The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 04, 1914, Section One, Page 9, Image 9

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Pile was voted down by the Council.
During September 1166 tramps passed
through Ashland, practically all south
bound. These received no assistance
whatever, but were kept moving.
THOSE WHO KNOW the Distinguishing Marks of Good Furniture, and WIw Further
Know the Generally Accepted Value of Such Furniture, Are Looking to This
Deposits instate Lower but
Ample Reserve Is Held.
Table Compiled by State Superin
tendent Compares Figures With
Previous Statements Proving
Accommodation Is Given.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 3. (Special.) With
the average reserve largely in excess
of requirements and a substantial in
crease of deposits subject to check the
banks of the state were in a. satisfac
tory condition at the time of the last
call, September 12, according to a state
ment made Friday by State Superin
tendent of Banks Sargent. Total de
posits have materially decreased since
June 30 because of withdrawals from
savings departments, while loans and
Investments have increased $3,707,500.
Mr. Sargent's statement says, in part:
"On account of the recent 'consolida
tion of the Security Savings & Trust
Company, of Portland, with the First
National Bank, the combined statements
of the National banks show a consid
erable increase in nearly all items,
while the combined statements of the
state banks show a corresponding de
crease. For this reason a fair com
parison cannot be made of the two
statements separately.
"In view of Secretary McAdoo's re
cent statement to the effect that many
banks throughout the country have
been building up excessive reserves by
refusing legitimate credits and charg
ing exorbitant rates of interest, the
changes made in the combined state
ment since June 30 are -of special in
terest. Deposits Decrease f 1.200,000.
"It will be noted that the loans,
bonds and other securities have been
increased $3,707,600, while the total de
posits have fallen off about $1,200,000.
"A most peculiar condition shown by
the statement is the fact that the indi
vidual deposits subject to check have
increased, while the savings deposits
decreased. No other statement issued
by this department has ever reveaW
this condition, the savings deposits gen.
erally showing a steady gain, and
never decreasing without a correspond
ing decrease in all other deposits. This
is no doubt due to withdrawals made
by foreigners leaving for Europe to
join the armies at war.
"Notwithstanding the fact that the
cash on hand and due from banks has
decreased $3,800,000, the average re
serve is still considerably In excess of
requirements. The state banks alone,
according to statements filed, could re
lease $3,500,000 and still maintain the
legal- reserves required by law. While
-thi3 would seem to bear out Secretary
; McAdoo's charge that there Is a tend-
ency on the part of the banks to hoard
their funds, generally speaking, I do
not think that such is the case in this
Shoirtna Considered Satisfactory.
"No doubt a few of our banks are
subject to criticism in this respect, but
a large reserve does not necessarily
mean an excessive reserve, and one
cannot judge from a statement as to
whether or not a bunk is justified in
carrying a large reserve, or as to
. whether or net it is meeting the le
gitimate demands of Its community.
Conditions peculiar to the different lo
calities must be considered as well as
the conditions and circumstances con
nected, with the business of each indi
vidual bank.
"Considering conditions in general,
the Oregon banks make a most satis
factory showing at this time and are
in an excellent position to meet all le
gitimate demands."
The following statement of all bank
ing Institutions in the state, including
171 state banks, five trust companies
and 86 National banks, at close of busl.
ness September 12, 1914, compared with
the last statement of June 30 and the
corresponding statement of last year,
August 9, 1913, has been compiled by
the state banking department:
Xcwspaperman Takes Over Produc
tion in State of Feature Film.
BAKER, Or., Oct. 3. (Special.)
Will G. MacRae, for many years identi.
fied with journalism In the Pacific
Northwest and especially in Portland,
has yielded to the lure of the movies.
Mr. MacRae today took over the pro
duction in Oregon of one of Jack Lon
don's feature films. He arrived in
Baker and arranged for a series of pro-
I !
x I
J ' & ' I X
- , t ,ss(SSM.T ' r If
D. Carmld.
LEBANON, Or., Oct. 3. (Spe
cial.) 1. Carmlci recently was
chosen Mayor of Lebanon, to
to serve until January 1, 1916,
filling the unexpired term of the
late Edward Zeising. Mr. Carmici
is a, businessman of wide experi
ence, and has shown his faith in
Lebanon by investing heavily in
property here since locating
here three years ago.
For 15 years Mr. Carmici was
traveling salesman for a large
dry goods firm.
ductions here, after which he will tour
Oregon and' ultimately will appear in
Cider Mill Draws Patrons
From Far and Near.
Farmer Korth of Albany. Who
Charges Nominally for Patting;
Apples Tbrougb Traction-Engine
Press, Is Kept Busy.
ALBANY, Or., act. 3. (Special.)
Reminding one strongly of the
early days, when the grist mills
throughout the country operated only
on stated occasions, when persons from
all parts of the countryside flocked to
the mill to have their grain ground, is
the cider mill operated by C. R. Wid
mer, a farmer who resides two miles
north of Albany. ..
Tuesday of every week during the
apple season is "grinding day." Every
Tuesday one may see a long line of
automobiles and vehicles of every kind
heading toward, the mill, loaded with
big red apples. Patrons of the cider
mill furnish their own apples, kegs
and barrels for the cider. Farmer Wid
mer and his son, Chris, do the rest,
making a small charge for manufac
turing the beverage.
After the apples have been dumped
into the hopper and ground up the
pulpy-looking substance is placed on
trays covered with burlap. Five or six
of these trays are placed one above
the other. The entire lot is then placed
beneath a huge press operated by
power furnished by a traction engine.
From 40 to 60 tons' pressure is used in
pressing the juice from the crushed
apples. Pure cider runs into large
tubs, from which It Is poured into kegs
Loans an1 discounts OO.oOG 473 TO
Overdrafts 410 7'Ju' ir
United States bonds to secure circulation S 4tf 5o 00
Vnited Ktales and other bonds to sec. dep I''afit'nrt7" 13
I'nited States bonds on hand ' G374?'.0
Premiums on United States bonds 4421-,0.-i
Bonds, securities, etc 16 0B3 Ti
Banking-house, furniture and fixtures ........... 4514 Tr3l'r(
Other real estate ownd , l!su!l'14!71
IJue from banks and bankers 24,00 iTkj3;2
checks and other cash items .I'lIHH' til:i'44H':io
Kxchanges for clearing-house I.. 1 41.s"rt'i'oO
rash or. hand . . 14.'o7S.p'jl'.i:!
tve per cent redemption fund 3--i o"", "i0
Expenses paid .. sb'sSttiV
Other resources than above 835.033.23
Totals J1W4.402.107.40
' , Liabilities.
Capital stork 1S.KS2.717.50
t'"--'?"1 W '' 7.6il.8O0.9
T ndiviued prorits 233 237 74
Rational bank notes outstanding 1111"!! 6073'u675t
Dividends unpaid .' 43i7-"3:j
Due to banks and bankers '. "". I" 12 01t$'93S fl's
"Deposits due state Treasurer 4"l'ooo 6o
Deposits sub't to cb'k (lncl'g cash ch'ks and cert, checks')".'.'.'. 73.::38.M87'.M
Demand certificates 766-' H 7 O'
Time certificates 14'w65:ibs
Savings deposits ,s 74S .89 -..
.Postal savings deposits .. i ini'shi'-i
United States deposits "jboSooro
Deposits United states officers ...T 60677 06
Notes and bills rediscounted .. " ' R7- on
Bins payable . 7ofj rrs4
C. D.s issued for money borrowed "" 'o"'oob'oo
Reserved for taaes o'ftS3n-
Other liabilities than above ................. 1 - 1, 053851.81
Totals $164,402,197.49
Denotes decrease.
Chango since
August 0, 1914.
20.804. 37
11. 823.90
H.-.7. 532.16
1. 773.931. (!2
1, 900.466.59
Details Told of Pursuit in Which
Cruiser Is Damaged.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 3. The Blue
Funnel liner Talthybius, in. port from
the Orient, brings details of the dis
abling of the German auxiliary cruiser
Princess Alice by the British auxiliary
cruiser Empress of Russia, formerly a
Canadian Pacific liner, off the Philip
pines early in September, as already
briefly cabled. The German vessel was
bound for Tsing-Tau and was reputed
to be carrying $10,000,000 for the Ger
man officials there. She was sighted by
the Empress and fled at once, pursued
by the Britisher. The Empress carries
four six-inch guns and six 4.7-inch
guns. The Alice had eight six-inch
Runs. Tile Empress overhauled the
German boat and a running fight fol
lowed. The German boat lost the top of her
smokestack and had her main mast cut
off clean. The stern was torn away and
several holes made in the hulL The
Empress was unmarked. The German
ehip, to avoid capture or foundering,
headed for the island of Cebu and ran
on the beach.
The British vessel did not follow
inside the three-mile limit. The loss
of life was not learned.
Ashland Prepares for Hobos.
ASHLAND. Or., Oct. 3.' (Special.)
In view of the advent of cool weather,
the city authorities will try a new task
in connection with the hobo problem.
Logs have been hauled to the Fourth
street station, where tramps congre-
gate,- and the alternative will be to
cut wood or freeze. A proposed, rock.-
for their selections. It has been and will be the means of placing in the homes of
Portland and elsewhere, many fine suites and pieces at prices that for their lowness
are not likely to come in many a day. Every day lessens the range for selection that
this intelligently chosen stock presents. You 'can depend upon the quality and authen
ticity of our furniture, and the fact that it's much lower than its former modest price
Fine Dining-Room Furniture in Suites and Odd Pieces
Entered in This Sale Not One Piece or Suite Excepted
$445 Dining Suite for S315 Jacobean oak, con
sisting of Extension Table, Buffet, China Cabinet,
serving Table, 6 Dining Chairs and 1 Arm Chair.
Skillful workmanship and excellence of material and
finish are in evidence in this suite. .
$775 Dining Suite for $545 A very fine anct
large, hand-carved suite by Berkey & Gay and an.
exact reproduction of an antique in Jacobean Oak.
Extension Table, Buffet, China Cabinet, Serving
Table, 5 Dining. Chairs audl Arm Chair comprise
J this splendid suite. ...
$600 Dining Suite for $325 Flanders suite in old
oak, from-the shops of Berkey & Gay. Consists of
Buffet,' China- Cabinet, Serving Table, Extension
Table, 6. Dining Chairs and 1 Arm Chair.
$425 Dining Suite for $297.50 Buffet, Extension
Table, China Cabinet, Serving Table, 5 Dining Chairs and
1 Arm Chair comprise this splendid Jacobean Oak suite,
which is now offered at a price considerably lower than
formerly. ' '
$788 Dining Suite for $498 Another Scroll Colonial
Suite from the shops of Berkey & Gay. Of selected crotch
mahogany, this suite consists of Sideboard, 7 feet long;
Extension Table, with CO-inch top and 12-foot extension,
and Serving Table.
$985 Dining Suite for $678 Berkey & Gay are the
makers of this massive and handsome suite of solid ma
hogany a splendid example of the Scroll Colonial. Buf
fet, 6V2 feet long; Dining Table, with 60-ineh top and
12-foot extension; China Cabinet, with extra cupboards,
and large Serving Table make up this suite.
$39.50 Mahogany Serving Table for $26. OO.
$148 Berkey & Gay China Cabinet of solid mahogany, scroll Colonial de
sign, for onjy $75. OO.
$155 Solid Mahogany. Scroll Colonial Buffet, bearing the Berkey & Gay
shop mark, for only $1X2.00.
$78 Mahogany Buffet, scroll Coloniai design, for $49.00.
$77.50 Serving Table, of mahogany, Sheraton Inlaid reproduction, $3S
$87 Scroll Colonial Buffet, of mahogany, for $57. " "
$266 Dining Suite for $150 Chippendale Suite of three pieces, solid
mahogany. Buffet. China Cabinet, Serving Table.
$88 Set of Dining Chairs for $60 Of solid figured mahogany, Colonial
pattern, with slip seatjo dining chairs and l arm chair.
$98 Set of Dining Chairs for $69 Solid mahogany, with leather-covered
slip seats, six dining chairs, two arm chairs.
$335 Breakfast' Suite for $225 Handsome Adam re
production 'in' solid mahogany and old ivory. ' Buffet,
Serving Table,' Drop-leaf Dining Table, 5 Dining Chairs
and 1 Arm Chair in this suite. "
$465 Dining Suite for $318 Adam suite in mahogany,
matched pattern throughout. Buffet, China - Cabinet,
Extension Table,' Serving "Table, 6 Dining Chairs and 1
Arm Chair comprise this beautif uf and complete suite.
$1130 Dining Suite for $785 A faithful example of the
Sheraton 'Inlaid, in beautifully figured mahogany, con
sisting of- large Buffet,- China Cabinet, Extension-Table,:
' Knife and Fork Urns, 6 Dining Chairs and 1 Arm Chair.
One of the handsomest suites we have evep-shown.
$150 large, solid Mahogany China Cabinet of the scroll
Colonial type, for $75.00.
$53.00 Solid Mahogany Scroll
for only $37.50.
Colonial Serving Table
STH Mill
n i" i -
fl i mt I i Ml If r-jB
1 J!
Genuine Navajo Rugs
Your Opportunity to Purchase One or
More for Less Than Their Cost to Us
Sizes averaging about 3 ft. 4 in. by 5 feet., regu
larly priced at $13.50, now for $7.50
Sizes averaging about 3 ft. 2 in.1 by 5 ft. 8 in.,
regular price $17.50, now for $9.50
$29.50 Navajo Rug, size 5x7 ft., now for $17.95.
and Stark
Closing-Out Prices on Mattresses
F-nll Size Maltrruirs.
S22.50 now.. . jglS.OO
$20.00 now...S14.00
$13.50 now.. . 8.50
$12.50 now... T.oO
$11.00 now.. . 7.00
$ 7.50 now...$ 4.75
Cotton Kelt, Floss
and Comblnat ion
Mattresses In the
various sta ndard
weights, made In
the best way.
Three-Quarter Size.
$21.50 now...814.2S
$19.00 now... $13. 25 g
i.. now... 7.75 2
$12.00 now... 7.25 fl
$10.00 now... 6.25 y
$ 7.00 now... 8 -4.oO i
This Matter Regarding In
terior Decoration and Drapery
and Upholstery Work Should Be
Given Your Earnest Consideration
It's to your advantage to know that our
workshops are still in operation and that
we are performing-all special work con
nected with our dripery, decorative and
upholstery departments in the same expert
manner as heretofore. Xot until our store
is closed and all work intrusted to us is
completed will our workshops cease operat
ing. Know, too, that we are quoting prices
very much lower than before-t he-sale prices,
an inducement to you to place vour dra-
(jwj, ucuuinuvc anu upuoisiery worn; Willi US. 2
"-" .r-J
Those Who Have Floors to
Cover Cannot Fail to Be
Interested in This
Closing-Out Sale
Floor Coverings
Axminster the $1. 80-yard grade,
now, yard 1.35
Jacquard "Wilton the $2.50-yard '
grade, now, yard S1.97V2
"Wilton Velvet the $1.80 - yard '
grade, now, yard ...1.45
Wilton Velvet the $2.00 -yard
grade, now, yard 1.57
Wool Velvet the regular $1.50
yard grade, now yard ..1.05
Body Brussels the $1.80 -yard
grade, now yard ...1.45
RUGS NOW $28.50
High-grade Axminsters in the 9xl2-foot
size, plain bordered, small two-tone all-over
patterns no less than 16 to choose from.
$30.00 AXMINSTER RUGS NOW ?21.75 .
Twelve only in this lot, plain center ef
fects in green and brown. See these 9x12
foot rugs in our show windows this week.
and Stark
Dallas Baby Scores Highest at
State Fair.
and barrels. vThe cider Is strained In
the making.
Nothing is wasted in making- cider
at the Widmer mill.- The dry substance
is conveyed to a nioving belt, which
dumps It on the ground outside for the
stock, horses and hogs displaying re
markable fondness for it. It also Is
used as a fertilizer.
The Widmers made 13,000 gallons of
sweet cider at their mill last season.
The record run for a single day last
season was 3450 gallons. On that day
the first customer with his apples ar
rived shortly before 5 o'clock in the
morning and the last one departed for
home at 8 o'clock that evening. A per
son bringing nine gunny sacks of ap
ples to the mill usually goes home with
a 50-gallon barrel of cider. The Wid
mers also make apple butter and cider
The Widmer home contains 14 rooms
and is lighted by gas generated on the
farm. Hot and cold water are piped
throughout the house. '
University of "Washington First to
Establish Hegular Classes.
Seattle, Oct. 3. (Special.) The first
school of fisheries In the United States
has been established at the University
of Washington through the efforts of
united States Fish Commissioner Hugh
Smith, who for some time has urged
such an innovation for this university.
Initial steps were taken this week
with the establishment of a hatchery
on the campus. With the assembling
of the State Legislature the university
will ask for an appropriation to in
crease the capacity o the undertaking,
Daughter of Portland Man Takes
Girl-Baby "First Prize, Scoring
. "Fraction . of , Point Less
. " Than Grant . Child.
SALEM, Or., Oct. - 3. (Special.)
With an almost perfect score, Jack
Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Grant,
of Dallas, today was awarded a gold
medal for being the finest baby en
tered In the eugenics contest at the
State Fair. Doris Lee Gordon, daughter-of
I. J. Gordon, of Portland, won
the -girl; baby first prize, scoring a
fraction of a point less than the Grant
There was no perfect child as last
year, when Jane Kanzler, of Portland
was so credited, but the judging this
year was far more accurate and the
scoring closer. More than 175 babies
were, entered .as against 80 last year,
indicating the interest that is being
taken in this feature of the Stafe Fair,
which was inaugurated three years
ago. The winners In this year's con
test are as follows:
Grand champion of the state. Jack
Grant, of Dallas.
Boys' Score 09 or Leas.
Boys, between 3 and 4 years Jack
Grant, of Dallas, score 99, first; Thomas
Larkin Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs.
T. L. Williams, Salem, 98.5, second;
Howard Kavanatgh Ragan, son of Mr.
and Airs. O. L. Ragan, Grants Pass,
97.5, third. v
Girls between 3 and 4 years Mary
Elizabeth Ott, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto T. Ott. 1086 East Salmon
street. Portland. t7, first; Vernon Lu
cile Kelley. daughter of Emruett Kel
ley, Gresham, 96.7, second; Juliet Ap
plegate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.
G. Applegate, 180 Lane street, Portland,
96.5, third.
'Boys between 2 and 3 years Mat
thew Schade Mochel, son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. S. Mochel. of Gervals,- 98.5,
first; Arthur Charles Boeschen. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Boeschen, of
Salem. 97.5, second; Jack Barnes Bald
ing, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Balding,
of Sherwood. 07.2. third.
Girls between 2 and 3 years Doria
Lee Gordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
I. J. Gordon, 38S Eleventh street, Port
land. 98.7. first; Muriel Victoria Ga
briel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Gabriel, 883 Colonial avenue, Portland,
as., second: urave Feist, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Feist, Salem, -98,
third. . .
Salem Baby Scores High.
Boys between 1 and 2 years Mal
colm Hubert Davis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Davis, of Salem, 98, first;
William Gerard Gibson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. V. L. Vincent, of Salem. 97.5. sec
ond: Frederick Jarrett McFarland, son
of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. McFarland, Os
wego, 97.2, thirds
Girls between 1 and 2 years Martha
Louise Kumler, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. B. T. Kumler, Salem. 98. first:
Mila Nell Mason, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Mason. Seaside. 97.5. sec
ond: Francis Dorothy Haack, daughter
ot Air. an-d Mrs. Frank Haack. of
Marion County, 91, third.
Dr Mary V. Madigan, who had
charge of the contest, and O. M. Plum
mer, of Portland, who was instrumental
in having the first eugenics exhibition
at the State Fair, were enthusiastic
over the success of the work. Both
said interest had become so keen that
few if any prizes . would be offered
next year.
"The mothers have learned." said Mr.
Plummer, "that it is to the interest
of themselves and their children that
they be examined by such experts as
we have had here. I have attended
contests in various parts of the coun
try, and. I do not think I ever saw a
finer lot of babies than those that were
judged nere this year.
Baker May Try Auto Streetcars
BAKER, Or., Oct. 3. (Special.) A
movement is under way In Baker for
the establishment of an auto-truck
streetcar service to serve West Baker
and South Baker, connecting these
points with the business district and
giving 5-cent fare in the city. The
proposal is indorsed by the Commercial
Club, and it probably will be carried
out by a coterie of business men, who
are also considering a proposal to es
tablish a motor-truck freight line to
Eagle Valley.
Washington Highway Commissioner-
Passes on Sunset Work. r
OLYMPIA. Wash.. Oct. 3. (Special.)
After efforts extending from terri
torial days, Washington at last Has a
road across the Cascade Mountains,
says State Highway Commissioner Roy,
who has returned from an official trip
of inspection of the Snoqualmie Pass
section of the Sunset highway, which
has Just been completed by the con
The new highway' will be in excellent
condition for automobile traffic next
Spring, Mr. Roy declares, though on
account of the mountain rains the new
fills are now so soft that it was decided
advisable to cancel a proposed automo
bile tour, planned for -this month, to
be headed by Governor' Lister. The
greatest grade along the route is 5
per cent.
jElma Postmaster Resigns.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. Oct 3. (Spe
cial.) Alexander Jolly. Postmaster at
Elma, whose term would have expired
December 15. has tendered his resigna
tion to the Postoffice Department and
will retire as soon as bis successor is
appointed. Mrs. E. S. Avery, Assistant
Postmaster, has resigned also. W. F.
Roberts and J. W. Anderson are the
only applicants. Mr. Jolly has occupied
the office for 18 years.
Woman Gets Five Pheasants.
ALBANY, Or... Oct. 3. (Special.)
Mrs. Herman A. Hecker, wife of a
prominent- Albany stockman, has the
distinction of being the only woman
in Linn County, and probably In
the state, that killed the full limit
of China pheasants on the opening day
of the season. Mrs. Hecker is an ex
pert with a shotgun and it took her
but an hour to get the five birds al
lowed by law. Many other Linn County
women were in the field on the openingv
T31cy1es are unpopular in BHmt, Pyria.
WJ This$250 fcfiW
NewPiano I'&'X
Terms. A. Veer to Tay.
Head Page Fourteen, This Sgcrton.
Burns SO Hours to One Gallon of Gaso
line. Supplies for All Makes of
Gasoline Lamps.
E W. Manning L and S. Co
,-. . 63 'i Sixth U Portland, Or.
' '
Will Reduce Fuel Bills from 50 to 100 Per Cent.
Per Ton
No clinkers, no screenings, no smell, absolutely clean.
Does not burn out your furnace. Keeps fire all night.
GfivTear more jieat per pound than any other fuel.
Two cents' worth of our Briquets will cook a large meal or
give heat enough for a large ironing. ...
249 Washington Street, Bet. 2d and 3d Phones; Main 229, A2293