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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
22 TTT1T RTTXDAT OREGONTA??. POTCTTATTO. OCTORER 25, 1914. ALL CHARGE PURCHASES MADE TOMORROW AND THE BALANCE OF THIS MONTH GO ON NOVEMBER ACCOUNTS, PAYABLE DECEMBER FIRST FREE AUTO 'BUS MEETS ALL INCOMING TRAINS, BEGINNING TOMORROW. AN ADDED SERVICE FOR OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS. MEIER & FRANK'S Read Today's Journal for Additional Sibre "News of Exceptional Interest J ' III 'irWflrMn-M I I L Ht I m I I MEIER & FRANK'S Furniture Department, Tenth Floor Temporary Annex i J V A Read Description of Each Piece of "Lifetime" as Pictured. Read This Guarantee "Life-Tune" Furniture is guaranteed by the maker to be free from any de fects, faulty construction or imperfect material. F urniture Hewed From Mig "Life-Time" Dining and Living-Room hty Oaks! And Noteworthy for Its Beauty and Simplicity of Design Obtainable in Portland Only at Meier & Frank's Furniture Department . Among the many exclusive lines of high-grade Furniture sold in our complete Furniture Section, one of the most noteworthy is the famou3 "Life-Time" Furniture. JEvery piece of this handsome Furniture is made from selected; solid quarter-sawed Oak, and every piece is strongly made and,, true to name, will give a life-time of service. Solidity is one of the greatest features of "Life-Time" Furniture and all the joints are closely constructed and strong Oak, dowels and pins are used to make the joints rigid. "Life-Time" Furniture is finished in a beautiful Fumed effect of soft brown shade and .Waxed Golden, giving it a pleasing and rich appearance of individuality. ; We call particular attention to the neatness and care with which the minutest details of con-' struction are carried in "Lifetime' Furniture; and for the Living and Dining Rooms of the home, we know that "Life-Time" Fufniture brings constant satisfaction and as we have stated a life-time of service. A tour of inspection in our Furniture Section tomorrow will reveal to you a wonderful assort ment of this renowned "Life-Time" Furniture, and the pieces as pictured we have reduced in price for the coming six days. Where Oak Dining-room and Living-room Furniture is chosen be sure it is "Life-Time." A Visit to Our Furniture Gift Room will bring you amidst a wonderful collection of odd gift pieces of Furniture that are so much desired now in planning' the Holiday Gifts for the home. Remarkable copies of Period Furniture are shown, and very moderately priced. Among the Gift Pieces are Piano Lamps, Table Lamps, Spinet Table Desks, Book Stands, - Fern Boxes, Tea Wagons, Sewing Tables, Smokers' Stands, Telephone Stands, Stools, Tabourettes, Crickets, Music and Phonograph Cabinets, Ladies ' Desks, Gate Leg Tables, Pedestals, Humidors, Grandfathers' Clocks, Hall Chairs, Reception-Room Chairs, Tables, Davenport Tables, Magazine Racks, Book Troughs, Candlesticks, Screens and "Waste Paper Baskets. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. Commencing Tomorrow ! Two-Day Remarkable Silk Sale $1.25 Fancy Silks Reduced to Yard, 77c Flowered Dresdens, Handsome Per sians, Striped Silks, Printed Mes salines, Taffeta Silks. Light, Dark and Medium Colors Plain and Taney Effects. This sale is worth the considera tion of" every woman in-Portland. We 've selected a vast assortment of handsome new Silks, selling regularly at $1.25. and reduced the price to, yard, 77 a reduction that will be effective for two days only Monday and Tuesday. Every yard of Silk in the lot is of a de sirable color, design and weave Silks suitable for dresses, waists, linings, trimmings and other pur poses. All 24 inches wide. Early shopping will insure your securing the Silk you prefer, so we advise "morning shopping" during this two days' sale of $1.25 Silks at, yard, 77J. Third Floor, Slxtb-St. Bide. "LIFE-TIME" ROCKER AS PICTURED. The Handsome "Life-Time" RockeK as pictured above, has an auto-spring seat, with 12 springs. Seat is removable. Guaranteed not to sag. Mas sive construction. Beautiful soft-fumed finish. Seat-in genuine goatskin leather. Regu- q OC larly 13.00, special tomorrow at DZJJ "LIFE-TIME" MORRIS CHAIR This comfortable , "Life-Time" Morris Chair, as pic tured, has removable spring? seat and large loose cushion back of genuine goatskin leather. Back adjusts o three positions and remains rigid In ad justment. The leather is a rich, deep shade: frame of chair selected quarter - sawed oak. fi - j C" Regularly $25. Very special tomorrowwl l3U "LIFE-TIME" ARM CHAIR This "Lite-Time" Arm Chair is the same style as pictured in rocker above. Made from selected quarter-sawed oak. Finish waxed or fumed and has the removable auto seat of genuine goat- tQ OC skin leather. Regularly $13.00. Special at PS3 "LIFE-TIME" LIBRARY TABLE "Life-Time" Library Table, as pictured. with book or magazine shelf ends. .A. useful and attractive ' table for the living-room. Made with full - depth drawer. Has hammered copper flnishinsrs. Choice of fumed or waxed finish. Regularly (in 7TL $31.00. special tomorrow ..JX7.0 "HASTINGS" DINING TABLE This HandBome Dining' Table, as pictured. Is the famous " Hastings " make, and has the popular Tyden-Duo style lock. Finish is a beautiful fumed oak. Top is 48 inches in diameter, of solid quarter-sawed oak, and extends to six feet fcOQ 7Cf when -needed. Reg. $42.50, very specialD7 i O "LIFE-TIME" CHINA CLOSET Certain to dellgrht every woman in the home is this "Life-Time" China Closet as pictured. It Is con structed to match the buffet, and Is made from selected quarter - sawed oak, with a 4Q f t! beautiful rich fumed finish. Reg. $48. Ep'lwJHa I 3 "LIFE-TIME" BOOKCASE i Handsome "Life-Time" Bookcase, in fumed finish. Has five adjustable book spaces, double door; made from selected solid quarter-sawed oak. di Q 7T1 Regularly $27.50, special tomorrow. ... 0.f 3 "LIFE-TIME" BUFFET "Life-Time" Buffet, as pictured. Has large mirror, with shelf at top. Rich fumed finish and hammered copper trimmings. - Handsome construction made from selected quarter-sawed oak. Top t y C.rl .. Regularly $60.00. Special... PxCiJJ 48x20 inches. "LIFE-TIME" CHAIRS "Life-Time" Dining Chairs, made with the genuine leather slip-seat, as pictured. Unusually strong in construction, with corners heavily blocked. un usually heavy rungs making the chair rigid and certain to withstand hardest usage. tl QQ Fumed finish. Regularly $8. Special, ea. 0x70 "LIFE-TIME" DESK "Life - Time" Desk, as pictured. Complete with roomy compartments' and drawers for papers and writing materials. Full depth drawer underneath. Cloister design. Handsome in appearance. Hatn ntered copper finishings. Selected Ql Q OC quarter-sawed oak. Reg. $27.50. special I I 7.a&j Purchase Furniture On Our Club Plan of EASY INSTALLMENTS "LIFE-TIME" SERVING CHAIR To complete the Dinlng-Room Furniture we recom mend the Handsome Arm Chair, as pictured, with matches in every detail the Slip-Seat Leather Din ing' Chairs. Has genuine goatskin leather in seat. Corners strongly blocked. Selling regu- (n a larly at $12.00. Special, each TEMPORARY ANNEX. Best Quality of Print Linoleum Square Yard, 58c Tomorrow an all-day spe cial this best quality Print Linoleum, in 12-foot ridth, will be on-sale at this very special price 2000 yards in the lot. A remarkable offering for one day only. Seventh Floor. Temporary Annex TEMPORARY ANNEX $55.00 $45.00 $38.50 $54.00 $50.00 $40.00 $36.00 Wilton Rugs Reduced Wilton Hugs, 9x12 size, reduced to. S47.50 Wilton Rugs, 9x12 size, reduced to S37.50 Wilton Rugs, 9x12 size, reduced to S29.50 Wilton Rugs, 8-3x10-6 size, reduced to . S45.00 Wilton Rugs, 8-3x10-6 size, reduced to $42.50 Wilton Rugs, 8-3x10-6 size,' reduced to S33.00 Wilton Rugs, 8-3x10-6 size, reduced to S'27.50 seratk Floor. Temporary Annex ' ' -. " -" J"- ' . , See Millinery Announce ment, Society Section Announcements of Toy Store & Great Sale Men's Ties Elsewhere in This Paper We Do Expert Jewelry Repairing and Special Work Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed. SPECIAL 14-karat Hand - Made Tiffany Mounting, for Vt -karat stone, $2.50. Other sizes mountings in proportion. Kirt Floor, Stxth-St. Bids'. 506 SELF-REDUCING Scientific Hygienic CORSET FITTING with expert instructions as to the 'best means of conserving the health, while producing a fashion able figure, will be a subject of interest in our Corset Department during the week, Beginning October 26 By Mrs. A. L. Craig Special Instructor from the Nemo Hygienic Fashion Institute, New York. Introducing the latest styles in the famous Nemo Corsets. You are cordially invited to be present. Fifth Floor, Slxtb-St. Bids eaasnnnnsnnFoa-nMsnm-nnBnnBnasng-nnnnn TEACHERS' FUND GROWS RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION REPORT SHOWS INCREASE, Receipts for Past Year Reach Total of 22,614.t6 Board of Trttn for Ensuing Term Elected. The report of H. H. Herdman. Jr., president of the Teachers' Retirement Fund Association of Portland, at the annual meeting in the Lincoln High School building yesterday shows that a total of $22,614 96 was received by the association during the p&st year. Of this sum $19,100 has been invested in real estate mortgages. Since the or ganization of the association in Feb ruary, 1912. it has received more than $40,000, considerably more than was expected during that time. By the act of the Legislature a min imum reserve ' fund of $50,000 is re quired before any annuities can be paid teachers. It is hoped that this um will be reached within a few months. At present the association has $38,800 out at interest and a balance of $3514.96 on hand. During the past year the following acted as officers after their election by the board: President, ti. xi. neru- t- . i i t -.ric: arare De mull. !.. v 1 t i . - -. Graff; secretary. Miss Eugenie Morse: treasurer. R. H. Thomas, School Clerk (ex-ornclo). At tne eiecnuii, the following persons from the teach ing corps of the city were elected to the board of trustees: H. H. Herdman, Jr. C. M. Higglns. Eugenia Morse. Es- telle Mclntyre. Gertrude Ortb. E. H. Whitney, W. P. Olds and J. E. Werlein, who ai-e not en ployes of the district. These, with the chairman of the Board of Education, the City Superintendent or bcnoois ana mo omiwui -. . stitute the board of trustees for the coming year. Murder Trial to Start. Giovanni Luciano will be placed on trial for his life tomorrow morning before Judge McGinn, being accused of murder in the first degree lor tne al leged killing of Secondino Cocco In a saloon at 64 1 Fourth street on Septem ber 19. Self defense will be alleged by the defense, which will be conducted by Attorneys Albert r ererra ana Jo seph Page.. Deputy District Attorneys Collier and Hammersly will conduct the prosecution. CLUB PLAY IS SELECTED "BEAUX AND BELLES IN DIXIE TO BE GIVEN DECEMBER 14. . Mnltnomah Amateur Athletic Organi sation Production to Be Presented by Company of More Than 100). ' "Colonial Beaux and Belles In Dixie Land" is the name chosen by the trus tees of the Multnomah Amateur Ath letic Club for the big amateur thea trical performance to be staged by the institution at the Heilig Theater the nights of December 14 and IS. Ten tative plans call for an elaborate pro duction, not only of musical comedy, but of entertainment of various kinds. The production will be staged jointly by the men and women of the club, the women's annex playing an im portant part. Plans call for 39 "actresses." There will probably" be upward of 100 performers in the pro duction. . . Society already is taking a keen In terest in the performance, and a num ber of applications for boxes have been received. The proceeds of the show will be used for building the much-needed handball courts. President Wilbur and other ardent devotees of the game of handball are getting behind the event strong, and at least two new courts are wanted. At a meeting held last Monday the board of trustees ap pointed the following committees to handle the 'details of the theatrical: Officer R. W. Wilbur, president; F. W. Hild, vice-president; Kenneth L. Fenton, secretary; E. P. Stott, treas urer. Directors O. B. Coldwell, A. M. Ells worth, W. W. Banks. Charles Barton. R. C. Hart. Kdgar Frank and A. H. Allen. Superintendent Dow V. - Walker. Committees Executive. A. M. Ells worth, , chairman: Edward R. Morris and A. H. Allen; finance. F. W. Hild, chairman; W. A. Holt. W. W. Banks and A. M. Ellsworth; entertainment, A. H. Allen, chairman; E. R. Morris. Harry Fischer and Rex H. Conant; publieitr. Eddie Sammons. chairman; Dean Col lins. Rex Lampman. C. M. Bristol. W, M. Smythe. Mrs. Edith Knight Holmes. Miss Nona Lawler, E. R. Morris, L. M. Kennedy and Tom Gerber; ticket. Ed gar E. Frank, chairman: O. B. Cold well, W. W. Banks. A. O. Jones. J. E. Davidson, Ben Riesland, George Ainslie, V. C. P. Osborne, Lane Goodell. D. Atkin son. Dr. Bllderback. F. B. Upshaw. A. J. Lam pert. Ray Watklns. Harry Liv ingston. Ferd Smith, F. E. Harrigan and Rex H. Conant; advertising and' programme. Frank E. Watklns, A. B. McAlpln. George Bertz. L. H. Gregory and Harry Fischer. CITY HAS $1,834,780.66 Semi-Monthly Statement Is Issued by Treasurer Adams. The city has a total of $1,834,780.66 on hand In the various standing funds, according to the semi-monthly finan cial statement issued yesterday by City Treasurer Adams. The statement fol lows: . - General. $978,669.89; fire department, $108.95; police department. $86.56; street repair. $209.44; bonded indebtedness interest. $106,716.25; library, $40.59; park, $2136.28; street cleaning and sprinkling, $26.16; improvement bond sinking, $407,141.73; improvement bond interest, J34.S50.52; water. $166,839.27; park and boulevard, $10,613.72; Broad way bridge, $5133.55; garbarge crema tory, $2278.10: Municipal Jail, $600: flreboat and fire main, $108.03; special bridge, $4109.53; sinking, $31,413.99; water bond, sinking, $7430.87; water fund bond account, . $22.95; police and fire department relief, . $25.35; bonded Indebtedness sinking, $644.74; street Improvement. $25,613.79: sewer, $12,945.18: street .rl.naUn tj-4-aiw. street and nw n , , , -? o i... public auditorium. $34,542.23: police relief fund, $4711.19; total, $1,834,780.66. JEWISH YOUTH GETS HELP Y. M. C. A. Man Aids in Forming Classes at B'nai Brith Gym. Under the direction of Harry T. Smith, of the physical culture depart ment of the T. M. C. A., .classes will be organized in the B'nal Brith gym nasium, near Thirteenth and Markf.t streets. Arrangements were camplete-i yes terday to make the Jewish work prt of the extension operations of the .as sociation. Tuesday night ttis first classes will meet to begin the reg ular schedule. Classes of women aiid girls will be organized for sjc-immlng contests. Junior, senior, business and professional men's classes are to be formed with schedules of athletic work. Boxing contests and meets with out side organizations are planned. The B'nai Brith has a new gym nasium with the latest apparatus, a swimming tank 20x50 feet and a class room floor 42x86 feet. Basketball teams to meet outsiders are to be or ganized under, the V. M. C. A. direction- Sixth Child Born to Spanish Rulers. MADRID, Oct. 24. via Paris. A son was born this morning to Queen Vic toria of Spain. The son born today Is the Queen's sixth child, the others b Ing three sons and two daughters. BARVIEW HOTEL On Tillamook Beach under new management, will be kept open all year. Clams and crabs and chickens on hand all the time. $2.50 a Day Special Rates by the Week. .. Phone A or M. 2029. W. A. Wise. Prop.. 211 Failing Bldg. or writo to ISarview, Tillamook County, Or.