THE SUNDAY OEEGOXTAN, PORTLAND. OCTOBER 4, 1914. MEN PROMINENT IN WORLD EVENTS CAUGHT BY NEWSPAPER CAMERA MAN Admiral Sir Nathaniel Bowden-Smith With Belgians Colonel 71f DMIRAL SIR NATHANIEL BOW i DEN-SMITH is one o the Ad- mirals of the' British navy who Tnay be heard from in the present war. He entered the navy in 1852 and became an Admiral in 1899. He served in the Eurmah war, in the Baltic during the Russian war, in the China war and holds many decorations for distin guished services. Paul "Vandevelde is an American cot ton man, who fought with the Belgians against the Germans at the beginning of the war. He comes from Dallas, Tex., where he is engaged in business. He is a Belgian and a Lieutenant in the volunteers and as he was .visiting Belgium when the war began, he joined the colors and for 34 days took an act ive part. Then with other volunteers he was released. Lieutenant Vande velde says there is no danger to Ant werp now from bomb-dropping flying -v-H s f " sff? rv 1 I -vv- ?i I v 1 ? - , I ?iv F-jU" I if - ' Jtpp? t: c 1- -I I lb V"-- X. -sjJi S -Siamu&Z f? Co? I. s- CS7. SzsK 5?'?X -e Ceorieyej: tea nce? rise 7cf J-;. my h-- J J 1 . Ikkj LirTri DIET PLAYS IMPORTANT ROLE IN FIGHT TO QUELL NERVE DISORDER Dr. Frederick M. Kossiter Says Sleep and Proper Food, Cooked in an Appealing Way, Often Has More Effect Than Drugs or Other Suggested Cures for Troubles. BY DR. FREDERICK M. ROSSITBR. f m ANY persons who suffer from nervousness have more or less B trouble with indigestion. Many have nervous dyspepsia, not limited, to the stomach alone, as the intestinal in digestion is pronounced. These organs of digestion are in close and sympa thetic touch with the brain and hence their irritations cause innumerable un pleasant sensations to pour into the brain, so that the mind is In a con stant state of unrest. It is truly one of the most distressing and discourag ing features of nervousness to have the mind deluged and harassed with these tinnamable sensations from the diges tive organs. Importance of Diet Explained. For these reasons the right diet plavs no unimportant role in restoring the nervous system. Dietetic sins may have had something to do with increas ing the general nervous condition. Some have overloaded the digestive or gans, have eaten with strenuous speed, have made wrong combinations, have eaten things that represented poor dietetic economy and much waste of energy and perhaps have spent con siderable time worrying about what thev did eat. All nervous persons cannot adopt the same diet. One person needs to be put to bed and fed all that the diges tive organs will care for in order to put on flesh and to replenish the ex hausted nerve centers. It must be re membered that there is a large per centage of fat in the brain, spinal cord and nerves. Every single nerve fiber is surrounded by a minute layer of fat and hence there is necessity for a liberal supply of fat in the diet- This is best supplied by a diet of milk, cream, butter and olive oil. An ex clusive diet of milk and eggs tor a few weeks is proper for those who are for the time being best in bed. Later this can be supplemented with .butter and toast, custards, gruels and cream and well-cooked cereals. A sensitive stomach responds better to a liquid diet. Where it is known that there is a deficiency of hydro chloric acid, one of the normal secre tions of the gastric juice, its lack can be supplied by giving 10 drops in a lit tle water shortly after eating three or four times a day. Many nervous per sons who are much below weight, with some anemia, have a deficiency of hy drochloric acid. When this is the case food remains in the stomach much longer than it should. However, there are those who have no hydrochloric acid at all and the food seems to pass out o the stomach tn a little while, but these cases are not common. On the other hand, s"me nervous per sons have an excess of stomach secre tions, with more acid than is necessary or beneficial. All these conditions have to be taken into consideration and no arbitrary and fixed rule can be made. Foods Should Be Selected. Not only should the food be carefully selected and well prepared, but it should appear appetizing. A nervous person may sit down to the table with a good appetite, but the sight of some food that does not appeal to tne senses May Be Heard From in War Paul Vandevelde, American, Colt, Noted American Revolver Designer, Caught in War Zone." 27. machines as searchlights have been in stalled and the Zeppeplin or aeroplane can easily be located. Colonel Samuel Pomeroy Colt of Rhode Island, famous revolver design er, sailed for Europe recently. He went for his annual visit and for a rest, and was caught in the war zone. Dr. Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, the new Cuban Minister to the United States, has arrived. Dr. Cespedes was educated in New York, in Germany and in Havana. He epeaks five languages. He is a lawyer and the author of sev eral books. He has served his country on several special missions. Sven Hedin, the famous explorer, has been appointed by the Kaiser to inves tigate the reports of German atrocities in Belgium which have had such wide circulation in European countries and in the United States. He is a Swede HKA1TH AU EFFICIENCY HOW IO MAINTAIN BOIH. By Frederick M. Ro suiter, B. 8., M. IX. Questions pertaining to health, tay Clene and the prevention of diseas will be answered in this column. When for lack of apnea and when questions are not suitable, answers will be made by mall, providing a tamped envelope wltn address is Inclosed. No questions will be con sidered without the name and ad dress of tne sender. Mo diagnosis will be made In this column. may cause the appetite to disappear in a moment. Or one unpleasant word may have a most depressing influence on the appetite. There are two extremes that have to be guarded against by persons of nerv ous tendencies. One is habitual over eating and the second is the fear of eating too much, so that the person habitually eats too little. Patients who are underfed year after year in time wii and that inroads have been made upon, the nervous system that hardly can be atoned for, however careful they may live thereafter. In many ways this is more serious than eating too much. Flesh foods are not necesasry to a recovery from nervousness, though tnere are some who take a contrary view. If the appetite is poor and there is a desire for meat, the desire should be gratified, but, in most instances, a diet with little if any meat gives the Best lesults. Meats often, irritate the nervous system because of the products of decomposition that are formed in the intestines, and so encourage insom nia and other morbid conditions. There should be variety in the food. A sameness in diet may be the best for one who is anxious to reduce the weight, but for nervous persons with variable appetites a change of food at the different meals will encourage the appetite and contribute to the pleasure of eating. Narcotics Are Hindrance. Alcoholio beverages may quiet a nerve storm temporarily, but in the reaction the storm is worse than ever. Alcohol quickly shatters and impover ishes the nervous system and hence needs to be avoided carefully by one who is anxious to be fit nervously. If alcohol has any food property, one thing is certain, and that is that it has no beneficial effect on the nervous system. Every man who uses tobacco has to admit that he is nervous, restless and more easily irritated if he is denied the use of this narcotic for a day or more. Tobacco increases the weakness of the nervous system. It steals from the nerves. It is a "nerve fooler" from first to last. Its hold upon the nervous system is like bands of steel. The neu rasthenic man who is anxious to get a grip on himself again and still con tinues tobacco is fighting a losing fight. But there are many who take a hard Fought slcfjTri Ss'r Jyo?&j? and Sweden is neutraL This should be a guarantee of the fairness of his re port. The stories have been investi gated already by Irvin Cobb and his associate correspondents and declared false. Admiral David Beatty is in command of one of the British squadrons in the North Sea. He is the youngest Admiral in the British"" navy. His wife is an American woman of great wealth. She was a daughter of Marshall Field, of Chicago. A recent picture has been taken of Emperor Franz Josef, of Austria, whose action in calling Servia to account for the murder of the heir to the throne caused the great European war. He has been reported as dead and dying recently but latest reports say that he is in his usual health, which is re markably good for a man who cele brated recently his 84th birthday fling at alcohol and tobacco and are thankful that they "are not as other men," and yet they use tea and coffee three times a day, usually brewed strong. They Indulge freely In these beverages, possibly being ignorant that they are powerful nerve stimulants in ttteir primary effect and narcotic as a secondary action. The writer has seen some ardent temperance advocates who would rather lose a hand than touch a glass of wine, take strong coffee and tea at their meals and at "afternoons" with great satisfaction and get quite offended if they are reminded that these beverages are related to tobacco and alcohol. Tea and coffee act upon the nervous system much like tobacco and alcohol, but the man addicted to their use says, "You'll have to show me," and he goes on drinking. One cannot make much headway against nervousness and use these beverages. A woman called at my office the other day and said she was restless and did not feel well and wanted to know what she should do to get over this trouble. Questions quickly revealed that she was drinking three cups of strong cof fee for breakfast every morning and tea for luncheon and dinner. The strongest nervous system is going to give way before such pounding and hammering and fierce onslaughts as this. One person may endure longer Menus of the Week Tuesday. Beet soup. Stuffed green peppers. Scalloped potatoes. Tomato sauce. String bean salad. Junket with cream. Coffee. Wednesday. Creole soup. Boiled breast of lamb with dressingA Grape jelly. Brown potatoes. Celery and apple salad. Rice mould. Coffee. Thursday. Barley broth. Meat and celery loaf. Potatoes. Cream sauce. Stuffed tomato salad. Baked apples. Coffee. Friday. Celery soup. Baked salmon. Cucumbers. Baked potatoes; Pear salad. Blanc mange. Coffee. Saturday. Vegetarian broth with rice. Meat balls, Spanish sauce. Boiled potatoes. Shell beans. Lettuce salad, -v Peach dumplinss. Coffee. Sunday. Tomato bouillon. 1 ' Braised tongue in casserole. Potatoes. Spinach. Waldorf salad. Fresh grape Juice sponge. Coffee. Monday. Cream of spinach soup. Minced tongue with spaghetti. Baked tomatoes. Lettuce salad. Peach shortcake. Coffee. than other before the crash comes, but it is bound to come some time. Self-drugging cannot be recommend ed as a safe procedure for anyone, and especially so when relief from some nervous symptom is sought. Headaches and various other pains are common when the nervous system is depleted and exhausted. Many are intolerant of pain and will have relief, whatever the means.. The extensive use of the coal-tar products (acetanilid. anti pyrin. phenacetin, sulfonal and trional) for the relief of headaches is danger ous. .Many physicians absolutely 're fuse to resort to these preparations any more because of the depressing effect upon the heart of the patient. It is never possible to tell before hand whether these drugs will have a bad effect. For these reasons large risks are taken when one takes these medicines without the advice of a physician. These remedies never re move the cause of the trouble, and their continued use weakens the heart and keeps the nervous system in a state of depression. Their injudicious use has cost many lives and endangered a much larger number. All habit-forming drugs, such as opi um, cocaine, chloral, alcohol, have a ruinous effect upon the nervous tissues and upon nervous functions. Persons with "nerves" cannot afford to take either many or strong medicines if. they are anxious to get well. The few er the medicines the better will the natural forces react to rational and health-producing conditions. The only way to restore the exhausted nerve centers is to follow the ways of nature. This subtile force that we call nerve energy must come from the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the rest we take, the sleep, bathing exercises, wholesome thinking all the conditions that tend to keep the body well when it is already in a state of health. The royal road back to health is to obey and follow nature as closely as Is possible. Some rebel at this slow process, for it is slow, and so they continue to have poor health. Hood River 'Third Name to Be Given Oregon Stream. Title of I.ablsche Succeeded by Dog River When UiinKry Party 'Cooks "Towser" for Dinner. HOOD RIVER, Or., Oct.' 3. (Spe cial.) The early Indian name of the Hood River was the Labishe River, according to a historical report made by Mrs. T. R. Coon. wife, of the presi dent of the Hood River Pioneer Asso ciation, which held its annual meeting here last week. "This was the name," says Mrs. Coon, "that Lewis and Clark, when they passed down the Columbia in 1805, heard the Indians calling the river. But some time in the early 40s a party of men, separated from their companions, were stranded near the mouth of the Labishe and, being with out food, killed and ate their dog Tow ser. To commemorate the event they rechristened the stream, calling it Dog River. "And so it remained until years later Mrs. Coe, wife of one of the communi ty's earliest settlers, named it the Hood River, after the grand old mountain from whose everlasting glaciers it flows. Would the strawberries, peaches, apples and pears taste as good and find such a ready market in the world's cities if we had to announce that they came from the region of the Dog River?" Mrs. Coon's report contains much in formation of the Mid-Columbia region in early days. Portions of her report are given be low. "In 1854 Wasco County was organ ized and contained all the territory in Oregon, ease of the Cascades and ex tending across Idaho and Montana, near where Butte is now located, thence southerly into Wyoming and including a portion of Yellowstone Park, reach ing west to the Cascades and north to the Columbia. It included approxi mately 115,200 square miles. "The county was divided Into four precincts, the first extending from Cas cade Locks to Dog River, the second from Dog River to Five Mile River, near TV, nnlUn Tho thirrt included ail territory between Five Mile River arfd the John Day, while the fourth 'was comprised of all the territory east of the John Day. "The precincts were large, but the settlers were few. Joseph Lavendue claimed the first land in Wasco County in 1S46. He built a cabin and cleared a few acres on what was later known as the Chrisman place. When gold was discovered in California he aban doned his home to hunt for gold. Ka than Olney was the second settler, but not until the gold excitement had sub sided did the real settlement begin. The soldiers were stationed at The Dalles and on account of the reserve, or five mile limit, land could not be taken near there. "In 1852 'W. C. Laughlin and Dr. Farnsworth, old-time friends in the East, came to Dog River, bringing with them several hundrgd head of slock. utner parties were winterin bands of stock at Mitchell's Point to the west. Dr. Farnsworth took land and built a comfortable home on what is now known as the Adams place. Mr. McLaughlin built his home on land just east on what was later the Coe place. Heavy snows came and lasted throughout the Winter, before Spring came all but 14 head of the stock had perished. The discouraged settlers abandoned their homes, the Laughlins going to The Dalles, where they set tled. The family became prominent in Wasco County, and much of our infor mation of these early days is gleaned from the reminiscences of Mrs. Eliza beth Lord, daughter of W. C. Laughlin, who has written, an interesting volume, dealing with the early days. "In 1854 Nathaniel Coe, an employe of the Government in the postal de partment, visited Dog River. He was so well pleased that he had his family come here the next Fall, and with them came the family of William Jenkins and N. S. Benson. The Coes took the Laughlin place and built near the aban doned cabin. The Jenkins family took the Farnsworth place, and the Bensons built east of the Hood River on what is now the Button place. James Benson came later on in the Winter and took land on Indian Creek. "The adaptability of the region' for fruit was learned early by the pioneers. The first apple trees were grown by Mrs. Coe, who procured the seed by peeling a box of apples for a family at Cascade Locks. W. P. Watson, an early settler, was an enthusiastic fruitgrower. He did much to ad vertise the fruit of the district, which even then was becoming known because of its excellent peaches. The high water of 1876 ' destroyed 3000 young peach trees for B. L. Hennessy and as many more for other growers who had made plantings in the fertile fiver bottoms. ""- "Lost Lake, the beautiful body of water about 20 miles southwest of the city, received its name in 1880. At that time the following party explored the region surrounding the lake: New ton Clark, E. L. Smith, William Hud son, Dr. T. L. Eliot, Milton Odell and iL C. Coe. Two brothers of Dr. Eliot who were out from St. Louis were tn the party. "Mount Hood was first ascended from the north by Elmer Rand, Newton Clark and William Smith." The Element of Difficulty. (Washington Star.) "Is it hard to learn the use of a tele scope?" asked the student. "Not very," replied the candid pro fessor. "The hardest thing about as tronomy is guessing what something is after you manage to see it." WOMEN WHO FIGURE IN EVENTS OF WORLD INTEREST POSE FOR PICTURES Elsie Wohlgemuth and Lucie Laval, Vienna Actresses, Do Relief Work for Soldiers Wife of Servian rjonsnl Watches Conflict Wife of Belgian Minister of State Arrives in New York. i i sr LEIE WOHLGEMUTH, who is one of the most beautiful actresses in " Vienna, a city famous for its beautiful women, is actively engaged in the European war. Miss Wohlge muth is either serving with the Aus trian Red Crosa or making bandages for the sold tors. She announced her willingness to aid in whatever way was possible as soon as the war broke out. Most of the women of Vienna are so engaged at the present. - Miaa Wohlgemuth is connected with . the Hofburg Theater in normal times. Mme. Growitz. wife of the Servian Consul at New Tork, is watching the European war with greater interest perhaps than any women in New York. Although Servia has been relegated more or less to the background since the advent of England and France into the war, Mme. Growitz maintains her country will prove its integrity. Mrs. Lalla Van der Velde, the wife of the Belgian Minister of State, ar rived in New Tork recently. At the request of Ambassador Page, the American representative at London, his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Arthur Page, met her. . It was intended to have a formal reception on the dock, but in order to preserve "neutrality" in the welcoming of the visitor, it was de cided to defer the ceremonial recep tion till later. On the afternoon of the day of her arrival, Mrs. Van der Velde attended a reception given by Mrs. Elmer Black, where she met many distinguished New Tork women. e Lucie Laval, who is one of the fa vorite actresses of Vienna, and one whose beauty" has drawn comment from personages of world fame, is at present engaged in doing relief work for the soldiers and their families. Miss Laval not only makes bandages. MANY WAYS FOR USING GREEN TOMATOES TOLD Salting With Peppers Is Italian Method of Preparing Vegetables Dishes to Be Made Are Varied and Some Take Place of Meat. BT LILIAN TINGLE. ALL HOUSEKEEPERS nowadays realize the value, hygienic, es thetic and economic, of the once dreaded, and later neglected red ripe tomato. From being regarded first as "deadly poison," and then as "a pecu liar foreign taste." the tomato had made Its way to the front rank of our everyday vegetables. Still, however, the possibilities of the under-ripe green tomato are understood only by a few, and It generally considered "only fit for pickling." At this season many people have in their gardens green tomatoes that have little of ripening on the vines, though the full grown ones may, of course, take on color and partial ripeness, if properly stored after pick ing. In the public markets, too, green tomatoes of good . quality are now offered at a low price. Consequently a few suggestions and recipes for the use of green tomatoes may prove useful. For instance, I wonder how many thrifty housekeepers have tried salting green tomatoes for Winter use either alone or in combination with green peppers. In Ottawa, this Sum mer, I learned the art from an Italian, fruit and vegetable dealer. Daily pur chases and intelligent discussion of prices and qualities so raised me in his esteem that he began to suggest savory dishes and thrifty methods of cooking. "We of the South," he said, make good things to eat for little money, things 'the other Canadians' don't know about. My wife, she salt green tomatoes and peppers.' In Winter she fry them, ' with spaghetti, rice or cornmeal, perhaps. So good, so tasty! I care nothing for meat when I can eat such." Of course I wanted directions, which he gave, adding, "You put up one small crock this Fall, and if heaven spare you next year you will put great- big crocks, as big as. you can get. You see." So this year I am "seeing," and here are the directions in case you want to "see" too. Salted green tomatoes with peppers. Select fine, sweet green peppers, wash them, dry them, and cut them in half without xemoving stalk or seeds. Use equal quantities of peppers and toma toes: or use Just a few peppers or use the tomatoes alone, as preferred. Wash fine, sound green tomatoes and cut into slices. Allow 1 pint salt for evfery peck of vegetables. Make a bag of clean unbleached muslin, and line with it a water tight butter tub or a stone crock. Put peppers, tomatoes and salt in alternate layers In the bag, close and tie with string. Place a small board on the bag with a stone or other weight on top and set the crock in a cool place; three days later see if the bag is covered with brine; if not pour on extra brine, made by dissolving three tablespoons salt in one quart water, so that the bag is covered with the brine. Keep them under with the board and weight- When the toma toes are wanted for use open the bag, take out the quantity required, then close the bag and return the board and stone. Place the tomatoes or peppers in cold water over night, changing the water if too salt; then use like fresh vegetables for frying or stewing. These are said to keep good ail Winter. Italian fried tomatoes and peppers Remove the seeds from the peppers. Baute them until tender with the sliced tomatoes in two or three table spoons olive oil or cottonseed oil. Bacon fat is also good, though not "Italian," Let brown a little and de velop flavor, sprinkle with flour and I 1 V - w?i . 4 n . t v : . Is I it 1 h'x If : Ur v5 , 3 -J2ls--' rv or nurses the sick and wounded when ever called to the front, but she di vides her time in caring for the fami lies of soldiers who were called away before they had time to prepare for their families. Mme. Schumann Heink was one of the notables caught in the European war zone, and it was only recently that her safe passage out of the perilous territory was assured. The noted opera singer had been taking a much needed rest and for a time her friends were much concerned. She recently allowed a photographer to take a snap pepper. Salt will probably not be needed if the peppers and tomatoes were put up as above. Add one or two tablespoons of water if necessary. Serve in the center of a mound of plain boiled rice, or of macaroni or spaghetti, with or without dry grated cheese. Use as a "main dish" in place of meat. For variety serve the fried vegetables as .a "meat adjunct" or serve with fried polenta (cornmeal mush) as a meat substitute. American fried green tomatoes 1. Slice fresh green tomatoes, toss in flour and saute until tender and brown in hot bacon fat. Serve with crisp bacon for breakfast or lunch. American fried green tomatoes 2. Slice fresh green tomatoes, then dip first in cream or olive oil and next fine sifted crumbs seasoned with salt. Saute in olive oil, crisco, bacon fat or clarified butter. Serve as a meat ac companiment. Italian green tomato fritters Dip the fresh or salted sliced green tomatoes or green peppers and tomatoes in fry ing batter. Fry in deep fat to a golden brown. Drain thoroughly on'paper and sprinkle with dry grated cheese. Serve very hot in place of a meat dish for lunch or supper. I have found chopped green tomatoes very useful when green peppers were not available, for giving the necessary touch of green to a Spanish omelet sauce. Baked green tomatoes, either plain or stuffed, make a good meat adjunct. Scalloped green tomatoes are also good. Green tomatoes often may be used in curry with good effect where the ripe tomatoes would not harmonize either in flavor or color. "Green tomato hash" is a useful variant. Economy collops with green tomatoes Chqp one medium sized onion and one or two rather hard green tomatoes. Saute the onions in two tablespoons fat until a golden brown. Then add one half pound fresh "hamburger" and stir well to brown a little, and separate the "grains" of meat. When all red color has disappeared, add the tomatoes and sprinkle in one tablespoon flour. Add salt and pepper to taste with one teaspoon each sugar and vinegar. Sim mer 10 minutes, if a quick dish is wanted, or finish in the tireless cooker to develop flavor. Serve in a border HEADACHE, COLD OR REGULATE YOUR Sick headaches! Always trace them to lazy liver; delayed, fermenting food ir the bowels or a sick stomach. Poisonous, constipated matter, gases and bile gen erated In the bowels, instead of being carried out of the system, is reab sorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion and that dull, sicken CANDY ' ' '' 71 v i V - IO CENT BOXES -ANY DRUG STORE shot as she appeared in street clothes, one of the few likenesses taken since the rather sensational divorce case in which she was the principal was closed. Mrs. J. Borden Harriman. famous largrely through the efforts of her per sonal press agent, recently arrived from Europe on the Adriatic. 6he braved many of the perils of war in making- her exit from the war zone. With her came Mr. Borden Harriman and their daughter, Ethel. of mashed potato or boiled rice, or in a casserole or bowl, with strips of toast as garnish. Green tomato pickles of the sweet, half-sweet, sour or mustard varieties; chopped relishes, in which green to matoes play a leading part; green to mato soy and green tomato chutney are all well known and usually pop ular. As regards the use of green tomatoes in sweet dishes, economical green to mato mincemeat recipes, both with and without suet, have been given in these columns. Stewed with lemon or orange or ginger for "character flavoring" green tomatoes may be "put up" for "plain" Winter pies. They may be used for economical marmalades or con serves, the following being typical recipes: The conserve recipe may be made the basis of a vegetarian mince meat by substituting one pound of raisins (or raisins, currants and can died peel) for two pounds or less of the sugar, and adding spices to taste, with or without a little brandy. Green tomato conserve Slice four quarts of green tomatoes, add four pounds sugar and the juice and grated rind of six lemons, or of three lemons and three oranges. Add one cup seeded raisins. Cook one hour or until as thick as preferred. A few nuts may be added if liked, just before putting the con serve into cans. . . Green tomato marmalade To every quart sliced green tomatoes allow one pound sugar and one orange or one lemon. Slice the lemon or orange as thin as possible, or squeeze out the juice and pass the rind through a food chopper, as preferred. Cook until the rind is tender before adding the sugar. Then boil until the mixture "firms" when dropped on a cool plate. PUMP SAVES TWO ON YACHT Conple Work All Night AVhen Craft Strikes Reef and Leaks. STAMFORD, Conn., Sept. 27. After spending a night on the Sound in a boat which had struck a reef and was leaking badly, Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter, of Pelham, were rescued today by E. B. Ford, of Sound Beach. The Hunters were exhausted when Ford found them, for they had worked the pump throughout the night to keep their 40-foot motor yacht Dorothy afloat. However, stimulating food and then a little sleep at the Ford home put the couple in good trim again and they started for home. Until he becomes an insomnia suf ferer a young man may regret that he has to devote so much time to sleep. SOUR STOMACH BOWELS 10 CENTS ing headache. Cascarets will remove the cause by stimulating the liver, making the bile and constipation poison move on and out of the bowels. One taken tonight straightens you out by morning a 10-cent box will keep your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels regular, and make you feel bright and cheerful for months. Chil dren need Cascarets, too. CATHARTIC