5 HEED OF PUBLICITY TOPIC OF ADDRESS FIRST VIEWS OF THE GRADE OF THE SKYLINE BOULEVARD. WHICH WILL ADD 11 MILES OF HILLSIDE DRIVE TO PORTLAND'S PARKWAYS. SKYLINE IS GROWING 'CAN YOU BEAT IT?3 COMPARE THIS DIAMOND SQIKKGKK TREAD TIRE LIST WITH OTHER MAKES. New Boulevard Will Add 11 Miles to Portland Drive. Squ Sqnertree Trr-md Prlrcn. THFSU lTMU Sirr rrlre. FOR SO X li.65 S- x 4Vi S3S.OO dMs sis.io 33x4 S25.25 34x4 S26.05 as x "k )j..;t,.. pec 2 LESS 3 x o 44.4, 38 x OH 57.30 Dealer Declared Final Con necting Link Between Pro ducer and Consumer. GRADE NOW ESTABLISHED ARCHER AND WIGGINS OAK STREET, COA.XEK SIXTH. THE SUNDAY OREGON'IAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 11, 1914. ' m jiwsSjr- J - " r ii swtll " ' &&.Ttk UNKNOWN BRAND DISLIKED Edward S. Babcock, of Firestone Company, Asserts Necessity for National and local Advertis ing to Educate Public. Advertising was termed the mega phone and the heavy artillery of busi ness by Edward S. Babcock, advertising- manager of the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, in an address before the convention of the Minnesota State Automobile Dealers' Association held last week. Mr. Babcock emphasized the import ance of the dealers in the automobile business. He called them the last link between manufacturer and consumer. Mr. Babcock's address, in part, fol lows : 'The dealer is the last link be tween the manufacturer and his con suming public. Me can make or break the manufacturer In his territory. He, it is the dealer who with his activity, his integrity and his business promo tion can advance the manufacturer's in terests more than any other force in his territory. "Realizing these things, then it is only natural that the modern manu facturer should realize the pivotal im portance of the dealer and endeavor to do everything possible, not only to sell the dealer but to help the dealer sell the goods to the public. And in it all, advertising has a large hand. "Advertising is the megaphone of -business, and is the great composite voice which speaks the policies of the institution to millions and millions of people who see the publicity country wide. Business executives today ap preciate the need of building strong tnd deep. They realize that their or ganizations to be permanent must be built on a sound basis. A mushroom grows up over night but it takes years to grow an oak tree. Dealers Importance Cited. "'Dealers more and more are becom ing regarded as an important and large factor in many organizations. They are regarded as they should be as necessary and important links in the chain of development. "What can the automobile and auto mobile accessory dealer of today ex pect in the way of specific co-operation from the factories he represents? "There are many, many things which he should not only demand but use and capitalize. "in the first place, before putting in a line at all, he should be sure that it is a standard, advertised line, because that means it will be much easier to sell. People believe in advertised goods much more confidently than they do in some unbranded goods which have not back of 'them the educational cam paigns necessary to' familiarize the pub lic with them. "With such a product, well adver tised and well established in the gen eral public mind, your sailing will be much simpler than with a brand new, unknown product, whether it be auto mobile carburetor, spark plugs or tires. "This general advertising is the heavy artillery of business. But in the makeup of the business army there must be more than artillery; there must be the infantry, which means that there must be specific local advertising and sales assistance If the dealer is to make the most progress. "Do not get the idea that the ad vertising which you do in your local territories is not helpful. Do not get the idea that the general advertising of the manufacturer is not helpful. It works sometimes like this: ".Each little advertisement reaches a few people and each succeeding adver tisement reaches a few more, and pretty soon you have leavened the territory you are covering, whether it be local or National, with a knowledge of your goods. This is the kind of assistance and co-operation which you dealers out here in Minnesota have a right to ex pect from all manufacturers you repre sent, and when you get It, you will find that the public you are trying to reach will not seem so distant nor bard to get at. "After all, the great light which is shining brightest in the commercial heavens these days is showing manu facturers that the ultimate consumer is the man to be reached. Dealers know this, and by co-operation, manu facturers and dealers are achieving splendid results. "General advertising is like a great National business card, which is handed to your customers and prospects before you call on them. You see actual trace able results of this advertising when ever you call on a man and he says: " 'Tes, I know your proposition, and I am glad to hear you are handling It in this territory.' ' PEERLESS MEETS NEED MODKL DKSIGXED TO RESPOND TO A IS" V ROAD DEMAND. Short Wheel Base Enables Car to Give Bent Service on City Pave ments, Makers Believe. "The latest European specifications and 1'eerless quality for 12000." In these terms the Peerless Motor Car Company has just announced a line of light, short wheel base, "all purpose c:irs, which will supplement the large 4 -horsepower six cylinders the com pany has been building for several years. Thee new light cars are made in both four and six-cylinder tytes. The four sens lor juuo and the six for S2250. They follow in general design the type that has been most universHlly adopted oy me leauinir light car makers of Eu rope during the past year or two. Thirty nine leading makes of Euro pean light cars have an average wheel base of 112 ij, inches. The Peerless light four has a wheelbase of 113 Inches. This feature makes the car easy to manage in narrow streets and crowded traffic. It is of great advantage in city use. Owing to the sorinar :i rr n ppnuiti t riding ease as great as that attained in longer wneeibase ears is secured. It Is pointed out in connection with tne snort wneelbase that the ordinarv car is used 20 days for regular service In ana aoout the city, for one dav tour ing in the country. Yet in the past most American cars nave been built pri marily for tourtngt and have not been fully adapted for use on cltv streets. The Peerless "all purpose" cars are of trie best possioie design for city use, and at the same time are as well fitted for touring as any other car. The four-cyclinder motor is most unl versally used in European light cars. jfi xtg ' -1 Hf 1. VIEW FROM THB 50O-KOOT LEVEL, - OME OF THE! MANY HAIRPIN CURVES, SHOWING THE ROAD ON BOTH SIDES. It is of the small bore, high speed type. Recent development In motor construc tion has made it possible to build a four-cylinder motor which is as smooth in operation and as flexible as the six. But in deference to a widespread desire among American motorists for the six cylinder, the Peerless "all purpose" car is also supplied In that type. The wheelbase of the six is just enough longer than the four to accommodate the longer motor 121 inches. Owing to the fact that American roads are still in most localities far from the perfection attained in Europe, the Peerless "all purpose" car has been given" 50 per cent more power than the average of the 39 best light cars built in England and on the Continent. The cylinders of the four-cylinder are three and three-fourths inches by Ave Inches, and in the six they are three and one-half inches' by five Inches. In so light a car this supplies ample power for all requirements. A 20-gallon gasoline tank Is carried and this is said to be large enough to contain a supply that will drive the car from 300 to 400 miles. This is a great advantage In touring, especially when the owner drives his own car, as it makes unnec essary frequent attention to the gaso line supply. GRANT CAR SALES GROW FAST Shipments of Small Company at Findlay Snrprisingly Large. The Grant Motor Company, at Find- lay, O., disposed of more cars during July and August than had been antici pated, and, in fact, shipments from the factory were three times as large as had been planned for. Anticipations for the future are very bright with this company, which is going ahead active ly with its 1915 plans. The Grant Motor Company has been one of the most successful of the small car companies that entered business less than two years ago, and during the months when many companies are slack it has pushed forward success fully with a surprisingly large production. Who's Who Amon6 Portland Autqists 4 . H. R. ALBEE, MAYOR OF PORTLAND. A man who has such a big job as the management of a city is expected to make the utmoBt use of a motorcar. Mayor Albee does this. Portland is approximately six miles in breadth and 10 miles in length. Not a section of that territory is too far away for the Mayor to inspect personally, when any improvement Is considered. He drives his own car, a White, and finds it half the pleasure of possession. He is a-careful driver and no one is a better observer of the traffic laws which he forces others to respect. NEW JEFFERY GAB HERE CHESTERFIELD SIX FILLS EVERY AUTO REQUIREMENT. Machine Is Near Approach to Stream Hue and Has Motor That Meets Specification of Ideal Plant. Portland's first Jeffery Chesterfield Six arrived in Portland the past week and will soon be ready for delivery by the Frank C. Riggs Company. One glance and a ride is assurance that the car Is a credit to the Thomas B. Jeffery Company, makers of the Jeffery Four and the Jeffery big Six. The new car will sell for $1800 and offers everything that modern demand should require of automobile builders. The most pleasing Impression is had at first glance, because of the lines of the car. It undoubtedly is the nearest ap proach to a streamline which has yet appeared in Portland. From the raidator to the end of the body there is not one point of the gentle line of the body. There is no projection at the cowl, yet the whole is so tapered and rounded that the car is not given a wedge-shape appearance. In speaking of the car Mr. Riggs, of the local distributors, said: "I think we mad a good move when we took on the Jeffery line for Port land. Jeffery frankly has made an ef fort in the Chesterfield Six to command the attention -of the people with good taste, those who do not hesitate to en joy quality, even though secured at a moderate price. "The builders have simply embodied those Ideas which have made the Jef fery Four a pronounced success in building a six-cylinder car which has the quality of the finest American and y 1 S9 T 9. v foreign cars, and will be sold at a price but slightly In excess of the cheaper assembled sixes. The motor of the Chesterfield Six is of the high speed, high efficiency, bloc type, developing 85-42-horsepower. It is juBt such a motor as was specified as the power plant of the ideal car by the Society of Automobile Engineers at their last meeting. ."It weighs but 397 pounds; think of it! Light, economical and with a wealth of reserve power, its bore and stroke is but 3 try 5 Inches. The motor indeed Is a wonderful per former. Standing at a dead standstill, the clutch system and wonderful flex ibility of the motor allow a start in third speed without a jar and no rasp ing. This is attributed to the dry plate clutch, which allows the necessary amount of "give" without danger of tearing out anything, even when the clutch is let in suddenly, gears in third and motor going at a pretty good rate. The car has the Bijur starting and lighting system. This Is the two-unit type. It consists of a generator and starting motor, with control switches and battery. The car also has worm drive, which many say is a big factor towards a smooth running car, and absence of transmission troubles. Another me chanical feature is the Daimler leather coupling, which -also helps towards smoother transmission. Xon-Burstable Tube Invented. A non-burstable inner tube for use In motor car tires was demonstrated recently at New York, where the tests showed it was possible to use worn out casings without a blow-out result ing. Twelve taxicabs were employed, and the inner tube placed in shoes, which either were torn or purposely exposed. The tires were Inflated as If the cases were newand the experi ment showed 'the tubes to be of re markable strength. The claim made is that, with them, every bit of wear there is left in an old shoe may be utilized. Climb Is Steady, Although Easy, and Only Variance Is at Point Where Property y Owner Refused Concession. Inside of six months Portland will have 11 more miles of suburban park way drives, .for theSkyline boulevard, now graded and blasted over almost its entire length, will be finished inside that time. The boulevard is being built from Willamette Heights to crest of the hills, north of Portland and thence north to the Germantown road. - In a straight line the beginning and end are only six miles apart, but the winding curves of the roadway make the actual distance covered a fraction more than 11 miles. With the exception of about 900 feet of clay work, the grade is established and gives the observer an Idea of the beauties the new road will open to Portland. Beautiful view of City Given. Almost the first rise from the houses on Willamette Heights aives a beauti ful view of the northwest section of the city. The climb is a steady one, though easy, until tne 650-foot level is reached. This altitude is maintained generally until the northern junction with the Germantown road is reached. The only variance is about five miles. from the Portland end, where one of the prop erty owners refused to grant parking and other concessions to the road. Here the builders went up and over the prop erty anectea. After the first rise, the view is some thing which few cities can equal. Be low is the city and the river. To the east can be seen Mount Hood and the suburbs of Portland. A little to the left, seemingly only a mile or two. lie Vancouver and the Columbia River. Be yond its banks are the famous snow- -lad mountains of that state. Each of tne Z5 hairpin curves offers a new sight or an old sight in a new frame. panelled in the giant trunks of virgin uregon forest. one patch of forest has a tree nine feet in diameter, one of the few of that size spared that close to Portland. The road is being ouiit ana paid for by the" property owners through whose property it is iaia out. xoe niggest part of it lies within the city limits of Linnton and the warrants are being bandied by that city. Home Sites to Be Sold. Later, home sites will be sold along tne 11 miles. Probably the land all along the drive will be platted into acreage, so that the houses will be far enough apart to preserve much of the natural beauty of hills. These hills are only a few minutes' drive from the heart of Portland but their character will make them ideal for the location of beautiful homes. No grants for streetcar lines will be given, at least over the road which is being built. Transportation to the homes along there will be afforded-by motor bus. Shepard & Gearin, a firm Interested in much of the property along the road, will conduct the auto line. Such a line is now being success fully conducted to JUnnton. The owners of the property affected, and who are building this beautiful parkway are: James Anderson, of Portland; W. F. Kettenbach. Lewlston Idaho: Regents Realty Company, Port land; Percy Blythe. London: Mrs. J. W. Cook, Portland; Salzmann Investment Company, Portland; Otto Kraemer, Portland; Fred -A. Jacobs, Portland; H. L. Pittock, A. D. Grunn, Gillette & Men efee, Willamette Trust Company, Mrs. Sol Hlrsch, West St. Johns Land Com pany, St. Helens Realty Company, May- DrooK Land company, Wlllalatin In vestment Company, St. Helen's Hall and neynote teaity company. Cot la About 70O0 a Mile. The cost of the improvement will be about $75,000, which makes the cost per mile only a little less than $7000. Much of the road was blasted from solid rock. One of the problems was, the making of a cut past the face of the hill over the Frank L Smith plant on the Linn ton road. Work as they might, the men could not avoid letting some of the rocks get by and when the labor ers were past the danger spot Mr. Smith collected 300. The road will be macadamized early in the year with rock taken along the roaa. Tne surface in many places is now in condition to stand auto travel and when completed the road will be one of the most beautiful drives around the city. BICYCLE TRADE INCREASING More "Wheels" Will Be Made In 1913 Than for 2 0 Years Past. More bicycles will be made in the United States for 1915 than were .made In any year except the very heyday of bicycling, 20 years ago. Experts say more bicycles than ever before are being used in this country now. This is just one of the interesting points brought out by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in its motorcycle and bicycle tire announcement for 1915. Sales manager S. A. Falor, of the motorcycle and bicycle tire department of Goodyear, says: "Goodyear tires will have stronger beads than ever before in 1915. They wilt have gum strips between plies at the splices, same as Goodyear automo bile tires. A still more durable tread stock has been evolved for the '15 prod uct. The feather edge of the flap has been perfected. Every Goodyear tube will carry a valve-spreader, and the tubes themselves will be heavier than ever before. "In bicycle tires we have a radical new proposition. We will make one style of tire only. It will be as good as we know how to make it at a prloe the consumer ought to pay if be wants real service. "The era of cheap bicycle tires Is passing rapidly. Bicycles themselves are better, and more and more of them are being made each year. They are en titled to have real tires, and consu mers are now demanding them. Good year has had a record year in this de partment, and prospects for 1915 are the brightest." OVEKLASD TOLD Simplicity of Wiring System Revela 0 tion, Saya J. AV. Leavltt. "The simplicity of the Ignition sys tem on the new Overland car Is a reve lation." says J. W. Leavltt, of J. W. Leavltt & Co., Coast distributers for the Overland cars. "One does not have to be an elec trician to understand the new system. There are no yards of wire to be tapped, investigated, or tested if the system seems out of order. There are but four short Insulated wires and if these prove to be intact one has merely to test the spark plugs or magneto. The absence of distributer and cowl simpli fies the ignition system, down to practically three .units, that of mag- Dann Oil Cushion Spring Insert Something new to add to your comfort and save spring expense. ASK US BALL0U & WRIGHT BRgf8Z? BOWSER DIAMOND TIRE! Vnkaiiiiiij&Relreaifiiis B.EELODGEIT, ""'JSSiSJSlSM1" NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Factory Distributors of Cole, Lozier, Reo Cars BROADWAY AT COUCH STREET Main 8887 neto. spark plug and four short wires. The new type 'NCi' magneto recently developed by the Bosch Magneto Com pany, ana iaturea as stanoara on me 1915 four-cylinder Overland motors, is the most simplified true high-tension Instrument ever designed by any manu facturer. It Is .destitute of the con ventional distributer and gears. "The distribution of the current is accomplished by a dual collector ring which forms the front part of the arma ture assembly. Bach half of the col lector ring has imbedded in its peri phery a .segment. These two segments are insulated from each other and ar ranged 180 degrees apart. The two ends of the secondary winding are re spectively connected to these segments. which make contact with the cables leading to those cylinders In which the pistons are, at the outer extremities ot their strokes, or in other words, on top dead-center. "The wiring is extremely simple, in asmuch as the two cables designated as No. 1 on the carbon holders are wired to cylinders No. 1 and No. 3, while REAL Human enjoyment demands individuality. The commonplace is tiresome. When men drove fine horses, the joy of it all was in the animals' splendid individuality a horse with out "points" had no charm. So with motor cars. Utility is ordinary; the real zest comes from owning a car of signal superiority over commonplace cars a car belonging to an entirely different class; a car of distinguishable individuality. This 'zest will be yours when you own a 1915 Winton Six. We give your personal car personal treatment to please your taste, and as for merit - simply write your own guarantee. The Winton Motor Car Company Twenty-Third and Washington Sts. Telephone Main 4244 HERCULES TIRES 4 Non-Skid I I I tt-, t A V Worn Out GASOLINE and OIL TANKS STORAGE SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC A IJ PRI VATE GARAGES. S. I). Stoddard. District Supt. Sales, 415 Corbett Bids. Main 14TU. A 4959 the remaining two cables are wired to cylinders No. 2 and No. 4. No. 1 cylin der must, of course, be in the firing po sition and the segments of the collector ring must be making contact with No. 1 carbon brushes. "The elimination of the cumbersome parts does not in any way detract from the efficiency of the type 'NTJ4' Bosch magneto, but makes it a highly effica cious and durable Instrument, in which are embodied the best materials and the well-known skilled Bosch work manship." Cole Car Makes Fast Trip. INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 10. (Special.) Numerous new owners of Cole motor cars have come to the factory recently and driven their cars home. L. P. Lar son, of Green Bay, "Wis., set the record for speed when he drove a Cole big six a distance of 437 miles in 19 hours, an average of 23 miles an hour. The last 50 miles were made in a driving rain storm. ZEST The Tire That Stole the Skid From the Automobile. Sea Island Fiber on ed, Crfl placed at acute angles with iroad, interwoven with high- grade rubber, prevents cuts, punctures, skidding and in sures 5000 miles. F.H. SHERMAN, Gen. Agt. 335 Burnside, Nr. Broadway