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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
THE SUXDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 23, 1914. 13 FOB KENT. F Je. A VERY desirable 6-room corner flat; lignt nd airy ; southeast exposure; has fire place, furnace, with hot-water ooll. sta tionary tubs and every convenience, and the rent is reasonable. See It, 721 Kear ney, cur. 22d. Key and information at 104 2d St.. near Washington, phone Main I4S6 or A 1436. EAST FHANKUN-ST, BNAp Fine 7-rooni modern house, 4 bedrooms, furnace; a big snap at $300u; J250 down, $10 pur month; near 30th. Mae an offer. ZADOW - ALEXANDER, 414 Coroett bldg. A 1410, Marshall 02. i'OK RENT o-room upper uc, newly tinted and varnished, electric and light, fireplace and furnace; all outside rooms; corner North 16th and Kearney sts. 3 carlines pass door. Wakefield, Fries A Co., 4tij at. Furnished Flat. f-IiOOM furnished UDoer flat; living-room, 2 bu rooms, bath, dining-room and kitch--n, h11 nicely furnished, furniture Just like new; gas and electric light; rent $20 a month. 18CA Oltabs sc. Main 1511. f;i5 ELEGANTLY furnished upper Clat of 6 rooms and sleeping: porch. West Side, walking distance. otiv 6 th st. Main COMfLETELY furnished, light, airy, clean, comfortable 4 to 6 rooms, water, light .and. telephone, cheao. 354 Ban Rafael sU near Union and Broadway. "WOMAN to share furnished flat with widow; references rea uired : very cheap to right woman. 354 san Kafaei st. FOR RENT A 0-room upper flat, all mod ern ; free water and pnone ; price, $20. w3l3 E. od st. N. Phone East 1600. CLEAN furnished 3-room apartment, private bath and telephone; near 6. P, shops. 514 East 21su W-R car. -ROOM furnished flat, hardwood floors, tllod bath, sleeping- porch, fireplace, fine location. Marshall o3ti6. VUKN1SHED 6-room flat, $26; sleeping porch, piano, three blocks east end Broad way bridge. 400 Ross st., cor. Dixon. MODERN a-roora furnished flat; kitchen, bath, beautiful grounds. Sellwood 70S. Dutch Phone NICE rooms, elevator, electric light, steam heat, bath, price reasonable. Call 207 ad st., cor. Ta y kJr. NEW 4-room corner flat, on carline; fur nished, $17.50; would sacrifice furniture for $75. 272 Shaver. U car. TWO modern furnished and unfurnished heated flats, 23d and GUsan st. Main 1359, A 7831. cozy furnished 4 rooms, walking distance. 268 Ross st. Phone Woodlawn 1869. 4-ROOM modern flat. 383 Rose at, Broadwaybrldge. C 810. 2 blocks 6-ROOM furnished flat: electric lights. walking distance. Main 6212. 601 Mill st MODERN 5-roora furnished flat 8 E. 12th N. Marshall 797, A 7181. PLEASANT and light 5-roora modem flat; f urn ice, fireplace; references. Mar. 5238. i'HEE use of furniture to desirable couple, handsome corner flat. 355 6th St. $10 MODERN, 6 rooms, furnished, on Car oline. Phone Tabor 8266. -ROOM furnished, corner flat, modern. 573 East Salmon, 14th. Main 7796. FOUR-ROOM nicely furnished, close In, 3 canines; ug-ht, clean. Phone C 2901. Housekeeping Rooms. 43.25 "WEEK, completely furnished house keeping auites, absolutely cleanest in town; hot water, hatha, every convenience, free; also single housekeeping rooms, $2.20; teve carfare. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near Jefferson. $1.60 TO $2.75 week; clean furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone East 6u30. 408 Vancouver, 203 Stanton. "U" car. 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, gas, hot and cold water; walking distance; $4 per ei. itou nawmorne. 4til EAST MOKKISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apartments, reas onable. b KOO.MS with furniture, in business block 15. Can rerent part. Phone Tabor 4420" -vionaay. ONE and 2-room apts., front room, clean, hot and cold water, phone; $3 and $4. i70 6tli. Marshall 5382. THE LBNDORA, 225 11th st. Housekeeping rioniH and lurnished rooms, walking dia- FURNISHED H. K. rooms, cheap. Cam- uriaKe Diog.. 3d. cor. Morrison. 915 AND up, 2 and S rooms, all conveniences, f i 1 I mi FURNISHED 11. K. rooms, $1.25 week up. The Oilman, J5, ct. Alder. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping-rooms, " close In to business. 105 10th st. Housekeeping Ko'tnm la Piivate Families. VICE, clean rooms $3.50 per week; bath, heat, light, gas and laundry. Phone 402 Park st. rlH.N lfcH U.O housekeeping suites, sinus, ' 'Km, nam; si.ou up. Knott at, near Wiillains ave. ESPECIALLY desirable suite. well fur nished, newly tinted ; walking distance; both phones. 534 Morrison. LARGE, pleasant front room, completely furnished for light housekeeping; no chil- ureu. -ttj 1111 si. iHHEE large, sunny rooms, nicely furnished for housekeeping, beautiful view. First Hour. 20th st.. Portland Heights. THREE w ell-furnished housekeeping rooms. kwer floor; rent verv reasonable. 80 East 8th North. Phono East 1S;5. FURNISHED housekeeping room; $1.50 up; heat, phone. Main 4050 ; everything fur- uished. ;t47 Market t. CLEAN, modern housekeeping suite, cheap; desirable location, 554 East Stark, corner 13th. B i'S7. 8 F I' Ft N I S H K Cx h k! rooms, crTeRp rent, furnace heut : adults only. 371 isuble st.. nenr 10th and Mill. Main 5051. -5 1 1TH ST. Clean housekeeping rooms and other rooms, cheap attic rooms; no children. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for ladies employed during the day; rent $10. Marshall 50I0. THREE first floor, gas range, sink. 2 beds, piano, phone, bath, furnace, laundry. 420 Market. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Nice suite 3 rooms, all con veuluiices ; very reasonable. Main 4S4 1. TH REE vc ry neatly furnished housekeeping 1 00111 ; lifrht and sunny, in private fam ily. 05 East 30th. Sunnyslde car. 8 SWELL furnished H. K. rooma; heat and nil conveniences: $17; no children. 1U07 E. 10th st. N. 2 NEATLY furnished H. K. room; gas, bath, phone, electricity. 350 Mont a ornery. 1 4 W 1. 0V N SlS AL E FtTTi uuse k e ep i n t; aifd hleepliiK-rooms. SI. 50 to $;i.5u ; close in. ONE cr two furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 53t Rodney ave NICELY lurnished parlor suite, newly pa te; ed ; no children. 40S Main. FURNISHED 3-room suite and single house keeping rooms. $10 up. 66 N. 21st st. TWO largo connecting rooms, light house keeping ; reasonable ; central. Main 6 7 So. TWO rooms with outside sleeping-porch"; walking distance. 5u4 E. Oak st. TWO housekeeping rooms; wood range, gaa, phone, sink. 30S 13th st. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooma; use of parlor, piano. 892 East Salmon st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, niceyard. Main 2200. ;;y7 1st. Reasonable. 2-ROOM front suite, lighi and clean free phone; $11 854) 14th at. 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, heat, eiectrlo- ity. ;ca; very reasonable. 781 Kearney. TVo connecting rooms, electric lights, gas, bath, ph o ne. 29 Fast 15th et. Nort h. H. K. ROOMS, $1 weekly and up; cottage to let, free. 504 E. Clay. ATTRACTIVE housekeeping 1 ooms close In. adults. 555 Yamhill. Main 4415. STRICTLY modern 4 rooms, furnished, nice yard a:;driuwcrs; adults. 700 East Davis. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms: lights. bath. t- 234 East ISth. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, $1.50 per we-k up. 303 Main st.. near 5th. $10- TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, In. Call Marshall 3573. X1X1F il?hiro?m for nouseeplng; $3 week. 475 . Taylor at- cor. 14th. 2 ROOMS. 2 beds, good place for family. rent cheap. SS 10th. near Stark. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms, 5 E. 13th street. LARGE. licbt clran front housekeeping rooms. 294 Jefferson. FOUR rooms, partjy furnished. 5719 S7th $2 PER week, large slng:e housekeeping room; heat and light. 530 Davia. TWO furnished h. k rooms ; adu Its close In. 249 Grand ave. N. LARGE heated parlor with kitchen, free cooking gas. $4 week. 402 Park. FINE, large bay window suite, siuk, range fllcio in. cheap. 533 Yamhill. 314 TH ST.. 2-room suite, flret floor, close clean, desirable. $H) NICELY furnished H. K. rooms; hot water, phone and gas. 5lU E. 3ith. 854 SALMON Two lovely rooms, furnished ror nouseKeeping; email rurnisned room. JUST vacated. 3 well furnished ground floor rooms. 107 N. 15th St., near Gllsan. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Ruomt In Private Families. $15 3 MODERN, well-furnished h. k. rooms, za rioor; large, sunny windows, sleeping porch, gas, wood and coal stoves, organ, phone, elegtriq lights free, yard; walking distance. 504 East 6th. phone Sell. HOW. $18 COMPLETELY furnished, S or 4 rooma. close in, private bath, gas range, phone, etc.; neat, clean, cosy and quiet. Phone E. 5646. Call 12S ait IS Lb, near Mor rison. FRONT parlor with back kitchen, nice front rooms with kitchenette; not ana com water, heat, light, bath, phone, wash trays, nice porches and yard; very reason able. 055 Flanders st. $10 MONTH 2 large, finely furnished rooms; lurnace neat, hot batns, eiectric jignts, laundry tray,; choice location; easy walk ing distance close Washington-fit. carline; no children, 69 N. 21st st. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. nrst noor; also the wnoie upstairs ior rent, very reasonable. 361 E. 3d st. at Broad way. " WANTED A congenial couple take three large housekeeping rooms, private home, no other roomers. East 2083. 312 Cherry st. MuDERN 2 rooms for housekeeping ; clean and everything furnished ; phone, bath, electric light, heat free; $17; best value in city. 1163 Belmont, cor. 30th. TWO fine housekeeping rooms ; no carfare, electric lights, gas for cooking, furnace heat and all high-grade conveniences; two people only. Ail $2.50. 441 E. Couch, $12 H-ROOM suite, furnished compute, 2d floor, sunny bay window rooms, yard, phone, lights free; walking distance. Mar shall 3780. 134 Porter St. 13TH ST. 4 rooms, entire first floor, com pletely furnished; also 2 rooms, modern; adults. Tabor 1190, Main 3072. McFar- lanq, .wu x eon oiag. TWO light, clean rooms, completely fur- nuuocaccjiiin, wiin heat, Hsht, water, phone and garbage; $16. - ' -w VJIWOU $10-$15 CLEAN 2 and 3-room suites, com nlatl f11rnUh.1l 1 . pet), linoleum, sink.- phone ; 'child taken. 786 East Yamhill, near 23d. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms; 3 rooms and kitchenette, on ground floor; free phone, lights and bath. U14 Columbia st., cor, ctn. fnona juarstiail 107, 2 OR 3 H. K. rooms, private entrance, yard. -""""o "oii minuy, per wee., walking distance. 253 Chapman. Mar- WHY pay $25 for an apartment when you -- p 1 9 i nui tutu bum Water, hot water hqat, at 658 Gllsan at. Main 9160. 3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2 blocks from Multnomah Club, 1 block from Jefferson car. 209 Chapman. Main C818. LARGE completely furnished H. K. room, kitchenette, running water, gaa, electricity, laundry. 2 Grand ave., S. E. cor. Ankeny. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, heat, light, bath free; own entrance. 622 le lay St., near Morris. Take L car. 164 GRAND AVE7N., for' furnished H. K. rooms, two upper and two lower; light, water, phone free, phone East 4391, LARGE front room for housekeeping; cosy and clean; heat, light, cooking gas free; walking distance. Phone C 1165. 3 MODERN unfurnished H. K. rooms, walk ing distance. Call after 5 P. M. 347 Lincoln st. NICELY furnished 2-room apartment with private tain, strictly modern, price reas onable. 443 Hassalo st. SUITE of 2 daintily furnished rooms, run ning water, fireplace. Holllday Addition. .H-ent reauceq i4. Ji.ast 3tS0. 3 NEWLY furnish r1 hnimAkci-nlii a rrwmi r with bath, lights' and gas furnished. Iu4b s-ieveianq ave. NEWLY furnished room in Irvington home, ior iaay. wnn or witnout buaru; reter ences. East 3413. $20 MONTH Choice housekenlntr suite: in eludes electric light, bath and hot and com water, central, bow Jeiteraon. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping suites, hot and cold water. Phone Main oo'o. o4 Everett NICELY furnished housekeenlng rooms, fur nace heat, hot and cold water, bath, $2.50 uriu up. uiose in. 41:0 Alder. DON'T search, stranger. Two-room modern suite, everything furnished, $20. 4o7 Jef ferson. ilouaea. MODERN 7-room house on Willamette i-teignts, in good condition, for $2. E. M, Brown 7 Cham, of Com. Main 32S, A 4115. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS 9-room bunga low, with garage; good condition. Phone juain 6302. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow. large grounus, trees, neautirui view; reasonable ; will lease. X 350. Oregonlan. NEW 5-room bungalow. 030 E. 30th. $12.50 month; will sell, small payment, balance monthly. Tabor 5414. NEW 6-room bungalow $18: no children, See it today. 1133 E. 2!th st. North. Al- berta car to 30th and Rlllngsworth. BEAUTIFUL new 8-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, 2 lota, E. Side, $20 per month. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow, half ojock west or iauremurst, reasonable rent. Phone Main U487, MODERN fl-room house with laree sleen ing porch, 616 Overton street, near 21st. ; u. inquire n-v istara st. 5-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, strictly mod ern, large yard, -1 blocks of car. E. 17th st. N. Phone East 92o.' SS MONTH : modern 5-room cottage, 2 lots. rruit anc . garden, w ooumere. 140 it us sell st. MODERN 0-room house, 653 Mississippi and Monroe &ts., opposite Shaver School. Main HA LF house, 4 rooms,- on ground floor, $14. 4;." East Ash, walking distance. Owner, 42 3d St. COTTAGE. 5 rooms. Portland Heights car- line; fireplace, bath, electricity, gas. Main HOUSE FOR RENT Modern 5-room house. jvennworrn aistrict; reasonable rent. Tel ephoneSellwood 1268, or Eaat 3474,. MODERN 7-ROOM BUNGALOW, WORTH 40 : WILL RENT FOR $30. LAUREL HURST. MAR. 5458. WILL RENT new 7-room Laurelhurst house reasonable, or will exchange rent for room and board. Investigate. S 351, Oregonlan. MODERN 5-room cottage. In good condi tion. 612 Delay st., near O.-W. K. & N. shops: lake L car. MODERN 8-roora residence; fireplace, fur nace, gas, electricltv. E. Burnsitle, near 22d; $L'o. Tabor 1993. TEN rooms, 170 Chapman, facing Multno mah Field. i block from Morrison. Phone A 4017, Main 6089. 6-ROOM modern house, newly tinted, coil in furnace. 701 E. Salmon, near 25th Mar shall 3543. -ROOM modern, carpet in hall and lino leum and gas stove kitchen; garage; lot "inoxSi. ;63 E. Salmon st. FIVE new 5-room bungalows, $10 per mo.;!! required. Smith fc Houck, 301 Henry bldg. 16&5-ROOM cobble-stone bungalow. Al berta cariine. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. $15 MODERN 5-room bungalow; fireplace, etc. 27th and Sumner. Phone C 2342. 6-ROOM house within 3 blocks of Library. Call Tabor 3 40S. DESIRABLE 0 and 8-room houses, 390 and H?'S San Rafael St.. close In. East 10S5. 6-ROOM house. 710 Front at. Gas. bath, $14. '.all 714 Water st. NEAT, clean, cheap housekeeping, opposite Armory. Come see. 32 North 31th. $15 5-room cottage, all conveniences, SS carline. Phone B 1503. 6-ROOM modern house, furnace. East 28th and Main ; $15. Woodlawn 2SS5. S-ROOM house. 10 acres, fruit, etc. ; $25 mo. Phone Oak Grove 60W. -ROOM North. cottage for rent. Phone East 3885. 871 East 1st 7 ROOMS, modern: furnace. $15. 3d, near Holladay. Tabor 4206, 229 East FOR RENT 2 small cottages. Call 11 E. 35th North. Woodlawn S029. 5 OR C lovely rooms, all improvements. 4S1 Chapman, cor. Clifton, Portland Heights. 332 17TH, "WEST SIDE. 5-room house, " bath, gas. Particulars, 44'S' Clay. Main 6255. WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN, 8 ROOMS. THOa OUGHLY MODERN. 730 EVERETT. $15.0o NEW bungalow, 5 rooms, Hawthorne district, near car. j.iam ua-is. 7-ROOM house, reasonable. 834 E. Sth. N. Main IV97. Key at Imperial Pharmacy. 5-ROOM house on York st., cheap rent. vanduyn ec waiion, oi. tnamor of Com, 5-ROOM house near Park St., cheap rent. vanauyn & v aiton, 01a i namoer or com, MODERN -room house, running water in bedrooms. 655 Northrup st. NEW five-room cottage, handy to car, $10. .S3 w orcesicr iu 3. $lti-r-New four-room bungalow ; furnace, trays; no children. 3297 East Morrison. 8-ROOM house, walking distance, near park; gaa, electricity, urepiace. oou .Montgomery. RENT new house. 5 rooms end sleeping porcn. partly mroisnea, oeuwooa isj. 7-ROOM house, renovated. 449 lOth et. In quire 468 Park sc.. near Jackson. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. 344 Oregon sc. Phone East 39. FOB RENT. Howes, CLARK RENTAL SERVICE, WANT A HOME? An attractive house, left fresh and clean by the owner, with real home com forts you so dearly desire, and with. at tractive individuality? Why oertainly! W'e . spend days eliminating bleak, musty, out-of-date houses from our list offering you a choice selection of modern, well-ventilated and unsoiled dwellings no doubt in districts where some of your friends now live. - You incur no obligation by calling on us. We dislike telephoning we want to meet you personally and get your ideas. Our experience can then aid you to com fortably home your family. Why not make immediate use of the Clark Rental Service 7 F. N. CLARK & COMPANY, Rental Department, Title & Trust Bldg., 9 Fourth St. HOUSES. $18 6 rooms, cement basement, furnace; close to Jefferson High School, at 997 Commercial st., near Blandena. $18 4 rooms, in good repair, walking dis tance, at 407 Market st, near 13th. J20 6 rooms, 594 Raleigh, corner 19th. $205 looms, 549 Overton at., near 16th. $258 rooma, modern, large yard, at 43 E. 26th st. N., near Tillamook. $308 rooms, modern, hot water heat, fireplace; on Irving st., near 23d. $857 rooms new and modern, hardwood floors, at 5!9 E. 27th St. N. FLATS. $18-$20 4 and 5 rooms, modern, gaa range, linoleum In kitchen and bath room; at corner E. 28th and Stark sts H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8t99. A 2653. MEIER St FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 10th Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list of all vacant bouses, flats, apartments and bungalows In the city, make use of this service when you desire; this does not obligate you In any manner to this store. " You will find us ready and willing at all times to help yon in locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property are Invited to list their unoccu pied apartment, flats and houses at Meter & Fraua's Free Rental Bureau. UNFURNISHED. 8 -room house, 409 E. 11th st $18.00 5-room house, 413 E. 9th st IOwOO 5- room cottage, 415 E. 9th at 1O.00 6- room cottage, 107 N. 14th 13. 00 6-room cottage, 503 Flanders t.... 18.00 6-room cottage, 170 E. 2oth st -"15,00 6-room modern house, 1210 Belmont. 18.00 5-room cottage, 419 E. 47th . . 12.00 4-room cottage, 307 E. 12th st 10.00 THE LAWRKNOE CO., Main 6915. A -2815. 171 Fourth Street. . EXTRA LOW RENT. Beautiful modern borne In "select resi dence district. Large corner lot. Clost to car. Fine view of the river. Owner, 221 10th at. Main 7635 or evenings. Main 16. LAURELHURST HOflSEd. FOR RENT. We have some new, strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, we will build just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co., 279 Stark st. Main 1503. A 1515. FOR RENT 7-room residence, all modern conveniences; 1 acres ground; river iruuiagtt, w eat aiae, near niverwooo. Electric cars. Will rent or leas to re sponsible parties at attractive rental, phone owner Monday. Main or A 1836. 5-ROOM cottage, clean and central. 413 cot 11th and Hall streets. Key at 4U9 11th at. Rent 20. PARRISH, W ATKINS se CO.. 100 Second St. FOR RENT. $20 month; November 10; house 7 rooma. uiuueia, ueaumoni. inquire INVESTORS' BUILDING COMPANY, 30S-3C& Lewis bldg. 6 ROOMS, electric lights, gas range with water heater, linoleum floor, cement basement, stationary wash cubs, furnace; choice location, fine lawn; $30. Bjelland s Grocery, 234 N. 16th. Mala 1867. FOR REX unnvside. modern ft-rnnm - fireplace, furnace, bedrooms and kitchen in wnite; garage. Price $2u. Phone Sun day Tabor 13U3. 172 N. 18TH STREET, fln residential dis trict, easy walking distance business cen ter; 6 rooma, furnace, $7.50. Key janitor lonian Apts., lath and Couch. Main 2015. 188 NORTH 21ST ST. 9 rooms, hardwood floors, beam celling, fireplace, furnace, etc.; $35. Key, janitor, St. Francis Apia., 2 1st North and Hoyt. Main 2U15. THREE houses on ioth and Beacon streets. near Brooklyn School, near two carlines. at $10, $11 and $12 each. E. Willis, tit3 b-ast 9th st. Phone Seilwood 878. EIGHT-ROOM house, large reception hall; strictly modern; close-in. slahtlv location. choice neighborhood; very reasonable rent If taken now. Apply 721 Hawthorne ave. AT 1 HACTIVE Portland Heights 6-room bungalow fiat, hardwood I ioore, fireplace, sleeping porch, maid's room; close in. Jdarsaau b-i. ROSE CITY PARK Modern house, Alameda Drive. Inquire 309 Sherman-Clay Music House, between lo and 12 A. M and 2 to IT ill. ' "--"-'..4. unciunB, iw uains, irvington district; $5o. Western Oregon Trust Co., buc:LCAu -otJii. uiuk- raoue Main 937. -ROOM home, 405 E. 45th at. North, one oiocK rrom Jtiose city hark car. Only $2o. inn to a snap. ocott-jeesiey-ijeane Co., 211-12 Abington bldg. 6-ROOM house 174 E. 49th st. near Bel mom. Phone Tabor 42., or call at 170 E. i'jtn st. ; rent reasonaDle. 349 E. 46TII ST.. modern bunclnw r, t-rw.rr. s. sleeping -porch, fireplace, basement, built- in conveniences. lyey 01a Corbett bldg. MODERN 5-room flat, gaa, electric lights u lurujiue, kiho nice o-room cottage, close in. 320 Fremont et. East 2081. $15 SUNN YSIDE, clean, desirable 5-roora eoUage and bath. 1032" E. Morrison, near o.iLn. vey next aoor. ALMOST new modern 8-room house; has urepiace, xuruace, wide porch; walking uibuuico, wan t-ii utn St. 6-ROOM house, modern. East Side; $12.50, Western Oregon Trust Co., 1100 North western Bank bldg. Phone Main 937. 3 LOTS, 7-room bouse, bath, stable, chicken- iiouse. iu n;. -iocii auuui. Key at 40, Phone Tabor 4154. 8-ROOM HOUSE, electric light, gaa and furnace; clean throughout; walking dis tance; rent reasonaoie. tu jua st. MODERN HOUSES. CLARK. RENTAL SERVICE. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. MAIN 5423. FOR RENT One of Irvington' most de sirable houses. 408 East 16th at. N. Te e phone East 1490. $20 9-room house in good condition, on car- line; puvtii ' streets. 477 East 11th. East 34UU. MODERN 6-room house, big yard, rose Dusnes, rruit trees, cnicaeu-bouses, etc Jr'none bell wood ola. FOR RENT Modern, new, 7-room house. 4to East 24th, near Division, $25 per rnontn. zus siock fcicnange. Main 3U5d. 6-ROOM modern houtse, furnished or oartly 3 housekeeping-rooms or furnished rooma aauits omy. uu Henry ave. $13 7-ROOM. large yard, modern, M2.50. 5-room, West Side, modern. Main 36721 McFarland. 30 yeon bldg. WEST SIDE, 28S 13th, near Jefferson Nenr ly papered and painted; eight rooma Phone Mam 410. RENT $12.50 Modern. 4-room cottage, 394 East l4th st. Inquire 104o East- Grant su Phone Tabor 5164. $30 A MONTH place for $20 New Mt. Ta bor home; 6 rooms, sleeping- porch, 2 fire- places. lurnace. rnone laoor ZHt. IRVINGTON Attractive modern home, rooma, garage, $40. Main 8078. 6-ROOM cottage. 143 East ISth St., near Morrison. Woodlawn 1 10. $15: NICE 4-room cottage, 22d and E. Ash Phone East 2409. 5-ROOM cottage. 33S East 44th. Call Tabor 350; very reasonable. C'ROOM house in Sunnyslde; gas; ront $14. inquire jar. teiauoe, bunnysice. 8 ROOMS, large basement, furnace; best lo cation, west Mae. inquire l.s letn. $10 FOR 7-room house, ll Union ave. North; gss, bath; car In front. Inq. 1303. 9-ROOM house. quire 13i 6th. 712 Lovejoy. near 22d In- Main 627S. NICE 4-room cottage, walking; distance ; $10. 74U water st. $16 C ROOMS, clean, walking distance. S34 First. Jey at 4U jrirst at. $25 ; 6-room modern house. 590 Belmont, between itn ana -iotn; wanting a is tan ce ilti NICE 5-room house, gas. bath. 105 E. 2-0 th. near Washington. East 533". 6-ROOM house on o acres adjoining citv limits for rent. Lunaburg, 025 leon bldg. $14 5-room cottage. 672 5th st. Inquire 309 Grant. MODERN S-room house, well lighted and venti:atea : wanting distance. Main 5212. CLOSE-IN. West Side, 8-roora modern cor ner house. Alia llth. Main 2oo3. MODERN 5-room cottage; rent including water, S17. jdh Aim st. SEVERAL unfurnished houses. Irvington nne 4-room nat xumisned. East 273. MODERN 7-room corner house. 301 East 6th N. $25. Main 8214. FOR KENT. Mourn. MR. RENTER. Ws appeal to you, why keep on paying rent year after year? Why not turn the rent receipts Into monthly Installments and in five years own your own home? Get your name on the county records and show that you are a good, live citizen. Did you ever give this im portant matter a thought? Of course you have, but you simply neglected to make the start. Now is your ooportunity. You and your wife take Vancouver car tomorrow get off at El Tovar station, corner or Morgan. I will be at,, the office and will show you those beautiful bun galows and building lots and ex plain to you the terms bythlch you can become the owner of a home in a very short time. It costs n3thin to investigate this. We will assist you. THE BRONO COMPANY, 207 H Oak St., Lewis Bldg. Tract Office, corner Morgan and Union Ave, HOUSES FOR RENT. $12 6 rooms, corner 9th and Alns worth. $10 5-room new bungalow wlth llreplace, bookcase, etc., splendid ly furnished. $1P 441 J arret t street. opposite Piedmont ; nicest piece of prop erty in the locality. $8 3-room flat, close In. $7 2-room flat, close in. $16 8 rooms, modern, 7S7 E. Ash fet., near 24th. $18 8 rooms, modern, 882 E. Davis, corner 20th. OTTO St HARKSON REALTY CO., 133 First St. ROOM bungalow located at 161 58th at. N.. one block from 58th and GllBan sts., and one block from carline. This bunga low has a disappearing bed In dining room, making it equal to a 5-room house. It is modern in every way. Price $15 per month. See owner T. W. Nordby, 602 Couch bldg. DO you want to rent a house, close in, 10th ana Harrison sts., west blue, g-room, latest modern improved, 2 fireplaces, fur nace, electricity and gas, stationary tubs; a bargain If taken at onoe. Phone Ma.n 654 S or Main 378. WILL rent at $13 per month good six-room residence at wooamere. Ait, bcott aistrict; big lot, 100x100, with lots of fine fruit trees and berries, bathroom, fireplace aafl full basement; no furnace; bungalow yrpe. AL 3d5. Oregonian. WE have several desirable houses, both large and small, ar very cheap renta ; don t fail to call on us If you want a bargain. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, Main 4868. 2G9 Washington GU A, 1777. FOR RENT HOUSES AND FLATS J. J. OEDER, Real estate and rentals. Cor. Grand ave. and Ankeny. SIX ROOMS Modern, except furnace and gas; two lots, with fruit and chicken house; two blocks from St. Johns car; University Park; rent $12.50. Phone room 304, Hotel Arcfcur. WE have numerous furnished and unfur nished houses and flats; we invite you to call and inspect our list; keep this ad., it will not appear again this week. 50l Broadway bldg., Mar. 5276. 767 MARSHALL Modern 8-room house. newly tinted, clean and modern in all respects; excellent location. Marshall 4S2, A 4242. FOR RENT Nice 5-room cottage, either fur nished or unfurnished. Call today at Wind sor Heights grocery, 49th and Division. ML Scott car. ATTRACTIVE modern 6-room "house, built-in conveniences, nnoieum, laundry trays, fur nace, fine yard, paved street, near car, $J2.50. 708 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426. DANDY new 3-room bungalow for $10 per montn; references required. SMITH & HOUCK, 301 Henry Bldg. 6-ROOM house, 23d, near Kearney, J30. 5-room flat, 23d, near Johnson, $2. 8-room house, E. Sth, near Belmont, $20. C. H. KORELL, 807 Wilcox Bldg. MODERN 11 -room house in good condition, In Sunnyslde. Can be used by two ami lies. S2.1 tier month. Call 512 Piatt bldg. for particulars. FOR RENT. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 34-room houses. East and West Side. Security Development Company, cor. 4th and Pine sts. NICE brand new 4-room house, new furnl ture, a fine place for a small family with no children. Price siz per montn. T. w, Nordby. 002 Couch bldg. ti-ROOM house, iias and bath. ent very rea- eonable. Phone Main 1 4. Hall. Inqulre 3 Furnirthed Houses. NICELY furnished five-room cottage, 16 th carline; win retain one room and rent cheap. 529 Northrup st. FURNISHED modern -room; gas. electric ity, lurnace, piano; $25. 303 Fargo. Tabor 5-ROOM cottage, modern, completely fur nished; reasonaoie to a good tenant! adults only. 828 East llth st. North. FOUR furnished rooms of 5-room modern bungalow. Half block to Rose City car. $15. Phone Tabor oo&S. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room bungalow, rent reasonable. bl Vancouver ave, wood lawn 3229 or 2. S3. FOR RENT Modern 10-room furnished house In irvington for one year, jut to right party. Phone East 2466. 7-ROOM modern house, completely fur nished, $40. .Portland Heights. Main 1396. $25 WELL furnished 6-room house. 67 T lh belts st.; z lots; corner. & Z4ua. $1000- ' $700 TWO furnisned houses, 5 and 6 rooms. Phone Seilwood 11 ',4. Main 27-1&; adults only. Take bell wood car to ai4 Leo ave. NEW 5-rm. bungalow, lawn and roses, elgt. furnished, i min. out, w estmoreiana, so with piano, $27.50. Mar. 5331. ROOMS. WEST SIDIL $40. 13th and Taylor; nuf ced. Fred W German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE. ROOM furnished cottage, 341 Sher man st.. easy walking instance, west Side, rent s.. Main SO 7. COTTAGE of four rooms, city water, east front, on o3d st. t. n.., at sxu, 1 urn 1 she a. Mattie L. smith, ewio sx. o, NICELY furnished cottage, walking distance. 612 3d; rent reasonable, leiepuone A aoor 4874. MODERN 5-room bungalow furnished, to lease H block Rose city car; references, 340 East 40th st. Nortii. WELL-LOCATED furnished 3-room flat; large porch ; also Z rooms with, large sleeping-porch. Phone B 2526. 5-ROOM furnished house, large yard. $1S "S" per month. call uui coruett St., car south. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, furnished, close in. vv est blue. &3 Loiiege su raona aiier noon. Main 1185. 5-ROOM cottage, $15; corner ICth and Al berta. Phone A 4203. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, all modern con veniences, canine. none a loua. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 2 -room kitchenette and bath. Phone A 401T, Main 69. MODERN 6-room furnished bungalow, $22 Woodiawn Si-i. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent, cheap. Call Woodlawn FOR RENT Furnished three-room house, $12. Call Tabor 1651. 27314 Broadway, furnished four-room cot tage, e lectnc ugma. umn, cenirai. A COZY 5-room bungalow, nicely furnished, $23. Phone Monday. Tabor 8G5. NICE clean 5-room bungalow on carline ; large yard, fnone laoor urn-. NEW modern 7-room house furnished com plete, 3 bedrooms, furnace. Tabor 4679. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room house, $30; every modern convenience. Call C 1043. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished cora pletely first-class. Call Marshall 20. FURNISHED 6-room bungalow with piano. E. 7th Bt N. Phone Wdl. 9. C 1807. -ROOM furnished house. West Side, for year to responsible party. Main 4585. 3-ROOM furnished house, $8. -84 East 57th North. Montavilla car. 2 to 4, WELL-FURNISHED 6-room house, 1 room rented. 214 llth st. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow for rent, 809 . Syracuse SU . University Parle $16. $18 5-ROOM cottage, 608 E. Sth St. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. FURNISHED 2 -room house, 362 Going. Phone Woodlawn 1700. 7-ROOM modern furnished house, 423 Going. Woodlawn 3556. MODERN 4-room house, furnished, $15 per month. Phono Tabor 1121. WEST SIDE. 9-room house, suitable for roomers. Owner. Main 934S. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room bungalow In Rose City Park, Phone Tabor 4786. 113 MODERN 3-room house, 3 beds, yard, walking distance. 297 Hancock. . FOR RENT Furnished 4-room modern bun galow. Phone after 7 P. M. Marshall 4293. $30 6-room, well furnished ; piano, large yard. 1317 Hawtnorne near 4 bin. FOR RENT. sVuralsned Hook. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. Clean, fresh Interiors harmoniously furnished peacefully vying to excel In cosy comfort, homes representing the patient investment of years that owners hesitatingly have agreed to"' allow us to rent- A few are large and handsomely ap pointed others will home a family of 2 or 3. AH are to be had at a very rea sonable rent. All will be left In perfect order1 resdy for occupancy whenever re sponsible tenants can be found. "We afford you a varied choice of loca tions and prices some are West Side with view some in the better residential sec tions of the East Side. Let us aid you. To do this we ask you to call at our office do not telephone ex cept for appointment, as a personal visit Is so easy and greatly assists us in our rental service, F. N. CLARK A COMPANY, Rental Department. Title & Trust Bldg., etf Fourth St. ROSE CITY PARK. Very nice 5-room home, with sleeping porch,' furnace, fireplace, completely fur nished. To responsible party, with no smalt children, owner will rent for mouths at very- reasonable rent. See A, H. Birrell Co., 2T7 Northwestern Bank bldg. COMPLETELY furnished, clean. 4-room apartment; 2 bedrooms, . bath ; In private home; includes heat, gas, electric, phone, etc.; reference required; Christian Science people preferred; reasonable to permanent adults; walking distance. 94 N. 16th st.. corner Flanders. $20 A snap for a nice man and wife, part , of mother's and 7-year-old child's beau tiful 7-room bungalow home, well fur nished, with every modern convenience piano and fireplace; beautiful surround ings; can't beat it. Phone Woodlawn 1429. NICELY furnished 7-room bungalow, fur nace, gaa, electricity, telephone, $25 per month. 247 East 23d. bet. Main and Madi son ; can have for year If wanterd. Call B 3268. FOR RENT 7-room strictly modern bunga low, wen lurnisnea, aieeping-porcn, piano and machine. 25 min. out. 1 Vi blocks from Alberta car on 27th st. Only $25. Tabor 2275. COMPLETELY furnished upper floor of Portland Heights residence. including piano, only $30 per month; must furniwh references. Jordan, 3ol-2 Lumbermens bldg. $40 FURNISHED 7 rooma and bath, 490 v ista ave., facing Portland Heights car line, close in at Myrtle St.; 4 bedrooms, piano, lawn, flowers; open Sunday, Mon day. Call. Phone Marshall 2228. 8-ROOM residence, Portland Heights; aplen- uiaiy iumisnea; select nelgnbornooa; view of city and mountains; reasonable. 445 10th. Main 0904. S-ROOM house in Irvington, finely and com pletely xurnisnea, oriental ruga, grand piano, fine library, sleeping porch, garage; adultst only; rent $75. Phone Marshall 5918. NICE, clean six-room house, Sunnyslde. 108 33a at.; atationary wash basin, porce lain bathtub, large basement; $lo per month. Tabor 106. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 4-room house, mod ern, cosy, line condition, nicely furnished; piano. Sunday Main 1280, weekdays Main NEATLY furnished rooms, convenient to car- line, electric lights, bath, free phone; prices $5 per month and up. t20 Borth- wick at. woocuawn Ty 4-ROOM cottage, f urnishfid for housekeep ing, is per mo. -it)2 ant su, near Rus sell and Williams ava. ; no children. C 2052. East 5571. $13.50 WILL rent nice modern 5-room house. gooa casement, nign and dry, beautiful scenery 615 East 7th st. South. Seilwood 1864. 5 ROOMS, completely furnished; piano, fur nace, ilreplace, all. modern conveniences; extremely reasonable ior right party. 958 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 6u. 6 ROOM- modem, cement basement, furnace wun cons, large gas range and water heater; nice yard; $20. Appiy on premises, 248 East 28th at. Phone Tabor 1290. FURNISHED $15 or unf urnishedf$12. modern six-room dwelling at 22i Enst 77th North, Montavllla. Call 401 McKav bldg. Phone Main 12-42. FURNISHED HOUSE Modern, 4 rooms, fur nlshed house; basement and attic. Rent a j a. 9 t Z2d iu North, near East Ankeny at. FOR RENT FURNISHED. 11 and 20-rootn h (ruses, 5-room bunga lows, furnished flats. Security Devlon mint Company, corner of 4th and Pine sts. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room modern house to responsible parties without child ren, close-In. 602 East Sth su South; rent $17.50. MODERN 5-roum bungalow, newly fur nished, $25; block Alberta car; refer ences; no children. Inspection 1 to 5, Sunday and Monday. luott E. 15th su N. 6 ROOMS, modern, new furniture, 15 min utes to postoff Ice, cheap. 309 East 9th South. East 6235. $15 MODERN 4-room bungalow, partly fur. nlshed, gas, electric lights, phone. Tabor 4 4 90. FURNISHED clean, cosy 6-room cottage, electricity and gas. 514 East 21st et. "WK" car. Call Monday. FURNISHED house near Piedmont car barns. Call Monday afternoon, 1136 Minnesota ave. FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, piano. 1258 E. Yamhill. Apply room 20, 166 H 3d. Phone Main $45. FOR RENT Furnished 6-roorn house with piano $30. Call S28 E. 17th. or phone East 535. DESIRABLY located, fully furnished house, gas. bath; adults; reasonable. 720 E. An keny. 1 ARTISTICALLY furnished bungalow, car 'line, garage, sleeping porch, up-to-date. Tabor 2400. FURNISHED 4-room house, gas, bath and electricity. 293 E. 35th st. S. ; $14. 4-ROOM furnished bungalow, modern, Mt. Scott car. Phone Sellwood 115. Stores. FOR RENT A store with shelving and counters: good location for the following businesses: Shoes, harness and shoe repair ing, tailor, cleaning, pressing and repair ing, also hardware and paint shop. This store has four living-rooms partly fur nished. 2 bedrooma. bath living-room and kitchen: rent $20 per month. 1S2 Gibbs st. Main 1511. BARBER SHOP WANTED in hot-water heated building, on corner. In rapidly growing business center. East Side; no competition; excellent opening; low renu U. S. MORTGAGE A INVESTMENTT CO., 606-607 Yeon bldg. TO RENT Storeroom, opposite to a day and night public school, suitable for any business. In a well settled community; rent reasonable. Phone Main 1201 or write 0O5 McKay bldg., city. STORE building at Myrtle Park, cheap, on Mt. Scott carline. W. J. Eberman, 133 2d su, city., bet. Wash, and Alder sts. 586 WILLIAMS ave., at Russell aU Fine location for delicatessen. Geo. G. Malr, 325 Railway Exchange. $25 STORE, suitable for market or grocery. 60S lau Phone Tabor 1114. BEST-LOCATED vacant atore on Grand ave., near E. Morrison. Woodlawn 593. SMALL store living rooms, suitable lunch room; cheap. 549 Milwaukee. SeiL 317. Offices. FURNISHED OFFICE, Including roller-top aesa ana cnatrs. very reasonaoie: aiso one half office space, $5 per month. 209 stock exchange Dicg. THREE-STORY brick. 25x200. facing on 1st and front, between Morrison and Yamhill. 1S3 Madison at. OFFICE space, including desk and chair and aomeone to answer telephone. Bacon, - 448 Morgan mag. DESK ROOM in large, light office In Mor gan bidg. Apply manager. 813-821 Mor gan bldg. . DOWNTOWN offices and studios, large front rooma. 850 Morrison su Royal Annex. WELL furnished private office: also desk room, $6 and (7. 723 Chamber of Com me res FOR RENT Desk in furnished office; north light; use of phone; modern office build Ing. Call Main 7764. OFFICES $10 and up; furnished offices and desk room very reasonable ; Portland' s busiest corner. S"8 Swetland bldg. FOR RENT Large rooms, sultrvble for of fices or musical studios. fcnerman-Clay st Co. DESK, with privileges, in well -equipped iront at rice, very reasonable. ilar. 413S. FURNISHED private office, also desk room, phone, typewriter. 507 Chamber of Com. Halls. FOR RENT Large hall; good dancing floor steam heated. Ill 2d SU Phone Main IKS Warehouses. OPEN storage 60x350 on dock with use of hoisting engine, rail connections i1 rosds Central Hawthorne Dock Co.. E. 2O03. TO LEASE. TO LKAPK 50x100 on Water between Clay and Columbia for term of years. Phone East b3. BUSINESS OrrOKTCXITIKS. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Ground door Multnomah Hotel. Corner 4th and Pine Sts. OPPORTUNITY FOR A MAN TM THE $500 PER MONTH CLASS. -We have a hlgh-claas buaineaa to offer requiring an investment of at least $OOoO cash. Total Investment &10.OOO. Last year's business, gross, $75,0OO; profit. $12. Ouo. Will run better this year. Investi gation invited. CONFECTIONERY STORE. ! Rent only $20 per month, with, living- I rooms; splendid corner location on the ! EHt Side; up-to-date fixtures and clean 1 stock; a nice place and a bargain for : $lOOO. j DAIRY LUNCHROOM ' In the heart of Portland; business runs $100 per day; will aell or exchange and pay cash ' difference or assume, if any. i Price of lunchroom $8006, and not one cent against it. $10,0OO GENERAL STORE. 1 Will take half cash, balance security or rood property, clear of incumbrance, or farm near Portland. 24 ROOMS WITH RESTAURANT. Location cn the main etreet of a live little city with big payroll, short distance from Portland. Price $1800; terms rea sonable. MOVING PICTURE SHOW. $600 handles downtown place doing $12 to $22 per day. Total expense only $8 per day. IN THE HEART OF PORTLAND. At transfer point, cash business, news stand, fruit, cigars, tobaccos and confec tionery; a dandy place for two partners or man and wife. $10,000 HARDWARE STOCK In a good town in Washington, doing aplendid business; will take half cash, bal ance good security or property. POOL HALL AND CONFECTIONERY. No Competition. Live little town in Washington, abort distance from Portland. Price of fixtures . and stoak $M0. Lot 50x190; good 2-story frame building with 7 living-rooms, $17oo. Al GROCERY BUSINESS. Stock at invoice. Fixtures and delivery -iqci at their reasonable value. Stock on hand about $3500 to $4000. Building rents for $45 per mo. with 5-room flat upstairs. Has 4 years lease. Established 6 years. Doing $3000 per month business. Located In a payroll city of 10,000, near Portland. WANTED BUSINESS. $5000 to $10,000 to put into a country bank Investment. Must carry a position. 10.OOO TO $35,000 STOCK Merchandise in some good town; must be a clean stock and a good running busi ness. Client wishes to put in Portland in come property. $10OO CASH AND SECURITY. By young man with banking experience, Would consider a good, clean-cut business that will stand investigation. WANT SMALL CASH STORE. Must be In good location on the West bide in Portland, naa sooo casn to pay. WANTS DAIRY RANCH. STOCKED. Has 7 0-room hotel in Portland to ex chants for the stock and liiuilementa. and will rent or buy ranch on time. Price of hotel $4.0u. Well located, and a lease for . years can be secured ior new tenant. WANTS SMALL APARTMENT-HOUSE. Must be on the West Side and modern. Nothing run down will be considered. Has $7 (K" cash, balance monthly, or will assume small mortgage. WANTS SMALL BUSINESS. Confectionery or small grocery preferred. Have one acre with 2-room cottage at Multnomah station. Price S13.o. Alts. years $350. No cash to put in, but will assume or give mortgage back. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Ground floor Multnomah Hotel. Corner 4th and Pine Sts. PARTNER wanted -with $350 to handle half interest in manufacturing business; the oldest of the kind on the coast; well es tablished, doing good business; will stand strict investigation; too much for one man to handle. iSee Mr. Allen, ot .ust diet at.. cor. Stark. Take Suunyside car. Call Monday and Tuesday. WE have one of the best corner drug stores In this city. West Side, doing a business of $40 per day; price $40H), part cash; only drug store within three blocks. See Mr. Persels, at HARTMAN ft THOMPSON t Fourth and Stark sts. ) POOL AND BILLIARD PARLOR. Located in a thriving town of 7UOO pop ulation ; 7 mahogany tables, cigar fix ture to match; doing from $20 to $50 per day. Brick steamed building; 16 years' lease. Oet further particulars at room 618 . xeon bldg:. (.tivo .no ikau. " ICE MACHINE. 15-ton Ice machine with all fixtures In? eluding engine, tank. Ice cans, etc. In good condition; will be set up and guar anteed ; thia will be sold at a very low price and some ti me given for part of tue payment, au 340, oregonian. OWN a business Make S2500 to S5000 here's chance; co-operate with me even ings, home, in big money proposition: ev eiytbtng furnished; don't worry about cap ital. v rue quiLK, j3oya ri. urowc, iepi. CORSET BUSINESS. This is a fine proposition for a lady exclusive clientage; located West Side business district; guaranteed clearing bet ter than $100 mo. Only $200 required. Call room 613 Yeon bldg. (C77S) SOLID business. Have opening for ener getlo man. Will pay you $5 day. Thia re quires only $350, which will be fully se cured, but you need not pay one cent until you try the business, can room sior gun Diog. PARTNER w ith $5000 for half Interest In established business netting now S4uu a montn; can be increasea witn tnis a ditional capital; only man who will devote entire time to mis business peeu vm munlcate. B 353, Oregonian. TAILORING BUSINESS. Well established and guaranteed clear ing $200 month. Owner has more than he can do; wants good man for half interest, 40U reaulred. tan lurnlsn htftnest refer' ences. Call room 618 Yeon bldg. (C762) POOL HALL 7 pool and 1 billiard tables. cigars, soft arinKs, etc.. clearing slTo month above all expenses; never on mar ket before; price $1700. 303 Lumber Ex change, za ana btarK. RIVER transportation business for sale; thl includes steamer, ware nouses, cocks, etc all fully equipped, doing net pront abou $5000 yearly. Call room 426 Morgan bldg, for price ana terms. WANTED TO TRADE MOTION PICTURE MACHINE, 11 L-ilo, TRAVELING OUT FIT, FOR LIGHT AUTOMOBILE. APPLY 333 OAV. MEAT MARKET. $40 cash trade, no de livery, splendid location, cheap rant, has smokehouse and complete equipment; $000, part casn. r. vv . r-erseis, zou BtarK st, MOTION PICTURE THEATER PARTNER WANTED; WEST SIDE CROWDED THOROUGHFARE; $200. APPLY 333 OAK. BREAD baker for partnership with party having good specialty; must have small amount of money to insure faith in part nership. AJ 293, Oregonian. RESTAURANT, lunch counter," seats 50; fixtures worth $1000; doing good business; located on busy St.. West Side; for quick sale only $250. 303 Lumber Exchange $10oo BUYS restaurant doing $100 to $150 day business; cheap rent and one of the best locations in the city; present owner has been there 3 years. 650 Plttock block. SMALL hotel, S. W. corner Alder and Park sts... for rent, furnished or unfurnished ; also former profitable restaurant location with complete kitchen furnishings. PROMOTER with wkle acquaintance among capitalists w ill consider legitimate proj ect reaulrinsr financing and organizing. AC 355. Oregonlan. BANKING. Wanted A competent banker to invest from 50 00 to $15,000 in a well established bank. Address AF 373, Oregonian. PARTNER for well built up office business paying $150 month; must come well rec ommended; not much money needed. 303 Lumber Exchange, d and Stark sts. CIGAR, tobacco, confectionery store, Uoing good business; will sell at invoice, about $350. 2484 Stark at. WANT hotel in good town. Washington or, Oregon ; give full details. E 353, Orego nlan. - SANITARY DEVICES CO. for sale; devices for theaters, clubs and hotels; business al ready established. 310 Hoyt sL WANTED Capital to develop patent built in apartment fixture; something entirely new, in universal demand. E 330, Orefonian W' ANTED Lady or honest, sober man with $100; worth your while to investigate, AN 852. Oregonlan. CASH grocery, sales $30 per day, no de livery ; will Invoice $1250 ; price $1000 ; West Side. 303 Lumber Exchange. GARAGE for sale, fully equipped, good lo cation and trade; will sell at Invoice price. AV 105, Oregonian. WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. SIO Lumber Exchange Bldg. - PARTNER wanted In lively cleaning and pressing shop. Room 14, 231 Vi Morrison. POSITION for man who can Invest $500, good security. AJ 363, Oregonian. PTHlSKSs OfPOUl rMTIES. SNAP COUNTRY HOTEL, Pacific High way passes door; furnished, running full; grounds 100x140; fine town; $2OO0 done will handle. SNAP PORTLAND HEIGHTS; fine -room modern residence; swell neighbor hood, big lot; one-half price; $15oO down will handle. For both above PACR1FICES, Linda ley. 40O Henry bldg.. Portland. FOR SALE Splendid grocery business, about $-hk per month business' reason able rent; delivery truck goes with busi ness: the location la on nl th. hat im the city: th;e is a good business, but havs reason for selling which 1 will explain: invoice about $35tK; no dead stock: will sU at a great s.crinre, but must be cash. See owner Monday, 406 Railway Exchange bldg. BOOKS and stationery, together with all icwones, m one or the best Washington towns of 1O.ik0; good, trade, low expense; invoice $, m discount and take half cash. See Mr. Persels at H.4RTMAN se THOMPSON " Fourth and Stsrk sts. WOULD you be Interested In a cash busi ness in the center of Portland ? Will make big money next few months: can be had for cash, or part cash, balance time. Owner engaged in other line and unable to devote time. AO 347, Oregonian. $3O00 TO $4000. will give either silent or ac tive connection, with a going Oregon en terprise which has the approval of the Corporation Department. Investment wlM net about 20 per cent. Position pays $1500 year to right man. Y 352, Oreg-onian. PARTNER MANUFACTURER. Want to meet a man who is Interested In a first-class manufacturing and promo tion proposition; I don't want your moncv, I want it in the business. See owner. 313 Lumber Exchange bldg. FINE confectionery, excellent location on catriine street : carries full line of confections, cigars, ruagnsines, books, light groceries, etc.; low rent; splendid money maker; $1000; bargain. 3lu Lumber Ex change. GROCERY; unusual West Side "Place: 190 daily cash trade; here is one of the best in town offered for quick sale, $3OO0 spot cash. Investigate. See Mr. Persels. at HARTMAN ft THOMPSON t Fourth and Stark ts. $2800 EQUITY in mfg. business, $32,090 con- paying per cent on investment; old age and inability to work forces me to retire; permanent remunerative posi tion goes with my stock. 650 PittocV blk. A BARGAIN. If taken in the net 80 days, a black smith shop and residence in the San Joaquin Valley, of California, 15 miles from Fresno. If interested, write to W. H. D., Caruth era, Cal. WANTED Party to take $3000 to $5000 in- ire in mercantile business, silent or ac. tlve; will guarantee it to oay 20 per cent dividends; object, to enlarge business; money secured. BF 331. Oreyoniun. DRUG STORE. A-l West Side location ; established 9 years; low rent; good lease; $2O0O cash re quired. Further particulars room 0183 Yeon bldg. (C7S6) FEED and fuel business; partner wanted; nave iuu equipment, teams and nx lures. Owner will guarantee buyer $150 month; only 9 1700 required. Call room 426 Mor gan bldg. ESTABLISHED grocery business, $7000 to ior saie; win invoice stock and discount fixtures; might consider one-haif trade. Good opportunity for hustler with some means. AH 352, Oregonian. FOR SALE. CIGAR STORE CONFECTIONERY. Two places, will sell one. See owner, 103 N. Jersey St., St. Johns, Or. LIVE grocery doi.ig $75 duily business; Idsul locauon witn ro near competition; will in voice about $:.20o; accept terms jn part; disagreement of partners compels sale. 31tf Lumber Exchange. WOOD YARD. 2i lots; wood and coal sheds; barn, 1 large team. 2 wagons; business clearing from $150 to $250 mo. About $1200 caau. required. Call 618 Yeon bldg. C790) FOR SALE A big snap to the right party; sa 10011 uoing good business, barber shop, restaurant and J 2 rooms in connection ; Great Northern main t line. Wife sick, so must sell. Box 742. Conrad, Mont. GROCERY, West Side apartment-house dis trict; classy store doing nothing but cash business and no delivery; for good reason is offered at bargain price, $lluo. p. W. Persels. 269 Stark et. HALF interest in auto truck business, mak ing month net; want man to take Imlf interest, either to drive or take charge of business. See my agent, room 426 Morgan bldg. LARGE Eastern corporation wants atale manager, establish office and manage salesmen ; liberal pay ; $300 to $50 necessary; handle own money. 431 Chamber of Commerce. WANT to get In touch with a graduate chiropractic who has $10oo and business judgment enough to see a splendid oppor tunity; I will put $Uoo with yours. C. De Wayne. P. O. Box 403. PICTURE SHOW HOUSES. When you are ready to buy come and see us. Will you be satisfied with $45 per week net, $1300 invested? 310 Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark. WANTED Partner to open billiard hull with me; good location: young man pre ferred; $125 required; this Is a good propo sition; references exchanged. Phone East 4997, 1 to 6 today. IF you wish to make su active or silent business Investment I can help you. Ad vise fullv what you want and address Business and Investment Expert, AB 374, Oreieoniaa. WANT energetic partner In established busi ness showing nne returns; must give ref erence, have some salesman ability; a real chance to wake good money for the right man; $30Q. 319 Lumber Exchange. SMALL grocery nt 4323 7 2d ave. 8. E. Port luud. Lady wants to return East with her people on account of husband's death. Will sacrifice if sold before Oct. 30, 1914. Phone Tabor 4462. FOR SALE Good business, cheapest rent in town, best location, fine chance for man with family; well advertined ; leaving town. 4o 7 Alder sU, cor. 10th. Call Main 1043. PICTURE SHOW, beautifully appointed ; ideal location; no competition :' Al equip meat; especially low rent and a good money-maker; $1100, cash and terms. 319 Lumber Exchange. CONFECTIONERY: owner ikk abed, wl: will make big sacrifice to dispose of It. It's a dandy little place and & snap; $35o. P. W. Persels, 209 Stark st. ONE-THIRD interest In email manufactory doing money-making business. Thia car ries a salary and share prorits, only i350 required. Call room 420 Morgan bldg. WHOLESALE house. Incorporated, wants additional capital and willing worker; Interest in business, guaranteed salary; email Investment. J 351. Oregonian. GROCERY store doing good business, horse and wagon and flxtutes. cheap rent; all goes for $1450. J. E. Stepp, 0OI8 72d et. S. E. Tabor 1388. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, magazines, etc.; fine transfer point location; low rent ($15) ; excellent business; bargain for $500. 319 Lumber Exchange. . BOND Issues, $100,000 upwards sold. Loans on legacies, mortgages and Commercial paper. Companies incorporated. L. N. Rosenbaum, 84 Wall street. New York. MAKING A GOOD LIVING. Cafeteria and restaurant, near piedmont carbarns : must sell account sickness ; price S2.M cash. lnuulre 243 Stark St. NOBBY cleaning and pressing parlor; fine West Side business district location ; es tablished custom ; good business ; price $125. 319 Lumber Exchange RESTAURANT and lunch, seating 45. open all night, big carbarn trade, old established place; rheumatism forces sale; easy terms. P. W. Persels, 269 Stark st. ABSOLUTELY safe business, wsnts partner with J10.O0O. nettlnc him I2O.000 annu ally, with salary, to manage office, AN 351. Oregonian. $200 AND services gives you a hit interest in business paying $25 week; experience not n jcessarv ; you must have references. 3u3 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. TAILOR shop in prominent hotel for sale: reasonable rent; work from hotel more thbn pays expenses. 4 $5 Washington su j"50 FOR large outside room in modern home. Phone, electricity, furnace heat, walking distance. 427 Main st. WE have a bargain in a butcher shop; dally sales average $45; cheap rent. 303 Luni-' ber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. $250 SECURES a business that will pay a net profit of $1300 in one year. AN 3GI. Oregonlan. SHOEMAKER shop at half price ; owner going east: price $b5. J. E. Stepp. 5olS 72d at. S. E. Tabor 1388. FINE little confectionery store, 4 living rooms; this is a bargain for cash. For particulars. 31Q Lumber Exchange bldg." FOR SALE Grocery worth about $950. West Side; will take part in trade. AL 352, Oregonian. CHOICE West Side grocery with living rooms, low rent, mostly cash trade: takes , about $1500. Call room 426 Morgan bldg. cTgaR STAND.r.lce stock and fixtures, free renu good location; price for all $250. 24 Stark St. CIGAR STAND CHEAP. E34 YAMHILL ST. FIRST-CLASS restaurant for lease. '637 Washington st. sale cheap; WANTED Partner with $20O, legitimate business; Investigate. D 3f3. Oregonlan, 4-CHAIR barber shop, cheap. 50 N. 2d sU