The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 04, 1914, Section One, Page 6, Image 6

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Sidney Dark Describes Differ
. ent Attitudes of English,
I . Irish and Dour Scot.
Rollicking Cockney Declared Uncon
scions of Patriotism, but TJn
vrilling to " Be , Left Out of
( "Sport" When. Battle Is On.
LONDON. Oct. l.o. Sidney Dark, the
author, says: "I wrote the other day
that the British were an in,i
pie, so amazing: indeed that not only.
"c"an AmDassadors entirely fall
to understand us. but we often entirely
.J understand ourselves.
mJile.Pr,eSenttwar has onc asaln
made It clear that Englishmen, Irish
men and Scotsmen fight for fun. Ex
traordinary as It seems to foreign peo
ple. It Is perfectly clear from the let
ters written from the front and from
the conversations with the wounded
who have come home -that the men who
nave for days faced the appalling Ger
man attack 'enjoyed themselves Im
mensely." I confess that I do not understand
it in the least. To me it Is something
wonderful and surprising, but It Is a
fact that must evidently be taken Into
account if we are to realize our coun
try and if we are to get the most and
the best out of It at this crisis In Its
"The bluejacket spitting on the shell
for luck and the cavalrymen charging
In their shirt sleeves are to me the two
most insistent pictures that have come
to us from the- front. Emphatically and
magnificently British. Ortherls over
again the hard-bitten little cockney
fighting for the real love of the game.
Country's Uangrrr Not Realized.
"These martial, "scrap-loving" Eng
lishmen, Scotsmen and Irishmen are not
consciously patriotic. They are not
moved to enthusiasm by the flag. They
are much . more eager to sing 'It's a
long. Long Way to Tlpperary' than
'Rule, Britannia,' and I am afraid that
their brothers and their cousins may
not be attracted by the most fervent
t declarations that the country Is In
danger. They will never believe it. No
eloquence and no facts will ever per
suade them that Britain can really be
threatened by any foreign nation or by
all the foreign nations combined to
gether. "The most effective recruiting Ser
geant for these men who, because they
love fighting, must necessarily be the
best fighters, would be a man of their
own kind, who would tell them In their
own language what magnificent fun a
battle is, and how it knocks football
and a 20-round boxing contest Into a
cocked hat.
"An East End doctor asked one of
his women patients why her brother
bad enlisted. "Oh, I don't know.' was
the reply, ' 'e always wants to be hin
heverything. 'E's one of them nosey
sort.' What Bhe meant was that her
brother was a born adventurer. Sol
diering was probably a bore to him in
peace time, but he just had to be in
it when the guns began to shoot.
Piety Fearful Characteristic ' '
"The south of England always has
produced adventurers. Most of the men
who sailed with Drake went just for
the fun of the thing. Salvation Yeo
felt that he had a mission from heaven
to kill Spaniards, but his messmates
killed Spaniards and were killed by
them for the thrill of the game.
"I do not think that any other peo
ple fight quite In the same spirit as
the British and the Irish. This spirit
has two distinct sides to it. There Is
the good-humored, rollicking reckless
ness and the dour, stubborn persistence,
as characteristics of the modern Scotch
regiments as it was characteristic of
Cromwell's Ironsides. -
'The Scotsman enjoys fighting every
bit as much as the cockney, but his in
terest is deeper and Quieter, part of his
religion. When a pious man fights and
finds fighting pleasant he is the most
terrible fighter in the world. The Cav
alier discovered that In the 17th cen
tury, and I am certain that if Sir Wil
liam Robertson Nicoll beats up recruits
from Young Men's Christian Associa
tions' and chapel Bible classes, they will
form the fiercest and most determined
battalions in all the allied armies."
INTERNATIONAL irrigation con.
Delegates Represent Investment of
$700,000,000 in Reclamation . of "
More Tkfn 20, 00,000 Acres.
CALGARY. Alta.. Oct 3. (Special.)
Representing an investment of near
ly $700,000,000 and a reclaimed area of
more than 20.000.000 acres, the Inter
national Irrigation Congress will meet
here for Its 21st annual session Octo
ber 6 to 9. Largely through Its efforts
not only has the vast area of over -20,-000.000
acres been reclaimed to agri
culture in the United States and Can
ada, but its efforts to conserve the Na
tion's forests were among the first on
the continent.
This year's session undoubtedly will
be the most important yet held by the
congress. The last year has witnessed
the completion of several huge recla
mation and irrigation projects and to
day irrigation is conceded to be one of
iho prime reasons of the wonderful de
velopment of North America's mighty
To the United States this session has
a special significance. For the first
time will the American irrigationists
be able to see with their own eyes the
progress made by Canada on lines
which still perplex many of the states.
A feature of this year's sessions will
Ybe the opportunity to see and review
the largest single irrigation project
In the world, only a few miles from
This project Is the Canadian Pacific
Railway Company's Irrigation block,
containing 3,000,000 acres. Nearly
1,000,000 acres already have been
brought under ditch and the total
length of canals and ditches of this
vast undertaking exceeds 8100 miles!
Local Option Elections Asked.
ROSEBCRG, Or, Oct 3. (Special.)
- Voters of Roseburg. Oakland and Glen
dale today filed petitions with the
Clark of Douglas County asking that
they bo allowed to vote on the question
of local option, under the terms of
the home rule bill, at the general elec
tion in November. The County Court
will pass on the petitions next Wednes
day. Oakland and Glendala are "wst,"
While Koeeburg is "dry,"
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Copyright by Underwood '& Underwood.
Charles of Roumania Divided
in His Allegiance.
Legation Secretary Says His Ruler
Has Chosen. Duty as Holienzollern
and Disregarded Wishes of
Teople Ho Governs.
LONDON, Oct. .3. In a dispatch from
Paris, the correspondent of the Post
relates that a signed statement, at
tacking the attitude of King Charles
of Roumania. in the present European
crisis, has been given out by Victor
Jonnssco, nephew of the Prime Minister
of Roumania and at present holding
the post of secretary of the Rouman
ian Legation in Paris. M. Jonnesco
says . in part:
"From the commencement of this
European conflict, the Roumanian peo
ple havo been, hostile to Germany and
Austria. This hostility Is pushing the
people to drastic action. The cry is for
a greater Roumania and tha liberation
of our brothers in Transylvania.
ConfllctinK Duties Call.
"Undoubtedly the situation has
placed King Charles in a dilemma, for
he already has made his choice between
his duty as of a free people and
his duty as a Hohenzollern. The lat
ter proved too dear to his heart; he is
serving his caste and will do so until
his death.
"When Russia proposed to King
Charles that he occupy Transylvania
and Bukowlna. he refused, declaring
his troops were needed to guard the
frontier. Bukowlna, which is just as
Roumanian as Transylvania, is occu.
pied today by Russian -troops and has
been, deolared a Russian province.
Klns "Hero" mmd "Traitor" Roth.
. "This policy of King Charles will
Vive him in history the role of a trait
or to the Interests of his country, al
though he is a hero In his staunchness
to the Hohenzollern. and Hapsburg tra
ditions. .
v "If his policy Is persisted in it will
mean that the Roumanians in Transyl
vania will shortly be delivered from
the Austrian yoke by Russia, and
henceforth incorporated in the Russian
Joe Jacobs, of Eugene. Charged With
Evading Tax Requirement.
EUGENE, Or., Oct. 3. (Special.)
One of the secret indictments returned
by tha Federal grand jury which re
cently adjourned in Portland, was for
Joe Jacobs, of Eugene, charging him
with doing a retail liquor business
without complying with, the Federal
.VTk.jyrX-; fits .. 3fe
s .v-v jar
liquor tax requirements. He was ar
rested this morning by O. E. Jackson,
Deputy United States Marshal, who
came from Portland last night. He
was given a hearing before L P. Hew.
ett, Federal Commissioner in Eugene,
and was released under $500 cash bond.
JacoDs is already under J60D cash
bonds in the Justice Court, charged
with selling liquor.
Jacobs, who is said to have sold
liquor and laughed at the local offi
cers, has been arrested repeatedly and
has paid more than $1200 in fines dur
ing the past few years. His son has
been a fugitive from justice on sim
ilar charges. He never has served time
in , jail, always paying his fine.
H. H. Kilgore, of Baker Company,
Charged With Embezzlement.
BAKER,- Or., Oct. 3. (Special.) H.
H. Kilgore was arrested today on a
warrant sworn out by the Baker Pack
ing Company, charging him with lar
ceny by embezzlement. Kilgore has
been in the service of the company for
about a year as manager of the. depot
Dranch market.
It Is alleged that he operated an
elaborate system of false entries, and
that he deducted toll from all large
Dacic accounts paid by customers, fail
ing to carry the alleged balances from
the slips to the books of the company.
It is alleged that the books will show
a material shortage. Kilgore denied
the charge when arrested and asked to
be confronted by the manager of the
The preliminary hearing will be held
Tuesday. His bond is fixed at S400,
which his attorney, F. B. Mitchell, says
he believes can be furnished. Kilgore
says he can prove himself innocent.
Massachusetts Republicans Express
Sympathy to Europe Sufferers.
WORCESTER, Mass.. Oct. 3 The
platform adopted today by the Repub
lican state convention expressed "sym
pathy to every people suffering from
the ravages of war."
"This time seefs opportune," tha reso
lution reads, "to express our opposition,
not only to war, but to all warlike
operations between man and man. Jus
tice everywhere."
The platform urged "the defense of
those two citadels of freedom, repre
sentative government and independent
A protective tariff was favored, as
well aa National laws re-establishing
the merchant marine. -
Arthur Itauck. Playground Secretary.
L H. Weir, field secretary of the
Playground and Recreation Association
of America, will be succeeded in the
Portland Recreation League by Arthur
Hauck, president of the Reed College
student body, who will devote half of
his time to the work. Mr. Weir left
Friday night for New York and will
be gone for several weeks and will
return to this city about Christmas.
The office of the league has been moved
to 314 Journal building. Mr. Hauck
will take full charge on November 1.
and up to that time will give his after
noons to the work.
Be sure and read page 17.
France's War Outlay $420,
000,000 in 60 Days.
Finance Minister Says Arrangements
. Have Been Made to Assure Re
sources Should Conflict Ex
ceed Limit roreseen.
PARIS. Oct. 3 The war is costing
France $7,000,000 a day. Minister of
Fiance Alexandre Rlbot announced to
day that the outlay for the first 60 days
of the conflict had been $320,000,000.
M. Ribot gives an interview to the
Temps on the situation in the Bank
of France. He says that on October 1
the bank had $812,400,000 In cash,
which was $63,800,000 more than it had
on the eve of the war. "Loans and dis
counts, the Minister of Finance aaid.
"are $895,200,000, an increase during the
last weea oi ii,&uu,U0U.
"The advances made to the Govern
ment on October 1, after two months
of the war, reached $420,000,000. The
credit balance on the same date in the
treasury was $58,200,000 and therefore
we are far from having exhausted the
amount provided by our convention
with the bank. Besides we have just
renewed the convention to assure the
resources necessary in case the war
should be prolonged beyond the date
now roreseen. -
Bank Deposits Increase.
"The total bank bills In circulation
October 1 was $1,845,800,000. this being
$37,400,000 less than the preceding
week. This is explained by an Increase
in the deposits which on October 1
reached $435,400,000, an increase of
$41,800,000 over the preceding week
and it can be seen that France is far
from having exhausted her reserves
and that when the hour comes she will
find the money for a new loan, which
at present is unnecessary."
Discussing the projected re-opening
of the Paris Bourse. M. Ribot said:
"I think there is an interest in doing
so without delay but it is necessary to
taae into consideration that the ex
changes in London and New York still
remain closed. There is no hurry any
where to give too great faculties for the
negotiation of foreign securities in the
fear of seeing money go abroad, and
if the Bourse reopens we would have
to take precautions in this direction.
Liquidation Is Avoided.
"In any case. the Finance Minister
added, "a resumption of negotiations
on the Bourse would - necessitate the
liquidation of operations made before
the war and this could not be done
without certain advances to the mar
ket I am trying myself to put into
shape measures that may soon be ap
"Above all." said M. Ribot in een
, elusion, "havo confidence and preach
! i
1 '3 I I
n a few weeks we shall have the most beautiful Piano store in Portland, but just now carpenters and
painters have things topsy-turvy and upside down.
Pine cases might be damaged and it's a strain to think of the risk of bavins fine pianos spoiled by
lath and plaster. So we're sweeping out part of onr immense stock for even with additional floor
space already contracted for we'll need every inch of room for the finest, biggest stock of pianos in
the most beautiful warerooms in Portland. They will be on display by November 1.
So we're making unheard-of prices on the following Pianos taken in trade on Bush & Lane
Player Pianos, Pianos repossessed from dealers and some shopworn and discontinued styles. Here
are a few:
Monday and Tuesday Specials
$550 IVERS & POND PIANO, condition perfect, just like new. .$325
$375 STROHBER PIANO, used, but A-l playing condition .$198
$275 THIELIN PIANO, new and fully guaranteed $ 95
$400 KIMBALL PIANO, used, but looks and plays like new. $198
Liberal Payments on
Railroad Pare
Refunded and
Freight Prepaid
up to 150 Miles
confidence. We have the best reasons
for being optimistic and if optimism
is a virtue in times of great crisis we
have not much difficulty in practicing
It at this time."
Oklahoma Man Takes Up Duties To
day In New Pulpit. y
BAKER, Or.. Oct., 3. (Special.)
Rev. W. G. Scates, the new pastor of
the Christian Church, has arrived with
his family from Edmond, Okla., and will
occupy the pulpit tomorrow morning.
Rev. Mr. Scates Is a native of Kansas
and has been a Christian preacher for
ten years, most of the time in Okla
homa. He Is a graduate of the Okla
homa University (now Phillips Univer
sity), of Enid, Okla., and has the
strongest recommendations from church
leaders and educators.
During his two years pastorate In
Edmond he added more than 200 to the
congregation and the growth of his
Bible class bro,ka all records in. that
part of the cpyntry. Mr. Scates suc
ceeds Rev. J. Quincy Biggs, who re
signed to become a dramatic art teacher
at Spokane.
Whitman Music Students Sear First
of Lecture Series.
Wash., Oct. 3. (Special.) Professor B.
H. Brown, of the physics department,
yesterday gave the first lecture In the
newly-instituted course on sound, with
especial bearing on music The course
was established for the benefit of the
students In the conservatory of music.
Nearly every student of music In col
lege, as well as others who are major
ing In other departments, were present
at this lecture.
The course Is said to be one of the
first of its kind to be taught In the
Motor Vehicle Fees $76,S59.oO.
SALEM. Or., Oct 3. (Special.) Sec
retary of State Olcott announced to
day that (76,359.60 had been received
for motor vehicle fees to October 1 this
year. The fees last year totaled $56,
873; In 1912, 142.994. and in 1911, $27,.
For Grip, Influenza,
Coughs, Sore Throat
"I have used Humphreys 'Seventy
seven,' Grip and Cold remedy, for
eight years and have given it to others
and find it to be all that you claim.
-"Send me free, Dr. Humphreys'
Medical Book." writes a British Co
lumbian. To break up a Cold take "Seventy
&even" at the first sneeze or shiver.
If you wait till your bones begin
to ache, till the Cold becomes settled
and hangs on, it may take longer. '
Two sizes, 25c and $1.00, at all
druggists or mailed.
Humphreys Homee. Medletne Co.. 166
William street New. Tork. AdverUaemea L
f VV Mtcjtu a
Are the best pianos in every respect that can be bought.
is the keynote of our manufacturing policy.
Most of Our Pianos Some as Low as $1 Per Week.
433-435 Washington Street
316. The fees collected in September
this year totaled $1335.60.
Warrant for Hunter Issned.
C. P. Smith is one of the early-season
hunters for whose arrest a warrant
was Issued yesterday by the District
Attorney. He is charged with having
hunted on another's land without con
sent of the owner. J. Dunn, a farmer
on Sauvle'a Island, is the complaining
The wonderful Duotonal. the only In
strument with two sound-boards, the
piano which is built on the principle of
the vioIl It is the instrument that
great musicians say has never been
equaled. Such a wonderful Instrument
you would think would cost more than
the ordinary home would care to pay.
It is an expensive piano, but during the
great surplus sale it can be purchased
at a surprisingly low price. Read page
19, this paper. Adv.
Philadelphia operates 116 playgrounds
for children.
Famous Sot Due Hot
Springs Hotel and
Sanatorium Closes
Oct 10th; Reopens
May 15th, 1915.
After & most successful season Sol
Due Hot Springs Hotel and Sanatorium
will close for the season Saturday,
October 10. During the Winter months
the mammoth hostelry will be thor
oughly renovated and put In the roost
perfect condition possible for the re
ception of the great. flow of prominent
tourists anticipated for next year. The
1915 season will open May 15.
An extra force of bottlers are at
present employed at the Springs bot
tling the famous Sol Duo waters. . as
suring an abundant supply for the Win
ter season. Sol Due Water, both Still
and Sparkling, on sale at grocers, drug
stores, clubs and cafes.
Sol Due Mineral Water Co.
Principal Offices, Seattle.
Portland Agents,
Portland. Or.
$350 Value
Hgad Pr Foarten, This Seetloa.
I paid nr. Brown; nor- I quit. Lucore.
Read page 14, this section Adv.
I $1181
We Give S. H.
Trading Stamps.
It doesn't pay to "gamble" on
shoes. You are not taking any
chances when you trade here.
The shoes we sell are customer
getters simply because they give
more shoe satisfaction as far as
service, fit and appearance go
than is to be found in any other
makes. And sold on a smaller
"margin" of profit.
129 10th, bet. Washington and Alder.
Try Grandmother's Old Favorite
Recipe of Sage Tea and
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded,
brings back the natural color and
lustre to the hair when faded, streaked
or gray; also ends dandruff, .ltohins
scalp and stops falling hair. Years
ago the only way to get this mixture
was to make it at home, which is
mussy and troublesome. Nowadays,
by asking at any drugstore ' for
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound." you wUl get a large bottle
of this famous old recipe for about
50 cents.
Don't stay gray! Try It! No one
can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair, aa it does it so naturally
and evenly. Tou dampen a sponge o
soft brush with It and draw this
through your hair, taking on small
strand at a time; by morning the gray
hair disappears, and after another ap
plication or two, your hair becomes
beautifully dark, thick and glossy.
Kol Tablets
have many friends who use them as a
general tonic and for Kidney trouble.
Price :zc per box. 6 boxes for .1.00.
For sale by Laue-Davia Drug Co., Sd
and Yamhill sts.