The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 04, 1914, SECTION FOUR, Page 6, Image 52

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Studebaker Corporation Tells
of Surprise at Result of
t, Newspaper Campaign.
Vice-President Benson Says That.
Advertising Done for General
Effect on Public Gave Con
crete and Specific Result.
That one newspaper advertisement
can Inspire national confidence, bring
money Into circulation and make work
lor men's hands and brains to do has
1een demonstrated by the recent cam
paign of the Studebaker corporation,
declares E. R. Benson, vice-president.
In reviewing the results of the recent
advertisement, "Opportunity and Op
timism," which the Studebaker corpo
ration placed in a large list of metro
politan publications all over the coun
try. This advertisement was unique in
that It did not even mention the Stude
laker motor car, and alluded In only
tn incidental way to the corporation
Itself. Its text was an appeal to pa
triotism, a review of constructive legis
lation and an analysis of America's
obligation to the world in the present
Icondltlons of war in Europe.
Mr. Benson declared the effect of the
advertisement surpassed the highest
Slopes of the Studebaker organization.
"The first response came from the
Newspapers themselves," said he. "The
tact that the Studebaker concern was
willing to spend thousands of dollars
In doing Its share toward a strengthen
ing of National confidence found ed
itors and publishers in hearty accord.
Hundreds of them complimented us
and, through editorial and news col
umns, helped us drive home the truths
we have emphasized In the advertise
ment. "Then came telegrams from such men
as President Whalen, of the United Ci
gar Stores Company. They agreed with
us that the spirit shown in our adver
tisement will make America to an in
creasing degree the commercial and In
dustrial ruler of the world.
"Other manufacturers followed with
advertising of a similar order. Retail
merchants caught the spirit talked It
and bought space in their local papers
to extend their audience.
The advertisement was even repro
duced for political purposes.
"In a general way conditions bright
ened, the list of unemployed grew
smaller, money circulated more freely.
"Aside from messages from our
friends, we have received many letters
from other business optimists who rec
ognize a kindred spirit. Several of
them are kind enough to write their
belief that a company animated by
such a spirit can never build other than
a high quality car. So, from a selfish
point of view, the advertisement has
paid out,1 though this was a phase
that we had not considered in Its prep
aration. "Incidentally the newspapers of the
country have demonstrated their abil
ity once more to carry to the whole
American public any message of impor
tance and to carry it more quickly and
more effectively than any other me-idium.
Carreer Score Also Made, as No Motor
J. or Other Trouble Is Knconn
X.: tered In 11-Hour Tour.
Making time over valley and moun
tain road, stopping to take photographs
5 X?tft and stin breaking the record
to Tahoe Tavern, was the performance
St Vt Maxwe "25." equipped with
Nobby Tread1' tires, which was driven
y J. R. Crawford In the endurance run
Jo Lake Tahoe last week.
Starting from Oakland at 8:30 Mr
Crawford made the run to Stockton in
two hours and 52 minutes. From Stock
ton to Auburn the time was three
Jours and 37 minutes; from Auburn to
Wary Lake it took three hours and 26
minutes, and from Mary Lake to Tahoe
Tavern one hour and 13 minutes, estab
lishing a record for actual running
time from Oakland to Lake Tahoe of
Jl hours and 28 minutes.
The performance of the car was all
the more remarkable, as It was ii no
iway prepared for extra service simply
one of the stock cars in everyday use.
"We feel that the recent hlllclimblng
and speed accomplishments of the Max
well "25" In the Lake Tahoe endurance
run -was only the logical proof of what
we have been claiming for this splen
did little car right along," said C H
Bkinner, of the Pacific Motors, locai
agents for the Maxwell. "The fact that
there was no preparation for anything
unusual In the run and that it was
Btrictly a stock car makes the showing
all the more wonderful.
"To be able to negotiate the steep
STades of the roads to Lake Tahoe
practically all the way on the high
Kear. as Mr. Crawford did in his car
shows that there is real quality tucked
away under the hood.
"Wishing to get photographs of some
of the most impressive bits of moun
tain scenery, the party made numerous
stops along the road, but even then
th car found no trouble in keeping up
with and arriving at Lake Tahoe well
In the van of the motor cavalcade
' "The return to San Francisco from
Lake Tahoe was made by the Placer
ville route and Lincoln Highway and
deducting actual time lost in getting
photographs, the car made the triD in
10 hours and 24 minutes. At no time
menj me sugntest motor or other
trouble, so that in addition to breaking
the record to Tahoe the Maxwell made
a perfect score."
"Grandma" Rides 3Iotorcrcle.
"They didn't have this kind of ma
chines when I was a girt." said Mrs. E.
J. King, of Raton, Col., when she re
cently returned from her first motor
cycle ride. "But I wish they had."
"Grandma" King is "4 years old.' but Is
as enthusiastic about the two-wheeler
as is her grandson, on whose motor
cycle' she took her first spin. She con-
Xessed that in the beginning she was
just a little afraid." but sooon the easv
motion of the 'machine reassured her
ana sne urged her grandson to "go
f Wants Car Saved for Him.
Major G. W. Marton, Seventeenth IT.
p. Infantry, writes the Studebaker
)ranch at Atlanta to keep a new car
Tor him until he gets back from Ber
lin, where he is engaged in facilitating
the home-bound progress of American
Sourlata, "
" " ' ' -
Light Tour, 35 Horsepower, Machine in Charge of W. H. Hasley, Frank
Zerbies and Ray Baxnett, Traversing 7500 Miles in 120 Hours.
, . r
1 ! 1,
i 1111. Hill A-J US OUOD-BYE.
ITH bonnet sealed under the per
sonal direction of Chief of Po
lice Gleason, W. H. Hasley, of
the Williams-Hasley Motor Car Com
pany, of Pittsburg; Frank Zerbies, of
pathfinding and International fame, and
Ray Barnett, in charge of a Mitchell
1915 35-horsepower light four, - were
sent away from Chicago at noon
Wednesday, September 23, headed for
the Atlantic Coast on a sealed bonnet
reliability test more strenuous than
any ever demanded of a high-speed
motor type of automobile anywhere in
the world.
Hasley, Zerbies and Barnett will es
say driving this latest Mitchell master
piece of Engineer John W. Bates 250
miles a day for 30 consecutive days,
traversing a total of 7500 miles of
highways as found between Chicago
and the Atlantic Coast. These three
set the record In the recent Pittsburg
non-motor test In a Mitchell Special
Six, when they drove 2663 miles in 120
hours without a stop of the motor.
In laying out the routes the Mitchell
Lewis Motor Company . selected the
worst possible road and planned to
visit as many cities as possible where
the Mitchell cars are represented, and
the drivers had been instructed to make
no effort whatever to save this light
four-oylinder car mechanically.
Engineer and Designer John W
Bates has for more than six months
had one of these light fours running
almost continually on the hilly and
sandy roads of Wisconsin and is now
determined to demonstrate that its re
liability and efficiency will assay 100
per cent on a strenuous test of 250
miles a day for 30 consecutive days.
"Mr. Hasley is one of the best-known
automobile pilots in the East, and is a
pioneer driver; Messrs. Zerbies and
Barnett have perhaps toured more
roads in the United States and Europe
than any other drivers in this coun
try," says Sales Manager O. C Friend,
of the Mitchell-Lewis Motor Company,
"and that it will be easy for them to
make this schedule of 250 miles a day
there Isn't a doubt in the world. The
route will include such cities as South
Bend, Elkhart, Coldwater, Detroit, To
ledo, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Buffalo,
Rochester, Schenectady, Albany, Man
chester, Portland, Boston, Hartford,
Providence, New Tork, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Wheeling."
This new car selling for $1250 has
revolutionized light car building In the
opinion of many engineers.
John I.. Poole Books Order for 100 Cars
From Rome and Thinks Foreign
Demand Will Be Heavy-
John L. Poole, export manager of the
Hupp Motor Car Company, with head
quarters at Paris, will return to Europe
some time In the near future, for the
purpose of looking into Hupmobile
business. Mrs. Poole will accompany
Mr. Poole, speaking about his pro
posed return abroad, is inclined to be
lieve that there will be business for
American automobile manufacturers in
Europe this Fall. He has based this
assertion upon personal investigation
and from the various interviews he has
had recently with men who have re
turned to the United States from the
heart of the war crisis.
"Of course -I understand," said Mr.
Poole, "that the present war has prac
tically demoralized business conditions
in the belligerent countries, but I really
feel that in order to know the exact
state of affairs, it is necessary for me
to make a first-hand Investigation of
business conditions and for this rea
son I am going to Europe.
"Count de Pecorini, our distributor
at Rome, has just arrived at Detroit
and placed an order for 100 Hupmobiles.
inn certainly looks good to me, and
the Count asserts that while generally
the war in Europe will have a tendency
to depress business for a while. It will
only be temporary until such time as
the conflict is over, or is confined to
certain limits.
"The reports I have been reading re
cently. In reference to the Russian
army and the fact that they have a
number of Austrian prisoners at the
fortress of St. Peter and Paul in Petro
grad, calls to my mind an instance
that I had recently while in that city.
"While there, in company with the
Hupmobile distributor. I made a tour
of the fortress and, believe me, it cer
tainly deserves the title that has been
given it, 'The Palace of Living Death.'
It is situated on Petersburg Island in
the River Neva, and was built by Peter
the Great in 1703. The old fortress,
which was once the stronghold of the
Russian army, is now used as a prison
for political spies and enemies of the
government. One of the first political
prisoners, as the story goes, was Peter's
son, Alexis, and the various descrip
tions that I received of his death are
too horrifying to relate. It has been
used since the time of Peter, as the
burial place for every Russian Emperor
and once a year the royal family visits
Farmers Expected to Try Diversi
fied Agriculture Hereafter.
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Com
pany i3 the first of the tire companies
to take up the "buy a bale of cotton"
movement by which an effort is being
made to move at least a part of the
South's enormous cotton crop this year.
Instructions have been issued to the
managers of Goody-ear's eight branches
In the cotton belt, to buy bales of cot
ton and to place them in the branch
show windows. Each bale bears the
name and address of the planter from
whom it has been purchased, and in
addition an exhortation to others to do
"The present situation, due to the
accumulation of such a large crop with
no means of selling it, may yet prove
of value to Southern farmers," says a
Goodyear official who has just re
turned from the South. "Too much re
liance has been placed by farmers on
one, or at best two, staple crops. When
these fail, or when they cannot B"e
turned into cash, the farmers are left
helpless. Many of them buy almost all
their food products. This condition is
likely to be changed as a result of this
year'a experience. More diversified
crops and more scientific tilling are al
ready being urged, and Northern farm
ers and their ideas are now more wel
come In the South than ever before."
Old Fir Logs and Green Bfoaa Give
Permanent Abode Atmosphere of
Funou Forestry Bnlldlms-
Portland's liberal patronage of high
class automobiles and motor trucks has
been an incentive to the White Com
pany to establish itself in a permanent
location. With this object In view E.
W. Hill, manager of the Portland and
Seattle branches, chose the new abode
for the White car In the Beck building,
at the northwest corner of Broadway
and Oak streets.
The new homo is something more
than four square walls; it is Inviting,
suggestive to visitors of the use, bene
fit, convenience and pleasure of. the
White automobile, and it is different,
showing indlvidualty.
The old fir logs with green moss
peeping here and there from the crev
ices of the bark, reminds one of the
famous Forestry building, now a land
mark of the Lewis and Clark fair; the
beautiful paintings of Mount Hood as
seen from an automobile at Cloud Cap
Inn, the Sandy road leading to Mount
Hood, with Mount Hood In the back
ground, and a view of St. Peter's Dome,
as seen from the Columbia Highway,
and many other beautiful paintings of
the Columbia River and mountain scen
ery, all reached by the many delight
ful driveways leading from the City of
Portland, add to the attractions of the
new home.
Hot Lake Gets Portland Visitors.
HOT LAKE, Or., Oct. 3. (Special.)
Recent arrivals at the Hot Lake Sana
torium Include Miss C. M. Hafer W.
M. Hartford, V. T. Wood and C B. Gel
lis, all of Portland.
' - . h fx77: IfW
A Real Quality Car, of Superb
Good Looks, at $1650
Stand on the main thoroughfare
of any city. Watch the many makes
of cars as they flash by. Most of them
pass without notice from the people in
the street
Then comes some thoroughbred of
motordom. People turn to look. You
hear them say, "What car is that?" or
"Isn't that car a beauty!"
Yon probably have paid that
tribute to the motor car thoroogbreds
And If you happen to be the owner
of such a car, you hare felt a glow of
pride the juat pride one feels in possess
ing a superior and distinctive thing.
A motor car advertises your
Judgment. If people don't admire it,
you soon tire of even the highest priced
car. But if people in the street stop to
praise its grace and beauty; if your
friends tell stories of its fine perfor
mances; if your wife's friends laud its
comfort, then you are glad to say, "That
is my cat."
And rueh a cajr la the 191S
Chalmers -Light Six."
Here la a car that has striking
snuutuess and beauty. Owners of other
cars praise the sweep of its molded oval
senders. Passersby stop to enjoy the
of its perfectly blended lines.
Experts delight in its silent, vibration
less power its rare "lightness of foot."
Over 4,000 "Light Sixes" have
been proved in more than 3,000,000
miles of service. The Chalmers "Light
Six" is the one 1915 car with an aggre
gate mileage great enough to prove
beyond doubt that it has strength for
every emergency, power to spare, and
the easy riding qualities of cars costing
much more. It is the one 1915 car that
is selling more rapidly every day, even
in these times when most people are
thinking of other things brsirlcs auto
mobiles. We offer the 19IS "Light Six" at
$1650 as we do all Chalmers cars as
a real quality car, comparable with cars
of much greater cost. This "Light Six" is
not sold on price alone; but on quality
WTmanal value at an extremely low price.
Quality First
You can buy a car of this
passenger capacity for less money. But
the difference you pay to get a Chalmers
"Light Six" will be returned to you in
the added pleasure and satisfaction of
owning a car of whose looks and per
formance you can always be proud.
If you pay less than Chalmers
prices, you must be satisfied with less
than Chalmers quality.
A few big features of the 1915
"Light Six": a different kind of auto
bile beauty; unusually handsome finish;
PuHraan-lilce comfort ; 48 FL P. long stroke
non-staHable motor which "stays put;"
graceful molded oval fenders of both
strength and beauty; 4 1-2 inch tires
"Nobby tread on rear iv heels; un
usually complete equipment including
Chalmers -made one-man top of silk
mohair, quick-acting storm curtains,
five demountable rims, one-motion
Chalmers-Eats electric starter, which
makes the motor non-stallable, Klaxon
born, electric fights, etc And perhaps
the gieateat feature of all, the unusually
high quality in a car at such a price.
You will better appreciate that
fact after you have seen and ridden in
five 1915 Chalmers cars. We will give
you the Chalmers "Real Test" Ride at
your own convenience. Arrange for it
Portland, Oregon
H. L. Keats Auto Company
Seattle, Washington
Greater Territory Covered In Lean Time
and Coat and Quicker DeUverv
la Aaonred.
There are at least two rejoicing
salesmen on the A. B. Frank Company's
staff In Ban Antonio, Tex., because now
a Federal motor truck conveys the
samples on their cross-country "drum
ming" expeditions InBtead of the usual
canvas covered wagons propelled by
four-mule power.
Before setting out on the journey the
truck Is loaded with 2000 pounds of
samples, provisions and a camping out
fit for two. The expedition proceeds
from town to town showing samples
and taking orders. These trips are
then followed up by another Federal,
which delivers the merchandise ordered.
Several mule teams are still retained on
the delivering journeys and work upon
the nearby town, while the truck
reaches the outlying dfstricts.
The first trip of the novel sample
wagon was made last Summer, which
included a route of 250 miles over roads
that never before had been traveled
by anything but the sure-footed mule.
The truck averaged 10 miles per hour
throughout the entire trip over sandy
roads and mountainous trails, touching
all the adjacent towns which are not
accessible by railroads.
The Federal has been in operation
nine months and- not once have its
pilots had any cause for anxiety, for
at all times it is ready to work and
has never failed in a pinch. ' The truck
was under perfect control at all times,
which is more than could be said of
the stubborn mules.
Trips that originally took them from
two to three months, the Federal ac
complishes In three to four weeks and
at a saving of about one-half. The
trucks work within a radius of 600
miles, or about three times as far as
the mule.
The salesmen who now operate the
Federal have improved greatly in looks
and are taking on weight, for they have
nothing to do but sit at the wheel and
peacefully drive the truck along. This
is unlike their experience, with the
strong-headed mules, who if they took
a notion would stop on a mud road and
compel the drivers to climb out In the
mire ankle deep to coax them along.
And after a long stretch in the hot sun
the Federal doesn't have to be- rested
half to. tour la tie shade, . Xho mule
seem glad of the advent of the motor
truck, because they never were particu
larly fond of working.
II- M.- Wise on Coast-to-Coast Trip
Makes No Repairs.
Several messages have been received
In the offices of the Maxwell Motor
Company. In Detroit, from H. M. Wise,
who is making a coast-to-coast trip in
a Maxwell touring car.
Mr. Wise and his brother are estab
lishing agencies for an acetyllne gas
generator destined for lighting farm
houses and Isolated localities. Stops
are being made along the route and
ir. wise is being extensively enter
tained by Maxwell dealers In every
town where he makes a stop.
The tour thus far is peculiar in that
no accidents or mishaps have occurred
and the car has needed no attention
whatever. In fact, no repair work
could be done on the road, as Mr. Wise
carries no tools, his only equipment
being an extra tire.
St. Louis has been reached and the
tourists are now among the Rockies.
Writing from St. Louis, Mr. Wise
says: "The little Maxwell showed Itself
today, when we made 120 miles after
a hard rain through black mud roads
that people said were impassable."
Motorcycle Notes
IN THE motorcycle events which
were a part of the annual home
coming celebration at Ontonagon, N.
Y., Gorsche, of Tamarack, broke the
state amateur record for five miles,
making the distance in 6:30.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Maxwell, of Belolt.
Wis., are making an eight-day motor
cycle tour of Indiana.
About 150 motorcyclists attended the
F. A. M. Labor day picnic at Sioux
Falls. S. X.
The Freeport (111.) Motorcycle Club
is taking steps to have danger signals
placed at curves and railway crossings
along the roads leading into Freeport.
About 125 riders attended the annual
outing of the Elmira (N. Y.) Motor
cycle Club, held at Happy Thought cot
tage. J. Hill Freeman and J. J. Johnson,
two enthusiastic motorcyclists of Hous
ton, Tex., are touring to Rome. Ga.
They are not trying for any speed or
economy records, but will spend some
time visiting and sight-seeing en route.
The Inspector of the Ohio Dairy Com
pany, of Toledo, has covered more than
10,000 miles on his motorcycle since
last May, riding over all sorts of roads,
cattle paths, lanes, and even through
pastures and meadows, and says his
two-wheeler has never failed him.
When the hunting season opens in
Canada it will find numerous motor
cycle parties organized ready to start
in search of wild duck.
The proceeds from the Labor day
motorcycle events at Springfield. Mo.,
are to be used to build a clubhouse for
the Springfield Motorcycle Club.
F. E. French recently rode his motor
cycle from Mlddletown, O., to Toledo
in five hours and 40 minutes. The best
train time between these two cities Is
said to be five hours and 16 minutes.
kSZ S,:
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y. Att-. V-Tit" f
&3 :X.-:-:t
It Is difficult for commerce to be downed. With the North Atlantio swarming with cruisers of the hos
tile powers in the first stages of the European war, a number of trade ships managed to trickle through
Today with the British fleet mistress of the North Atlantic, shipments that are bound for English and neu
tral ports are being put across without any difficulty. . Export business, stunned at the sudden breaking of
the war cloud, has recovered from its shock and is making the most of its opportunities. While Europe is
at war America is working, as is evidenced by the shipments of American-made goods that now are Rolng
abroad. The illustration shows two Federal trucks aa they were boxed and leaving the factory. Thev are
bound for London. England.
.J f