I! m i3 nn 11 111 3 If m tit E 113 i III il M 03 TTTR STTXDAT OKKGOXTAW. POUTTjATTD. OCTOBER 23, 1914. 19 N H . V V JL Is the Seaport for the Entire Country From the Missouri to the Atlantic OCEAN HEET fruvSaoH) -3V AT TMEMOUTI-liW'")! VWA or the XiV MA Is Just as Logically the Seaport for the Million and a Quar ter Square Miles Between the Missouri and the Pacific! Do you realize what it means to talk of FlaveFs future in the terms of New York's present? LISTEN Last year the foreign commerce of the country was four billion dollars; NEW YORK DID TWO BILLION OF THIS. IS THAT ALL? NO! NEW YORK because of tidewater location like FLAVEL, reached most easily by railroad lines, is the LARGEST SEAPORT and MANUFACTURING CITY in the UNITED STATES transforming raw into finished products for distribution inland and foreign export. This city has a population of about five million people, over twice as much as CHICAGO, three times greater than PHILADELPHIA, seven times greater than BOSTON and twelve times greater than SAN FRANCISCO ALL BECAUSE OF ITS STRATEGICAL ADVANTAGES LIKE THE COLUMBIA HARBOR. ' LAVE HAS THE RIGHT TO DEFINE THE FUTURE IN TERMS OF A DEVELOPMENT AS GREAT -Flayel, from a physical standpoint, is about ideal. -Its commercial position is all that could be dreamed of to create suc cess. -It lies on an ocean side, land-locked, fresh water harbor at the mouth of the second largest river in the United States, nearly 800 miles of which, with its tributaries, is navigable. -The Columbia River basin drains a territory of more than 250,000 square miles in the United States and an additional territory of 150,000 square miles immediately adjoining in British Columbia, all of which is the most productive territory in the United States of a like area. -We are in one hour's travel of the open sea. . -Our fresh water harbor is worth a thousand dollars to every vessel that berths here for 48 hours. -We are exempt of ice floes. -We have the situation for 3000-foot right angle docks. -We are 300 miles nearer any world port via the Panama Canal than any port in Puget Sound. 294 miles nearer the Orient on a round trip than is the Puget Sound. . 846 miles nearer the. Orient, on a round trip than is San Francisco. And last, but not least, we have a timber belt of 90 billion feet that is directly tributary to this harbor, enough timber to fill returning cars for a century to come and build a city of fifty thousand inhabitants. New, York has ice floes costing the shipping world hundreds of thou sands of dollars a year. New York is further from the European markets than other cities on the Atlantic Coast. New York had no vast timber belt like ours to draw from. New York is congested today for ample room for right angle docks, demanded these days by the big steamship companies. With these four great savings to the shipping world that New York did not have, can you wonder that such men as the late Collis P. Huntington said that the utilization of Flavel was inevitable? Don't be one of those "I could have beens." Remember that this is the last great world port to come into its own, an opportunity we think you will never have again where prices are so low and terms so reasonable. QT?Tm T?rT nTTO T TTI7D A TT TTT? AND GET IN TOUCH WITH AN vJJLJLVJLS JL WAV VUIV li J- X U 1VL OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME Free Factory Site Adjoining the Hill Docks and Terminal Yards AboutThem PRICES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS $250 to $500 Lots, $50 Down and $10 Per Month 10 Discount for Cash $850 Lots, $150 Down and $20 Per Month 10 Discount if You Build in 60 Days WARRENTON-ASTORIA TOWNSITE CO. (Inc.) SOLE AGENTS for the properties of the Flavel Land and Development Company, the'largest holders of properties at mouth, of Columbia ASTORIA OFFICE 422 COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE MAIN 583 CHAS. DODGE, ASTORIA, OREGON PORTLAND, OREGON . MAIN OFFICE 201 Northwest Building, Sixth and Washington PHONE MAIN 2575 DAVID DODGE FLAVEL OFFICE FLAVEL HOTEL FLAVEL, OREGON maamaahaiaiiaaastm u m.:. w .',' yw i !.wwwwi iinifflHiriliMi-iiflin t tfriftiiili rtirrSFti'-r'Mrfiilt'J ri ff 'Vmifnt.-nm-'rli