8 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, OTTTOBEH 4. t9Pt. FAMOUS PAINTINGS BY L. SEBGENX AND,' DETAILLE ' x ' &' J4'l '-v " " vt-v'Vv xtixkv . i 8tf f;0 iZ-JsjK - A J r,f ... . i TSta,-' -i-X sX-XXfV O tfZ::X:--f( Jtjr$ 411' - 3 4 ... -4 tiT t. T f3 xl :1 ?rx . X1.X X ; 1 $1 xv,rH x, i if jl. - , L -? S- Nt.. I "THE REAR GUARD OF THE NORTHERN ARMY" BY L. SERGENT Jh- ""i'3! f-the J"'?nc.u "T.my of the.n,'nh' the of 1870-71. was covered by marines from the warships as well as bv J. ?d .J r,- Note the brave- yet 'raBic fisure or the officer who may at any moment fall dnad or wounded at the foot of the Crucifix . - (CourteBy ot Bnuj & Co.) "EPISODE FROM THE FIGHT AT BAZEILLES " BY L. SERGENT Depicting a furious house to house fight for the possession of Bazeilles. (Courtesy of Braun & Co.) 1 V? k -r v x ii i ? vx -w !i i :r 4f 1 7 Xfe- T s'i r xx - aX- . 4an. c tt i l! Vi $ , - ViN r 4?- !t XK 1 4 v- 4 -'cti fis. sT - s x ;-sr if RECONN AISSANCE" BY DETAILLE (Copyright 1907, by Braun & Co.J