14 TIIE SUNDAY OISEGOXIAN, POKTLAXD, OCTOBER 11, 1914. BUSINESS OPPORTCX1TIES. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, i Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel. Corner of 4th and Pine Sts. CONFECTIONERY STORE. Rent only $20 per month, with living rooms: splendid corner location on. the East Side; up-to-date fixtures, and clean stock; a nice place and a bargain for $1000. DAIRY LUNCHROOM. In the heart of Portland; business runs $150 per day; will sell or exchange and pay cash difference or assume, if any ; price of lunchroom $&00o; not one cent against it. CASH GROCERY, $1200. Will sell or exchange for acreage, pre ferably in the Mt. Scott district, dandy tore, good location; doing $Ja to $35 per day, ail cash business. $400 HANDLES GENERAL STORE. Located 1 6 miles from Portland ; doing S300 per month, rent only $10; building 40x60, with 3 living-rooms in connection ; cnap for man and wife; chance to get postoff ice. 24 ROOMS, WITH RESTAURANT. Located on the main street of a live little city with big payroll; short distance from Portland; price $1&00; terms rea sonable. ' MOVING PICTURE SHOW. $600 handles downtown place doing $12 to $23 per day; total expense only $3 per day. $10,000, GENERAL STORE. Will take half cash, balance security or good property, clear of incumbrance. $10,000 HARDWARE STOCK. In a good town in Washington, doing splendid business; will take half cash, balance good security or property. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. CO-OPERATION" with me. some business ability and activity, is what I need, not a "wero" partner, I am an auto truck ' man from a selling standpoint with a rec- ord of successful business turned over f right here in Portland to prove it. This business was done for other concerns. From now on it will be lor myself and partner selling trucks. Prices right, good ' line; all arrangements have been made Now I need a reasonable amount of mony and "The Man." This is no dolla r-a-rain-' ute income, but is a plain business prop osition. R. G. Hunter. Main 2574. Ji'RKE for six months, my special offer to introduce my magazine, "Investing for Profit." It is worth $10" a copy to anyone who has been getting poorer while rich, richer. It demonstrates real earning power of money, shews how anyone, no matter how poor, can acquire riches. Investing for Profit is only progressive financial Journal published. It shows how $100 grows to $2200. Write now. I'll send it six months free. II. L. Barber, 482-22 W. Jackson blvd., Chicago. OLD-ESTABLISHED and good-paying launch business, running between Kelso, Wash., and Rainier. Or.; consisting of launch Eadem. length 53 ft., beam 11 ft., '. 45 H. P. Imperial engine; and North Star, length 34 ft., beam 8 ft., la H. P. Stand- ard engine, and float. Will sell cheap if taken at once. Call or address F. J. Hor bach. Kelso, Wash. WANTED Partner immediately, lady or gentleman, to buy half interest In three best feature pictures; experience unneces sary; travel, take tickets at theater door; I must be neat, honest and invest $u00. half catih, balance from profits; no curiosity seekers. Write or phone room 512 Palace Hotel for appointment. EAMUEL P. BLUM E N B ERG, M. D offers H)lo Preferred Stock in Sanitorium for CORRECT treatment Tuberculosls-Coa-sumption. His delicate-successful method, fully demonstrated, is based on ADA MANT Laws of Life! No Deadly "Ser ums" used! Office 1895 Sutter. San Fran cisco. FOR S.4 )R SALE Furniture and iease of 40-room hotel, fireproof building, hot and cold b water in rooms, baths, electric lights. steam heat, finely furnished, doing excel lent business; only modern hotel in hustl ing business town in Central Oregon; must live in lower altitude; price $4000. AV 814, Oregonian. 6TATE manager by Illinois corporation; es tablished office manage salesmen ; per manent connection; monthly salary ana commission ; bank references given; in vestment of $4uO to $1200 required .o carry stock of goods: should easily net $7000 an nually. Marshall, Old Colony bldg., Chi cagu. WANTED GENERAL AGENT FOR STATE OF OREGON BY OLD-ESTABLISHED ST. LOUIS FIRM. MUST INVEST $3UO FOR STOCK. BIG PROFITS. FINE OPPOR TUNITY IF A GOOD SALESMAN AND CAN FURNISH REFERENCES. B 300 OREGONIAN. JL SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants reliable party to establish office and manage sales men. Should pay $3000 to $15.ooo annu ally; $300 to $700 will finance business, you handle own money. References ex changed. Sales Manager, 406 Fisher bldg., Chicago. 111. ICR SALE Billiard parlor at White Sal mon, Wash.; 4 new tables, confectionery In connection doing good business; rent $-0 month; must tell as I have other bus iness that compels m to; only one in town of S00 people; will give terms. Ad dress C C. R.usst;!'.. White Salmon, Wash. WANTED Job by middle-aged man In apartment or business house or hotel, painting, tinting, graining, stenciling or plaster repairing; 3o years' experience, work guaranteed ; wilt give cash bond if required. 1105 E. Salmon or Tabor -744. WANTED someone with small capital to buy half interest In a good, clean and pay ing business; experience not necessary; good opportunity. Call 5407 72d st. S. E., near Millard ave. Take Mt. Scott car at Second and Alder. FOR SALE Restaurant, good money-maker, in small live town, with two living rooms in rear; will sell cheap if taken at once; reason for selling, sickness. AV 45, Oregonian. - MAN who take pleasure and Interest in small livestock, to go into business for himself dealing in Eastern bullfrogs; un usual good proposition. Write Aqua Life, Seymour, Conn. LIME QUARRY FOR KALE. lOo acres "in Southern Oregon, near rail road, $12,000 has been spent in improve ments; $150 acre at your own terms. 421 Abington bldg. WANTED Partner with capital to buy in terest in the latest invention pertaining to water meters and form stock company tr manufacturing and promoting the same. H. S. Hall, Home Valley, Wash. COMPLETE barber shop, hydraulic chair, white enamel furniture, rent $lu month, worth $-00, price $100 cash. Owner, Tabor FOR S A LE G roce ry stock and fixtures. $7000 to $S0l0; established 7 years (cor ner location). Might consider one-half trade. V 3 17, Oregonian. GROCERY, ice cream, cigars and confec tionery for sale cheap. Good place for man and wife. Rent, with living-rooms, $-5. L 307. Oregonian. , FINE grocery store, clean stock, good lo cation, under apartment-house. Modern rooms and bath; good cash trade. Rent $18. Phone Tabor 1187. POOLROOM, central location. Morrison st. and Broadway: entrance 346 -2 Morrison st.; a bargain If taken at once? WILL txchange drugstore for Coast property of equal value. Address Dr. E. A. Woods, Kogue River, Or. LIVELY man w ith references to take care of territory; must be A-l man; some capi tal required. Write to AO 303. Oregonian. GROCERY West Side; one of the largest and best; old-established, modern, good business; $5000. AO 304, Oregonian. FOR SALE Grocery, fine location, good trade, auto delivery, $3000 cash; no agents, no trade. Phone Woodlawn 338. fcTOCK of general merchandise for sale ; dolne good business, country trade; $4000 lor quick sale. AC 3o4, Oregonian. GOOD Income property to exchange for prop erty in Ashland of vicinity ; owners only. HF 3ul. Oregonian. OLD-ESTABLISHED dye works wants re liable partner; half interest $30u. J 337. Oregonian. $1000 GROCERY for sale or will trade for property, ADmgton oiag. rye & spar row. TRADE PAPER for sale; good reasons lor selling; proot promts, details at per sonal interview. S 309, Oregonian. PHYSICIAN to take practice in fruit and dairying district in southwestern Wash ington. AV $24, Oregonian. MOVING-PICTURE THEATER, WEST siu-fa. a-rc-Num rs i. x. 033 OAK. II AVE cash, w ill discount good mortgages. Give details. P. O. box 1058. 4-CHAIK barber shop, cheap. Swell location. 3ti N. La st. RKSTAURANT, depot location; cheap rent $1200. AR 300. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS clear property to exchange LOT biuin. i inn ics, riioao Mam 1 5J5HI. BLACKSMITH shop for sale cheap. P. O. DOX l. iNewuerg. ur. WANTED Partner in first-class picture FURNITURE store for sale or trade. AP 5U4, uregonian. LUNCH counter for sale. Address 244 Ank eny st. POOTROOM, good - location, cheap rent. 1 rtHwinorr.e at i.Mn St. WILL trade for grocery stock around $4000 650 Pit tock block. BCS1XKS3 OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE THE YAKIMA SASH A DOOR FACTORY a going business in North Yakima. Wash.; well established; lot loox 70 feet; two-story factory building 6'x 3 2o feet, fully equipped with high-grade machinery: everything practically new and in first-class condition, having been built only two and a half years ago at a cot exceeding $21,000. including lot; must be sold beiore December 1. 1914. This loca tion offers the best opportunity for sucn a plant and. will be sold at a bargain, as the present stockholders cannot agree on the management and had to put in a re ceiver to settle their dispute. For further particulars call on or address James Don ald, receiver for the Yakima Sash & Door Co., North Vakima, Wash. FOR SALE A first-class and well-equippd butcher shop in one of the best towns in Yamhill County; will sell the business and fixtures separately or include buildings; I also have a nine-acre tract with 7 acres of young fruit. The slaughter-house is lo cated on this land. There is no opposition and the trade is good ; I also offer for sale my residence and a barn for 5 horses and 15 cattle with plenty of hay room. Address I. L, Solomon, Willamina, Or. INVESTORS Whether you have $50 or $5000 here's opportunity : small amount stock of factory making world necessity ofired $7.5o tor $lo shares; only three companies in whole world make product. One pays 1O0 per cent yearly. Company backed by leading business men. World trade already established. Write quick for costly pros pectus. W. A. Nash, Fiscal Agent, Dept. 77, Kenosha, Wis. APARTMENT HOUSE. I must sell the lease and furniture of my modern apartment-house; sickness In family; 1 must leave Portland ; will sell at a decided sacrifice if I can sell at once; my house is finely furnished, neariy new, always full; fine location; a sure enough bargain for yod if you hurry ; no agents. V 342, Oregonian. MR. MERCHANT Does your business need a live, capable, young man, one with de partment store experience, window trim mer, card writer, advertiser, salesman in any department ? Hustler, business getter, good habits, references Could put in some money later; Oregon or' Washington. A 347, Oregonian. GOOD business proposition; I would like to put pel ore some good business man or woman that has some money to invest; it will pay you a salary $125 -wfer month and half of profits, and your money se cured vitli city business property. AL 3ol, Oregonian. f STOCK ISSUE WANTED Successful stock salesman desires to con nect with concern having high-class pro position. If you wish to secure more capital through the sale of stocks or bonds, address, with details, AV 780. Oregonian. HARNESS AND IMPLEMENTS Located in a thriving town of over 3000 population near Tacoma, Wash.; has done over $15,00i business so far this year; business has been established over it years. Get price and terms at room 618, Yeon bldg. C733) $20 INVESTED now may make $2000; best- Known security d&ck oi every aouar in vested; fortunes made in same region from oil properties; terms $1 cash, $1 monthly. Write today, get details. Bennett Co operative Co., 307 First National Bank bldg., Houston, Texas. FOR SALE General merchandise store, ith or without buildings; stock invoices about $2000 ; restaurant and lunchroom and pool hall in connection; located In Grays Harbor country town. Address AV 850, Oregonian. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business fctst a vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary. 632 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WILL trade any part, or all, of my stock (paying 12 per cent yearly dividends in large, growing automobile concern for stock or wheat farm. Opportunity for farmer or son to become active or otLer wise. E 339, Oregonian. LIVERY BUSINESS Wants a partner with s8uO; business has been established over 9 years; will guar antee partner will make $100 a month. Further particulars room 618, Yeon bldg. (C763J WANT reliable partner with $500 to Invest in a business where the returns will be very large. Investment secured. With or without services. This is a high-class proposition and the profits will be targe. G Hot. Oregonian. GROCERY A good one, thorough investi gation solicited, extra clean stock, auto delivery, fine trade, well located, neat, clean and attractive. See our representa tive. Sly Henry bldg. A SNAP; $450 CASH. Must sacrifice at once on account of other business, hardware and plumbing store; fine general repair trade. Call Woodlawn 27 til. ANTLERS THEATER, Elks' bldg., Rose burg, Or. Lease and equipment for sale; thoroughly equipped tor all purposes; seats 785; $2000 will handle. AV 788. Oregonian. POOL HALL, in good valley town, 4 tables, confectionery, cigars and tobacco in con nection; making good; this is for sale at right price. J. S. Trumble. 32i Railway Ex. bldg.. Portland. A 7111. WANTED Services of energetic, middle aged man who will invest $1000; have ex clusive Coast business; pig profits; stock of goods; factory agency for four slates; Investigate. A 300, Oregonian. EVERY kind of business on Coos Bay, "the live location." for sale cheap; good rea son for selling in every Instance. See R. von Shlpman, all week, at Imperial Ho tel. COFFEE HOUSE, doing good business and good location ; oldest stand In city.; will take real estate as part payment; will sell cheap on account of ill health. Ad dress AD 300. Oregonian. GROCERY Located in a thriving town In Southern Oregon ; does about $45 a day business; will sell at invoice. See me at room 018, Yeon bldg.. Monday. (C717 MONEY in wheat; war markets; opportunity of lifetime; possibilities $loO to $500 on $10 investment. Write Bankers' Invest ment Co., Reserve Bank bldg., Kansas City, Missouri. CONFECTIONERY. FOR SALE or rent furnished, dandy location, snap lor two young people. See owner 103 N. Jersey st., St. Johns. EXCHANGE Bakery, restaurant, confec tionery, in hotel, steady trade; brick oven, for equity in lot or any kind of business up to 5700, SSOO. 390 Morrison. REAL SACRIFICE Abstract plant. Com- Dlete abstract of records of Coos Co., Ore gon; death of manager. Also law library. Box 18 1: Coquille, Or. $20 MONTH Up-to-date corner drugstore with fixtures complete, ready to move into; branch postoff ice can be obtained: ou carllnes. Terry A Harris, Inc., Yeon bldg. WANTED To rent pool hall, country town. Or. or vtasn.; win nuy stocK 01 tobacco, cigars, etc. ; state particulars first let ter. V 336, Oregonian. WANTED Partner In mfg. business; $100 per montn guaranteed: large proms, no competition, no experience necessary; $500 win nanaie. t.au 45 Jriouaaay ave. GROCERY Cash business, apartment-house trade; good clean stock, no delivery; a snap; owner leaving city, u 300, ore gonian. FOR SALE or trade. 150-barrel capacity flour mill, machinery second-hand, and a fruit dryer. Address 233 State sC or 430 Court st.. saiem. ur. ELEGANTLY furnished apt.; have to be sold at once: part cash. bat. on easy pay ments; leave city. Call at Cheltenham, 19th and Nortnrup. EUROPEAN capital for investment In at tractive incorporated enterprises. Address Bankers Alliance. 11 Southampton Row, London. England. $S MONTH, modern store, with stove, sink. touet. counter ana iree arc iignting; rare cnancii lor cleaner ana presser; no com petiti n. Owner, Tabor 5712. WILL sell fa Interest in an old, reliable livery and boaraing stable, will guarantee $120 montn to tne man who win work. M 32. oregonian. WORKING partner in well-established and paying automobile garage. H 336, Orego nian. PROSPEROUS Oregon weekly (no oppo sition), worth $5000, to trade for improved larni of equal vaiue. av i it, oregonian. FOR SALE Corset business, with well-established exclusive agency. AB 328, Ore gonian. NICE neat grocery and confectionery atore in fine location; living-room, stock and fixtures ; $?uu. f none js.. S4. FIRST-CLASS shoe repair shop, doinr eood business; good location; low rent; at a sai-rinoe. AO u ress w aui, uregonian. FOR SALE: One of the best heating, plumb ing and sheet r-etal shops in Oregon. Ad- FOR SALE The only bakery and confec tionery in one 01 tne best towns of East era Oregon. AV 749, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, soft drinks, ciirara. tv bacco; clean stock, good fixtures; doing gtitiQ ouBincjc rKjjk. o , diiiSDOro, Ur. GROCERY. West Side, line locution trade, $100; 4)10 agents, no trade. Phone iam tio. PATENT on a small article, for sale or trade; a hustler can make good money. A t t-t . rAi.c .Meat maraet. Dargaln ir taken at once; act quick. Address City Meat .uaraet, seai enon, yr, UNINCUMBERED high-class trade for $3500; modern house and lot. 650 Pit toe k: DIOCJL. BUSINESS OPPORTCNITTES. PHOTO-STUDIO, portrait and commercial, in big oayroli town of 10,000, old-established and maklnar money, owner disabted, must sell, easy terms. See P. W. Per aels. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark Sts.) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. YOUNG Eastern man, age 23, with no bad habits, will invest up to $2 WO In any solid business that will stand Investiga tion; owner must employ me for 2 months to show that business is O. K. ; all corre spondence treated confidentially. S 308, Oregonian. WANTED By salesman calling on the hardware and furniture trade in Oregon, Wash., Idaho and Montana, with a short line, desires & line to work with it on commission; best of references given. AK ovu, oregonian. DESIRE connection with business enter prise- requiring services of high grade, energetic young man capable of raising larg-y amount of additional capital for going concern with good prospects. C 311, Oregonian. I WANT TO GO INTO BUSINESS. Hardware, furniture, general merchan dise or any other good staple line from $4000 to $40,000; Just so its good. AR 394, Oregonian. CLOTHING or furnishing goods store want- ea. 1 want to buy a good store with from $000 to $20,000 stock. State full par ticulars first letter, as I want to locate at once. Address P. O. box 819, Portland. vVLL exchange for whole or part interest in any good Dusiness, $2100 equity in $200 suburban income property. E 305, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED young man wishes small interest ana position in re Mane ortice or business; best references. AK 301, Ore gonian. HAVE few hundred dollars with services anu experience to Invest in paying feed business; principals only. K 344, Ore gonian. I WILL buy a good general mdse. business wit n in i0 miles of Portland, but prico must be right. Send full particulars to P. O. box 819, Portland. TO PURCHASE or lease, first-class modern imiisitfni noiei, out or city, ti 33tf. ore gonian. WANTED By reliable man to Invest small capital in- paying business where he can assist ; references. N 342, Oregonian. HAVE inquiries for small groceries and confectioneries: If vou want to sell, call Main 20S. P. W. Persels. 269 Stark st. WANTED To rent or purchase greenhouse AQ 314, Oregonian. WANTED Storo for bakery; good location. A rfia, uregonian. BARBERSHOP, 2 or 3 chairs; must stand investigating. F so, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. PORTLAND'S LEADING AGENCY. HOTELS, ROOMING. APARTMENT HOUSES. All sizes and prices. MRS. M. E. LENT. If you want to buy or sell I can please you; places listed exclusively with me sold QUICKLY AND QUIETLY. 508-8 N. W. BANK BUILDING, Sixth and Morrison Sts. HERE ARE A FEW SAMPLES: OWNER WANTS RANCH. And will trade his hotel, which Is guar anteed to be on a good paying basis; has splendid business; price 430,000. Will con sider either wheat ranch or stock ranch for all or part. THIS IS A PICKUP. 40-room brick building, all outside rooms, good furniture, ideally located, rent $5 per room; will exchange for a borne or sell on easy terms. Price $3000. HOMELIKE PLACE. SO rooms, new brick building, modern and clean, cheap rent, pays nice income and can be sold on easy terms to the right party. TRADE FOR PROPERTY. Have one 50-room modern hotel and one 70 -room, to exchange for good real es tate, either farm or city property. Value about $5000. APARTMENT -HOUSES. 29 apartments, 2 and 3 rooms, each; private baths, automatic elevator, steam dryer, separate lockers, best lease in the city. Price $3000, about half cash, balance easy terms. 34 APARTMENTS PRICE $G000. All 2 rooms, with bath and dressing room, high-class and paying. Will con sider good real estate up to $4000. 21 APARTMENTS. A lady alone wants to trade for small rooming-house or city property this well furnished apartment-house. Has equity of $2000. 11-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING. Nice and clean, on 14th st. Price $350; only $250 cash required. 20 ROOMS, ONLY $800. Rent $00; well furnished, part house keeping. This has never been sold for lesa than S1500 before and is a pickup. 10 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Rent $40; full price $500. half cash; near 12th and Yamhill streets. 42 ROOMS. Part housekeeping, balance sleeping rooms, very cheap rent, no incumbrance. Want to trade for equity in home of 6 rooms or more. FORCED SALE. 70 -room modern apt.-houset best close in West Side location; good lease, full all the time: net orofits over J20O per mo. Will stand closest investigation; tor per sonal reasons must sH Immediately; price $2250 cash, no trades, no terms. If you liave the cash and mean business write AH 310. Oregonian. 22-ROOM- BARGAIN. Near West Park and Morrison sts., nicely furnished and all complete for housekeeping; always filled with good pay ing roomers; pays $150 a mouth ; cheap rent with lease. Price $l2oo, cash $750. See this Monday. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 300 Board of Trade. 4th and Oak Sts. INVESTIGATE THIS ! ! 65-room house, centrally located, mod ern. In A-l condition ; ;;-year lease; alt rooms except 5 facing on ctreet; well fur nished; making good money; will stay with buyer for three weeks If requested; rent $3 per room; price $4500, half cash, rest easy terms. V 3 04, Oregonian. TAKE LOT, PAY YOU CASH TO BOOT. 12 rooms, good furniture. 5 minutes' walk from P. O.; rent only $37.50; income from rooms enough to pay expenses of small family; value $5O0 ; will take city lot up to $750 and pay difference in cash. O. O. R. ELLIS & CO.. 309 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak Sts. FOR SALE 30-room modern hotel with steam heat, hot and cold water, gas and electrict lights, located In business dis trict on Broadway; will sell on terms, by owner. No agent's commission to pay. Phone Main i591 between 1 P. M. and b tf. M. 9 ROOMS; BIG SACRIFICE. Located West Side corner, large ys.rd and roses, good furniture, rooms all rent ed; if you are looking for a fine home and a good income, see this. PRICE $275. $125 CASH." INQUIRE S3 10TH, NEAR STARK. MARY E. LENT. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. Motels Rooming. Apartment-houses. ALL SIZES AND PRICES, s 50S-9 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. Phone Main 8560. HERE IT IS; MUST BE SOLD. 17 . rooms. Best West SIHe location. Rooms all rented ; house newly painted, all nice and clean; $75 month profit. Own er is forced to sell at big sacrifice. Price 5o. one-half cash. Call 88 10th. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale; furniture and carpets almost new ; good location, low rent; price about one-third of original cost., inquire iawtnorne ave., tore noons. FOR SALE 20 rooms furniture in arood condition, close in; terms; no agents. This is a good buy for someone. Inquire 3S1 East Couch, bet. Union and Grand ave. .Phone t.ast i44o. ROOMING-HOUSE, consisting of 12 3-room suites, at 225-227 Market st., for lease. See us for particulars. Rent very reasonable. Parrish, atKins & Co., 106 Second st FOR RENT Laree 14-room residence. West Side, walkimr distance, suitable for room- in or boarding. Very low rent. M. E. Lee. 50j Corbctt brag. 6 2 -ROOM hotel, never been on the market before, very best furniture, good lease; I.'dvo wtii nandie it. 210 Abington bldg. WANTED To lease or buy medium-priced apartment or rooming-house. Goldschmidt's Agency, btock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. FOR RENT or sale; a 11 -room residence. filled with roomers, walking . distance. Marshall 2442. oey t zanders st. FOR SALE: Good rooming-house. 13 rooms. good location, good f urniaure, cheap. AB avi, uregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES If you wish to sell or buy, see N. W. Realty Co.. 300 oregonian bldg. WE have ome clear property up to $3000 to trace ior gooa apartment or rooming' house. 215 Abington bldg. FOR SALE Furniture of 11-room house in good condition; low rent ; close in; 241 &th st., corner Main. Phone Main 2803. WILL build for responsible tenant, high class apartment-house. Goldschmidt's Agency, stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. SMALL rooming-house at 327 Broadway 80. ftione Marsnau 4127. WANTED Rooming-house for house equity 20-ROOM apartment. $2n cash, $25 per month on bal. Main 6594. Owner. 10 ROOMS, Al furniture, close in; good; no agents, a 334, Oregonian, BOOMING-HO V 8ES. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel. Corn er of 4 th and Pine S ts. (HOTELS, ROOMING AND APARTMENT HUUSlr- For Sale and Exchange. rooms, clears $500 mo., price $25,000. rooms, clears 600 mo., price ZO.uuO. rooms, clears 400 mo., price 8,000. rooms, clears 2 00 mo., price 6.000. rooms, clears 200 mo., price 4,500. room, clears 215 mo., price 3.400. rooms, clears 125 mo., price 2,100. rooms, clears 250 mo., price 1,600. roonus, clears 1-5 mo., price S00. rooms, clears 150 mo., price 3.5oo. rooms, clears 75 mo., price 1.250. rooms, clears 125 mo., price 1,800. rooms, dear SO mo., price S50. rooms, clears 75 mo., price 1.20O. 200 0 81 69 7 &6 &4 43 30 20 17 15 REASONABLE TERMS Or part exchange can be arranged on any part of the above propositions. Call for full particulars. SPECIAL BARGAINS. TO LEASE, NEW BUILDING, 40 ROOMS, Strictly modern, very central location. West Side; will give & years' lease. 70 ROOMS. TRANSIENT HOTEL. $1500 handles it; clears $225 per month; price $4500 ; would exchange for dairy ranch stocked. 6S-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. $150uV handle it; price $3400: 20 two room and 8 three-room apartments; West Side, brick, strictly modern; clears $200 per month; located In walking distance. 58-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. Swell Nob Hill location, always full, modern brick building; rent only $200 per month; $2000 handles it. 54-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE. -Rent only $75 per month: good location; clean $lr0 per month; good furniture; price $1600, half cash; real snap. 44-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. For only $1500. halt cash; West Side, close in; rent $100 per month. CHANCE FOR COUPLE. Only $1000 cash required for 4? -room hotel; a little beauty; elegantly furnished; 8 rooms with private bath, steam heated, modern in every respect; the location can't be beaten; clears $250 to $300 per month. HERE IS A SNAP. Downtown hotel, 40 rooms, $700 cash and $1475 balance at $50 per month; the house is full, strictly modern, and mak ing $150 per month clear of all expenses. Corner of 4th and Pine Sts. Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. ROOMING-HOUSE SPECIALS 82-ROOM APARTMENT TO TRADE Steam heat, all modern, all full good tenants; run by present owner two years; clears 20O a month. Will consider some cash and good real estate. Price $550O. (B533 50 ROOMS $3000 Rent $200; hot and cold water, steam heat, good location; cost $6300 to furnish; $1000 cash to handle this. B497 40 ROOMS. RENT $140 Clears $175 a month, fine transient lo cation; this Is one of the best money makers in the city for the price of S2250: $lo00 cash. (B-I22) IS ROOMS. RENT $180 All modern, 6 baths, furniture extra good, all full; must be sold on account of death of owner; $1000 cash to handle. (B454) 20 ROOMS RENT $75 Finely furnished, two years lease; close-in location; clears $100 a month; nice home and good money-maker; $1000 cash. B540) See us before buying. Our list Is the most complete in the city. 22 YEARS IN BUSINESS ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. 018-619 Yeon Bldg. Main 4S1. OWNER WANTS FARM. 80 rooms, ail nicely furnished, central, close-In location, steam heat, cheapest rent in the city, with long lease; average net profits $300 per month. Price $S500. WIK trade for good Improved farm up to S17.00O. and pay balance in cash, and good mortgages on citv property. MONEY MAKER. 70-room apartment house In good loca tion: steam heat and electric lights; good oak furniture; brussels and Axminater carpets and rugs. If you want a real money maker. Investigate this one. 5 yrs. lease at onlv $22-5. Price $4000. unincum bered real estate as part payment. $200 PROFIT $200. C7-room hotel, well furnished, in ood central district: nicely furnished, doing a profitable business of $2oO net per month, as owner's books will show. Cheap rent and lone lease. Price $45O0. $2000 cash and balance easy terms. VERY HOMELIKE. 17 rooms, fairly well furnished for housekeeping, in fine location: 10 minutes walk from P. O.. very cheap rent. cross Income about $115. If you want a good home where you can make a nice monthly profit, better see this nlace at once. Price onlv 60. One-half cash. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 512 Roval bldg.. Morrison and Broad wa v. TWO BARGAINS. 11 rooms, modern house, near 12tn anl Yamhill sts.. beautifully furnished, neat and clean; rent only $35; $225 cash, bal ance $175 to suit. You can clear family expenses in this house. 14 rooms, near 10th and Jefferson, gas and electric lights, furnace heat; rent only $45. A good-paying place for only $425; $175 down, balance to suit; $50 a month clear profit here. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 309 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak St. BARGAINS. One of the best furnished 60-room ho tels in Oregon: price $4500 cash and trade; rent $150 for 2 years and $200 for 3 years; get busy. Apartment-house, completely furnished, to rent. Modern apartment-houses and hotels for exchanges. If a clear house and lot to exchange, call S22 Henry bldg. 32 ROOMS, West Side corner; rent $S0; good jurnituro ana money-maiter aon t delay. Price $1500, terms. Call 88 10th, near Stark. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited, DEPARTMENT of the Interior, United t?tates reclamation service. Sunnyside, Wash.. Sept, 25, 1914 Sealed pro posals will be received at the office of the United states Reclamation Service. Sunnyside, Washington, until 2 o'clock P. M. October 26, 1914, for the construction of about 13,25 miles of main canal exten sion of the Sunnyside. Canal, near Benton City, Washington, with pipe lines, flumes and other appurtenant structures. Involv ing the excavation of approximately 67,400 cublo yards of earth and 17,650 cubie yards of rock, the construction of 6 pipe lines, the total length of which is approx imately 4240 feet. 605 lineal feet of metal flume, and the incidental Irrigation struc tures. Particulars may be obtained at the offices of the United States Reclamation Service at North Yakima and Sunnyside, Washington. SEALED proposals will be received at the omce ot the undersigned. 401 Courthouse, until 12 M. Monday. October 19. 1914, for the improvement of the grounds of Llewellyn School. Plans and specifica tions may be obtained at the oflice of F. A. Na.ramore, supt. of properties, 303 Courthouse. A deposit of $2 is required for plans and specifications. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Dtretcors re serves the right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated October 8. 1914. PILE BRIDGE TO LET Eight pile tres tles, 1952 lineal feet, 15 to 70 feet high. four to six piles In each bent. Road will be finished to first bridge about Dece: ber 1. All materials will be delivered to bridges and work must be done with two drivers working from opposite sides. tompany win lurnish the drivers. Will Ing to let the work to responsible pile- driver crew. Work can Include top work or driving bracing ana capping only. .f rot ue win De lurnisnea to responsible parties wishing to bid on the work. Ad dress Columbia & Nehalem River Ry. Cn Wp1 nnrt Or. - BENT TRESTLE Contract for placing aoout ju.uw ieei lumoer in oent tres tle. 160 feet high, will be let; lumber all framed, abutments In. engine, high line and carriage in place ready for imme diate use. Lumber will be placed with in reasonable distance of the bridge. Finished track and push car will be pro- viaea to oe compietea in au aavs. .Hoard $5.25 per week; boarding camp within half mile. Willing to let contract to two or more experienced men accustomed to h!rh work. Address Columbia & Nehalem River Ry. Co., estport, Oregon. LOST AND FOOD. LOST Scotch collie dog. with white ring arouna nectc; no couar or license; reward. H Kruger. Phone Main 9505. LOST Airedale dog, 19 months old. last seen Thursday afternoon, Arlington Heights. Reward. Main 4SOl. LOST A eold locket. Friday. Marguerite on one side and Charlie on the other. Tabor 12!M or 248 E. 2-Sth St. Reward. I LOST Oct. 3, gold beauty pin, set with I small pearls. Phone O 122S. I LOST Female pointer, liver and white, I brown spot over eyes. Main, 897. - LOM aM MlLND. TH E follow ing articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light dfc Power Company, and owners thereof may claim same at the 1st and Alder st. station: Oct. 9 Marshall 5100. A 6131 2 gloves, 2 books, 1 pail. 8 umbrellas. 1 pr. gloves, 1 book car tickets (school), 1 pearl cross. 1 purse, 1 package, 1 handsaw, 1 hammer, 1 pr. overalls, 1 package, suitcase, 1 bas ket, 1 purse. 1 key, 1 valise, 1 sack laun dry, 1 umbrella, 1 pkg. boxes, 1 music rack. 1 iron chain, 1 pr. gloves. 2 small packages. ENGLISH setter dog, black and white col oring, about 8 years old, in neighborhood of Forest Grove, Or.. Sunday. October 4; answers to name of "Don." Finder notify Good Real Estate Co., Forest Grove, or W. K. Chetwood. 254 6th aU. Portland. Or. Marshall 2500. Reward. IF the person who found on Oct. 9, 1914, in Henry bldg., 21-jewel Hamilton watch with black leather fob bearing name plate with initial "C 'thereon will return same to 506 Lewis bldg. a reward mill be paid. LOST Brown pocket case in basement W'oodard. Clark A Co.. contained papers, etc., of value to owner only; as case was a present; reward. Geo. C. Watklns, gen eral office Woodard, Clarke & Co LOST or strayed from North East Portland, a roan mare, close-built, weight about 1OC0 lbs. , please notify Mallory Stables, 34 North th u Reward.' LOST Lady's purple handbag, containing papers bearing name of owner and also money. Address 1121 E, Glisan. Phone Ta bor 2314. LOST Short-tail yellow dog, bull-headed. Address N. A. Fatlamler. Woodstock. ttOth st. and O'Jth ave. LOST Two weeks ago. spectacles, gold; leather case. Marshall 1475. Miss H. LOST Irish setter dog, 7 months old. Re turn to 127 Kelly st. Reward. FINANCIAL. FIRST LIEN MORTGAGES Bought and Sold FEAR & GRAY. 102 Fourth Street. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE COH 80 4th st-. Board of Trade Bldg. NOTES drawing 8 per cent Interest, will dis count 5 per cent; notes mature within one year payable monthly ; Al security, responsible indorsements; investigation will convince you. li &0, Oregonian. LOANS on improved inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no delay. Principals only. Robertson At Ewing. 207-208 North western Bank bldg. SEVERAL mortgagee for sale; sums of $500 to $16,000, drawing 7 and 8 per cent in terest. Phone Main &4u7. W. G. Beck, Failing bldg.. 01 1 S 1 5. MONEY tor good city loans, 6 and T per cent, J. A. Cunningham, 842 Morgan, tidg. S IRaT and second mortgages, also sellers' interest In contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash, H. B, Noble, Lumbermen bldg. UuKTGAGib LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (nrst and second), equities pur chased. F. E. Lewis A Co.. 4 Lewie bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson st Ewing. 2U7-8 N. W. bank bldg. $1000 first mortgage on $4000 residence, fine location, noue Tabor 1066. Money to Loan on Kcal JLntme. MONEY; TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PERFUSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; .NO COMMISSIONS COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., yl6 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. MONEY ao LOAN. Good supply tor city and larm property, 6 to 7 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 tie c ond SU, near Washington. ON IMPROVED PROPERTY OR FOR l5UlUil.NO PURPOSES; LIBERAL PAY MENT PRIVILEGES; MONEY AD VANCED AS BUILDING PROGRESSES. THE EOUITA.0LE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCLTloN. STARK ST. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN $10,000 at O'o $70OO at Vb $4000 at 7 2.5V0 at 7,0 12vo at bv oOO at M KENZ1E At CO., 515 Gerllnger ldg. Main 2SOL WO.NEi TO LOAN, 0 TO 8 PER CENT. Any Amount, PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN. Lowest Kate Money on business property, apartments, dwellings and farms. R, H. Blossom, 316 Chamber oi Commerce. DO YOU WANT MONEY 7 I HAVE IT. TELL ME xOUK TROUBLES. I. E. SOLOMON, 318 Henry bldg. $2000 PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN Must be extra good Portland real estate security. A. R. Kitter, 2 15 Pine st Phone Main 1721. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate. ST CHARLES LAND CO., St. Charles Ho lei. 204 Morrison Street. $20,000 TO LOAN at 8 per cent on first mortgage liens; no commission; iarm loans preferred; give full particulars. V 311, Oregonian. MONEY on hand for good city loans, 6 ana 4 per cent. H. F. BOTHFUR, 724 Board of Trade Bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 217-19 North western Bank bldg. $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. 11AM JlUiSU ilUK KjAUb tOAl f AN Y, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 OR $2000 private funds to loan on approve a city property. W. H. KOSS, 516 Spalding bldg. TO LOAN $40,000 OR FAR RING TON, SO 4th St. BOARD OF THAT'S BLPQ $2000 at 7 pet. for 5 years; 30 acres, highly mifjroeu., vaiue suuuu. omitn- w agoner Co., Stock Ex. HAVI-3 various amounts from $5oO up to loan at reason a uit rates on rtstn estate security. AD 3u7, Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 80 Fourth Street. MONEY" to loan. Improved city or farm property, by private party. aoo, Orego nian. $50 TO $5o00 loaned In a day on real es tate security ; ioe rates. &mita i n vest ntent Co.. 002 Northwestern Bank bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO., I.NC, " Stock Exchange Bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. ON improved and unimproved real estate. lock blug. Phone Main 0119. HtOO TO LOAN on first mortgage, 8 perJ cent: abstract require a. f nones iast 789 B 3223 SEE us today for loans on improved city property, to 8 per cent; $200 and up. C ellars-Murton Co., 825 Yeon bid g PRIVATE money to loan on real estate at 6 and 7 per, cent from $500 up. 210 nan way exenange Diag. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rate. W. G. Beck, 3a 31b Failing bldg MONEY to loan on good Portland property F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE party has $1000 or less for bulld- MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 ER GENT LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 229 STARK ST MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL K3TATL A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. $200, $350, $600, $900, $1200, $1800. Fred W. uerman -o., n Plumper or Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS at 6 and 7 per cent! FRED S. WILLIAMS. 92 First st. $1090 TO $-0,000 at 7 per cent. Main 6934 H. L- Murton, 317 Worcester bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; nodelajr Hri-v C Pnirihommi". SOT "(inn- ,u MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent, w H Seits & Co.. 310 SDaldino- hih- $1000 TO $7000 for city or farm loan. Tabor 2520 or V 176. Oregonian. FOR LOANS see N. W. Realty Co., 30O Ore- aronian bide. MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts and mtgs. bought. H. Mlley, 204 Gerllnger bldg. ALL amounts at low rates of interest 411 Yeon bldg. Ore. Bd. & Mtg. Co. Marl 33a. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. $2000 ON city property. ci a! Ambrose. aia , asnmgton at. main wis, WILL LOAN all or part of $2500. P 307, Oregonian. $50o0 TO $10,000 on close-in improved prop erty iratealpwfaiOOregonian. S10O0 ON Portland real estate; 8 ner cent. 1 Gus C. Moser. 1524 Yeon bldg. $1500 OR PART, by private party; must be good security. D 312, Oregonian. PRIVATE party will loan on improved city realty. AR 314,Oiegonian. $3000 TO 4000 on insde proper t v. 7 jjier cent. Boid Realty Co.. 2"6 Alder st. HAVE $2000 to loan on good property; pri-vr-te party desired. AM 193. Oregonian, .FINANCIAL. Mencxy to Lean on Keel etmt. WE HAVE the following amounts for Im mediate investment in approved Portland real estate mortgages: $ 1.000 at 8 per cent. $ 2,000 at 7 per cent. $ 2,500 at 8 per ceut. $ 3,OXH at 7 per cent. $ 5.0OO at 7 per ceuu $10,000 at 7 per ceut. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE $1000 WILL buy nrst mortgage at discount; principals only. AD 332, Ore gonian. Money to battel and Smlarie. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RAT fa. -a. We Lave one oi ihe finest retail Jewelry tores in the city. A loan department is conducted in connection with same, malt ing business STKlCTJY CONFIDENTIAL absolutely no sigus designating loan busi ness aispiayed in front of our store. Ail merchandise pleuged la held for a period of eeven uonuu, whether or not interest u paid when uue. We axe licensed ana have been established since 1889. No con nection with any omer loan eaiabluMuneut In this cit. A. t M. DELOVAGE, JKWELER3, 324 Washington teu SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN .OIid lO TO $I04 CliiuAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY No SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY; CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M, SATURDAY aO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. 309 FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS, Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Etc bEl'ARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. JLBY COMPANY iLlceued 320 Lumber Exchaug eb ufc. Second and Stark St. We Make Loans in Six Hours' Time, AT LEGAL RATES, We loan money on mamonds, planoa, livestock, storage receipts, equities, real eeiate. plain notes or lurniture. PORTLAND LOAN CO., 1 Licensed.) Room 2o5 KoUicnild Bldg. Bet, 4th and 5th on Washington St. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at halt the rates chargea by brokera, Marx A Bloco. 74 3d st. LOANS on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141V 3d iu, near Alder. MONEY LOANED on diamonds and Jewelry. S. W. King, room 45 Washington blug. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. Holl, room 8, Washington btdg. MONEY on chattels, notes and mtga. bought. Columbia Loan Co., 206 bwetland. LOANS on chattels or anything of value. 317 Lumber ,tt.xcuange blug. Mam 5&V8, Locus Wanted. WANT $2500 loan at 10 per cent interest ou 1280 acres, good yellow pine, E, Ore gon; commission to brokers. Owner, P. O. Box 377, Portland. WANTED $750 at 8 per cent on new 5 room home. Lot 4axl25. Value $1700. Phone owner. Tabor 0080, or Main 2439, Monday. WANTED From principal, $6000, 3 years, 7 per cent, on 3 dwellings, with lOOxloo ground. East Side. Buif tugton, 284 Oak street. HAV E $370 mortgage on store fixtures and furniture valued $M0; will pay 2 per cent monthly for loan of $150. N 341, Ore go man. WANT To borrow $11,500 on West Side property, close In, worth $25,Ouu; will pay 7 per cent; no agents. Address N 3uj. Oregonian. $3oOO WANTED at 7 per cent on West Side improved property valued at $12,000. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. WANT Loan from principals only of $7 OOO on improved tarm land at 7 per cent; close to good valley town; securities worth -u,uuu. AaQresa i 307. Oregonian. WANTED Loau of $8o0 on apartments at xtayocean, or. income -00 each, season. Value $2000. Will pay 10 per cent Inter est. Atx 01.', oregonian. WANTED To borrow $20,000 on a fin val Ivy farm worth over $100. 000; will pay 7 per cent interest. Address owner, AB ju, oregonian. $25,000 CASH on hand to loan In sums from ivuu u i uii ruriiuua property ; sena aa dress and description of property. Y 309, Oregonian. WILL PAY 10 PER CENT INTEREST to private party for loan of $75o on se curity wortn over uuu. Ati uuu, ore gonlan. FOR SALE $650 mortgage, runs two years, on 15 acres of laud ana house near White aaitnun. Room v Washington bldg. WANT SOOO. $SO0 and $1100. 3 years. 8 per H. F. BOTHFUR, 724 Board ot Trade Bldg. WI LL sell at very liberal discount $5s00 first mortgage secured by highly im proved farm property worth $lb,0OO. AO 311. oreeonian. WANTED $2500 from private party, 7 per cent on S5000. Beaumont home. Tabor 5426. $00, ft per cent. Park rose residence, $2500. $1S00, 8 per cent. Rose City res., $3700. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. I WANT $500 loan. 3 years, on four lots, 2 cemers. and small house; Rose City Park district. V 33i. Oregonian. $7000 3 YEARS at T per cent; security $25.- 4HHI ininrnvxil .-Itv ratv un m I . gon'ian. LOAN wanted $1000 on Astoria income property from private party. AB 304, Ore, gouian. $5000 FOR 3 years at 8 per cent, security $15,000. improved city realty. G 302. Ore gonian $5bOO WANTED on improved bottom farm i 4 nines ot Janny, or.; value $10,O0O. Main 666 or 817 Board of Trade. WANTED $900 on 20 acres of good land near uuaiatm btation. value $3500. fa. J. oiuibK, ejo tuamber of Commerce. $100O FOR three years at 7 per cent on acra! i m rvrr vmi t k afm Inmi r-i rn from principal only. BD 314. Oregonian! WANTED Loan of $3000 from private party ; security mortgage on property worth $7o00. Y 307, Oregonian. $2500. $3OO0 OR $40u0'to loan 011 Portland property; sena aescription and address, Y 308. Oregonian. $10.000 CLEAN, high-class Investment; pay 12 per cent net; something good. Y 301, Oregonian. $3000. $5500 FOR 3 years at 8 per cent; se curity $8500, improved realty. D 3u3, Oregonian. $500 TWO YEARS, 8 per cent, from own er. Security 100x100, Alnsworth ave. Aj 302, Oregonian. LOANS WANTED $500. Security. first mortgage on 4 -room bungalow in Rose City Park district. Address P. O. Box 42. LOANS WANTED $250. Security. first mortgage on large Mt. Tabor lot. 2 years, p per cent. Address P. O. box 42. WANT $500 loan on 3 full lots; good rate to private party. Title la perfect. Write owner, isv , vrcgonun $1000 WANTED First mortgage new, mod ern house; 3 years at 8 per cent. J 306, Oregonian. $300 AT 10 per cent from private partv, im proved city property, worth $2600. W 332, Oregonian. $1500 WANTED on 20 acres of land, near Salem, that sold for $4000; will pay S per cent. Phone Tabor 2675. LOAN wanted, from private party. $1000 on city property, valued at $3500. 928 Cham ber of Commerce. S5000. AT 8 ner cent, on suburban rdri.n and grounds, value $20,000; insurance juup; principals oniy. H. 30ti, Oregonian. A $2000 LOAN on 160-acre place, at Mosler, 60 acres cleared, worth $5000. Call 406 McKay bldg. Main 934. WANT to borrow $5000 on best security; pay bonus. AR 291, Oregonian. $800, AT 8. on new. modern bungalow, near $700 WANTED on $1500 lot, near Williams .vc, o per cent. laoor 2675. $1800 FIRST MORTGAGE for sale; new .imn. 11 icr u pa ivr oregonian. $600 WANTED on new. modern bungalow, value "$1800. S 301, Oregonian. $3000 on .beautiful Piedmont quarter biock, value $7500. C 303, Oregonian. $500 FROM private party, 7 per cent; resi dence worth $2500. G 313. Oregonian. $4000 CLOSE-IN East Side Improved prop- erty worth $10,000. a 314, Oregonian. $2000 WANTED on Rose City Park home; $6500; no agents. C 2932. $2500. ONE year, 10 per cent. $20,000 se curltles. Income $400o. K 340. Oregonian. WANT $40OO. $2500, $1500. $600. at 8 per cent. Al security. 206 Stock Exchange. HAVE money to place on giit-edge first mortgage. mitn-Wagoner Co., stocK rJx. I WISH to borrow 5250 on my auto, worth ii'H. L 306. Oregonian. $1040 SELLER'S contract; will discount lib erally. AK 312, Oregonian. $1500 ON Eastern Oregon wheat. 2 or 3 years. lu per cent. E 3 jo. oregoni an . $12.000 TWO years. 6 per cent, inslnde reaitv. value jw.wu. r zui, oregonian. WANTED $1700. 7 per cent. 3 years; city property worth $4300. AM S14, Oregonian. $2000 WANTED on $6000 home. 8 per cent to private party- AN 812, Oregonian. FINANCIAL. Loanti Wanted. S E for saIe itn" an $S00O or a $20. O00 note, secured by mortgage on large dairy farm, close to Portlaua ; good im provements and easily worth three times ount of mortgage. They havo from 18 to $25 per day Income from milk alone, besides other produijis from farm, such as hogs and cattle; erie loan is well secured and party will give onie dis count to cash them. See me Monday. S. N. STEELE. 4o2 Chamber of Commerce. -ft SILT'KDGK LOANS WA NT ED. iooo security, closu-ln modern income property. Conservative value $13.0oit. $3bOO aeru rsidtnce property, value $500 Security worth $200. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bid g. rtrtW"TEt ON A-l SECURITY $5000 at bfo. Value $24.00o; Tarm. at 8:- vlue 12,tMj; farm. -k0 at 8-o. Value 7,1-vu; tarm. 00 at S'-i. Value 4ooo; farm. oh st b.f. Valuw louo; farm. McKENZlE & CO.. 515 Gerllnger bldg. Main 2S01. $6000 WANTED for S to 5 years on $lS.voO stocked and equipped 2Uu-aore farm; ons of the finest places In m valley; moral risk unusually god. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV CO 6U6-6U7 Yeon Blcg $2000 WANTED on large piece of ground facing on Foster road, improved with modern dwelling, store bhig. nd other Improvements, all occupied by owner pay 8 per cent to private party. rc 2io Oregonian. NOTES drawing 8 per cent interest, dis count 5 per cent; notes mature within one year, payable monthly; . 1 security, responsible indorsements; investigation wi:i convince you. H 33m, Oregonian. $1200 WANTED at 8 per cent on in acroa on canine and county road, A miles from Portland; value of property $4OO0. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. 1 HAVE a first-class second mortgage on a iirst-ciass 1'ortiana resiaenee property which I will sell at a discount oi per cent; this Is a genuine sacrifice, l or particulars, address AB 30s. Oregotnun. MONEY WANTED from principals, -lesir- abie applications on nana; seieeica iirst mortgages for smI. Henry C Prudtaummo, Wilcox bldg. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE. $1J00, 8'c, Rose City Park re.. $?$03. $1600. Rose City Park res.. $S40u. H A HTMAN -THOMPSON BANK. HAVE desirable applications for loans un amounts irom j)o and up to bear e pr cent interest, excellent . security. AD 3o, Oregonian. WANTED at once, $25,ooo. three to five years, 1 per cent, on 2UO.OOO inside in come Portland property; no commission. Phone Klepper. Maranall 547. $1500 WANTED on $;;00O corner home by owner, e per cent. x rfi.t, oregonian. Stocks and Bonds, TALK WITH FLETCHER. SO Am. Life A Accident snap lOw Am. Realty bond bid SO Ewbank Eleo, Trans bid 12 Mt. Scott Park Cemetery at.... $1.00 45 Monarch Coal bid 9S33 Oregon Home Bldrs 3000 Ogle Mountain 100 Portland R. L. & P. Co.. bid , . .cheap bid I WANT All stocks permitted to be sold. FLETCHER, 25 Abington Bldg. FIRST mortgage realty bonds, secured by close-in city realty, to net t pur cent. First mortgage farm land bontU, to net 7 per cent. Call or write for circulars describing these Issues. BOND DEPARTMENT, HARTMAN & THOMPSON. BANKERS. Chamber of Commerce. TO SELL ycAir stocks or bonds, you must write to O. W. Brokerage Co.. P. O. box 265 Vancouver. Wash. Try us for any thing you want. STOCKS and bonds; a good auto for coin machine stock. G S2S, Oregonian. PERSONAL. HAIR-HAIR-HAIR-HAIR. 26-inch convent hair switches $4.b5 26-inch convent hair switches, gray.. 4.fe5 Hairdressing 15 Face massage 25 Shampoo - .55 Manicure, 25c; 5 for l.Oo 12 scalp treatments 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by electric needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair, in any shade; switches, any length; prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 400 412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. GOITRE CURED THE DIRECT WAY. Have your goitre removed without tak ing medicine or having it cut out. We have a convenient soothing appliance which is worn on the neck at night and cures hile you sleep. It checks tne growth, reduces the enlargement and stops all pain and distress iu short time. 23 years' success. Write today for free book let and full particulars, testimonials from every state, price, etc. Not sold in stores. Physicians Remedy Co., 913 San Fer nando bldg.. Los Angeles. CaL NEVER offered before. Interesting and in structive book; sex idealized and har monies of Ute; sets a new standard of morality and harmony In courtship, love and marriage; fascinating. By mail pre paid 25c. Harmon ie League, 311 Lyon blug., Seattle, Wash. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direction; bath, massage. No. 7 East 11th st., sec ond floor south from East Ankeny carlin. Phone East 260, B 1303. FEBVET t HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock human hair goods; switches from 95c up; hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment; combings made up to or der. 147 7 til, near Morrison. Main 540. SAM GORDON, want your address. Friends of said party will favor him by sendmg same; also that of Mrs. W. L. Pen land. lately of t-t. Johns, present address un known. J. F. Matlock, Chicago, Illinois. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, etc.. perma nently removed. Electric needlt process. Established 1894. Physicians references, lady operator, at room 22 Russell bhig.. corner 4th and Morrison. Phone Mar. 19:. ft A. M. TILL 5 P. M.. hair shampooed and scalp cleaned or dandruff, gray and faded hair restored to natural life color at your home or hotel. Maud Casey. East 3010. city. WANTED Convalescent patients or elderly people to care ior in my own home; large, airy rooms and pleasant surroundings. Phone B 3385. SAY. do you know "Rum and Pine" cures cold or cough while others merely think about it; 50c the bottle, at the Clemen son Drug Co., Front and Morrison sts. LADIES and men's hats cleaned, blocked. remodeled trimmed latest styles. Port land Cleaning & Hat Works. 46V3 Wash ington st. FITS 1 cured my daughter, simple discov ery; doctors gave her up. Particulars free. Z. Z. Lepso, 150 Ibland ave., Milwaukee. WIS. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE Treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc ; massage and baths. 152 Salmon at., cor. 13ih. Marshall 5033 Open Sundays. HERB doctor recipe book and herb cata log 10c, worm ; teacnea now to maite herb medicines for all diseases. Ind. Herb Gardens, Dept. 36, Hammond. Ind. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spiritual sci entist, daily. 302 Alisky bldg. Messages Wednesday, 8 P. M. Main S-25. MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, author of "Palmistry Made Easy.' 291 fa Morrison st. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 5c; curia and puffs. lie Sani tary Beauty Parlors, 4u0 Dekum bldg. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A. Price, Circle Tues. 2; Wed. and Sun, 8 P. M. Reading dally. 03 Fifth su Marshall 3a60. DIVORCES Lawyer of 23 years experience, reliable advice given free. 404 Rothcnlid bldg. 287 ? Washington st, - " THE FUR SHOP. New orders and remodeling; best work, lowest prices; trimming. 71 Swetland bids. AT YOUR residence. competent scalp. Facial treatments, shampoos, best refer ences. Woodlawn 2O05. $1 REMOVES superfluous hair by roots without pain; harmless. 569 Spokane ave. Phone Sellwood 1847. GUSTAVE E. No letter or word received. With vry best wishes, love to sister and all. Gjtf-d-bye. BROWN. ELECTRIC vibration for rheumatism, neu ralgia, facial and scalp treatment, rea sonable. Phone Marshall 20. HYPEREME TREATMENT. 508 Northwest bldg.; all ailments treated; hours 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. HIM. 429 FUedner bldg. Main 3473. CARPETS cleaned and relaid; refiulng specialty. H. Packer, Tabor 105. DR. M'MAHON. chiropractor 121 4th Chronic cases, 18 treatments $10; baths 25 USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism. 50 tablets for 25c. All druggists. LESSONS in phrenology and card reading 235 6th st. Phone Main 754S. BALM OF FIGS compound Royal Tonle Tablets. 504 Davis st. Phone Main 2303. Dr. Olga Nechyba, chiropractic, steam baths, massage. SOS Northwest bldg. Main Stf. PHEASANTS prepared for bats. 717 Shetland. MILLINERY order and makeover shop, 412 Wash. Mme. Mitchell. Main 3S0L 1