The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 04, 1914, SECTION FOUR, Page 4, Image 50

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Estranged Husband and Wife Brought Together by Girl Grown to Womanhood Since Adoption "The Story of
With Stage Set in No-Man's Land and Convent for Background.
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I EW YORK. Sept. 26 (Special.)
It is 23 for the Empire Theater-
that la to say. If la the 23d season
of this popular playhouse, and as usual
Charles Frohman has brought John
Drew back as the opening bilL A sea
son without John Drew at the Empire
would hardly be regarded as proper by
This year Mr. Drew is appearing; In
"The Prodigal Husband." by Michael
Morton and Darlo Nicodemi. The lat
ter eentleman is a resident of Buenos
Ayres. and. while unknown here, has
written several plays for Mme. Rejane.
Mr. Morton is supposed to have adapted
the play from the other author's French
original, but "The Prodigal Husband"
is said to have been Intended for Mr.
Stry Hlnses mm Girl.
Thus there were certain character
istics of the new play observable in ail
dramas that keep Mr. Drew in the eyes
the public. He was again in the
sober middle years. First love was not
the sentimental interest of his life. He
even had a wife, although at the be
ginning: of the play, and during- most
of its three acts, they were estranged.
i His closest associate was a bachelor,
until a girl of 12 enters his home. She
happens to be the orphan child of his
concierge. At the suggestion of his
valet the little girl finds a place in the
life of this man of the Paris world who
had been estranged from his wife for
half as many years as the little girl
has lived. There is a measure of retri
bution In his act. since the child play
ing about the halls had more than once
been the occasion for his protests to
her mother.
Six years pass and the child has
srrown to girlhood. Her Influence la
visible everywhere in the rooms of her
protector and its effects have been felt
on his life as well. But when her
father, a workman in his own employ,
intimates that such affection must
have been one ground then the sugges
tion gets into his blood. The old prov
erb about the name and the game must
ring in his ears, for his attitude toward
the girl suddenly changes until in fear
she fleea All that has happened she
is too young to understand: but her
Instinct urges her to escape from tie
house and him. It is to the home of
his wife that she goes. Looking at a
railway time table he finds a mark
made by the girl. He follows and finds
her with his wife. It is quite obvious
to the least sophisticated theater-goer
what will happen then. It is not even
"necessary to have seen "The Rainbow"
or to have read "Mon Pere" or 'The
Little Treasure" to divine that the duty
of this girl. Just as it is the duty of all
stage girls in similar circumstances. Is
to unite that separated father and
mother. When this happens "The
Prodigal Husband" has ended, as plays
dealing with this theme always have
ended. In the way that pleases the audi
ence. Work of Child Impressive.
The play probably would have not
been impressive under any conditions.
Its first act required a certain charm
from the appearance of the little girl.
Pathetically acted by Helen Brown, the
presence of helpless, unprotected child
hood among less innocent elders cre
ated Its '. usual effect. The dialogue
1 " J ' f . ViS i
I fJ Kiv
was undistinguished in style and
"The Story of the Rosary" sounds
like a religious Offering. The play at
the Manhattan Opera-House is really
excellent melodrama, and for that rea
son seems to make 4 hit with the audi
ence. Really, we are tired to death of
mushy love stories. Com stock and
Gest. who brought over "The Whip,'
are responsible for the new attraction.
It la better thas "The Whip' because
the Rosary,"
One of Love and War,
it Is not a great spectacular succession
of scenes, each with its separate and
particular spectacular feature, leading
to a final "'punch" in the shape of an
unusually thrilling episode, all illus
trating an espansive plot, which may
be dragged into this direction or that,
according to the pictorial demands of
.the impresario or the extent of the
stage manager's imagination. "The
Story of the Rosary" is rather a con
centrated melodrama, keeping its one
theme of interest in view, treading, of
course, at the slow and deliberate gait
of all British melodrama, but not losing
In Interest during its progress.
Play Laid la "Ifo-Man's Land."
Its scenic frame is more than ade
quate, even decorative within ltmits, al
together appropriate, but not in the
least the end and object of the pro
duction. "The Story of the Rosary" relies al
together on its merit as drama. Lucki
ly it is excellent melodrama of its type
ta old-fashioned stencil type. In its
lack of explicitness as to when and
where its Incidents are taking place.
The Story of the Rosary" might be a
carefully censored dispatch from the
seat of war. There Is a legend that tne
action once passed In Austria, which is
another detail to make it different
from the ordinary Drury Lane brand
of the same kind of drama. Now the
scene of the play is laid in some stage
in no-man's land. Its atmosphere is
military, its scenes are concerned with
the conquest of one country by an
other, and in every particular this is a
war f)lay If ever there was one. Its
progress Is accompanied by the calling
and the incessant obllgato of martial
music, which ceases only to allow the
music of "The Rosary" to recall the
love theme of the play. Etbelbert
Nevin's song often recurs.
In this unknown land, which Is one
that must have possessed a climate
especially suited to the natures of well-
known stage types, there was a beau
tiful princess with a bad old man for
father. He gambled and lost and
otherwise involved his unhappy daugh
ter In unsuspected economic difficul
ties. Even the pearls about her neck
were pledged; pledged, moreover, to
the rich young officer she does not
love. When war is declared he asks
for her hand. Her cousin, poor and
consequently beloved by the young
princess, also wants to marry her. It is
the deception of the rich cousin that
leads his rival to give up hope; for be
has told bis less fortunate cousin that
the princess bas bid him await the end
of the war and then there may be
hope. .
Comveat Sought Before War.
The call to war sends off the troops
to some other mysterious land: but be
fore that the princess and her poor
young cousin have gone to the con
vent to be married by the good father
there; then, as her sweetheart - rushes
off to join his fellows, she is taken Into
the care of the mother superior. -who
once in her youth had lost her suitor by
taking the veil because she heard a
falsa rumor that he had been killed.
While she is in the care of the nuns.
every day growing more and more
hopeless that her husband wul come
back from the war. they are at the
front. It Is the false report of her
husband a death that leads her almost
into the cells of the cloistered nuns
whence it would never be possible for
her to enter the world again. But her
husband comes back from the war.
dusty but safe, her rosary In his hand;
and there is happiness In that happy.
happy land where melodrama has Its
sway. -
Walter Howard, who wrote this play.
has other successful dramas of the
same kind to bis credit. He Is an actor,
playing very well one of the charac
ters, and this is In every respect an
actor's play.
Mr. Howard's actors are most skinful.
Nothing could have been more delight
ful than their manner of speaking the
English, language. They delivered the
commonplace lines of this melodrama
with more distinction than the average
actor is capable of Imparting to the
language of Shakespeare.
State Convrntloa Will Be Hcls at Ktea
Church lr 13 Broaches f Cree
to Unite In Work.
DALLAS. Or, Oct. 8. (SpeciaL)-On
the last Sunday in November the Men
nonite Sunday schools of the state will
hold a convention at Zlon Church, Polk
Station, in this county, preliminary to
the organization c' a permanent con
vention. The priii. al objects will be
not only to advance the general inter
ests of the Sunday school work but to
perpetuate the German language by
te.-iching that tongue exclusively In all
children's meetings.
The Mennonites are divided into 12
branches, which differ on points of doc
trine, ritual and discipline, or in his
torical origin. The oldest and largest
of these branches is the Mennonite
Church, the members of which are rep
resented in 17 states, with 28 churches,
430 ministers and 23,169 communicants.
The second branch Is the Bruederhoef
Mennonite Church, which traces its or
igin to Jacob Huter, who was burned
at the stake at Innsbruck, Tyrol, in
1636. It was at one time represented
by 24 communities in Moravia, whence
they were driven to Hungary. They
removed to Roumania in 1767, and two
years later to Russia, and finally. In
1874. to the United States, where they
settled in South Dakota. It is to this
branch of the church that the local peo
ple who have called the Sunday school
convention belong.
Then there Is the Amish Mennonite
Church, which originated in the division
in Switzerland in 1620. This sect is sec
ond in Importance in the United States.
There are six other branches of the
church. The General Conference Men
nonites orllgnated as a result of pro
ceedings which were instituted in 1848
in Pennsylvania against a minister
oharged with attempting to introduce
new teachings and practices. The
Church of Ood in Christ was founded in
1858 by one who believed himself in
spired with the spirit of prophecy. The
Wlsler Mennonites was founded in 1870
by those who opposed Sunday schools,
evening meetings and other new fea
tures, while Die Bundes Conferenz
der Mennonites Brudergemeinde was
brought to the United States by Russian
Immigrants between 1873-76.
Silverton Pupils Xumber 535.
6ILVERTON, Or.. Oct. 3 (Special.)
The second week of the Silverton
schools began with a total enrollment
of 35, a substantial gain over last
year. Of this number, 101 are enrolled
In the high school. The boys have
started with a good lineup in the foot
ball team and under the direction of
Coach Conkle are doing excellent work.
Carl Moser has been elected president
of the athletic association. Hiram Gra
zer captain and Harry Carson financial
manager. Miss Bess Cowden. a teacher
In the high school, has formed a walk
ing club among the girls. Aside from
the beneficial results, the girls find a
great deal of pleasure In the exercise.
Rosebarg Won:- - Honored.
ROSEBURO, Or., o 3. (Special.)
At a meeting of the Mental Culture
Club held here Mrs. J. A. Buchanan,
Mrs. George M. Brown and Mrs. George
Riter were selected as delegates to at
tend the annual convention of the Fed
eration of Women's Clubs at Eugene on
October 12.
Stanley G. Bonier.
When Secretary Stone, 'of the .
Portland Y. m. C. A. received a
donation of S2 to the student'
loan fund of the association last
week he Immediately turned the
money over to' Stawtey G. Rossier.
who was in need of funds to go
to McMlnnville, where he plans
to follow a college course.
The money was sent from an
anonymous source last Tuesday,
the day of the funeral of George
Albee, Mayor - Albee's 16-year-old
son, with the request that it
be loaned for the benefit of
some needy 16-year-old boy, in
commemoration of George Albee.
Stanley Rossier is the son of a
former Baptist minister who is
now farming In the Alberta
country, Canada Instilled with
the ambition to enter McMlnn
ville College, the boy worked
hard all Summer and saved up
S1B0, soma of whleh he gave to
his father for family needs.
With the remainder he started
fur Oregon. While in Spokane,
en route, he was robbed of all his
money and landed, in Portland
Financed by the recent dona
tion to the loan fund, the" boy
left Portland Thursday, earnest
ly determined to Win a college
L ,r -i.i,-ni t-,m-rf inis if m til.M.
E. Vernon Rains, of Myrtle Creek, Piles Remarkably Complete and Ac
curate Report on Project, Part of Industrial Cluo Work.
LEGE. CorvaUis. Sept. 19. (Spe
cial.) With the motto "From
Mongrels to Pure-Breds" to guide him
in his work, E. Vernon Rains, of Myrtle
Creek, has carried on his poultry proj
ect for eight months, from January 1
to September 1. This work was car
rled on as a part of the Industrial Cluh
work for girls and boys in Oregon and
a full report of the work shows a vary
ing degree of success and failure with
a fair return in money and a wealth
of practical Industrial and business
knowledge as the main source of profit.
Vernon Is only one of many hundreds
now making reports to F. L. Griffin,
state agent of Industrial Clubs. His
work stands out above most of the
others In the thoroughly business-like
manner in which he carried on his proj
ect and in the full, succinct and accu
rate report that is made a part of the
The reports show that his expenses
for the eight months of the contest
were J110.9S. The receipts for the
same period and invoice are 2143.31.
The net profits are $32.33.
, Start Is With Mongrels.
As Indicated by the motto, the con
test was begun with a flock of mongrel
hens. The contestant soon became dis
gusted with the lack of uniformity in
his flock and with the miscellaneous
character of egg and chicken products.
He then sent to Milton. Oregon, for a
Buff Leghorn cock. After about one
month's use. this bird was stricken
with rheumatism and became useless.
"Thus." said Vernon, "my first at
tempt to improve the flock ended in
failure and I determined to try anotuer
method of getting pure-breds."
He then purchased at rather high
figures a few settings of eggs ',f White
Leghorns and another setting of Buff
Orpingtons. He got good hatches from
this investment and every bird of the
stock that he has on hand was hatched
from these egga Thus at the close of
the contest he is the owner of a high
class, pure-bred flock.
All Chickens Yarded.
During the contest all the chickens
were yarded. The flocks were housed
in three small coops, which kept the
chickens well protected from the
weather and gave plenty of ventila
tion. In one of these coops he kept
the young chickens, where they were
hatched and brooded. In another he
kept the growing birds and in the third
the laying hens. The latter flock aver
aged 40 hens and they produced 4021
eggs: This is an average of 100.5 eggs
each, or 12 6-10 eggs a hen a month.
Vernon sold eggs to the neighbors
and to his own family and some to
the local store. The highest price he
received was 40 cents a dozen and the
lowest 15 cents. As an experiment he
preserved a few eggs in water glass.
Hatching was done both by incuba
Senator John W. Weeks, of Massachusetts, Is Only Man in United States
Who Owns Mountain May Be Bought "for a Song."
ASHINGTON, Sept. 12. (Special.)
Charles H. Sloan, member of
Congress from the Fourth Ne
braska District, likes to apply the
phraseology of the pioneer to the
parliamentary procedure in Congress,
and several days ago he found ah ex
cellent opportunity for the display of
his talent.
Despite the adoption of the resolu
tion ordering the sergeant-at-arms to
"dock" members who were absent, few
members were in their seats when
the session was called to order. There
were vast stretches of empty seats.
The House was not within 100 of a
majority of its membership present.
Mr. Sloan arose.
"Mr. Speaker." he announced, "I have
looked around on the vast unoccupied
area of this House, and, not desiring
to raise a question of no quorum, wish
to submit a parliamentary inquiry."
The gentleman will state it," in
toned the chair.
I wish to ask," said Mr. Sloan, with
great dignity, "whether It would be
proper to make a filing for a home
stead on the great unoccupied public
domain in this chamber."
X.he dullness in the House, despite
every effort of the leaders to liven
things up a bit. is duplicated in the
Senate However, the apathy gave
Vice-President Marshall an opportunity
to have one of his little jokes.
Senator Stone, after private agree
ment had been reached, made unob
jected motion that "the Senate now
proceed to the consideration of execu
tive business.
All in favor will say 'aye. " tho
Vice-President called out.
No response.
"Opposed, no," continued Mr. Mar
Complete silence.
"The vote on this question being a
tie." the presiding officer declared
soberly, "the chair votes 'aye. "
And so the benate went into ex
ecutive session.
Senator John W. Weeks, of Massa
chusetts, is the only man in the United
States who owns a mountain. He
bought it several years ago. but it
hasn't been a bit of use to him so
far. It was to have been his Summer
mountain, but it isn't even a week-end
mountain. Mr. Weeks was born at
Lancaster, N. H-, in the Whtte Moun
tains. Always it has been the ambi
tion of his life to return for an oc
casional visit to the beautiful country
in which he passed his boyhood. Sev
eral years ago he had his chance.
Mount Prospect, sticking Its head some
thousand feet in the air, furnishing a
blrdseye view of the town which. In
1863, was destined to become the home
of a future Senator of the United
States, was for sale and Senator Weeks
was told about it.
The Senator acquired possession and
constructed a bouse on the mountain.
He would make it his Summer home
such was his intention and his Joy
was unbounded. Last Summer the
Senator found time to run away from
the Senate and pass four days on
Mount Prospect. This Summer he has
put In three. As a Winter resort.
Mount Prospect does not, take leading
rank in the advertisements. If Con
gress should be called to sit through
the next Summer, senator weeks'
mountain will be for sale and at
bargain prices.
Swagar Shirley, Representative from
Louisville, Is not a born chauffeur. He
may be many other things, but driving
an automobile is not his greatest ac
complishment by any means. He ad
mits that he is one of the leading ex
perts in Congress with reference to
military fortifications and, in driving
an automobile, all his knowledge of
fortifications is required for safe
- Brigadier-General William Crozier, of
the board of ordnance and fortifica
tions, was with Shirley recently when
the Louisville Congressman used his
electric to shunt a streetcar off the
tracks on Pennsylvania avenue. Mr.
Shirley attributed the accident to the
fact that the motorman did not ring
the bell and give warning of his
tor and by the natural method. The
results by the latter method were con
siderably better than by the former.
Twenty broods, hatched by hens, com
prise 221 chickens. Six broods by the
incubator comprise 213 chickens. It
took 305 eggs to procure the 213 cnicks
by incubator, and 288 esrss to procure
the 221 chicks by hen. The average
In the Incubators was 60.9. from which
were hatched on an average 35 chicks.
The average number of eggs put un
der the hen was 14.8, from which were
hatched 11 chicks.
The greatest mistake made by this
young poultryman. according to his
report, was feeding wet mash too lonp
to the young chicks. After a few weeks
of this soft diet his chicks refused to
eat grain, Ih consequence of which they
grew slowly, and at four months old
weighed only a pound each. Later,
chicks were fed cracked grains. Instead
of the wet mash, and readily took up
the habit of eating whole grains.
Cost ef Feed S4 Cents a Head.
The average cost of feed for his en
tire flock of laying hens was 54 cents
a head. Green food was raised on the
place, but everything else was bought
in the local market at retail prices.
"You must give your hens green feed
if you maintain their health and visor."
says the report, "and you have got to
give them meat If you make them lay."
The green feed grown on the place was
cabbage, which Vernon says is much
more profitable than kale. The meat
was furnished in the form of beef scrap
purchased at about J2.40 per 100 pounds.
The grain, cracked grain and wet mash
were fed in hoppers. Grits and crushed
shells were kept before, the hens all
the time.
The contestant handled his own flocks
and when he made a mistake had to
meet the consequences of it out of his
own proftta Wherein he did well he
understood the processes and the rea
sons for them and will be able to ap
ply them again.
Report Gives Details.
In addition to his records he has a
five-page report giving the details of
the business and management sides of
his project. He says that as a result
of the project work be has a direct
knowledge of poultry and methods of
handling them and for a "small amount
of trouble, great pleasure and fair com
pensation." The report was so good that it was
graded by Professor Griffin 40 for
neatness. 30 for accuracy and 30 for
completeness, making a perfect score.
He has yet to make an exhibit at some
fair of two pullets and one cockerel,
which will be scored by the poultry
Judges of the fair. A perfect score on
this exhibit would also be 100. The
exhibit score, whatever It is. will be
added to the 100 report score and an
average taken, which will bn. his final
score In the project contest. Prizes
will be given to the student having
the highest general standing in each
of the Industrial Club projecta
stealthy approach. The motorman de
clares that he rang the bell with
such Insistence and fury as to bring
out the fire engines and ambulances.
General Crozier issued a proclamation
of neutrality. However, he doesn't
ride with Shirley, anymore.
The other day Shirley drove his car.
he bought It from Congressman Fred
n. wmett after the latter had had it
half a dozen years or more, Shirley
now being proud of its possession and
Gillett of his own salesmanship, to- the
railroad station. Joe Hines. his private
secretary, was with him. The approach
to the depot presented unexpetced navi
gation difficulties. Shirley ran his car
up the sidewalk within an inch or two
of the station's outer fortifications.
Then, applying the reverse English,
he backed the electric into a perfectly
harmless, unfortified sight-eeeing au
tomobile, which in solid manner with
stood the impact. Shirley waj in a
hurry to catch a train. He pulled his
electric forward once more, and when
he reached the sidewalk once more,
he waved a frantic goodby to his, sec
retary, grabbed his suitcase and alight
ed, the fact that he ought to pull a
clutch out or something to bring the
car to a stop not having occurred to
him. The porters at the station finally
threw their weight against the car
and stopped It.
Mr. Shirley now relies on newspaper
men for company in his electric, the
correspondents being noted for their
qourage and resourcefulness in emer
gencies. One. of the relics of the battleship
Maine Is credited with having caused
th defeat of John H. Rothermel. Dem
ocrat, of the Reading (Pa) district.
for re-election to Congress. Rother
mel went to considerable trouble to
obtain for his district an anchor of the
Maine. He finally obtained It and
sent It to his district. "Look what
Rothermel has done for the district,"
his friends cried. "He has obtained
one of the most valuable relics of the
The Democratic opponents of Roth-
ermel in the primaries seemed crest
fallen. They tried to explain that ow
ing to the fact that they were not in
power they could hardly be expected
to obtain from the Navy Department
relics of the Maine. The anchor was
one of the perquisites of a Congress
man. Naturally, he could make a hit
with his district that way. The chap
out of office did not have the same
Rothermel wore a broad grin. He
had shown his influence and had clayed
a fine stroke for the sentimental inter
est of the people of his district. Just be
fore the primaries, however, one of
k . numin.nt, csrpfullv AYnmfnw4 .
relic and tound upon It the ngure
"Ah-ha." they said. "This is not a
relio of the Maine, after alL Rother
mel is trying to put one over on us.
The Maine was not built in 1846. This
must be an old ancnor -which Roth
he borrowed from a museum."
Like Paul Revere, the discoverer o-
l. A ...... .J .v.-n -I. V. A I 1 y t f-1
IIIQ llU'Va lCOt3U LlJllSUU V 1 1 V v.d..' -
rivlstno. Mil TPiat nr m"r vntAm ml
tne ancnor never naa Deen atisciio
to the Maine, but was made in 1846
tlULIIEIIUQl, UWil)JH..lUU1 Ul, ...
with the allegation. Ho was defeatei
for the Democratio nomination.
Afterwards, the anchor was unvellei
at Reading, and Franklin D. Roossvelt
Assistant Secretary of the rvavy, maa
the principal speech. He' said that th
figures "186- Old not reier to in
year of manuiacture, dui was m'
the serial number of the anchor. n
that it was really a relic of the Biam
Mr. Rothermel told the crowd saai
that he had been vindicated, but to
late. "It shows that one should welg
them," he said, mournfully.
The superintendent of a manufacture
plant In waukenha. Wli, delayed ln sa
of a est of Iron eolia tor more than a mon
while it robin which had a neat J"!"'
there raised thm to the.noini
could take care ot uwueina