- - ' TETE ' SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 18. 1914. MANAGER BLAMED FOR SEALS' SLUMP Harry B. Smith Says Del Howard-Might Have Lent More Aid to Club. POOR JUDGMENT CHARGED California's Interest Great in "World Series Because Many Native Sons Shine in Contest Outlook for Majors' Visit Is Poor. BY HARRY B. SMITH. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 17. (Special.) When the Coast League season comes to a close In another week and the pros and cons are talked about, it's a cinch that one George (Del) Howard is going to be greeted as the unpopular candi date for San Francisco. I am not say ' lng this in criticism of Howard, but merely by way of setting forth facts. Rightfully or otherwise, Howard is blamed by a majority of local fandom for his failure to keep the Seals up in the race and now with the pennant fight practically ended, that criticism is gomg to be more bitter than ever. Howard has been arraigned on a number of counts. First and foremost, the fans blame Eel for his failure to g into the game at first base and add his well known batting strength. Instead, either Chappie Charles or Cartwright has held down that cushion and it is figured that Howard himself could have done more good for the team. Hitting- Aid "ot Offered. Of course Del isn't as young as he used to be and doubtless inclines to the belief that a manager is entitled to direct from the bench. At the same times Charles can't hit up to Howard and Cartwright has been a lamentable failure as a first-sacker. Carty never was anything more than an average player and the fans have been yelling at him so consistently that he has lost heart and doesn't even go up to his ordinary height. If you will notice, Cartwright is not even listed among the .200 batters. Howard Is way up with the leaders and a hit now and then might have counted, especially with a race so close as the present one has been. Again, It is said of Howard that he has not shown good judgment in leav ing pitchers in the box when games have been going against them. There have been times. In the mind of the writer, when Howard would . have helped the situation by yanking this or that twirler and substituting some other chap. Of course such a conten tion is open to argument. Slump Disappoints Fans. Del hasn't been as aggressive a man ager as might have been desired and there Is a possibility that it has inter fered with the fighting spirit of the club. At all events the local followers of baseball seem to hold much against him and they are not slow to express themselves. The slump of the San Francisco team when it met the Mis sion club a. week ago was extremely disappointing. Just when they should have been fighting hard they dropped away to nothing. At the same time the Beavers were once more winging out in front and at the present writing have so far increased their lead that their ultimate victory has been con ceded all along the line. Of course there's that lingering chance, but the Beavers would have to come close to losing every game and such a possi bility is too remote to be more than laughed about. The way the San Franciscans came for a while was decidedly encouraging, but the slump was worse than a dis appointment, lionet Is Shown. If nothing more, however, it spoke volumes for the honesty of baseball tb Bee the Missions win. Had the Seals been able to take that series, their drawing powers would have trebled. It would have helped out Wolverton. who is in -a financial hole, but he went ahead just the same to trim the San Francisco club. And he's doing it just when he Is asking favors of Cal Kwing in the way of bringing his club permanently into San Francisco. Of course there is a vast commercial side to baseball, but you can't lose track of the fact that the games are played on their merits. San Francisco and California had a personal interest in the world's series frames played between Boston and Philadelphia, which was won so han dily by the Braves. Pitcher Bill James, as has been published to the wide, wide world, is a Californian born and raised and there was much pride in his accomplishments. George Hildebrand, one of the four umpires honored by being named for the job of accepting $1000 for four days work, is a San Francisco boy, who was educated here and played ball with the San Francisco club even be fore he took up indicator work. Manager George Stallings once was manager of the San Jose ball club and later of Stockton. Little wonder, then, that the fans were pulling heart and soul for the Nationals to trim the Athletics. Part of that feeling, naturally, was senti ment ffm the underdog, but much of it was due to the personal feature. Dad'i Check Kept Uncasbed. Dick Belcher, who has been presi dent of the Trolley League, told an in teresting story the other day about James. ' Big Bill halls from Iowa Hill, riacer County, this' state,' but drifted early to Orovllle, where he started playing balL Later he was drafted into use as a pitcher. Finally, ' when lie was offered the job with Seattle, James, Sr.. interposed an objection. He didn't want his boy to become a sure enough out-and-out professional heav er. All his objections were waived aside. Then the' father wrote out a check and handed it to his son. with these words: "When they kick you out of Seattle this will bring you home. And good luck, so long as you're bound to make the trip." That check has never been cashed. Toung Bill has it framed and affirms that he will never cash the paper. Belcher also says that young James is of a saving disposition and that every fortnight there comes to the boy's mother a check for J250. which is care fully salted away against the future. Mac-Bates Meeting Annoy. The magnates of the Pacific Coast League have been meeting so continu ously that even the sporting writers have thrown up their hands in disgust and have-not tried to find out what's happening. So far as can be learned, nothing has been accomplished. More over, it isn't likely that anything will be done before the annual meeting of the league, which is scheduled to con vene Monday. October 26. At that time it is likely some action, one way or another, will be taken, so that It can be known positively what the magnates are going to do as regards the Mission club. , . It looks from the outside that they must be up & tree as to the future and are putting off the moment of making a decision just as long as possible. Major league ballplayers who are re turning home for the Winter admit that the season has been a disastrous one financially for all the -baseball organi zations in the game and particularly for minor league institutions. These Seem to ' have -.had more difficulty in weathering the storm than the higher ups. . It is granted that the Federal League has lost a lot of money, but the boys seem to figure that the backers of the Independents will be back on the job another season. . . Outlook Ha7 for Majors. . It doesn't look from this angle that the major league troopers, shortly to be in our midst, are going to do any whirl wind business. To be frank, baseball for 1914 has been just about played out in San Francisco and the fans are hankering for a rest more than any thing else. Had the Athletics tri umphed, the all-American team to be headed by Connie Mack would have added some luster, but as matters now stand, that club- is not going to shine. And this is all the more the case be cause the so-called stars of the Ath letics are not going to make the trip. Apparently the all-Nationals will be CRACK HOCKEY TEAM BOUGHT TO REPRESENT CITY IN the best fortified. Bill James, it is an nounced, will be one of the pitchers and Alexander, of the Phillies, is an other. Doubtess the fans will turn out just for a look at the visitors, but that is about 'all. The fans haven't been turning ,out in flocks to see the Portland and Oak land teams play across the bay this week. A double-header was scheduled for last "Tuesday, opening day, but the paid attendance couldn't have gone far beyond the 400 mark. And you know yourself, gentle reader, there Isn't much money to be made out of such a propo sition. With San Francisco up in the race, it might have been a different story. STAR DEPLORES SPIRIT MAYS, HERB TODAY, SAYS PROVI DENCE: ENTHUSIASM LACKING. Big Figure of Last Year's FltcMns Staff to Be Seen in Action With Maroons Against All-Stars. "There wasn't enough enthusiasm in Providence' to give a stage setting to a funeral when- we won the pennant this Fall." So remarked Carl Mays, the former Portland Colt pitcher, who was the big figure on the Providence pitching staff this past season and did -more than any other individual to give the Rhode Is land city its first pennant In 10 years. Mays was bought by the Boston Americans this Fall and will be a mem ber of the Red Sox in 1915. Since the Red Sox are picked to win the Ameri can League pennant again in 1915 Mays may be another Bill James in the world's series within another season. Portland fans will get their first peep of. the season at the big- blonde this afternoon at the Coast League park. If weather permits a game, Mays will be in the box for the crack Pied mont Maroons against the Randall All Stars at 2:30 o'clock. These two teams were in the recent city championship series and, although both were eliminated before reaching the finals, considerable rivalry has cropped up amongst the boys. Mays' last appearance in Portland was in the Fall of 1913, when he pitched the Portland Northwest Leaguers to a victory over the Portland Coast cham pions. Mays used a puzzling under hand delivery and the Coasters couldn't fathom him at alL Brenegan will be behind the bat to day and opposing this duet will be Rudy Kallio, well-known Northwest and Union Association star, and Bleeg. PORTLAND CLTTB PLAXS SHOOT 1 OO Turkeys to Be Given Winners of Thanksgiving Event. The Portland Gun Club is planning to hold on s of the biggest one-day shoots of the year at its' grounds at Jenne Station, on the Estacada carline, on Thanksgiving day. More than 200 shooters are expected and 100 turkeys have been secured to be offered to the winners of the various classes. A special turkey dinner has been ar ranged for, according to Secretary Ad dleman. of the club, and all hunters will be carefully taken care of. Special events for women have been put on the programme and"' all women shoot ers especially are Invited. Rosy-cheeked apples, cranberry sauce and every dainty that is required to make a Thanksgiving day turkey din ner have been secured. As a special added attraction the weekly shoot for the Imperial Hotel diamond trophy will be staged, as well as the event for the Richard Everding gold watch. High average for the week will re ceive one of the handsome little gold buttons. Only two of these weekly but tons haV9 been awarded by the club as yet and Henry W. Metzger. presi dent of the club, with an average of 98 per cent, was the first nimrod to be honored. Shooting will be held today and every other Sunday until the big shoot Thanksgiving. The shoot .Thanksgiv ing morning will start promptly at S:30 o'clock and will last the entire day. Lexington Races Declared Off. LEXINGTON, Ky, Oct. 17. The an nual Grand Circuit trotting meeting at the track of the Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders Association today was declared off on account of rain. Use Santiseptio Lotion after shaving. Adv. -"II ii r ir " A9 js i i -j" , t-3s 1 1 ' fr j . f X f " , M A WW h 'J If b . is HOCKEY PLAY IS SOON Purchase of New Westminster Club Under .Way. SEASON OPENS DECEMBER 8 VaccauTer Club First Organization tb Be Met at Ice Game Here and Year Will Close in March With.-Victoria Contest. Purchase outright of the New West minster professional hockey club, of the Pacific Hockey Association, by BY PORTLAND ICE HIPPODROME INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. the Portland Ice Hippodrome will be accomplished within a few days, accord lng to J. George Keller, secretary- of tne nippoarome. negotiations nave been under way for two or three weeks to this end. A shifting of the forwards and probably the trading of one or two players will be the programme imme diately after purchase, Mr. Keller said yesterday. The Portland Ice Hippodrome was admitted to membership in the Pacific Hockey Association last week, and as the organization -is a Canadian one the rules governing Canadian hockey games will be the order in professional games on the local rink. The Portland Ice Hippodrome prob ably will open in a week or ten days. As the rink floor is 321 feet long and 85 feet wide, and the playing rules call for an Ice floor of 200 feet long, the management of the hippodrome is making arrangements to fence the 200 feet off, leaving 60 feet of Ice floor at either end of the rink. For practice games the rink will be divided into two sheets of ice to enable more than one club to practice at the same time. Maldoon Will Coach Team. Peter Maldoon, a pioneer in hockey circles, will act as trainer and coach for the hippodrome team. Another referee will be secured, according to Secretary Keller, and he may be a Port land man., Micky Ions is the only referee in the circuit at present. The season will open In Portland De cember 8, when the Vancouver club will meet the hippodrome players. It closes in Portland March 6, with the hippo drome contesting with Victoria. A ten tative schedule has been prepared and will be released as soon as accepted by the league members. Kenneth Mallen, crack forward of the New Westminster club, is In Portland looking over the local situation. He is reputed to be one of the fastest pro fessional hockey players and has been a member of the New Westminster club for three years. Two years ago Man ager Savage, of the New Westminster club, was watching a "scrub" game of hockey on a pond near Swift Current. Sask., and he noticed the swift, sure playing of George Rochon. He was so pleased with the young player's style that he signed him immediately for the New Westminster club. Since then Rochon has Been one of the mainstays of the team and he plays at point. Eastern Clnba Raided. When Savage first organized the New Westminster club he raided the East ern clubs. As a result of this Ed Oat man, a rover, was secured from Que bec, at a high purchase price. Oatman was paid the handsome salary of $2400 for his first season. Ran McDonald is a promising recruit to professional hockey. His home is in Vancouver and he has been with the New Westminster club for three years. McDonald plays center-forward. One of the heaviest checkers In the game is "Moose" Johnson, who has been with New Westminster for three years. Johnson's sensational rushes up the Ice gained for him the sobriquet of "Moose." Charies Tobln, who joined New Westminster two years ago, is playing forward, but Is good at any post. He was purchased from Winni peg. Art Throop, forward, was se cured from Ontario last season. CHICAGO ' SEEKS GUX TESTS Grand American Trapshootlng Handicap May Be Held. While the place for holding the 1915 Grand American Trapshooting Handi cap will not be decided until the meet ing of the Interstate Association in December, already a number of cities are making bids for a big sporting event. Among the leaders in the race for the honor of staging the event is Chicago, and, if aggressiveness . counts, the Windy City will be the mecca of the trapshooting fraternity of the United States in September of next year. Quite a lot of campaigning was done at the recent Grand American, held in Dayton, by members of the Chicago and Riverside Gun Clubs. The efforts of the' shooters were supplemented by the work of a number of prominent Chi cago business men not identified with the shooting game, but who appreciate the importance of the National trap- shooting meet. Tentative plana have been prepared for the laying out of elaborate and ex tensive shooting grounds on the lake front, and Chicago's representative at Washington Is working to secure the permission of the Government to place a battery of traps on the shore of Lake Michigan. In urging their claims, the Chicago delegation at Dayton predicted an at tendance of more than 100,000 specta tors. Dayton O., is also in a receptive mood and if the matter had been left to a vote of the more than 600 shooter guests of the Gun Club during the 1914 session of the Grand American which closed September 13. Dayton would be. for the third consecutive time, the next meeting place of gun bugs from every state in the Union. Other cities are playing politics to land the 1915 shoot, but whether any of these burgs can offer greater induce ments or bring more pressure to bear than Chicago on the interstate officials is. a matter of speculation. - TWO GOIiF MATCHES ARE TIED Opponents in Mixed Foursomes and 18-Hole Play Break Even. Two events of the match play In the Columbus Day tournament held Mon day on the Waverly Country Club links resulted in tie scores. In the mixed fourscores Miss Jean MacKenzle and Fred Foster registered the same score as Mr. and Mrs. Gay Lombard, both men scoring 107 with a handicap of nine, making a net 96. The 18-hole match play against par found Ruasel Smith and J. D. Alexander having the same score of a total of fi as K. L. McCTeay and Donald Green, Second prize went to M. Whitehouse and W. Gilbert, who made a total of 6. In the men's handicap 18 ho)es medal play, C H Lewis was awarded first prize on 72 net. His gross score was 82 and he bad a handicap of 10, wbile R. L. McCreay, who finished second with 73 net, secured 77 as gross and had a handicap of 4. After the tournament, George Turn bull, the professional golfer, who ten dered his resignation as golf instructor of the Waverly Country Club to take up the same duties at the Colorado County Club of San Diego, announced that it was his last scoring for the local tourney for some time to come. The next tourney, according to Gay Lombard, chairman of the handicap committee, will not take place until around Thanksgiving. ' REED GLASSES TO CLASH SEMORS - JUNIORS, SOPHOMORES. FRESHMEN MEET WEDNESDAY. Gridiron Contest Expected to Favor Experienced Vpper-Classnicn All Athletics Are Active. The lnterclass football series at Reed College will begin Wednesday, when the team from the seniors and juniors will clash with the sophomore-freshman team on the college field. Paul Rlttenberg has been elected captain of the ' under-class team, and Dr. K. T. Compton is acting as coach. The team will have a number of men who have played football In high school, but much of the material is new. Kenneth Tomllnson is captain. of the senior-junior team and Is playing quarter. Besides having men of more experience in the lineup, the upper classmen have played together before. It is easier on this account to whip the team into shape. The upper-classmen probably will have some advantage In weight, though the lineup oS the teams has not been settled. The good weather lately has been a stimulus to tennis playing, and a tour nament in which about 40 men particle pated nearly has been finished. After the tournament is completed, playing Will continue for the sake of ranking the players. It is probable now that there will not be much more tennis before Spring, though there are always some enthusiasts out at the first sign of good weather. Other men in the col lege are paying some attention to handball. Basketball practice has be gun on a small scale. ARMY SEEX IN TRAPSHOOTERS Military Authority Says Sport Tends to Make Efficient Volunteers. PHMiADELPHIA, Oct. 17. (Special.) A military authority recently called attention to a potential American Army In the trapshooters of the 'United States. In his remarks, the military man laid emphasis on the fact that in the early stages of a conflict, volun teers lack efficiency, not because of their inability "to keep step" as their lack of familiarity with firearms and the consequent "gunshyness," developed when first handling a modern rifle be cause of fear of the "kick." "Not until a recruit overcomes his timidity of the recoil of a rifle will he show a satis factory degree of ability as a marks roan." said the militia officer. "On the other hand, men who weekly or monthly throughout the year visit a trapshooting club and Are 60 to 100 shell3 during an afternoon, become so used to the recoil of a shotgun that in exchanging it for a military rifle at a time of necessity, they would from the beginning exhibit no sign of the 'gun shyness' so detrimental to marksman ship. "To army officials who have tried for years to provide for an adequate re serve force, it is, no doubt, a satisfac tion to know that from the more than 400,000 trapshooters in the United States, there could be drawn, if needed, an army of men who know how to han dle firearms efficiently." PLEASIXG BOUTS ARE STAGED Parslow-'Sunderland Go Is Best at m Mohawk Club. Despite the fact that one of the bouts fell through, the fans were well pleased with the boxing card offered Friday night at the Mohawk Club, on Union avenue. The best go of the evening was be tween Parslow, of Multnomah, and Sun derland, of the Mohawk Club. The judges could not reach an agreement after three lively rounds and an extra one was added. In the fourth round Parslow won easily from Ills opponent, who seemed to have tired. The summary: 108 pounds Gonzales, Western, won four-round decision from Bloomberg, Mohawk. 125 pounds Hansen, Armory, won three-pound decision from Rodgers, un attached. 115 pounds Frisbee. Mohawk, won three-round decision from Rodgers, un attached. 120 pounds Woodward. Mohawk, awarded match when Taylor failed to appear. 142 pounds Parslow. Multnomah, won four-round decision from Sunder land, Mohawk. Officials Jack Helser. referee; Bud Anderson and Bill Hayward. judges; Jimmy Richardson, timekeeper. Boxing Briefs. ' Colin Bell, the Australian heavy weight, is a sterling track athlete and also a fine bike rider. . Frankle Burns.' of Oakland, and Kid Herman have been matched for a bout In New Orleans November 1. Packey McFarland will have Billy Nolan as a manager if e re-enters the ring, according to reports. Los Angeles scribes didn't discover Jeff Smith was in the country until after he had sailed for home. j James J. Corbett will be with us shortly. He will "do his little stunt at one of the local vaudeville houses. . . I -Dick Kendall, the Portland heavy weight, and Bud Anderson have been training together of late. t . i 1 DENTISTRY BILL ENDORSED : , v. - ' "'5'-;: .;: ':"""' ':' ' '- it - LOIIA C. LITTLE, Progressive Candidate for Representative. "Whereas, This Federation exists to unify effort in the direction of securing medical freedom and restoring liberties which have teen taken from the people through ti gradual encroachments of State Medicine, and Whereas. Initiative Bill 340 in the State Pamph let, known as the Dental Bill. Is a definite step in the direction or medical freedom, protecting the people instead of the Dental Trust, and Wiereas this fight of the people has been under taken single-handed by Dr. E. R. -Parker ( Painless Parker in backing this Bill, and Rhereas, Should Bill 340 be defeated, nothing ie surer than that the Medical Trust will take courage and seek further restrictive laws in the interest of the doctors and against the interests of. the people; therefore Resolved: That this Federation urge each and all voters in its several organizations to use all'-their influ ence in support of Bill 340; and, further Resolved: That we heartily endorse and commend Dr. Parker-for his stand against injustice andaDental Mon opoly. OREGON .FEDERATION OP MEDI CAL ; FREEDOM CLUBS. Dated: Oct. 13,1914. Paid Advertisement.) SOCCER FIELD GROWING O. A. C. AD WILLAMETTE LIKELY TO PACE ORE&O.V TEAMS. Entrance of Corvallls Squad Depends on Showing of Reernlts, Says Stewart Early Practice Begins. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene. Oct. 17. (Special.) The Oregon Agri cultural College and Willamette Uni versity are expected to Join this year the list of colleges playing association football (soccer). The University of Oregon is trying to schedule home and return games with both teams. Dr. Stewart, athletic director at Cor vallls. replies that fee is having made two fields for soccer, but that neither is finished. He proposes Issuing a soc cer call, he says, as soon as the in tercollegiate season is over at Thanks giving. The soccer men will use the new intercollegiate field. If the re sponse is satisfactory he says he will play Oregon at Corvallls and at Eu gene. Willamette, which Introduced soccer a year ago, is talking of games about December. Teams from Portland that are likely to meet the university dur ing the Winter are Columbia University and Multnomah. Meanwhile about 20 men are practic ing on the baseball field. Some, like Campbell, of Dallas: Ralston, of La Grande; Neal Ford, of Eugene; Amspo ker. of Riddle: Tuerck, of Portland, and Pearson, of Eugene, belong to last year's squad, which In the only two soccer games the university evr has played held Columbia University to two tie scores. Other recruits, such as Haseltine, Sengstake and Sheehy, of Portland in terscholastic teams, are new in the university, but have had some experi ence in the game. Goresky, Columbia University goaltender, also is expected out next week. Still others, such as Kail, of Klamath Fails; Leffel, of La GOLF 20 YEARS IN AMERICA TWENTY YEARS ago the first American championship .golf match was played. The game was then considered a society fad and was played in a regal setting at Newport, R. I. Of the 20 contestants. W. a. Lawrence, of Newport, was declared the winner and ' the first American amateur champion. Golf in the United States is said to date from the estab lishment of the St. Andrew's Golf Club at Yonkers, N. Y., in 1888. South Carolinians, however, claim that It was played In their state a century before, and point to the files of the Charles ton City Gazette, where an Item un der date of September 18, 1738, states: " . . . There is lately erected that pleasing and genteel amusement, the golf baan." Golf was played In Scot land, said by many to be its place of birth, generations before Columbus made known that there was an Amer ica. - One prominent American educa tor has said that he read an account of a golf game written by the ancient Aristotle, and had found reference to the sport in the Bible. It is also claimed that Holland was Its place of origin. In the earliest records of Scotch history, literature, and even legislation, golf occupies a prominent place. Over four centuries ago the sport had so overwhelmed archery, the soldier's training, that the Scottish'leg lslature decreed that "the fut ball and golf be utterly cryit doun and nocht usit." Forbidden to the masses, it re mained a royal pastime. King James II played a game with an Edinburgh shoemaker. Queen Mary was found playing on the links two days after the death of her royal consort. Darnley. The news pf the great Irish rebelllou By Medical Freedom Glubs of Oregon asm olip President. Grande: Belknap, of Prlncvtlle: Hugh Ford, of Eugene, and Fletcher, of Eu gene, are trying out also. Crockett, a Scotch player of experience, also will be with the squad this year. The elec tion of a captain will be held soon. GOLF ENTHUSIASM 13 HIGH New 9 -Hole, 3 100-Yard Course Un der Way at Washington. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, Oct 17. With the- ground being broken for a new nine-hole 3100-yard course and a campaign being started for a greater University of Washington Golf Club, golf enthusiasm is running high at the university. . Golf has been played b'y a few about the campus for several years. Dean Milnor Roberts, of the college of mines. Is the man who aroused Interest in the game. He has been the president of the club since It grew from a handful to 2E0. Membership in the club is not re stricted to university students and fac ulty but anyone who is interested in golf is eligible. Many prominent pro fessional and business men of Seattle aro members. Even Gllmour Doble, "the lean, gloomy Scot." as he is so .often referred to by the press in the Fall of the year, spends much of his time not given to grabbing football championships In chasing the little white ball about the green. He was a runner-up in last year's champion ship tournament. The new course when completed will be one of the best in the Northwest. The first hole will be 125 yards, the second 600, the third 300, the fourth 325, the fifth 480, the sixth 500, the seventh 280, the eighth 250 and the ninth 340 yards. Federals Flan Sew York Invasion. CHICAGO. Oct. 17. President Gil more announced today that the Federal League was ' planning the Invasion of New York and that four possible sites for ball parks were being considered. Nothing definite has been decided on, he said, but at a meeting in New York next Friday action probably would be taken. came to King Charles I while he was lifting the ball over the links at Leith. Today golf, beginning as a society fad in the United States, has become a pastime at which a vast fortune, esti mated as ,high as SoO.000,000, is spent every year in the United States. There are said to be more than 200,000 active players who are driving the gutta percha balls over links whose combined acreage in the United States is nearly twice as large as the District of Co lumbia. .Some of the American club houses are veritable mansions; one In the Middle West has cost to date over $750,000 for the golfing course, the clubhouse, and the equipment. The- exact amount or money reaped annual ly by tbe American caddies is not def initely known, but It probably equals the amount paid In Great Britain, which is estimated at 312,500,000. Oth er Items that go to make up the an nual tribute to golf are clubs and balls. The value of the clubs in use is esti mated at nearly $1,000,000. while the balls are valued at over (6,000.000. Golf ha. spread throughout the world. In Europe there is scarcely a country without its golf links and players. Japan has one of the finest courses In the world.- Mexico Is rapidly becoming known for its links. While all classes have taken to the sport with enthu siasm. Kings and Queens, not to men tion tbe lesser lights of royalty and the nobility, are ardent devotees. King Alfonso has his private links In Spain a,nd has taught his English-born Queen to play the game. The German Em peror, prohibited by a physical ailment from participating In the sport, never theless is an enthusiast and frequent ly follows his son. the Crown Prince, about the links at Potsdam. President Wilson, and his predecessor. Mr. Taft, are devoted to the game. ft i 1 ' x ' DR. W. O. rOlTKLL, President Psrtflc Collece of Chiropractic. Secretary-Treasurer. GLUB SEEKS GOLF PLAY PICKED PORTLAND TEAM IXVITED TO COSTEST AT EUGENE Fairways of Year-Old Course, Over Hills and Gullies, Forms Best ' Hazards Record Yet 88. Interclub play between picked,' teams of the new Portland Golf Club' and the Eugene Country Club will be a morsel for the near future If present. carriea out. xne r,ugene club has extended an invitation for a party of six or eight Portland experts to make the trip south. . . Eugene's course Is more than a year old and golf has become deep-rooted -in the university town. The club : boasts a new clubhouse on the edge of ' the city and natural turf second only 7 iv uearoarL Its fairways are naturally extremely V. HftrlV that nfnA hola. lao,iw .... down steep hills and over gullies that form the best kind of hazards. The. . greens are not grassed, but will be within another year. Chandler Egan holds the course -record of 86, but several of the EuKene sect have done almost as well. John -Wilhelm. a Portland student at the university, who Is well known. - through his prowess at the annual Gearhart tourney, has several 38s to his credit. John is a brother of Ku-, ' dolph Wilhelm, the champion of th. Portland Golf Club. ' ,r Hugo Bezdek, athletlo director at -the University of Oregon, Is a staunch devotee of golf, as is A. R. Tiffany... . the popular graduate manager of ath letics at the university. WOMAN GOLFER IS EXPECTED . Miss Cecil Lei ten, British National ' Champion, Flans American Trip. It is said that Miss Cecil Leitch. the '' British woman golfer, is to visit ttTese shores unless the war should prevent---She has just won her fourth national . Vi d m r I n n u l i ti ktiH Vi t- T ) i 4 t- H mfflil. a two up and one to play in the 36th-bole , final of the English championship at Walton Heath and then met her again in the French championship at La. Bouille, where once more in the 36-holo -nnal sbe defeated her. two up and one ... to play. One of the writers in an , English paper speaks of Miss Cecil Leitch's boyish, yet graceful, stride and . further mentions the tact that her sis- - ' ter. Miss Edith Leitch, soothes herself with a cigarette after a strenuous day. - Another woman golfer who would7; be welcomed over here is Mrs. Cruick- -sliank, who, as Miss Jenkins, won the -Scottish championship in 1912 and has recently won the golf championship of Southern India. She is a member of 1 11 u . i uuu uwu anu i a m maker VJ i. J. L. C. Jenkins, the winner of the British Amateur championship this . year, tbe man who showed that victory was by no means a matter of luck, but .' well deserved, by entering the open the - - following month and securing eighth place and. In addition to that, leading all the Scotsmen, either amateur or professional, who were in that contest. Jenkins had also the distinction of matching Taylor's remarkable two at. the seventh hole on tbe third round. Each one of these men laid his drie within a few feet of the pin. 287 yards, and each holed a putt. Far more Ira portant. however, was the fact that .- . Jenkins divided the honors with Var don for tbe next round, each doing a 73. j- . The carda follow: Vardon Out S 4 t 4 1 4 4 4 4 S .. , In 4 iiillli 5 37 TJ Jenkins i Out 4 : S 4 4 E 3 4 S 5 la 45544345 4 S8 71 It is rather interesting to note that.. although the scores are alike, Vardon would have defeated Jenkins in match play two up. 1