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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 23, 1914. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. k NEAT, refined, educated middle-aged wo man with young daughter, would like housekeeping for aged couple, people era- i ployed or in widower's home; can do the eewlng; a good home more than wages desired. Phone East 3424. CAPABLE, attractive middle-aged widow wishes permanent position as housekeeper for widower, Multnomah or Washington Co, preferred ; give particulars. Address AR 301. Oregonlan. oUNG, refined widow, with child 21 years old, would like position as house keeper or to assist with house work. Phone Marshall 2S or AN 33S. Ore go nlan, J RESPECTABLE woman between 30 and 40, would like to keep house for a bache lor or widower. Must be neat, clean and riruc t H 1 f n t rf rs v wa 1226 12th St. Phone Main 3578, or A 40S9. JtEFINED lady wishes position housekeeper for one or more men or man with child in a good home; best of references. Phone mornings. East 4153. X 348. Oregonlan. IMIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as housekeeper In small family or as nurse for invalid, no objection to going out of city. Address Q 11, Oregonlan. SEFIXED and competent middle-aged lady desires position as housekeeper in respec table, quiet home; no salary. R 353, Ore gonlan. AX EXPERIENCED housekeeper would like the care of a rooming-house, housekeeping rooms preferred ; can give the best of references. Phone A 7479. XOUXG woman, thoroughly competent and reliable, would like posltloa as house keeper for three or four bachelors. Ad dress AM 351, Oregonlan. ill D DLE -AGED German woman wants po sition as cook or general housework in family of adults. Can give best city ref erences. Phone Wood lawn 3603. RESPECTED widow, German, would like housekeeping or cooking for one or more people In city or country. Phone Main 12. 4th st. . X WIDOW of refinement wishes to keep hnuse for a refined widower; references given and required. V 354, Oregonian. WANTED Management of apartment-house by woman of experience and ability. A 4071. I'Ol.'NO widow wishes position housekeeper widower's or bachelor's home. AE 348, Oregonian. HE FIXED, unincumbered widow wishes po sition In widower's family. Address AL. 360, Oregonlan. ' MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes to keep house for widower or bachelor. Main 4217. POSITION as housekeeper, in widower's home family preferred. Call after 6 P. M-, room 411 Tourney bldg. WANTED By housekeeper; Tabor 2416. refined lady, position as will ko out ,of city. Phone AF 343, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS experienced cook wants posi tion as cook or housekeeper, private fam ily. Mar. 8532. REFINED, neat housekeeper wants employ ment. Mrs. Palmer, 471 Morrison et. Main 6531. AN American wishes situation on farm as housekeeper or for several gentlemen in city. A B 344. Oregonian. COMPETENT GIRL wishes general house work in small family; plain cook; refer ences; city. AH 351, Oregonian. Domestics. WAITRESS wants to serve luncheons, teas, dinners, suppers. If you want good serv ice, phone Tabor 1761. 128 East 3 4th st. COLORED GIRL wishes chamber work or work by the day or hour. Phone East U76, call for Frankie. EXPERIENCED Norwegian girl wishes situ ation us cook ; city references. Call A 7.UQ. ENERGETIC girt desires work as child nurse, second girl or assist with house work; references. F 351, Oregonlan. GOOD cook wants position, small family, no washing; would do . gen. housework, $35. G 35u, Oregonlan. YOUNG lady wishes gen. housework or help er in hotel or boarding-house. Phone after 11:30 Main 3944. EXPERIENCED cook and general house work, good references. Call Monday. Main 2451 from 0 A. M. to 4 P. M. THOROUGHLY experienced girl wants housework. Phone Main 7446. CATERER for dinner parties, club enter tainments. Call Main 3213. LIGHT housework by woman. 4349. Phone Main KEAT Swedish woman wants cooking and housework, day or hour. Tabor 4533. COMPETENT girl wants house work by day or hour. Call Tabor 3351. GIRL wants to assist with housework Satur days and Sundays. W 354, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. tXPEKlENCED laundry and housemaid, willing to work by the day. Phone Main 4217. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants posi tion ctiambermaia or Kitcnen wont, rnone A 1790. A LAUNDRESS wishes day work; good washing and fancy Ironing; reference. Phone Marshall 3900. HIGH School girl will care for children by hour. Saturdays; experienced. AJ 34tf, Oregonian. CAPABLE, refined woman would like apartment-house to manage. Satisfaction guar anteed. R 350, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work to take home: rates on family washing. Call any day. Woodlawn 351ti. REFINED woman, excellent cook, wishes work, small family or boarding-house. Woodlawn 1227. TOUNG girl wants to do general housework, attending school 3 nights of each week; $15 month. Woodlawn --S3. ttiUSTNESS college student wishes care children afternoons or evenings. Phone Woodlawn 1227. DAY work wanted Monday and Tuesday by experienced laundress; fine Ironer. Mar shall 044. room 16. iiESSONS riven in grammar grade studies, 50c. Backward oupils a specialty. Jhone ft t-t I V A T R lessons in English clven to crown people: Eastern teacher. AP 361, Orego- ii lan. VANTED By responsible and reliable young lady, position us office girl; best of reierences. Phone Marshall 1050. LACK CV'Tt TAINS hand laundered; all work guaranteed. fceiuvooa feui or Aiarsnau 5t5G. , EXPERIENCED woman wants charge of 1 rooming-house lor rooms, aj coo, re gonian. EXPERIENCED woman wishes position sanl turiuin or in good, plain family. Sellwood 1702. (GOOD laundress wants a few more en gagements. Call all week; references, Tabor 3242. vrkxch and piano (acquired abroad); hish est references. Main 0474. 100 Lownsdale. "WORK by day or hour; best references. Phone ast 3m. Mrs. Love. EXPERIENCED cook wishes position in sanitarium or boarding-house. Main i20o IFIRST -CLASS colored laundress wants small bundles to taxe noma. w ooaiawn oiu. (WANTED Chamber work or nursing ren. Call Marshall 4936. 3iXPERIf:NCED woman wants day work. Tabor 37111. WOMAN wants dav work. Best city refer ences. Wdln 213S. Call Sunday. "WOMAN would like work by hour or day Woodlawn 3 157. COLORED woman wishes day work. 3Li or Main S050. LADY wishes bundle washing and cleaning by day. East 6614. LADY wants day work, washing and clean lug. East 33S4. WOMAN wishes work by the day or half da v. Phone Sell wood 1S40. (WOMAN with child 13 wants place to assist with work, ay y, oregonian. X.ACE curtains hand laundered ISo up by experts; canea ior. ceuwooa iou. HOU?ECLEANINO by the hour by expe rienced laay. r-none juain TRUSTWORTHY woman wishes work by day or hour, vt oodlawn Sl4. 3 A STERN conservatory graduate wants piano pupils. Tabor 4144. "WORK of any kind wanted. 291 3d St. Mrs. Allen: office cleaning. WANTED General housework or nurse girl call. Phone Woodlawn 1004. COLLEGE student will help for room, board and small salary. jat ixt-k i . WOMAN wants day work. Phone East 2324, Mrs. Steymeior. v LACE curtains laundered, 10 years' experl ent-e; 15o up. Tabor 5133, B 20115. Scott. COLORED woman wants chamber work to do or a few rooms to do. Main S209. WANTED Engagements by hour or day reiiaoio. rnotie t-enwooa l iuy. CHILDREN cared for by the hour; ences furnished. Marshall 4212. LET me figure your cement work; walks, basement floors, etc. i-oat itoo. EXPERIENCED woiaan wants laundry ai nome or aay worc. oouia n jm. riNNlSll irl wishes to assist with house- work,; oaa eaJt English, Woodiawa 43. SITUATIONS WAJilED fFMAl.R M i&cellan eou. LADY wants to clean your carpets without removing them from the floor; very rea sonable, or show you how to do the work; without electric or vacuum cleaners. Car pet will be spotless and look like new. Best city references. Main 6-4i7. LADY demonstrator with traveling exper , lence, wishes position with Portland firm. Willing to work in land show. AE 34u, Oregonian. ORGANIST, pianist and accompanist from tne East, would like to have church, or chestra or accompanying" work evenings and Sundays. K. 351, Oregonian. POSITION as manager for apartment, rooming-house or hotel, in or out of city; must be f irst-ciass place. Best of references. AV 97, Oregonian. ALERT woman wants work. Answer phone, take orders, run little collect, business; generally useful in large store. AE 330, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE middle-aged lady will take charge of rooming-house in exchange for rooms and small salary. AB 3 Go, Ore gonian. A WOMAN of refinement wishes a position where she can help young children in their studies and assist in' housework. W 300, Oregonian. REFINED young woman will accompany invalid or elderly person to Southern Cali fornia; would like steady position. AG 361, Oregonlan. STOUT, healthy woman wants work by the day, (2 jo, washing, ironing- houseclean ing; experienced; references. Marshall 8fr0. REFINED and reliable young colored wom an, experienced in general housework or chamber work, also A-l cook, desires po sition at once; references. Tabor 37ots. YOUNG, refined woman, much In need of work, wants light housework where she can go home nights. Main 717, A 1517. MIDDLE-AGED woman, much in need of work, wants light housework where she can go home nights. Main 171, A 1517. SPLENDID washer and ironer wants work by the day. Will do any kind of work about the house. Main 717, A 1017. LADY wishes position In office of doctor or dentist or housekeeping for professional man. Phone room 124, Hotel Athens. RESPONSIBLE lady will care for children at ner nome day, week or month, .fnoue Main 1485. BY telephone exchange operator, five years experience; good references. Phone East ISO. GOOD conscientious woman wants work In store; long experience in suit shop; will work iu any place in store. B 2020. GOOD laundress would like work in private Iamiiy; work guaranteed. Call, Main 2010. Woodlawn 13G. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants to work for elderly couple, widower or plain house work. 270 Columbia, st. LADY work eight hours day for table board school child and seir; lunch-room or boarding-house preferred. AT. 341, Oregonian. WIDOW and son, age , would like place for board; some wages. Phone A 4iS6 oi X 346, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes washing and Ironine. East 3388 from 0 to B even ings only. WAITRESS or chambermaid wants situa tion; experienced; city references. Phone Marshall 3425. MIDDLE-AGED woman going to California will look after elderly lady or child on trip for part fare. D 352, Oregonian. WIDOW would like fancy laundry and dif- rerent brandies of nouseworg.; Zac an hour. Address AN 353, Oregonlan. LAUNDRY work for two days each week; satisfaction guaranteed. J Jul, orego nian. HIGH school graduate wants work as teach er, governess or in office. AH 3b2, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED piano teacher. Special ad vantages to beginners or aavanced pupils. Main 5iti0. COM PETENT colored woman for general housework, no washing; reference, call or write 354 E. 52d st. Daly. Tabor 2069. TRUSTWORTHY young- woman will work in exchange for nleasant room and meals. AV iu. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS laundress and house cleaner wishes day work. Reference. oodlawn 1935. A YOUNG woman going East wishes the care of children or as companion ; refer ences exchanged. Phone East 5429. WANTED -TO KENT. Houses. WANT to RENT 5 or 6-room bungalow; must be strictly modern and well lo cated. Giva full particulars and price. I will lease same for year. Phone East 3969, or write 661 Wasco st. YOUNG couple want 5 or 6-room modern uungaiow, wen rurnisnea ; piano, sewing machine. Portland Heights or good loca tion. Main S70S. A 1161; weekdays. WANTED, by Nov. 12, nicely furnished mod ern cottage witn a Dearooms; must oe in good location; give full particulars. O 355, Oregonian. WANTED To rent 5-room modern house. close in, with big yard for garden, vo 4th st.. cor. Stark. WANTED To rent a well furnished house for Winter, not over 30 miuutes irom busi ness section. AK 347, Oregonian. SMALL furnished or unfurnished house. within walking distance of oth and Pine. Sellwood 22-23. WANT to rent, a house, of about 5 rooms. on Portland Heights; must be reasonable. Marshall 4232. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Wanted houses for rent at once. List of renters waiting. Marshall 4827. BROOKE, A 3839. A MODERN house with 3 or more lots; must be good and cheap; d adults. AO 33u, Oregonian. WANTED Good house and plenty of ground ror cnicKens ana gar a en. xaoor 41 Jo. WANTED To rent furnished houseboat. Phone Main 3(158. Rooms, GENTLEMAN wishes nicely furnished room. or buite ror two; moaern conveniences, etc.; large closet, plenty heat and hot water; few minutes' walk to postoffice; privilege of company; breakfast opt tonal; consider light housekeeping apartment; references exchanged, AL 340, Orego nlan. FOUR ROOMS, PORTLAND HEIGHTS, $8. Rustic cottage, not modern, but com fortable, and acre of ground, nice neigh borhood. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham of Com. WANTED Two sleeping rooms between An- keny and Hawthorne ave., west of oth st., and take care of child 5 years old. East 6608. WANTED Gentleman wishes modern room. private iamiiy, $ montn, waiKing dis tance. X 352, Oregonian. WANTED Two nice sleeping rooms near Multnomah Jiuo. .viersnau oiau. WANTED By young man. modern unfur 305, Oregonian. nished room, close in. Rooms With Board. CONGENIAL middle-aged gentleman, wants good board and room. West Side, close In, with no other boarders; In reply state lo cation and terms. AO 343, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants rom and board, private family, walking distance, with sleeping porch preferred; state particulars. AJ 347, Oregonian. YOUNG lady, employed, dosires room and board, private family; piano; West Side; give phone and particulars. AN 359, Ore gonian. WANTED Room and board with refined private family, on West Side, by two gentlemen. AN 34, Oregonian. TABLE board in exchange for dressmak ing or plain sewing. Main 2380. FOR KENT. Furnished Booms. HOTEL WEAVER. 710 WASHINGTON ST. Light, pleasant rooms, private bath and phone m each, large parlor, 9 la and up. , Marshall 5170. YOUNG men may consult without charge register oi iurnisnea rooms listing several hundred In all parts of city at Y. M. C. A.. aiso in Association oiag. SAN MACEO HOTEL. 11th and Washington: strictly moaern, newiy renovatea; rooms $8 mo. up: with private bath $18 mo. up. iome ana see mem. RYAN HOTEL. 2G9 5th St. New hrirlc bldg., brand new furnishings, hot and cold water, steam heat, private or public bath. HOTEL CORDOVA. 2tj9 11th st. Strictly modern, private baths, en suite, rooms OUTSIDE rooms; $2.00 and $3 per week: brick building, steam heat; free phone and Datu. zsj ij st. LARRABEE HOTEL, 227 Larraoee t. If you want an exceptionally clean, homelike room below regular price, phone East 849. YOUNG man rooming at Y M. C A. wants roommate to reauce rooming expenses Inquire Y. M. C A. office. YOUNG men may consult without charge furnished room register listing rooms in i ait parts ox city, at x. as. (j. a. HOTEL NORRIS. 63S3A Alder: cheerful out. j dice rooms, moaern ; $2 to $4 week. NEWLY furnished rooms, sleeping and light housekeeping, reasonable. 303 3d. NICELY furnished room. 2d fioor, very llht FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE. We desire to announce that the Hotel Clifford is now unuer the management oi the owners. Messrs. F. H and G. M. birong. The 1ioue has been thoroughly renovated and there are it clean, cheer ful rooms, with recessed porcelain la. vic tories and nice closets. Permanent roona may be obtained as low as $3 per week, and choice rooms with bath for $3 ?er week. Transient rooms, 75c per day. We desire to make Hotel Clifford attractive as a home for quiet penpie and will con duct it with that end in view. 1 ou are invited to call and inspect the Clifford and to make it your ptu manent home. It is on East Morrison st., ueax Gratia ave., 4 biocks trom S. P. Depot. " HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington St.. at Thirteenth. 50c per day; weekly $.ud and up. Running water, phone in each room, steam heat, fireproof bidg., ground floor lobby, all-night service. .Business is good. HOTEL RO WLAND, 207 ft 4TH ST. 100 ROOMS. Modern brick building, centrally located, nice, clean rooms, hot. and cold water, rates 60c, 75c and (1 per day; 13 per week and up. HOTEL BLACKSTONE, Cor. 11th and Stark; $3 week and up; ele vator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone conectlon in each room; no extra charge for two In a room; room and bath $1 day. Transients solicited. HOTEL ARTHUR, 11th. between Morrutoa and Yamhill; a very desirable location; new, clean rooms, with every modern convenience; well heat ed; rates for two $4 and $5 per week, $1 per day ; no extras, . BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20thandVash. sts. Fireproof brick, running hot and cold water, well heated, phones, outsiue rooms, private or public baths; same rate 1 or 2 persons; $2.6u week up; ouc day up. " HOTEL O C K L E Y, Morrison St., at 10th ; central location. REDUCED RATES, 60c per day up. weekly, $2.60 up; neat rooms; running water, free phones ana paths; steam heat. HOTEL FORD, 735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone in every room;, rooms without bath $10 up; with bath $15 up. HOTEL ANGELA. 625 Washington st., at Trinity Place. Rooms with bath, single or en suite, $15 to $25; single rooms without bath $10. Thoroughly modern, elegant lobby. HOTEL RAINIER, Two blocks from Union Depot. Modern, clean and homelike; the house that- treats you right; 60c up per day; $12 up per mo. Tourist trade solicited. M. 3413 HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh St. New modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnish ed ; transients solicited. COMFORTABLE room with private family to refined elderly woman employed dur ing day; references; rent very reasonable. East &U17. HOTEL LINQUIST, corner 2d and Madison, two blocks from Oregon Electric depot ; phone, hot water, steam heat, all outside rooms; 75c and $1; $lo month up. DU VINE HOTEL Hot and cold water In every room, steam heat, strictly clean; everything up to date; $2 week up. s&s Grand ave. ELTON COURT, 11th and Yamhill sts. ; rooms $12 and up; room with board, $35 and up; cen trally located. FRONT and outside rooms. Maxwell Hal. Steam beat, running water all rooms, large parlor, piano, phones and porch; rooms $10 and up 207 14th, near Talot HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and East Belmont Rooms $12 month up, $22. 50 up with private bath ; large, pleasant lobby , cafe in connection. Phone East 323. CLEAN well furnished outside front rooms, electric lights, phone, baths; $2 per week up. 212 Broadway, corner Salmon St., West Side; close in. ST AN DISH HOTEL. 648 WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 18TH. Outside rooms, steam heat, free phones and oatn; wees; s per mo. up. Furnished Rooms in Private Families. FURNISHED room, 589 Davisst.;" front room, furnace heat, bath, phone, $2.50 per weak. TWO pleasant front rooms, easy walking distance to Postoffice, electric lights, Lur- nace, oatn, pnone. 4i4 a. 3otu. NICELY furnished room In modern home. walking distance. 565 Hoyt sU Marshall TWO furnished rooms In exclusive district reasonable rates. 778 Lovejoy st. Main 21Vij. $1U ELEGANT room; two east windows; laree closet, modern conveniences. Ladd Addition. Phone Sellwood LARGE light front room; good location prefer two young men of clean habits. 71u Washington st. STEAM-HEATED room for one oi breakfast if desired; reasonable, shall 47110. two Mar- FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, also for light housekeeping, at 1810 East Oth at. South, near Golf Links. Sellwood. FURNISHED room In private Jewish home for gentleman. 391 Jackson St., near W. Park. NEWLY furnished front room, modern: $12 nicely located, close in. Call after tt, 195 10th st. Mam $6 MONTH, llirht. nicely furnished bedroom. bath connecting; 15 mln. walk; board if desired. Br 666t oregonian. PLEASANT front double room, furnished, in private family. Jfhone l. ill -4- -i Jtv d st. N. ; walking distance. 448 TAYLOR st. Large airy well furnished front room, suitable ior one or two; mod em ; rent reasonable. FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern $1.50 and up, loth and Washington. 549 Wash ington st. juarsnau -y. NICELY furnished, steam-heated front room in Jewish family, with or without board. D 54o, Oregonlan. NICELY furnished rooms, close In, furnace heat, hot and cold water, bath, $1.0U and up. 41:0 Alder. FRONT ROOM FOR RENT. Walking distance. West side, electric lights, bath, furnace heat. 206 11th. DESIRABLE room with bath, reasonable; breakXast ir aesirea. oo urana ave. j. cor. Multnomah. Phone O 2S03. NICELY furnished bedroom, one or two peoDler home conveniences, lutt Whi taker st. Marshall 4024. NICELY furnished room with sleeping porch and bath, $10. A 738. uusfe Hoyt. NICELY furnished front room with without board. Main 5251. NEWLY furnished room. $6 month. 310 Main st. t FOR RENT A large, light room, close in; every convenience; cheap. Madison st, 268 PARK Nice clean rooms, furnace heat. Homelike. Close in. FURNISHED room, close in, reasonable, 383 west uroaaway. fnone a as-ia. CLEAN front room, furnace heat, bath, phone: siu montn. &v y jraric LARGE front room, reasonable, in private family. Z4 n. utn. PLEASANT, well-heated room; piano. Main 3312. 3 til 10th. FURNISHED room for rent, close In, clean. cheap; $2.60 per week. 244 15 roaaway. 327 SIXTH. DESIRABLE ROOM3. LARGE. LARGE sleeping porch for 1 or 2 gentle men. Reasonable, s-i ldtn sr. LADY, employed. to share modern room. Mam 8314. LARGE room, running water, good heat and ventilation. 74i Hoyt. Mar. 403. NICELY furnished room In Norwegian fam ily. 226 14th st., near baimon. LARGE room and sleeping porch, close in, cheap. Main 41? i. 1 LARGE room, suitable for 2 ladies or gentlemen. 450 10th at. Main 80S4. PLEASANT room for lady employed; liege housekeeping. 770 H Johnson. $2.00 WEEK Neat little sleeping-room. 26S itn at. NICELY furnished rooms, walking distance, Modern214 11th st. $1.50 WEEK, furnished front room, heat. Datn. pnone, ciose in. .iv-a jeuerson, TO business woman, steam-heated room, fur- nished or unturnisnea. 57 0 joucn. WILL sublet studio Saturdays to teacher of any quiet subject. AP aoO, Oregonian. NICELY furnished rooms, modern, home privileges. $5 to $7 month. Call E. 6344 $8 AND $S Furnished outside rooms; mod ern conveniences, wax au bu FURNISHED room with board. 320 10. th at. Phone A 1636. FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen also small one. $s mo. -41- aaimon. ONE dry. light basement room. $5 & month. 214 jeflerson. NICELY furnished room near Multnomah Club, 232 Nartilla st. Main 021. NICE, clean outside rooms; very reasonable; heat, phone, bath. 221 13th st. ONE small front room, very clean, bath, phone. ?7 per month. 53.4 Taylor. GOOD laundress wants work by day hour. East 1736. TWO rooms, one $6. one $8. 233 Adams st onjs block from Steel bridge. WELL furnished, cheerful front rooms, walit Ing did tance. 457 Evt ankrtny at FOB KENT. FurnishedKooms In Private Families. NEWLY furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen, in pleasant home at 42 Ella bl, between 20th and 21st, just off of Wash ington, walking distance; board if deslrtxi. Marshall 577. A LARGE pleasant front room, nicely fur- nisiied., good neighborhood, every conven ience, 15 minutes walk to Postofflc; board considered. 624 Flanders. Phone Main 713. LARGE front room, well furnished, light and comfortable; suitable for one or two; all conveniences; very short walking dis tance; excellent board; rate very reason able. 34 6th St. A 24tJ. FRONT parlor suite, suitable two ladles or gentlemen employed, aiso 1 light lio use keeping suite on first floor. Nod Hill lo cation, walking distance. 67 N. 20th. Mar shall 713. TWO furnished rooms, with all accommoda tions, for 1 or 2 gentlemen In private family, with breakfast if desired. Phone Tabor 1S44- WILL give nice furnished room in modern nome in Jaurelhurst in exchange for com pany nights. East 2374 or box AC o44, Oregonlan. NICELY furnished room, modern flat, heat and lignt. u M Vs salmon, opposite Mult nomah Club. Easy walking distance. Main 8664. NICELY furnished rooms, with fireplace, in m ouer n home, for working girls; privilege of getting light meals or use of kitchen. Main -JOB. 37 Mill st. ISi SOUTH 1STH ST., near Yamhill; newly furnished rooms in modern fiat, with or without meals, very reasonable. Tele phone Marshall 382b. $2.25 PER week, one or two gentlemen can have fine big room, all modern conveni ences, 12 blocks from city. 64 East 12th st. North. TWO nicely furnished rooms, private house. wita Data ana neat, ior gentleman ; one block from library ; $2.25 and $-.50 per week. 4u8 Salmon at." PLEASANT furnished front room in privet nome, w:tn use oi Kitchen; man and wire preferred ; company more considered than rent; references. Phone East 4oti. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, for 2 gentlemen; private family; walking dis tance ; home comforts; references. 2t5 Lincoln st. 1 NICELY furnished, light, airy rooms, hot- water heat, phone, bath, plenty of hot water, close in. good neighborhood, 35 11th st. VERT fine sitting room with extra sleeping om ana sleeping porcn; very elegantly furnished, with phone and bath adjoining; cheap. l306 N. lSth. $10 MONTH Large, finely furnished room ior gentlemen ; elegant location ; furnace heat, hot baths, phone; easy walking dis tance. 09 N. 21st st. Phone Main 3633. HEAUTIFULLY furnished front room for rent In private family; every convenience and within walking distance; large enough for 2; board if desired. East l'J24. BACHELOR rooms, with delightful club room; Trinity Place apartment, 49 to $7 -Trinity Place street. i SUNNY room In modern home, walk ing distance. 652 Belmont, cor. ISth. Phone East 474. N ICEDtf furnished rooms, modern, suitable xor two, j diock irom st. car; rent reasonable. Mar. 433. 741 Gllsan. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, strictly modern, bpeclal price to permanent ten ant. 123 N. 23d. IRVINGTON Beautiful room, heat and fire place; 1 V blocks to I or B car, near club. Phone C 27L DAINTY front bedroom, suitable for one or two ; Irving ton, close in ; private family; reasonable; heat, bath. East 6913. iF you want a nice room, clean, comfortable bed. in a quiet, refined home, steam heat. Call Main 92b7. KOOM WITH SLEEPING PORCH; private nome in j-.aurein.urat; rate reasonable; ail conveniences. Tabor 0S0. NICELY furnished room, with bath, $7. (oa. mo irioyt. Uuf urnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED large front room with fire place, in steam-heated apartment. Mar shall 2536. 1 OR 2 rooms with sleeping porch. 3S4 Col lege, marsnaii znzz. Rooms With Boart. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson streets. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main t2s3. A 6628. PARK. VIEW HOTEL. -$86 Montgomery su, at West Park- Mod ern conveniences; room with or without bath ; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular or transient guests. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE The Whtehall, 2&3 6th su, ha fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor; a real home; reasonable rates. THE CASA ROSA, Nicely furnished rooms with board. $00 Jefferson. BUSINESS women and students will find good board and room, $4 and 94.50 week. Portland Women's Union, 610 Flanders, THE HAZEL. 3S& 2d St. Modern room. with or without board; special rates. THE STRYK.ER, 654 Couch. Choice rooms and board; rates reasonable. Rooms With Board in Private Families. s INGLE or double rooms, modern conve niences, walking distance; pleasant home good board if desired; very reasonable. A lul'Jt t03 Everett st. CLEAN, nicely furnished rooms with board, or board by week; no transients; nome cookinc. 213 West Park. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for one or two, excellent board, by widow with c children. 422 & Jefferson st. Main J74d. BOARD and room for gentlemen or ladles; home privileges; use oz piano; montn. 434 Salmon, cor. 12th. PLEASANT room in modern home. Port land Heights; walking distance; board if desired; terms reasonable. Call Main 640. LARGE light airy room with private family nome cootting, modern conveniences, iast 23 4. l&l E. Couch St. ROOM and board, $20 a month and up newlv furnished, in modern home. 4' Clay, between 11th and 13th. Main &5b&. ROOM and two meals lo beautiful home, walking distance. West Side. 33a 11th st. rnone Mar snail viruo. NEATLY furnished front room, all con veniences ; piano ; walking distance ; good board, $-a u. oat xtn st. NICELY furnished room, modern fiat, ex cellent meals, walking distance reason able. A 3toZ. o4i oth st. FRONT room for two gentlemen, wltb board; furnace heat. 54 North Itfth, cor. uavis. TWO front rooms, well furnished, walking distance. &a& lay ior, cor. or ith il ttaet 2UU5. CLEAN room, modern home, close in ; all conveniences free: board it desired, rea sonable. Marshall 2424. 451 West Park. LARGE, modern rooms, with board, heat. light and bath; $20 & month. Sellwood 2300. COMBINED bedroom and sleeping-porch, with good board; home privileges. Phone Tabor 41W6. A CHRISTIAN lamlly livlnc in the country, clos to school and church, wish the care of one or two children. Sellwood 2.85. NICELY furnished front room, with alcove and sleeping-porch and board- 102 23d at. jsorxn. rnone Marsnan jsji. SMALL family, beautiful new home, 20 min utes from city, will hoard z neopie- ex cellent table; very reasonable. Tabor 2921. NICELY furnished room in private family, all modern conveniences, good home cook ing, reasonable, r landers. Apt. i. WILL shore cozy apartment with lady In terested in Christian Science. Marshall 979. ROOM, board, sleeping porch, gentlemen. private iamiiy. o7tt Laaq aJtidJ' ROOM and board in an Irvlngton home for 1 or 2 business people. E. d22u. ROOM and board. 16S 22d st. North, near Irving. Phone Main 2o34. BOARD and room, home cooking. 473 Sal' mon. phone Marshall 4273. ELEGANT rooms and board, lovely location. reasonable. b2o Everett. uarsnaii 2uo, PLEASANT front rooms, first-class board. prl vate home. 166 N. 2lst st. M ain 4220. $3.25, $5.50 weekly ; first-class meals ; com fortable; walking distance. 33 17th N. BOARD and room, 1 or 2 gentlemen, home comforts. 341 11th st. Phone iiar. ot4 ROOM and bo art., 832 10th sL, walking dis tance, phone Main 6979. A 2S65. LARGS room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; good board. 69 Flanders. ROOMS, with board, suitable for one. two or three, all conveniences. East 3526. FURNISHED rooms and board, allconven lences. Marshall 446. 414. Columbia. PLEASANT room with board, suitable for two; privatefamily. SCO East Main. WANTED To board children in county, close in; best of care. Sellwood 1415. WILL care for baby; mother's care. East 6153. FOR RENT Nice, clean furnished room, with or without board. Phone East 2270. $4.50 TO S5.50 WEEK- rooms, boad; tickets $4.50. 24 Main st. WILL board and room working girl cheap. Call Sunday. 570 Alblna ave. ROOM, board, private home, 574 Ladd ave., jiar ut XSthanrt Hawthorns, fast 6145. FOS Rooms With BoardjD Private FamUle. TWO business men or employed couple who would enjoy -home comforts In a re fined hom on the West Side, with modem conveniences, furnace, heat and excellent tale. Apply Marshall 4075, after 1 o'clock. Terms moderate. References exchanged. LEWIS LODGE. 725 Prospect Drive, Portland Heights. A few desirable vacancies for bubiness people that like quiet surroundings, among the trees, with all modern conveniences, home cooking. Main 1057. WOMAN or young woman to act as com panion evenings in exchange for room and home privileges; references asked. Mrs. Anna Freye. 937 E. bth st. -' ueux Pre sco tt. Alberta car. NICELY furnished rooms and board; mod ern, reasonable; elegant location, private family. 1J3 East litth, corner Alder. ML Tabor car. BEST room and board In the city, very reas onable. 5o4 E. Madison and 13th st. ; Hawthorne car; parlor, bath, phone; mod ern. CONGENIAL gentleman or lady may have pleasant home with widow and daughter 12; modern house, piano, room and board 3 week. Phone C 1130. LOARD in Nob Hill home, home cooking, running water in every room, strictly flrst-ciass: must be seen to be appreciated. Mar. 54 1 1 . NICELY furnished room in private family of three ; very desirable to right party ; 2 meals; all modern; references. Phone E. 2s7y. S. A. G. WANTED Two young ladles to room and board; also for company; nicely furnished rooms and use of piano, $1 each. Wood lawn 3670. .BEAUTIFUL room, newly furnished, home cooking, terms moderate, walking dis. tance. 431 West Park. WILL board child 2 to 5 years old. $10 per month; good 'country home. Morris. Main TWO gentlemen to take large front room, table board, $5 per week. 511 Morrison st. Main 7703. HOARD with room or sleeping-porch; heat, bath, phone and piano. 57 Trinity Place, near liHh and Washington. LARGE airy front room, all modern con veniences, with or without board. Mar shall 4410. 474 Salmon. WANTED Baby to board. Best board and mother's care. References exchanged. East 2065. FINE ROOM, new, corner house, all conven iences, near Multnomah Club; home cook lng, reasonable. Main 2219. WIDOW LADY ""with nice home would like ' a few young men boarders. 49 Taylor, near i2tt. ROOM sleeping porch, walking distance, Iadd Addition, one clock from Ladd ave. Phone East 4S42. LADY owning home, with large yard, will take boy over 3 years; reasonable; reler ences given. -Phone Woodlawn 3442. MUST have young folks In select private home; musical preferred. Main 739S. $1.00 WEEK Bright front room, bath, quiet ""'lie, uiiori want. utn. Furnished Apartments. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Corner Park and Taylor. Best location in the city ; cosy home; well furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room suites; f irst-claB service. MARSHALL APARTMENTS. 624 Marshall at Elegantly furnished 3 room apartments, private telephone, bath lind all modern conveniences; walking dis tance. Phone Main 6u32. NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall st. New. most modern, 2 and 3-room furnished and un furnished In the city for the price, $20 up ; 8 minutes' walk from Postoffice. A 4O06, IN WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD. THE BEST VIEW. Five nicely furnished rooms, apartment, with sleeping-porch, garage, room for servant, all fireproof. Woodlawn 3320. OKDERLE1GH APTS.. 62 Grand ave.. cor. East Stark Well furnished 3-room apart ments; easy walking distance; $ltt per month; cheapest rent I urn lan ed apart ments in city. East 300. COMPLETELY furnished 2-room steam- heated apartment, easy walking distance, $l'0 per month including lights, bath, phone. Janitor service. 187 17th. near Yamhill. FOR RENT Suite of 2 housekeeping rooms. iy imieu, eiectric iignts, water and bath furnished; rent $10 month or $2.5o weekly. oOO Flint st- between Page and Russell. Williams ave. car to Russell. BERKELEY Apartments. 39 Trinity Place; well furnished apartments, 2 aud 3 rooms, private balconies, elevator, ail modern, x 2-room, $25; 1 3-room, $27.0O. Marshall 1950. WESTFAL, 410 Cth. near Hall; 3 and 4r. apts., Dy weeK or mo.; concrete bldg., ele vator, thoroughly renovated, electric vacuum cleaner free, steam-heated; $23 up; best In town, easy walking distance. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient. 6-mlnute walk to Postoffice. Furnished 2 and 3-room apartments Marahall &19S. References. A $324. 3-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. $22.50 Bath, extra closet, large rooms. Includes phone, heat, water, near 23d and vvasn. ; auuiutt. 7ia Wayne st. PARKHL'RST 20th. corner NorthruD: mod ern J-room furnished apartments; all out siue rooms; private oaicony ; noineilKe references. W car. CHELTENHAM Furnished apartment, first ciass. i:, a ana 4 rooms, all outside: rri vate phone and bath; greatly reduced; you ii uko il. iwin ana sortnrup. NEW CLARK. 61B PettVJtrove. 2-room fur msneu ant.: large Kitchen. Dhone. licht- heat, disappearing beds; cheapest apt. in city; sto up. -UCILE COURT, 20th and Lovejoy Mod ern 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished; sleeping porch, fine park. i uuuo -'i at snail .vol. N L w HART Autamatic elevator, phones. 2 and o rms., bath, disappearing gas plate, lights, steam heat, gas, linen free. lTO 2d near Morrison. THE STANFIELD. Neatly furnished two-room apartments; walking distance, reduced Winter rates, $13 and $2v. 204 Porter it Main 7392. HISLOP HALL Corner east 6th and Haw thorne; 2 and 3-room apts.; private bath and phone; large, light rooms, well fur nished; $15 to $5. Eaat 832. GRANDESTA. East Stark and Grand ave. New building; nicely furnished; private; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 208. MADISON PARK APT!, Park st., at Madison. Modern 8 and .4-room furnished apart ments, close in, by week or month, FOR RENT Very fine 2 large room apart ment; heat and light furnished, ground floor, private bath. 52$ Morrison st. Phone Main GREEN COTE. 2-room sunny apartments, strictly mod ern, very reasonable. 145 N. Grand ave. ATTRACTIVE 4-room and steeping porch in irvington; lurnace, nrepiace, hardwood floors. 412 E. 17th st. N. Phone East 23h0. JACKSON bungalow, all newiy furnished ; janitor service, walking distance, 454 11th street. WILL share cosy apartment with lady in terested in Christian Science. Marshall 970. FURNISHED room, with kitchenette, in apartments, about $16 mo. AP 30V, Orego nian. $5.50 WEEKLY, room and board with Scotch family; home privileges, phone, m North 17th sireet. CAM AR 704 Lovejoy; 3-room apts., fur nished or up furnished, rent from $22.oO to $30. Marshall 2917. WILL rent my beautifully furnished four room apartment at 705 Davis street for the Winter. Phone Marshall 5537. THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flandera, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished or un furnished; best of service. THE WINSTON APARTMENTS. S41 14th St.. at Market. New 2 and 3 rooms, furnished, reasonable. Main 179. NICE furnished 2 and 4-room housekeeping auites at 244 H Killlngsworth ave.. low rent. Phone Woodlawn 6b0. c 1387. S-ROOM apartment. East Side, completely furnished; all outside rooms; private bath and phone, $20. Phone B 1079. BANNER APARTMENTS. 489Clay at. Modern two rooms, completely furnished, $16. $13 and $20. Phone Marshall 2074. hAMMERbLY COURT. 250 12TH St.. 2 and 3-room apartments, close In; modern, rea sonable. Phone Marshall 2052. References. FAIRMOCNT APTS., 286 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments. $22.50 up; close In. Main 2286. THE KATHERINE APARTMENTS, 14'J N. 23d st.. near Hoyt. Modern 6 rooms, furnished, reasonable. Marshall ISO. THE LATJRETTE One furnished 3-room apt., private bath and phone. 229 llth at. BIRMINGHAM, S90 12th at Two and three furnished, $24 uj Marshall 484. t AND 4-room furnished or unfurnished The BJelland. A 1867, Main 1867, A 1-57. COMPLETELY furnished apartments In con crete block $12. 1162 Union ave. N ARDMAT TERRACE. 395 12th St. Laxgs 2-room apartments. Mrs. John Crao. mgr. ERMENIA- 0 Hall st., rooms, modern. reasonable. Marshall 312. 800 EAST Ankeny. 2-room modern furnished apartment ; private bath ; $15. THE ELMS, 14th, near Yamhill 2 and 3 room, cosy ttome. walking distance; $10. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. VILLA ST. CLaRA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartment on ths Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden In connection. Walking distance. References. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. (Apartment Hotel) Tentn and Salmon Sts. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. RATES by the day. week, month or year. ONLY $18 to $20 per month or $ to $7 per w eeK tor completely iurnisnea no seep ing two-room apartments, including elec tric lights, heat, hot water, bath aud pri vate phone; new brick building ; lb min utes walk from Postoffice. Lincoln Apts., corner 4th and Lincoln. Mian 1317 or A 4152. SERENE COURT. East First and Multnomah Streets. The most up-to-date 2 and 3-roiu fur nished apartment-house; each suite has tu uieuppearing beos and two dressing rooms; all outsiae rooms; roof garden aud sun parlor; unsurpassed view. East 1426. THE ALTAMONT. Fifth and Co. lege. Clean, cosy, three and four-room fur ntehttd apartments, very cheap.' Also bachelors apartments. Heat, water, phone and Janitor service Included. LAMBROOK APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, also single sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot ana cold water, electric lights, private hones, all free; prices from $10 to $23. ast 7th and Yamhill sts. Phone B 34oL THE AVALON, Furnished or unfurnished 8 -room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 2e5 Rosa st. Phone East 3172. DENVER API'S. see tnem before locatlns for Winter; furnished elegantly; all out side rooms; private bath and phone, hard wood floor, new manager; references. Take "W" car. 274 N. 2lst St. Marshall 3S0. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. . Two, three and four-room apartments, furnished, first-class; reasonable rates. Main 7337. Home, A 3t15. THE FLORENCE. 3SS 11th Modern 3-room pb- completely iurnished. $2o up. Unfurnished" A partmeota THE BERYL. 95 Lovejoy, near 21st Street. Two and three-room modern unfurnished apartments, built-in conveniences, free phone, vaccura cleaner service; large light rooms ; references required ; rents reason able. THE BELLE COURT. Trinity Place, near Washington. Three-room modern apartment with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, artistical ly papered walls, free phones, vaccura cleaner service, etc; references required. Walking distance. Inquire on premises or Inquire at THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, Managers. Main 869. 29 Washington St. A 1777. MELCLIFFB COURT. East lltb and Morrison, opposite East Sidw Public Library; 4-story brick build ing, automatic elevator, 2 and 3 rooms, all outside, with every modern conveni ence; rates very reasonable; beautiful view; walking distance. v HARRIMAN APTS. ANNEX. 783 Irving st. i-argo i-room unrurnished apt. with 3 real bedrooms and one disappearing bed. hot water heating plant, large living-room with fireplace, den and dining-room, also sun room; Janitor service and telephone. Reierences. Main 350 or Marshall assy. FORDHAM APARTMENTS, 170 Ford st We now have one 4-rm front apt.. $42.50 per mo., on second floor; most desirable apartment In city; beautifully papered walls, oak finish, hardwood , floors, tile bath, unexcelled service. Main 6135. ST. FRANCIS APTS.. 21st and Hoyt. Nob Hill district Up to date In every detail, large comer balconies, excellent service; 1 4-room. 1st floor. $22.50; 1 3-room. 3d floor, $27.50; 1 4-room. 4th floor, $3i. Main TOSiJ. THE BONNIE BRAE. Sunny corner apartment, 3 rooms, bath and dressing-room ; steam heat, phone. Janitor service; exclusive residence dis trict; $27.50. Cor. 11th and Hancock sts. i ON IAN CO U RT. ISth and Couch. 3 and 4-room apartments, large, sunny rooms, all outside; private bath and teie phone In each; central; 327.5U to $-3. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 5 and 0 rooms, large and homelike; more service and conven ience for the price than you will find In the ,clty. Phone Main 7518. A 2670. LUCRETI A COURT APARTMENTS. Unfurnished apartments, outside rooms; best service, phones free. Lucre ii a, near 23d and Wash.; ref. required. Mgr.. Mar shall 1513; Janitor. Marshall 1300. CECELIA APTS.. 22d and Gllsan Very nioe 3-room apts.. all outside, modern, private bath, phone and balconies; 1 3-room. 2d floor, S5; 1 3-room ad lloor, $22.5u. Mar shall 1S04. NEW, modern 2-room apartment, gas range, disappearing bed, large closot with built in dresser. $15. which includes heat, light, gas, water, phone. Call Monday, 661 E. Washington. E. 3261. THE WASHINGTON. 689 Northrup 5-room unfurnished apartments, with bath and all modern conveniences telephone, steam heat, gas electricity, etc Take "w car to 21st and Northrup. Phone Main 4376 HANOVER APTS.. 163-167 King St., corner wasnington vtaiKing distance, new and modern, private balconies, one two-room. $18.30; otue three-room, $30; excellent serv ice. Marsnau -uviu. KNICKERBOCKER APTS.. Harrison, be tween 10th and 11th Very desirable anart- ments, every convenience, best of service; easy wanting oistance; x it-room, $2.ou 1 4-room. $32.50 Main 132a COLUMBIAN APTS.. 11th and Columbia jasy waiKing distance, very pleasant, spa cious rooms, all outside, private bath and leiepnone eacn apartment; x j-nu., $2Z.3v 1 4-rm.. S27.54. Main 101L SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 272 Rroadvk 6 blocks to business center; large, light onu iiicaauoi x uouia ,- private Datn, pnone. etc. , a.11 muueru, x o-room apt,, also a beautifully furnished 4-room ant. $33. Phone Main 2506. THE AMERICA V . 21st and Johnson High-grade 8, 4 and 5 rooms, with porches; high-class tenants wno appreciate service, jfrices reasonable. rnone uanaaii jow or A. 2010. CLAY POOL APTS . 11th and n.v mt, The very best in 3-room apartments, lance private balconies, fine view, eastern ex posure; 1 2-rm.. front, $; 1 3-rxxu, $30 WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett Easy walking distance, private bath, phone, etc.; 1 2-rm., $io, including elec tric lights.; 1 S-nn., $19; 1 4-rm.. $22.54); BEL'LAH APARTMENTS 3-room furnished apartments, mouern, outside rooms, $ JO ; Including steam heat and water. y7 Union ave. North. GRACE APT 6.. 24th and Northrup $ large rooms, unfurnished, large front veranda. Bleeping porch, new, modern, hardwood floors, phone, bath, heat. Mara hail 1076 KJNGSBL'RV, Ford, nearVashington; high class furnished and unfurnished 3-room apartments, with piano, private balcony; reasonable rent. BRENTNOR APARTMENTS. 215 N. 2lth, cor. Lovejoy St. Unfursnlshed four-room ap-xtmenta, np to date in every respect. CLIFTON APT., 780 IRVING. Unfurnished 6-room apartment; three bedrooms, large closets, two porches; ref erncea. Phone Marshall 1758 or Main 6383 MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated S and 4-room apartments. $20 and up; good janitor service; walking distance; refer encea. T12 Wash., opp. 22d Main 7134. SAN MARCO APTS., E. 8th and Couch; mod ern 3-room apts. steam heat, private tel ephones and baths, $16 to $3u. DOWNTOWN aoar.. nicely furnished front rooms, heat, lights, gas. $20 and up. 250 Morrison st. Royal Annex. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay at. One of our finest front, 4-room suites; un furnished; references. MAYO APARTMENTS. 60? Union ave. N.. near Broadway; new, strictly modern 3-room apts. East $20. WESTONJA APTS.. 6C6 Gllsan New, clean 2 and 3-room unfurnished apartments; rent reasonable. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef fersonElegant unfurnished apartments, first-class service, private phone; ref 7-ROOM duplex apartment. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. In fireproof building. Apply 70$ Davis u E LM WO OD APTs. 10TH AND HALL. Beautiful lobby; social hall; modern S room unfurnished apartmentsf reasonable. 3 AND 4-room unfurnished apartments for rent- boutn -o st. KEARNEY APTS. 4-room apt., $20; light and airy. Apply manager. 672 Kearney. THE LAURETTE One unfurnished t-room apartment ; modern. 22$ 1th at. THE ORMONDE, modern 5-room front apt. 656 Flanders st. Main 825L 4-ROOM heated apartments, everything new and up to date. 101 E. 3'Jth. Tabor 5213. STEAM -HEATED four-room furnished and unfurni-hed apartment. $20 up. ll&in 7i'-. NORTHAMPTON, 407 Kail st. New. 2 4 &-xfom unfurnished. $a up. X 4056, FOR RM. CaxurniaAied Apartment. THE new Alter Apartment building at 21st and Overton streets, wiil be finlned com pletely this week. Eacn apartment con tains six rooms, including one combina tion room con vert. bie into a sleeping porch, sewing or pUyroom. in audition to maid's room in basement.- Eacn and every room is large, light and airy; hard wood floors. beamed ceilings, built-in . buffets, fireplace with aaosLos gas log. four large electric-lf gated closets in eacn apartment; tiieu batnrooms, complete with . best center pedrstai basiu, shower bath, linen closet, medicine cnest, etc. Kitchen finished lu line, with extra-large white enameled steel refrigerators, mirrored re ception hall door, sieel combination sate for your valuables; glass doorknobs, va cuum cieaner. marble entrance, steam heat, hot and coid water. Janitor service. Ref erences required. Phone for appointment or reservations to Insurance feervica Co 518 Morgan Bids. Mtun &s. HAWTHORN APARTMENTS. 251 13th, near Main. Best arranged and most desirable 3-room apia in city; a.l outside rooms; beautiful surroundings; large private balconies; 5 minutes walk to business center, up to date in every de tail; l 3-room, 2d f.oor, $J.5o 1 4-room. 5th floor, Jo 5. Marshall 540, CARMELITA APARTMENTS. 13TH AND jEFKbKSON STS, 4 and rooms, uulur nished. Main 2ojmj. References required. Furnished or t of urniahed Apartments. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOXXE, bl3-&21 Morgan Bldg. v Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, size and price, our free auto mobile at your service in vuiung any of our apartments. Main 2ui5. A 20 IS. THE BUENA VISTA. STRICTLY MODERN. 12th and Harrison. Unuer new man agement. Finest apartments in the West; ail outride rooms, 2 and 3, furnished or unfurnished ; waiting distance, beautiful view ; few apartments for bachelor gen tlemen; loungiug-room, Reiorencea. THE BAKER. cornerof 21at and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments. In 2, 3 and 4 rooms; four-story brick; eleo Uic automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in bufiets and writing destcs; plenty of closet room. vacuum cleaner free. 1'lioue Marshall 29ttL THOMPSON APT S., 149 Monroe St. Just completed, one, two and three ooms, furmsned and unfurnished, all out y side rooms, mm private bath and phone. - "Possession given at once with rent aaung from Nov. 1. Phone Woodlawn 22W. THE. IRIS Apartments. 3d and Mill sta., will be completed October 1; reuta from. $17 up; 2, 3, 4-room, all modern improve - men ts ; the largest heating plant in tne city, furnished or unfurui&nea; no charge) gas for cooking. THE WINDSOR APARTMENTS Two or three beautiful rooms; walking distano. This ilace is new and clean and has some nice Dorcflea. It Is well liked by tnose who live there. Eaat 14th and YamhliL BALBOA APTS., 11TH AND HARRISON. J ust completed, strictly modern brick; 2 and 3-room Lpartmcnts, furnished or un. furnished; all light, airy rooms; bachelor apartments; reteiences. THE ROSEN FELD VNEW). COR. 14TH AND EAST STARK. 8 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, new, modern and -quiet; references. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 49-57 TR1N1 TY PLACE. MANAGER'S PHONE, MARSHALL 1101. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th St.. near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Nice 5-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; also nice 3-room apt. AND 3-room housekeeping apts, furnished, at $5 and $7 a month. Call northeast corner of 26th and Savier, city. Flstfa. FOR RENT Brand-new 4-room flat and Lath, cabinet kitchen, gas ran go, large porches; every room light; hot-water heut; on carline: hard-surtaced street. 524 East 2th. at Clinton. Phone Sellwood 3ti. Rent, '120, including heat. U-ROOM, large, light, airy, with all modern conveniences; choice location, easy walking distance; rent reasonable, or will lease to 2 parties 3 rooms -L.M) and 4. $13. 3S7fe MU1, near West Park. Main 4633. MOST attractive 4-room flat on East Side, every modem convenience, gas range, wa ter heater, linoleum, furnace, Dutch kitch en, all newly tinted. 312 Va Wygant St. "V car. Phone Woodlawn 2700. FOR RENT West Side, fine 6-room corner flat, fireplace, furnace with hot water coil and every convenience. 721 Kearney, corner 2"d; rent reasonable. Call East 4 19t mornings and evening. COST, sunny, modern 4-room flat, porch, yard, basement, laundry trays, steel range, gas plate, good neighborhood, near car; adults $12.5u. 7i0 Williams ave. Woodlawn 4 J 6. $10 MODERN 5-room flat, with water and garbage, 2 weeks" rent free, 2 block from Broadway bridge, ' Phone East 1413. 32u Crosby Ht. STRICTLT modern, clean, 5-room lower flat, desirable neighborhood, walking distance. 604 East Alder St., near lith. Marshall 2.33. $o VERY desirable unfurnished corner flat, 5 large rooms, every modern convenience; close walking distance; nice neighborhood; West Side; references required. Main l-'O. MODERN 5-room flat, $13- E. Burnslde, bet. bth and Uth. WILDER BROS., Commonwealth Bldg. Main IS. THOROUGHLY monern 5-room fiat, walking distance East Siae ; $27.50. Western Ore gon Trust Co.. lluO Northwest.rn Bank bldg. Phone Main l37. WEST SIDE, CLOSE LN. 6-room modern flat, tine sleeping porch, reduced rent and one month rent free in a, year. 723 Cham, of Commerce. CLEAN, light, comfortable 4-room upper or lower flat, all modern; ideal location, best car service. loUVi Mallory ave. Wood la wn1241. $22.50 t-ROOM apper flat and sleeping porch, on West iiUe, good neighborhood, gas range, furnace, etc Main T-ROOM upper modern front, back and sleeping porch, walking distance. 24Ui Haiaey. 4-ROOM lower corner flat, all large, light rooms, furnace, fireplace, large yard, etc., $20. Main Gsea. 6-KOOM Hat, OoS Johnson su. West Side; $:i0. Western Oregon Trust Co.. 1 100 Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone'Main 137. MODERN 3-roora upper flat, $16. JS4 E. Washington, corner 33d. Tabor 1760, i 104O. 4-ROOM corner tlat. 34 Benton. near Broadway; walking distance; reasonable. C 202L m 5-ROOM modern flat. Nob Hill, furnace. bath, etc.; -- u2 V Flanders st. MODERN 5 or 6-room corner flat, freshly tinted. light ana . West Side, reasonable rent. Main 3u20. 5 ROOMS, furnace, range, heater, phone, 1S. B 1923, East 24th, between Ankeny and Burnsiue. ONE C-room up-to-flatc upper corner flat; rent raonab.e. 033 E. Madison st. Phone E. 234. 7G3 MARSHALL 3-room flat. modern, newly .leaned and calsomined; nicely lo cated. Marshall 842, A 4242. LARGE 3-room flat. $12.50; large 6-room tlat. 515. Si West Park st. 7-ROOM clean, modern flat. In heart of city. Call Main 52a. 57k OO M lower fiat, modern, newly tinted. 603 E. Main st. Phone E 2764. SWELL 7 -room modern. 444 Park, $30. Ta- bor 763 or Eaat 148L SIX rooms, lower, tlon. West Side. modern, choicest loca Inqulre 175 loth. FLAT of tt rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt su Inuulre 130 6th st. phone Main 6278. titt HOYT ST.. rear 21st Upper flat, 5 rjoms; large, light rooms; $13. Main T015. 4-ROOM modern flat. 179 Green 1 vs., near 23d and Washington. Mam 38;3, A 2tt7d. 2 modern 9-room and 1 7-room flat, cheap. 12th and Mill Inquire 430 MilL M. 4ol$. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat. 185V lttta. at. Apply 181 16th. cor. YamhllL FOR RENT Modern 6 and -room flats. reasonable. 529 Everett at.. West Side. MODERN 5 and 420 W 0th St. 6-room flats. Inquire UPPER and gas ranges. lower flat, partly furnished; 202 East 45th street. NEW 3-room flat, high-class, easy walking distance. 441 E. Couch St.. cor. ta. l-ROOM modern, newly tinted and clean. Tabor lfrS'J. LOVELY 4room upper flat, linoleum, gas range, furnace: rent $13. E 5. B 14Q4. a-ROOM flat, partly furnished, very reason able. 7o6 Vancouver ave. Wood. awn lgJ. 6-ROOM upper flat. 790 Johnson, betwaun :id and 24th. Main 7S2Q. 4-ROOM flat, reasonable. Phone E t 171V, it4 Williams ave. 5-ROOM flat. SS3 4:h st. WEST 51 fi-rom Hat; fine view. X. bill