15 Setter Home ette H oo 9 Sl "-A,r-. V Van, Nantcntoit THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. "PORTLAND, OCTOBER 18, 1914. ; -? 95 r Si Hv IDEAL SUPERIOR GAS RANGES ABE USED IN THE DOMESTIC SCIENCE DEPARTMENTS OF OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND ONE WILL, BE USED B7 MRS. VAUGHN IN HER COOKING SCHOOL AT THE ELEVEN'TH-ST. PLAYHOUSE (THE OLD HEILIO.) THIS WEEK. NOTE THE HANDSOME APPEARANCE OF THE IDEAL-SUPERIOR. WITH ITS JAPAN-ENAMELED FINISH, NON-RUST OVENS AND SAFETY LIGHTER. THE IDEAL-SUPERIOR IS A PRODUCT OF BRIDGE, BEACH & CO. A GUARANTE OF QUALITY. HONEYMAN HARDWARE CO. FOURTH AND ALDER. U; m w I J. ''uses only W.fSCT. fN. WJiite River VT'sr onstrations because. BUl tioi . JFiSf sne knows that It is a spe- VV m It cial blend of hard wheat, I FssCS1' JV' scientifically milled; that tt Vl 7 J is pure and nutritious. V White River f Flour ' f is used by thousands of Portland s. 'a TjJk, women because It makes whiter, JgjgHv '.' II Ck. lighter, better bread! o5Prii5Sj Distributed by : iiiHs wAllen & Lewis viSMmJi IPATENTl S-- mil rfll'il fli I ii iiiii i ii i ii i il . i - i WAtfe River is the cream of high patent flour, You can pay more and get no better JONES QUALITY M EATS Used in These Demonstrations EXCLUSIVELY Special Sale of Meats at Re duced Prices Every Wednes day and Saturday JONES MARKET FOURTH AND ALDER Mrs. Vaughn Prefers Tiea Garden Syrup For Hot Cakes; for Baking and for Candy- Because It Is a Food as Well as a Syrup and Is Good for the Children and Grown Ups. AT YOUR GROCERS Pacific Coast Syrup Co. orSs PORTLAND. G O N rpHE splendid flavor of the dainties Mrs. A Vaughn cooks is due to DAMASCUS MILK and CREAM 'at all. reliable grocers or delivered BY t7S DAMASCUS CREAMERY, Portland, Or. THE OREGONIAN'S FIRST ANNUAL FREE HOME ECONOMICS SCHOOL Eleventh-Street Playhouse, Formerly Heilig Theater Doors open 1:30 P. M. Lecture-Demonstration 2:30 P. M. Mrs. Kate B. Vaughn, Domestic Science Expert, in charge. Musical Concert 2 to 2:30 by Sherman, Clay & Co. . PROGRAMME MONDAY AFTERNOON - . r I os-tiivo nV;-f. Sympathy (from Tna Firefly") Lecture ouDject. ctor miltMry. BaB(I fTTl TJ yy Victor Record No. 175S5. AC X ItllllC , Floreina Walts Wnrich) . .Weber Grand Pianola 3. Who Knovi (Dunbar-BalO McCorrnack "MENU ' ,ctor Rord No. 4424. Lamb Chops. Potato Nests. rm crying- jut For Too. Medley Dixie Biscuits. Weber Grand PUnola r-nA 'Whita Pnko Lombardl Alda. Caruao, Journal tmiiys wnue case. QuaJ ,OIUtta fWlth Smcre(1 Joy) VerdU JIarshmallow Pudding. victor Record No. WHITE CLOVER CARTON BUTTER Made From Strictly "Graded and Pasteurized" Cream ?; . w. 1 tLfifri f" aV": Every Package bearing this brand and trade mark is of itself a guarantee of the' standard of quality ap proved by our customers and backed by us. H Specially Designed for Sanitary Production ome of "White Clover Products" Is Located at Our New East Seventh and Everett Streets T. S. Townsend Creamery Co. Try a Cup of Royal Club Coffee That's all it will need to convince you that ROYAL. CLUB is the Coffee you want to drink. The finest blend of choice Coffees ! Before and after Airs. Vaughn's demonstrations, ROYAL CLUB will be served. In addition 1000 Sample Cans of Royal Club Coffee Given Away on Monday At tke Home Economics Cook ing: School. Only selected varieties of high-grown mountain and Sumatra Coffees, imported direct to us, are used in ROYAL CLUB. Thousands of pounds roasted and packed daily. fltf LANG & CO. WHOLESALE IGROCERS A.D COFFEE ROASTERS. All Week Specials WILI. MAKE THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PRICES. BEGINNING MOS- DAT, OCTOBER lth, ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER S4th. Antonlnl Olivo Oil. tallon Salad Oil. gallon cans. gaL.Sl.SO cana. regular 14.25 bp1....83.T5 Salad Oil. balf-gaUon cans, Antoninl Olive Oil. half- v,er cn fti gallon cans. reg. J2.3S Sl.OO ,Y,,,7. VhVin. iiii Antonlnl Olive Oil. Quart B i?r f.S'Jr . -V cans, regular $1.35. spl.-Sl.lO Sff h iA.p ; ka Antonlnl Olive Oil. large each, soe; three lor. 50t glass bottles, regular 90c. SOc Baratarla Shrimps, new 1914 Antoninl Olive Oil. medium pack, lVsS, per doz., S3.TB ' glass bottles, regular SOc, 4.0C each. 254 D. C. Burns Company 208-219 Third Street, Between Taylor and Salmon Streeta, One nnd One Half Blocks South Yamhill Market. Phones Main 18, A 1624. SPECIAL MAIL ORDER SERVICE. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. THERMATIC FIRELESS COOKERS Are used exclusively By Mrs. Kate S. Vaughn in Her Demonstrations. They are labor savers, sani tary and economical. J. J. Kadderly Established 1578. 130 FirBt St. 131 Front. My customers are "well pleased with the accompanying recipe for whipping Carnation Prom Contented Cows because it takes the place of regular wrapping cream, ana me nousewne calls it an "economical luxury" Keeping Carnation Milk in the ice box tor whipping purposes is con- i l !" Ifl ilk I I' venient, ' as well as eco nomical. Try the accompanying recipe today then paste it m your favorite Cook .Book. Your grocer or delicate lion sella Carnation Milk Paste this recipe ia your favorite Cook Book CARNATION Rvcipm for Whipping Place one can of Carnation Milk in water and hrat to boilins. Remove promptly and thoroughtvchul by placix.a cn on ice When cool, outo can and ptjur milk (the entire oo tenrs snistll can. or half con tents large can) into chilled bowl (placed in another bowl filled with cracked k-e). After milk has become thoroughly chilled, whip in rejrular way with ordinary ' Kg beater for about five minutes. Sweeten and flavor ii desired. . MRS. KATE B. VAUGHN, Domestic Science Teacher, who will give a series of Free Lectures and Demonstrations on the Science of Cooking at the old Heilig Theater Building, beginning October 19, 1914, Insists on FOR FUEL Because It is always dependable and clean. There is no uncertainty of heat. It guards against baking failures. It instfres quick and even baking. It saves time. You can broil, roast, toast and bake with one fire. GAS IS THE MOST USEFUL SERVANT TO WOMANKIND. Call and See .Our Full Line of Gas Cooking Appliances All Appliances Sold on Easy Payments Portland Gas & Coke Co. Enjoy It Now Your VICTROLA Pay Later in Easy Payments You can afford a Victrola. Perhaps not the $200 style, but the genuine Victrola comes in styles at $75, $40, $25 and even $15. "We are very liberal in our terms, spread ing easy payments over a number of months, so that pay ing for your Victrola is forgotten in the pleasure j-ou and your family derive. Why be deprived longer? Come in and select it and have it delivered at once. TV Sherman lay & Go Morrison at Sixth, Portland, Opp. Postoffice I t i 5, F.