The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 25, 1914, Section One, Page 15, Image 15

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iTiir.i,iWTf- ill i liinm f !!! inriwi Ti win wrr ir n m , -" nm i niw . . r. r Ml ml ai jr i r r !- nil inn i ij mm i li
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Necessity is the master of us all. The necessity which causes this announcement creates for you
the greatest opportunity to buy high-class residence property that has been known in recent years.
Everybody ' knows about Westover. Everybody knows that it is without a doubt the finest and
- choicest view property in Portland. You have probably longed for a site on Westovertried to figure 5
out how you were going to get it. This terrific sacrifice brings about the opportunity scores of men have waited for. ' f.:
muss! Jbe raised absolutely at once
carrv CTeat
estover mdeotedoess
T --
We were as amazed as you are now, when the owners of Westover came to us and told us that this vi
sacrifice was absolutely imperative a certain number of sales had to be made at once.
eginning tomorrow morning we make this unprecedented offer:
i vot-- x&z'3 n
' m0 """" ' Score&
j---- . be brought to our office this week
The value of Westover is established and fixed. Over a quarter million dollars' worth of Westover
property has been sold. The cheapest site on the Terraces was not intended to sell for less than
$5000, and up to $10,000. Conditions have made these prices temporarily impossible.
The "Early Birds" will get the first choice
Here are the number of lots and their original prices
7 Lots
9 Lots
50 Lots
60 Lots
9S Lots
46 Lots
37 Lots
at $7200 to
at $6SOO to
at $5500;0to
at $5000 to
at 34500 to
at $4000 to
at $3500 to
We are not going; to sell property on what The Lewis-Wiley Company expected to get when they in
vested $1,500,000 in Westover Terraces, but on the basis of conditions today. It is just at such times
as these that Portland's wealthiest men have made their fortunes.
Act quick! Nothing in the world can keep Westover from selling like lightning at this sacri
fice price. When the necessary number of lots are sold, the price will positively be with
drawn without notice. Westover Terraces at $3000 for any lot in the property is undoubtedly
the greatest "Buy" ever known for home-makers or speculators.
Think of it ! only $300 cash and $30 a month will make you the possessor
of a Westover lot. Come up to the property today. No salesman will be
on the property. Mr. E. A. Clark will be in the office on Westover Road
from 2:00 to 5:00 o'clock to give out maps and other information. All
lots are plainly marked with white stakes so they can easily be located.
Don't delay! You will never have another such chance again at this price and on these terms!
Lots from 5000 to 8600 square feet in area
f D r D
in a.racl Mai! Tints
F. N. Clark & Company,
Title & Trust Building, Portland, Or.
I am interested in a Westover Lot at your sacrifice price.
Address '
PHONES MAIN 5423 A 7617
J 108.0