoer l; sell, rent, trade; speaK quica uurguin. wo UeKUn Diag. WANTED Experienced Brocerrman witb $1250 to Join established firm in starting GROCERY" and restaurant, suitable for two good location, no competition. For partic ulars pnone x I CR SALE First-class picture -house. Phone Main HKIiE'S a country newspaper bargain. Ad tireja . v lt'ii. uregonian. GROCERY, doing about $25 per day. Other bumnefc to ax tea a, js u, yregonjan. business oppoBTcyrrusa. FREE FOR SIX MONTHS My special of fer to Introduce my magazine, "Invest ing for Profit. It is worth $10 a copy to anyone who has been getting poorer while rich richer. It demonstrates real earning power of money, shows how anyone, no matter how poor, can acquire riches; In vesting for Profit is only progressive financial journal published. It shows how . $luu grows to $2200. Write now, I'll send it six months free. H. L. Barber, 482 22 W. Jackson blvd.. Chicago. FOR SALE A first-class and well-equipped butcher shop in one of the best towns in Yamhill County; will sell the business ana fixtures separately or include buildings; I also have a nine-acre tract with 7 acres of young fruit. The slaughter-house Is lo cated on this land. Tnere is no opposition ancr the trade is good; I also offer for sale my residence and a barn for 5 horses and 25 cattle with plenty of hay room. Address 1. L. Solomon, Willanrina, Or. TALK WITH FLETCHER. 30 Ewbank Elec. Trans bid 12 Mt. Scott Park Cemetery $4.00 4833 Oregon Home Builders bid 7 Pacific States Fire,, .ridiculously low 3000 Ogle Mu bid I WANT Pac. States Fire Ins. All stocks permitted to be sold. FLETCHER, 225 Abington Bldg. INVESTORS Wheiher you have $50 or $5000 here's opportunity; small amount stock of factory making world necessity offered $7.50 for $10 shares; only three companies whole world making product; one pays loo per cent yearly; company backed by leading business men; world trade already established. Write quick, costly prospectus. W. A. Nash, fiscal asU Dept. 77, Kenosha, Wis. NEWSPAPER MAN WANTED I want for a partner a young or middle-aged man who has had ample experience as a news paper writer, to buy half interest in the best-paying country newspaper business In the State of Washington, he is to take the news and editorial end of the business; $15,000 plant; $5O00 cash, balance long time; $2ou a month guaranteed. Address AV 87, Oregonian, Portland, Or. STATE MANAGER Illinois corporation, es tablish office, manage salesmen; perma nent connection; monthly salary and com mission; bank references given; invest ment of $400 to $1200 required to carry stock of goods; should easily net $7uOO anually. Marshall, Old Colony bldg., Chi cago. DISTRICT manager. Portland, to organize and handle force ol agents on wen-ao-vertised canvassing proposition; $25O0 to $5000 yearly income, commencing immedi ately; $500 captital for necessary stock of goods ; enormous Christmas business now starting. D. White. Sales Manager, 222 N. Desplalnes, Chicago, HOTEL for sale Here is the opportunity of a lifetime if you nave me casn, 96-roora hotel with-Cine ground floor lobby, almost at your own price and a five-year lease direct from owners at $400 per month. Only hotel men with money and experience need apply. BF 334, Oregonian. OPPORTUNITY" offered big immediate profits, permanent lucrative Dusiness to men of ability who can organize, manage, sell; we want representatives to take ex clusive, fertile territories. Don't apply un less financially responsible. New Writer press Co., Shelton, Conn. CIGAR STORE. Located best part Morrison St. Rent only $6o per mo. Cash sales from $33 to $54 per day; fixtures A-l, including soda 'ob tain; get price and terms at room 618 Yeon bldg. C78U) RESTAURANT with lunch counter. Owner busy cooking; wants a rename partner io work behind the counter and look after the cash. Pay you $18 week besides your board. $250 cash required. Call room 320 Morgan bldg. BLACKSMITH SHOP. In thickly settled farming community; well established; well equipped. Price complete $550. Might make terms. Par ticulars and photo room 018 Yeon bldg. C72) PARTNER wanted, or will sell outright. profitable and easy snort-nours ousiness, will pay $75 monthly. Can arrange work to suit other occupation. Reliable young man desired. $250 cash. W 352, Orego nian. 18 ACRES land under cultivation, 2 of tim ber; living water; buildings; will take trade ud to $2."oo and give five years on balance: 40 miles of Portland, 3 miles from railroad. Vi mile from school; no agents considered. AV 89, Oregonian. GROCERY. Well equipped; doing from $85 to $100 a day business. Rent only $25. 2 years lease. Further particulars 618 Yeon bldg. C772) STOP, LOOK E HERE Trade elegant ho tel, restaurant, luncn cuuniei, equipped; best town, 24 miles from Port land, payroll $180O daily. Particulars East 2845-. GARAGE. One of the best east of the Cascades for quick sale by owner. Interested parties wanting particulars address AV lo3, Oregonian. p POOL HALL. A-l West Side location; 3 tables; handles cigars and tobaccos; rent only $25 month; $0uo cash will handle. Particulars room 018 Yeon bldg. (C780) WE BUY claims, notes and judgments against people any wnere in me . -i. you hold a claim, note or judgment any where bring in the data. Claim Purchas ing & Adjustment Co., 213 Panama bldg. FOR SALE 5-10-loc store In town of 12,- ooO. Good reason tor wanting iu Cash, $25i0; good lease. AV 74, Orego nian. ANTLERS THEATER, Elks' blag., Atose- burg. Or., lease ana equipment, tor wxc, equipped for all purposes; seats 785, $2000 will handle. A V 783, Oregonian. Y'OUR 25-word advertisement placed lOv monthly magazines one montn i.o; mree months $2.50 (once free). Write for list. F. L. Miller, Syracuse, N. Y. $J0 INVESTED now may make $2000; terms i uiuuiuii , mtciMi. ' " " development. Bennett Co.. 30 First Na tional Bans: bldg., Houston. Tex. LIGHT manufacturing. Partner wanted for a growing business, uan maae . ciay now. Requires very little money. Call room 3-9 Morgan bldg. PARTY who will loan employer $000, which Will Oe BeCUltSU, Uu di:i,uio udii-.v.. V-J ' o $75 per month. Reply by letter only to H. t. Luna, o-j Aiuer i- HAVE first-class 6 per cent mortgage of XuUUU, secureo. oy acrtsdea mu city property to exchange for stock of groceries. t.. r i ilulu uv.n.. . . .-. r - t- x- rtirr-o 1 flArt X I l IT T T On on investment of $850 cashjook good to xou? If so, see me at room CIS Yeon bide. Monday morning. 4000 BEST dray business in Oregon; books . . 1 IaYi TV A Man Cherry bldg.. Eugene, Or. PROSPEROUS Oregon weekly (no oppo sition j, worm "pi u farm of equal value. AV 717, Oregonian. FOR SALE Corset business, with well-es- tablisnea exclusive niseui;;, ao oo, ure gonlan. FOR SALE Half Interest in garage, splen did location, must Ben ; nave to leave here. AP 363,, Oregonian. IN the heart of the Palouse; grocery at invoice; Dck ouiiaing; ju; cneap. au. dress W. R- Walker, Oakesdale, Wash. TO exchange 160 acres of good land for gen eral mercnanaise slock, aji job, ure gonian. CONFECTIONERY, soft drinks, cigars, to bacco; clean stock, good iixtures; doing good business. Box 524, Hillsboro, Or. $550 HANDSOME restaurant, location hard to beat; oiner Dusiness cause. jonn W. Allen. 2 Cherry bldg., Eugene, Or. GENERAL merchandise store for sale; lo cated in suourDs; invoices xuu; good trade. Room 329 Morgan bldg. $1700 EQUITY in 2 houses to sell on easy payments, or trade for grocery or unim proved acreage. Phone Tabor 1S16. DENTIST and physician wanted or two well established suburban offices. BD 371, Oregonian. FULL line confectionery with restaurant, in thickly settled district, across from school. For particulars call Col. 189. PARTNER to invest $200 in business which will assure fair income; must be in po sition to leave town. AL 34W, Oregonian. FOR SALE Old-established grocery store on prominent n.ast taiae street, stock ana fixtures. $25O0. AD 346. Oregonian. GROCERY, A-l stock and fixtures ; cash business ; sacrifice ; must leave city ac count wife's health. AO 345, Oregonian. Drtt t Munt. .cast tsiae; win sell at a sac rifice, cash or trade; invoice $4000: state wnat you nave. j-is, oregonian. PARTNER wnnted for a coIlectlonnsIneRa' Can make $100 month. Requires small in vestment. Koom Morgan bldg. FOR SALE Shoe repair shop and shoe store, suburban; good trade; cheap. Phone Monday, Main 4913. SNAP Rooming-house - worth 15000- win sacrifice for $2500 for quick sale. Call room t i Morrison st. CIGAR and confectionery store; good cor ner; $400. Room 7, 291 Morrison st. FOR SALE by owner, cigar and fruit stand. A. Dargain lor ;ov caen. , na st. WILL trade my real estate for some kind or business. aitin 1 CAN sell your business. W. Lawrence. $1S Lumber .ux. oiag.. za ana Stark sts. BARBER chairs, supplies slightly used 252 2d st. cheap, on easy payments. TRADE for stock of furniture: give price A GOOD chance to invest in new patent able ideas. AL 344 Ureoniaa BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED A lady or gentleman with $10,- OuO to Join me in working: an indention at the Han Francisco fair. It is a sure win ner and will sell like hot cakes. We should make $5u,ouO each during: the fair. P. O. Box 250. I WANT to get In touch with a promoter whu has brains and money, and one who is not afraid to tackle a $10,000,000 propo sition. Have the best thing that has been sprung in y e a ra. p. O. Box 25o. MOVING PICTURE businessTgood location this city; must sell to settle mortgage; w-ill take real estate mortgage security. Boggess & C. 2uo Gerlinger bldr- 2d and Alder. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANTED Shoe store or men's furnishing goods store, either in Portland of in some good -size country town, stock must be in good condition ; party must take one lot located in Portland valued at $1500 on deal and balance I will pay in cash. Ad dress, with all particulars, AV 83, Ore gonian. WANTED Have a client wishing associate himself with merchandise broker or manu facturer's agent; could furnish reasonable amount money for something that's right. See Mr. Per3eis, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON Fourth and Stark sts. ) WANTED We have several people from the East who want to buy a business; want a grocery, a wood yard, moving-picture show, manufacturing business; In fact any legitimate business, f you want to sell call at once. Room 329 Morgan bldg. HAVE fre aiui clear real estate, unim proved, but close to the city, which I wish to exchange for some good going business which has substantial assets; my property Is worth $3o,0oo and would exenange any part or all of It. AK au5, Oregonian. ACTIVE partner or additional capital for legitimate and profitable business. State nature of vour business and amount need ed. Address Finance Dept., AC 356, Ore gonian. WANTED Notion store in small town; have general merchandise stock in the City of Portland to exchange ; will invoice about $2200; splendid location, cheap rent. Jor- dan. JJ01-2 Lumbcrmena bldg. WANT man with $1000 to $3000 to Invest in enterprise that will pay $5 for $1 and return money; nothing safer; no trouble to explain; position to right man. 430 Wor cester bldg. WANTED Apartment-house or hotel; give full particulars in first letter if you have what suits me will pay spot cash. AH 848, Oregonian. 110 ACRES extra good soil; price $11.000 and $20u0 cash, to exchange for general merchandise store. This land adjoins the town of Roseburg. Or., AO 355, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED gentleman has $200 to in vest, or would loan if secured, to em ployer offering good salary with position. Address box 312A, Hoyt Hotel. GOOD, responsible baker wants to rent equipped bakery or would buy on time; city or country. Y 321, Oregonian. WANTED To buv cleaning and pressing es tablishment In- live town. Box 773, Dallas, Or. I HAVE 1 or 5 acres in Molalla, or $50 0 note, due in 1 year; will trade for good barber shop. L. K. Flake, Cornelius, Or. I HAVE $100,000 cash to invest in a sub stantial enterprise combining safety with good returns. AV 85. Oregonian. WANTED Stock of cigars and tobacco for lot close in on East Side, clear of incuin brance. Jordan. 301-2 Lumbermena bldg. WILL exchange $1200 equity in good resi dence property for paying moving-picture show; will assume. A V 1 02 Oregonian. WANTED Woodcutting contract, cord or day; reasonable. Address 2174 East Couch. WANTED To buy country bakery. Ad dress AV 91. Oregonian. WANT to buy small grocery store for cash. Address AO 323, Oregonian. OFFICE man, steno.. wants A-l business investment. AV 834, Oregonian. $2000 TO $4000 hardarestock wanted; will trade attractive home. AF 348. Oregonian. WANTED- Delicatessen and light groceries; price reasonable. F 353, Oregonian. WANTED To rent small furnished hotel. Address AR 864, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Ground floor Multnomah Hotel. Corner 4th and Pine Sts. HOTELS, ROOMING AND APARTMENT- HOUSES. For Sale and Exchange. 2O0 rooms, clears $500 mo, price $25,000 105 rooms, clears COO mo., price 20,000 10 rooms, clears 400 mo., price 8.O0O 81 rooms, clears 200 mo., price 6,000 69 rooms, clears 200 mo, price 4,500 67 rooms, clears 21J mo., price . 3,400 50 rooms, clears 125 mo, price ' 2,100 54 rooms, clears '2"0 mo, price 1,600 42 rooms, clears 125 mo, price 80O 38 rooms, clears 150 mo, price 3,500 30 rooms, clears . 75 mo, price 1.250 20 rooms, clears 125 mo, price 1,800 17 rooms, clears SO mo, price 850 15 rooms, clears 75 mo, price 1,200 SPECIAL BARGAINS. 50 ROOMS, $500 DOWN. New building, new furniture. West Side location, ground floor; office and automatic Otis e levator ; rent $4 per room ; might rent furnished to reliable party. COUNTRY HOTEL. Small commercial hotel in a live little payroll town, near Portland; $500 cash re quired. Good place for man and wife or two women. 40-ROOM NEW BLDG. To lease, new building, 40 rooms, strictly modern, very central location. West Side. Will give 5 years' lease. 70 ROOMS, TRANSIENT HOTEL. $1500 handles It. Clears $225 per month. Price $45o0. Would exchange for dairy ranch, stocked. V 6S-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. $1500 handles it. Price $3400; 20 2-room and y 3-room apartments; West Side; brick; strictly modern. Clears $200 per month. Located In walking distance. 13-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE. Rent only $30 per month; gross income $100; all rooms on one floor, over store. Price $550. 54-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE. Rent on ly $75 per month . Good loca tion. Clears $150 per month. Good fur niture. Price $1700, half cash. Real snap. 44-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE For only $1500, half cash; West Side, close in. Rent $100 per month. CHANCE FOR COUPLE OF WOMEN. Only $1000 cash required for 42-room hotel. A little beauty; elegantly furnished; 8 rooms with private bath; steam heated; modern in every respect. The location can't be beaten. Clears $250 to $300 per month. HERE IS A SNAP. Downtown hotel, 40 rooms, $600 cash and $1475 balance at $50 per month. The house Is full, strictly modern and making $150 per month clear of all expenses. 30-ROOM .EUROPEAN HOTEL. In one of the best towns In southern part of the state. New building, 10 rooms with private bath. $2000 cash required. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT -COMPANY. Ground floor Hotel Multnomah. Corner 4th and Pine Sts. TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. We have the very best proposition for a boarding-house In town; only 10 min utes walk from postoff Ice ; unfurnished ; a snap price 11 taken Dy Nov. 1. F. N. CLARK A COMPANY. Title & Trust Bldg., 8y Fourth St. MARY E. LENT. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY, Hotels Rooming, Apartment-houses. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. 608- NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. Pbone Main 8560. , HOTEL BARGAIN 6000 CASH will handle; 70 rooms, always crowded ; rent $400 month; best location In Denver; will clear $-;euo year; price $;uoo. o. P. DeFord, 1UO0 California St.. Denver, Colo. 9 ROOMS. RENT $25. Fine West Side corner; nice home with m. fair income; for business reasons must sell quick; price cut to szou; casn. Inquire 88 10th. near Stark. BEST 1 1-room house in city for money cost $000; close in; all housekeeping cheao rent: come live in house: invest! gate; gross Income $104; leaving city, $550: no agents. Art uregonian. LARGE 25 -room house, seven blocks from PosLomce: 9 rooms and halls furnished : clears $95 monthly; will sell for $225 cash. O 354. Oregonian. OWNER of building will sell furniture and lease ior u yearB -rouin apartment house for $300 a month; income now $680 a. mou 111. 0 "it cftuuiBM. SNAP 11-rooin rooming-house; always full; Al proposition; must be sold this week Owner, 413 Main st. A WELL-LOCATED, mo derate -priced house. Just right for man and wife: cash or txade by owner, -tu .-;. oregonian. $200 CASH 10 rooms, always full; rent $20 Owner. 3us MainjU SMALL rooming-house at $17 Broadway, i'uoum Maxsnau i ROOMTNG-HOUSES. PORTLAND'S LEADING AGENCY. HOTELS, ROOMING. APARTMENT HOUSES. All sizes and prices, MRS. M. E. LENT. If you want to buy or sell I can -please you; places listed exclusively with me sold QUICKLY AND QUIETLY. 50S-0 N. W. BANK BUILDING, Sixth and Morrison Sts. HERE ARE A FEW SAMPLES: OWNER WANTS RANCH. And will trade his hotel, which Is guar anteed to be on a good-paying basis; has splendid business. Price S30.OOO. Will consider either wheat ranch or stock ranch for all or part. THIS IS A PICKUP. 40-room brick buiiding. all outside rooms, good furniture. Ideally located ; rent 93 per room; will exchange for a home or sell on easy terms. Price $3000. HOMELIKE PLACE. 30 rooms, new brick building, modern and clean, cheap rent; pays nice Income and ca n be so 1 d on easy termi to th e right party. TRADE FOR PROPERTY. Have one 50 -room modern hotel and one 70-room, to exchange for good real es tate, either farm or city property. Value about $5000. APARTMENT-HOUSES 29 apartments, 2 and 3 rooms each; pri vate baths, automatic elevator, steam dryer, separate lockers: best lease In the city. Price $:t0OO; about halt cash, bal ance easy terms. 34 APARTMENTS PRICE $0000. All 2 rooms, with bath and dressing room; high-class and paying. Will con alder good real estate up to $4000. 21 APARTMENTS. A lady alone wants to trade for small rooming-house or city property this well furnished apartment-house. Has equity of $2000. 11-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING. Nice and clean, on 14th st. Price $350: only 250 cash required. 20 ROOMS. ONLY fSOO. Rent $60; well furnished, part house Keeping. This has never been sold for leas than $1500 be-fore and Is a pickup. 16 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Rent $40; full price 5O0, half cash: near 12th and Y'amhill sts. ROOMING-HOUSE SPECIALS. 80-ROOM APARTMENT TO TRADE. Thoroughly modern ; electric elevator. Clears $250 per month. Will consider some trade and small amount of money. Prop erty must be clear of encumbrance. 42 ROOMS, RENT $180. Steam heat, private bath. Clears $125 per month. $800 cash and balance to suit, or will consider some good trade. Price $1500. 44 ROOMS TO TRADE. All housekeeping; rent $100 per month; clears $100 per month. Price $2000: will consider any good trade. N vjia luiimure. -iears siuu per month. Fine close-in location. Price $1700. See us before buying. Our list Is the most complete in the city. 22 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO w main 101 27 ROOMS. 2 blocks from P. 0 a-1 furni ture, steam heat. This is a snap, worth $1500. Owner forced to sell. Price $75U, half cash. Call 88 10th st,, near Stark. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found on the cars or me fortiand Railway, Light st Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder-street Sta tion: October 23 Marshall 61O0, A 131 2 ?utcases 1 ,weel, 1 milk can, 1 Jar fruit. 1 basket. 1 length stovepipe, 1 book school tickets, 1 pr. gloves, 2 purses, 1 containing 40c;. 1 pitcher, 1 plasterer's trowel, 1 pkg. overalls, l pkg. marbles, 1 lunchbox. 1 pin. 1 handbag, 1 cardcase, 1 purse, 1 raincoat, 1 roll carpet, 1 handsaw, 1 bank j. cmiu a cap, j. pox, 1 Check. PARTY who took man's black overcoat from iuuujt ui w. kj. w. nan, Friday evening, may send same to Fred A, Jacobs Com pany, 2t Washington st., and save fur ther trouble. LOST Between Alberta st. and N. 14th, on vemon ave., or near yi Vancouver ave, at 12 noon, on the 22d. one large R pin set In dlamonda. T. literal t-Bimri To1ir- to 531 E. 24th st, N., or phone East 2018. i-T Valuable eagle charm at old Heilig ' " i- niu mm .Morrison, r nuay eve ning. Name L. T. Beden on charm. Aerie No. 4. small reward. Return 285 Burn side st. LST Thursday evening, between 10th and 'wh ana union Depot, or Hotel Hoyt, tie clasp with W. L. S. engraved. Finder please call E. Foster. Mar. 30O0, U n Ion Depot. I-OST At Star Theater, silver mesh bic containing prescription and $L Reward. Coin purse containing key and change. Re turn both to 704 Broadway bldg. STRAYED Oct. 4. from 020 E. Davis at.. short-haired shepherd dog, black with tan legs and breast; name. "Patsy." Re- waro. -txoom us oariand Hotel. LOST One Boston bull pup, answers to the (ia.1110 ui X3uu, unuer Kinuiy return to i4 East Burnside. Panama Buffet. East 284. x wara. LOST On Williams ave., between Russell u ana uroaaway priage, pair gold-bowed spectacles. Finder please call East 6228. Aewara. LOST Party taking umbrella from v n cuuver car, z o clock trip, leave at Orego- v-twc, vnnfouver, w asn. uewara LOST Brlndie Boston terrier, answers to utxuiv uuuuy. rteturn f-io r lanuers a reward. vviiuams, child's chain. Finder phone East ...itu. vu o 1 luuji ave. new ara. LOST Saturday evening, lady's silver watch. ' Mm w uiioj. rieaio return IO Mrs. Pielke, 472 Main. Marsh. 5048. LOST Gold wrist watch between 4th nnrf iita on .Morrison, net urn to Oregonian. LOST Thursday, neck chain, agate pendant. v ttiucu as s.eepsaK.e. itewara. fnoae Main 13U. LOST Blacksmith' s ledgers ; wrapped in pinK paper, jttewara. uaas. Juyera. z am hill. Or. LOST Scotch collie pup, white and brown spots; iioerai rewara ior return to oo -Kearney st. LOST Pair tan motorcycle gloves on Gliean near a. iaoor LOST Airdale dog, 2 years old. Liberal rewara. dui journal oiag. Alain 1V3, LOST Between East Couch and Hawthorne. crocnetted bag and contents. Tabor 458L LOST A cameo pendant set in pearls. Find. er can a Reward. LOST Boston bull terrier dog, name on collar, Neamo. Phone East 44&L Reward. STRAYED from 609 Halsey. large dark maitese cat. "William" .reward. J aiott. FOUND Pointer dog. Phone Tabor 2505, SPECIAL NOT'ICtS. Proposals Invited. IN THE District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Frank Minto, bankrupt. Request fur bids. I will receive sealed bids for the following property, formerly belonging to the above-named bankrupt, at Timber, Or., up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Friday, October 30, 1014: All the stock, furniture and fixtures, together with the good will of the business as a going con cern, of railroad eating-house, saloon and hotel, on the P. R. & N. RK at Timber. Oregon. Sale subject to the approval of this court. Certified check for l0'r of the amount offered must accompany each biu. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office and the property inspected at Timber, Oregon. CARL R. JONES, Trustee, 404 Wilcox bldg Portland. Or. 1 WILL receive sealed bids at my office. 740 ii organ buiiuing, ior a stock of mer chandise, consisting principally of gro ceries, hardware, shoes and rubbers, dry goods, gents furnishings, etc ; inventory valuation of $36ul.01, together with fix tures. Inventory valuation $63ti.55. located at Orchards, Washington, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, October 31, 1914. Terms cash. Certified check or cash deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must ac company each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock may be inspected on application. R. L. SABIN. Dated, Portland, Oregon. October 23, 1914. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse, until 12 M- Wednesday, November 11. 1914, for the general work of the new Shattuck School. Plans and specltications may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore, Supt. of Properties, 303 Court house, after 11 A. M. Saturday. October 24. Deposit of $20 lor plans and speci fications is required. Certined check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposaL Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. R, H- THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated October 23. 1914. 1 WILL receive sealed bids at my office. Tin Morgan building, un to 12 o'clock noon of Wednesday, October 2S. 1914, for a stock of mercnanaise locatea at ieut LHvision street, Portland, Oregon, consist ing principally of hardware. crockery, glassware, paints and oils of inventory valuation of $863,11. together with flx tnrf of S3 4. 50. Terms cash. Certified check or cash deposit of IO per cent of amount on ere a must accompany dio. Right Is reserved to reject any and al: bids. Inventory may be seen at my oft;c and stock inspected 011 application. Iateu Portland, Oregon, October -4, lyi 4. X SAB IN. 6PEC1AL NOTICES. Propose Is invited. I WILL receive sealed bids st my office. 740 Morgan building, for a stock of gen eral merchandise located at Llnnton, Ore gon, consisting principally of hardware, groceries, crockery, etc, of the Inventory valuation of $2144.09, together with fix tures of $728.75, up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday. October 27. 1914. Terms cash and a deposit of ten per cent must ac company each offer submitted. Inventory may be seen at my office and property may be inspected on application. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated at Portland. Oregon. October 17. 1914. R. L- SAB LN . TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In the matter of W. A. Bee hill and T. H. Bechill. alleged bank rupts: I will offer for sale at public auc tion by J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. 19 heavy work horses and 1 work mule, together with harness and equipment for same, lo cated at East Seventy-fourth and East Stark streets, Portland. Or., on Thursday, October 2, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M. Terms cash. R. L. Sabln. Receiver. Miscellaneous. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. IN v-.D THE COUNTY OF PIERCE: Isaac Freed man, trading as I. Freedman A. Co., plaintiff, vs. L. A. Martin and Ed win E. Wheeler, doing business as Wheeler & Martin, and as United Clothes Shop, a corporation, defendants: NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE NO. Notice la hereby given that the under signed la receiver of Wheeler A Martin, a copartnership, will sell for cash at pub lic auction In one lot, the entire stock of merchandise, consisting of men's suits and overcoats, together with store fix tures, now located at number 93tV Pacific avenue, Tacoma, Washington. Inspection of the same may be had and full informa tion secured by applying to the under signed during regular business hours. Said sale will take place at the Court house door in the City of Tacoma on Oc tober 27, 1914. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. C E. S. Agassis. Room 220. Perkins building, Tacoma. Washington. THE State Board of Accountancy of Oregon will hold an examination for the purpose of determining the qualifications of per sons desiring the lawful right to practice in Oregon as a certified public account ant, in room "B" of the Ceutral Library. Portland, Oregon, commencing at $ A M. Tuesday. November 24, and ending at 6 P. M. November 2.1. 1914. The examina tions will Include questions and problems on the subjects of practical accounting, theory of accounts, auditing, commercial law. Applications must be accompanied by the fee prescribed by law and be in the hands of the secretary not later than No vember 5. 1914. 1 JOHN Y. RICHARDSON, Secretary, 602 Courthouse. Portland. Or. L FRED WARD, having sold my 1-3 Interest In Broadway Cafeteria, to F. W. Lambert, will not be responsible for any debts con tracted before or after this date. Oct. 24, 1914. (Signed) FRED WARD. NOTICE: Platinum miners; I am In the market to buy all the platinum you can produce. F. A. Sennet. R. 510-11-12 N. W. bldg., 6th and Wash. WILL not be responsible for any debts con tracted by my wife, Ida M, Bergstrand. E. L. Bergstrand. FINANCIAL. INVESTORS Do you realize that you can now buy bonds, secured by first mortgage on improved Portland West Side property that will pay you 6 per cent net? Ma turities range from 1 to 10 years, amounts $100, $500 and $1000. This Investment op. portunlty will not last long. Commerce Safe Dep. and Mortgage Co.. Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED. $5000 TO $25,000 ON Notes drawing 8 per cent Interest. Wli discount 5 per cent; notes mature within one year, payable monthly; A-l recurity, responsible indorsements; investigation will convince you. AR 340, Oregonian. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 80 4th st.. Board of Trade Pldg APPLICATIONS on hand for desirable loans and several first mortgages tor sale; $4000, ' TJU, 1 3UU, S 1 00U, J.DU. 1 1 JO, JBOU, $600. $700. $400. $300. Principals only. n Henry C. Prudhomme. Wilcox bldg. CLAIMS, notes and Judgments against per sons anywnere purcnasea on lair margin. enow us wnat you have. Claim Purchas ing & Adjustment Co., 213 Panama bldg. LOANS on Improved Inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no delay. Principals only. Robertson & Ewlng, 207-208 North western BanK Diag. MONEY for good city loans, e and 7 per cent. j. jl. unauiiuam, oo Morgan bldg. interest in contracts purchased ; Oregon vi w .b ll, n. d. iiuum, j-uui Derm ens Dldg, MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gage (first and second), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. W E buy notes, bonds and mortcaiM Rnh ertson st Ewlng. 207-8 N. W. Bank bldg. $5000 OR PART to loan, improved property. Stocks and Bonds. NOTICE Los Angeles. California, Oct. 20, - unuersigneu aesires to pur chase bonds of Home Telephone and Tele graph Company, of Portland. Or., to in vest a sum not to exceed sixty-seven hun dred dollars, all unmatured interest cou pons to accompany bonds. Submit offers in writing not later than .November 7. 1914. at 5 P. M. Address J. H. Coverley, Trust Officer, Title Insurance & Trust company, iiue insurance bldg., Los An getes, Cal. MAKE me an offer on $400 worth of Kescnuies niver w ater rower Lien De velopment certificates. AP 42, Oregonian, WILL buy Alaska Pet. and Coal stock. Pa citic states Fire Insurance and Home leiepnone bonus. j 3o0, Oregonian. I MTST raise money soon will sell mv Home Tel. bonds and 5 shares of Pacific states r ire ins. stocK. y 352, Oregonian. TO SAVE mv property must sell 50,000 or i'j.000 snares ogle Mt, stock by 1st. J 352, Orenonian. TALK WITH FLETCHER. See list in Business Opportunities. CASH for Pacific States Fire Ins. stock ; kivis miiouiii ana price, a ti oregonian, Money to Loan on Steal Kstate. TO LOAN 140. 000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON, gQ 4TH ST. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN. WAKEFIELD. FRIES Mt CO.. 85 Fourth Street. PER CENT. $5000 to $40,Ouo for immediate loan. aiain ntb. am 3du, oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN. $500, $750 AND $1250; submit security. gmn.n- vv ngouer vu.. aioin Jxcnange. MONE Y to loan improved city, farm prop erty ; no commission; private party. AM n-ki, cregonian. $5u TO $5000 loaned in a day on real es tate security; lowest rates. Smith Invest ment Co.. 002 Northwestern Bank bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. INC. Stock Exchange Bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. SECOND MORTGAGE, $1435; property worth $20,000; note indorsed by good men. $400 to loan on vacant or improved city or 1 arm property. 1.041 tnamoer oe commerce. WANT a good city loan for $1000; no agents. Call Tabor 585 Monday. HAVE $1000 to loan on improved city prop erty. AO. &-to, ureiomaa. HAVE $500 to loan on city property. AH oregonian. $00007 PER CENT, first mtg.. West Side; run 2 Va to a years, inquire ia no. st. WILL buy good seller's contracts under $500 on unincumDerea property. jast 00 74 STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. E Thomas, agent Muitnoman bounty. 400 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount: no delay. nenry y. g-ruanomme. eu w ncox Diag. CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 92 First St. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W H. belts A Co.. 310 spaiaing bldg. $1000 TO LOAN on first-mortgage securlty Call at 413 Morrison. A. Meyer. ALL amounts at low rates of Interest. 414 Toon Diag. ure. ja. at jatg. lo. jsar. 33 MORTGAGE LOANS, and 7 PER CE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 31$ Ch. of Com. $1000 TO 20.000 at 7 per cent. Main 6v$2. 1. 1 . uriuu, -i us uc mug. $20of $350,. $600, S900. $1300. $1800. Fred W. oermtn o.. v.uamucr 01 commerce. $1000 TO $7000 for city or farm loan. Ta bor Zdzv or v i o, ,vrcuniaa. SINGLE room, including bath, phone, etc.. so per mo. irt n lh, near z am n 111. LOANS. $50 up. made in a oay. Willoughby, 828 Morjran Diag. $20tfO. $500, $2000 ON city property. C. A ATTlDrose, . l- tX y 't a-. Ja am o'Ti 9. $3000 OR any part to loan; principals only. AL 351. Oregonian. $iuO PRIVATE money to loan. Marshall 5 -'3. MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts and sites, bought. Ht Jtiiey, 204 GerUagex bids. FINANCIAL. Money to loan on Real Kitsta WE HAVE the folowlng amounts for im- mwiiaie investment in approved Portland real estate mortgages: $ at 8 per cent. t 2.000 at 7 per cent. 2.500 at 8 per cent. $ 3.000 at T per cent $ 5.OO0 at 7 per cent. $10,000 at 7 per cent. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN On Improved Portland property: $ 500. $ 1.0C0. $ 1.500. $ 2.O0U. $ 2.200 $ S.000. $10,000. $20,000. $25,0OO. $30,000. WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO. 86 Fourth st. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE POR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO.. 91 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. $3W $1000 From Prompt $1300 To Service $2000 8 $3000 HARTMAN'-THO M PSON BANK TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city and farm property. 6 to 7 oer cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St., near Washington. ON IMPROVED PROPERTY OR FOR 11L1LU1.NO PURPOSES; LIBERAL PAY MENT PRIVILEGES; MONEY AD VANCED AS BUILDING PROGRESSES THE EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION. 240 STARK ST. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 TO 8 PER CENT. Any amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN. $10,000 at ot. $7000 at 7. $4000 at 7, $2500 at 1c7c $1200 at Sr, $SuO at 69fc. McKENZIE A CO.. 613 Gerlinger bldg. Main 2801. $500 TO $1500 at S per cent, city. sl'uuu to iZD.uuo at per cent, city. $2500 to $40,000 at 7 per cent, city. $2500 to $40,000 at 8 per cent, farm R. H. BLOSSOM. 816 Cham, of Commerce. TO LOAN. Lowest Rate Money on business property. apartments, dwellings and farms. R, H. Blossom. Slo Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. St. Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison Street. WE MAKE FARM LOANS on -improved farms only. THE BRONG CO., INC., 2C7 Lewis Bldg. MORTGAGES Cover the mortgage with life insurance, frotect the wife iron paying. Information furnished as to cost. etc. BF 374, Oregonian. $2000 TO loan on improved Portland prop erty ; no rea tape ; money is ready. se curity Development Company. 4th, 1 and Pine sts. TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. 12000 $2850 $4000 $3000 On Portland Improved property. GOODS ELL BROS.. 433 Worcester Bldg. 50O TO $26,000 to loan on first mortgages. Investors' Building Company, 308-30$ Lewis bldg. ON Improved and unimproved real estate. mortgages bougnt. W. H. Nunn. 448 bher lock bldg. Phone Main 6119. SEE us today for loans on Improved city property, u so e per cent; tuu ana up. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to sulc; bully ing loans; lowest rates, vv. u. .Keck. 318 Failing bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. a. i. iirreu jo.. zi i-i.v itortn western Bank bldg. WILL LOAN $2500 to $2700 on good farm, 5 years, s per cent, wwners only. t 3 4 7, Oregonian. $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. HA Al M U.NU MUKlliAUt CUMfAM X. 4-3-424 Chamber of Commerce. Want improved city loans for above; commission 1 per cent. Why pay more? 1032 Chamber of Commerce. Money to Loan Chattels and nnlnrtee. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail lewelrv tores in the city. A loan department la conauctea in connection witn same, mak ing business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, absolutely no signs designating loan busi ness displayed in front of our store. All mercnandise pledged is held for a period of seven months, whether or not interest Is paid when due. We are licensed and have been established since 188. No con nection with any other loan establishment in this city. A. A M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS. $34 Washington nt. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACiai TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. HOURS SAM. TO 6 P. M. SATURDAY TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO, 309 FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS. Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry, Etc SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. ELBY COMPANY (Licensed 220 Lumber Exchange Biu Second and Stark Sts. We Make Loans in Six Hours' Time. AT LEGAii RATES. We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, storage receipts, equities, rea! estate, plain notes or furniture. PORTLAND LOAN CO, (Licensed) Room 205 Rotbchild Bldg. Bet. 4th and 5th on Wash inn ton St WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by broker. Marx & Bioch. 74 $d su LOANS on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 W 3d iL, near Alder. MONEY LOANED on diamonds and Jewelry. a. w. Awing, room t wasnington oiag. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. HolL. room 8. Washington bldg MONEY on chattels, notes and xntgs. bought. Columbia u)sn to., -ut owe nana. LOANS on chattels or anything of value, 317 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 6888. Loom Wanted. WANTED to borrow $30,000 on 7000 acre fully equtppea ranch valued at $100,000. AM 305, Oregonian. $000 AT 8 per cent, sightly Laurelhurst lot. value $iouu; principals. aju ao. ore gonian. WANTED To borrow $5000 on property worth $L4,ooo; no agents, a J 3oi, orego nian. $1500 AT 7 per cent, on Improved, close-in city property, worm eioou. ai moral nsa. R 351, Oregonian. $1500 ONE or 2 years.. 10 per cent, on East. ern uregon w neat lano. i, orego nian. $5O00 WANTED, security modern Income property, close in. Value $13. 000. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg. WANT $60O-$1500-$2500-$1600-$40O0 on high class property, 0 per cent. Private parties only. 200 Stock Exchange bldg. WANTEU-sou, a years. 8 per cent, on Port. land Heights city view lot, COxlOO. A 30 u, Oregonian. WANTED $8000 at 8 per cent on modern apartment, income $300 per month, value $20.000. R 332, Oregonian. WANTED $300. S PER CENT, SECURITY $2000. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. MAKE S5O0. GOOD FIRST MORTGAGE $2.O0. INTEREST 8 PER CENT; WILL TAKE S2300 CASH. AE 8o'J, Oregonian. WANTED $1200 first mortgage, bungalow valued at $350O. Waldemere. Llnnton, Or., three years. Address BF 315, Oregonian. $20,000 at CH per cent on close-in business property worth $4 5,000 to $50,000. Address AB 342, Oregonian. WANTED $4200 at S per cent on farm worth $2.-.Ooo. r. rue hs. 4HU ChamDer of Commerce. $1500 WANTED on $3500 corner home, mod ern, occupied by owner. Ate 362, Orego nian. $1000 WANTED on $2500 home. 7 rooms, half acre ground near car, 8 per cent. 1032 Chamber 01 commerce. $1000 WANTED on $3000 home, near car; 8 per cent and expenses. G 351. Oregonian. $200 WANTED on 4 -room house and half acre worth snuu. n aj, uregonian. I WANT $3000. best security, with attractive bonus. 430 Worcester Dldg. WANTED "AOO on brick bustne Income $1800 year. Main 1100. block; WANTED From owner. $2500, city; beat security. Phone East 476e. WANTED $500 first mtg.. 8 per cent, on lots worth $1400. AM 354, uregonian. WANT loan of $600 on good chattels worth a:v :iu&. oregonian. $1250 FOR 3 vears. 8 ner cent, ample realty security. 007 Spalding bldg. S1O00 WANTED. 3 years, at 8 per cent: first mortgage; new house. D 354, Oregonian. $2MtO FROM private parly on $5000 Beau xELont hoxue. O 352. Oregouiau. FINANCIAL. Wan ten. WE ARE PLACING LOANS On city property. If you want a loan and your security is good, or if you have funds to loan, we can handle same for you SAFELY AND QUIETLY. THE BRONG CO., INC.. 2t7Vi Oak Su. Lewis Bldg. WANTED ON Al SECURITY. $ at 7, value $, or Income $600 per month; city $5777 at 8' c. value $24,000; farm. $..uo at 8r. value l2.uoO: farm. $2540 at S,, value $7000; farm., $00 at 8. value $40O0; farm. 3cKENZIE & CO.. 515 Gerlinger bidg. Main xSOl. FARM MORTGAGE I will sell a mortgage for $2000 on a farm of 100- acres, 14 milas from railroad station, in Lane County, valued at $7000. Attorneys cer tificate with abstract. Rate 7 per cent, payable semi-annually. Address AK 845. vrrgoman. FARM mortgage for sale, $4200 on ISO-acre farm in Lane County, ji, miles from elec. trie station, 1 1 miles from Eugene, ap praised by experienced examiner at $12. 50O. Draws o per cent. Will sell to net 7 per cent. Address AE 347. Oregonian. v a.n 1 c Lsm uwu x u S-5.O00 ON Notes drawing 8 per cent interest. Will discount 5 per cent; notes mature within one year, payable monthly; a-1 security, responsible Indorsements; Investigation will convince you. AR 340. Oregonian. $6000 LOAN wanted on highly improved, stocked and equipped dairy ranch close to Portland; private money. 7 per cent. 3 to 5 years; security ample and moral risk ex cellent. D 350. Oregonian. NOTHING more dependable than loans on well Improved farms. We have a few to sell at 7 per cent. Call and look at them. Commerce Safe Dep. and Mortgage Co., Chamber of Commerce bg. $1500 CLOSE In. "within-the S-mile circle and 12 minutes out, 1 block from car, strictly modern i-room bungalow and lot. value $3750; will pay 7 per cent Interest. Phone owner. Wood lawn 3340 any time. WELL secured second mortgage of $550 drawing 8 per cent Interest, payable $25 per month In advance. Will give a lib eral discount. Well secured. G. S. Smith A Company. 432 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED to borrow $500 on a house and lot valued at $1500, located on the West side, for three years. Will pay 8 per cent Interest. W. J. Davie, 5u5 Corbett bldg. $3000 ON SO acres, improved bottom farm. IS miles from Canby. Or, on county road, value $10,000; want private money. AJ 292, Oregonian. $oO 0 AT 8 per cent on SOxlOO, house occu pied by owner, 3H blocks from car; value $1750; want private money. S17 Board of Trade. Main 666. WANTED LOAN. Wanted Loan of $1000, 8 per eent, 1 year; security, house and lot, Montavilla. AR 353, Oregonian. A $1750 LOAN on an Improved ranch up the Columbia, worth $7500; also have a $700 second mortgage, well secured; liberal brokerage. AN 298, Oregonian. 0 TO 7 PER CENT MTG. LOANS. Private funds. Amounts $1000 to $20,000. Prompt service. Fair treatment. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE First mortgage $3200. interest 8 per cent; will take house equity actual value up to $1500, balance cash. AE 353, Oregonian. MONEY WANTED from principals; desir able applications on hand ; selected first mortgages for sale. Henry C Prudhomme. Wilcox bid. WANT to borrow $1600 from private party on 17 acres in suburbs of Oregon City ; no bonus. Splendid loan. Marshall 4S27, A 3830. WANTED LOAN. Wanted, loan of $lOoO. S per cent, one year: security house and lot, Montavilla. AD 343. Oregonian. HAVE good second mortgage on city resi dence of $1500; will sell at 00 per cent discount tor immediate sale. AK 30 S, Oregonian. LOAN of S200O at 7 per cent wanted upon mv $4200 Rose City Park residence; no commission paid. Address 424 East 49th st. North. $4000 WANTED immediately from private party; close-in, well-Improved East Side property, valued $10,000. P 354, Ore gonian. WILL sell at very liberal discount $5800 first mortgage, secured by highly im proved farm property worth $16,000. T 361. Oregonian. FIRST MTG. for sale. Security improved farm near Portland. Will give liberal dis count; amount of mtg.. $3000. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg. WANT to borrow $15o for 6 months on furniture of 16 rooms. AN 360, Orego nian. WANTED to borrow $20,000 on a well im proved farm, value $100,000. This will stand Investigation. AM 306. Oregonian. $6000 LIGHT & POWER 6 per cent gold bonds as security for $3000 for short time. 8 per cent bonus. 5Q9 Commercial block. WANTED $300. 8 per cent, first mtg, on lots worth $1400. X 335, Oregonian. PERSONAL. HAIR -HAIR-HAIR-HAIR. Ofi-lnch convent hair switches- $4.85 20-inch convent hair switches, gray.. 4.85 Hairdresslng Face massage Shampoo .3a Manicure, 25c, 6 for - 12 scalp treatments 0.00 Superfluous hair removed by electrio neeile, guaranteed not to return. Cut hair. In any shade; switches, any length: prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 400- 412 Dekum bldg., Sd and Washington. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE ND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best reference: treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.. massage and baths; lady assistant. Salmon, corner 13th. Marshall 033. Open Sun -lav a. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors iaA. h nm r inm n irvniii anri stom ach aliments under physician's directions; bath, massage. No. 7 East 11th St.. sec ond floor south from Fast Ankeny car line. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock human hair goods: switches from 05c up; hairdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatment; combings made up to or. dsr. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 540. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, etc. perma nently removed. fcjectric neeuie process. Established 1814. Physicians' references, lady operator, at room 22 Russell bldg., corner 4th and Morrison. Phone Mar. 193. SAY. do you know "Rum and Pine" cures cold cr COUgn wnue omers jiit;rjjr inm. about it: 5oc the bottle, at the Clemen son Drug Co.. Front and Morrison sts. MOTHER'S care two children under 6 years. Country piace, tnuno u-.o. roundings. Reasonable. References. N 3ol. Oregonian. HERB doctor recipe book and herb cata log 10c. worth $; teaches how to make herb medicines for all diseases. Ind. Herb Gardens, Dept. -ao, nuimuu, INFORMATION wanted regarding "7 Mitchell wno wem rw-v, , . fop Fair hair end blue eyes and sub wito fits. Box AV bU Oregonian. FITS Cured my daughter by simple dis covery; doctors gave her up; ; particulars free Z Z- L,epso. 895 Island ave., Mll- aukee, is. ELECTRIC vibration for rheumatism, neu ralgis facial and scalo treatments; rea sonable. Phone Marshall 20. xTr STEVENS, 21 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant author of Palmistry aaaae -t w...m-w divOACES Lawyer of 25 years' experience; reliable advice given free. 404 R thchlld bldg., -t7 witaiiunw KOPHIE Bt SEIP. teacher of Mental Sci ence. 302 Alisky bldg.. Wed. and FrL. P M.. question meetings. Main a?25. vtinr oir YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 05c; curls and puffs, 75c. Sani tary Beauty ranora. w lenum diqk. EPMtlTUALIFM Rev. Mary A. Price. Circles Tues 2; Wed. and Sun.. 8 P. M. Readings daily 003 Fifth St. Marshall 3960. THE FUR SHOP. 2ew orders and remodeling; best work, lowest prices; trimming. 717 S wetland bl. SUPERFLUOUS hatr removed without pain, harmless; price $1 a stick. 56tf Spokane ave- Phone Sell wood 1S47. LESSONS In phrenology and card readings. 235 6th st. Phone Main7648: MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 49 F'.iedner bldg. Main 3473. DR. M'MAHOX, chiropractor. 121 4th. Chronic cases, 18 treatments $10; batbajijio BALM " OF FIGS compound Royal Tonie Tablets. 50 4 Davis st. Phone Main 2393. Dr. Olca, Nechyba. chiropractic, steam massage. 508 Northwest bldg. Man 3.98. PLEASANT home for invalids. New Thought teaching healing. JSSOlth-" Main- Go to 'The Maurine. 514 Abington bldg.. for best shampoo In city. HAIR and scalp thoroughly cleaned at your apartments. Maud Csey. East 0i. PHEASANTS, for hats. 717 Prepared S wet land. MtnicA u USE Bas&ett' N'iv Llerus tr rheumatism. 60 vaiueLs for 5c. aU drwgaUsta, -