THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 18, 1914. 13 f FOB KENT. fcTRICTLY modern 5-room lower flat, walk lug distance. 604 E. Alder, near 13th. Rent reasonable. Marshall 2335. Purnlshed Plats. 6-ROOM furnished upper flat, 2 bedrooms, bath, living-room, dining-room and. kitch en, fuel and gas range, electritf and gas fixtures, rugs and. furniture, just like new. 186 ft Gibbs st. Kent $20 per mo. Main loll, inquire lor I. Gevurta. ICR RENT Furnished flats, 4 and 6 rooms; walking distance; $20 nd $'25 per month; water furnished. 506 Market St., corner Chapman. 8 BEAUTIFUL, furnished rooms, sleeping porch, private bath, wash trays, piano, walking distance. 367 Vancouver ave, Broadway car. I'OK RENT Furnished flat, 5 rooms, close lu, husband travels and wish to retain one room, verv reasonable to some young couple. Call 164 E. 15th St., near Belmont. 6-ROOM furnished flat, sleeping porch, piano, $20 ; three blocks from Broadway bridge. 4QQ Ross st., cor. Dixon. FOUR-ROOM nicely furnished, good view, close in, three carlines, light, clean. Phone c a mil. I MODERN b-room flat, furnished or onfur- shall 6233. $1S THREE rooms, $23. 5 rooms, new, strictly modern, completely furnished, all light, clean. 570 fc Mill. Main 6447. MODERN 5-room lower flat, completely fur- nlshed: walkinc distance. 424 Tillamook. Owner's home. East 160. BEAUTIFULLY furnished lower 4-room liat, good neighborhood, close in on East Side; $2Q.354 San Rafael st. VOMAN employed to share 4-room upper flat, furnished complete and very desir able; $tlo. 354 San Rafael gt. MODERN 5-room furnished flaL 8 E. 12th N. .Marshall 7U7. A 7131. $2U. FOUR rooms, lower fiat, light, water, phone, walking: distance. East 3310. MODERN 4-room lower front flat. 3S3 Ross st., 2 blocks Broadway bridge. C 3101. COZY furnished 4 rooms, walking distance. 268 Ros-s st. Phone Wood! awn 3S51. MCELY furn adults only; shed flat. East Side; , for reference required. B 2360. B-ROOM lower flat, modern, newly tinted. 663 E. Main st. phone E 2764. $-ROOM upper fiat, 7S0 Johnson, bet. 23d and 24th. Phone Main 7820. FOR RENT 5 -roomed flat, furnished. East 3d st. N. Phone E. 1609. 6-ROOM furnished flat, walkinc distance. Main f electric lights, 212. 401 Mill st. Housekeeping Room. $3.1' 5 WEEK, completely furnished house keeping suites: $2 week, single housekeep ing rooms; hot water, baths, all conveni ences, tree. Absolutely cleanest in town. Have carfare. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near Jefferson. MODERN 2-room suite, fully furnished for housekeeping, $2.50 weekly; free electric ( lights You'll find nothing better for the price." 500 Flint st. WllHams ave. car to Russell, two blocks west, one south. $1.50 TO $2.75 week: clean furnished house- keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free S heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone East 0Q3U. 406 Vancouver. 203 Stanton. "U" car. 11TH, housekeeping rooms and othei rooms; walking distance; no children ; reasonable. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, and one large front sleeping room, fine for dressmaking. 100 10th st. FURNISHED bridge bids. H. K. rooms, cheap. 3d. cor. Morrison. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished 1 and 2 rooin housekeeping apartments; reasonable. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $1.25 week up. I The Gllman, 342Hs 1st., cor. Alder. f 323 MILL ST., 2 and 3-room apartments; modern conveniences. HOUSEKEEPING reasonable rent. suit in 2 376 Yamhill. or 3-room, ROYCREST. 32th and Yamhill, Nice sunny first floor, furnace heated suite. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Families. THREE housekeeping rooms, furnished unfurnished. 627 Thurmau st. Marshall i housekeeping room or board and room suitable for one or two, private no in. jriioue u. a our oo--t. FO R RENT Housekeepi ng rooms; hot air heat ; $1.5 Market st. Phone Main 40 i and furnished and up. 54 HOUSEKEEPING room with kitchenette, furnace heat, running water, walking dis tance. ::y join. HOUSEKEEPING Close in and homelike, 1 and 2-room apt., $12 and $la per mo. 370 uth. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms ; also double front room for roomers; in Irving ton. Phone East 2030. FURNISHED housekeeping suites. $2 week running water. 267 Knott, near Wil liams ave. TWO suites H. K. rooms, $16 and $18: 2 single H. K. rooms, $10 and $12. Gas, free phone, heat. 407 Columbia 8t. FOR RENT Housekeeping and furnished rooms, hot-air heat, $1.5o and up. 347 Market st. Phone Main 4059. TWO large, connecting rooms, light house keeping, private home, reasonable, central. Main 6785. 4 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. In private family, $15 per month 201 Morris bt. ' THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms in private family, close in. Phone East 20S3 Monday. 312 Cherry st. ESPECIALLY desirable two rooms, newiy fitted, well furniebed; walking distance. 534 Morrison. LARUE, pleasant front room, completely furnished for light housekeeping; no chil lircn. 266 12th st. ONE or two light, clean housekeeping rooms with kitchenette. 3 beds, close in. 275 ft Clay st., corner 4th, b INGLE housekeeping rooms, heat, light, hot and cold water, bath and telephone. $8 per month, 53 North 18th, near Wash. CI1 UAP, large front room, 1st floor; free nan, light, bath, heat, phone, laundry. 420 Market St. 2 LARGE rooms, gas range, nice home, all conveniences, for 2 or 4 people; rent reas I onablt FUR Mi onable, jeiierson. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms $1.50 per efh up; oniy j oiock.3 ironi Jr. t. 308 .Vain st., near 5th. FOR KENT Three furnished H. K. rooms; gas. water, bath, pleasant, quiet. Wood lawn 1093; E. 10th North. TH REE furnished H. K. rooms, clean and modern, heat and phone free, walking distance. $14 for two adults. Main 5651. $10 TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, hot water, telephone and gas. 5ul East SO in st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, nic "Main 22'rG. 387 1st. Reasonable. yard. WoUi $15 EKEEPING rooms, furnished, $12 ; adults, close in. 240 Grand ave. TWO unfurnished, airy, light, modern, cen tral, $12. 661 Everett st. CLEAN outside suites only $2. 3S2 ft East Clay, cor. Union ae. 2 NEATLY furnished front H. K. "rooms, gas, bath, phone, electricity. 350 Montgomery. LARGE, clean housekeeping rooms, $14 and is. -o J -'til st., near baimon, $S TWO desirable rooms nicely furnished, gas range, bath, phone Woodlawn 1499. ONE furnished housekeeping room. 475 W. Taylor, cor. 14th st. AY ESTONIA, 171 W. Park; furnished house keeping apartment; steam heat, hot water. 2 AND 2 rooms nicely furnished, central; reasonable. 351 Lownsdale, cor. Morrison. $14 6TH ST., 2-room suite, first floor, close, f lean, desirable. FU KN 1SHED and housekeeping rooms. 541 Yamhill St. THREE clean. 3uth East ! private h. k. rooms. 05 East i)Uo. AUUHS. FU KN IS. HE D housekeeping rooms. reason able rent. 41 North lath, near Wash. 2 FURNISHED H, K. roorasT heatelectrlc- Uy, gas; very reasonable. 781 Kearney. I THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath. $12. 5o month. 692 Front. . SEE those nice $10 and $12 housekeeping suites. 490 Clay st. TWO nicely furnished rooms for houekeep ,' ing. 43 East 6th at. East 6106. 1 ATTRACTIVE ( close in. 535 housekeeping rooms; adults; amhill. Main 4415. TWO strictly floor; $18 a moaern month. H. 392 K. rooms, Columbia. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms heat 61 North 14th. Davis to Everett. NICELY furnished parlor suite, newly pa pered. No children. 408 Main at. AND 3 t:lose-iti. 11. K. rooms furnished, 249 Grand ave. N. .39 RODNEY AVE. One or two pleasant furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. FREE rent nice housekeeping-room for care 1 v o fumisnea nouseKeepmg rooms, steam heat, ligms. pain, pnone. East ISth. 349 "LOWNSDALE T. One and 2 rooms to? nousKepii!K, ciose in. a NEAT H. K. rooms. 1 single, 2 blocks City SIN 'i LB housekeeping m n bat h. 22 1 13th. rooms, heat, phona 54 SALMON -Two lovely rooms, furnished xor nousekeeping; otner rooms. FOR RENT. HouHekeeping Rooms in Private Families. SPLENDID large outside front rooms with kitchenette; best location; heat, light, both phones; walking distance to city proper; "W" car or any Washington st. car from Union Depot. Winter rates, $2.50. $3.50, $5 week; reduction by month. 575 Couch st., at ISth. $8 AND $10 per month, nice large housekeeping-rooms; bath, hot and cold water, light free; gas for cooking; walking dis tance. 3 blocks from Holladay ave. 2o4 Union ave. North. Woodlawn and Alberta car. $18 COMPLETELY furnished. 3 or 4 rooms, close in, private bath, gas range, phone, etc. ; neat, clean, cozy and quiet. Phone E. 5546. Call 128 East 19 th, near Mor rison. FOR RENT, close In, on Morrison St., 2 room modern-, housekeeping apartment, ground floor; private bath. Phone Main 8S99 for appointment. SUITES and single housekeeping-rooms, close in. ideal neighborhood, with privi leges of bath and phone; prices reasonable. 655 Flanders st. THREE large, sunny rooms, nicely fur nished for housekeeping; modern, reason able; Portland Heights. 515 20th street. Phone 7017. TWO large housekeeping rooms, electricity, gas, telephone, running water in pantry, $11 per month. 1143 Minnesota ave. Take St. Johns car. OR 4 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; no objection to children; walking distance. Call Sunday or Monday, 331 34th. $lu TWO or 3 clean, furnished H. K. rms., first floor, sink, water, free phone, lights; good carpets, linoleum; child taken. 7S6 E. Yamhill, near 23d. ISTH ST., 4 rooms, entire first floor, com pletely furnished ; also 2 rooms, modern; adults. Tabor 1196. Main 3672. McFariand, 30yYeon bldg. $11 CLEAN front suite 2 rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping, gas range, laundry, free phone, light and bath. 343 Tiilamook, MODERN 2 rooms for II. K., clean and everything furnished; phone, bath, elec tric light, heat free; $17; best value in city. 1163 Belmont, cor. 39th. FRONT room, bedroom and kitchen for h. k., phone, light and bath; walking dis tance ; suitable for small family; yafc-d; $4.50. 253 Chapman. Marshall 3938. ATENTION. Young couple will share modern fur nished, steam-heated apartment, reason able. 553 E. Stark, phone East 307. THREE bright, sunny, lower, outside rooms, only $4.75 a week'; fireplace, sink, bath, ' electricity and phone; private front and side entrance: adults. 394 4th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping-rooms, close in; sink in kitchen; ground floor; walking distance; light, water, bath and phone free. Call phone East 1326. $13 UNFURNISHED lower floor, of four rooms, private bath, hot and cold water, etc. ; 1,0 minutes walk from Postoff ice. West Side. G 321. Qregonian. PLEASANT housekeeping suite, clean, mod ern, convenient and reasonable; desirable location. io4 E. Stark, corner 13th. B 289 . 3 WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. lower floor; rent very reasonable. 89 East stn North, fhone East 1865. H. K. ROOMS, single or en suite, 2, 3, 4 or o rooms, furnished, walking distance. Phone Main 4903. LAfwGE, clean, completely furnished H. K. room, kitchenette: gas. electricity, laun dry. 2 ft Grand ave. S. E. corner Ankeny. NICELY furnished, pleasant, furnace-heated rooms; electric lights, use of piano; rates reasonable. 187ft 18th St., near Yamhill. PORTLAND HTS. 2 or 3-room suite, hot and cold water, bath, gas, electric lights, reasonable. Main 4S44. NICELY furnished room, modern fiat, heat. light. 54ft balm on, opp. Multnomah Club, Phone Main 8004. Houses. 5-ROOM cottage, 229 Gaines, $9. 6-room house, 128 G. ave. N., $15. 6-room house, 736 E. Salmon, $15. 8-room house, 492 Hawthorne, $22. 8-room house, 300 Hancock, $23. 8-room house, - 024 E. Morrison, $20. 8-room house, 634 E. Morrison, $23. 8-room house, arranged for 2 or 3 fam ily apts., 718 East Morrison, $20. F. W. TORGLER. 306 Sherlock bldg. 6 ROOMS, electric lights, gas range with water heater, linoleum floor, cement basement, stationary wash tubs, furnace: choice location, fine lawn; $30. BJelland's urocery, a- lotn. Mam lsoz. -ROOM unfurnished house; 351 Union ave.. near Broadway; modern, with exception or rurnace: newiy tinted ana nam tea: will rent to desirable tenant for $20 per montn. -aii uaoor oui. S13.50 WILL rent a nice cottage of 5 rooms, newly tinted; high and dry;- near river; yard, gas, electricity; Sell wood 1S64. 615 East 7th st. ALMOST new modern S-room house, has 4 bedrooms, with extra room In the attic; has a fireplace, furnace, and wide porch. ana warning distance, can 414 ntn st. 349 EAST 46TH ST., near Hawthorne, 5 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace basement. omit-in conveniences; open- bunuay f. M Key 518 Corbett bldg., during week. -ROOM houaie. almost new, 24th near Divi sion; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace and sleeping-porch, $25. Key at ?0S Stock Exchange bldg. Main 3055. FOR RENT Modern, clean, ."-room house. partly furnished if desired, beautiful cor ner. 30th and Schuyler sts. Phone Marshall 4260. FOR RENT Fine modern 5-room cottage. beautiful view. Furnace, fireplace, ga rage, eood car service, reasonable rent. Call Sellwood 1S4 or A 4056. MODERN 5-room bungalow, electricity, gas. gas range, garage, on woodlawn carline. Rent $38. 3SS Portland boulevard. MODERN clean tinted 2-story, 6-room. nice yard, good location, near car, $30. Wood la wn 426. 7S0 William ave. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow In Woodstock: garden, fruit and berries; rea sonable. Phone Sellwood 1230. MODERN 8-room residence ; fireplace, fur nace, gas, electricity. E. BuVnside, near 22d; $25. Tabor 1993. $12.50 5 ROOMS, West Side, modern. is ( rooms, w est sist, moaern. M'FARLAND, 309 Yeon bldg. Main 3672. MODERN 9-room house. with hot and cold io Northrup, near water in bedrooms. 6 W" car. MODERN 7-room house. Ravens view drive. Portland Heights-. Phone Lansing Stout. Main 775. LARGE 10-room house, electricity and gas. 11 minutes on car, i. biae, very cneap. Marsh. 5151. 8-ROOM. new, modern bungalow, E. Side, stone furnace and fireplace, large porch, front.; $20 per month. E. 2305. FOR RENT 1 4-room house at 454 Broad way for $42.50 per month. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. MODERN 11-room house, in good condition. suitable for two families; In Sunnyslde; $25 per month. AH ."i::0, Oregonian. FOR RENT House at 45 4th St.; M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. 6-ROOM house, Rodney st., $15 per month. E. ave., near Eugene 2305. WELL furnished house, -5 rooms, 2 lots. Tibbetts Add. $25 per month. E. 2305. 3-ROOM house, strictlv modern; furnace; yitt -'.o. East Side. Phone Woodlawn 197. -ROOM eottace. 343 East M orrisoti. Woodlawn 775. 18th sL. near S ROOMS, modern. East 2Sth. near Haw thorne ave. $35. Inquire 861 Hawthorne. MODERN 6-room house. 774 MultnomabTst. C 2562. Owner, 653 Clackamas st. STRICTLY modern 4 rooms, nice yard and flowers. adult5. "t;0 East Davis. 6-ROOM new Mt. Tabor home, rent $23 per month. Phone Tabor 286. 7-ROOM house, good repair. $10 month. 67$ Dekum ave. Marshall 2309. 6-ROOM house Main SO','3. within walking distance. 201 X. 2:iD. Fine 7-room Woodward. 104 2d. house, only $25, MODERN 5 -roomed house, bargain. Apply 5931 72d st. good yard; S. E. MODERN 6-room house, newly painted In side and out. 210 11th st. FOR pretty. 4: Main cheap home, see farms to rent. DKSIRABLE 6 and 8-room houses, 396 and 3:S San Hafael St., close in. East 1685. NICELY adults. furnished 720 East house: gas, Ankeny. bath, etc; 5-ROOM bouse; clean; good location; small family: $30. Inquire 660 Kerby. 4-ROOM cottage, gas and electricity; corner Broadway and Clay: dirt cheap. Main 550L NEW 8-room houe, good neighborhood. West Side. H. M. Tomlinson. City Hall. -ROOM house near Park st. ; cheap rent. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Com. 5-ROOM cotage. York st.. only $12. Van duyn Walton. 515 Chamber of Com. GOOD Side. 6-room house. 529 Taylor st. West $20. Main 1840. , $20 5- ROOM modem buagalow. 1011 Gladstone ave.. WW car. V Id. 4. MODERN S-room house, well lighted and ventilated, walking distance. Main 5212. $S -MODERN1 5-room cottage, on fruit. Woodmere. 140 Russell st. NICE large homes. Hawthorne district, fur naces; cheap. $25 and $20. Tabor 878. S-ROOM house. Union ave. X. Phone C 2309. HOUSE and half acre. Tabor 4136. FOR KENT. HOUSES FOR RENT 11th st.. $20. Main at.. $15. Mancroft ave.. $16. Alder st., $3U. Savier St., $15. 17 th St., $20. Water st-, $12. N. 24th st., $33. 14th St., $15. loth su, $17.50. 10th su, $25. 12th St., $00. N. 17th St., $30. Meade Su, $16. Love joy su, $35. Upshur st., $18. 4th St., 30. Columbia St., $22.50. Thompson st.. $20. Cherry su, $25. East ISth St., $25. East Yamhill St., $25. East Ankeny St., $30. East Ankeny St., $16. East Ankeny St., $1. East 9th St.. $10. Union ave. N-, $18. East 12th North, $25. FLATS FOR RENT. rooms, 552 Kearney St., $25. rooms, 100 33th &t., $35. rooms, 250 Nartllla St., $18. rooms, 549 Washington t., $42.60. rooms, 552 H Yamhill St., $20. rooms, 3 1 4th st., $18. ro'jms, 304 4th St., $38. rooms, 241 4 Grant St., $20. rooms, 52 Market St., $16.50. rooms, BOO Market St., $10.50. rooms, 249 Clay st., $22. rooms, 263 13th St., $35. rooms, 360; pacific St., $15. rooms, 484 E. Washington st., $10. rooms, E. 14th St., $20. rooms, 564 E. Salmon St., $20. rooms, 224 E. 1st St. N., $18. PARRISH. W ATKINS St CO., 106 Second St. HOUSES FOR RENT. $10.00 5-room modern. 5711 57th ave. S. E., Woodstock car. $12.00 6 rooms, corner 9th and A ins worth. $15.00 5-room new bungalow with fireplace, bookcase, etc., splen didly finished. $15.00 441 Jarrett street, opposite Piedmont, nicest piece of property in the locality. $ 8.00 3-room flat, close in. $ 7.00 2-room flat, close in. OTTO A HARKSON" REALTY CO 133 & First Street. HOUSES. $18 6 rooms, cement basement, furnace, close to Jefferson High School, at 997 Commercial St., near Blandena. $20 4 rooms, in good repair, walking dis tance, at 467 Market St.. near 13th, $20 6 rooms, 594 Raleigh, corner 19th. $20 5 rooms, 549 Overton St., near 16th. $20 5 rooms. 548 Pettverove at. $25 8 rooms, modern, large yard, at 438 E. 26th st. N., near Tillamook. $30 8 rooms, modern ; hot water heat. fireplace: on Irving St.. near 23d. $357 rooms, new and modern, hardwood floors, at 599 E. 27th st. N, near Stanton. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wiicox Bldg. Main 8699, A 2653. NICE brand new 4-room bouse, new fur niture; a fine place for a small family witn no children ; price $12 per month. 4-room house, located at 161 58th St. N. one block north from 58th and Glisan and one block from carline; this house has a Disappearing bed in the dinlns-room. making it equal to a 5-room house; it is moaern in every way; price $lo per month, T. W. Nordby. 602 Couch bldg. IRVIXGTON HOMES FOR RENT. $45 7 roorrs. parlor Is 2Sx.T6. also lOOx 100 and garage; oak floors, etc., same as new. $407 rooms, si. porch, garage, oak nuors, same as new. R. T. STREET, Irvlngton's Agent. FOR RENT On 10th St.. East side, near uroaaway, a strictiy moaern six room house with large sleeping porch. Call owner oy pnone, wooaiawn aioi or ad dress Edward McLernon. 74 Watts st., W. City. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 6-room bungalow, THOROUGHLY MOD ERN. FINE CONDITION. MOST DEslrt ABLE LOCATION AND NEIGHBORS: lease for year. Sunday, Main 1200; week days. Main 32S. A 4115. WAVERLY HEIGHTS. modern 6-room house, furnace, fireplace, tub and shower baths, open sleeping porch, tennis court, excellent view of city, good car service, rent $20. Phone Selwood 2024 or call 499 E. 29th. $12.59 SNAP ; 2-story. 6 rooms. sleeping porch, bath, gas, electricity, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, large yard, garden, chlekenhouse; block from Monta villa car. See this today. Tabor 2743. 300 E. 66th N. HAVE FINE MODERN 7-ROOM BUNGA LOW IN LAURELHURST; WORTH $40. WILL RENT FOR $30. BONA FIDE RENTERS ONLY REQUESTED TO IN SPECT. MAR. 545S. PARTLY furnished bungalow on y acre, Jennings Lodge. Big chicken-house, etc.; $10 monthly. 506 SpaliKug bldg. Main 3897. 18S NORTH 21ST ST. 9 rooms, hardwood floors, beam ceiling, fireplace, furnace, etc.; $35. Key, janitor, St. Francis Apts., 21st North and Hoyt. Main 2015. ATTRACTIVE Portland Heights 6-room bungalow fiat, hardwood f ioors, fireplace, sleeping porch, maid's room; close in. Marshall 2624. 5-ROOM cottage, clean and central, 413 11th, corner Hall street; key at 409 11th st. ; rent $20. Parrish, Watklns & Co.. 106 Second st. FOR RENT On 21st sU near Washington, small rooming house. No. 62; also 5-room cottage No. 62 Phone East 509 or Tabor 2543. FOR RENT Houses, flats, bungalows, all descriptions; all kinds real estate for sale. Nicholas Koontz, Stokes Zelless, 386 East Ankeny. Phone East 1017. 188 NORTH 21ST ST. 9 rooms, hardwood noors, beam ceiling, fireplace, furnace, etc.; $35. Key. janitor, St. Francis Apts., 21st N. and Hoyt. Main 2015. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow in W oodstock; garden, fruit and berries; rea sonable. Phone Sellwood 1239. 3-ROOM cottage, good order, gas. yard, corner 3d and Lincoln sts. Inquire 566 3d st. NICE 5-room house, bath, gas. reduced to $15.00 to good tenant, 495 East. Pine, cor ner 10th. 5-7-8-J-10 AND 40-room houses. West Side, also on East Side. Security Development Co.. 4th and Pine sts. NICE 5-room house, bath, gas, reduced to $15.00 to good tenant, 148 East 13th, near East Morrison. FIVE-ROOM furnished cottage, 341 Sher man St., easy walking distance. West Side, rent 23." Main 867. 8-KOOM house, 615 E. Pine, fine corner near school, very cheap rent. Apply 695 E. Couch st. THREE 7-room houses cor Broadway and Ross sts., 1 blocks Broadway Bridge; $20 each. MODERN 5-room bungalow in Irving ton, close to car. no small children. 877 Wasco HOUSE and garage in Westmoreland dis trict. Apply 1365 Milwaukle st. Phone Sellwood 17 GREAT GUNS, can't you afford $15 for six rooms, modern, 30 minutes out, two lots? Room 804 Hotel Arthur. HAWTHORNE district; modern 5-room cot tage, chicken park. 411 E. 39th S. Main 0276. $8; 4-ROOM house, 107 Revere street, near O.-W. R. & N. carshops; key next door. Phone East 3135. RENT $12.50 Modern 4-room cottage. 394 East 34th sU Inquire 1045 East Grant sU Phone Tabor 5164. S79 EAST DAVIS, cor. 29th; 7 rooms; very choice neighborhood; entirely modern, nearly new. Key, terms. M a i n 10 1 3. $14.09 MODERN 5-room Williams ave., newly tinted, varnished and painted. C 2961. $15 MODE RN 5-room bungalow, fireplace etc., 27th and Sumner, c 2S42. SIX-room modern house. 74S Raleigh streeU Main 5129. 5-ROOM cottage, 33$ East 44th. Call Tabor COTTAGE, 5 rooms, bath, fireplace, on Portland Heights carline. Main 6972. IRVINGTON: modern, 4 bedrooms, large garage; bargain, $40 a month. Main eO8. $22. SO; N EW S-room house with sleeping- porch. 47 East itn onn. 7 ROOMS, modern, furnace: $2T.. 229 East 3d near Holladay. Tabor 4206. FOR RENT Modern 6-room bun fralow, gas range and shades;$i. oodlawn 1 1! 6-ROOM house in Irvington for rent. 449 13th st. N. 8-ROOM modern hou!e, rnt reasonable. 701 E. Ankeny. J. J. Oeder. East 61. $15; NICE 4-room cottage. 22d and E. Ash Phono East 2409. S ROOMS, large basement, furnace; best lo cation. West Side. Inquire 175 36th. 9-ROOM house, quire 13Q 6th. 732 Love joy, near 22d. In Main 627S. MODERN 6-room house, furnished or unfur nished; Waverly Heights. Tel. Sell. oli. 5 rooms, 413 5 rooms, 572 6 rooms, IbO 8 rooms, 485 6 rooms, 771 14 rooms, 295 4 rooms, 781 8 rooms, 304 5 rooms, 258 8 rooms, 467 7 rooms, 468 11- rooms, 394 8 rooms. 173 8 rooms, l;y 7 rooms, 781 6 rooms, 650 IO rooms, 550 9 rooms, 268 7 rooms, 450 8 rooms, 14 6 rooms, 124 8 rooms, 891 7 rooms, 649 6 rooms. 673 6 rooms, 675 5 rooms, 385 5 rooms, 2u5 7 rooms, 40tf FOB B'T. Houses. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. PIEDMOXT 2 cozy little houses, none better can be found in this district one 5-room, the other 7 strictly modern. IRVINGTON AND ROSE CITY PARK 4 very nice houses, ranging in price from $20 to $40. SUNNY SIDE AND MT. TABOR 3 splendid houses, ranging in pries from $20 to $25. LADD'S ADD. & HAWTHORNE AVE. -3 fine houses, new and modern. Our houses are carefully selected from among hundreds, scattered over Portland, for rent. They are fresh and clean in side and have not stood idle for months. We invite your investigation. Rental Department F. N. CLARK St COMPANY, 2d Floor Title & Trust Bldg., 89 4tH St. MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 10th FlooTv. Temporary Annex, Complete and reliable list of all vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows In the city, make use of this service when you desire; .this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us ready and willing at all times to help you in locating. Newcomers in Portland ill find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property are invited to list their unoccu pied apartments, flats and houses at Meier & FiaQK'i Free Rental Bureau. UNFURNISHED. 7- room house, 002 1st st $1 8 8- room bouse, 409 E. lltu st $18 5-room house, 413 E. Vth st $10 5- room cottage, 415 E. Uth st $10 6- room cottage, 107 N. 14th st $ 1 5 6-room cottage, 505 Flanders st $18 -room cottage, 170 E. J0t a st $15 6-room modern house, 121 0 Belmont.. .$ JO 5-room cottage, 419 E. 47th st $12 THE LAWRENCE CO., M. 6913. 171 4th. A 2815. FOR SALE A first-class and well-equipped butcher shop in one of the best towns in Yamhill County; will sell the business and fixtures separately or include buildings; I also have a. nine-acre tract with 7 acres of young fruit. The slaughter-house Is lo cated on this land. There is no opposition and the trade is good; I also offer for sale my residence and a barn for 5 horses and 25 cattle with plenty of hay room. Address I. L. Solomon, W il lamina. Or. BEAUTIFUL Alameda Park bungalow, new. strictly modern, quarter block, south and east front, fine lawn, 7 rooms and bath, white enamel throughout all rooms, light and cheerful, all built-in conveniences, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace; N.W. cor. Bryce and Glenn aves. (Broadway car.) Key at 801 E. 33d st. N. Main 5 :'. A 2892. B. M. Lombard. 3d and Madison. PIEDMONT HOME $27.50 month. Modern, 6 rooms, large attic, linoleum Kitchen, pan try and bathroom floors; full basement, good furnace, laundry stove and trays, trees, shrubbery and berries, chicken house and park, paved street 150 feet, good car service. 1173 Rodney ave. C. H. Cable, owner. Residence Alain 2380. Office Marshall 125. SAMUEL P. BLUVENBEKQ. . .. offers lo'o Preferred Stock' in Sanitorlum for CORRECT treatment Tuberculosis-Coa-sumptlon. His delicate-successful method, fully demonstrated, is based on ADA MANT Laws of Life! No Deadly Ser ums" used! Office 1895 Sutter, San Fran cisco. A SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants reliable party to establish office and manage sales men. Shoula pay $3000 to $15,Utn anHu aliy ; $300 to $70O will finance business, you handle own money. References ex changed. Sales Manager, 406 Fisher bldg., Chicago. 111. EXTRA LOW RENT. Beautlftil modem home In select rest dence district. Large corner lot. Clost to car. ine view or the river, owner, zzi 10th st. Main 7635 or evenings. Main 9369. LAURELHURST HOUSES. FOR RENT. We have some new. strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, we will build just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurelhurat Co., 270 fciarK. st. jiain jouo, A loio. 8-ROOM home, 405 E. 45th st. North, one block from Rose City Park car. Only $o. This is a snap. Scott-Beesley-Deane Co 211-12 Abington bldg. FOR RENT. HOUSES AND FLATS. J. J. OEDER. Real estate and rentals. Cor. Grand ave. and Ankeny. MODERN, up-to-date 7-room house In Nob Hill district. 304 N. 24th st. Key at 306 24th: rent very reasonable. For cartlcu lars call at 106 2d st. Parrish, Watklns Ac LO. MODERN bungalow, one acre of land; close to trolley line: a delightful home ; nine miles from city. Inquire W. R. Moore, Rothe station. O. W. P. Phone Oak Grove 165. SE VERA L good snaps in Astoria. Warren ton and Flavel lots; 1 know the ground; can locate you in the heart of the best of it- iv. L. lone, liao Northwest Bank bldg. ALMOST new 5-room cottage, bath, electric lights, large attic, cement basement, near car; would sell. 186 Falllns; su Woodlawn 14. ROOMS, modern; corner lot, large yard ; 1 block of school, 'j blocks to car; walk ing distance. 400 East 8th, cor. Lincoln $15. Phone Main 7507. EIGHT-ROOM house, large reception hall; strictly modern; close-in, sightly location. choice neighborhood; very reasonable rent if taken now. Apply 721 Hawthorne ave. 329 EAST 37TH ST.. In Hawthorne district; modern 7-room house, hardwood floors. sleeointc-Dorch and garage, $22.50. Phone East 8. 172N.3 8TH STREET, fine residential dis trict, easy walking distance business cen ter; 6 rooms, furnace, $27.50. Key janitor Ionian Apts., lotn ana uoucn. Main 2010. 5 OR 6 lovely rooms, porches, bath, fur nace, electricity, gas, walking distance. 481 Chapman, cor. Clifton, Portland Heights. WEST SIDE, 7-room house and garage, 394 Clifton st., corner, $35 per month; without garage. $27.GO. 202 Stock Exch. bldg., 3d ana lamniii. jaain tji. 5 ROOMS, modern, corner; 6 blocks of east end Hawthorne bridire. walking distance. corner union ave.. diocks soutn oi uaw tk-orne: S15. Phone Main 7507. 12-ROOM dwelling, two baths, Irvington district, uu. w estern uregon '.t rust Co. 1 10O Northwestern Bank bldg., Phone Main 937. 6-ROOM house, modern. East Side; $12.50. Western Oregon Trust Co 1100 North western. Bank bldg. Phone Main 937. $16 6-ROOM house, all conveniences, fine view: air exhilarating; i3tn St.. near Port. land Academy. 331 W. Park. M ar. 42 1 5. 6-ROOM home, 174 E. 49th St., near Bel mont. Oniy $20. Call at 170 E. 49th, Phone Tabor 425. MODERN 9-room house, with large sleep ing porch. 694 Overton St., near North 21st; $30. Inquire 229 Stark st. IRVINGTON residence. 6 rooms, on carline modern ; will rent partially furnished or vacant; rent reasonable, f none fc.ast 3616. MODERN 8-room house, partly furnished all modern conveniences; very select neighborhood : will lease. 746 Irving st. $15; SUNNiSIDE; clean, desirable o-room cottage and bath; 1032 East Morrison, near 3 th. Key next aoor. NEW 5-room bungalow near car, $12.50 a month; will sell for $1850, $50 cash, $21 monthly. Tabor i4!4. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow. large grounds, near car, Deaauiui view, rea sonable. Will lease. C 342, Oregonian. 117 NEW bungalow for small family, fur nace, travs. w ill lease lor year. iut East Morrison, cor. 45th. a LOTS. 7-room house, bath, stable, chicken house. 420 E. 46 th South. Phone Tabor 414. Owner on premises 11 A. M. to a P. M. wp-t SIDE, walkim? distance. 288 13 th. near Jefferson; newly papered and painted throughout; 8 rooms, f none Mam 4oio. Beautiful new modern 7-rm. house, large grounds. 28th ana tioigate, so per mo. m. ;sdi i. HEIGHTS Beautifully situated, six rooms, residence flat, different. Apply 996 bav ier su SIX rooms, electric light, wood and gas range, modern, jo minutes- waiK to rost office. S09 E. 9th st. Soutn. East 523.J. FOR RENT $16 per month, new modern 5- room house, locuteo. a -aai bincoia sc. Tel. B 2731 or Main 6-ROOM modern house, newly tinted, coil In furnace. 891 East Salmon et., near o. .a 4im. $25; 6-room modern house. 590 Belmont. between 14th and isth ; walking distance. ROSE CJTY PARK, 6-room modern bunga low. $20. 754 E- eotn st. wortn. 115 N IC E. clean, 4-room cot tage, 22d and East Ash. Phone East 24Q9. tut kip?, s-room honse. 3 05 East 20th st. between Washington and Alder. E. 5356. NI"E house, 6 rooms, f-75 Esst Ankeny Parrish. Watklns & Co., 106 2d st. STRICTLY modern 7-room house. 391 Mill st.. near west I'ara. jaarsnau zujl- COURTNEY, near Milwaukle. 8-rra: c 10 acres, fruit, etc.. $25. 235 Tayl cottage. lor. $10; 6-room modern house, full lot. 3416 K, Glisan. MY car. Tabor 2574. FOB BENT. Houses. FINE modern 7-room home, choice location, 'on lOOxlW corner. 50 fruit and nut trees, bearing; chicken-house and park, garden, roses, etc., will lease for year or more; 1 block car. rent reasonable. Call Sunday or evening. Woodlawn 629. Furnished Houses. CLARK RENTAL. SERVICE WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS One of the prettiest cottages on Thurman street, of rustic architecture, grounds beautifully landscaped, splendid view. 7 rooms in all. y bedrooms, furnished in mahogany, steam heat; truly a beautiful place; rent mod erate. ME LINDA HEIGHTS 1 2-room house. 5 bedrooms, large grounds, furnished in mahogany, steam heat, modern garage, ex cellent vie.w; rent moderate. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 12 -room house, has a most inspiring view, almost au acre of splendid grounds, entirely furnished in mahogany, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, sleep ing yorch, etc. Rent moderate. IRVINGTON New 7-room house. 4 bedrooms. S. P., completely furnished iu mahogany, grand piano, valuable paiutings and library, garage; rent moderate. IRVINGTON 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, large S. P mahogany furniture. 3 blocks from school, concrete garage, corner prop erty, in excellent condition; rent moder ate. LAURELHURST 7-room cottage, brand new, 3 bedrooms, S. P., everything fur nished, oak and mahogany furniture, pi anola, fine lawn;, rent moderate. We guarantee the above the very best furnished homes now available to rent In Portland. We have a few more. It will save you time to call at our office Monday and investigate. We also carry a list of vacant houses to rent in the same districts. Rental Department, F. N. CLARK & COMPANY. 2d Floor Title & Trust Bldg., 89 4th St. COMPLETE FURNISHED HOME, $35. I will rent my $5uOO home in Rose City Park for $33 a month to responsible party ; completely and tastefully furnish ed with every modern convenience; in best district of nice homes, near school and carlines; am putting price low that 1 may be enabled to rent immediately. Call Tabor 2871. PORTLAND Heights, will leasu my new 8- room residence, Deautiruiiy iurmsheu. large garage, wood in for Winter, view of the whole city and mountains, waikinsu aistance zor siuo per month. 44 i mth. Main 6904. Would seil. , SMALL house, furnished, for housekeeping; uuut-in lurmture and au newiy tinted, water, gas furnished; rent $15 a montn. Will lease to parties without children. 971 Albina ave. ATTRACTIVELY furnished residence. West bide, in good neighborhood, easy walking aistance; s rooms, electricity, rurnace. fireplace, porches, lawn and flowers. 331 ltn. Main si5. 2U-ROOM house, close in. West tilde; 11-mi. house, suitable fur 2 families. W est Side. 287 Tibbetts. Two 5-room bungalows, one waveriey rieicrnts, one iui iveroy st. se curity Development Co.. 4th and pine sts. RARE OPPORTUNITY by responsible peo ple to lease very moaern nome, wen xur- nisnea, attractive grounas; good a i strict rnone c.ast -uo . FOR KENT Strictly modern 7 -room house, rurntshed: neat and clean. Apply Ben H. Bellamy. Grand and Hawthorne aves. East bOi. WEST SIDE, S-room house, mostly fur nisnea. sis uuimoy st., ssu; Key next door; or Inquire 202 Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and iamtim sts. Main 6621. FURNISHED HUM E. 2 blks. from Rose City ca. modern, new, wLl sell my $8uO equity lor f2w. warranty deed, easy pay meat s. 269 Stark St. I WANT to rent my beautiful bungalow. furnished, to responsible adults, or will sell the furniture on monthly payments. Phone woodlawn 6u. liTKlCTLY modern 5-room bungalow, newly furnished, $2; must have references; no children. For Inspection Sunday and Mon day, 12 to 5. 1066 E. 3ith St. N. BEAUTIFUL 9-room house, handsomely fur nished, modern, in Rose City Park, on the hill near Alameda Drive, to rent for one year, family of adults. P 320, Oregonian. NICELY furnished modern bungalow, 7 rooms, furnace,, gas, electricity, telephone. 247 E 23d, bet. Madison and Main. Call B 3268. FURNISHED bungalow for five months to responsible parties 246 East 44 th near Hawthorne ave. Tabor 5458. Call morn ings. 5-ltOOM furnished, gas. basement, 2 lots. earden. chicken run. barn. Call 109 Glenn ave. N Alberta car. phone Tabor 1317. MODERN 3-room bungalow. furnished, to ence; no children. Tabor 4093. 346 East 40th st. N. 5-ROOM bungalow. No. 1108 East Market st.. beautiful lawn, roses, etc. w. L. Nash, owner. 199 E. 50th su Phones Tabor 793. B 30S1. 5 ROOMS, newly furnished, all modern con ventences, piano, fireplace, furnace, ex tremely reasonable to right party. 958 Vancouver ave. Phone Woodlawn 689. $9 CLEAN. comfortable 3-room house. gas and - lots. J. t.. fatept, r inanu, Tabor 1388. $16 Completely furnished modern 4-room nouse. on pavea street, in iseuwooa. rnune Sellwood 643. $18 3-ROOM cottage, furnished. 603 E. 8th st. j. j. ueaer, cor. urana ave ana Ankeny. COMPLETELY furnished new, modern 7- room house; furnace; Hawthorns ave. Tabor 4679. 7 1 ." CORBETT Nine rooms, beddlnc. car pets, dishes, etc.; References exchanged. woodward. 104 2d. TWO furnished houses, 5 and 6 rooms. Phone Sellwood 1194. Main 2748; adults only. Take faellwood car to 534 Leo ave. FOR RENT Furnished house. 3 rooms and sleeping-porch, furnished. 3535 Westanna St., St. Johns car. Tel. C 1365. SMALL house, partly furnished, big law: rent cheap ; good place for small family. 1028 hi. sutn su . Aoeria car. MODERN 8-room Irvington residence, with garage, choice neighborhood, near carline ana scnooi. uwner. x uregonian. FURNISHED modern 4-room bungalow, near car, churches and school: $16. Ta bor 651. NEW 7-room house, completely furnished fireplace, sleeping porch; fine view. Main 3267. Mt. Tabor. FOR RENT Furnished 7-room house; $30. 816 Clackamas st. Phone C 1458. Inquire 813 Wasco st. 6-ROOM modern house, furnished, piano. sewing machine; fine location, adjoining Laurelhurst; $JO. East Uavts. U to 4 $20 6-ROOM. fairly welk. furnished house, easy walking aistance. inquire ozl a Ding ton bldg. $30 6 ROOMS, well furnished, lLving-room 25x15, piano, large yard. 1317 Hawthorne ave., cor. 4bth A MT. TABOR view snap; new, modern, 7 room and sleeping porch ; well and com pletely furnished. Main 3267. 5-ROOM modern cottage, furnished or un furnished ; reasonable; Sunny side carline. Phone B loOJ. i WILL lease or rent our 7-room home, love ly furnished, modern, desirable location, $35. Mar. 2705. MODERN well furnished 7-room house with garage $35. 920 E. Main, corner 31st su Tabor 1383. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, with piano. 7th st. N. Phone Woodlawn 9, C 1807. NICELY furnished 5-room bungalow, Eas Side, can Marsnan au4U or a izt4. COSY, clean cottage, 6 rooms. West Side reasonable. Tel. Tabor 49 1 4. 3-ROOM furnished house, $10. 37th North. MV" car to 57th. 84 Last to 4. FOR RENT--Furnished house; man and wife, employed, prei erred. East 2-9. NEW 5-room bungalow ; piano. lawn, gar den, imu; $21 oo. i4i tu. itn.jjar. .331. 6-ROOM cottage, well furnished, piano, $1$. 6 29 Northrup, corner 16 tn sr. PRETTY modern buncalow. new furniture. 538 E. 51st st. N. Rose city Park- ELEGANTLY furnished Phone East 44US. Irvington home. CLOSE in East Side furnished front 8-room flat. pnone seiiwooa zsw. FOR KENT 6-room furnished bungalow, $22. East bo6. Call Monday. $20 MODERN 3-room bungalow, well fur nished. tee 11 wood PORTLAN D H EIGHTS. 2-room bungalow and bathroom. Main i8U. A 4017. WEST SIDE 9 -room house, suitable roomers. Owner, Main 9348. 4-ROOM furnished bungalow, modern. Mt Scott. Phone Sellwood 113. ONLY $20 a month, nice storeroom, 25x60 6-room flat above: right in business cen ter of St. Johns. Owner, 3O20 Yeon bids $25 STORE, suitable for market or grocery 60s 1st. Phone Tabor ill. PRIVATE office with use of phone. 506 Spalding bldg TO LEASE Stores, spaces, buildings and warehouses. Main li-i. see Mr. fcirard, FOR RENT. Stores. STORE for rent on Williams ave.. near Beech; now occupied as grocery store; fine opening for live young men in same business; reasonable rent: apartments above if desired. Inquire 50$ Henry bldg. SMALL store, living rooms, lunch-room lo uation, cheap. 349 Milw aukle su Sell. 317. Offle FOR RENT, in the heart of the wholes&le district, on Front st., an office room on the rround floor on corner, splendid lo cation; use of both phones and someone in all the time; price $15 per month. Call Main 358. KOR RENT Desk room In very desirable of fice in one of the finest buildings in Port land. Every modern convenience, and rent reasonable. Portland's busiest corner. See Mr. Palmer. Eiler's bldg. DOCTOR will share one of the nicest of fices In the city, with suitable party. Ex cellently furnished and rent reasonable. See this quick. Inquire of Mr. Palmer. , Eilers bldg. DESK ROOM In large, light office In Mor v gan bldg. Apply manager, 813-821 Mor gan oiag. FURNISHED office, including phone; Panama bldg., $20 per month. BO 348, Oregonian. WELL furnished private office; also desk room, $t and $7. 33 Chamber of Com merce. LA RGE. well-furnished, private. Including - ucsks, pnone. typewriter, $25; deafc room $7.50. 5u7 Chamber of Com. bldg. OFFICES $10 and up; furnished offices and aesic room . very reasonable; Portland s busiest corner. 33 Shetland bldg. DESK loom in ground floor offlca with vault. juoih phones ; next to bank; rant reason! sole. Apply 243 Mark su GOOD big desk and chair. See Mr. Gamble. amp, nenry mag. st.oo montn. WANTED Lesk room for architect, good light, phone, low rvai. O 340, oregonian. OFFICE or desk room for rent reasonable. Main 1590, FOR RENT Large hall; good dancing floor. steam nt-ateu. ill 2d su Phone Main 13. Warehouses. OPEN storage 6Ox350) on dock with use of hoisting engine, rail connections yll roads. Central Hawthorne Dock Co., E. T063. BRICK warehouse space on S. P. track for rent. uu olo ileimont st. PCS IN ESS OPPORTUNITIES. MOV1NG-PICT1KE THEATER. WEST SIDE. CROWDED THOROUGHFARE SELL MY HALF INTEREST; LEAVING t I 1 1 ; GENUINE ULSlNbbS. K1D1CL LOUS PRICE. $-'00. TODAY AND MUX DA Y. :33 OAK ST. RIVER TRANSPORTATION CO. Account sickness, must sell river trans portation business, steamer, dock and warehouse, clearing SoOOO to ooo per an num; price 3 10.OI-0. some terms. Partic ulars room 4 2 1 Morgan bldg. BUTTER, eggs and light grocery store for sale cneap; energetic man can Clear loo to SloO month: oon t sell one do. lars worth of goods on credit and your mont-y win oe 1 u 11 y securea. uati room izu. Morgan bide. GROCERY, one of the livest ones in town; owner retiring, and willing to sell il right; might trade; Invoice about $4O00. See Mr. Ptrsels. at HARTMAN &. THOMPSON Fourt h a nd Stark Sts, RESTAURANT FOR SALE. If you are rooking for a good business opportunity located in the heart of Port land's business district, where the pries Is right, se Mr. Weidon, 108 4th su. near ashington. HARDWARE STORE. East Side locution with repair shop tn connection: rent $25; doinic a cood busi ness. This is the best snap in the city for a naraware store: price ow. run par- ucuturs. o i a 1 eon two g. .c 1 1 o. $2800 EQUITY in mfg. business, $32,000 concern paying Is per cent on investment old age and inability to work forces me to retire: permanent remunerative post tion goes with my stock. See me at "630 Pittock blk. INVESTMENTS Have many opportunities for investment, either large or small, in any line desired, mfg. plants, agencies, patents, stores, etc. S?e Mr. Perse Is, at HAKIM AN & THOMPSON Fourth and Stark Sts. FOR SALE Grocery, eood locality : West Side; a paying stand for delicatessen and home cooKing: invoice over &uu: cash $0u ; good reasons) for disposing. Phone juaranau -oa i. FOR SALE Old-established hardware, feed and building material business, one of the best suburbs in city; first time this has been offered for sale ; reason for selling. K 342. Uregonian. LUNCHROOM or restaurant concession ice skating rink ; 5-yt-ar lease, moderate rent; will sell lease at big bargain if taken soon. Smith- agoner Co., Stock r.xcnange. DTE HOUSE and pressing, old-established place, known to everyone in town ; wants Interested help, take half or would sell an ana tne price is rigiit. f . W . Per sels. 269 Stark st. GOOD man wanted to act as salesman or manage shop In paying mfg. business this takes but little monev: can draw salary and profits. Call room 426 Morgan oiag. GROCERY SUNNYSIDB DISTRICT. Well equipped- splendid location, cheap rent, good business, good fixtures; auto delivery at invoice. C 772. Inquire 618 leon 5 lag. WANTED Steady man as partner, who can invest $325 and willing to work 8 hours a day (no Sunday work) for $12j month must come well recommended. 303-304 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY, Apt.-house district, everything rignt to mane one 01 tne classiest stores on West Side: cash trade, no delivery.: sacrifice price $1100. P. W. Perse Is, 269 btarK st. ESTABLISHED business for sale, sanitary devices for hotels, theaters, homes and clubs; right man can double the business in short time. The sanitary Devices Co. 310 Hoyt st. AT a bargain, finest equipped grocery store in city, new stock, good trade; other business calls owner from city. O 340, oresonian. WANTED Steady partner do collect- ing ; can make $lu0 quired. Particulars, building. month : $3oO re room 329 Morgan DAIRY lunch, over $100 day business, salary $100 month and profits to good man able to invest some money, uau room 4 Morgan bldg. SACRIFICE ' Will sell $230O equity in business cor ner for $2000. Address P. O. box 1122 Portland. PARTNER wanted: office business and col lection; $100 per month and expenses small investment secures interest to rlgb party, can room 1, ir.n Morrison st. RESTAURANT, fine West Side location. $50 daily business; low rent; tt s a bargain and can be handled on easy terms. P. W. Herseis, -JOl starK st. YOUR money secured ; $3000 buys half In terest in auto delivery business; owner guarantees $109 month now ; business in creasing, can room i: ai organ oiag. WE are now tn a position to sell you state riarhta of the walla walla KoundUD iron tier days. 30O0-ft. print. Call tk0 Pit tock bl k . YOUNG man able to Invest a moderate amount can secure Interest in brokerage business. Particulars room 426. Morgan bids WE have several good grocery stores, butcher shops, restaurants, c4gar and con fectionery stands; prices are righU See Mr. Hewitt, 303 Lbr. Exchange. MEAT MARKET Here's a splendid shop in high-class neighborhood, doing excellent (KKh business; offered at bargain price of $6uO. 1. W. Persels. 269 Stark st. FOR SALE Tailor and cleaning establish ment. 2 living-rooms I'.eum heated, good location. 4u2 3d st. PARTNER wanted for a little repair shop. Will pay you $100 to $123 month. Call room 320. Morgan bldg. $5O0 In cash and a man that will work. Can make big money. Call 514 Hawthorne ave.. cor. E. 13th. IF you want a good grocery or confectionery at the right price, we have several snapi Monday. Room 4 26, Morgan bldg. AN associate in a well-paying business, small investment; rushed with orders, need as sistance. Phone M arshall 5308. 1 WANT to sel! one to five shares Pacific States Fire stock. F S4M, Oregonian. WHAT have you to trade toward cottage and lot or vacant lots; balance like rent? Owner. Main 3242. FO4 SALE Printing plant; s bargain; terms. Address 107S Denver ave. WANTED Partner in first-class picture h Otis'. Phrme Tahor 644. I WANT to buy Home Telephone bonds; will pay eash to 510.OOO. K 342, Oregonian. WILL f-1 100 to r0OO shares of Ogle Moun tain MiulnR; ned cash. F 341. Oregonian. MINK for sale. Baker, Or. Address Owner. 196S 3d sU, $ GROCERY store, down town ; takes It. X 337, Oregonian. $500 GOOD country newspaper, sway down in price. Address AV 37, Oregonian. 2-CHAIR barger shop; good location. Wood 2320 or BF 320, Oresoniao BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THIS OPPORTUNITY IS OPEN TO A MAN OF MEANS. A MANUFACTURING BUSI NESS FILLING AN ESTAB LISHED DEMAND ON A VKRX PROFITABLE BASIS. Particulars will be furnished to interested parties seeking an unusual chance to Invest services and capital or capital without services in a manu facturing enterprise of con servative magnitude, pleasing profits and an established out let beyond competition. T 524, Oregonian. NO. 1 livery barn with 13 horses and har ness, 4 buggies. 2 eurries, 4 hacks, 1 hearse, 1 wagon, all robes, whips and other equipment, office stoves, fixtures, etc., 10oxlo0-fc corner lot, large barn, of fice building renting for $7 month on premises, $0000; $3uo0 cash, balance to suit purchaser. An ideal place to put in garage in connection with livery. No gar age in town and no other livery. Business has never sold for less than $S0ot. Ex cessive use of booze and neglect of busi ness has bankrupted the owner. The ground alone is well worth the price asked for enure business. Call 650 Plt tock blk. YOU NO LADY WANTS COOK AS PARTNER. I have a fine paying restaurant and feed 200 to 300 people daily; my buslneb has grown so large that i need a man ax a cook and good business manager; I am a young lady and must ha hep; 1 win sell Interest to a good, reliable man for $j(H). Inquire at once; this is a fine prop osition. Tabor 6224. Main 124. OLD-ESTABLISHED and good raying launch business, between Kelso. Wash., and Rainier. Or.. consisting of launch Eadem. length 55 ft., beam 11 fu, 43 h. p.. Imperial engine, and North Star, length 34 ft., beam 8 fu, 12 ,h. p. Standard en gine and floaU E. J. Horbach, Kelso. Wash. DELICATESSEN sroods; no cooking; 3 years ago 1 sold tills business to a man who has since made his living, paid all his ex penses and has put $1000 each year In the savings bank. He is called, away and w ill sell his stock, fixtures and business at a sacrifice. Call room 520, Morgan bldg. WANT $3000 to $5000 for Investment; in quire and you win put in all tne money you have and then ask your friends to put In more; money well secured; can furnish employment; no trouble to tell you. and if you are not convinced will pay for your time. 430 Worcester bldg. GROCERIES! GROCERIESI GROCERIES W have 3 grocery stores, located in the best part of the city, doing a big business, and will stand investigation. Prices from $450 to $25u0. Call and let us show these stores. Mr. Carey, 203-4-5 Lumber Exchange. IF there is a progressive, thinking and en terprising person iu Oregon w no nas a few dollars to invest in a meritorious, pay ins: enterprise, which will pay 80 per cent on your investment I would like to show you a decent, honest business. Alder Ho tel, room 402, 9 to 12 A- M.. 2 to 7 P. M. IF you have $2500, here Is your chance. An up-to-date poolroom and restaurant la one of the livest towns in Eastern Ore gon Good location, $11 uo smallest month's business. Inquire Mr. Tregaskis. Hotel Imperial, Monday or Tuesday. FIN E little cash grocery ; Ideal location in apartment-house; well built-up district ; fine living-rooms, including heat, light and water; rent only $1&; a real oppor tunity for $700 cash. 319 Lumber Ex change. CONFECTIONERY. LIGHT GROCERIES AND TOBACCOS Fine, new stock, gooa neighborhood, can be bought at bargain; 4- liviiig-rooms in connection: low rent. Call 3lo Lumber Ecliuuga bldg., 2d and Stark sts. A SPLENDID opportunity to leave Portland and get an apartment-house with dining room, new and modern, of your own, in a good live city iu Oregon; now full and good income; small amount cash or trad--, terms. AV 62. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED organizer and promoter with wide acquaintance among capital ists East and on the Coast, will consider legitimate projects requiring financing or re-organlzatlon. state business and capital required. AM 322. Oregonian. APARTMENT-HOUSE. Owing to sickness I am compelled to dispose of valuable lease and furniture of well-located, paying apartment-house. Answer quick if you want bargain. No agents. AJ 321. Oregonian. WEST SIDE cafeteria-delicatessen; excellent equipment; thickly settled district; place established for years and clearing good money every month : $b0tf cash w ill han dle. 319 Lumber Exchange. RESTAURANT with lunch counter, owner busy cooking, wants a reliable partner to worx behind the counter and look after the cash. Pay ou $18 week besides your board. Room 32y Morgan bldg. $1600 BUYS restaurant doing $100 to $150 day business: cheap rent and one of the best locations in the city; present owner has been there 3 years. 643-6o Pittock Block. PARTNER In an established business; must be good salesman and have reference; pos sibilities are unlimited and chances for making money are excellent; $3u0. 319 Lumber Exchange. IF you wish to make an active or silent business investment I can help you. Ad vise me what you want and address: Business and Investment Expert. F 322. Oregonian. WONDERFUL Irrigation and lumbering en terprise nearly completed, where $i for one can be realized ; investment abso lutely secured. Details at 430 Worcester bldg. PICTURE show In ideal location with no competition; equlpniuct complete and in first-class shape; low rent; good business and a money-maker: $1100 cash and lib eral terms. 319 Lumber Excltange. FOR SALE. Only confectionery in busy town of 70O: cigars. tobacco. magazines, stationery ; splendid ice cream trade In Summer months. Lock box 118. Rldgef ield. Wash. BAKERY and delicatessen, good location; cheap rent; a good money-maker: prue $600, $2O0 cash will handle it. 5u3 Lbr. Exchange WASHINGTON - ST. confectionery, cigar store; established 11 years; good equip ment; fine business; $Uiu. 319 Lumber Exchange. WILL put iu complete sign factory with improved sign-making machinery for $:0 to $500. Write Unity Mlg- Company. Los Angeles. Cal. WANTED First-class promoter v; ith . good reputation to handle exceedingly good patent proposition. Big money can be made by right person. 004 Wilcox bldg. CIGARS, confections, magazines, light gro ceries; excellent location on busy carline street; low rent and a good money-maker; price is righu 819 Lumber Exchange. A RESTAURANT, well located, doing nhe business, for sale for $1omi. $5uo cash, long time on balance at 6 per cent. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. GROCERY Clean stock, good location, will invoice about $2 000; half cash, balance good collateral: no trade: no agents. Will discount for all cash. BF 321, Oregonian. CASH grocery in good residence district, doing good business, cheap. rent, with living-rooms; this Is A No. 3. Stock price $l5; will Invoice. 3"3 Lbr. Exchange. SPLENDID chance for first class tailor. A well located shop can be had at nominal cost. For particulars call on or address Columbia Realty Co., Vancouver, Wash. TAILOR or bushelman as partner in old established well-paying cleaning and tail oring business; $3uO required. L 322, Ore gonlan. $4500 CASH will handle furniture and gro cery store in live valley town doing $-0,-ouo year business; a thorough investiga tion invited. 630 Pittock blk. m NOBBY cleaning-pressing parlor; fine West Side business district location; established custom; no good will asked; $125 sacrifice. 319 Lumber Exchange. PART Interest in established printing office in Portland, doing well; the best olter possible to make to the right man. H 320. Oregonian. PICTURE THEATERS. We have a few at bargains; if you want to buy, come and see us. 310 Lumber Ex chsnce. 2d and Stark. FOR SALE Corner grocery at invoice, do- inc good business; 4 living-rooms. Phone A 2637. " RESTAURANT complete and S furnished rooms for house: will pay $1000 cash, and assume. 2::o First st. BAKERY on Morrison st. good business. $1 T.oO. downtown. Dointr Will give term. AJ 286, Oregonian. LOST A small black purse with $14.75 In it, bcU Kern Park and Flr;and Station. Return to J. E. Bristow, E210 72d su S. E. CIGAR, tobacco, confectionery, ice cream store, 2 living-rooms: this is a bargain; prire $273. 24S S Stark St. ESTABLISHED dental in town of on at Invoice: best of reasons for selling. Aiv swer AV 76. Oregoniou. A GENERAL merchandise store for ssle. octte! in suburbs. Invoices $22o snd a food cash trade. Room 32e. Morgan bldg. MAN wno understand cleaning and resslng for partner relible. BP 327. Oregonian. TRADE paper, established and paii:g. for sale. R 321. Ore?onin. NICE litrle grocery, good living rooms, cheap renu Phons Woodlawn 1232.