THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, POItTEAND, OCTOBER 25, 1914. 13 10 1ST PAY FOR WATER7UPT0 VOTE Mr. Daly's Ordinance Would Make Property Owners Re sponsible for Bills. TENANTS NOW MEET THEM Reduction of Minimum Rate, 'Which Is Proposed, Would Affect Only Service That Is Metered. Charge to Be for 3 Months. PROVISIONS OF PROPOSED WATER . ORDINANCE. 1. Water shall be charged to the premises served. 2. Water bills shall be paid quarter ly and not in advance. 8. All deposits and prepayments shall be refunded. 4. No sweater minimum charge than 60 cents a month shall be charged. Provisions of Present Regulations. 1. Water Is charged to tenants, the same as gas, electricity, grocery and v all other bills for service rendered to tenants. 2. Water bills are paid monthly In advance. 3. Deposits and prepayments cover ing the amounts paid in advance for water service are required. 4. Minimum charge Is 60 cents a month for all services not metered. Meter minimum charge, 75 cents. Whether property-owners are to be made responsible for the water biHs of., tenants is considered the most Im portant question In the water ordi nance to be voted on in the recall elec tion Tuesday. This Question and that regarding the payment of water bills quarterly and not in advance and the reduction of the minimum rate for meter-users are the only changes In the proposition. Property-owners are protesting against the plan of assessing; water rental to them. They say it Is no more right to make ihem pay the water bills of their tenants than to force them to pay their tenant's grocery and meat bills or their bills for gas or elec tricity. Three Months' Time Given. The measure is held particularly ob jectionable because of the fact that In addition to assessing the charges to the property-owners, the time In which tenants may default in paying their bills is extended to three months. A tenant may use water for two and a half months and then move out, leav ing the property-owner to pay the water bill. The minimum charge plan means no reduction of the rates to flat-rate users, who comprise three-fourths of the water-users of the city, the minimum now being 50 cents a month on such cervices. It means & reduction of me ter rate bills, only provided the user consumes no more than 60 cents' worth f water in a month. Inspector Deliver Statements. Inspectors of the water department yesterday delivered throughout the city statements regarding the water ordi nance. Special mention is made of the sav ing In expense of the water depart ment under the new system. The sav ing will be brought about by the send ing out of bills quarterly instead of monthly. Until two years ago no bills were eent out at all and the accounting sys tem was operated without the addi tional expense, which Commissioner i1y now seeks to eliminate by re ducing the number of bills and in creasing the amount to be paid in each bill. NUTS THRIVE IN CLARKE Pioneer Grower Declares Cnlture Will Outrival Prune in Time. VANCOUVER. Wash., Oct. 20. (Spe cial.) Nut culture in Clarke County is in its infancy and will in time become as important as the prunegrowlng in dustry, declares A. A. Quarnberg, pio neer nutgrower in this section, and formerly District Horticulture Inspec tor. Mr. Quarnberg owns a fine nut orchard, which brings him In a lare crop of English walnuts and filberts every year. .He took first prize at the Washington State Fair, at North Yakima, this year. Mr. Quarnberg recommends plant ing of good-sized filbert trees, which will bear a couple of pounds of nuts the second year after they are set out. At five years they will be profitable and at the end of 10 years the increase is great. The trees usually should be set 16 feet apart, although certain va rieties may be placed 10 feet apart, says Mr. Quarnberg. One English walnut tree, about 10 years old, in Mr. Quarnberg's yard is used in experimenting with nearly 15 varieties of English walnuts. Two years ago he cut off limbs from the tree and grafted on two or three shoots from a dozen leading varieties of walnuts. Practically all grew, and the experiment is to learn what va riety is the best adapted to this cli mate, as all are under Identical con ditions of climate, soil and care. The result of this experiment will will be made known as soon as Mr. Quarnberg is sure of the outcome ol the test. To make no mistake in the name of the variety grafted on to the tree, metal tags were wired around the fork of the branch and a record was kept. WATER SYSTEM IS READY Lafayette Work Done and Supply -Begins in Record Time. LAFAYETTE, Or., Oct. 24. (Special.) The water system- just completed here has met the required tests and experts say the water supply and in stallation is one of the best in Oregon. An idea of the amount of water which supplies the town may be pained by stating that after a con tinuous test of 30 hours the water shows no loss of head. The amount pumped exceeds 150,000 gallons in 24 hou rs. The system consists of approxi mately four and one-half miles of mains, 35 hydrants, tank, tower, pump and motor. The work has been accomplished in record time and is the culmination of a ten years' fight Thankful for One Thins;. (San Francisco Chronicle.) "Whew!" sniffed the dray horse, as a smoking motor car rushed by. "I have some faults. I know; but, thank good ness, I never Teamed to smoke!" Awe IK If MMM mg s Great Sale Last week witnessed the greatest furni ture selling ever seen in Portland; hun dreds are taking advantage of this won derful opportunity. Furniture and Carpets are going at reductions un matched. "We want to move to the new store as little of this stock as we can none at allr if low prices will move it for us. - . Every day this week will be crowded with interest for buyers of home-furnishings. (Visit the store every day; new goods from reserve stock will move in to take the places. of the vanloads that are going from here into Portland homes. Watch for the daily specials they'll astound you! Remember, we must be out of the old store and into the new in 20 days ! Monday Special A limited .number of 9xl2-foot Superior Axminster Rugs. Regular price $30.00, will be ottered Mon day only at the re markable price of ISfote the Prices on These Six Articles $14.50 lei o Corner Second and Morrison Streets Terms Arranged to Suit; if Desired The Home of Good Furniture Sons $27.50 Dining Table $18.50 Solid oak Dining Table, with pedestal and 48-inch, tapered top. Removal price only $18.50 . i $3.00 Dining Chair this Great Sale $1.79 A solid Chair of quartered oak, full box with oaki back panel ; saddle seat $1.79 $14 Brass Beds $7.50 A fall-height Foster Brothers' Ideal 6rass Bed, fully guaranteed; 2-inch P i posts and five fillers ; a regulars 11 $14 Bed at half price. K $18 Dresser at $10.50 A 42-inch solid oak Dresser with swell-front top drawer, double top and French plate glass mirror, 22x28 inches. A handsome addition to your bedroom at a wonderfully low price. Is regularly $18, Removal Sale $10.50 f 8 J'Ti $25 Napoleon Bed $14.50 A handsome, quarter-sawed oak Na poleon bed, in golden oak, wax finish. An exceptionally fine piece, never be fore sold for less than $25. Sale price, this 8 ale $14.50 $50 Mission Chair $32 Famous Limb ert , Arts and Crafts Mission Chair,' made throughout of solid oak, double coil springs and Spanish leather cushions. Work manship and ma terial of the high est class. Guaran teed chain Re moval Sale price, $32 MOVIE HOME READY Palatial National Theater Will Open Thursday. PLAYGROUND IS FEATURE Mezzanine Promenade Caiersj to Overcrowded Houses Ivory-Tinted Interior Decorations Kestful and Lighting Effects Great. In the National Theater, which opens to the public Thursday, Portland has the theater,, select It has a large, softly tinted Ivory white interior, cool and restful. The light globes are shaded with the same soft ivory tint. There are 1500 electric lights on the inside of the theater and 3000 on the outside. The stage is equipped with 237 pieces of scenery, all of which have been made, designed and painted in Portland. The screen is 16 by 18 feet, the largest in the city. The pipe organ has 37 stops. Two large Powers 6A projection ma chines will be used besides a spotlight and a stereopticon machine. One of the most pleasing features Is the cement promenade on the mezzanine floor, where patrons may wait when the house is overcrowded. The wom en's restroom is provided with all necessary equipment for a high-class room and the men's smoking-room is equally elaborate. Playground Cares tor Children. The thing which probably will appeal to Portland women more than anything else is the children's playground and nursery in the basement. While the mother enjoys the show she may know that her baby Is safe, for two maids will be in constant attendance upon the "kidlets. There will be sand piles and baskets, swings, rings and every other piece of apparatus that is found in the outside playgrouna. This was the Idea of Melvin G. Win stock, the general manager, and he is immensely proud of it. No other theater in Portland and probably few In the Northwest are so completely equipped. Not only will the National Theater be a first-class motion-picture house, it Is going to be a theater for the people of Portland. Mr. Winstock says that he already has given the house to the Rotarians for the purpose of a Christ mas performance for poor children and has promised the University of Ore gon the use of the house for a perform ance Thanksgiving. Theater to Be People's Home. "I want this theater to be a truly Portland Institution. I want it to stand for what Portland stands for. and above all, I want It to reflect the spirit of the people. A complimentary programme will be shown to the friends of the manage ment Wednesday night. On that night the theater will be in readiness for the formal opening the following evening. There are now three eight-hour shifts working and the building is al most completed. The carpets, which will be of soft,' dark blue shade, and tapestries of the same color, will be hung before Wednesday evening. General Manager Melvin Winstock said: "This is the realization of a dream of three years. But only for the co-operation and devotion of men in Portland, who are Interested ' in the theater, the whole thing would have been impossible. Those men are big and deserve much praise for their con scientious aid and encouragement." TTses an "Anesthetic Pistol." Paris Correspondence Chicago Post. The "anesthetic pistol," devised by city chemists at the time of the siege of the notorious motor-car bandits, has been used successfully in the cap ture of a mad woman. Mile. Maignan, an artist, in a fit of mania, shut herself in her apartment in the Avenue de Neuilly the other day and threatened her neighbors from a window with a revolver. The police who were sum moned fired several shots at the wom an, but without effect. The "anesthetic pistol" was then. brought into service and the woman was overcome with gaa and removed to an infirmary. The French Conscripts. (Manchester Chronicle.) What happens in the great Continen tal conscript armies is. this: Every male of age for bearing arms is legally liable to serve and every such person is LATEST ADDITION TO PORTLAND FORMIDABLE ARRAY OF AMUSEMENT HOUSES. : t R 3' ' if. f-vSJ. ..-v..-'": v-,.. -, .' T ; ... . mmmmu ; ,. J I - f - 1 i 1 H . 1 Si M r 5 NEW NATIONAi. THEATER, PARK AND STARK STREETS. called up (usually In his twentieth or twenty-first year) for what is called revision." But nations differ very much In the proportion chosen out of those so called up. Germany does not take the greater part of the men so called up. Until quite lately she did not take half of them or anything like half; neither does Italy, neither does Russia, neither does Austria. Neither. In at certain sense, does France, because there are always a cer tain number who are physically unfit or who are exempted for special rea sons sujmi as being the only support of their families, particularly where an orphan family is supported by an older brother, etc. But the distinction be tween the French army and all other armies In the world, conscript or pro fessional, is the fact that with these few exceptions every one who is called actually serves; that Is, goes in a bar rack room and Is trained as a private soldier for so many months. In my time the period was three years, with certain exceptions for men who only served one year. Then, after the time in which I served, a law was passed making it two years for every body without any exceptions of one year. Then, quite recently, in the face of a sudden increase of the German army, the period was expanded again to three years. But the characteristic thing, which . must never be forgotten. that everyone who can serve at all does serve. Tobacco and Confectionery. (Washington Star.) "A dog wouldn't use tobacco," said the severe citizen. "No," replied Miss Cayenne. "Nowa days the pet dogs are ruining their di gestions with bon bons, while the ladies are smoking cigarette)." Feels) the Same. . (Judge.) Madge Do you really like motoring as well as sleight riding? Marjorle I don t see much difference since Charley has learned to run the car with one hand. COMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR Darkens Beautifully and Restores Its Thickness and Lustre at Once. Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea. with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri ant; remove every bit of dandruff, stop scalp Itching and falling hair. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use tonic, costing about 50 cents a large bottle, at drugstores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." thus avoiding & lot of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance ' and attractive ness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it does it so naturally, so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, - glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. Adv. Webber's Juvenile Orchestra PANT AGES CIRCUIT. Webber Academy of Music Will Re open About December 1st. For Information Call SHARP A MACK MUSIC CO, Morrlnoa an Broadway. F BEST DENTAL SERVICE You are guaranteed at this office. The guarantee Is Dacked by 27 years' continuous practice In Portland. Peo- Sle come to this office from all parts of the Northwest ur skill is acknowledged and our promptness in finishing work in one day when required is appreciated by out-of-town patrons. We Extract Any Number of Teeth Without Causing the SllRhtest Pain. J VVe have the best equipped dental office in Portland. We r give the best dental service obtainable at any price. What we can't guarantee we don't do. , LOW PRICES FOR HIGH-GRADE V OdK. Ood Kca Rubber Plntea, each .".oo The Urmt Red Robber Platen, eaeh-.7.tiO Z2-Knrat old w Porcelain CnKS.4rM WISE DENTAL. CO. RELIABLE PAIXLES9 UEXTISTS. - Phl Main SOS. A 2029. 1224 Third Street, frallina; BnildlnK. S. E. Corner Tn'rd and WnaaJnsrton.