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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
TITC SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLATTO, OCTOBER 25, 1914. PORTLAND ABSTRACTS Of titi.k PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prices. Pacltlc Title at 'lrmt Co.. 7 Ctx. ot Com. '"" ACCOKUIO.N FLtAllNC K- STEPHA.N tiemstitcbllig and scalloping, accord, aide pleat, buttons covered, soom sponged; mail orders, asa Alder. M. aa. " ABH.WKU6 AD AXALVsM. MONTANA AfcS OFi'iCE, lsJii, 2d. Gold, liver and platinum bought. ATTOBXEsB. J. R. GBEENFltLD General pracUce, ab stracts, contracts, collections, etc; consul tation frc-e. .New ofticea, 7u, TU8, 701 beii lns Dldg. Main 4ua. Open evenings. UNK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Tllford bldg., Portland, Oregon. Phone jtlain CAKPiiX WJEAVXNG. KORIHWESI KUCi CO. Kugs from old car pets, rag rugs. 1S8 East bin. .Both phones. CKLIULOIU MUTXOSa, BAlXiia. THS LktW'IN-iiOJJiiON COMPANY, 82 6ta st. Phone Main a 12 ana A 1264. CHIKOFOOISTS. William. Estelle and William, Jr., Deveny. the only scientific chiropouists in the city. Parlors, 802 Geriinger biug.. ti. w, corner 2d and Alaer. Phone Main 1301, CHUtOPOIJiST and Foot Specialist. Mez zanine floor, N. W. Bank olug. Maln2bi4. C111BUPOUI and pedicuring. Mrs. Al. U. Hill. Oifices, Fiieaner biug. Main 3413. CUIUUfKACl'lC PUiItlAS. UH. M'MAHON, 121 4th Chronic cases; IS treatments, $10; others less. Main 205. CLEANING A1 PRESSING. KRESS SUITS for rent; we press one suit each week for per month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., g09 Stark at., bet. 5tn and btfa. Main 614. COJULECXION AGKNCY. Accounts, notes, Judgments collected. "Adopt Short Methods." short Aujustment Co., 82B N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Maln U74. KTU & CO., Worcester bids. Main 1796 No collection, no charge. Established 1100. DENTISTS. 1R. A. W. KEENE. Majestic Theater bldg., aSl' Waanington su Marshall mob. DANCING J-ROF. WAX. WILSON Waltz, hesitation, one-step, two-step, schottlsche; lessons 25c, ixorning, afternoon, eve.; guarantee to teach anybody who walks how to dance. 854 5th su. bet. Stark and Oak; 4 private lessons. 32; 8 classes. Phone Main 7637. Mr. and Mrs. Heath's Academy, lessons dally; class Mon. and FrL eve., 8 to 10. 231 ij Morri3on, cor. 2d. Mar. 313. EYE, EAK, HOSE A.ND THROAT. Treatments by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. g. Casseday. S17 Oekum bL, 8d& Wash. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do ail kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H M- H. Electric Co., 21 First su North. y. Phone Main U210. AGKICULT I'ltAL iviFi.KMtCK XS( R. M. Wade A. Co., 3-.2-.i;iJ Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECT CJRAX. WIRE &TkON WORKS. Portland Wire 6c Iron W'kh., id and Columoia. AUTO A.VU BUotiX XOI'S. dubrtjilub; BUGGY TOP CO., iUO 2d st. ALTOilOULUli bLVflUlta. BALLOU & W MIGHT. 7th and. Oak; sts. UAGGAGU CHECKED AT HOMXL Baggage Ac Omnibus Uransfer. Park i Uavla. BICYCLE, MUlUUCVtXE & SCl-l-UJit. AL1.0U & VVK1GHT. 7th and Oak sts. BKKAJ) UAKEKfl ' Boyal Bakery Conf., Inc.. 11th and Everett BKEWKRsi AND BOl'TIJSKS. UENRy WEISHARD, 13th and Uurnslde. CASCABA UAKK AI GKAl'E BOOT. KAHN BROS., 1H1 FRONT ST. CEMJENT. EIALE A.NU PEASTEB. T. T. Crowe & Co.. 40 Fourth street. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICKS. CLOSBETT & DEVEKS, 1-11 N. Front st BBY GOODS. FXEISCHNER. MAYER & CO.. 207 Ash st. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Btnbbs Electrical Co., 6th and Fine sts. CHAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Marshall grocerxesI WADHAM3 CO.. 651-75 Fourth street. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. CITY SALESMAN -wanted by a. large corpo ration; high-grade proposition with strong selling: points. Prefer man with book or Industrial insurance experience. If you are energetic and reliable and can furnish references, address, stating; experience, V 310, Oregonlaa, BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEO MAN, you are requested to attend the serv ices of Sister Archer Myra M. Church at P. L. Lerch undertaking parlors. East Elev enth and Clay streets, Sunday, October 25, at 2 P. M. Independent Homestead, No. 5S0, will conduct the services, and all members re requested to be present. By order of the Hon. Foreman. PAULINE S. LERCH, Corres. WE have an unusually attractive proposi tion to offer a first-class orchardist with suitable eauipment or means to procure same. Call 322 Corbett bldg. Phone Marshall U35. EXPERIENCED waist and all around fin ishers; bring city references. 434 Morri son. MEETING NOTICES. KIHKPATHICK COUNCIL. NO. 2227, KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY" Grand Hallowe'en -masquerade ball. Moose Hall, Broadway and Morrison streets, Fri day, October 30, 8:30 P. M. Hoch's famous Union Orchestra. IS good prizes. Admission 2K cents. Members and friends cordially in vited. MARTHA WASHINGTON SOCIAL CLUB will give five hundred party Thursday after noon, October 29, at 2 o'clock sharp. East Eighth and Bumslde streets. All O. E. &. members and friends invited. Prizes and re freshments. Admission 2oc. BELLE RICHMOND. Chairman. THE MACCABEES md their friends will have a haloeen party at the K. of P. hall, 11th and Alder streets, Thursday evening, October 2w. The ladles are requested to bring pumpkin pie. Admission free. Cards, danc ing and refreshments. SUNRISE LODGE. NO. 105. L. A. TO B. OF R. T. announces its Halloween dancing party Friday. Oct 30, Otiristensen's Hall, 11th and Yamhill sts; dancing 8:43, admis sion 50c. Burchard's Orchestra. MARGUERITE CAMP Mrs. Katherlne Trevett, of Chicago, will give a programme Tuesday evening. Oct. 27. at 128 11th St.. at 6.30; 24 hands ot "500." Admission ISo. MRS. HOOD. YOU are cordially invited to attend the Homesteaders' social Tuesday evening, Oc tober 27, Masonic Temple, 388 Yamhill. Short programme, cards and dancing. No admis sion oharged. Committee. COME TO PORTLAND ART CLUB'S special 300 Saturday evening, chop plate, first eight hand-painted china prizes every Tuesday afternoon. 12i Fourth street Membership free. ROYAL DANCING CLUB will give a dance Wednesday night, Oct. 28. 129 Fourth street Union music. Admission 25c. PIED. WARD In this city. October 24, John W. Ward, aged 83 vears. late of Prlnevllle. Or. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley A Son, Mont gomery at Fifth. FUNERAL NOTICES. SOUDERS Oct. 23. Thomas Souders. aged SI years, beloved husband of Mrs. Emma Souders. Funeral services will be held at Dunning & MEntee's chapel Monday. Oct S. at 10:30 A. M. Friends invited. Inter ment Multnomah Cemeterv. The deceased was a member of the Woodmen of the World. HOLLING WORTH The funeral services of the late Joseph Holllngworth will be held today (Sunday) at 2 P. M. from the fam ily residence, of.27 Seventv-second street Southeast.. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. TAROLLO The funeral of tha late Leo Tarollo will leave Dunning & McEntee's chapel today (Sunday) at 1:30 P. M. Serv ices at St. Michael's Church, cor. 4th and Mill, 2 o'clock. Friends invited. Interment .Rlvervlew Cemetery. KELLER The funeral services of Karl Graves, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keller will be held from A. R. Zeller Cp.'s parlors today (Sunday) at 2;30 P. M. Interment Rose City Cemetery. CHURCH The funeral services of the late Myra M. Church will be held at P. L Larch funeral parlors. East Eleventh and Clay streets. Sunday. October 25, at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. OAITHER The funeral of the late Harrr Gay Galther will be from Holman's funera parlors at 10 A. M. today (Sunday), Octo ber 5. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. BUSINESS DIRECTORY FEED 8I-MK. TEAMING, hauling, excavating! sales stable, A. p. Morse, 334 Front. Main FOUXDBi AM) MACHINE WOBai, PHOENIX Iron Works, East 3d aaS Haw thorne. General machine and foundry worlt. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE c MARK. HAM CO.. 345 Washington St. MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold ana exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co., Portland. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASIf MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 63, A 2158. MOVING PICTCREST FIT .MS. machines, sunpliea. rented or sold. United Film Co., s2s 2d st. MUSICAL. Emil Thielhorn, violin teacher; pupil Sevcik. 207 Fliedner bldg. A 4160, Mar. 1628. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist in paralysis, ner vous chrome diseases a04 Oregunlan biug. OPTICIANS. 00 A FIGHT on high prices Why pay s? to io for a pair of glasses wnen i can fit VOUr Vu l-m wirK r-ml- quality lenses, gold-fuied frames, as low as SLoUV Gooaman. 11 Morrison at. near bridge. oatist action guaranteed. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. R. B. Northrup, 308 Morgan bids- cor. Broadway anU- W iumu Office pnone Main 249 ; reaiqeqca East 1028. jax.ntis. PATENTS secured or fee returned - illus t rated ruiaeooon and list of invention mailed tree to any address; patent, aecursa by us aaverusea tree in World s Progress, v sample copy iree. Victor J. .uvans Co., 64. Nintn. East Washington. D. j. PATENTS that protect and pay; advice, ana Hooks tree; nig nest references; best re suits, promptness a&aureu; send sketch, or model lor ii ee stsarcn. Watson E. Coiomaa, latent Lawyer, tiw if su, W asuington. i. . PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENT secured through our credit system, information and booklet Iree, Patent ability report tree, jonn Louis Waters ft Co., Wasmcgton, D. O. X. J. GE1SLER, AU'y-at-Law, o02 Henry. "Wnx. C achnudt, Eag. and rJrailtsmaji. R. C. WRItiHT 22 years' practloe U. and foreign patents. tuO UeXum bldg. FAWNBHUKEBS. Sl'EiX'S LOAN OFFICE. 1U years In buslne&s. Liberal loans on diamonds, watches, cameras, e tc. 26 N. tttlx. FLUMES. ROSE CITY PLUME SHOP. Marshall 87. Plumes and paradise cleaned, dyed, re modeled. 406 Fliedner blag., 10th, Wash. WHOLESALE AJMU MANUFACTURERS HAIR. GOODS. POBTLAMJ HAIK GOODS CO.. WHOLt:aAL.Jii OJJLii. 411 IJiiKUM LDG. IIATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSLH HAT CO.. o2-5g Front st HIDES, PELTS. WOOL AND IlBo. KAHiN i,KOS., 1U1 Front street. IRON WOSKS. PACIFIC 1RJA WORKS, East Ende of Burnside Bridge. BTEEL 6TRUCTLKAL PLANT. FOUSDKI, ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS, STEEL BRIIKiiSa ROOF TRUSSES, Carry Complete Stock ol STEEL BEAMS AND ANGLES, , CHANNEL PLATES. TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHA3. 1. MAST1CK & CO.. 74 Front: leather ot every description, taps, mfg. flndinga LDIEEMENT, PLASTER, METAL LATH. The J. McCraken Co., 1114 Board of Trade. Sales agent celebrated Roche Harbor lime. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY &. CO.. 231 Pine street MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 83 Fifth st MILLINERY. BR AD SHAW BROS., Morrison ana Tth sts. FUNERAL NOTICES. RANKIN In this city. October 21. at the famllv residence. 425 Larrabee street, John Rankin, aged 76 years C months and 25 days, born near Malmo. Sweden. Beloved husband of Hedda Rankin, father of Ellen H.. Anna M. Hamann, and Captain O. t. Itankin. The funeral services will be held today (Sunday). October 25, at 2:80 o'clock P. M.. at the residence establish ment of J. p. Flnley & Son, Montgomerj at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at River View cemetery. LOTTMAN In this city, October 24. Wil liam B. Lottman. aged 53 years. The re mains will be forwarded Monday morning, October 20, by J. P. Finley & 6on, to Buttevllle. Or., where services will be held at 1 o'clock P. M. at the Congrega tional Church. Friends invited. Inter ment In the family plot Spokane, Wash., papers please copy. FUNERAL DIKECTOKA '1 liw uui; .c.uluu uitu diuug establish ment la Portland wltu privata dxlvswas. slaw y. a 15UW. i. P. FINLEY A SON. saontgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD MOLMAN, the leading funeral director, 220 Third street, const fcalmon. Lady assistant, a 151 1. Main sV2. T. 8. DUNNING, INC. East Side sunexa iiHcuitM 414 KVast Alaer st Avast o. A aoaa. A. R. ZKi.l.h'.it CO.. wil.i.i a mj .. East AVea, c Aoeo. iao attendant ajj aim nignt service. , DUNNING M' ENTEE. funeral directors, ttn and Pine. Phone Main 4u. Lady at. tendant unice oi tount coroner. R. X. BYRNES. Williams ave. and Knott East 1115. c 1D43. Lady attendant P. L. LERCH. East 11th and Clay sts. Lauy assistant East 7bL fiKEWEs undertaking" COM.PANT.I4 ana Clay. Alain 416X. a aaaL Lady jttandaat FLORISTS. ' Washington. Mam iott. a I28u. Flowers zor ail occasions artistically arranged. tLAKKE BROS., designers and decorators. Iresn cut lowers, great variety. Morriaos. bet 4th and 5-h. slain or A 1808. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP, xd and Aide.-. Designs and sprays, aiarsnall 6M2X MAX M. SMITH. Main 7210. A 812 1 s)sw Ing bldg. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MULAT SCOTT FAKaC Csstainlsg Sia acres. Portland's Oaly Msxtera Perpetual - Care Ctaneterr. Refined. Fleaslns Berries, Complete, Perfect ftlquipuesl. Cvsera aad ierau ttcuussaia Motis Xelevboaea. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 7 KHAHU AVE Between Davis and ISverett. Phone. Llaat 1423, B 2315. Opes Omy aad Mgkt. Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small animala Horse ambulance for sick, or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desir ing, a pet may communicate with us. NEW TODAY. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Ratea FARM AN D CITV LOAN 9, na tU Board of Trade Bids. WANTED TO BCY ABOUT SO FEET OK OKFICB PARTI TION CHEAP FOR CASH. AO OOLXiONIAA. FLUMES. f' - m. v w. Br Hn.Mi in fulhar t oyemg. cleaning ana rexnoaei ing. mounting birds of paradise our specialty. "THE PLUME." 258 Morgan Bldg. Main 4001. ROSE CITY PLUME SHOE. Marshall 437. Plumes, paradise feathers, cleaned, dyed, remodeled. 40 Flledner bldg.. 10th. Wash. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sta. Main 3489. RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 131 Wash. st. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. CHOK REPAIRING. SHOES HALF SOLED. In 10 minutes while you wait. .New York Shoe Repair Co., Alder su fthOhv BANK STORE 11A.TLKES. MAKaHALL MFG. CO., 10th and Flanders New and old window display and caomec work. FOR reasonable prices see Western Flxturs & Showcase Co., 48 N. iOth. Mar. 774. STORAGE AND TBAN Si"E R PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor. 15th and JsLeainey sis., just completed, new fire proof warenouse for ho use bold effects, pianos and automobiles; contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam.-heai.ed piano-room, trunk and rug vauiLs, track age for carloaa anlpments, vans for mov ing, reduced freignt rates on household goods to and from East in through cara Mam 6640, ail departments. C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co. Office and commodious 4-tory bricjc warehouse, separate iron room and fireproof vaults for valuables, N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sis. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates mane on goods in our tnrough cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 6wtf, A lUtftt. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. New fireproof warenouae with separata rooms. Wa move and pack household goods and pianos and snip at reduced rates. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Free trackage. Office and warehouse lith and Hoyt sis. Main 5i7, A 127. MANNING WAREHOUSE TRANSFER CO. 13th and Everett Sts. Pianos and household goods moved, packed anj-shipped, reduced freight rates ' on all household goods to and from East, through car service. Main 70, A 2214. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St, cor 18th. Telephone Main 69 or A litis. We own and operate two large class "A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in city. , MADISON-8T. DOCK and WAREHOUSE Office' 18? Madison; general merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7681. WOOD. GREEN and dry slab wood; block wood. Pan ama Fuel Co. Main 6720, A 1S09. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. fortiand Wire 6t Iron Wks.. 2d and Columbia, PAINTS AND WALL JPAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO.. llio First street W. P. Fuller & Co.. 12th and Davis. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSbEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE. PIPE SITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. b4-bo Front street PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. S4-86 Front street l PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F W. BALTES i CO.. 1st and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NQ A FARKELL, 140 Front st ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrop. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., foot of Ankeny. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO, 12th and Davis. Portland Iron Works, 14th and Northrop. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. US Front st WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d st WHOLESALE JEWELERS OPTICIANS. BUTTERFIELP BROS.. MOHAWK 8LDU. KBW' TODAY. HIGH-CLASS PROPERTIES FOR EXCHANGE We have a num ber of very fine properties to ex change, listed on cash basis, some of which are as fol lows: 1 flat build ing; 1 apartment house ;. dow n t o w n business property; 1 large dairy farm, stocked; and. many others, all of which are open to most rigid investigation. Inside Property Dealers Ground Floor Henry Bldg. SICKNESS compels me to raise some money. I am offering- the following properties for what they will bring over and above mortgages, if it Is anything half .nJLttcres Orenco; value $14,000; Inc. .6000. . Warehouse property, with buildings. Forest Grove; value i-12,000: Inc. 13500 income 160. - Business property, East Side, Port OOof ;inS.C,m5e.0o050 Per m-: ValUe 30'- 30oJ;eic?'fo?0 L,nCOln 8treet: VLlUe IIOOO100' Irvingrton; vlue 4000; Inc. 2000 first mortgage on 160 acres Texas; value of land, $5000. First comers will get snaps, as I only need about $4000 to $4500. and then property Is withdrawn. No infor mation given unless, you have cash. S SS2, OREGOXIA. MORTGAGE LOANS on good Improved city and farm prop erty at current rates. Attractive re payment privileges. Loans q u 1 o k 1 r closed. If you need money call today. A. H. BIRRELIi CO. - Jf 0 EW TODAY, ALWAYS AWAKE! THE 191 Second St. W e are dally anticipating the needs of our customers. Now, as the cold nights are approaching, the question of additional bedding, with the incidental expense attached, Is worrying the good housewife. Realizing the needs of man v to secure good bedding at a reasonable figure, our special this week will be aiong in is line, w niie most stores an nounce low prices on comforts ntiH spreads during the Summer, we offer mem nuw, and at prices unequalled. COMFORTS. Beginning Monday morning, and con tinuing all week, or until our stock is exhausted, we will sell 3 14 -pound com forts, all white cotton, with silkoline cover, well quilted, at $1.15 each. Free delivery with other goods. Come early, as the supply Is limited. All these couuurts are made lor full-size bed. SPREADS. White bedspreads, full size, new j fu vau. uiorea spread a, something new. to match your room. -r luLiumug uiues ana pins. vl.65 each for this sale only. Also a few e,v n, wcao etna orignt, 11.U0 the pair, this week only. STOVES A.B RANGES. VVe have secured rinm tmnA r r. c-a slightly used, hut I all standard makes, full guaranteed by us, with or without water coil, priced from $15 tO $30. Tf In n ..H rtf a watr don't fail to see our line before pur chasing. Also some good cookstoves in. sizes 7 and 8. good condition. $5 to $8. Heaters in all shapes and sizes w uuu, i-oai ana comDination $2.25 to $8. Better buy now while the line Is complete. Gas stoves and ranges at jwur own price. some: good o-vt!s. Quartered oak dining-room table, massive design, 64-inch base, something extra good, slightly used but in perfect condition. Mahogany dressing table o -J K. i. A.i. i (v. . . . " ""i' y tauies, some beauties. . Piano in first-class condi- t. . ) "'i eooa organ in walnut case. We have priced these to move them lii:D BABGAEtg, Our trade on beds last week was ex cellent. We still have a few Vernis Martin beds, new, two-Inch continuous POSt. burnished hmt(H flninh In full flnH three-quarter sizes, which will go at last week's prices, $5.45. As this is less than the wholesale price, no more can be secured after present stock is soio. ,ooa line or iron beds, also iren springs. Wood springs very cheap. ovmo x urn-x um springs lert. not many. ROOMING - HOUSES. XK" - 1 . 1 1 , ot'c-KMi.c on luting up rooming houses and restaurants. Bring your ' " uu ici ua injurs wits sou I Or either new or used goods. We will jvu iiiifiicy ana ireat you rignt. '."j uutiiviun uuy eniireiy at i i ell a Try us and you will see the reason. OUR GUARANTEE. , We guarantee all goods to be as -represented or monov Km-ii ri , 0ti increasing trade proves that we make our statements good. Whatever you need, phone Bell, Marshall 4783, for Prices before nurr.haaincr RAtt.r .tin make It your habit, as many do, to make a weekly inspection of our stock. vnai we may not nave this week we win display next week. Our stock Is constantly changing, something new arm aesiraDie every time you call. BELL AUCTION CO. 191 Second St. Why Pay Big Prices for FURNITURE When you can buy slightly used Fhirniture, Carpets, - Stoves and Ranges at one-third the price of new goods? Largest and most com . plete line of slightly , used Furniture in the city. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE 208 First Street FORCED SALE Apartment House Site Quarter Block N. "W. Corner, East 17th and Washington; worth 12,000; if taken he fore WEDNESDAY can be had for $6500 Phone East 2522 Sunday, Main 1209 Monday, or AD 365, Ore gonian. Money to Loan SoOOO FOR FARM LOAN. ANY AMOUXT, S400 TO $20,000 FOR CITY LOANS. GEO H THOMAS, 267 Oak St.. Room 2, A In a worth BWtc. Building on R. R. Tracks TO LEASE V We will lease or rent our buildintr. 50x240. and sufficient ground to meet requirements to aesiraDie parties, suit able for factory, laundry, warehouse purposes. SEE OWJfERS, 9Q Eleventh St. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CITV PROPERTY. Hoary available wltblsi 24 boars after recelat ( abstract. 0 ssd 7 per eeat. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-41 North westers ik aide WE BUILD U - AN1 PART OF CITY HOUSES Coat Ins from $2000 to (20.000; also Apart -mnta. Flats and Oa rases. W hav money to loan. Call and aoa jar plajuv F. EL BOWMAN M CO- 1 Cwmmmnlml Cll SaUdJj J NEW TODAY. Auction Sales At Wilson's Auction House 166-168 FIRST Sly ( -N ear Morrlaos SC REGULAR SAXlESDAYS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT lO A. M. FOR MOM) AVS SAXE we have ex tension tables, dining chairs, buffets, sideboards, oak combination bookcase and desk, three-door bookcase in black walnut In fine condition, library and center tables, leather- armchairs, rock ers, couches, box couch, hall trees, oak and maple dressers, white enamel dressing table, iron beds, springs and mattresses, pillows, blankets, quilts, spreads, sheets. Universal steel range, gas range, water heater and other effects. WEDNESDAY A'D FRIDAY we shall nave a iuii line oi general houaefur nishings. GOODS SOLD AT PRIYATE SALE AT ALL TIMES Intendinor sarrhsHm ura A.t.ii. Invited to look through our IMMENSE STOCK. Included in our line are sev eral good uprlKht pianos, ranging in price from S5 to 150, all in first-class condition; also a large assortment of "QUALITY" and "LIFE - TIME' Fl'H MTVKE of the latest finish anH good as new; several pieces of GEM'. s.-tn, jm jt. a o M aiKi CIRCASSIAN WAL.HJT, all bHAAU RAPIDS GOODS, In fact we can furnish von with a i. most anythinsr in the l i n nf fnmitnr. that you may need. We also have a choice collection of room-size RIGS, in, nmui A..'tvLi,-S''," HM.E LOW" and "SAXKORD" AXM IXSTERS, best BODY BRUSSELS and TAPESTRY "MALLBABL E," "MON ARCH," "JEWEL" and other HIks-Gi a. d e STEEL RANGES. GAS RANGES, various makes and sizes. HOT - WATER HEATERS. COOK STOVES, large line of HEATING STOVES, gas and oil heaters, all In fine trouuiuon ana rally guaranteed. - WILSON'S BANKRUPT-STOCK STORE CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL. Main 2032. THE STORE THAT RETAILS AT WHOLESALE COST. nardwirf, paints, dry (roods, boots and shoes, aquapelle and oil clothing! also -"--, i nun rritiNter, conn term, scales, oil tanks, coffee mills, etc, J. T. WILSON, PROPRIETOR. THURSDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. AT EAST STARK AND SEVENTY- FOURTH STS., MONTAYILLA ESTATE OF BECHILL BROS., IN BANKRUPTCY. We Are Instructed by R. L. Sabln. Re- r. io eu mr tans to tne Htsbest Bidder the Followinar i NINETEEN HEAD HORSES, ONE MULE, -HARNESS AND EQUIPMENT, ALSO ONE RED DELIVERY AUTO ONE DEUVERY WAGON. J- T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER. AUCTION SALE Barger Will Sell AT PUBLIC AUCTION TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, 10 A. M AT Our Sales Rooms 868-370 EAST MORRISON STREET, As Follows To-vrltl A lot of storage goods left by Mrs. Head, one Chicago range, one heater, two beds two springs, two mattresses, several dressers, buffet, dining table dining chairs, kitchen chairs, combina tion bookcase and lady's desk. Also a lot of miscellaneous articles sent In by others for sale. These goods must be sold, as parties are leaving for California. N. B. We are again in the auction business; also storage. We will give jvu ccimi nuo ruuiu. ior storage II Dre ferred. N. B. We sell at private sale at all S. H. BARGER, AUCTIONEER. EUGENE PAGE, 'ASSISTANT. AUCTION SALE GOOD FURNITURE MONDAY 2 P. M. 211 FIRST STREET ."ave received a good assortment Of REAL GOOD MEDIUM-GRArTB FUR NITURE, which wo will sell at this sale, and you will be missing a big opportunity of buying furniture at IiT. - j-vu wo not attena this sale. - , r, . " ' icina we win sen a very nice dining set. including six chairs hnffot nnH avtD,n. v, , . . - - b.vuaiuii lauie. sev eral good rockers. Renown steel range with polished top, kitchen cabinet, like new; several good dressers, metal beds, couches, carpets, rugs, portieres curtains, gas range, etc., etc. FORD AUCTION CO. SALE DAYS MONDAY", WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 2 P. M. For Lease November First Four-story Brick building, known as 44 and 46 E. 6th st. N., and now oc cupied by the Russell & Gilbert candy factory, containing about 20,000 sq. ft. Prigmore & Younger 849 MORGAN BLDG. Main 7525. , OREGON CITY SUBURBS. If VOtl havs S10OU casil vuu en . beautiful level 17-acre place with smai:, comfortable house, barn. etc. for about hair value, write at once. Cannot delay. XX SST, Orosonlan. MW TODAY. ESTABLISHED 1SS2. ON TUESDAY NEXT WE SHALL SELL FINE Fl'HMTl RK, RIGS. ETC.. FROM MRS. SYMPON'S PRIVATE RESIDENCE. WE HAVE MOVED THIS FINE LOT OF GOODS TO OIR SALESROOMS FOR COS VEMENCE OF SALE, comprising library suite In quarter-sawed oak, viz., davenport with loose cushions, table and rockers with leather seats and, desk, bookstand, mirrors,- por tieres, embroidered folding screen, couch, large size Axminster and Wilton ruga, pictures, overstuffed easy rock ers, enameled bedroom suite, as fol lows bedstead, dresser and dressing table; also two full-size' brass beds, best steel-coil springs, silk floss and cotton mattresses, feather pillows, bsd ding. large-size dressers and chif foniers In quarter-sawed oak. Colonial designs; pedestal dining table, chairs and buffet, silverware, bric-a-brac glassware, box. couch, oak hall tree, gas range, etc. Also the following, being part fur nishing of an apartment: Costly oval library table, rockers. Unifold daven port, mirrors, dining table and chairs, Vernis Martin beds, dressers, sanitary couch, rugs, heaters, etc AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. We respectfully invite your careful inspection of the above goods tomor row at our salesroom. 166-168 Park street. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON THURSDAY NEXT we shall have another lot of go o d household furniture to offer you. These goods can be seen on Wednesday after noon. . AUCTION ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. FOR PRIVATE SALE large triplicate mirror, suitable for tailor or dressmaker: Singer machine, button machine and skirt-fitting stand. We pay cash for second-hand house hold furnishings. Phone us and our buyer will call. W. C BAKER fc W. H. DEAN. Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, ltfO-lttH Park Stree. MAIN STREET, NEAR. TWELFTH, LOT 40X50 FAIRLY GOOD BUILDING. ATTRACTIVE PRICE. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 Fourth St. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Kates. JOHN E. CR0NAN PQZ Spalding Bldg. Portland Or. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. J. H. NASH, 723 Chamber of Commerce bld., pays cash fur real ectata and sell mi -y terms ana exenan g e. PALMER-JONES CCX. H. P 4G4-40J-4G8 W 11COX PIQg. KECK, William G.. 315-31C Falling bldg. BENEDICT BROS.. 9 30 Hawthorne avenue. JENNINGS tc CO. Main 1SS. 106 Oreonlaa. REAX E8TATX. For bale Ixta CIXSE-IX LOTS. FINS VIEW. Close -In lots, fine view ; the west 40 feet of lots 1 and 2, lots 5, 6 and 7, block US, Carter's Addition to Portland: only ADDRESS R. N. JENSEN, Redding-. Cal. Helnw VaIii 100x100 corner, on paved streets, two blocks from Union ave.. Income $35. U0 "wmu, a Baap at fOtuu.uu, no trade. HARRY BL HUMPHRY. 2111-13 Chamber of Commerce. $350, FINE Quarter aora irart . lava fine soil, iocated on the West side, 5c car fare, city water. On a tract this sixe you can raise all vour v-)tH hia nnH chickens which will help you to solve iu nisn cost ot living;. Terms 110 cash. w iiiuuiu. jm.. r. oua corbett bldg. JTTST THIN'lf nl.Y ti:-,n Fine lot In PIEDMONT district, iust one block from UNION AVENUE witn four line prune trees. This was reduced from JIOOO to J650. See owner at 514 Chamber oi commerce. LOT $50o Irvington district; must have cash at once; this lot Is 00x100. east frontage, about 3 feet above grade, three blocks from Broadway car, near Irvington Catho lic Church. Security Development Com- pauy, m ana nne sts. $3o0, 75x100 lot. fine view, lavs levI. ft side. 5c car fare, city water. If yon are iwuKing ior your iuture nome, it will pay you to let us show you this property. Terms $10 cash, $3 per month., Al. E. jLf. ji. oroeii oiag. ' HAVING left Portland, will sacrifice She most desirable location for fine home. vtwuHjuug ntgeni unve, Aiameaa ir aric r men view; containe aoout 14.U00 sq. feet. Apply owner. Q. H. Qllpin. 2S04 N, Cedsr st.. Tacotna, Wash. LOTS. I have several choice lota in h i rrnrnt parts of the city. If you are looking for utirgBina, iet me snow you. ISO agents. L. VERNON. VERNON. $550. $550. Lots 21 and 22. block 8. S. W. corn 21st end Killings worth; worth $1100; this can't be beat. Fred W. German Co.. $14 tnam. or com, CORNER lot 11th and Humboldt sts.; one u,ut,n. 4i uiu n. I uci BU CC L . H41 Street 1111- ' provements paid except $37. Price $0O0. or-L u rvx i x JJ,VJ!iL.Uf JiKAT COMPANY 4th and Pine Sts. ' 4tirH ST., $S50. EAST FACING. CORNER. ROSB CITY PARK. hlorUn in ear.- 2d mtg. privilege, terms, $150 down, bal- H.nce mo, t per cent. A (J iioa. ure gonian. MONTAVILLA V ACRE. xBaO All cleared and set to fruit trees, close to new school, very reasonable and can give easy terms. rea W . German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. FAIRPORT-corner lot, 50x100, sidewalk paid for, near car and Kenton Bank. Will take $500, half cash, bal. terms to suit. Call uwner, wooaiawn auui. A GREAT BARGAIN. 100x100 corner. Piedmont rflottHf o blocks to car, only $100, less than H Its ouiiie, ooo vjimmner or commerce. EQUITY in Harvard Heights; lot at a dis count: bought lot In 1110. oaid on nrini. pal $330; will sell for $250. Security uevBiupinani tompany, fin ana fine sta PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Homes and homes! tea. a few great unuia. tuiu:ncr is s reference. Marshall 4827. BHQQKE. A S889. GOOD view lot in Arlington Hts.; easy walk down torn; all Improvements included in price, $1000. some cash, balance 6 per cent, rnone M an n a 1 1 IRVINGTON PARK lot $500; must sacrifice this fine lot; $500 take it; one block from car. Security Development Company. 4th FINE lot. E. 34th, near Division; hard sur- xace an in and paid; cost $13m cash; price $950, $100 down, $5 monthly. E B. Hyatt, 300 Alder. WILL sell my choice lot in Ladd's Addition. 20th St.. near Hawthorne, 50x128. Every thing In and paid for, $lSOO cash. R. ST. Prescott. 144 Broadway. SEVERAL jgood snaps in Astoria, Warren ton and Flavel lots. I know the ground; can locate you In heart of the best of it. R. L- Yoke. 1136 Northwestern bank bldg. i?CHUYLER STREET. NEAR 3TR $800 for this fi0xl00-ft. giveaway, street Impr. only $169. AC 358. Oregonian. BY owner, lot 60x100 with 7-room house. cheap for cash; terms If desired. 386 E. 6th st. S. CHOICE lot 50x100 in Highland Park, eaat lacing; sacririce ior caan or acreage; own er. AF 352, Oregonian. CHOICE apartment - house building site. Hawthorne ave,. corner, close In. for sale by owner. Room 631. Hotel Perkins. LACREL.HURST LOT Near park; sacrifice or tRKe cneap iois ior equity. CHAS. RINGLER. 316 Ry. Etc WAVER LEIGH HEIGHTS, sightly lot for sale oy owner, rtoom oi, aoi&i Perkins. EXTRA FINE IRVINGTON corner, this week iwu oeiow vaiue. A 3oa, oregonian. SNAP $700 lot for $273 cash, close to car. Dubois. 723 ensmoer Commerce. FOR SALE Lot. close to river. Call after jf. jo. Dunoay. oi boum ve REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. BEAUTIFUL residence lot on Williams ave.: wodt frontage; on of th most beautiful budding euea anywhere on Williams ave. ; four nne new house juat completed In the same block; on ?asy terms, or can arrange with you to buid for you. hav plans at our office, which are f roo to you to make yur selections from. Office open evenings. s THE BRONQ COMPANY 2o7)s Oak St Lewis -Bids. LOTS on ITnton ave.. the areat thoroughfare to Interstate bridge, on terms of oniy li per cent down and 2 per cent per month. Take Vancouver car, et off t 3 Tovar station. THE BRONG COMPANY, 2i7 H Oak St.. LewU lildg. ' ; &lh $6JS , ( 62& v t Hardsurface sta. paid , 1-T V ft, cement aide walk paid. No lucuuibraace Cor. lot, 60x77. on S3d and Preecott. Opposite Alameda Park. Owner, oelle wood 7&. IRVINGTON LOTS. Two adioinine lota nn rarllna ?if mr Will sell one or both at a bargain. G. 1 -m Brown. 070 E. 2d su. N. wwwwaia ' ssmsw, uvau wlu II 1 1U WIA iU swell location, sacrificed $107 i. F Zo-k Oregonian. -Beach Property. NEWPORT. OR.; 10 lots oOxOu, In Nysj Beach Add.; 4 blocks to P. O.. 2 blocks to beach; clear title. Will sell cheap fosj cash. Call at 4u7 Merchants Trust Bldgg I or iSale Hooses. ON BROADWAY. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, modern and up-to-date, lot oOxlOf-W one block la car, price $oo00, no mortgage, will take to $3000 in trade. - IN IRVINGTON. T rooms, with sleeping porch, finished In mahogany, wit h all built-in conven iences, very detail of the latest. Price $0000, terms. EMMA B. SHAW., POO Northwestern Hank Bldg- ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. E. &3d and Thompson sta This Is an unusually attractive and artistic bungalow of 5 rooms. Complete in every detail, ready to move Into. You - could not find such a plaoe for sale at the cost anywhere In the city. Within 3 blocks of church. either Presbyterian. .Methodist or Catholic. few blocks of school, 2 blocks to carline. See this today If you want something exceptionally nice at low cost. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC., Contracting Architects, . AbingtonJBldg. GO! GO! GO! Look at the northeast corner of East 43d and Harrison today. The house will be unlocked all day. see this one: com pare it with any house in Portland, bar none, then decide whether it is a good buy. Go look, whether you Intend to buy or not. It will cost you nothing to look. It will surprise you when you see this one and compare it with others. The house is guaranteed first-class in every respect. When vou look, if interested, for price and terms phone owner and builder. Ta bor 54t.;i. LOOKING for a home? We are offering that new six-room bungalow on E. 47tii st. North, Just one block south of the Rose City Park car, with everything In. streets paved, sewers in and paid for; $350. Remember, this price Includes fixtures, shades, furnace and no bonded liens. See it today; we will finish the Inside to suit you. SCOTT-BEESLET-DEANB CO., 211-12 Abtngton Bldg. $3000 WHAT FORT For one of the nicest 5-room bungalows that you ever saw, In one of the best dis tricts of the city. Yes. it has hardwaad. floors, furnace, fixtures, shades, every thing to make it nice. Located on E. 71st st.. Just north of Sandy road. Easy terms. , SCOTT-BEESLEY-DEAN CO.. 231-12 Abington Bldg. SALE. Beautiful little home, fine lot, rood garage, large woodshed, on alley, gas electric fixtures ail in, house number 215 63d ave. and ti'Jd st. S. E.. Tremont add. Price $1250, small cash payment, balance easy. A 7111. J. S. TRUMBLE. 32t Railway Exchange. $850 BUYS a 3 -room shack on the West side, with over a half acre of ground, fine soil. 5c car fare, city water piped in front of this tract. This tract has a beautiful view of the East side and mountains. The ground alone is cheap at this price as property in the vicinity is selling at a much higher figure. Terms $50 cash. $10 a month. M. E. Lee. 503 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON. $5250. Practically new modern 7-room house for sale, good size rooms, very light, eaat front, street Improvement all in and paid. e Mr. Jones. JOHN P. WESTON CO. 1302 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE. Greatest snap on east slope of M t. Tabor. 6-room house, good as new; modern ex cept fireplace, eleven bearing fruit trees, fine view of mountains, lot 89x112; chicken-house and yard, $30oo with terms to suit. Tabor 1811. W. N. Sawtell. IRVINGTON. $1500. 50x100 lot. two blocks from Broadway car line, street Improvements all in and paid, terms see Mr. Jones. JOHN P. WESTON CO. 1302 N. W. Bank Bldg. SACRIFICED TO THE LIMIT. Alberta carline, 9 rooms, 3 00x100 feet, bearing fruit trees, berries, etc.; cost $4UoO 4 years ago, price $2600 cash ; no in cumbrance, only 2 blocks to car. AC 370, Oregonian. $5S50 LAURELHURST $5S50. New, modern, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, tile bath, large, light kitchen, ele gant finish old ivory and papered ; bar gain; terms. CHAS. K. RINGLER. 31 Ry. Exc. " PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. New house, all modern conveniences, walking distance; grand view of city ana 'mountains. Price, $10,000, part trade, part cash. This is $2500 below value. Mar sha.ll 4S27, BROOKE, 3839. 1 ACRE, 5 CENT FARE. Good 6-room house, with basement, good outbuildings, plenty of small fruit, all fenced, a fine buy. $2650. easy terms. Bmith-Wagoncr Co., 512 Stock Ex. Bldg. NEW MODERN FIVE ROOM BUNGLAOW Just completed, near Durham and Hol man sts. $;00 cash, balance monthly. T A GO ART, 41 Chamber of Commerce. MY modern beautiful Piedmont home, cost $3200, for $1850; only $900 cash, balance long time mortgage; close to store and car. Marshall 3941. 603 Oregonian bldg. STRAIGHT RENT TERMS. Mt. Tabor car. full corner lot, modern 6-room house, total price $1750. Smith Wagoner Co.. 512 Stock Exchange. $4500 STRICTLY modern residence; rty $1000 equity to trade for clear lot; Haw thorne district; 86x100 corner. Hawthorne and Richmond car. R 303. Oregonian. GOOD home for sale by owner; well located, reasonable price, easy terms; worthy of Investigation. 1430 Albina ave. or call Woodlawn 2664. FOR BALE by owner, new 5-room house, two- 50x100 lots. 7803 56th ave. S. E. Mt. Scott car to Wood me ro sta. Call Sun days. FOR SALE or trade, modern bungalow In restricted district for $2S50. AP 344, Ore gonian. VERY fine -house, cheap; Irvington; 7 rooms, choice, select mahogany and oak finish. East 2T3. W. H. llerdman. FOR SALE by owner New 8-room house and lot. 7o4 Ellis ave. Take Sellwood car. Price $2700. 5-ROOM bunsalow In center of Rose City Park, 2 blocks from car, on pavement $2150. Call Mar. 2746. $700 EQUITY In 5-room modern bungalow on 2 tn st. for $i 25 cash ; must be sold Monday. Call 8H 10th. Marshall 1298. $400 EQUITY, cheap. 3-room furnished nouse ana lot, oaiance. atou. rnone 4J 1165. TWO houses in South Portland, rented for 22 per month, clear of Incumbrance, only $3O00. 206 Stock Exchange bldg. $560 EQUITY for $425. Above the average modern Hawthorne bungalow; first man gets it. BC 324, Oregcnian. $200 CASH, cosy bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, lot soxiou; cost saooo. Take $2uoo; sacrifice. P 352. Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK 6-room modern bungalow. gooa attic; win taxe lot or auto iirst pay ment. Owner, Tabor 4M7. C-2254. $5oO CASH 55x2-11, 5-rooms. basement. fruit trees, faces carline; $1800. Tabor 570. $200 CASH, balance time, takes best mod ern 7-room bungalow In the city. Owner. Phone Woodtawn 1571 IRVINGTON home, must sell quick; leaving; ior (janiomia; oargaui; some traae. Alain 8078. WILL sell or exchange equity In Beaumont 6-room residence tor lot in restricted dis trict. V 351, Oregonian. FOR SALE 2-room houseboat furnished. Must be sold at one. 6-ROOM HOUSE Valued $16W: take $975 Monaay or x ucauay. Ataua iveu.