The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 11, 1914, SECTION THREE, Page 12, Image 46

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. "V
Read Back Page, Sec. 1, This Paper, for Additional News Meier & Frank's
Meier & Frank';
Noteworthy 6-Days? Sale Toilet Goods and Drugs!
Emphatic Underpricing-Demonstrating the Leadership of
The Meier & Frank
TOMORROW begins six days of rapid selling in our Toilet Goods and Drug Departments, and the deeply cut prices printed in this full-page advertise
ment convey the marked economy possibilities of this event. We are never undersold, and the completeness of our vast stocks is the occasion for the popu
larity of these departments in the Meier & Frank Store. Men and women both participate in this sale, and a careful perusal of each item will bring to mind
the many Toilet and Drug needs for self and home. Check the items you'll require we suggest as a convenience that you clip this page as a shopping
memorandum. The savings you'll enjoy in the aggregate will justify supplying your needs liberally. Thousands will take advantage of these cut-price offerings. 'Twill pay you to do so, too.
We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities That All Bona Fide Purchasers May Be Supplied
Aubry Sisters'
Hundreds of Portland women pro
claim Aubry "Sisters' Beautifier most
delightful and productive of splendid
results. It's absolutely invisible and harmless to the most
delicate skin. - '
Applied with a moist sponge it takes the place of powder
and leaves the skin clear and lovely. Used by. both men and
women of refinement. Priced 25J and'50c.
Aubry Sisters' Beautifier Tint is a harmless preparation
that gives a natural glow to the skin and its use can- rj rj
not be detected. Price, the bottle. ., a&a-OC
We Want You to Try
Sempre Giovine
(Pronounced ; "Sempray Jo-ve-nay"
Meaning "Always Young.")
You will find its use delightful and beneficial. Sempre
Giovine clears the complexion, brings color to the cheeks
and freshens the skin. .
Sempre Giovine Is the Only Face Cream in Cake Form
It is different in every way, convenient and economical,
saves wasteful dipping of fingers into a jar. The applica
tion is so simple and its use so beneficial that you will be
pleased with it. Come in and secure a cake. Price 28
Protect and Beautify Your Complexion With
It's a perfect massage and Toilet Cream absolutely bland and
soothing and will not injure the most delicate skin. It is composed
of the purest and finest ingredients money can buy. Has a pleasant
odor and is exceptionally good for chapped hands and lips rough,
dry or irritated skin, sunburn, blackheads, rashes or eruptions, in
valuable for scalds, cuts, burns and other wounds. Put up in con
venient Aluminum Jars reduced from 50c to 39.
Melorose Face Powder Is the perfection of Toilet Dainties. Has
a dainty, delightful odor, suggestive of fresh flowers, and is O
tinted to suit the various complexions. Price, the box... c3y C
Tonic and Flesh
These are the original "Willard White's "Vaucaire Galega Tao
lets." composed of the genuine imported Galega. They are per
fectly harmless and the most satisfactory flesh developer and
tonic that can be used. There is but one key to '"Beauty" and that
is "Health." This involves a good appetite, with perfect digestion
ability to sleep soundly and strong, well-controlled nervous system
all these requisites are obtained by the use of the famous Vau
caire Galega Tablets. '
Put up in tablet form, they are very convenient to carry with
you and a chocolate coating insures the retention of strength.
03 tablets to a box-r-regularly selling at $1 special for this sale
2 Boxes $1.50, Box 79S
Stationery Dept., just opposite Toilet Goods Counter.
85c Black Robber Dressing Combs. nrk.
Wblak Brooms, largre uaortmeit, rack....
SBavinir Mirrors, with nickel stand, eack. .
Hand Mirrors, each
Stand Mirrors, with ease hack. each......
Chamois Sklas. large size. each. .
Moo I Powder Pads, each 6f Nickel Soap Boxes, each. ...19
Celluloid Tooth Brash Holders, each 12
tZ-ZS Rival" Combination Hot-Water Bottle and Syringe 81 29
1 "Rival- Hot-Water Bottle, three-quart sis S9C
Hot-Water Bottle, white rubber, one-quart alse. .................. o9c
KrimlfM Fonntain yrlna-e. red robber f9e
2 Karay Syrtnae 81.29 SOe Maroon Rubber Bulb Syringe. 39C-
5c &enmlees Nipples, two for ..... oe
Household Rubber (.loves, the pair 25c
All Rubber SnoaKea OXE-dUARTER OFF
Rouges and Cosmetics
Bourjois' Theater Rouge 16
Bourjois' Theater Rouge 7
Veda Rose Rouge ; .25J
Vinagre Rouge ; . ...12
Raisin Stick Rouge. . 12
Luxus Rouge 39i
Eyebrow Pencils . ... 7
Tablet Indienne 43
Face Creams
Daggett & Ramsdell's Cream, jar 36
Rarus' Theatrical Cream, 1-lb. jar 39
"Woodbury's Facial Cream,' tube 16
Malvina Cream, jar 33
Pompeian Massage Cream, jar 29
Holmes' Frostilla, bottle 14
Milkweed Cream, jar 29
Hazeline Snow, jar 21 $
Viola Pace Cream, jar.. 29
Espey Cream, bottle. 17
Williams' Cold Cream, jar 19
Sanltol Cold Cream, jar .....16
Sempre Giovine, cake. 28
Ricksecker's Cold Cream, jar 39 c
Jergen's Benzoin Lotion, bottle .19i
-Tic box Jenren's Assorted Toilet Soan. elarht
cakes In box , 21c4
10c Jern;ens Bensoln nnd Almond Soap. cake.. . 6C'
10c Jerxen's Dutch Sandal Soan, enke ' 6
lOe Jerxen's Peroxide Bath Soap, eake
lOe Jersren's Geranium Bnth Soap, cake 6
California Medicated Soap, enke -. Bi
Mennen'a Skin Soap, eake ...19
Battle Creek Sanitary Soap, eake
Herplclde Shampoo Soap, eake 15. -
Hay's Harflna Soap, eake 19i
British Square Soap Iliac, rose or cnrnatlon,
the cake. 21t
Rainier Mineral Soap, eake 76
Packer's Tar Shampoo Soap, cake.. .....13
Pear's Glycerine Soap, eake 13
Woodbury's Facial Soap, cake 13e
Tooth Pastes and Powders
SOc Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder 21t
Sanltol Tooth Powder 15c
tublfoam nt. 13c
Pnstcurlne Tooth Paste 16e
Sheffield's Tooth Paste 16
Dr. Lyon'a Tooth Powder 13J
Pebeco Tooth Paste... 28
"SOc Sanltol Liquid Dentifrice 3Gd
Williams' Tooth Paste dc Tooth-Brush Holder..l9
Mennen's Dental Cream 19J
Berset Tooth Paste 16t
Aralca Tooth Soap 13
Colgate's Ribbon Dentnl Cream 20i
One pound Merck's Sodium Phosphate 18i
25c Bottle Charcoal Tablets TOO tablets) ISti
lOe Tube Liquid Court Plaster 5t
10O Calomel and Soda Tablets l-lO. or
Kraln now ISci
Veeetal Laxative Crackers, package, lO and SOd
Malt ii trine the tonic malt dosen bottles
for 82.25, each I9t
Sterilised Gauze five-yard Iennrth 28
25c Menthol' Inhaler excellent for cold In the
head, now at. . . ,.15k
Doubly Sterilized Cotton, the pound 33c
91 Bottle Scott's Kmulslon of Cod Liver Oil 69?
91 Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets..... 69
1 Bottle Bell Pine Tar and Honey Coosa
Syrup now for 69c
l Bottle Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin 49i
II Keroline Inhaler Outfit 69
25e Bottle Liquid Veneer Furniture Polish .... 1 7
Sena f IB a laxative the bottle 35
25c Laxative Bromo QrUlnlne. two boxes... 25e
loo Phenol ax Wafers ("UpJohnV original . . . .29
Vlnol a tonic the bottle
I'pjohn's Russian Mineral OH, pint bottle.
. . 81
. .50d
Sanitol Shampoo
Packer's Tar Shampoo, liquid
Palm-Olive Shampoo
Wanous Shampoo Bags
Florentine Orris Shampoo Powder.
Swedish Hair Powder
Synol Soap
Soap Leaves ,
. 7
at These
Hair Tonics
Herpicide, the bottle 33
Parker's Hair Balsam, bottle 33
Danderine, the bottle 16
Pinaud's Eau de Quinine, bottle 69
Sanitol Hair Tonic, bottle 15
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, bottle 33
Goldman's Hair Restorer, bottle 75
Parisian Sage, the bottle ......33
Williams' Brilliantine, bottle 21c
Scheffler's Colorine, bottle 59
Jergen's Eutaska Talcum Powder, box 19'
Jergen's Rose or Violet Powder, 1-lb. tin. ..19
Armour's Talcum Powder, box lO
Williams' Carnation or Violet Talcum, two
boxes for 25
Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum, 2 boxes 25
Babcock's Cho Cho San Talcum, box lOt
Samurai Corylopsis Talcum Powder box 19
Massatta Talcum, box 11c?
Lehn tc Pink's Talcum, box 21c
Ricksecker's Attar Tropical Talcum, box. ..15c
Princess Talcum, Rose or Violet, 2 boxes. . .25
Face Powders
La Blache Face Powder, box 35 c
Java Rice Face Powder, box .39c
Pozzoni Face Powder, box 26
Woodbury's Face Powder, box 16
Satin Skin Face Powder, box 16
Madeline Face Powder, box 39
Egyptian Face Powder, box 39
Eutaska Rice Powder, box .19
Tetlow's Gossamer Face Powder, box 16
Tetlow's Swansdown Face Powder, box 12
Laboratory Products
One quart Dickinson's Double Distilled Witch
Hazel now for 30c
One qt. pnre California Olive Oil 89S Kal. S3. 25
Five-pound pnekage Epsom Salts 22
One pound Moth Balls 5
JSc Bottle Pure Bay Rum 16
15c Bottle Household Ammonia lO
25e Bottle Glycerine and Rose Water lot
4 os. Squlbb's Aromatic Cascara Saffrada 22
"Try-lVew-Llfc" Electric Vibrators, nruaranteed
. to Rive satisfaction S19.95 and S13.95
25c and 35c Tooth Brushes, with pure bris
tles, each 19e
Tokalon Tooth Brushes, ten assorted styles,
bristles guaranteed not to come out, en..3o
15c-S5c Tooth Brushes, ench lO
fl.OO Bath Brushes, detachable handles, each.. 79
91.50 Bath Brushes, detachable handles, eaeh..9S
25c-35c Hand and Nail Brushes, each IT
15c Hand and JVall Brushes.... lO
tlO and V1.0O Military Brushes, pure bristles,
the pair. 98
SOc Ebony and Satlnwood-bnck Hair Brushes,
each 39
91.5O-2.0O Hair Brushes, assorted styles and
bucks, each 9S
25c Wire Cloth Brushes, each 19
50c 7-In. and S-ln. Ball-Bearlns Scissors, pr..37
ROe Manicure Scissors, the pnlr. ............ .37 J. A. Henckel's Twin Brand Scissors, pr..69
75c Three and Four-BIaded Knives, assort
ed patterns, each 29
ni.OO J. A. Henckel's Twin Brand Knlvea. an
notated patterns, each 50
25c Brlarwood Pipes, large assortment, ca..l9
SOe Pipes, large assortment, each 33
Genuine Imported Meerschnum Pipes., priced
from 4 to flO O.ViiHALF OFF
SI.OO Razor Strap and 25c Durham Duplex
Shaving Stick., 69
All Old-Style Rasors Including J. A.
VI.25 "Rubberset" Lather Brushes, guaranteed,
each 89
SOe Hughes' Ideal Cushion-Back Brushes. ea..39
91.0O Hughes Ideal Cushion - Bnck Brashes,
double bristle, ench ..69
Hospital Absorbent Cotton, full pound roll... 19
Bath Powders
Bathasweet, "two boxes 25c
English Bath Salts, bottle 36f
Hebe Bath Powder, box ...19c
"Violet" Bath Powder, bottle 25c
Luxor Bath Powder, box 39
TM& QyALiT V Sto fe- op Portland
A 6101
iTDTT Xt ONE Ol( E OF PERFUME to every woman making a pur-
-'- chase amounting to 1 or more in our Toilet Goods Section
during this Drug Sale.
FRF T? A 10c TOOTH BRUSH with every box of Riker's Tooth Pow--'
der at 15c during this Drug and Toilet Goods Sale.
FPFF ,0c PACB CHAMOIS with every box of Face Powder pur-
aJw chased here during this Drug and Toilet Goods Sale.
FPFF A LEATHER STRAP NAIL BUFl'ER with every purchass of
-- any nail preparation amounting to 25c or more.
FWFF 5c v-JfITY MIRROR with every box of La. Grace race Pow-
A11 der at 50c purchased during this sale.
chase of 25c box of Trentini Talcum during this drug sale.
FPFF A NICKEL TOOTH-BRUSH RACK with every box of Riker's
Tooth Powder or Paste at 15c purchased during this sale.
Creme Elcaya
"Makes the Skin
Like Velvet"
Creme Elcaya a favorite on the
' American woman's toilet table is de
lightful to use exquisite in fragrance
individual in character and unequaled for preserving and
beautifying the complexion. It is always suitable and serv
iceable at any time or place and is an ideal "Dressing
Cream" for the effective use of "powder.".
A boon to those motoring or traveling, removing the dust
better than soap and water, leaving the skin in better con
dition more hygienic and always ready.
Nature's Best Beauty Aid. Price, Jar, 39J.
Thousands of Women Use
Pompeian Massage Cream
and all are loyal in their praises. Poinpeian Mas
sage Cream offers the easiest way of acquiring the
much-desired skin perfection. It cleanses, refreshes,
improves and invigorates the &kin, exercises the
muscles of the face and thus creates a fine skin health. If used
faithfully for a short time the result will be marvelous.
The almost total absence of oils in Pompeian makes it an ideal
Cream to use before appearing in public, for it does not make the
skin shine like many Creams do.
"Don't envy a good complexion
Use Pompeian and have one."
Men and women alike will benefit from its use. Usually 50c, 75e
and $1. Special for our October Drug and Toilet Goods Sale Jar,
29. 49 and 69.
prepared by the most improved process, where
by all the nutritive elements of the richest cow's
milk- and strengthening cereals are scientifically
Not only to invalids, infants and mothers i;
Borden's Malted Milk nourishing and strengthen
iner. but those desirine a wholesome and refresh
ing drink either hot or cold will find it a spen-OTK422&!1F,"Mr
i ill ouuiiiibv ' ' niiu l ltv oiEU us UUlll
tive value is unequaled. Where preferred, it may be flavored by
adding chocolate or any pure flavoring extract.
Travelers, athletes and sportsmen find Borden's Malted Milk
invigorating and sustaining, and if taken before retiring it will
induce sound, refreshing sleep.
Priced at, the jar, 39S 79 and $2.98
Just Received-
complete assortment of J. A. HENCKEL'S "Twin Brand'
Scissors. Former prices in force !
Imperial Nail Polish 12
Rosaline 19
Lust rite Nail Enamel 19
Zobright Nail Enamel 16
'Genuine Orange Sticks 7
Emery Boards 5
Flexible Nail Files and Rubber-Tipped
Sticks, each....l6
Mum, box 15
Eversweet, box 15
Amolin, box 15
Spiro, box 15
Odorshun, box 10