The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 18, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 32

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MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position
housekeeper ; prefer widower or in. small
family In or out of town. Please phone
Woodlawn 2886, or call 595 Williams
FASHIONABLE woman of good address and
reference is seeking position as manager
of apt. -house or housekeeper in large
hotel ; commercial experience. BD 343,
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants light housework,
family two or three, do plain sewing or
position as companion for Invalid lady.
"Write Mrs. Seeiey, Box 70, R. 2, Vancouver,
Z WISH a position to care for someone's
house while they are away or housekeeper
for widower or bachelor ; would be good
companion for old lady or gentleman; no
objection to traveling. Mrs. P. Jarvis.
UNINCUMBERED widow, 42, wishes posi
tion as housekeeper for elderly couple or
gentleman, in or out of city. K. 321,
Oregon! an.
FIRST-CLASS hotel housekeeper wants po
sition; .20 years' experience; nine years
with last employer; highest references.
Address AF 321, Oregonian.
isEAT respectable woman 43, unencuuered,
wants position, housekeeper, rooming h5use
r widower's home; good references. For
3 days ring Main 8899. Room 15.
POSITION as housekeeper by widow with
two girls, school age; country preferred.
Address 533 Morrison st. or Jphone Main
EEflXED. middle-aped widow, first-class
cook and manager, wishes position as
housekeper; would not object to small
country hotel. AH 318. Oregonian.
GERMAN girl wishes position, housework
and cooking; wages $35; would take out
child afternoon. 594 Williams ave.
Phone Woodlawn 2&S6.
A THOROUGHLY competent Swedish girl
wishes general housework; is exceptionally
neat and best of references; prefers a
small family. Call A 2S1Q Monday.
GOOD all-around woman cook wants situa
tion. Hotel or Restaurant, good on pastries
Alma Paulso n. 313 Main St., Vancouver.
YOUNG Swedish girl wishes assist general
housework, in small family ; wages $20.
Call before 0 P. M. Phone Tabor 2357.
MIDDLE-AGED married woman, experienced
in cooking, wants work; out of town; ref
erences. Main 7728.
17-YEAR-OLD girl wishes position as nurse
girl; wilHng to assist, with the other work
in the home. Phone Marshall 1386.
FIRST-CLASS lady cook wants work, cafe
teria preferred; references, city. Call Main
3213. t
DANISH girl wants housework; some ex
perience. Call 250 E. 70th st. North.
GIRL wishes to assist with housework and
cooking. 861 E. 13th st. N. -
GIRL, 18, wants second work. M 322, Ore-
gonian. ,
HOUSEWORK by week or month; experi-
enced party; ironing by day. East 2457.
YOUNG LADY wishes light housework or
as nursegirl. E. 8834.
TWO experienced women, cook and helper,
sanitarium preferred, or would take house
keeping in plain family. C 1449, Main 9203.
EXPERIENCED lady piano player, pictures
or dance work; a sight reader; would
leave town. AE 320, Oregonian.
PRIVATE instruction in English for for
eigners, also Instruction in grammar and
composition. 005 5th St., evenings.
DENTAL student of good character wants
place to earn room and board. AF 320,
YOUNG grl, experienced waitress, needs po
sition badly; is also seamstress. Main 717,
A 1517.
MIDDLE-AGED, refined German woman
wants position as chambermaid n first
class hotel; references. O 813, Oregonian.
GOOD, reliable day worker wants house
cleaning and washing and ironing to take
home. wMain 717, A 1517.
LADY work eight hours day for meals two
adults; no wages; West Side. O 321, Ore
gonian. OPERATOR with 4 years experience wishes
private exchange. References. "Woodlawn
SWEDISH woman wants work forenoons or
evenings; washing taken home. Wood
lawn 2113, Mrs. Anderson.
EXPERIENCED laundress wishes to take
washing home. Call any day, Woodlawn
YOUNG lady wants position staying piano
picture show. Experience. B 2400, Tabor
A. MIDDLE-AGED woman of education and
refinement would like any position she can
Tin. Address JtF Bus. oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman will act as com
panlon to elderly woman for expenses;
will leave city. J 320, Oregonian.
COLORED woman wants situation, second
maid or housework. Call all week. Wood
land 1369.
EXPEIJIENCED waitress or chambermaid
wishes position; city references. Marshall
YOUNG woman wishes position In confec
tionery and cigar store or dry goods store;!
experienced. uu ji.ast uotn st.
WANTED General housework or cooking
by reliable woman with references. Call
phone East 1099.
ABLE woman wants work by the day (20c),
washing, ironing or house cleaning; ex
perienced ; reference. Marshall S96.
POSITION, either In a physician's office or
as companion; can give best of references.
Phone Tabor 42.
LACE curtains laundered. 10 years exper
ience; 15c up. Tabor 5933, B 2095. Mrs.
CAPABLE and experienced girl wishes place
for general housework, city references.
Phone Marshall 2073.
COLORED WOMAN wants a few rooms t
do or chamber work. Main 8209.
WOMAN wishes work by the day or half
day. Sell. 1S40.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work by day.
Call all week. Woodlawn 1369.
WjA SUING, ironinic by day or hour.
5S'J. room IS.
DAY work wanted by a good working wo
man. Call Main 4394.
EXPERIENCED laundress and housecleaner
wishes work by the day. phone Main 4217.
YOUNG lady wishes care of babies day or
night. East 300. apt. SI.
POSITION as companion by young woman;
country preferred. Q 323, Oregonian.
YOUNG girl, place to help with housework.
Tabor S17.
GERMAN girl wants housework in country.
AC 314, Oregonian.
TWO experienced girls want general house
work and cooking. Main 0054.
WANTED Situation as chambermaid; thor.
ouchlv experienced. Tabor 2492.
SITUATION on ranch, woman with child
2 years old. Phone Tabor 2192.
WANTED Steady places, washing. Ironing.
Mondays, Tuesdays. Main 4182. Room 2.
LA CIO CURTAINS hand laundered, all work
guaranteeq. beuwooq gut or Marshall 5e5Q,
YOUNG lady desires housework.
AH 323,
LA UN DRESS wishes day work, or will ti?k(
laundry home. Phone Woodlawn 1049.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, 2(
cts. hour. Phone Tabor &720 evenings.
PRIVATE Instruction In English Rrammar"
rhetoric, liruture, etc. S 322, Oregonian.
COTK wants situation; no housework, phone
1 1 it pnr 1 1 oi.
NEAT colored woman .wants one or two
uay 3 worK, any piace. fnone Mar. 1402.
YOUNG Japanese woman wants
housework. F 315, Oregonian.
WANTED Lace curtains to hand launder.
Phone East 1425.
GIRL wants work after school; understands
piain cooKing. X-a uregonian.
LA DY wants to do washing and cleaning.
Phone East 33S4.
A COMPETENT Swedish girl wants work by
GIRT, neat and willing, wants care of chll
dren or second work. East 5S62.
EXPERIENCED laundry lady wishes posi-
BY experienced demonstrator. Lottie Fultx,
A UtlKMAN woman wants day work. Phone
jlai LMt..M.LU woman wants day work;
1 ace furiiiins to taunaer. woott lawn 1572.
RELIABLE woman wants work by day or
xiuui. -un tin ecK, -1 111 II i j.s.
iifc.b l.t.) young woman wishes care of
riiiiii mi nor 1 nunc. n. ,11, oregonian.
RELIABLE lady, care of children, 60 cents
itr Hires nourg. Jiain mjm.
GERMAN laundress wants day work. Tabor
GIRL. 17. wishes to assist with light house-
wora. rnone aiarsnaq iW. Room 401.
LADY wishes cleaning or washing or bundle
wasning oy tne any, uast ooi4.
YOUNG girl, 18. wants position caring for
cuiiaren; can kitb reierences. Slain 2334.
GOOD laundress wants work dav Knur
Wednesday. Thursday, Friday. East 173fl!
!WAXT work in small bakery or delicate
sen; willing, clean. H 339, Oregonian
X WANT -work by day. Tabor 4296 after .
M iscellaneons.
MIDDLE-AGED woman, with reference,
wishes opportunity to go to California
about Nov, l, with family to care for chil
dren or partial invalid,, for fare. D 215,
RETIRED hand practice physician.
Lady." llvl First st., wishes to care for
children by hour, day or month, at her
home. Address above number or call Dr.
Zora Crownover.
EXPERIENCED moving picture pianist
wants position. Rest of classical and
popular music used. Phone -Woodlawn
37 S 5.
WANTED refined middle aged woman go
ing to California would taKe care oi
elderly woman or child on trip; for part
fare. J 321, Oregonian.
REFINED young lady, studying music,
wishes position as -companion and assist
with light housework in exchange for room
and board. P 319, Oregonian.
TWO ladies went position, one weiner cook.
one cnambermald in private house ; p. ew
York references; write or call. 48 N- th
st.. room 3, city.
LADY" with daughter 11 years wishes po
sition. I am a good cook and housekeep
er. Cor. 0th and Main. Main 4330. Xo
objection to leaving city.
LADY will exchange services, eight hours
aauy lor table board son ana sen; no
room, no salary ; good housekeeper ; ref
erences. C 322, Oregonian.
GOVERXES3. English, well educated usual
L English subjects, specialty piano - and
good references. K 320, Oregonian.
REFINED school girl wants to work for
room and board and carfare or small
wages. phone East 4176.
ANYONE golnip to California wishing com
panion or nurse girl write R 319, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED woman will do cooking,
laundry or cleaning by day. Phone Mar
shall 3211.
SWEDISH, experienced cook wants general
housework ; references if required, phone
C 2243.
LAUNDRESS wishes day work washing,
fancy ironing r housework; with refer
ence. Marsh afl 3909.
WANTED Nov. L close In, West Side pre
ferred, furnished house or lower flat; must
be clean and have plenty light; nothing
cheap considered; we have bedding, cur
tains, etc. ; references exchanged. Phone
Main 541 after 7 P. M. B 1947 all time.
Wanted, a 7-room modern house, nicely
furnished, to rent to responsible people.
See Mr Jones,
John P. Weston Co..
1302 N. W. Bank bldg.
Pius tic cottage, not modern, dui com-fortahie-
and acre of eround. nice neigh
borhood. Fred W. German Co., 014 Cham.
of Com.
BY REFINED couple 3 or 4 roomed furnish
ed flat, bungalow or apartment, clean, at
tractive, with piano. Permanent, West
Side, walking distance. ( Reasonable. AL
WANTED, to rent, a nicely furnished 5
6-room flat. Must be good neighborhood.
West Side. Price must be reasonable. AR
333, Oregonian.
WANTED- To rent an unfurnished modern
flat or bungalow ; $15 to SIS per month;
handy to the SS carline. Phone East
WILL lease for & months beginning Nov. 1
furnished house; must be modern; West
Side only; three adults; best of references.
W - 31S, Oregonian.
WANTED 4 or 5-room modern bungalow in
northeast part of city; will lease for 3
years if rent is reasonable. Call Woodlawn
MARRIED couple want cottage on coast for
the Winter. Tillamook or vicinity pre
ferred. Care takers or pay sina.ll rent ;
good references. H 341, Oregonian. 0
FAMILY of 3 adults want Louse of about
6 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, about
November 15. close in, West Side. Rent
reasonable. R 318, Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE couple want well furnished
house; must be close in and reasonable.
L 311, Oregonian.
WANTED to rent by responsible tenant, 5
or o-room furnished cottage; must be
cheap. L 324, Oregonian.
WANTED Five or six-room modern, well
furnished house; must be reasonable; state
terms ai.d location. G 320, Oregonian.
WE have more calls for houses to rent than
we can supply: your listings solicited. 5ul
Broadway. Mar. 5276.
MODERN 5-room bungalow, in Rose City
Park, close to carline. Tabor 3930.
WANTED To rent by responsible party.
good furniture for 4 or &-room apartment.
Best care. Phone Marshall 4853.
Booms With Board.
WANTED A latiy wishes to go tahe coun
try for the Winter and would like to oenxc
in a modern country home, reasonable. A
345, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED mechanic wants board and
room with middle-aged vidow; ast bide.
Y 346, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS BOARD with room In mod
ern private home or apartment wantea oy
gentleman. West Side. R 320, Oregonian.
20tn st.. North.
rooms tor rent. 20 Vt
Furnished Rooms.
625 Washington St., at Trinity Place.
Rooms with bath, single or en suite.
$15 to $25; single rooms without bath $10.
Thoroughly modern, elegant lobby.
Morrison St., at loth ; central location.
REDUCED RATES, 50o per day up;
weekly, S2.50 up; neat rooms; running
water, free phones and baths; steam heat.
735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and
cold water and phone In every room;
rooms without bath 10 up; with, batn
15 up. -
"Better accommodations for less money."
East Morrison St., near Grand ave.
F. H. & G. M. STRONG. Proprietors.
Twr hlocks from Union Depot.
Modern, clean and homelike; the house
that treats you right! 50c up per day; 12
up per mo. Tourist trade solicited. M. 3413.
WMt Park and Morrison Sts.
Larce. comfortable rooms at modest
prices, single or en suite, with and with
out private bath ; every possible comfort
special rates by the week and month.
BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Wash. sts.
Fireproof bricK, running not ana com
water, well-heated, phones, outside rooms.
private or public baths; same rate 1 or
persons; .ou wees: up; ouc uy up.
YOUNG men may consult without charge
register of furnished rooms listing several
h in area in an parts 01 city at ,x. iu, .
also In Association bldg.
HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh st. New
modern brick building, steam heated, pri
vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort
ably furnished; transients solicited.
11th and Yamhill sts. ; rooms $12 end
up, room with board, 3o and - up, oen
trally located.
FRONT and outside rooms. Maxwell HalL
Steam heat, running water an rooms,
large parlor, piano, phones and porch;
rooms 10 and up. 207 14th, near Taylor.
HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and East
Belmont Kooms montn up. up
with private bath; large, pleasant lobby
cafe In connection, pnone East 323.
Outside rooms, steam heat, free phones
and bath ; 2 wees:; s per mo. up.
ROOM-MATE wanted Young man occupy
ing large room, hotel, 14th and Washing
ton: rent $12.50 month each. S 302, Ore
Light, pleasant rooms, pjrivate bath and
phone in eaca, large paxxor. x ana up.
Marshall 5170.
YOUNG man rooming at Y. M. C A. wants
roommate to reduce rooming expenses.
Inquire Y. Al. o. A. office.
SAN MARCO HOTEL. 11th and Washing
ton; come and inspect our newly renovat
ed, strictly modem rooms, $10 mo. up.
3-ROOM upartwent, heat, phone and lights.
Partly lurnisnea, six montn. -I'JV -as
13th st. -
HOTET, CORDOVA. 269 11th Strictl
modem; private baths, en ikJte, rooms
$3.50 dp. Main 8472. A 47S3.
LARRABEE HOTEL, 22? H L&ir-abee st. If
yau want an exceptionally clean, homelike
YOUNG men may consult without charge
furnished room register, listing rooms .n
all parts of city, at Y. al. J. A.
$1.75 WEEK up, large, light, outside, rooms.
. aDsoiuteiy cieanest in town. Dams rree
Hotel Cadillac, 3d. near Jefferson.
HOTEL NORRIS. 533H Alder; cheerful out
side rooms, modern ; $2 to $4 week.
CLEAN rooms. 1.25 and up. Delmonica.
3S2U Clay st.
GOOD outside rooms, steam heat, free phone
. and bath, $10 per month. 2S3 Jta st.
Furainhed Rooms.
w e aeaire to announce mat tne noiei
Clifford is now under the management of
the owners. Messrs. F. H. &. G. M.
Strong. The house has been thoroughly
renovated and there are DO clean, cheer
ful rooms, with recessed porcelain lava
tories and nice closets. Permanent rooms
may be obtained as low as 43 per week,
and choice rooms with bath for $5 per
week. Transient rooms, 75c per day. We
desire to make Hotel Clifford attractive
as a home for quiet people, and will con
duct It with that end in view. You are
invited to call and inspect the Clifford
and " to make It your permanent home.
Willamette Valley people will find Hotel
Clifford a convenient stopping place. It
Is on East Morrison St., near Grand ave.,
4 blocks from S. P. D e pot.
HOTEL. Bushmark, 17th and Washington
sis., mouern brick bldg., steam heat, elec
tric lights, hot and cold water in every
room ; a clean, respectable home-like
place to live; rooms both single and en
suite, with private bath. Rates $2 per
week and up.
Washington St., at Thirteenth.
60c per day ; weekly $2.50 and up.
Running water, phone in each room, steam
heat, fireproof bldg., ground floor lobby,
all-night service. Business is good.
100 ROOMS. -Modern
brick building, centrally located,
nice, clean rooms, hot and cold water;
rates &oc. 75c and SI per day; $3 per
weeiL ana up.
Cor. 11th and Stark; S3 week and up; ele.
vator. hot and cold water, steam heat,
telephone connection In each room; no
extra charge for two In a room; room and
bath $1 day. Transients solicited.
11th. between Morrison and Yamhill:
very desirable location; new, clean rooms.
witn every mooern convenience; well neat'
ed; rates for two $4 and $5 per week,
per day; no extras.
NEW, outside steam heat, bath, free phone,
10 minutes' walk from business center;
$15. Carlotta Court, 17th and Everett.
Furnished Rooms La Private Families.
410 COSY 'front room, all conveniences,
piano, walking distance, one or two. 37
12th St.
NICELY furnished room In modem home;
walking distance. 505 Hoyt st., Marshall
41.75 COMFORTABLE room, board op
tional, terms reasonable, 10 minuter walk.
Main 4409. 445 0th St.
FURNISHED room in private Jewish fam
ily for gentleman. 391 Jackson St., near
w est jfarK.
NEWLY furnished large room, all modern
conveniences and use of parlor. Phone
itiuin -izj i.
173 N. 21ST ST. Beautiful furnished
rooms lor rent; reasonable; nurses pre'
ferred. Main 0309.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, also
housekeeping rooms from $1.50 a week and
H up. 81 North Park.
phone. $R.
3 9th sts.
front room. furnace heat,
59 Davis st., bet. loth and
WARM, cozy, furnished room, large closet,
furnace heat, hot water, electricity; break
labt If desired; 42.50 week. 123 N. 23d.
LARGE, airy room, furnished or unfurnished,'-
for 1 or 2 ladias or gentlemen; 2
car services. Call East 2571.
LARGE furnished room In private home;
hot water heat; gentleman preferred;
reference; also garage. East 287L
ONE furnished siceping-room, near Wash
injtton Hieh; breakfast If desired. Phone
East. 4072.
DESIRABLE room with bath, reasonable;
oreaKiast it desired. 200 Grand ave. .;
corner Multnomah. Telephone C 2803.
ROOM and large sleeping-porch for twi
gentlemen: first class, modern. 123 East
lJHh. cor. Alder. Ml. Tabor car.
PLEASANT room in modern home, Portland
Heights, walking distance; terms reason
able. Call Main 6451.
NICELY furnished rooms, modem; will con
sider board ; waikintr distance, 123 East
litth st.. cor. Alder. Mt Tabor car.
PLEASANT corner room in nice family;
walking distance, reasonable rent. 681 Gii
san. NICELY furnished rooms, modem, private
home, good heat, kitchen privileges. 054
Love joy st.
AN attractive front room, suitable for a re-
nnea business laay or gentleman in .irv
ington home, near club. East 0720.
LARGE front room with sleeping porcb,
oreaKiast ix aesirea. oo uiinton st. 'la
bor 3124.
411 EAST PINE, near Grand ave. Neatly
furnished -room, 0 a month; "hone, heat
and bath; quiet place. .
STEAM-HEATED, suite two front rooms.
nicely furnished, together or separately.
Marshall 2530.
BEAUTIFUL front room, newly furnished.
modern, walking distance; $12; this is
worth seeing. 195 lGth st.
home In Laurelhurst; rate reasonable; all
conveniences. Tabor 9Stf.
VERY" fine, furnished room and sleeping-
porch ; furnace heat, hot water; walking
distance. Phone East 1395.
IF you want a nice room, clean, comfortable
bed. In a quiet, rennetl home, steam heat,
call Main 92S7.
NICELY" furnished front room, with or with
out board ; electric lignt. furnace neat,
phone. Marshall 1029. 675 GUsan.
DAINTY front bedroom, suitable for one
or two; Irvington, close in; private family;
reasonable; heat, bath. East 6913.
$10 ELEGANT room, two east windows.
large cioset, moaern conveniences. Laaa
Addition. Phone Sellwood 0S9.
IRVINGTON Beautiful room, heat and fire
place; 1H blocks to X or B car, near club.
C 2871.
TWO single rooms, $10 and 12 per month;
1 block from S car. Gentlemen only. 605
Third, cor. Sherman.
FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite, for
light housekeeping ii desired. Laurelhurst,
3S E. 41st st. N. Tabor 12S5.
185 S. 18TH ST.. near Yamhill: newly fur-
nisliea rooms in moaernliat, witn ooara
at so. 5Q per ween.
LARGE, well-furnished front room,
single room; modern. 214 11th st.-
$2.25 WEEK Clean front room.
entrance, close in. jerrerson.
FURNISHED Sleeping rooms close In, phone,
Datn, neat; fi.ou up. Aiain avtv.
FURNISHED room, close In, reasonable, 303
w. isroaaway. r'none a 3343. -
CLEAN front room, low rent, light, heat.
pnone, batn. iSoU'a jfarK.
NICELY furnished front room, modern, lo
minutes to p. u.; cneap. jx. letn st.
OUTSIDE rooms. 2; walking distance; heat.
bath, phone. J'Jo mtn st.
$9 LARGE, beautifully furnished room In
modern home. aat l&o. to team heat.
NICE room for lady employed; privilege
houseKeeping. i.u' jonnson st.
FURNISHED room, good furnace heat with
running water. 745 1-1 oyt. Jdarsnan Q3.
$6 SMALL, nicely furnished room in mod
ern home, steam neat, jaat ido.
MAIN 8314;
lady employed to share nice
327 SIXTH.
VERY fine, furnished room and sleeping
porch. 26V itn st.
WANT lady to share modern 3-room apart
ment. Mar. &270, Mar. 4na.
NICE room for
Weiiler st.
girls, private family. 44o
NICELY furnished rooms, modern, rent rea
sonable. Phone Mar. 433. 741 Gllsan.
SMALL front room, moderate
. 12th St.
price, 203
FRONT ROOM suitable one or two irentle
men, small room, 8 month, 414 Salmon.
LARGE room, furnace heat, hot and cold
water, walking distance. S12. 24. 13th.
ELL furnished, cheerful front rooms,
walking distance. 487 East Ankeny st.
COMFORTABLE sleeping room
month. lfl ij 4th street.
$5.50 per
SMALL, light, dry furnished room, $5 per
month. 2J4 jerrerson.
LARGE nicely furnished front room with
piani. reasonable. 2S4 Jefferson st.
$0 SvMALL, nice'y furnished room in mod
ern home, ai ti. 10m . -t,ast 100.
$t MONTH, furnished room, all convent
ences; walking distance. 43$ 3d. Main 4712.
ROOM In apartment-house; 10 minutes from
Broadway and Washington. Main 4377.
SINGLE room, nicely furnished. Apply 22"5
lOth st. Keierencea required.
A NICELY" furnished room for working girl
in private iamity. ancouver ave.
TWO front rooms, one $0 one $7 month, clean.
light, batn, phone. &34 uayior, corner 17th
NICELY furnished room with sleeping porch
and batn no. a noyt.
44S TAYLOR ST., pleasant fron,t room, mod
SINGLE outside sleeping-rooms very re-v
sonable; heat, phone and bath. 221 13th.
ROOM with or without piano: close in
cheap. Main 1030. 263 Broadway.
LADY wants refined woman
mate. Marshall 4S57-
XWO furnished rooms Jn exclusive district
reasonable rates. 773 Lovcjoy st. Main
Fusftlshed Booms In Private Families.
GOOD"- home for health seekers, conva
lescents or old people; close In. lOO feet
from carline; modern conveniences; two
sleeping porches, furnace heat, trained
fcurse; terms reasonable. phone Taoor
I HAVE two beautiful front rooms 1 would
like to rent; all modern conveniences;
one-half block Sunnyside car; suitable for
gentlemen or ladles. 124 East 15th st.
East 5024.
NICELY furnished, modern rooms for one
or two gentlemen In private family; best
coll springs and Ostermoor mattresses;
reasonable; walking distance. 424 3d st.
Phone Main 5490.
HAVE 2 nice furnished rooms, $S and $1.
for ren nrlvate family, fine location, fur
nace hat. bath, and electric lights; can
use parlor. 540 Commercial st. Phone
C 2311.
410 AND 412 mo, very finely furnished
rooms. Including furnace heat, baths,
phone, electric lights ; easy walking dis
tance; choice table board close by; ele
gant location. Oil N. 21st St.
NICELY furnished single rooms, all con
veniences and homelike, board if desired,
walking distance. 470 Columbia St., bev
13th and 14th.
TWO furnished rooms with all accommoda
tions for -1 or 2 gentlemen In private family,-
with breakfast if desired. Phone Ta
bor 1844. -'
NICELY furnished room 4n private family
of three, strictly modern, all new. two
meals, (22 per month, home conveniences,
references. E 344, Oregonian.
40 PER MONTH, light, nicely furnished
front bedroom, bath connecting, board If
desired; walking distance. West Side. H
840, Oregonian.
NICELY furnished light, airy rooms, hot
water heat, phone, bath, plenty of hot
water, close In, good neighborhood. S5i
11th st.
EXCEPTIONALLY large, attractive front
room; fireplace, 7 windows, new house ;
suitable tor two or more gentlemen. Mar
shall 57S4. 327 6th.
NICELY' furnished modern front room with
privilege of using kitchen; close in; one
block from Lincoln High. Main 6406. 327
Mill stfc
NICE furnished room, strictly modern, pri
vate apartment ; gentlemen. Apt. 9, The
Morton, Washington and King. Phone A
1305 before 9 A. M. or after 5 P. M.
5 ROOMS, newly furnished, all modern con
veniences, piano, fireplace, furnace, ex
tremely reasonable to right party. 958
Vancouver ave. Phone Woodlawn 6S9.
3 FURNISHED rooms, suitable for students,
can be used for light housekeeping rooms,
fully equipped, 41-50 per week. 225 West
Park, opposite Arlington Club. '
VERY fine sitting room with extra sleeping
room and sleeping porch; very elegantly
furnished: with phone and hath adjoining;
cheap. 230 N. lStll.
LARGE double or single rooms, with or with
out good table board, home-like, modern
conveniences, walking distance, reasonable.
A 1019:
NICELY furnished steam-heated front room,
walking distance. Phone East 0003
LARGE front room, reasonable, In private
family. 248 X20th.
Uufurnifehed Kooms.
$4.50 WEEK Two front rooms, heat, light,
phone, gas included. 424 Jefferson
TO business woman,
kitchen privileges.
steam -heated
170 Couch.
1 OR 2 roontx, sleeping porch. 3S4 College,
near West Park. Marshall 2322.
Rooms With Board.
14th and Jefferson streets.
An excellent residential hotel; attractive
rates to transients or permanent guests.
Phone Main 2S3, A 6628.
386 Montgomery st., at West Park Mod
ern conveniences; room with or without
bath; excellent table service; reasonable
rates for regular or transient guests.
The Whtehall, 2u3 6th iu, has fine
table board, modern rooms, sun parlor;
a real home; reasonable rates.
BUSINESS women and students will find
good board and room, $4 and $4.60 week.
Portland Women's Union, 510 Flanders.
ROOM and 'board for two young men, rea-
Marshall 4273.
ONE 6-room up-to-date upper corner flat;
rent reasonable. do xu juuuiauu iu ei.
E. 234.
BEAUTIFUL corner front, room, first-class
table service 374 Park st.
THE HAZEL, 385 3d st. Modern rooms.
with or without board; special
THE STRYKER, 554 Couch. Choice rooms
and board; rtes reasonable. .
GOOD room and board, cheap. "The Olym
pus." 141 litn st. corner Aiaer. a -4uw.
FOR RENT Modern 0-room house. 344
Oregon st. Phone East 332a.
Rooms With Board in Private Families.
ROOM and breakfast for gentleman In first'
class apartment; waiKing distance. Phone
Marshall 1453
ROOM and two meals In attractive home.
West Kide, walking distance. Main T2bo.
aazt ntn.
ROOM, with board. In private family; use
01 oatn. pnone. turnace neat, ui Jaai ist
No., cor. Pacific.
ROOM and board for 2 or S young ladles, or
a younif married couple, ooo Hawthorne
ave. phone E. 3U0.
$5.50 PER week, room and board with
tecotcn family, nome privileges, ruone
isortn 1 tn st.
MODERN, steam-heated room, strictly prl
vate -family; good home cooking; reason
able. 608 Flanders, apt. 3. Marshall 1121.
PLEASANT room, with board for two. in
private family, on carline and in waiKistg
aietance. iw ti. jaornson.
LIGHT, modern. Veil-furnished room. home.
TiKe, very close in, excellent ooara. 11
two in a room. -u ec. a -o-jo.
WANTED Two ladies to room and board in
private famll'. $22.00 a month; references.
Tabor 36o0.
BOARD ANJ ROOM in modern home; all
nome comiorts, per luoiua. ji cm
raon, corner 12th.
ROOM, sleeping porch, walking distance,
Ladd Addition. 1 block zrom Laud ave.
Phone East 4842.
NICELY furnished front room with alcove
and sleeping porch and board. 162 North
2 I'd. I'hone Mar. 38of.
CLEAN, nicely furnished rooms with board.
or board by week; no transients; home
cooKing. 213 West Park.
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, home
privileges, with ooara, pet ween 11 th ana
i::tn sts. m uiay. jiaain
SMALL family, beautiful home, with one or
two people, very reasonaDie; excellent
table. Tabor 2921.
SLEEPING porch, with finest board; all
K home comforts. 57 Trinity Place. Main
LARGE, beautiful rooms; excellent meals
gentlemen or business couple; nome com
forts; near canines. none Tabor 4111.
LADY owning home, with large yard, will
take boy over 3 years: reasonable; refer
ences given. Phone Woodlawn .342.
WIDOW with nice home, close In. would like
boarder; home privileges. East G223.
FURNISHED rooms and board, all conven
iences. Marshall 44u . 414 Columbia.
BOARD and rooms 475 W. Taylor St., cor.
j.4tn ST.
NICELY furnished room with board for
or 2, reasonable Phone labor oluo.
PLEASANT room with good board, yourj
lady, reasonable. 7 oh Irving st.
ROOM and board for two. with home privi
leges. Mar. 4i.. 631 Second st.
ROOM and board In private family.
. Main. Marshall 5305.
PLEASANT room with board, suitable for
two. private famllv. 500 East Main.
ROOMS with board, walking distance, strict
ly modern. 712 Flanders. Mam 1547.
ROOM, board, nrlvate home. 574 Ladd ave.
near East 12th and Hawthorne. East 5145.
FRONT room with hoard for two gentle
men, furnace heat. 54 N. 16th, cor. Davis,
FURNISHED rooms, with board,
st. Phone A 1636.
ROOM anfl board.
Main 2334.
1C6 N. 22d, near Irving.
ROOM and board, close In; terms reason
able. East 12 OH.
PLEASANT front rooms, first-claa
private home. 166 N. 21st. Main
1 board
BABY or children under 6 years to board
mother s care. s.ast 306a.
PLEASANT room, suitable for two. wi
board; all home conveniences. East 3521.
ROOM with board, home urivileKes ; s tea us
heated. -11 N. ZUtn. Marshall 1978.
ROOM and board. 100 N. 22d, near Irving.
Main 2334.
ROOM and board. 332- 10th bl, walking dis
tance. phone Main C79. A 2SG5.
LARGE front room suitable for two, with
board: 347 Hall.
WANT young folks or couple employed,
refined, private house. Main 73:s.
WILL care
for child. East C153.
ENGLISH rady wants one or two boarders:
every convenience; references. Tabor 3340.
ROOM and hoard $5 and J6 a week; free
phone, bath and heat. 32$ E. 1st st. N.
WILL share cosy apartment with lady ln
tar$std la Christian Science, Marshall 978.
Rooms With Board In Private Families.
725 Prospect Drive, Portland Heights,
two desirable rooms with all modern
conveniences, one with sleeping-porch ;
hoard If desired ; six minutes walk to
Wash. st. Main 1057.
TWO business men or employed couple who
would enjoy home comforts In a refined
home on the West Sid ek with modern con
veniences, furnace. h it and excellent
table. Apply Marshall 4703, after 1 o'ciock.
Terms moderate. References exchanged.
ROOM and board in strictly private family;
modern, new and clean; must be seen to
be appreciated; nice place for two young
men or ladies. 001 East Washington st.
Phone East 3267.
TO rent to one or two gentlemen, nicely
furnished room in' steam heated flat, pri
vate family, no other roomers, breakfast
If desired; references. Call Main 5555.
783 V; Kearney st.
BOARD and room in beautiful private home,
all modern conveniences, hot and cold
water, furnace heat, etc.; excellent table.
Those looking for Al accommodations
phone East 18:4.
ROOM and board In private family, near
Hawthorne and Washington High Schools,
in walking distance of East Side. Call at
Obi East Stark or phone East 4027.
WANTED Two young ladles to room and
board; also for company; nicely furnished
rooms and use of piano, 415 each. Wood
lawn 3570.
BOARD and eexceptlonally nice room, with
all conveniences, home cooking and com
fwrts: reasonable terms for ladles em
ployed or Kentlemen. 341 11th iu
PLEASA'NT front room, with board. In mod.
or) house; home privileges; new ana
clean; two- people. $5 week. Phone East
2075. 349 East 7th st. North.
CLEAN, pleasant room, home comforts.
strictly modern, with or without board;
waJlUug distance. Marshall 1-124. 451
West Park.
MODERN home, with room and hoard for
a. 2 each. W-K car to s.ennwortn
ave.. 2 blocks north, east. 91 vEast
BOARD and room for lady or gentleman in
private tamiiy 01 two; an nome commons,
very pleasant home; references exchanged
and desired. Phone Tabor 3216.
LARGE, newly-furnished home, strictly mod
ern; excellent ooara; every convenience;
45 up. Main 6381. 501 Harrison tu, near
WILL take 6 or 6 young men to room and
board in one of Nob Hill's most beautiful
residences ; very reasonable. Phone Mar-
sr. ail &v32.
L'RNISHED room and board cheap; good,
permanent neoule: furnishliiKS new; no ob
jection to man and wife with. child over
a year rid. Marshall 2745. '
ONE nicely furnished room in private fam
ily, wild or without board; home comiorts,
modern, with good board $22.50 per month.
367 11th. near Mill. A 2797. m
WILL Kive rood home to couole of children
near scnooi," price reasonable; tase urenun
ny car, get on at ua.K urova, j..
reign n-r, oak Grove, Or. Box 111.
LARGE, nicely furnished room for two
gentlemen, modern, good home cooking.
bast o.j01.
NICELY furnished front room with alcove
and sleeping-porch and board. lo2 North
22d. Phone Marshall 3S57.
BEULAH APTS. 3-room furnished apart
ments, steam heat, recently decorated, U27
union ave. North, phone C 3143.
A CHRISTIAN family living In the country,
close to sciiooi ana churcn, wisn tne care
of one or two children. Bell wood 238S.
$1.75 COMFORTABLE room, board op-
tional,' terms reasonable. 10 minutes want.
Jiain -o. -i-toom st
HAVE nice home near Hawthorne and 40th
and wish to bard and room someone or
care or invalid. Tabor 52i.
431 WEST PARK, Just opened, beautiful
rooms, newly furnisned, home cooking
twrms moderate; walking distance.
MODERN steam-heated rooms, breakfasts if
desired; reasonable to ones permanent.
TWO rooms, with best of board, bath, use
or pmno, nome privileges, everything con
genial, wanting Distance. -Main 32&0.
PLEASANT front room with fireplace, mod
ern, rent reasonable, W est bide walking
distance. Main SljS.
CLUB of 6 young men has a vacancy for
one; beautiful home, walking distance,
West Side. Main 7265. 335 11th.
NICELY furnished room with good board, by
widow witn no children. & Jeiterson
st. Alain ui4tt.
COM BINED bedroom and sleeping porch
with good board, home privileges. Tabor
41 'J0.
ROOM and board at 554 East Madison; very
reasonaote : pnone, bath, use of parlor,
piano, steam heat.
ROOM, board, laundry, private home, low
raieB. rnona .cast Hi it. a&b 7th st.
1 urulhbed Apartments.
OR DER LEIGH AFTS., 52 Grand ave., cor.
jaai btara en 1 urnisnea i-room a pari.
ments; easy walking distance; S18 per
montn ; cneapesi rent 1 urnisnea apart
menu in city. East 300.
BERKELEY Apartments. 39 Trinity Place
weu 1 urnisnea apartments, z ana a rooms,
private balconies. eleator. all modern, i.
2-room. ,$25; 1 3-room, $-7.5o. Marshall
Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient.
6-minute walk to Postoffice.
Furnished 2 and 3-room apartments.
Marshall ilSS. References. A 3326.
NEW CLARK, 016 Pettygrove. 2-room fur.
nmnea upi. ; iBrgo- Kucnen, pnone, nent
heat, disappearing beds; cheapest apL in
city ; $15 up.
3 OUTSIDE rooms, 2d floor, bath, phone.
eiectric iignts, gas range, water, neat;
$20 month. 200 East 23d and Madison.
East 1078.
h 1 nnn- t-i a t t
ml 4 1 lth st.. 4-room furnished cor. ant.
real ueas, reason a Die price.
Neatly furnished two-room apartments
walking distance; reduced Winter rates.
$!3 ana s. sorter st. Main
HIriLOP HALL Corner east 6th and Haw
thorne; 2 and 3-ruom apis.; private bath
and phone; large, light rooms, well fur-
r.jshed; Slo to -J. iast ph2.
2-ROOM outside apt., very modern, heat.
electric lights furnished, part free rent to
couple who will take It four months. 145
Tv . urana ave.
CAM AR, 704 Lovejoy. 2 and 3 rooms, f ur
nisned or uniurnisnea apartments,
large, light, 3-room. basement apartment.
rent from 51a to -su. iiar. zaia.
NEW HART Automatic elevator, phones.
heat, uguts, unen, gas tree, x rms., oatn,
1 rm. disappearing gas plate. 17fe 2d,
near Morrison, 4tn rioor.
GRANDEST A. East Stark and Grand avei
New buiidiiiK: niceiy turnisnea : private
moderate prices; walking distance. Phone
tast 205.
.. park st., at Madison.
Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart
ments. close in, oy wee or montn.
JACKSON bunealow. all newly furnished
janitor service, walking distance. 454 11th
BOZANTA APTS.. 189 23d st. N., 8 and
4-room apartments, $25 and $30; outsld
f exposure. aiarsnaii zviZi.
WILL rent my beautifully furnished four
room apartment at 705 Davis street for
the Winter, pnone Marshall 5S37.
841 14th St., at Market. New 2 and
rooms, furnished, reasonable. Main 1730.
1-ROOM h. k. apt., including heat, bath,
pnone, etc.; per mo.; easy walking ail'
tance. ibi it tn, near x amhill.
NICE furnished 2 and 4-room housekeepln
suites at 244 Killings worth ave.. low
rent. Phone W oodlawu 6S0, C 1387.
Modern furnished two-room apartments,
$22.50 up; close In. Main 2280.
S-ROOM apartment. East Side, completely
furnished; all outside rooms; private bath
and phone. $20. Phone B 1079.
Modern two rooms, completely furnished,
$1G. $19 and $2o. Phone Marshall 2074.
H AM M ERSLY COURT, 250 12TH St., 2 and
3-room apartments, clone in ; modern, rea
sonable. Phone Marshall 2052. References.
14i N. 23d st., near Hoyt. Modern 3
rooms, furnished, reasonable. Marshall t190.
5l4 Jefferpon, cor. 10th; two and three
mom furnished apartments; $16, $22. 50.
DRICKSTON, 44S llih; choice G-room
apartments, two Holmes beds. Marshall 57.
THE ELMS. 14th, near Yamhill 2 and 3
roora. outside; walk ins; distance; $10-$23.
BIRMINGHAM. 3?'0 12th st Two and thres
furniehed, " $24 up. Marshall 484.
I AND 4-room furnished, or unfurnished
The Bjel'.and. A 1807. Main 1807. A 1857.
NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall St., 2
room furnished. $20 up. A 4056.
COMPLETELY furnished apartments in con
crete bloik $12. IIOZ1 Union ave. N.
ARDMAY. TERRACE. 395.12th st. Largs
2-rotim apartments. Mrs. John Cran. mgr.
WA NT table board, for rent of furnished
modem spartment. P 322, Oregonlsw
WILL share cosy apartment with lady In
terested In Chrlstisn Science. Marshall $7.
NICE 4-room fr.rr.lshed basement apt. Main
S2..1 N orj ti 11'. cist net.
4-ROOM furnished apartment $45. Main S3SSi,
Furnished Apartment.
Only 41S to 420 per month for com
pletely furnished housekeeping two-room
apartments, including electric lights, pri
ate bath and phone; ail modern conveni
ences; new brick building ; 15 minutes'
walk from Postofflce. Lincoln Apt., cor.
4th and Lincoln. Main 1377, A 4152.
12th and Taylor.
Most modern apartment on the Pacific
Coast; furnished complete.
Roof garden in connection.
Walking distance. References.
East First uud Multnomah Streets.
The most up-to-date 2 and 3-room fur
nished apartment-house: each suite has
two disappearing beds and two cressin
ruoms; aU ouiMde rooms; roof garden and
sun parlor; unsurpauea view. East 1424.
Fifth and College.
Clean, cosy, three and four-room fur
nished apartments, very cheap.
Also bachelors' apartments.
Heat, water, phone and Janitor service
(Apartment Hotel)
Tenth and Salmon Sts.
RATES by the uay, week, month or year.
LAMB ROOK APTS., E. Yamhill, corner of
i-u, uu room lurnisneo. apts. ana
single sleepins -rooms; steam heat, elec
tric lights. Drivate u lion a: all frM at 11V
916, (IS and f-Zi; under personal manage-
Furnished or unfurnished 8 -room apart
ments; linen, silverware, private phone
and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the
Union Depot of East bide aparLmants, 235
xus st. raona .asi ttitz. -
2-room furnished apts., prlvsts bath,
phone, large kitchen; ail outside rooms;
modern brick building. Cor. fid and HaU,
ur-.N v At" is. be them before locating
ior winter; furnished elegantly; all out
side rooms; private bath and phone, bard
wood floor, new manager; references. Take
v car. s4 A. ist st, Marshall bO.
Corner Park and Taylor.
Best location in the city ; cosy home;
wen luroiiaea in z, o svna 4-rooiu suites
first-class service.
WESTFAL, 410 5th, near Hall; 3 and 4-r.
apis., oy ween or mo.; concrete bldg., ele
vator, thoroughly renovated. electric
vacuum cleaner free, steam heated: $2
up; pest m town; easy wanting distance.
GROV ER Apartments, Grover and Water
sis., one moot south of Falling School
wallflng distance; 2-room furnished for
housekeeping, heut. gas, water, bath, SIO
22.50; nice bath, extra closet, large
rooms, rent includes telephone, heat and
water. no Yi ayne, near 23d asja wash.
rso children.
14th and Columbia.
Two, three and tour-room apartments,
furnished, first-class; reasonable rates.
Main ujf. Home, A 3615.
8-ROOM furnished, modern house for rent.
or win rent part 01 the house for house
keeping; good for bachelor Quarters: 1
block from Williams ave.. between Wasco
ana Clackamas. iio4 j. 1st st. E. 6351
Unfurnished Apartments.
HARRIMAN APTS. ANNEX. 735 Irving st.
j-arge 1 -room uniurnis led apt. with 3
real bedrooms and one diaanDearins' bed.
hot-water heating plant, large living-room
with fireplace, den and dinmg-rooin, also
unroom; . janitor service and telephone.
reierences. Main 3ott or Marshall 5S'.
Lucretia st., near Washington st. and 23d
street. Highest class unfurnished apts..
outside rooms, best service, both phones
tree; rei. req. Mgr.. Mar. 113. Janitor,
Mar. 1 sou.
NEW brick building, all outside light rooms,
strictly moaem. larce living-room, nae
bathroom, large dressing-room, fine range
in Kite n en, not water heat, only 910 to
an apartment. 3o5 Chapman st.t cor.
Jil 1 1 1 SI.
we now nave one 4-rm. iront apt., 4.ou
per mo., on second floor; most desirable
apartment in city; beautifully paperea
walls, oak finish, hardwood floors, tile
bath, unexcelled service. Main 6U35.
HANOVER APTS.. 165-167 King St.. cor.
Washington Walking distance, new and
modern; private balconies; one two-room,
(1$ 50; one three-room, $30; excellent serv
ice. Marshall 200i.
6 blocks to business center; large, light
and pleasant rooms; private bath, phone,
etc.; all modern; 1 3-room apt.. $27.50;
also a beautifully furnished 4-room apt-,
$35. Phone Main 2500.
ST. FRANCIS APTS.. 21st and Hoyt, Nob
Hill district 4Jp to date In every detail,
large corner balconies, excellent service;
1 4-room, 1st floor, $22.50; 1, 3-room, 3d
floor. 27.&0; 1 4-room. -4th floor, S3i.
Main 705.0.
21st and Flanders 5 and' 0 rooms, large
and homelike; more service ,and conven
ience for the price than you will find in
tne city. Phone Mam 7510, A 2070.
CECELIA APTS., 22d snd Gllsan Very nice
3-room apts., all outside, modern, private
bath, phone and balconies; X 3-room. 2d
floor. S -. ; 1 3-room 3d floor, $22.50. Mar
ahallMS04. f
three beautiful rooms; walking distance.
This place is new and clean and has soma
nice porches. It is well liked by those wu
.live there. East 14th and YamhiiL
NEATEST apartments on East Side ? rent
reduced it, i ; new Dries; jDuiiding. steam
heat, private bath, private telephone.- gas
range. disappearing beds, 2 carltnes.
Waverly Court, East 20th and Clinton sts.
THE WASHINGTON. 6S9 Northrup 5-room
unfurnished apartments, with bath and all
modern conveniences telephone, steam
heat, gas electricity, etc. Take "W car
to 2 1st and N orthrup. Phone Main 4;i0.
tween 10th and 11th Very desirable apart
ments, every convenience, best of service;
easy walking distance; 1 3-room S27.50;
1 4-room, $32.50 Main 1320.
MuRTON Apartments, cor. Washington and
iving; a -room unrurnisned apartment
modern; walking distance. Main 1082, A
WELLINGTON COURT, 15th and Everett
t-asy waiKing a is tance, private bath,
phone, etc.; 1 2-rm., $10; Including elec
tric ftghts.; 1 3-rm.. $19; 1 4-rm.. $22.50;
COLUMBIAN APTS.. 11th and rAlumhli
Easy walking distance, very pleasant, spa
cious rooms, all outside, private bath and
leiepnouc ruca apartment; 3-rm... $2.0
1 4-rm., 127.50. Main 1011.
21st and Johnson High-grade 3. 4 snd 5
rooms, with porches; high-class tenants
who appreciate service. Prices reasonable.
Phone Marshall 3300 or A 276.
CLAYPOOL APTS.. 11th and Clav
The very best in 3-room apartments, large
private balconies, fine view, eastern ex
posure; 1 2-rm., front, $27.50; 1 3-rm $3u
Main 5891. '
13th and Couch.
8 and 4-room apartments, large, sunny
rooms, all outside; private bath snd tele
phone in each; central; $27.50 to $5.
KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay Its
3 and 4-room unfurnished suites; private
vestibules, phones and baths, with strain
heat, hot and cold water ; references.
215 N. 20th, cor. Lovejoy St.
TJnfursnished four-room apartments, up
to da te In every respect.
uniurnisnea b-room apartment; threw
ernces Phone Marshall 1758 or Main'sssS
GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrup 3large
rooms, unfurnished, large front veranda,
sleeping porch; new, modern; herd wood
floors, phone, bath, heat, Marshall 1075.
MEREDITH Modem. newly renovated S
and 4-room apartments. $20 and up; good
Janitor service; walking distance; refer
encea 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134.
FOUR rooms, plenty steam heat and hot
water; corner 35th and E. Morrison; best
car service in ci.y. iator
ATTRACTIVE 4-room and sleeping porch In
Irvington, furnace, ri replace, hardwood
floors, 412 E. 17th at. N. Phone East 2580.
PORTNOM AH APTS.. sleepJnc porch."hard-
wood floors. 4 mornm, etc., walking dis
tance o East i;:th st.
503 Union ave. N.. near Broadway;
new, strictly modern 3-room apts. fc-aet
SAN MARCO APTS., E. Sth and Couch sts
3-room, steam -heateM apis., private bath
and phone. $10 to $22.
ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef-
. ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments.
first-class service,' private phone; ref.
7-ROOM, duplex apartment. 4 bedrooms, '
oaini, - in iircproui ouuuiijg. Appiy iuj
Davis St.
KINGSBURY. Ford. near Washington i
High-class unfurnished 3-room apartments,
private balcony: reasonable rent.
WE shall have a beautiful 6-room apart
ment to rent on Nov. 1 ajt 705 Davis st.
THE LAURETTE. one unfurnished 3-room
apartment, modern. 229 11th IU
Unfurnished Apartments.
Just completed. 5-story fireproof rrlc
oleig., 57 2. 3 and 4-room outside unfus
nished apts.. large, light and airy, wit
all modern, up-tc-unte conveniences, auto
matic elevator, marble bathrooms, private
balconies; references required.
251 13th, near Main. Best arrangwi and
most des.rab.e 3-room apts. in city; all
outside rooms; beautiful surroundings;
large private balconies; 5 minutes' walk
to business center; up to date in every de
tali, 1 3-room, 2d f.oor. J7.50; 1 2-sooxn.
5th floor. ;;:. Marshall 2540.
4 and rooms, uniuraished
Main 2vm.
References reo.uIreL
1-room art --,.
and airy. Apply manager. t:J Kearney.
Fuinithcd or Unfurnished Apart menu.
13-S21 Morgan Lidg.
Furnished and unfurnished apartments
In all parts of the city; great variety of
locations, sixe and price. Our free auto
mobile st your service in visiting any of
our apartments.
Main 2015. A 2015.
12th and Harrison. Under new man
agement. Flnrst apartments in the West;
all outside rooms. 2 and 3. furmshed r '
unfurnlsned; waiting distance; beautiful
view ; few apartments lor bachelor gen
tlemen; lounging -room. References.
M elcliffe'court V
East 11th and Morrison, opposite East
Side Public Library; 4-story brick buiid
lng. automatic elevator, 2 and 3 rooms,
all outside, with every modern conven
ience; rates very reasonable; beautilul
view; walking distance. East 140S.
:HE BAKER, corner of 21st and Irving
Furnished and unlurnlshed apartments, in
2, 3 and 4 rooms; four-story brick ; elec
tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds,
bulit-in bullets and w riling desks ; plenty
of closet room; vacuum cleaner free.
Phone Marshall 2001.
17 th and Everett.
New and modern, beautifully furnished,
close in, no carfare, five minutes to poat
oftics; moderate prices; excellent service.
THE IRIS Apartments. 3d and Mill sts
win be completed October 1 ; relets from
17 up; 2, 3, 4-room. all modern improve
ment; the largest heating plant In the
city, furnished or unfurnished; no charge
gas for cooking.
208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2324.
Nice 5-room furnished and unfurnished
aparimepts ; also nice 3-room apt.
3 and 4 rooms, furnished or uulurr.ished,
new, modern and quiet; references.
MODERN a-room apartments, furnished or
unfurnished. 245 Shaver st. Wdln. 107.
AT 4tJ4 E. Broadway, new modem 5-room
flat; furnace, fireplace, gas stove and
heater, large porches across front and
back: beds can be rolled from room
through French doors onto the porch, built
in sideboard, with disappearing bed in
dining-room, lurge closets, hardwood
floors, mahogany finish; reasonable rent.
Phone C 3121.
A VERY desirable 0-room corner flat; light
and airy ; southeast exposure; has fire
place, furnace, with hut-water coll, sta
tionary tuos snd every convenience, and
the rent is reasonable. See it. 721 Kear
ney, cor. 22d. Key and Information at
lot 2d st.. ntar W ashington, phone Main
14J0 or A 1430.
ONE 4-room flat, with aieeping-porch, prl-.
vate bacs oorch and front porch, east
facing, on East 21st st.. No. 303, just south
of Hawthorne ave., in Colonial Heights;
good view, light and airy; gas range; all
bed: heat and waier furnished, at oiuy
.;0. free rent until the 2"tli. See the tiat
and then phone Tabor 10'.t3. owner.
FOR RENT 5-room upper flat, newly tint
ed snd varnished; electric and gas light,
fireplace, furnace; all outside rooms; cor
ner 10th st. North and Kearney; uo car.
lines pass door.
Fourth St.
THREE splendid i e-room modern flats.
walking distance. West Side, 500 Market
street; has been reduced to $lu.5o. For
particulars call
1U0 Second St.
UPPER FLAT, 6 rooms, high, sightly, built
in furniture, fireplace, furnace, finished
floors, newly tinted; gas range, heater,
linoleum, sleeping-porch, garage ; $20.
Hawthorne district. East 3024, 7SU E.
FOR RENT Br nd new 4-room Oat and
"bath, cabinet kitchen, gus ra.ngt-. Iuia
porches; every room light; hot water heat;
on carline; hard -surfaced street. 524 E.
2(ith, at Clinton. Phunu Sellwood 370. iteut
$20, including heat.
y-ROOM, large, light and airy, with all mod
ern conveniences; choice location; easy
walking distance. $37.00, or will lease to
2 parties, 5 rooms $22.5c. and 4 $15. HS'sj
Mill, near W. Park. Main 4633.
i-KOOil f !ut. walking distance; gas and
electricity. as iaiit;e ; w ill completely re
decorate. 42 14th St.. near Hall, or call
Main 4503.
2 LOVELY S-room flats, in Sunnyside, all
mode r a conveniences ; so arranged as to
require very little furniture; price $15.
Phone Sellwood 1934.
THOROUGHLY modern 5-room flat; walking
distance, Eaut Side ; $27.50. Western Ore
gon Trust Co., 11O0 Northwestern Bank
blug. Phone Main 037.
0-ROOiI flat, 0US Johnson St.. west Side:
$::o. Western Oregon Trust Co., lloO
Northwes torn Rank bldg. Phoua Main
SUNNY, newly tinted upper or lower modern
4-room flat; bath and basement; very de
sirable location; reduced rent. Woodlawn
1241. 1038 frj Mallory ave.
CHOICE 5-room flat, newly tinted, walking
distance. East Side; only $20. Phone Tabor
5ii40, C 184$.
MODERN flat, fl rooms and sleeping porch,
Portland Heights; $33. C01 Broadway.
Mar. 5270.
iluDERN 3-room
rent reasonable,
ison. Tabor 103.
upper and lower flats;
Cur. 12th and East Mad-
FOR RENT 5-room flat in Irvington; 0
room furnished flat, E. 12th st. 5ul Broad
way bldg. Mar. 0-76.
CORNER single flat, sunny, few windows, 5
rooms, modern, newly tinted and furnished.
Sale or rent. fr-ixtn. fnone a 10 . s.
MODERN upper flat, newly tinted, walk
ing distance; rent renonauie. iuo j.
15th st. Call East S4L
MODERN 4-room upper fiat; furnace, sleen-ing-porch,
hardwood floors, etc; 301 Lar
ra bee. near Broad way bridge. Main 4a6S.
CLEAN, modern 5-tpom flat, range, very
cheap. 2o7 McMilien, near Broadway
CLEAN, tinted
modern 4-room flat. n:ca
yard, good location,
lawn 4ii. 7S0 Willi
near car, $14. W ood-
ams ave.
3-ROOM flat JS. 3-room flat $11, 4-room flat
$1-, water, garage. 568 Market,
THREE four-room flats; rent $19 and $2L
Cur. 12th and College.
sio 4 -room Sat. Col E. 11th, No children.
Phone East &63.
SIX rooms, lower,
tion. West Side.
modern, choicest looa
Inquire 175 16th.
e-at of e rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt su
Inauire 130 6th st. Phone Main 6278-
4-ROOM flat, good location, $15. Phone
East 1719.
008 HOYT ST rear 21st Upper flat,
rooms; large, light rooms; $15. Main C013.
HOLLADAY ADDITION Five-room corner
flat. 412 4 Wasco at. Phone East 3805.
4-jiUOM modern flat, 17 Green tve., near
jd and ash ins ton. Mam S833. A 207 0
2 modem 9-room and 1 7-room flat, cheap.
12th and Mill Inquire 430 M1U. M. 4013,
5 rooms, furnace, range, heater, phone; $18,
B 191:3. E. 24th. bet. Ank. and Burnside.
STRICTLY modern 7-roorn flat, 163fe lOta
t. Apply 1S1 16th, cor. Yamhill.
MODERN 5-room Irvington flat, 2 carline,
reduced rent. 60 Weldler.
FOR RENT Modem 5
reasonnole. 52V Everett
ind 6-rooin fh
it.. West Side.
$12.50 6-ROOM modern flat, IS minutes
walk; newly paintednd tinted. E44 21.
FOR RENT 5-room upper flat; reasons)
r.-nt. 4U4 East Pine. cor, '.th. -
STEAM-HEATED 5-room, modern. West
Side, w a Iking distance. Marsh. 550.
f-OR R E N T--M od ern 4-room flat. 174 B.
2d North. Phone East 3329.
STEAM heated flat. 5 roomfl. close in.
adults, reasonable. 504 Couch si.
GlToOM lower f'st. cheap, close-tn. 2.3
14th st.. cor. Jefferson.
4M WEST PARK7 lnrge 5-room flat. $13;
large ;;-roora flat. $12.50.
SWELL 5-room modem kwer flat: nico
yard. 7b9 E. Yamhill. Phone East 59 13