THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND,' OCTOBER 4, 1914. SUTTLPS LAKE HAS BID FOR MOTORIST . THE FIRST "BIG SIX" HUDSON TO COME' TO PORTLAND, AND THE PURCHASER. BIG SIXES SELL FAST SAVE ALL YOU CAN COMPARE THIS DltMOMI SQrEEOEK TREAD 3t UST WITH UTHlh MAKES. Hudson Company Decides to Push Large Cars to Fore. Squeegee THE2TZ Tread "Price. Tread 1 -mite Slae Vricea. 4 x 44 $35.00 FOR .10 x 3 nrcT 4 S1T.OO DtJli1: v Swimming and Fishing With Big Grounds for Camp Prove Too Much to Resist. s i Ltob SIiU S-4.-5 3J V4 S5T.30 S3 x 4 Mx4 PORTLAND PLAYS ITS PART ARCHER AND WIGGINS OAK STREET. COK.XER SIXTH. LOU I I 1 1 sr i DESCHUTES FLOWS IN VIEW Panorama of Bend Shows Thriving Town Wliere Sagebrush Grew but Pew Years Ago, and Ia Ptne Is Astir With Aotivlty. BY WALTER GIFFARD. Part IV. Prom Sisters there is a delightful Bide trip to the Metolius River and to Battle's Lake. The distance for the two trips combined is only 33 miles, Cuttle's Lake being partly on the way, but to the west of the river. Leaving Sisters the road runs south for a short distance, and at the first fork bears to the right, but thence on wards the left hand fork should be taken until the ranches of Henry L. Corbett and Ben Tone are reached, the first on the right hand side, the latter on the left hand side of the road. About three miles beyond Mr. Tone's place is another ranch and- just one mile from this is a fork, the left hand leading to the Lake, the right to Al len's and the Metolius. shuttle's Lake road, in some places overgrown with small brush in the center, has one or two well concealed Btumps, liable to wreck any car unless the driver proceeds with caution. One of these stumps was unkind enough to select the Loco for its second dose of crank case treatment, but this time we really were indebted to the stump for we made, a truly remarkable job of patching up the wounded portiCv. Twice the job would not meet with the approval of the superintendent. He demanded perfection and his demands being forcible, perfection had to be at tained, with the result that In the end not a drop of oil leaked out. Suttle's Lake abounds with huge Dolly Vardens. It is also an excellent swimming lake, being only the height of a man for quite a distance out, all very much of a level. Here we bathed and generally enjoyed the cool breeze for the day was a warm one. ' Camp Site Is Found. Then in the afternoon we set oft again for Allen's ranch, a most delectable Kyot to camp for a day or a week or a month. With this iiouse as headquar ters we fished the Metolius, with only fair luck, though the size of some of tlie fish we caught proves that the big ones are there, both redsides and Dolly Varden. The stream is exceptionally cold, the water never reaching more than 38 de grees even in the hottest Summer. Its rise is very unusual. About 11 miles from Allen's is its source, the water pushing out from the base of Black Butte. The stream is almost as large at Its source as it is 15 miles further down, the flow being rapid and the stream quite a dangerous one to fish and impossible to wade. Its name ie Indian, meaning "The beautiful river flowing through a canyon." In reaching Allen's there is one place where the motorist would be likely to go wrong. The road has sign posts di recting the way until one reaches Al lendale Rangers' station. Here one has to go through the station graunds and cross the bridge, but there is no sign to tell the traveler he should do so and one is naturally of the Impression that the station house is the end of the road there. Sisters Works for Roads. After staying a day there we pushed on once more. Bend being the objective. To reach this we had to retrace our route to Sisters, where we had an ink ling of the desire for good roads. The proprietor of the Sisters newspaper has been working incessantly to reduce the grade on the Sisters side of the Mc Kenzie Pass. Without an excessive amount of work on some six miles of this grade it will be possible to reduce It at least to a maximum of 9 per cent In one place and generally to a maxi mum of 5 per cent. For this year the money had given out, but it is thought probable that, realizing the large travel which can be diverted this way with the assurance of good grades, the work will be done early in 1915. From Sisters the best road to Bend is the longest way round, being 20 miles as compared with 1, from where the two branch. Most of it is In excellent condition, there being some effective granite and alkali road construction Jt-aving Laidlaw, with heavy wall work. This road is clearly marked "Auto Road" by large if somewhat primitive signs. Within six miles of Bend the Des chutes River comes Into view for the first time, making a magnificent view stretching away down below the road. Information as to Course Needed.' At Bend Frentzel did a great piece of soldering and the crankcase was pro nounced medically perfect and immune from any further attacks, at least, for the present. Leaving Bend for La Pine and Cres cent, motorists would do well to get thorough information as to the condi tion of the roads. There are two, the tourbook advising the road on the east of the river. This apparently is never the best road. It certainly was bad in August and those who travel over both roads say that the. lava which abounds on the east side or on the left of the river, makes the road hard on tires and machines. The west road goes through the saw mill and then Swings out to the right and then back again in a large loop, though it does not approach within view of the River Deschutes for some distance. Just after passing Spring River, with the source on the left of the road, there is a fork. The left is to be taken, leading to a bridge across the Deschutes and so onto the main east side road, known as the Silver Lake road. The road is a winding one but is direct to La Pine and cannot be mistaken. To revert for a moment to Bend, we had an interesting idea of the growth of this great country in the reminis cences of Dr. U. C. Coe. View of Country In Panorama. He had asked Dr. Mackenzie into his offices in the First National Bank building there and from his window pointed out the houses that had gone up, the farming that had changed dry sage land into profitable fields. , "Yes" he said, "when I came here, there was an old grizzly that used to make his regular trek across from the Blue Mountains to the Cascades. I camped on his trail for a week but did not get him. He eventually was killed by Bill Brock and his skin is now, I believe, in Harry Corbett's ranch near Sisters." We had stopped for a short time at Mr. Corbett's ranch and ws had all commented upon this fine skin, an enormous one, stretched on the floor. Little did we connect it then with Bend or as Illustrating the change from desolation and wildness to cultivation and prosperity. Tha rid to Ia Pins, as one might gi$fefe. ; - iiar mi i ii,rjri)Tmi-'aii " fclgWrTh,iWri1Trfltfrt(ll1i'.nniMiafc-. ' Y ... -: w.-.-.-.o.v-W..V..:t...;.;.. y.-. .A j "I imagine from the name, is one of great beauty, through an immense and almost unending forest of yellow pine, with its invigorating air, its clean, sweet smell. Much of this National forest around La Pine and between that town and Cres cent has just been thrown open to set tlers who were coming in in large num bers. One hardly would fail to be Impressed with the liveliness, the business-like air of La Pine. It is as yet a very In fant, but every one breathes business and a sense of growth and It has close to it a wonderland that bids fair, when known, to outrival that of Klamath County. Stopping for a short time at the ranch of Alfred Aya we learned quite a little of the history of La Pine. Here is a man whose belief in its future has led him to go right ahead, to spend money in any way which will benefit the community. Ho is ready to help all and sundry in whatever way he can. He left the city life of Portland for the open invigorating life of La Pine and he has never regretted it. (To be continued.) COLIC GKTS SEW SALESMEN C. P. and It. P. Henderson Alto Take Charge of Advertising. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 3. On October 1 C. P. Henderson became as sociated with the Cole Motorcar Com pany as general manager of sales and advertising. R. P.- Henderson, v his brother, also joined as assistant to C. P. Henderson. The advertising remains under the direction of Homer McKee, who will handle it as a representative of a Chicago advertising agency. Mc Kee remains in Indianapolis and there will be no break In the continued ex ploitation of the standardized Cole. Charles P. Henderson for four years was in charge of the distribution ot Cole motorcars. His brother was also formerly associated with him in the promotion of sales. Lately C. P. Hen derson has achieved success as vice president in charge of sales and ad vertising for the Regal Motorcar Com' pany, of Detroit, while his brother has been in charge of the Regal busi ness in Canada as vice-president with supervision over sales and advertising for the Canadian Regal Motors. Charles P. Henderson has gained for himself an enviable reputation as a sales manager in the motorcar indus try. The advance strides made by tfle Cole Company call for the biggest men in the Industry. Building quality cars in the $1500 and above class, the Cole has steadily gained ground. It has one of the most modern factory plants In the country to produce its product and the increase of its selling agencies throughout the United States, Canada and foreign points calls for a larger organisation of experienced and suc cessful men. Within the past week In their reports to the automobile trade papers it was noted the Cole Motorcar Company announced the appointment of 29 new selling agencies. Savannah Plans 3 00-Mile Meet. Savannah's second annual ?00-mlle grand prize motorcycle race is assured.' At a recent enthusiastic meeting of su uni email inicia, Jt WKS UO- cided to hold the event on Thanksgiv- ixjf uver mo lumous vanaerout course. A list of awards has been ar- 1 1 a.T. t is assured. The promoters an- uv.iijaj wen miger ueia man last year when 45 starters left the tape. Two Start for Exposition. Among the early starters for the Panama exposition are W. H. Morreall and A. C. Collins, of Ilion, N. Y., who left on the 14th for a motorcycle trip to the Golden Gate. These riders ex pect to make expenses while in San Francisco by piloting sightseers over the exposition grounds in their motor cycle sidecar. High OfioiaLj Join Stndebaker Army. Gabe E. Parker, Registrar of the United States. And fitUTHtnrv XTn-1a of the Brazilian embassy, are recent iuri-iiasers ot otuaeDaKer cars in Washington. TOURIST USES rnswx I ' y ' 4n l T I t P-v I - .. '??lb,,!,v"-. l-an-sfcannnnnsirifls.W Vt PHIt. BETSCHA.V, 5R, AT WHEEl OF STEAR.-KMGHT BIG SIX. Phil Metschan is just one of tbe host of big business men to whom the automobile is as important a part of. the business as the books and the cash register. But it is not all work to which Mr. Metschan's blx six 8tearns is subjected.'' He is a great 'tourist, and the railroads are losing one of their best customers. "I'm 6Q miles up the Willamette Valley almost in the time that it takes to gat to the train," says Mr. Metschan. "My oar is my right-hand man." SkWl-- :.: ' - -v : KS8&XT,1K-' "I H' U WWW, I HI .' .... WJff'.. fcwawp::"'--1 I, Top Tbo Big: Six, with Murray Manxllle, of the C. L. Boss Co, at the wheel. Bottom Captain S. S. Bailey, owner of the car. In the front seat; Mrs. Bailey and Mian Ella Batley In the tohneau, and Charles Strauhal, Mr. Bai ley's nephew, at the aide of the car. ROAD WORK RESTS National Park Highway via Mineral Awaits Spring. $7000 IS LEFT FOR TASK Fund Ample lor Resumption of Op erations Pending Next Appropri ation Six Miles Complete. ; View Magnificent. MORTON, Wash.. Oct. 3. The past week has seen the closing down of work for the Winter on the National Park Highway via Mineral. Morton and Riffe. M. D. Mills, directing engineer in charge of the work, left the latter part of the week for Randle, and on his return will begin the survey and location of the remaining parts of the grade not yet located between Morton and Mineral. Anyone who will visit the new road now being built between this city and Mineral and from here to Riffe, under the supervision of Mr. Mills, will be forced to conclude that road'-building really is an art. Not only is the road well built, but it is being constructed with an economy of expenditure. Already six miles have been.complet. ed at a cost of $27,000, $2500 of whloh was spent for equipment. The average cost of moving the dirt has been 15 cents a cubic yard. Over the Sunset Highway it was from 27 to 80 cents. The cost of clearing right of way has been (246.64 an acre, while the custom ary price for such work Is $300. Fund I,eft for Spring. Of the $34,000 appropriation for the road, $7000 remains. With this sum it will be possible to begin work next Spring and to continue over the SO days before the next appropriation, which it is hoped will be made this coming legislative session and be available. The crew, assembled as soon as weath er conditions permit, may resume work and not be halted waiting for the re quired 90 days to elapse. The road is being built through the most difficult kind of territory a dense forest. There are many deep CAR FOR TRAVEL IN" PREFERENCE OF TRAINS. 1 1 1 ft x. cuts and fills, a great deal of rock to handle and bridges to be constructed. There are magnificent views along this stretch of the National Park Highway. It runs through unbroken forest from Mineral to Morton and the purpose Is to extend it through to Riffe, where It Is hoped another bridge over the Cowlitz River will soon be built, to connect with the state highway, its completion will give the people of the Sound country a splendid highway by way of Mineral, Morton and Riffe to Chehalls and Centralis and thence back borne. The extension will be through terri tory much less difficult to negotiate, making the cost correspondingly less. At the same time the extension will be through a territory where the road will serve a much greater part of the pub lic Cltlsens league Acta. The following resolutions have been adopted by the Citizens' League of Lastern Lewis County, which com prises the Commercial Clubs of Morton, Randle and Glenoma: Fi rat That we most heartily commend Governor l.later and his faithful aides, es pecially M. D. Mills, under whose Immediat direction the work Is being carried on. for the substantial and thorough work that is being done onthe state road between Min eral and Morton, and for the -aconomy ana skill betns; exercisad In Its construction. Second That we recommend to the Feat authorities and to the members of the next State. Legislature an appropriation for the aunacina ot tha road and tor Its extension to- Riffe. so that there may be a continuous highway from the Sound, by way of Mln eral and Morton, to the other cities of Southwest Washington and thence back to tne eouna. Third That we believe. In these days of auto trucks, automobiles and far travel, that ,a piece of good road is not merely local in its benefits, but that It Is a benefit to all; that it Is, or should be, part of a great state system, and that such a system would be one of the most . important elements In the wealth of our state and in the comfort of our people. Fourth That the great bulk of 'our road building should be carried on by the state rather than' by local effort, for the reason that the state can perform such work much more substantially and aeonomlcally, being able to employ expert engineers and to pur. cnase expensive and effective equipment, ana to make road building a business rather tnan an accioent. Thirteen Tour Jfew England. A Jolly party of 13 riders, headed by B. A. SwenBon, the "Motorcycle Man," of Providence, R. I., has Just completed a week's motorcycle tour through five states, and all report the trip one of the most enjoyable outings ever spent. Over the White Mountains of New Hampshire, . past numerous beautiful lakes, and through Maine, the tourists Journeyed, setting a pace easily fol lowed by everyone. The week's trip covered about 600 miles. ' This is the kind of weather when some men hate even for their assets to cover their liabilities. 1 1 'a ! I t : 1 ll MtJl-' i V -TO ltr I -Afr Mrt'saWrimils' imi'l.."!-'!. llHr. 1 S-iSl"--!!."! afslrj,m I I 1 lh C. Id. Boss Helps to Change Mind of Factory From Offering Only Its Small Machines' as Orders Come From Buyers. , So much has been heard or the Little Sixes of today that the larger brothers almost have been lost sight of by the kpublic. Advertising appropriations have dealt with the smaller car almost to the exclusion of the larger. For this there must have been some reason in the minds of the factory offi cials who have charge of the advertis ing end of the concerns. Some of them, asked why this was so, made the reply that with the pres ent somewhat unsettled conditions and with the war in Europe, they felt that people would be needing only the smaller cars and would not be liable to pay attention to the bigger ones. With one factory this is not the case, and Portland played quite a large part in the decision to make just as much of the Bix Six as of the small. This is the Hudson Motor Car Company. C. L. Boss, the local distributor of Hudson cars, stated recently that, ow ing to rush orders on the Little Bix, factory production of the bigger cars was delayed 60 days. He sent word back to the factory that he was not getting, any of the big sixes and not enoughof the smaller ones. "Can you sell them if we can ruBh them?" they wired back. "Have seven of them told already, as soon as they "arrive. Letter follow ing," was Mr. Boss' answer. His letter, which followed, explained to Mr. Winnlngham that If the rest of 'the country figured it was likely to be hit by the war, Portland and Oregon did not. "This Is a farming country, and the farmers' prosperity spells the country's prosperity and the city's prosperity. We- are selling cars all the time." he said in part. Company Changes Plana. As part a result of his letter and other dealers' Jetters, the Hudson com pany has decided to increase adver tising appropriations for the big cars as well as for the smaller ones, as announced a few days ago. "It's no wonder they can sell these big sixes," Bald Captain Bailey, of 646 East Sixteenth street, as he drove away in his, the first one off the floor. It may cost something more than the smaller ones and it may cost some thing more in the way of upkeep, but the true test of comparison is to find whether you could get the equal of it for'the price in any other car. "Now, for a year I have looked them all over and, as far as I can see, not one of the- very highest-priced cars has any improvement that the Hudson has not. What appealed to me very much was the drawing-room seats in front, which cars around $4000 are Just be ginning to play up. Then there's the exceptionally wide doors, both fore and aft, which make for ease in entering or getting put. "One of the nicest things about it. though. Is Jn the arrangement ot the back seats and the additional room without having too long a wheelbase. The back seat holds three big ones without any crowding and is so raised as to allow them to look out well over the front seat like raised seats in a theater. Tbe extra seats for the addi tional passengers are not close up to the back seat so as to cramp every body's legs. It's like being aboard a big vessel, the room there Is to move about. And for power, she's a whale. "Although I'm not as young as I was, I figure on driving the car my .ie i..i.aii T ran oret at everything without any trouble, and navigation of an automobile looks pretty simple to me." HEW clWllUBES I.T-VTTFtTOTTS CHANDLER, CLOSED MODEL, IS LIGHTBa Seven-Pasaenger Sedan, for Winter Use, May Be Converted Readily Into Graceful Roadster. An announcement has been made by officials of the Chandler Motor Car Cnmnanv. Cleveland, of the addition of four new closed body types to the Chandler line for 1915. Probably the most remarkable fea ture of the new Chandler closed cars Is their unusually light weight. Since the company first started manufactur ing, over a year ago, cnanaier engi neers have . directed their energies toward keeping down the weight of the complete car, and this policy has been adhered to in the latest moaeis. As an instance, the big seven-passen ger limousine, with complete equip ment and every luxurious feature, weighs less than 3200 pounds. Both the coupe and sedan models weigh less than the limousine, and tbe new cap rlnlat la well under 3000 pounds. Five persons can be accommodated with comfort in the closed compart' ment of the limousine with room for the driver and passenger in front. A new type of folding seat in the rear can be arranged ao that the occupants face either the front or rear. These seats fold down out of the way when sot in use. All glass windows are ashless and the windows of the rear compartment are adjusted by patent regulators to any height or desired po sition. The new Chandler sedan will rank with the handsomest of the 1915 owner driver types on the market. As In the limousine, the rear seat is 47 inches wide, seatinfe three people. The front seat next to the driver folds out of position when not in use, giving access to the drivers seat. The cabriolet is fashioned after the style of all-year-round car that has become very popular in this country and la in universal use abroad. The leather top may be folded down in such a manner as to give the car the ap pearance of a graceful roadster model, without emphasising' Its adaptability for Winter "work as a closed car. The windows fold into the door and to place them in position it la only neces sary to open the doors, fold the win dows upward." reclose the doors and the car becomes a completely inclosed cabriolet. The windshield ia adjust able for rain, vision and ventilation. The driver's seat is IS inches in width, and Is adjacent to a seat facing for ward 18 inches in width, or sufficient for two other passengers. The coupe seats two passengers for ward and has a corner seat for the third passenger, facing the rear. The ooupe. limousine and sedan are uphol stered in Bedford cord and imported lace, with the usual equipment of cur tains. Interior electric lights and other conveniences. All models are inter changeable on the standard Chandler Six -cylinder chassis. Dann Oil Spring Something new to add . - save spring ASK BALL0U & WRIGHT BOWSER STORAGE DIAMOND TIRES VsIcaiiiziES & Retreaduis B.E.BLODGETT, SM'p!SilSlKSc""i NORTHWEST AUTO CO. . Factory Distributors of Cole, Lozier, Reo Cars BROADWAY AT COUCH STREET Main 88S7 A 4959 SERVICE BIG FACTOR H. L. Keats Gives Hints on How to Choose Auto. SIX HELD MOST POPULAR Cheap Machines Sometimes Most Ex pensive to Own and Big Price Frequently Paid for Name That Means Xothing-. "An automobile buyer, or rather a prospective buyer, who has not followed closely the trend of cars, nor tbe rea sons for the mechanical differences in them. Is likely to be, after he buys one, like the man who grot married and meeting a friend shortly after, said: I (cot an awful fright on my wedding; night.' " 'Yes, 'said the friend, T saw her.' " So says H. L. Keats, of the Keats Motor Car Company. In speaking of cars and purchasers. "To listen to every owner is to be convinced that his or her car is the best made. No owner, after buying. Is willing to admit that there might be a better car- than his, one better suited to his needs. Show No Aid to Novice. ' "To read the catalogues, also is to be told that there is only one good car. To attend an automobile show Is a wonderful expose for the person fa miliar with the cars, but shows noth ing to the novice. "In buying a car, -a, person usually has a certain amount on which he has compromised with himself, as the price which he should pay. His mind is pre disposed in favor of some car which a friend owns or which he has seen a lot of. "The first thing the prospective pur chaser ought to do is to inform him self regarding the service of the car which he Is figuring on, or the will ingness of the representative to give that service. "Service, by the way. Is a much- Wins the eliability Tour Bnick's reputation for economy and reliability has again been up held by a supreme test. EmU Hokanson, Madison, Wisconsin, driving a Buick, Model C-37, won the first annual Wisconsin re . liability economy tour. Averaging 24.8 miles per gallon of fuel, he ' won the economy test, with a score of 2995 out of a possible 3000 points. He also was awarded the Milwaukee Sentinel $1000 Sweep- stake Cup. The 1914 Wisconsin state tour is the most important run staged in America this year. BEAUTIES! That's what every one says about the 1915 Buicks Model C-55 6-cylinder 5 and 7-pass. Touring Car S1SOO Model C-24 23 H. P. Roadster SIOIO Model C-36 35 H. P. Roadster S1335 Model C-25 28 H. P. 5-pass. Touring Car S103S Model C-37 35 H. P. 5-pass, Touring Car $51385 Howard Automobile Co, Mel G. Johnson, Manager 14th and Davis Streets Cushion Insert to your comfort and expense. ... US BROADWAY AT OAK GASOLINE and OIL TANKS SYSTEMS FOR PITBI.IC A?fD PRI. VATB UAHAGK. S. D. Stoddard. District gist. Sales. 413 Corbett Bids. Main 176. abused and misused word. No one, in buying a car, should expect something for nothing. That would only result In poor work and eventual failure. Al though the salesman's promises in some Instances are unlimited, a person does not expect to be 'held up" on the theory that having an automobile he can af ford to buy anything. "On the other hand, there are many instances when a dealer should not charge In short, a dealer can make a car expensive to operate or he can make it economical, provided it la a good car to begin with. "A cheap car sometimes is the most expensive to own, while, on the other hand, you can pay a lot for a name that means nothing. "An automobile is like any manufac tured product. The factory with the best and most efficient organisation can turn out the best for the money. "With regard to cylinders, that is, the number of them, manufacturers and dealers have argued a long time. However, the majority has chosen the machine with six. It is smooth in oper ation. It is economical to maintain, and the overhauling expense, which is an important one, is reduced to a minimum because of less parts. "The six, I think, strikes the happy medium. There is no limit to the num ber of cylinders which might be put on a car. In theory, the addition of cylinders would make the car smoother running, but each one means more gasoline, more lubricating oil and more machinery. "That's why I pick the six as the happy medium." The Keats company has a Bervice department In Portland which exceeds several times the space occupied by the sales departments. Kach of tne cars handled by the Keats company. Including the Chalmers. Is backed bv its service, which Mr. Keats picks as of as much importance as the original build of the car. For Auto Tops Auto Bodies Auto Painting Ask OREGON TOP COMPANY The AUTO PAINTING CO., Inc. THE ATJTO BODY AND WHEEL WORKS. K. W. Cor. 14th -and Couch Sta. Those Main 1844. Wisconsin