THE SUNDAY OREGOXI AN, PORTLAND. OCTOBER 25. 1914. PARTY SUPPORT IS DEMANDED AS DUTY DEFEATED CANDIDATES FOE GOVERNOR WHO INDORSE REPUBLICAN NOMINEES. Mil Ore .Retreat ? e Defeated Republican Candi dates Cite Reasons for ; Loyalty This Election. Dentistry Bill A Humiliation HARMONY IS EMPHASIZED 20 ZTJPJ H?h : ' V: W " A - i ? - vv K- nY' y r zzrY ,J ll ILs gon Nominees Shown, to Be Deserving of Electors Confidence and Quali- fled to Protect Principles and Policies Advocated. TKBSB ftlOTATIOSS FROM HARMONY CLUB MEMBERS' VIEWS. j, Charles A. Johns Every Re pulican in the state will remain hungry and Republican policies and principles will remain hun gry if our Democratic friends, under cover of personal criticism and abuse, can deceive and mis lead the people as to the issues in this campaign. A. M. Crawford Since the control of affirs, both state and National, have been placed in the hands of the Democratic party, times have been growing closer and each year finds it harder for the poor man to secure the ne cessities of life. Vt. A. Carter The men and women of Oregon who have reg istered as Republicans have done so because of .their convictions regarding its policy, and cer tainly cannot throw off and dis regard that party as lightly as one throws off an overcoat. T. T. Geer The Democratic machine insists that-the Demo cratic voters nan. nominate "fit candidates," but that the Repub licans, three times greater In . numbers, have not done so. This plain insult on the Oregon sys . tern should not be countenanced by the people. Gus C. Moser There is no good reason why voters of this state who are Republicans and believe in Republican principles should not vote the straight Republican ticket, but there are many good reasons why they should. Grant B. Dimick The best and quickest way to dethrone the Democratic ring and remedy the unwholesome results- of Demo cratic policies is to elect Re publicans who are pledged to principles which, if re-enacted, will heal business conditions. Each of the seven Gubernatrial can didates for the Republican nomination tor Governor who was defeated at the May primaries by James Withycombe Is working earnestly for the success of the entire Republican ticket from "top to bottom." Recently the seven defeated candi dates. Gus C. Moser, T. T. Geer. Charles A. Johns, Grant B. Dimick, A. M. Craw ford, George C. Brownell and W. A. Carter, formed what is known as the "Harmony Club." to advance the inter ests of the Republican party and give all possible aid to the successful can didates on the Republican ticket. The Harmony Club members, through their activity in the present campaign and the messages that they have given in their stump speeches, have demon strated not only that they are "game losers," but have reflected the uniform spirit of loyalty which characterizes the Republican party this year, as sel dom before. In forming .statements of reasons why R. A. Booth, James Withycombe, t-. . mcAnnnr, republican nominees Xor the offices of United States Senator, Governor and Representative in Con gress, respectively, and all other regu lar party nominees should receive the vote of every Republican November 3, the Harmony Club members have clear ly outlined the pertinent issues of the campaign. Party ! 1 ty Urged. Perhaps the keynote of their argu xnentB is tnat mere Is every reason this year why all persons who have placed themselves on record as Repub licans should display their sincerity by carrying out tne true spirit of the dl rect primary law In voting for the can didates who honestly and openly re celved the party indorsement at the primary election. In hard times, when the Democratic party is jeopardizing home industry Dy enacting a tariff law that is suicidal as well as illogical and when the inef ficiency and extravagance of Demo cratlc administration, both National and state, is apparent on every hand. the voters are admonished not to be deceived into the fallacy of non-partisanship through the strategy and mis representation of the Democratic ma chine and press. Appended herewith are the state ments given by Mr. Johns. Mr. Geer. Mr. Crawford, Mr, Carter, Mr. Dimick, and Mr. Moser. setting forth why all regular Republican nominees should be elected. BY CHARLES A. JOHNS. Through the aid of the Republican party, ana to overcome then existing political conditions, the people adopted what is known as the Oregon primary law and nominations were made in the recent primaries strictly in accord with and under the terms and pro visions of that law. Everyone must concede that R. A. Booth was fairly and honorably nominated for United States Senator; that James Withy combe was fairly and honorably nom Inated for Governor, and that C N. .McArthur was fairly and honorably nominated lor Representative in Con STress. Such offices are political offices and these men stand for and represent the policies and principles of the Republi can party. There Is no Intelligent rea son why each of them should not re ceive the unqualified support of every person who believes in the policies and principles of the Republican party or that their opponents should not receive the unqualified support of every per son who believes in the policies and principles of their respective parties. If the Republicans should elect a Senator. Governor and a Representa tive In Congress In Oregon, it will be known and recognized as a Republican state, and if the Democrats should elect such officers it will be known and recognized as a Democratic state. The bitter attack which is now be ing waged against some of the nom inees on the Republican ticket is sim ply the means to an end. and that end is the defeat of Republicans and tne election of Democrats to the principal otflces in the estate of Oregon. 1 am one of the "hungry seven," and, politically speaking, each one of us. and .every Republican in the state. Tv-ill remain hungry and policies and principles will remain hungry If our Democratic friends, under cover of personal criticism and abuse, can de ceive and mislead the people as to the 27 77 tTc jrr l lL 1 1 ' tai 1 WiWfi i f i (A :; I I V r f Gran zT 5". Z2'srzcC; V7 ? s ssues in this campaign and ' what the result of this election will mean.. . BY A. M. CRAWFORD. If we believe ' in Democratic prin ciples, then we should vote the Demo cratic ticket; if we believe in Repub- lcan principles, then wj should vote the Republican ticket. We have nomi nated Mr. Booth for Senator, and Messrs Hawley, McArthur and Sinnott for Representatives in Congress on the Republican ticket. As Republicans we believe in Republican principles and we believe also that the present Demo cratic tariff bill is directly responsible to a great extent for the deficiency in National revenue and for the hard times that has settled over the country. and the cause of the necessity for a war tax in time of peace. ine entire ticket should be supported on account of public policies of the Republican party, from the fact that since the control of affairs, both state and National, has been placed in the hands of the Democratic party,, times have been growing closer, and each year finds it harder for the poor man to secure the necessities- of life. It is time we began to think and vote for our own best interest. Dr. Withycombe, the Republican candidate for Governor of the state. should be elected that the state may be redeemed from the misrule of the present administration; that laws may be enacted which will assure . protec tion for investment of money in build ing industries to furnish employment; that the state expenditures may be reduced wherever possible, and it is possible to reduce them in many di rections, but the same will not be done by a continuance of present con ditions. . Dr. Withycombe is a man' ' whose reputation is unsullied, who will treat all who visit him officially with the utmost courtesy, will listen to their arguments and act for the best inter est of the state and the people gen erally; a man of absolute integrity, of good ability and address. If his opponent is elected we have no assurance that there will be any reforms Instituted or attempted, but on the contrary, he assures us that he will continue in the disregard of law and career of extravagance of which the state penitentiary is a glaring example. . -.-- BX W. A. CARTER. I feel confident that the men and women of Oregon who have registered members of the Republican party have done so because of their convic tions regarding the great lines of its policy and- certainly cannot throw off and disregard that party as lightly as one throws off an overcoat. If one can do this,, what right had one to belong to that party in the first place? If a measure of real importance on which the two parties are divided is to come before the Legislature, I can. see no particular reason for self-congratu lation on the part of a man who has cast his vote in such a way that it will become absolutely nullified on the final result; that is, by voting for one can didate who will vote "yes on a cer tain measure and" another who will vote "no." . R. A. Booth is the Republican nom inee for the office of United States Senator. Opposed to him is George E. Chamberlain, the Democratic nominee, and William Hanley, the Progressiva nominee. I believe it is conceded that these men are honest, aapable men and wor thy of the confidence imposed by their respective political parties. Is it not, therefore, the plain duty of the mem bers of these parties to support the candidates they have nominated as their standard-bearers? . Is this not also true when applied to the candidacy of Dr. Withycombe? The attitude of all or the candidates who opposed him for the nomination In the primary election certainly makes his candidacy the unanimous choice of the Republican party. As one of the candidates who op posed Dr. Withycombe in the primary election. I want it understood that Dr. Withycombe won his nomination fairly and squarely, and that it is not only my duty, but a real pleasure, to give him my hearty support and urge all of my friends to do the same. I feel that he will make Oregon one of the best Governors it has ever had and. beside being safe and sane, he is a man of high character and lofty ideals; a man who is probably better acquainted with Oregon's needs than any other. man. BY GUS C. HOSER. There is no good reason why voters of this state who are Republicans and believe in Republican principles should not vote the straight Republican ticket, but there are many good reasons why they should. Mr. Booth should be elected Senator because he has shown by his public services in the past that he has an eye single to the public good, and has great faith in the Pacific Northwest; because his private life has been an exampl worthy of emulation, and in inspira tion to the young men and women of the state; because he has shown by hi manly bearing throughout this cam paign and the statesmanlike utterances in his speeches and platform, that he r I ft ' -"';7 i" 3S together in a royal family. The fair methods of the Democratic prese and the coated pleas for nonpartisan- ship. Invented by the Democrats ' TOTO ' -HP'S?? rii ' 3 ' i- State Board - - of - Examiners. Alabama ...... . . ... . . Yes Arizona Yes , Arkansas Yes California Yes Colorado........ Yes Connecticut ... Yes Delaware . . .-. Yes Florida ..... .;. ... . Yes Georgia . . . Yes Idaho : Yes Illinois Yes Indiana ... . Yes Iowa Yes Kansas Yes Kentucky. ...... ... . ... . . Yes Louisiana ... Yes Maine Yes Maryland ". Yes Massachusetts ;. . Yes Michigan Yes Minnesota Yes Mississippi Yes Missouri xes Montana Yes in- Nehrnska ies Nevada ... Yes Hampshire , . . Yes New Mexico Yes Yes New York Yes will worthily and efficiently represent tkis state in the United States taenate nd - uphold Republican principles therein. Mr. McArthur should be elected Rep resentative in Congress because he is a young man, full of vigor and energy, and . possessing - every qualification requisite to give us honest and effi cient service in the National Congress, and because his record as a public offi- ial has proved him worthy of the trust and confidence of the people of this county and state. Dr. Withycombe should be elected Governor because he has shown him self to be a broad-minded, American Itizen. .who has already rendered the state much valuable service in the posi tions he has occupied, and who will administer the affairs of the executive office of this state In a businesslike manner, with dignity and efficiency, and free from the fads, fancies and foolishness of hysterical - sensational- sm and the billingsgate, falsification and misrepresentation that have char acterized the present occupant or that position. BY T. T. GEER. Mr.; Booth, Dr. Withycombe and Mr. McArthur as well as their colleagues throughout the state, should be elected, because an honest registration of Ore gon's voters shows a Republican ma- ioritv of 90.000. Each voter who sub mitted the matter or choosing candi dates for his oarty to the common peo Die (not to any bosses) is under moral obligation to ratify these selections as a guarantee of his loyalty to tne pur Dose of the Oregon system. The Democratic macnine or tne state is moving heaven and earth to persuade every Democratic voter in the state to do this, insisting that the Democratic voters of the state can "nominate tit candidates." but that, the Republicans, three times greater' in numbers, were not able to do so. and have not done so, In anv case. This plain assault on the Oregon system should not be counten anced by the people. The people were justiiiea in register. ing In such overwhelming numbers as Republicans, because of the pronounced Inefficiency of the Democratic party in its management of National affairs, the chief. Instance of which is the business stagnation resulting directly from the unfairness of the Underwood tariff law, under which practically all the products of the United States, except those of the South, have been placed in direct competition with those of foreign coun tries. These are a few of the reasons why Mr. Booth. Dr. Withycombe, Mr. Mc Arthur and their colleagues on the Re publican ticket should be overwhelm- ngly elected on -JsovemDer J. it tne 'people are fit to select good candi dates," then the masses of the Repub licans have done that thing. No Re DUblican voter in the state, man or woman, will vote for Chamberlain, for if to do so does not make of that voter a Democrat it would be impossible f ir him to take a step that would. If the farmers of Oregon, as well as all other unprejudiced business men, do not elect Dr. Withycombe Governor, then they are not awake to the opportunity of securing the services of a man who is unusually well qualified to give a busi ness administration along lines of economy and law enforcement. And Mr. -Booth has every qualification for a splendid United States Senator. The extent to which the majorities of all these Republican candidates may fall below the registered majority will disclose the extent to which the regis tration was thoughtless and insincere. BY GRANT B. DIMICK. It is high time that the voters of Oregon, a state overwhelmingly Re publican, should overthrow the con trol of a few selfish Democrats banded further their own ends and intended to influence Republicans only, should 1 Tp w .TpfCiPV no longer deceive the people of Ore-I . . gon. The - inefficiency and the extrava-l eance of the Democratic -office-holders 1 in both state and Nation is everywhere VrffVi fnrnlinn "VpR open to public gaze. Why is that hard t arOlina iCb times inevitably, almost automatically. North Dakota X eS are ushered in with every Democratic "vr Administration? Whv In that times Ira- UlllO ................... JL eS prove immediately and materially when 1 pvi-l rmft v Vpq the Republicans regain control of the 1 VKiailUIllc . llrpn-on Krpspilt Law IPS mmA t r w n mi in rn ninir i ' . . . . K closed down and men put out of work I UregOIl Jjentlbtl y J3111 . through the operation of Democratic I -p -i - "Vp nnliciex. Anrt what nurkim th.n. IT eiilla.V I V trltld. ........... -1- CO millmen are able to buy are wrapped RhnHo TclatiH . . VPS up in Japanese paper. I -.r The best and quickest way to de- tSOUtn UarOlina ICS throne the Democratic ring and remedy cj ii T"iil-vf o Vpg the unwholesome results of Demo- bOUIfl U3.KOIH ........... X t?b cratic policies Is to elect Republicans I PenuesSee if re-enacted,' will heal business con-1 TeXaS anions, ror tnis, it lor no other rea- t-, . y son. every man and woman who calls U tail . . . ....... -1 eS himself or herself a Republican and I TTonn Anf all others who believe in nrnant-rltv VCiXlIUIIL ... should vote the Republican ticket from 1 Virginia s lop L'J UUllum. I . Furthermore, man for man. Robert NY aSmnjiCOn ICS A. Booth, James Withycombe. C. N. Utt j ttt; r . Vc Y cot v J.J. giuia .......... - - -o Wisconsin i- es Yes Yes Yes Yes McArthur and the other nominees of the Republican ticket are better qual ified to fill the offices to which they aspire than their Democratic opponents. If these men are not elected It will be for lack of understanding of the consequences that will result from continuance of Democratic rule. George C. Brownell, the seventh member of the Harmony Club, could not be reached at his home in Oregon City yesterday early enough to secure his statement for this article. In a conversation over the long-distance telephone last night he told an Ore gonian reporter that he was in com plete harmony with the general views or his fellow members of the Har mony Club - and that he was making- an active epeatcing campaign in sup port or all candidates on the Repub lican ticket. SHRINKAGE CAUSE TOLD Wyoming Yes State Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ' Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes State License. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes College Re quirements. 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 if onths 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Mouths 12 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months 27 Months Provision for Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Licenses Accepted From All Other States. No Forfeiture or of License. No No No No No No No No No No No No No No .No No No No No No No No" No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Every state in the Union has a State Dental Board of Examiners. Shall Oregon be the only state in the United States without state supervision? Every state in the Union provides for a state examination. Shall Oregon throw open the door to -every applicant without evidence of ability or fitness t No state in the United States accepts without qualification the license of every other state. Shall Oregon let down all bars T ! Every dental college in the United States requires at least 27 months special study. Shall Oregon lower the educational requirement to 12 months 1 Under a well-settled principle of law, the proposed Dentistry Bill repeals the present law in its entirety. lu . .. : . , , . The DeniUstry Bill sweeps away an salutary ana wnoiesome provisions oi tne present law. The nresent law revokes a license for CONVICTION OP FELONY OR MISDEMEANOR INVOLV ING MORAL TURPITUDE; for GROSS IGNORANCE, INEFFICIENCY, HABITUAL INTEMPER ANCE, FRAUD OR MISREPRESENTATION. Under the DKNT1STKY -BiULi JNU KrJ V UUA l lUiN 18 russiULdi. SHALL OREGON HAVE THE LOWEST AND LOOSEST DENTAL LAW IN THE UNITED COLLAPSE OF CELLS IN WOOD IN STATES t KILNS HAKES TROUBLE, Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, I Wls Explains Why Material for Shlnylea Grows Smaller. The cause of the excessive shrinking or shingles during the process of kiln- drying has been discovered at the For- est Products Laboratory at Madison. W is., according to a message received yesterday by District Forester Cecil. btungie manufacturers nave com- plained ox tnis snnnaage xor some time. In some cases, they say, the wood shrinks as much aa 80 per cent' in the kiln. "In order to understand . the situa tion, says the dispatch, "you must realize that the wood structure is made up largely of small cells. When green cedar shingles are made ready for the kiln, these cells are full of water. As soon as the heat is- applied the water evaporates and passes through the cell walls. The walls of the cells, how ever, are airtight when wet. Thus no air can enter and the interior becomes a vacuum. "The heat in the kiln, where a tem perature varying from 180 to 200 de grees Is often maintained, and the pres ence of the water in the shingles com bines to cook the cell walls, making them soft, so that they cannot resist the pressure of the air from without. The . result when thousands of these little cells collapse is apparent." Forest Service officials believe that the wood cells do uot collapse in the first part of the drying, when the tem perature is about" 140 degrees Fahren heit. At this temperature, they think. the walls have time to dry and harden enough to resist the air pressure. The shrinkage can be avoided in another way, they believe, by air-drying the wood before it is placed in the kiln. DEFEAT THE DENTISTRY BILL VOTE 341 X NO (Paid Advertisement. "OresoK Society for Deatal education, M. C. Raymond, Src 338 Morsaa BId. good prices and so will our meats. Cot ton and wool will go higher. Manu facturing will be stimulated here and our unemployed will be working while the soldiers of Europe waste tneir time and lives in campaigning. As farmers we should save our money and get out of debt whUe the war prices prevail. Make the most of the good times now. Make every acre produce its maxi mum." BAD COLD? GET RELIEF AT ONCE WITHOUT QUININE "Pape's Cold Compound" ends severe colds or grippe , in few hours. Gossips ? Xever ! . (Washington Star.) "Men don't gossip," said the superior person. "No,'v replied his wife; "they let the women gossip. The men merely come home to dinner and listen eagerly to any news their wives may have picked up." War Advice to American Farmers. (Farm and Fireside.) "For a while the war will stimulate business in the United States and make for -good, times. Our grainB will brin; You can end grippe and break up severe cold either in head, chest, body or limbs by taking a dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" every two hours until three doses are taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose running. relieves sick headacne. dullness, te- verlshness, sore throat, sneezing, sore ness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed up. Quit blowing and snuffing. Ease your throbbing head; nothing 'else in the worra gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which cost only 25 cents at any drug stre. It acts without as sistance, tastes nice and causes no in convenience. Be sure you get the genuine. Adv. Made Her Strong and lell This lady says Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey did more to relieve her than any other remedy; in fact, she thinks, it saved her life. She says: " Two years ago after a severe illness of stomach trouble, J was left in such a weakened condition that my doctors thought I would not live through the winter. But thanks to your wonderful stimulant and tonic. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I am now strong and well, weighing over 155 pounds, which is an increase of 40 pounds in two years. Before taking Duffy's Pure Malt Whis key none of the medicines the doctor gave me seemed to help me. and I . suf fered untold agony.- As a last resort, the doctor, who was a 6trong temper ' ance advocate, said he would try get ting me to take Duffy's; and I cannot express how thankful I am that he did, for it is the thing that saved my life."rr Mrs. W. F. Wallace, Jr.. 362S N. Camac St, Philadelphia. Pa. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey supplements the effect of good air" and rest by bringing jnwactjon all J-iT... a ki vnn to cet from the food you eat all the nourishment it contains. .It builds up -the nerve tissues, Itheuhffll! strength and elasticity to the muscles and richness to the blood. It is nvaiu able for the overworked, delicate and sickly..and is a promoter of good health and longevity. . "Get Dutfv?s and Keep Well" Sold In SEALED BOTTLES ONLY. Beware of imitations , and substitutes. Look tor tne iraae-marit, inc w.u wicuhm, ( on the label, and be certain the seal over the cork s unbroken. Sold by most aruggisis, greets --'- - - lvittle. Medical booklet and doctor's advice free, if you write. MRS. W. F. WALLACE, JR. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co, Rochester, N. Y.