TTXE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, PORTIiANT. OCTOBEH 18, 1914 THE BATTLING AVERAGE OF THE SERVIA8 JSQLDIER. 22C 1 H ;f -:J X 7 MtMi V 4 3 t '1 $ J . - I'll-.. . ,jL'", -- i BTl I General Tankovrtch'i Third Arrms March Through Uskirb Irom Pris- tina on the Way to Albania. -1 VI 1 i vt- x-.r s ,v -7"r J y'j.. j ., xv S. H 5 bi King Peter Making His Triumphant Entry Into the Old Servian Capital, SkopIj lit ' A Ma t9 1 ; 1 m . 4. J r J2L BiT RICHARD G. CONOVER. (HAT Is likely to be set down to the fighting credit of the Servian soldier in the great war ledger Tecently opened in Europe? How has his battling account balanced in the past? For the measure of liberty, indepen dence and nationality he enjoys has te paid in full price with bravery, forti tude and patriotic persistence? Can he deliver the "fighting goods" to the rig orous limit? The answer to this must occasion sur prise to many, for until recent years the Servian soldier has remained mili tarily obscure. Probably not one per son In a thousand has a comprehensive fighting man of Servla behaved on this woeful day for Servian Independence. During the early part of the year 1389 an Ottoman army that had invaded Servla was routed in the fastnesses of the Black Mountains by a body of Al banians and Serbs. Sultan Amurath 1 was celebrating his marriage in Asia Minor when the news reached him, and he vowed vengeance. He rushed baclc to Europe, collected a mighty army and hurried toward the foe. The clash came on the plain of Kossovo, a great level spot shut in by a chain of mountains. Lazar, the last of the Servian Tsars, commanded besides bis own troops a force of Albanians and Bosnlaka. One - jr s-w, v S-5 7(f K I Sophie- Jovanovitch, Vmose Father on Ht Deathbed Mads Her Swear in Case of War Against the Oppressing Turks She Would Fight A Magnificent Specimen (Seventy Years Of ! Age) of a Servian Comitadii Volunteer. J 1 1 & . were smuggled Into the country despite Turkish protest. Drilling and conscrip tion began. Step by step this led to the squeezing of Turkey out of the coun try's fortresses. In 1867 Belgrade, which had been besieged dozens of times, was for the first time in centuries entirely in Servian hands. A great outburst of triumph and rejoicing went up when the last Turkish soldier on guard marched out. During, the long centuries past when Servla hasn't been otherwise busy she has had a war on with Bulgaria. Back anything, outdid his neighbor in gal lant and effective combating. An estimate of the sort of a fighter the Servian soldier is likely to be may be gathered from' his willingness to go to battle. There is no record that con scription is one-half so vigorous as that of other nations carrying large armies. Yet this little nation of 4,000,000 was able to equip, put la the field and march to victory 250.000 ef fetive troops during the 1U12-1813 war! And it is plainly a harder job to assemble a large army in a small and forth these neighbors have tugged country than a large army in a large and pulled. They cannot seem to for- country, keeping the percentage of sol get events of history that only tend to diery to population the same. In the 11 stir up animosities, and whenever for eign trouble doesn t keep tnings num. mlng they fall back on settling some unsettled affront of from BOO to 1000 years ago. The Servian soldier has cheerfully obeyed commands with re- case of Servia she put in the field on soldier to every 16 of her population. I In a contrast made between the Ser vian and the Bulgarian soldier it has been said that the former gets all his fighting spirit from . what has been knowledge of his past performance. In of the Serb bards has thus written of the minds of a great number he is vaguely fixed as a fighting man of tlie reaJy to revolt in a minute type. Sort of semi-marauding, guerrilla preferring, officer saucing fellow, chafing under military discipline and longing to break away Giaour fashion and settle things after his individual method. Ready to froth, simmer or settle with the rise or fall of the Balkan barometer. Superficial readers of Servian history may doubt that her soldier has demon strated true battling form. Tbey set down the wars in which the little coun try has engaged as just a bunch of lit tle Balkan bickerings abetted by Rus sian and Austrian diplomatists. This opinion Is based upon the many ques tionable happenings In Servia during the Turk enemy the Servian soldier con fronted: "Amurath had so many men that a horseman could not ride-from one wing of his army to another 4n a fortnight. The plain of ICossovo was one mass of steel, horse stood against horse, man against man, the spears formed a thick forest, the banners obscured the sun; there was no space for a drop of water to fall between them." - ' Excusing much of this computation on the ground of -usual poetic license. It is nevertheless generally recorded that the Turks were in great force. All day, despite the odds against him. Lazar's Servian soldier bore the brunt of the attack, and as evening approached it looked like a drawn battle. But Vouk AserviaruJldvancuiB.' 'i "it from Belgrade with shouts of "Dosan!" The new King, or Tsar, as he was interchangeably called, first headed an army into Macedonia. He wanted an spect to fighting Bulgaria, and Just as achieved in the past and which he cheerfully has fought :.t the Bulgarian hopes to emulate, but perhaps never soldier's side when a new war game equal, while the latter is envious of made them allies. th deeds of his ancestors and hopes The River Timok. then as now the to excel them beyond all cavil. There boundary between the countries, has al- a great deal of .this suggestion that ways been the principal theater of the may be set down as correct Insight war. In the ninth century Vlastimir, head of the Servian Confederacy, was attacked by Presjam, ruler of the Bui- the last 0 to 75 years, especially tne Brankovic, the Benedict Arnold of revolting murder of King Alexander servla and execrated to this day, and Queen Draga In their palace on the marched over to the enemy with the night of June 10, 1903, and the ready entire right wing, composed in the main acquiescence of the army in that atro- of a composite body of troops. At a clous crime. But this estimate of the critical moment of the fatal day the Servian soldier would be unjust. No joss ot these 12,000 men brought vic- fighting man can be adequately judged tory to Amurath. within the area of the influence of the Lazar.s horae went down as he gal-black-coated, politician's machinations. loped about encouraging his men and It is in the zone of the cannon roar, the ho expired under the DloWs of i0o infantry volley, the bayonet charge, the Turkish soldiers. But as Amurath forced march and the night attack that wallced over the battlefield to better his mettle is proved. How has he Tjew trIumpn he was approached stood when powder burned? bv a fanatically patriotic Serb named It is chronicled that, man to man. In Milosh Obilic, who. making a false the armed crash, the Servian soldier is obeisance to the conqueror, plunged a without superior In spirit, determina- dagger into the Sultan's heart. The Generaf Boja YankovHchv CorhmanSer Servian Army, Victor ot Pristina, Arduous Campaign Through Alb. iBer of Third 1 Commanded). 1 ' bania. as far as the Gulf of Volo and be sieged the Emperor Adronicus III, of the Greek empire, at Salonlca. Peace was concluded after hard fighting by the Servian soldier, with Dusan retain ing the country he had conquered. By the treaty of 1340 the Servian monarch had Increased his possessions so that his dominions reached from the Dan ube to the Gulf of Corinth and from the Adriatic to within a short dis tance of Constantinople. In addition to this huge tract of country Bulgaria was under Servian into Servian character. A writer has it that the Servian soldier cannot get away from that awful Kossovo defeat in which his ancestor fought so furiously to no avail. He has been eternally chanting these lines by a native bard, and no matter what his triumphant future may be he is likely to still keep up the chant: "There resteth to Servia a glory, A glory that shall not grow old: There remaineth to Servia a story. A tale to be chanted and told; tlon and endurance. He has been test ed often and in many ways. Always has he "stood the gaff." Servia's popu lation Is half that of Belgium, with a territory twice as large as that of Bel gium for the Servian to love and to defend. The plaudits of the world have been accorded Belgium for Its re cent valiant stand against the over whelming German attack, and the slayer is still hailed a hero in song and story. On October 26. 1912, or 523 years after Turkey had annihilated its na- fell upon the Turk at another spot, hemming him in. The Servians ad vanced step by step, slowly, until within 60 yards of the Turkish trenches. There a fierce hand-to-hand fight took place until the Turk's entire wing broke and fled. The cavalry again played a valorous part in the pursuit and capture of thousands of fugitives in the neighborhood of leader in the glorious past. These four Lake Presba and Fiorina. The Crown are Stephen Nemanja, the first out-and Prince entered Monastlr from a sick out King: King Stephen A SersTan rtetervfet from the Hflhu 3 outlet on the Aegean. He penetrated Karlan8. The Servian soldier won. Later. Boris, the Bulgarian - national ' hero, trTed to get revenge, but the Cervian fighting man won again. In 917 Simeon, the Bulgarian, kidnaped the Servian ruler, Peter, and , had him murdered, and the Servian people conquered. Simeon also defeated a ruler, Zacharla, whom he had set up over the Servians, hut who had not done his bidding. Thus. while the Bulgarian Empire was at its They are gone to their graves grim zenith. Servia was almost blotted off and gory, the map. Very shortly both countries The beautiful, brave and bold." succumbed to the Greek Emperor, fol- When the Servian soldier is placed ...ocAsitful fteht of the Ser- in the fighting scales to welsh up his control, so that he was master of the vlan BOidler under Ceslav against the battle value alongside his fellows. Balkan Peninsula from sea to sea. And Bulgarians. This consumed the time up either enemy or ally, it would be well it took the arm of the fighting Serb t(J tno famous Stephen Nemanja. to bear this in mind he must be some to get it and hold it together. He took Tll 188. tll RBrviana ocunied an un- "scrapper" who can keep up the fire inhabited tract of land along the Ti- and steam of revolt for 600' years, mok, for the avowed purpose of till- That's a pretty long time to battle, ing. A Bulgarian regiment drove them Try to match it and the most that his-, out! The next year Servia and Bui- tory will yield is tale after tale of the caria "went to it" again, with a Ser- peoples of the earth who submissively and Incorporated Belgrade, theretofore vian reverse at Slivnitza. No territory blended with their conquerors or be- a part of Hungary, in Servian territory, changed hands, however. In the year came conquerors themselves. The Ser- Then he subjugated Bosnia. Seeing the 1912 the two countries fought the Turk vian did not blend; he was too busy Greek empire tottering, he summoned side bv side and the Servian soldier, if fighting. ms cnieftalns from every part of his sides in the civil wars of the Greek empire, coming out about even as to victory and defeat. Louis the Great, of Hungary, attacked him about 1352. Dusan defeated him realm. Then, heading an army of 80,000. he started for Constantinople. Thrace surnamed wltb- Adrianople fell before the Servian numini ana ma aavance guard reached HOBBIES OF GREAT MEN the battle epened. A courier brought and most looked up to, despite the fact e outskirts or the great city on the 1 the news to blm there that General that he had his father strangled; George BosPhrus. But on the night of De- 11 -An enthusiastic cave Cutllffe Hyn hunter. William Le Queux Revolver shoot- plaudits were deserved, but the fact is might try to stipulate at the close of that the 4,000,000 of Servia have been battling: as- bravely as the 7.400,000 of Belgium in defense of their liberties, and. fully as often. And note this: Centuries before the little bantam of the west of Europe was more than the fief of a Duke Servia's soldier was fighting for his own nation. This is where the record of the Ser vian soldier draws first interest. He. OW that Lord Justice Vaughan Williams has retired, he will tlonality. a Servian army commanded -ri ,. ,.., , , V. cember 18. 135S. he was HelzArt with have more time to indulge in y n,rr.rriCe Alexander en- altnougn ln many places along the the hero of modern Servian history. 'olen,t e " village of Diavoli. his favorite taobbf .1 """l, lnf. tered TJskub, the country's ancient th ,vm,, ,, v,, ,- , 40 miles from ConstantinoDle. and ex- ond-hand dealers shops for all sorts or Jack London Kite flyin-. possession amid through Bnow four ,eet deep, with a that has kept ServTa in turmoil for Dired la " ot hi. faithful chiefs, articles that you would not even look e F Benson-Skatlnr. fenerations. " miervai or x years or sub- , , , . . . , mission to the Turk. Kara George arose "It ,s almost a craze with him. and Motoring is Hall Caine's chief relaxa The sion r Stephen Nemanja t ServUa BOZietoZ?oT" "early every day after court work was tion; music is one of Mis, Marie Corel marks the beginning of Servian med- ,bortlv Z' over you would see him searching the u's hobbles; Richard Marsh declares he laeval power and prestige. Historians ..:1L','. . i .hn" capital, frantic and took Joy of the he Servian soldiers, thermometer registering 14 degrees Regardless of what peace treaties below zero. this last war between the Turk and Servia, the name of the capital was at once changed to Skoplje, its mediaeval title, and preparations made to add it to the Servian kingdom for all time. This occupation of two years ago was not achieved without hard bat tling by the fighting man of Servla. His advance into Old Servia was fiercety contested by the Arnauts or was the defender of an actual empire Moslem Albanians planted there by the more than 1000 years ago. And it was Turks. It culminated ln the three day an empire of consequence. In his palm- battle of Kumanovo. After the Turkish lest day the Serb in uniform did not artillery had been silenced four des- hesitate to attack three kingdoms at perate Servian assaults were made once, and before his mighty arm the before two of the most important soldiers of Hungary, Bulgaria and of earthworks of the enemy were taken, the Greek empire bit the dust in com- Later, taking advantage of" a brilliant bined rout. .moonlight, the Turks advanced in a The fighting glory of the Servian sol- counter attack so successful that the dler, strange to say, is most treasured staff of the Crown Prince advised him In this war within, five weeks the Servian army had overrun Macedonia and the Sandjak and had penetrated south to Saloniki and west to Alessio. In these five weeks the sword conquests of five centuries were lost to the sword. The historian of the Balkan war of 1912-13 may tell of brave deeds with much more positlveness than the an cient Servian bard. There is the case of the remarkable Sophie Jovanovitch, nia to Servia after fighting. In 1185 Servl- n led a successful revolu he sent word to the Greek Emperor "on although not a complete one. He that he would pay tribute no longer. whiPPed the Janissaires and then de War followed and the Servian soldier mnded that only native Servians gar whipped the soldier of the Eastern '",80n f,er?l&D fortresses. This refused. Roman Empire. After he humbled all ho defied the Sultan, who sent three the riotous chieftains under him and successive armies against him. only to gave his realm a good military sweep- "aa eacn time. At Mlschar antique shops." is a clumsy but enthusiastic student ox The -quotation, recently published in whatever makes for the fine art of a London dally paper, gives an insight doing nothing"; Chance Newton, the into the odd ways in which celebrated well-known dramatic critic, "tries to Englishmen pass their spare time; and catch fish" in his spare time, although the sight of Lord Justice "Working" is. so Seymour Hicks says, Vaughan Williams stalking along Fleet nis hobby, and the study of criminology street with an old fender under his arm. i, H. B. Irvlng's. Weedon Grossmlth as he did a short time ago, was unex- and sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson pected, it was, in a way. no more curl- both like amusing themselves by palnt- ....... . . . ... . . Ausrust 4 Iflnfi T'ofa .. who xougnt ln three pitched battles ot ing up, jNemanja turned, it over to nis ' , . - j vv &u . " . . . , R1rh. Hon- . ,, . , , , , , , m me , . ' all-day battle acalnst th Turk oua than the sight or tne mguu aaa ing pictures, while the hobjhies of Mme. the war, claiming no favors or consid- son in 1195 and retired to the monas- a, n,t th Turk. er ,. Rllrn hoxln , h..rt, and chronicled best where it circles about his greatest defeat. Imagine a nation taking a new birth of freedom from a defeat that led to centuries of eft'acement and annihilation. Can you conceive of any other nation always harking back to a beating it got in order to prove what a mighty lighter it is? That is what the Servian soldier does when he reverently and at the same time boastfully tells you of the to give the order to retire. He answered that he would give the situa tion ten minutes' grace. Before that time had elapsed the guns of an ad vancing corps were heard, and he bat tle was decided in Servia's favor. The third day of battle the Servian cavalry ,u ,1Bt Servian soldiers in the army of Mace asamai ..xci,, pmS me gun- lnT.slo. T h A camnaitrn was ners away from point after point of ot 24 hours old word camo tnat vantage and entering Kumanovo neck great battle of Kossovo, fought June and neck with the infantry. 15, 1389, as a consequence of which his Again at the pitched battle of Mona- country became a province of Turkey stir in this last Turk-Servian or gen- for more than 500 years. N eral Balkan war the Servian soldier There is an entire literature about proved himself a tried man- of valor. this terrific battle of Kossovo and this The Turks were strongly Intrenched may surprise many who have been or on twin hill peaks, 30Q0 feet high, will be surprised to learn of the prowess Through raging water courses, ice cold of the Servian soldier. A distinct litera- to his knees, the Servian fighting man ture in the possession of a country the advanced in ' the face of a deadly size and sort of Servia seems unlikely, shrapnel. On up the heights he went, yet it exists and has been an lnspira- driving the enemy from position to eratlon or mercy because 6e was a tery of Chllander, where he died as the .!. usuiing. woman. She can indeed be classed monk" Simeon five years later. He was now called the supreme chief, with the Servian soldier. On his death- He had taken Servia out of vassal- But after nine years more of fighting bed the father compelled her to swear hood, founded a dynasty and rooted the tno revolution' collapsed, principally that in the- event of a war against the glory of his country so hardily that it through Jealousies of the chief men. Turkish oppresssors of her nation she bloomed for nearly 200 years. There is Kra George retired Into Austria, He would take arms and fight as a man a Stephen Nemanja regiment in the naa established a legislature during the would. She received the permission Servian army, and its members are nine years, and because of this is hailed of King Peter to become a member of called upon like Napoleon's Old Guard a" the modern restorer of Servian na- the battling body called Comitadlge. to perform what seems to be the im- "onality. Her particular function was to throw possible when others fail. - They have At this Juncture Milosh Obrenovio uumus, a nuainw ui cub milieu always "made good." orten they have -"' miu.raumwj. ne was nailed su- ho indulges la cricket, skating, row- about in her belt. eone into batUe shouting the name Preme chief in 1815, and soon headed a ,n as wel, as boxing The war also brought into notice the of the mediaeval King, as at Mount guerrilla warfare that caused havoc with w. t-.. ki'u .i.. h military notice of Europe General Rujaa ln the last war. where they took the Turk. The Sultan made terms and , ',. of no particular hobbies but J?I7TJe strongly intrenched Turk, com- a sort of legislature was allowed. Thus Zl tor ' Wnta w-TtaowJ! pletely off their feet by the vigor of .unaer juuosn a semi-independence had So ls sir Edward Grey's ability as a their assault. been gained. Kara George was asked piayer of real tennis and fly fisher; Dusan. the mightiest Servian Tsar of back by leaders who did not fancy Mi- but there are not many persons who history, ascended tne tnrone in 1336, iush. no returned una was assassinated jcnow that one of Lord Charles Beres orable John Burns boxing. The present leader of the Liberal party in the House of Commons is far more conventional in his personal re sources. Mr. Asqulth's hobbles are lit erature, golf and bridge. Mr. Balfour mixes golf and tennis with the study of theology, while Mr. Bonar Law's main recreation ls golf. Mr. Lloyd-George ls another golfer, but the tastes of Mr. John Burns ln the matter of games are most diverse Sarah Bernhardt and Miss Olga Nether- sole are remarkable. Although born in 1845, the first named gives sculpture1, painting, fish ing, boating and tennis as her forms of recreation; and Miss Nethersole's list includes' the study of tuberculosis, botany and criminology and dog fancy ing. Two uncommon hobbies are those of Dr. Grace, the great cricketer, and Dr. Joslah Oldfleld. The former goes in for beagling, the latter for planting trees. Xo Place Like li ne had gained the head of the defile in the Tenesdohl Pass after a stubborn resistance. This was the key to the objective point Prishtina. That place was entered almost immediately. The strategical plan for the Invasion of Macedonia had been mapped out al most ten years before. As it was put on paper, so General Yankovitch carried it through to a dot. And he had never seen active service before! There are four great fighting charac ters of Cervia by whom the Serb sol- (Llpplncott's.) Fred Bromley was an artist of the impressionist school. He had Just given the last touches to a purple and after the strangling of- his father ln through the connivance, it is said, of ford'B great diversions is turning and b,ue canvas when his young wife came prison. His surname, Dusan, means his rival. From this dates the great carpentering into tno studio. "the throttler" in Servian, and although Servian family feud between the de- a class English novelists would "This is the landscape I wanted you he occupies a proud place ln Serb his- scendanta of Kara George and the appear to follow more queer pastimes to suggest a title for, dear." said he. tory. they always associate the name house of Obrenovio, which ls still on. than any other professional men. Here standing aside and proudly surveying with him. Under him the Servian sol- The Servian soldier has fought equally th unusual wava in which hl work. wny not can it nome : saia biio. dier was destined to reach the high water mark of his martial effective ness. During centuries of woe for Servia his name has been the incent ive to struggle on to another national- well under both. In 1839 the second founder of modern Servia was forced to flee and his son, Milan, reigned. In 1860, under the rule of Michael Obrenovic III. the modern military or ganization of the Servian army was ef- tlon for patriotism many generations, position until ho secured a dominating dier may be judKed. for the man in the Ity. When King Milan declared war on The bards have loved to tell how the point. The right wing, by a detour, ranks fully partook of the spirit of his Bulgaria ln 1885 his soldiers set out fected. Two hundred thousand rifles bacilli. well-known writers amuse themselves: Henry Newbolt Birds' nesting. Charles Garvlce Amateur farming. Thomas Hardy Studying old church and dance music. S. Portal Hyatt Fighting- tubercle after a reflective look. "'Home'? Why?" "Because there is no place like it." she replied, meekly, as becomes a wife who is entirely without the finer feel ings ot imagination.