The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 25, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 33

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M Iscella neous.
SEWING machines of all makes, new and
cecond-taand; bargains $5 up, with a writ-J
ten guaran tee to se w perLect ; macn ines
rented and rent applied on purchase
. price. Phone for rates. Main 9431. Sewing
Machine Emporium, 190 3d, near Taylor.
lihEGANT 320-pIece set of Havilanu china,
heavy eoid band, with sold letter "D."
Cost $240; will sacrifice for $100 if taken
at once. Call ' Monday. Main 4303 or A
4&6S. .
HAVE two nice diamonds for sale at a bar
gain. One 3-karat, a regular bartender's
headlight; one 2-karat and a gem. Write
mo and make an appointment. P. O. box
12 MASSIVE volumes leather binding ency
clopedia; trade lor anything equal value.
Sellwood 1184.
WILL exchange fine talking outfit for good
piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350
A 1 de r.
NATIONAL cash register; small size; 5c to
Jl.&u; cheap. 243 Washington st.
Get acquainted. I pay cash. Let me
figure on your second-hand machinery,
cable, pipe, motors, belting, tools, boilers,
engines, etc.; also entire machine shops,
and PAT SPOT CASH. Call me and make
Main 663. S. HORWITZ. A 1663.
24t Front St. Res. Phuno Marshall 562.
AND you will get highest cash prices, no
matter what you have. Call Main 20 80.
i F.S K-TT try T'S TI A ' v
195. 208 MADISON ST., OR 251 FRONT.
247 MADISON ST. MAIN 3595.
2-'l Front st buys second-hand furniture,
carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools
of any kind. Call A 7174 or Mam 9072.
our buyer calls promptly.
W a N TE D Corn plot e set of L C. S. Instruc
tion or references books on auto engineer
ing; must be in good condition and cheap;
will pay cash ; give price and address
first fetter. AE.342, Oregonlan.
Don't give It away. Get our figures first.
Standard Fur. Co., 18a 1st. Main 4773.
RA RE stamps, will buy reasonable price.
D. Fabjan, bookstore, 289 1st St., Port
land, or
SECOND-HAND TRUNK; must be over 40
Inches In length, good condition, and
cheap. R 354, Oregonlan.
WANTED Second-hand motors and genei
ators. Robert Skeen Electrlo Works, 400
402 GHsan st., corner 9th,
Furniture, pay best prices. Owl Furniture
Co., 231 1st st. Phone Main 4627.
BARBERS! Will pay cash for second-hand
barber chair; price G. E. AE 345, Ore
gon ian.
B-UNQ in your old jewelry, old gold, silver,
or platinum and get cash for it. F. A. Sen
net, R. 510 N. W. bldg., 6th and Wash.
HAVE cash for second-hand No. 10 Smith
Premivr typewriter With tabular stops;
price must be low. V 303, Oregonlan.
WOMAN will do cleaning or sewing for
clo tiling, furniture or anything can use.
7 3 53, Oregonlan.
WANTED -Wood-cutting contract. 000 to
rooo cords, with gasoline sa-w. Chas. Ed
wards, "'04t E. Ankeny at.
FIVE ton auto truck in good running order.
Also une milk cow, must be cheap. AB
351. Oregonlan.
WOULD like to Iray lOO yards of first-class
inlaid linoleum. Hyatt Talking Machine
Co.. BaO Alder.
EXCHANGE oalntlng. -'tinting or papering
for furniture, rugs or bedding. AM 363,
WANTED Drag saw machine for cutting
cordwood. O 353, Oregonian.
PAINTING, tinting and paper-cleaning,
sonnble. Phone Main 0234.
BEST prices for everything. Call our junk
dept. Main 6B3 or A 1663. Barde.
WILL buy handsaw; must be good working
ord e r. A F 343, Oregonlan.
"WANTED -Three National cash registers at
. once; will pay Bpot cash. Main 60ti.
CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary
Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg.
FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash
any kind of furniture. Main 8951.
WANTED National cash register; must
cheap. 243 Washington st.
For your furniture. Phone Sellwood 1682.
One 3 and one 5 It. P
motor. B 22;-flJ East
00 -cycle,
INVALID chair,
to buy or rent. AB 802,
WANT good second-hand furnace to heat
six rooms. AN 2iFi, Oregonlan.
GENTLEMAN'S trunk, traveling bag or suit
case; give phone. W 340, QreKonlan.
WANTED Remington
Col. 352.
auto shotgun. Call
WE tint rooms for $2.50; paint houses at
your prtce. Phone East 171.
3 3 HO.
fail, alternating current.
STOVE repairing, colls, connections, castings,
roofing, plumbing. Main 8 735. 843 1st.
WANT to rent good piano. Marshall CS23.
BiiEAD BAKER for partnership with party,
bavin good npecialty ; must have small
amount of money to in mire faith in part
nership. C 24S. Orosjonian.
WANT gardener to contract landscaping 4
lots on Portland Heights. Married man
can use bungalow ou place. AM 358, Ore
gonlan. AM AT EUR musicians for church orchestra.
Apply Mr. Sohnell. 418 Mohawk bldg..
WANTED Live salesman to take over of
fice, $100 required. Call Sunday, 2 to 0.
501 Broadway bldg.
Cll H'KKN and hog man, use of place: if
good, might be permanent. AV 104, Ore
con ian.
LIVE WIRE salesman for stationery and
typewriter goous to onices. Ati a-l ore
MAN with good auto for demoonstrating
new idea will do well by answering this
ad. A.N .ioS, oregonian.
WANTED A trustworthy man who can
drive automobile, and clerk ; good salary
to right man. AO o-. oregonlan.
WANTED Good job printer for a few
weeks work ; must know something of
presework. Independent, Hillsboro, Or.
$S0 MONTHLY, expenses, travel, distribute
ram pics and take orders or appoint agents;
permanent. Jap American Co., Chicago.
MAKE money writing stories or articles. Big
pay. Free booklet tells how. Address
. United Press Syndicate, San Francisco.
DENTIST, good operator, wanted ; high sal
ary to risht man. Electro Dental Parlors,
l aroma, a?n.
HTGH-CLASS. reliable, energetic salesman,
Iru-iii or travel : liberal commission; not
real estate. 431 Chamber of Commerce.
OrNV; man! An opportunity to make ready
mu.nev. Hood, n3S Chamber or com
merre. Sunday. 3 to f P. M.
OFFICE boy wanted ; no experience neces
sary, but must be bright. Answer. Art 3i-
WI LL give boy not over 10,
and apes for light work.
Montavilia car.
home, board
143 S2d
WANTEDr-Palnter to do painting and tint-
, nig in exennnge tor equity in choice
acre tract at i,ents. Phone Tabor 26.
MAN and wife wanted to work in small
country hotel. Wife to do dining-room and
cnamoer wor. av i j., oregonlan.
WILL give use of land for clearing same, on
m canine, running water, good for fruit.
tarqen or riuc&ens. .Marshall O107.
LI E photo agents, new, snap offer, extra
commission. Moore Studio. Elks Bldg.
riiui o coupon ; new ticket for live ones.
cut pert n stutuo, ueKum bids.
BOYS for light work, not interfering with
unooi QuneH. yj m at.
PHOTO agents, something new; extra co
mission paid, barony Studio. Royal bldg.
WANTED Two experienced subscription so
llcitora. Herald. Lents, Or.
iATiONAKi jaort Morgan; your
wiie, rve lii, very in . cume at once.
WE want 3 more first-class solicitors. Boyd
i ea o., jv? paunuu bk.
WANTED Man with some Insurance expert
enre. Call 340 Morgan bldg.
KK'Tl KB UfEKA'il.MJ. 3;3 OAK.
SOLICITOR for carpet cleaning; good com
mission, a w, vjrecouiaa.
All young men seeking employment in
commercial, clerical or technical lines are
cordially invited to consult the employ
ment secretary.
Record, 191S:
Calls for men from employers 2855
Positions filled . VA1
Employment memberships $3 per annum,
guarantees members will secure employ
ment or refund of fee. Includes two
months full and 10 months' social privi
leges. '
Issued by employment secretary only.
Second floor. Y. M. C. A. bldg.
LARGE corporation, doing a million-dollar
yearly business, has engaged us to employ
' an energetic, trustworthy man in each
county in Oregon to look after their busi
ness there; big advertising campaign has
just been started, and must engage repre
sentative at once; experience unnecessary.
If willing to hustle; state age, three ref
erences and bow long you have lived in
your town; salary to start, $2.50 a day;
permanent position with advancement;
we will charge you no fee lor obtaining
the position for you. Address National
Employment Bureau, Position N2, box
5230. Boston, Mass.
PHYSICIAN for large sawmill Co., commis
sary manager, $75; planer foreman, $125;
helper, $2.50; filers, sawyers, foremen,
$100 ; engineers-firemen, $75 ; loaderman,
$3.25 ; dry goods salesmen (store,), also
several traveling salesmen different lines;
cotton pit mill men, linterman, $3.50;
blacksmith and car repairer, $75; box
factory foreman top salary) ; stenog
rapher and office man, $75; iron molder,
$20; track builder and foreman, S60; Sev
eral other high-class positions. Address
Mack's. Little Rock, Ark.
WANTED Expert watchmaker; none but
experienced man need apply. Call at- su
perintendent's office Monday between 9
and 10 A. M.. sixth floor, Meier & Frank
Automobile drivers, repair men, tractors
aiaiionary engineers are in Dig ae
mand, good wages, pleasant work: our free
trial proposition offers you an opportunity
to test our ability to teach as well as your
ability to learn without cost.
200-26S-272 11th St., Portland, Or.
SALES MANAGER wanted" in each city to
handle street men, agents and the trade
lor ivut-No-Chek, the new letter opener
and paper cutter; a little novelty that is
raising a sensation wnerever introduced;
exclusive rights in each city to a man with
a few dollars capital and a little office.
Kut-No-Chek Co.. 1 Madison ave., N. Y.
NEED plumber, plasterer, tinner, carpenter
anu taoie ooara xor one or two. win
exchange for some rent of 8 rooms, mod
em, not water neating. heights view,
near car and partly furnished: or 6-
room cheap house on carllne with - fine
view; or 2 or 3-room furnished apartment
nown town. Art w, uregonian.
WANTED Young man about 18, of good ap
pearance, good education, and living with
parents, to make himself useful all around
in retail store; wages $40 per mo.; give
reierences witn repiy. AaQresa a, t duo,
- Oregonlan.
By our system of teaching you can
i earn more at norae than you can in the
repair shop, write ror proof ot tnis.
P. O. Box 340, Portland, Or.
WANTED Experienced working shift boss
laminar with stamp mill, air drills, com
pressors, pumps, electric and milling ma
chinery, gold mine. Address AV 84, Orego
ADD $50 monthly to your income correspond
ing for newspapers in spare time at norae.
Exceptional opportunity. Experience not
required. Write Associated Newspaper
feervlce, Vancouver, Canada.
WANTED An A-l dairy and hog man for
an un-to-aate rancn : must te aoie
furnish best of recommendations; good
pay and fine home; single man or man
anq wire. av oregonian.
WANTED 'Experienced teacher of piano
and voice for conservatory in Seattle;
eteaay salaried position: reierences
quired. Address 410 Peoples Bank bldg..
WANT several crew managers for popular
device saving 1-3 of fuel when Installed
on any stove or furnace; low price, easy
seller, good profits, choice territory now
open. Address AO -y, Oregonlan.
Have painting where two or three paint
ers can woric out their rent for the Win
ter; must have references. Smith-Wagoner
(jo., btocK iLxcnange.
GENTLEMAN leaving city wishes young
man to travel as vaiet; state age, eau
cation aud salary expected. P 351, Ore
LIVE salesman for a icood seller can make
$1000 easily if energetic. Call between 8:30
ana 9:3U a. Ai., or & to 6 P. M. only at
izi isortn western DanK oiag.
USE spare time to build up mall order busi
ness of own; we help you start, share in
profits; 27 opportunities. Particulars free.
Opport unities Exchange, liufialo. N. Y.
MAKE MONEY WITH US; amount depends
upon time aevotea; no canvassing; ambi
tious local man wanted. Address Ostran
der. Dept. 271, 12 West 31st St., New York.
MEN to make $10 night selling weiners,
tomales; buy one of our patented cans,
try it. Western Tin & Japan Co., 1013
alnut. Cincinnati, Ohio.
WRITE photo plays, $100 each; Instruction
aosoiuteiy iree; whole or spare time; ex
perience unnecessary. Franklin, Pacific
oiag., ban rrancieco.
YOUNG man as collector and office
stetunt; references and bond required. Ap
ply in own handwriting, giving necessary
information. J oil, uregonian.
SOBER single man, not under 24 years, to
help in grocery store. Steady work, room
and board to right party. Call 6i5 Rod
ney ave.
WANTED House man or student to attend
lurnaco and help in kitchen for board and
loom. Call at 431 W. Park st, before noon
CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy
guaranteed stocK: excellent territory, hua.
tiers make money. Washington Nursery
(jo., lxjppenisn, wash.
HAVE good home to offer man out of work,
on a- farm, in return for help during win
ter months. For particulars call Tabor
44uS- hunday only.
"WANTED Young man with xnuBical educa
tion aud familiar with player pianos, to
take charge of player roll stock. Address
AH 3o4, Oregonlan.
EVERYWHERE Good pay to men willing
to distriDute circulars, samples, tact signs.
etc. ; no canvassing, continental register,
BOY. man, or man with daughter who
wishes good home on ranch, apply Supt.
.tsoys' ana iin s Aia society, jast zata
and Irving sts.
WANT pafrty to finish clearing contract
machinery, tools, camp, everything on
piace; must furnish cash bond cover
equipment. N rfa2, Oregonian.
WANT man to handle Xmas novelties for
California; must turnish $400 to guarantee
collections ana stock. . :;,3, Oregonlan.
WANTED Dentist; good all around man
steady position, b o.o, Oregonian.
AGENTS wanted for good paying article,
uau juonaay a. ai -itiu i. uaK.
Help Wanted 4 gents.
FREE sample; Nosplash water strainers sell
themselves; no taiKing; experience un
necessary ; daily profits $3 upwards. Sem
2c (mailing cost, H. Y. Seed Filter Co,
.New lork.
A(ji'.. j. a eu guaranteed hosiery ; 70 pe
cent pront ; matce jiv daily; orders
peat regularly ; oest agent s seller in ex
Istence. International Mills, West Phila
delphia, Pa.
SALESMAN wanted for special line dry
guuus, spring unu cummer traae l iactor
to retailer; liberal commission; splendid
fiue line. cryn Jiawr '.ailils, I'niladei
pnia, .fa.
ttbKh is tne one live agents" seller of th
year; needed In every home, office and
xactory; sens on sight; a sure repeater
1O0 per cent proflt. Send for free partlcu
iars. r , u.i rente tjo., rraiem.
f hu.n t,.M tuA maKes telephone conversa
tion private; aon t snout, just whisper.
Sample 12c; agents make 400 ner nnl
Phone-Mega Mfg. Co., Walnut Park, St.
BOTH sexes; we manufacture and control
zastest selling nousenoid article ever in
vented; exclusive territory. Connolly, 123
ljioerxy. j ew lorn.
ti.iLtiKJ& as n l rt.N .t, cook stoves or
ranges; stop use wood or coal. Patented
1914. Money maker for agents. Vapor
BOO PER CENT profit; gold and silver sign
letters, store and office windows; anyone
can put wn. miio iwiav ior tree sample
Metallic setter m.. ia j. uiarK, Chicago.
AGENTS wanted for article which no house
wire can resist. ei;s at almost every
nome. neroen , jvmg lu., utuz
son st., ppOKane, wasn.
NEW necktie proposition, holidays. $30 to
$50 week now until Christmas. Outfit free
to November 10. Write quick. Wilson
Mfg. CO.. s- tXi, Lancaster, unio.
GLORIA self-heating iron makes and burns
Its own gas; entire ironing done 3 cts.
no home without it- Gloria Light Co., 1269
Washington Diva., unicago.
LISTEN We have what you want; send
now for rree particulars apout our soe
- cialty. West Coast Mfg. Co., 229 Obispo
LIVE WIRES who want a good seller ah
know It when they see it. make monc
with us. can sub c-ast Atorrion st.
Help Wanted Agents.
TAILORING AGENTS Establish yourself
iirmiy in tailoring business. This not con
fined to big merchant, but to men of am
bltion. Here is opportunity to build up
profitable business for yourself. No money
needed. We ship large, expensive tailor
ing equipment, prepaid express. Including
lithographed fashion plates, jjrder books,
advertising matter every thine free. Have
started thousands of men in small way.
l hey are today leading merchants of their
cities. If you are tired of being man with
small salary, write immediately, as we
have few more sample lines left for this
season, will ship you outfit at once. You
cannot afford to overlook opportunity to
get into business profitable business,
without penny Investment. Sales Mana
ger, desk 16, lock box No. 32, Chicago, 111.
Manufacturer of patented article han
dled by dealers in drugs, notions. Jewelry,
hardware and motor accessories seeks con
nection with live wire sales agent ac
quainted with Jobbers in this territory.
Liberal commission basis. No "order
taker" wanted. It- you axe a hustler with
selling ability and a record to show, ad
dress, with full particulars and references,
AV 115, Oregonlan.
MAKE $21 next Saturday; brand new propo
sition, patented last January; amazing in
vention, compressed air washing machine,
weighs but 2 pounds; excels work of high
priced machines; customers excited; agents
coining money; a sale at every house ;
price only $1.50; 200 per cent profit; cleans
tub of clothes 3 minutes; works like magic.
F. Hughes made $21 first 8 hours; no
charge for' territory; business furnishes
capital ; investigate. Write now. Wen
dell Co., 427 Oak St., Lelpslc, O. '
MAN as exclusive agent. We manufacture
6 styles self-wringing mops, ail purposes,
including absolutely new combination
scrubbing brush mop, is self-wringing.
Every woman wants this proven success.
New, inexperienced men make $9 day. One
man made $120 second week. No invest
ment. Send for catalogue. -exclusive terri
tory proposition will make you indepen
dent. Hllker Mop Co., 1329 A, Grand ave.,
Chicago, 111.
ATTENTION We will pay $1000 reward If
our home butter merger raus to merge
one pint of milk Into one pound of butter
in two minutes; sweeter than creamery
butter;, de mo nst raters and general agents
wanted; salary or commission. Write for
Illustrated circulars and addresses of 10O0
users; wonderful invention. Family But
ter Merger Co.. Washington, D. C.
AGENTS and salesmen without experience
can earn $oG per week; we require men or
good address to introduce an article which
has never before been offered in this coun
try. This is an opportunity for ambitious
men to handle a high-grade article. For
full information. saniDles. etc. write War
mun Company, 429 Amsterdam ave.. New
i one city.
MAKE $30 to $60 weekly selling our new
-uu-canuiepower gasoline lantern. aibo
table and hanging lamps for homes, stores,
halls, churches; no- wick, no chimney.
Costs lc per night. Exclusive territory.
We loan you sample. Sunshine Safety
Lamp Co., G24 Factory - bldg., Kansas
City, Mo.
DISTRICT manager at once, quick seller,
easy wnncer moo. sou to weetciy
every woman buys; saves time, no dirty
nands. Greatest household necessity
new, no competition; no experience' need-,
ed; we teach you. Only one appointment
each locality. Write quick. Address
V. S. M.op Co., 207 Main, Toledo, O.
MAKE $100 to $300 month easy selling our
new triplicate sauce pan: cooking 3 air
ferent foods one burner: saves gas; 400
specialties; all whirlwind sellers. Write
quick for territory and large catalogiie.
American Aluminum Mfg. Co., div. 30lNi,
Lemont, in.
AGENT3 wanted; agents make big profits
handling our "Fast Selling Holiday .post
Cards. Novelty blgns, "Holiday Dec
orations," "Penants," etc.; 6000 varieties;
demand unlimited. Write today for free
catalogue. Sullivan Co.. 1234 Van Buren
st.. Chicago.
CLEANER AGENCY Four styles. 5-year
guarantee. The fastest selling sweeper;
brand new. A few county selling rights
still available. National Advertising cam
paign to start immediately. Takes very
little money. T 300, Oregonian.
WE start you in business, furnishing every
thing; men and women, $30 to $uu weeK
ly operating our "New System Specialty
Candy Factories," home or small room
anywhere; no canvassing. Opportunity
lifetime; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Box
S, East Orange, N. J.
AGENTS make big money this year; be own
boss; independent; abundant money; your
time your own; all or spare time, at home
or traveling. E. M. Feltman. sales mgr..
4506 Sd st., Cincinnati, Ohio, today for full
AGENTS Salary or commission. Greatest
seller yet. Every user pen ana inn Duys
on sight. 200 to 0O0 per cent profit. One
agent's sales $620 in six days; another 92
in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44, La
Crosse, Wis
GREATEST OFFER ever made. 11-piece
toilet article set and $1 carving set. All
cost Sue; sells $1 ; 20 sales a day easy.
Write today. Pierce Chemical Company,
Station C, Chicago.
WE WANT ladiea and gentlemen to sell a
orand new novelty, go like hotcakes; big
money for live wires. Our plan sells the
goods. Apply 351 Russell betweeiTTjnlon
and Rodney aves.
AGENTS Barrels of money. We want live
wires only. .New invention, fastest seller
on the market. Apply 127 X. ttth st. Ask
for Mr. Berude.
LIVE agents, men or women, wanted to in
troduce high -grade household specialty
Into every home; big profits; brand new;
positive necessity; write today. The Sele
Co., dept. 3, Vancouver, Wash.
AGENTS wanted for the best-selling book
published; one agent sold first day;
another 138 the first five days. Write
for terms and free outfit. H. L. John
son, Qui ney. Wash.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
WE can use 100 educated business men
throughout the United States as represen
tatives to supply the increased demand for
the New International Encyclopedia owing
to the present European war. For full in
formation address Dodd, Mead &. Co., New
York City.
WANTED A salesman, ex-fireman pre
ferred, to sell the best automatic nre
escape ever put on the market. Can be
used by every hotel and public building.
For particulars address AM 104, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED, capable salesman travel
for old-established house with line that
sells to practically all classes of mer
chants. High commissions, weekly ad
vance, to right man. D. W. Barrows, De
troit. Mich. '
FASTEST SELLER right now Is our book.
"Europe at War. Agents say it is biggest
money-maker of past 10 years. Start
profitable work. Send for free sample out
fit. J. S. Ziegler Ce., Wholesale Book
Dept., Chicago.
SALESMAN Capable specialty man for Ore
gon. Staple line, new and exceptional
terms. Vacancy Nov. lt Attractive com
mission contract, balance of year, 1915.
$35 week I v expenses. Miles F. Bixler
Co.. 220, 43 Carlln bldg., Cleveland, O.
SALESMAN, experienced any line, to sell
geneje.1 trade Pacific territory ; vacancy
November 1. Unexcelled specialty propo
sition. Commission contract. $35 weekly
for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 98
43 Continental bldg., Cleveland, Ohio.
SALESMEN wanted: competent men to han
dle 1915 line calendars, bank supplies,
novelty advertising for every line of busi
ness; exclusively permanent position.
Bankers Supply Co., Iowa City, Iowa.
AGENTS make big money, become sal
managers for our goods. Fast office sell
er; fine profits. Particulars, sample free.
One Dip Pen Co., 731 Daily Record, Balti
more. Md.
SALESMEN Aluminum utensils, specialties,
hardware and department store trade con
nections preferred; prices that get business:
exclusive territory to $3000 men. Aluminum
Products Co., Lemont, ill.
SALESMAN, travel for leading lace and em
broidery importers; unrestricted territory,
liberal commission; no objection to side
lines. P. O. box 317, Madison Square Sta
tion, New York.
SIDE LINE salesmen to sell grocers, con
fectioners. restaurants; no competition; we
pay freight: very attractive proposition to
dealers; liberal commissions. National
Beverage Co., St. Louis, Mo.
SALESMEN to sell our check protector;
sells to every person who writes check.
Circulars, information free. Sample 25c,
Terry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton bidg., To
1 edo, CX
New fiber home broom; costs same as good
broom, outlasts 4. sold oniy oy agents.
Guaranteed. Hilker Mop Co., 1329 Grand
ave., Chicago.
SALESMEN New plan that gets big money.
Exclusive territory ; opportunity close
som3 big deals, c. S. mrg. Co., Dept. 1,
Columous. O.
SALESMEN to contract with merchants for
dally window picture service. Permanent
position with big money. Photographic
News Service, 3 west zist, ew York.
SALESMEN Calendar, novelties, our white
enamel holiday special i outselling every
thing. Get white enamel line! It is new
Geo. W. Newton Co., Newton. Iowa.
EUROPEAN War Book Right up-to-date.
Big money-maker. Outfit free. 50 per
cent commission. national 5iDie jtiouse,
Pope bldg.. Chicago.
TRAVELING salesmen, best side line yet;
navs all expenses: pocket sales outfit: easy
seller; prompt commissions. Southern Nov
elty co 21U van juren, cmcago, 111.
SALESMAN, acquainted with grocery trade;
large demand, noerai com. Pocttet sam
pie. WirUi Sales Book Co., Chicago.
Help V an id Baltsmeo.
SIDE LINE salesmen, now Is time to turn
your spare hours into dollars ($) ; time
lost around hotels waiting on trains, etc,
can be cashed with us by handling our
line as side line, consisting of blue and
white, white and white and grey enameled
ware, aluminum ware, tinware, crockery -ware,
etc.: all .startle sellers: Docket, sam
ples, long terms; liberal commissions paid
weekly. Write at once, giving home ad
dress, as well as road address. Mercantile
Sales Co., 1115 Walnut ave. N. E., Cleve
land, O.
SALESMEN to pay $1500 to $30v0 yearly to
men representing us Western cities, towns;
no samples, selling, collecting; call only
on all manufacturers, wholesale svnd re
tail merchants, banks, doctors; experience
helpful but not necessary; we pay every
Thursday; such full instructions furnished
that success 1 assured. Rare opportunity.
Write promptly. II. O. Jones, secty., $12
Scfawlnd bldg., Dayton, Ohio.
FOR the year liI5. beginning Jan. 1, we
want aggressive salesman for Oregon to
give our line full time and attention. It
embraces everything in the calendar and
novelty adverrisine line. Hand-painted
de luxe and all trades of domestic calen
dars. Also cloth and leather goods. Lib- I
erai terms; state business experience in 1
first letter. Address Sales Mgr.. United
States Calendar Co., Cincinnati.
WE want aggressive regular and side line
salesmen to sen popular pncea line ox
water color calendars; season starts Jan
uary 1; we are manufacturers not Jobbers;
can earn $15 to $25 dally; also imported
advertising novelties. Empire Art Com
pany. Chicago.
iALESMEN. experience unnecessary, easy
. work, big pay; write large list openings I
offering opportunities earn $100 to $600 I
month while you learn. Address nearest of
fice, dept. 311. National Salesmens Train
ing Association, Chicago, New York. Kan- j
sas City, San Francisco.
SALESMEN, small towns, whole time or side
line. special saies pian, allowing return
unsold goods, makes quick, easy dally
sales. $5 commission each order. Some
thing entirely new. Writ for pocket out
fit today. May Mfg. Co- 212 SigeL Chi
cago, III.
SPECIALTY salesmen or mecrhants pre
ferred, sell retail firms unexcelled hign-
class specialty. Permanent connection. Our
men earning $iw week regularly, bpien-
did ODDort unity. Commission contract;
paid weekly. State experience, cham
pion Register Co.. Cleveland. O.
MANUFACTURER reauires live general
agents to distribute patented demand of
centuries 3 -minute demonstration con
vinces. Others making thousands. Sam
uel C. Osborn, Masonic Temple, Chicago.
NEW invention, sells sight to everybody.
10O per cent profit. W. B. Skov, Co,, $63
Wilson ave., Chicago.
WANTED Middle-aged or elderly woman
having experience on 'farm, no objection
to one or two children as housekeeper for
widower without family and one or some
times two hired men, on ranch on upper
Willamette River. German preferred. Ad
dress with references ana salary wanieu.
AG 364, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework,
must be eood cook, family of three: wash
ing sent out; good wages. Please do not
annlv unless experienced. Give address.
phone number and references If arty. Ad
dress J 303, Oregonian.
SALESLADIES who are used to making
good money wanted to veil an article for
children. Call between 8:30 and :S0 A.
M. or o to 6 P. M.
only at 1S23 North-
western Ban k bldg.
Wear It : show to friends : take orders ;
earn $5 to $15 dally; exclusive territory
to hustlers. Write today, Spelman ec Co.,
Dept. am, 337 a. Market, Chicago.
MUNICIPAL .Bureau tor Protection ot Wom
en is now located at room 303 new Police
Headquarters. Information, protection or
assistance given to women and girls. In-
tervlews confidential.
WANTED Lady, experienced in employ
ment business, to run our female depart
ment; must have some cash; see manager
Pacific Employment Company, 222 Couch
ADD $50 monthly to your Income correspond
ing for newspapers in spare time at home.
Exceptional opportunity; experience not
required. Write Associated Newspaper
Service. Vancouver, Canada.
CULTURED, unincumbered lady,-not under
40, that can make nome pleasant and
give mother's care .to girl 12, boy 15, In
rt lined widower's home ; no grass widow.
Address AL 303, Oregonian.
WANTED Lady solicitor. fluent talker;
salary,, commission ; good proposition to
business-getter. Room 85 Washington
bldg.. 2Ti Washington. ,
WOMEN Sell cuaranteed hosiery to friends,
neighbors and eeneral wearer; 70 per cent
profit: $10 dally : experience unnecessary.
International Mills. West Philadelphia, Pa.
RESPECTABLE girl, not under 25 years, to
hulo In store. Must not-be afraid ot work.
Room and board. Call 675 Rodney ave
cor. Fargo.
FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem
. onstrate and sell dealers; $25jr to 1 50 per
week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug
Co., dept. 5 16, Omaha, Neb.
WRITE photo plays. $100 each; Instruction
absolutely free: wnoie or spars time; ex
perience unnecessary. Franklin, Pacific
blrtg., Han Francisco.
WANTEr Capable young woman to enter
training school ior nurses, ror particulars
inquire juiss kudjt sogers, supt. noiiuuuu
General iiospiiai, noquiam, v asn.
filltT for kitchen and help with cook In jr.
private boarding-house also one xor table
and seco nd work. 7 7 Marsh all, after 1
P. M.
LADIES, everywhere, to copy addresses at
home. $2 per iuu; no canvassing; copy
ing blanks and instructions, 12 cents.
Superba Co., lt8 N. Division', Buffalo. N. Y.
GIRL to do light housework, 6 miles out
side or city. Appiy dionuay morning be
tween II and 12. 129 1st sc. near Wash
ington. Phone Main 326Q.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
must be good cook; 4 in family ; wages
$35 ; references required, call after i
A. M. Sell. 1767.
WAXTED Lad v apprentice for the clean
ing and pressing business department;
wjll pay some wages from the start. Call
between Z and 4 una ay. 40 urana ave.
WANTED Young lady to wait on table,
private boarding-nouse. oreaKiast and
dinner, for board. Call 431 W. Park before
noon Sunday.
s2.Mt Ttav nald lady each town to dis
tribute tree ciruuiaxa iui tuuveuirncu
flavoring in tubes; - permanent position..
F. E. Barr Co., Chicago.
EXPERIENCED young lady to assist with
books; must be apt ana quica at iig- 1
ures; salary to start $45; give references j
and mention experience. x aoo. urcgumau.
WANTED Housekeeper on
ranch. Address
Wash. Route 1.
Paul Lehman, carroiiton,
box 72.
BUSINESS Girls' Employment Service If
you are not employed or wish to bet
ter yourself, call at 403 Dekum.
WANTED for general office work; state
past experience and salary desired. V 353,
Oregon ian.
WAXTE D W oman over 2o years of ace.
good address and possessing some business
ability, can o euing oiag.
STENOGRAPHER with ability for real estate 1
woman; good chance on commission, Ar 1
296, Oregonlan.
ICE If you are not employed or Wish to
better yourseii, can at ws ueKum.
WANTED Competent girl for general
h ouse w ork. M rs. A. E. W . Pete rson, lwb
Raleigh st., near North 2ith.
YOUNG WOMAN for housework. 9 to 1:30
daily except Sunday. $10 month. Wood
lawn ill.
WANTED Girl for general housework, 3
adults. ciacxamas, pet. iast imn and
WANTED Girl for general housework; mod-
ate wages. Apply college St., cor
ner oth.
WANTED Ladies to demonstrate residen
tial work. $2 and up. Call 10 A. M.. 505
Columbia Didg.
A HOUSEKEEPER to go to country; no
small children; small family and good
wages, sen wood au.
YOUNG lady familiar with bookkeeping and
office work, lor naif -day employment;
salary $5 per weeic ad 3ti. oregonian.
YOUNG LADY, pleasing appearance, theatri
cal work, out or city; no nign-priced art-
ims need apply. AG 353. oregonian.
Waahington bldg., 270 S Washington, room
85, near 4tn. rnooe ju am s&o or a aot.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavi Company, 424
Pittock block, v&o Washington.
WANTED Child's nurse, one who, speaks
' French preferred. Marshall 4781 or A
MAKE money writing stories or articles. Bib!
pay. Free booklet tells how. Address
United Press Syndicate, san Francisco.
FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 414 De-
KUIIl piag. rarmn.
LADY solicitors for fast-selllnir artlch
Phone Woodlawn 11 48. 843 Rodney ave.
COUNTRY or foreign girl for general house.
work; no cooking. 713 Irving st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 1035
E. 12th st. .N.
EXPERIENCED body ironer. Palace Laun
dry Co., K. loth ana Everett.
COMPETENT stenographer driree
work or by the hour. Main u&Ou.
A MAN living in s small Willamette Valley
town wishes to engage a lady as partner
in his business, which is a very skilled
trade, pleasing and suitable to women; ap
plicants must have good health, education
and be able to pay their wmy to situation;
the advertiser's intentions are honorable
and full particulars will be sent to those
giving their correct name, age and P. O.
address. Address AM 301, Oregonian.
WILL teach two clever, intelligent ladies.
over 2o, to sell high-class proposition
small income while learning with oppor
tunity of permanent high salaried position
if you make good; no selling experience
or money- necessary. H'." chamber of
Commerce bldg., 10 to 2 Monday.
WANT man and wife thoroughly exoe
rleuced in hog and poultry raising; prefer
wrman, uanien or Norwegian; win pay
alary and percentage on net income; none
but thoroughly clean people need apply;
state salary expected by year. AG 305,
TACHl2KS wanted; principals, specialists.
grade; half-rate enrollment; state qutli
ticatlon. N. W. Teachers Agcy.. N. Yakima
WANTED A teacher for country school by
rsov. 2; u pupils. Address Mr. A.
Huntley, Fossil. Or.
LEARN art of acting, singing; engagements
open capable actors. 4U0 3 teams bldg.
FRATERNAL organizers wanting better po-
sitions call at oltf UeKum Didg. Monday.
WE furnish all kinds of Japanese domestic
neip. Main VMt, a A
HOW to get the position you want; therw
are openings for every competent worker
in almost every line, and plenty of ways
to get your services to the favorable no
tice of employers who want you at a
higher salary if you only know them;
how to get ahead of other applicants,
how to locate in different cities, how to
sell your services in a modern way, how
to get the best results from applications
and Interviews. Send postal for circular
describing the book "How to Secure the
Position You Want." Address The Ore-
gon Exchange. Eugene. Or.
LUTOMOBILE instruction by a reliable
auto repair company for men who wish
to learn this business RIGHT. Men who
have attended automobile schools without
obtaining results should grasp this oppor
tunity. Instruction given on up-to-date
machine tools, if desired; investigate our
proposition. 871 Hawthorne ave.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-
10-oate cars; electric, civil engineering.
surveying ; methods most practical ; room
and board while learning ; position se
cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue
free. National School of Engineering.
21 lu W. 7th st., Los Angeles. CaL
OUR NIGHT SCHOOL of bookkeeping.
shorthand, penmanship, typing, will open
the way to better opportunities. Private
instruction undor experts, $3 per month, 6
months $25. Central Commercial College,
10th and Alder.
WE TEACH practically, with actual ma-
cmnery in operation, electrical, gas ana
team engineering, machine shop work
and automobile repairing. Send for new
catalogue. Seattle Engineering School, lOu
to 110 West Roy St., Seattle.
GOVERNMENT positions, postoffice, rall-
in u. 11, timer vrancnes are good; pre-
Eare "exams" former U. S. Civil Service
ocretary-Examlner; booklet H-33 free;
write today. Patterson Civil Service School,
Rochester, N. Y.
STEADY employment, good wages, many
Openings: lew monthR Ion rnln rr nrnfliuhU
work; positions guaranteed. Watchmaking,
Engraving, Optical School, 216 Common
wealth, bldg, Oth und Ankeny, Portland,
ottt-ow UAKWJiiK COLLEGE wants men
and women to learn the barber trade in
8 weeks: positions guaranteed; tools free;
paia wniie learning; scalp and face mas
sage a sneclaltv: modern mAthnii tAih
ing used; tuition reduced. 33 Madison st.
PIANIST Artist leading Eastern conserv
atory gradnate, recently arrived, will take
limited number of pupils ; Leschetizky
jucuiuu t. union; extremely moaerate; in
vestigate. Phone C 1887.
MEN Market your service at the best pos-
Bsoie price; secure the position you de
ire ; makes no difference what your oc
cupation now may be. Particulars free.
Field Novelty Co.. Fort Worth, Texas.
WANTED To buy claims, notes and judg
ments, local or foreign. If people owe you
back East bring in the data. We vwill make
you an oiler. Claim Purchasing A, Adjust
ment Co.. 213 Panama bldg.
and women to learn the trade in 8 weeks;
clean work, percentage paid while learn
ing, tools free; scalp and face massage a
specialty; send for free catalogue. 48 N. 2d
CENTRAL Commercial College; a thorough.
, iLiiduio uumness training school
tiicaui mo oeminai or times; tuition
rates low; easy payments: TEXT BOOKS
free. Central building. Tenth and Alder.
WANTED Young men to learn to operate
inovjiig-piciur in eaters: also to drive and
repair automobile. Private instructions;
small fees. 310 Lumber Exchange bldg..
2d and Stark.
WRITE moving-picture plays, $50 each;
constant demand. Devote all or spare
time. Correspondence course not required.
Details free. Atlas Pub. Co., 42; Cincin
nati. O.
MEN, women over IS wanted. $05 to $150
month. U. S. Government life Jobs; com
mon education. Write immediately for list
positions open to you. Franklin Institute,
Dent. 349-S. Rochester, N. Y.
WRITE moving-picture plays. $50 each;
constant demand. Devote all or spare
time. Correspondence course not re
quired. Details free. Atlas Pub. Co., 42.
Cincinnati, O. -
I WILL start you earning $4 daily at home
in spare time witn itoovera cnecK pro
tectors and embossers; no capital; free
Illustrated sheet, H. Howry, Dept. 406,
Los Angeles, Cal.
DO you want another $2 dally? No exper
ience, constant spare time work:, knitting
oslery; machines fum Ished on contract;
we take product. Helping Hand Stores,
(Inc.) Chicago.
$2500 ANNUALLY; co-operate with me
evenings. home; everything furnished;
don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown,
Omaha. Neb.
1 KJ paji.
be a detective; earn $.'K to $100 weekly:
travel all over world. Write Dene 11,
United States Detective A. Adjusting
Agency, Railway Exchange, St. Louis, Mo.
WOMEN for Government clerkships; big
pay; Portland examinations soon ; sample
questions rree. iranKlin institute. Dept.
704-S. Rochester, N. Y. - -
LADIES work at hornet making shields.
urn?, uuu pu ; no canvassing, par
ticulars, stamped-addressed -envelope. Eu.
rekq Co.. Dept. HO B. Kalamaxoo, Mich.
RAILWAY mail clerks P? O. clerks, car
riers 4 exam, soon; parcel post demands
many more cierKs; act at once. Pacific
fat ate bcnooi, McKay bldg., tity.
I. C. A.
Iet home-study course heln von to
position; over 250 courses; free literature.
Mch.ay bidg.
MEN wanted to prepare for firemen, brake-
men, iv)u-i;u moatniy. Positions ob
tained free. Send age, postage. Railway
Association, care Oregonian.
GOVERNMENT positions pay $05 to $150 a
xiiuiiLn; .vu Hppuiuiiuenis monthly; list
ot positions on tamable free. AV 77, Ore
GOVERNMENT positions are easy to sec
j iieo uuuttjci, 1 -ou, tens -otv. write
touay now. tan Hopkins. Waaalngton.
D. C.
ray weemy. iuo-j jjeKum Didg. Free
employment uepartment.
STAGE DANCING taught to beginners; rea-
sunaoie. uau jxain iio alter 7 P. M.
SHORTHAND, typewriting;
E. 61st sc
teacher; low tuition. 711
N. Tabor CS64.
WANTED Students in English, experienced
learner. Auurens 0-1 btn st, hiione JUar-
snaii STS-i.
vv a 1 k tiL.o cieanea, 40c ; mainsDrtnc. 75c -
work guaranteed. 216 Commonwealth
niigH utn ana AnKeny.
PRIVATE lessons In English, spelling and
writing, Scandinavian people preferred.
Main 0407.
PRIVATE lessons in writing and spelling,
English, $5 month. D 351. Oregonian.
401 Commonwealth bldg. Mar. 425S.
TWO men to learn auto repairing and driv-
ing- nawtnorne uarage, 445 Haw thorns.
26ft 14TH ST. M. 3S93. EXP. INSTRUC N.
LEARN all the modern dances at Gilbert
Murray School. 409 Stearns bldg.
Mrs. Hinsdale's Business School, 52 Em
press bldg. Personal" instructions, positions
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG man, experienced in bookkeeping
and office work, wisnes position; A-l rfer
ences furnished. AE 344, Oregonian.
GRADUATE pharmacist, registered in Ore
gon. wants a steady position.. V 340, Ore
gonian. ! ACCOUNTING, books opened, posted bal
anced, closed. Marshall , 964.
ACCOUNTANT .and correspondent, city or
country; references. ah 350, Oregonlan.
BOOKKEEPER. 7 years" experience, or keep
small set reasonable. 1 3ol, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
CAPABLE and energetic business man of
character wishes change of occupation;
wide experience and goud local references;
any honorable employment considered,
preferably where an educated man and
profitable service is desired; trained aman
uensis, credit man and salesman. K 34ti.
STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, thorough of
fice man, rapid and accurate, good cor
respondent and penman; desires permanent
or temporary work, any line; highest ref
erences. Williams. Marshall 4464. or V
864. Oregonian.
UP-TO-THE-MINUTE merchandise man with
best reference, who can buy and sell men's
and ladies' goods, advertise, is open for po
sition to take full charge either in or out
of city. Al 34a, Oregonian.
BANK, office and salesman experience; well
equipped and can give very best refer
ences. Salary regulated after proving
ability and worth. Yours for the oppor-
tunlty. V 30, Oregonian.
AMERICAN, 30, married, banking and com
mercial experience, executive ability; po
sition of trust or office work ot any kind.,
W 301, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED educated man desires em
ployment, bookkeeper, clerk. Janitor, an
all-round man ; will accept small wages;
faithful and reliable. AF 342, Oregonian.
ENGLISHMAN, in desperate need of work:
is bookkeeper, but willing to do anything
so tnat he may retain independence. Main
71" or Main, bSO.
HOTEL clerk, competent
position either in or out of city. Address
cox J.'J,
Foster Hotel,
STENOGRAPHEP. will call at your home
or orrice for worn; manuscripts corrected.
Aujis, oregonian.
WANTED Position as city or road sales
man; grocery specialties preferred; best
m re-ierence. AU 00U, oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE young man of abtllty and
experience will work very reasonable at
any work of trust. Inside or outside part
of time If preferred; best of references.
rnona labor au0.
YOUNG MAN, horticultural graduate, wants
work on fruit or diversified ranch. Am
experienced pruner and especially quail
fljd for orchard, work. References. BD
4ol, Oregonian.
MAN a d wife will work, take charge of
apartment-house or any work of trust;
vt-ry reasonable wages; best references;
will work part time if preferred. Phone
labor i'oo.
MIDDLE-AG ED man. reliable and willing
worker, wants Janitor work where there
Is room for his wife; small wages. Main
7i. A 1B17.
YOUNG man and wife want noaltlon on
farm; have had plenty of experience; wife
good cook, man good milker. Address X
oregonian. -
50 PER CENT of flrst month's salary paid
to party securing energetic young married
man strenuous position requiring executive
ability. AO 351,. Oregonlan.
MAN, whose wife Is ill, must find work at
once; is an experienced farmer, but will
take work of any kind, pick and shovel
expert. Main 717, A 1517.
MAN, wife and two children, experienced In
farming, auto driver, repairer, wants work
of some kind.; willing to do odd jobs. Main
717, A 1517.
WANTED Job as houseman by steady
young man; tend furnace, run elevator or
any work, day or night. X 351, Ore
gonian. REGISTERED assistant pharmacist in Ore
gon; four years' experience; can furnish
good reierences. Address AV 67, Orego
nian. A SOBER. Industrious young man has some
experience in repairing automobile; will
fn? to start with small wages. Phone
Main 2.4S.
CHAUFFEUR wants position; S years' shop
and driving experience; well acquainted
with city. Wages $1.50 to $2 per day.
Frank Miller, East 6o03.
WANTED Position on ranch, by strictly re
liable young married farmer, thoroughly
- experienced In orchard, dairy and poul-
try work. Address AV 65, Oregonlan.
YOUNG MAN, with nice f I ve-passenger-car,
would like position of any kind for the
Winter. Phone Marshall 1127. Ask for
Mr. Stoddard, room 22.
SINGLE man of SS, experienced woodcutter,
wauts steady position; has run donkey en
gine, done firing and janitor work. Will
do anything. Main 717, A 1517.
WAN TED Work by a sober. Industrious
man. around freight or wholesale houses;
lanltor or delivery work. Phone Mar
shall 1367.
STEADY position wanted by reliable Ger
man true it gardener; also familiar and in
terested in stock and poultry. V 361, Ore
gonian. .
EXPERIENCED. reMable all-around hotel
man wants position as clerk, train runner
or lanitor. Cnderstands all kinds of
heating. AL 304, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER and secretary of train
ing ana judgment. interview miKht indi
cate I am man you need. Exceptional
t'ortiano reirence. an arm, oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED handy man, experienced
janitor, wants position; wages no object.
ac ioH, oregonian.
YOUNG married man. 6 years' auto expe
rience, will do anything; bat references.
Phone Marshall 150, Apt. 25.
EXPERIENCED man and wife want posi
tion, xnanase apart men 1 or rooming
house. AS Oregonian.
LAWYER SO years old. married, aggressive.
good trial experience, good speaker, de
sires position. AM 340, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position In family, do
cooking, housework. 2i0 Everett st. A
PA INTER, all-round hand, married, wants
work, $3 per day; references. AD 3G3, Ore
YOUNG man wants place to work for board
and room. Phone Link's Business college.
Main 5Ub3.
WANTED Young man and wife want work
on farm. Address J. A. castle, Gaston,
Or., caro J. G. Boss.
SITUATION wanted by a young Japanese
boy who wishes to attend day school, 208
Everett st. M. Sakuina. Main 4tV
SWISS boys, dairymen, cheesemakers. want
place to worK on snares, azi 345, oregon
ian. YOUNG experienced man wishes position
as chauffeur for private family; can give
references. Phone Main 5608.
DENTAL STUDENT wants work morning
or evening in exchange for board and
room. AP 352, Oregonian.
YOUNG Filipino boy seeks position to work
in family as school boy. AL 348. Orego
nlan. YOUNG man, competent farm hand, wants
steady work on ranch or dairy. Can milk.
W 353, Oregonian.
COLORED Man wants work, janitor or por
ter; experienced; neat appearance. Phone
East 762.
BAKER, all-round man, wishes job, city or
country. Wm. Trout, 335 Clay at. Main
SKILLFUL carpenter, with family, needs
immediate employment, anything. AH
340, Oregonlan.
GARDENER and caretaker wishes situation
in private family; best of references. Ad
dress Gardener, 251 10th st.
COMPETENT married janitor wishes posi
tion in apartment-house. Main 8S30, apt.
HOTEL CLERK, experienced, either day or
nignt; rename; reierences. x oregn
MAN and wife, first-class cooks, hotel, camp,
bridge gangs; references. Address 3b7 E.
Ankeny at. Phone East 5293. room 9.
WHEN you want a carpenter for any kind
of work call East 1730.
MEAT CUTTER: will start at $12 per week.
x 3j, oregonian.
MAN will take care furnace mornings for
oacnmg room. 1 jav, uregonian.
BUTTER man and ens eandler wants posi
tion ; references. AK 343, Oregonian.
YOUNG German gardener wants position on
private place. W 41, Oregonlan.
FILIPINO wants position as janitor, 'bus or
bellboy. A 732 or Main SOO. room Al-24.
YOUNG man, 25, wishes position on farm.
J. Stamos, 311 Burn side st,
WAITER and short-order cook wants work.
Y 336, Oregonian.
STUDENT of IS wants to work
after 4 P. M. Phone Main S67S.
JAP AN ESE boy wants w ork w h e re he can
go to schooLyMain 0301, A 15i.
TWO men want wood to cut by cord; will
cut all Winter AM 343, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED young man wants work on
ranch or In dairy. Main S472.
BOY. 15, wants work on farm for board,
clothes and schooling. AK 340, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED candy salesman, best of
references. AR 324, Oregonlan.
TINTING, papering, painting,
now on. Phone East 6447.
Winter prices
GRADUATE nurse and companion,
will travel. AB 3G1, Oregonian.
CARPENTER wants day or contract work,
repairing or reshlngllng. East 4891.
FIRST-CLASS tinting. $2 per room,
wood 350, Marshall 4545.
FURNACES to care for mornings, 91. 50 per
iveek. AK 313, Oregonian.
MAN and wife, greatly In need of assistance
want work of any kind. Main 717, A 1517.
STRONG, aMe-bodled man,
wants work of any kind.
much in need.
East 5317.
M iscellaJievus.
do you want to boost your
two gentlemen, experienced iv
publicity work, are driving car
to san diego; will display signs,
make talks and distribute lit
erature. WRITE
4S ACRES, 1"- miles from Oregon City.
41 acres in cultivation, good 7 -room nouse,
3 wells. 12 cows, 3 horses, good milk route,
all kinds of farm implements: no waste
land; a big snap at Jlo.OO; $3000 down
and SoO per month, or will take Portland
414 Corbett bldg. A 1410, Marshall 92.
YOUNG, energetic man who has wife and
, two childreu to support wauts work at
once; was raised on farm; is also an ex- ,
perlenced teamster and knows the city
well; will take any kind of work. Best of
references. Woodlawn 1030.
GRADUATE of Yale Business College. New
i-iaven, conn., witn years or executive
ability in management of employes and
superintending, general systematizing;
vtouid take charge in a large or smalt
capacity. R. O. B.. 623 Albina ave.
MAN and wife, man of ability as all-around
business assistant, superintendent of place;
wite as managing housekeeper, practical
nurse and compaulon. Will take first r
both positions. References. Box 304,
Salem, Or.
ABLE-BODIED, energetic young man with
wife and one child 6 months old, wants
work of any kind. In or out of the city;
where can have steady work; has worked
on farm. References. Main 717, A loiT.
CLEAN-CUT, reliable man, .experienced ma
chinist on railroad, in mills or contract
shops, wants work at once; will do any
kind of work. Main 717, A 151 7.
MAN wants work painting, tinting or clean
ing, day or hour. Main 4774.
Bookkeepers and stenograph era.
YOUNG American woman, stranger, wishes
position as companion and helper In good
home; a musician and stenographer; would
leave city. X 344, Oregonlan.
WANTED Position by lady stenographer;
10 years' experience In various lines of'
work. Highest local references. Main
SS30. Monday.
YOUNG lady, experienced stenographer,
bookkeeper, exchange operator, competent
to take charge of office, will accept half
days at $7 per week. V 862, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER Capable and trustworthy
young woman desires position as stenog
rapher; excellent references. Phone Wood
lawn 1730. or write AD 304. Oregonlan.
rriVPRTFVT flTE"OfiRAPHER wants noil.
tion; & years' railroad experience. Phone
C 293 7.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage
ments day or home sewing: references;
reasonable. Phone Sellwood 03.
YOUNG woman wants position as telephone
operator, cashier, or clerk, confectionery.
Main 2692.
EXPERIENCED stenographer with good ref
erences wishes position. Woodlawn 173U
or AM 347, Oregonian.
REFINED competent stenographer; office
experience; salary $8 weekly. Phone
Main 7068, forenoons.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper desires position; references. East
YOUNG woman, experienced stenograph
and general office work, wishes position.
Main S84.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, good refer
ences, wishes position half day only. L
350, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, good refer
ences; high school graduate, wishes po
sition. AG 351, Oregonlan. "
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, 5 years
experience, best 01 reierences, law pre
ferred. Wdln. 3125.
HIGH school graduate wants position In
doctors office or other clerical worn, as
34S, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER, 12 years' experience;
must ha4e work; salary $60; references.
Tabor 3630.
STENOGRAPHER, has had some bookkeep
ing, accurate at figures, general office
work. K, 350. Oregonlan?
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher desires position; references. Main
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition; accurate; insurance preferred.
Main 1174. ;
GIRL wishes office work, answering phone
or writing receipts. Phone C-2S22.
TABOR 4i27.
STENOGRAPHER wishes position in office;
experienced. Main 434.
IN EXPERIENCED stenographer and office
assistant wants position. Wdln. 15.
PUBLIC stenographer; reasonable ratus.
Main 1153. room 24.
I r ee smak ers.
FASHIONABLE tailoring and dressmaking
by first-class dressmaker; fit and work
guaranteed; first-class remodeling; prices
most reasonable. If wanted, will call at
your home. Mrs. Tend em an, 2187 East
Washington it., comer 00th st Mt. Tabor
Altamead car.
MODISTE, recently from San Francisco,
using French styles without patterns, will
make suits, gowns, dresses, capes, etc 215
E. Broadway, apt. 214. Call East 6051. .
DRESSMAKER and ladles' tailor would like
sewing by day or at home; price reas
onable. Phone East 4714.
PLAIN sewing, children's work; prices rea
sonable, work guaranteed. Main 931.
Room 28.
STYLISH dressmaker, many years' experi
ence, city references, by day or at hoiue.
Marshall P676.
DRiTsS MA K.1 NGl work guaranteed. ISO 22d
st. N. Phy:
ie Marshall 2204.
WANTED Plain sewing; prices very reas
onable. Call Main 115.
Ss3 Mailory.
Xmas articles; reasonable
MENDING or fine napkin and tablecloth
hm m i ng. A 35L'. Oregonlan.
GOOD home dressmaking or plain sewing,
day or week. Main 23S0.
DKESir MAKING, alterations, family sewing
by day or at home. Main SPs7.
FASHIONABLE dressmaker and tailoress
by day or at home. Phone Main '1490.
WILL go out by the day sewing; $L75. Call
Sellwood i03, 7 P. M.
DRESS FORMS moulded .over yur own -body.
Yourform Shop. Tabor5jSli.
COMPETENT dressmaker wishes few more
customers by day. Main 9164.
1'IRST-CLASa dressmaking at home or by
the day. Cal! Mar. ii1. A &68S.
the day. $3;
and ladies tailoring by
xperienced. Tabor 4!s3.
MRS. BLACK, expert dressmaker; work rea
sonable. Marshall 725. 5M Wash, at.
reasonable. Main 1311.
or week; prices
DK ESS MAKING by day. Call Mar. 1200.
PRIVATE classes in sewing. Woodlawn 6'Q.
NURSE wishes more engagements: terms,
reasonable, some housework; references.
T abor 3So2.
GRADUATED nure wishes work in or
charge of small hospital outside of Port
land. AV 7. Oregonlan.
PRACTICAL nurse tvantst maternity cases;
rates reasonable; references. Phone E.
EXPERIENCED Mrs. wants invalid or con
finement; wages nominal. v Phone 27 J,
Oak Grove.
COMPETENT nurse would like a position
taking care of invalid or traveling com
panion. AR 303, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED, practical nurse, care for
sick; do housework. Tabor 3737.
UNDERGRADUATE wishes position In phy
sician's office. Phone Sellwod 790.
FIRST-CLASS practical nurse.
Phone Sellwood ISO.
ready now.
MRS. BROWNE, practical nurse.
Mare hall
A HOME for Christian Science people. Tabor
A PRACTICAL nurse wants maternity cases;
references given. Tabor 2105.
A. PRACTICAL nurse wishing maternity
work, or day work. Phone Marshall 2480.
House keepers.
LADY, alone, would like position as houoe
keeper; no trifiers need answer. AJ 304.
HOUSEKEEPER, widow, do entire work for
board; school child and small wages; cun
room horae: AL 342,Oregonian.
REFINED widow with a child, would like to
keep house for a widower., Y 340, Orego
nlan. EXPERIENCED cook wants position in pri
vate family; references. AM 340, orego
n ia n.
EXPERIENCED woman wants position coolc
or housekeper, city, country. Woodlawn
333. - ,
LADY would like position as housekeeper.
2S2 Fourth St., room 4. upstairs, ring bfH.
WOMAN wants housework or housekeeping
or cooking. Call at 2ti7 Jefferson tt.
YOUNG ladywishea housekeeping; reference
given. Phone East 1X21.
FIRST-CLASS buttonhole maker, ladies' or
children's suit a Phone -B-20L .