The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 04, 1914, SECTION FOUR, Image 47

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NO. 40.
lent voices and the act Is a charming
une unoerwood Underwood pic
torial war news service showing daily
new and authentic pictures from the
front and the Mutual Weekly, glvins
the world's news by animated pictures.
win continue as a leature.
Continuous performances will be in
order today, commencing at 1:30 and
lasting until 11 P. M, Miss Kthel Davis
and her large company, in the mttsical
comedy. "The Fountain of Touth," top
the bill.
V "V. ss
jyropsorr JscTZ ess-ess: 4S7&-&&
jnx Gilbert & Sullivan revival
13 bound to bring in its train an
avalanche of reminiscences, for
these revivals represent a series of
(operas that enjoyed a popularity
I g reater than the works of any
I other writers. The engagement for
lone whole week at the Jleilig of the
Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Companv
lhas brought forth unrestrained re
joicing and general interest. On next
Sunday night the company opens its
festival in "The Mikado," repeating
this old beloved on Saturday ms?ht and
lat a Saturday matinee. On Monday
night, and at a matineo on
Itiayand again on "W ednesdav night a
double bill, 'Pinafore' and "Trial by
Jury," will be given. It was planned
at first to present "Pirates of Pen
zance" on Monday nisht, but such
fvonderful reports have come from
!an Francisco of the great success of
Trial by Jury" that the local man
agement decided to give an extra per
formance of this opera.. On Tuesday
lind Friday nights "Iolanthe" will be
Liven and on Thursday night "The
'lrates of Penzance." which will be
hie only time this opera will be given.
f)a "Wolf Hopper heads the splendid
ig Cast.
To acquaint one s self fully with
Lhe early history of these operas, and
lf the men who made themselves fa
I110U8 by writing them, it is necessary
10 Journey backward to a littlo street
n Soho, London, wbere stood, in
lean street, a little theater called
I Miss Kelly s " A quaint conceit was
liis little bandbox of a playhouse,
Inuggled away in a garden, which be-
mged to a dwelling: famous in the
fays or ap earlier George than the
hno recently crowned Kins of Eng
land. This little playhouse did not
I roBper, and it was determined to try
experiment. The experiment was
I escribed as a "new and original
Untata entitled "Trial by Jury."
he text thereof was by W. S. Gil-
lert, who was already known as the
hither of some entertaining plays
Itid excellent verses, and tne music
a younger composer. Just risen to
lotice. of the name of Arthur Sulli-
This "cantata" was produced on
larch 25, 1S75, and marked the be-
I inning of the Gilbert & Sullivan
Iperettas. which for more than a third
a century have made playgoers
lappy, and it is not too much to say
en better, for In all these operettas
iere' is not a suggestive line nor a
Unt of unwholesomeness. The im-
irect Xotar
Attt e ti o to Ti&eir
tremely; Important
First Section
Omie Botuilble Pag'e
ime Si ingle. Page
mediate success of "Trial by Jury"
which, by the way, the University of
California had Mr. Hopper and com
pany revive at the Greek Theater, a
fortnight ago led to an organization
called the English Comic Company,
formed in 1876. and Its first offering
to the public was "The Sorcerer,"
produced November 17, 1877. George
Grotfsmith, the famous English come
dian, was the representative of John
Wellington Wells, "the dealer in
magic and spells," and others, long
associated with Gilbert & Sullivan
productions, made their appearance in
this opera. Meanwhile, the author and
composer were busy with a new cre
ation. This saw the footlights on the
ore Merit OnfeT
.... O . A
evening of May 28. 1878, and was en
titled "H. M. S. Pinafore," or "The
Lass That Loved a Sailor." At that
period In the history of the American
stac, operetta was not entirely un
known, but it was not a familiar form
of entertainment.
Sir William S. Gilbert wrote the
book and the lyrics of twelve Vperas,
of which Sir Arthur Sullivan wrote
the music, which were produced b.
D'Oyly Carte in London at either the
Opera Comique or the Savoy Theater.
The total number of performances of
those given at these two theaters
amounted to no less than 7015.
After the Gilbert & Sullivan Opera
Company's engagement at the Heills
comes "The Whip," said to be the big
gest melodrama ever sent to this
Coming down to immediate cases,
the Heilig today starts a Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday continuously run
presentation of Annette Kellermann
in the fascinating picture, "Nep
tune's Daughter." Thursday, Friday
and Saturday "Baby Mine," the farce
Margaret Mayo wrote, will be the
Heilig attraction. There will be a
matinee also.
Philip liartholomae's farce. "Little
Miss Brown" is the Baker play this
week. This is besprinkled with even
more laughs than "Stop Thief" and
will give all the players a chance at
comedy. "Little Miss Brown" Is the
recital of a train of incidents that
overtakes a pretty maid who misses
meeting her fiance at the train and
is mistaken at the hotel where she
seeks shelter for a married woman
and is assigned to that person's room.
The situations that arise are of the
fast and furious in point of time and
highly diverting in themselves.
Headlining Marcus Loew's Empress
will be "Through the Skylight," one
of Roland West's best comedies. This
is the first complete "Loew road
show," which means booked straight
from Xew York. At Pantages a mu
sical comedy in embryo form called
"The Kingdom of Dreams" or "Fairy
Land" with a lot of pretty girls and
singing and dancing principals. "Bar
gain Day" is the title of the Lyric's
Film of "Neptune's Daughter" at
Heilig WillTake Two Hours.
The management of the Heilig The
ater, Broadway at" Taylor street, an
nounces the papearance of Annette
Kellerman today, tomorrow Tuesday,
continuous from 1 to 10 P. M.. Per
haps Miss Kellermann's most remark
able bit of acting in "Neptune's Daugh
ter," the photoplay. Is the long strug
gle with her wpuld-fee assassin Roder
mi1 1; r
EM U - jML
the water, when ' she pitted her re
sourceful manipulation and ingenious
alertness against the animal strength
of the man who sought to take her life.
The plot is not an excuse to display her
genius, but rather a vehicle for her deft
skill. The story deals with two Kings,
King William of the mortals and King
Neptune of the immortal world.
The whole theme revolves around
the acidental capture of Angela, mer
maid sister of Annette. Annette's en
deavor, to revenge Angela's death and
a court intrigue that throws King Wil
liam, her sister's murderer in her
path. Unfaithfulness and dissensions
in her own court, drives the King to
roam the woods Incognito. While mas.
querading as a peasant he meets An
nette accidentally, who by the magic
of the sea witch has become mortal,
discarding her guise as a mermaid.
Dainty and charming, she imme
diately fascinates the King and in turn
she falls victim to his easy court man
ners. The happiness is tinged with
grief, however, because Annette lost
the charm by which she could become
mermaid again and was never able to
revisit her father Neptune.
The play is not without its pictures
que retribution. Olga, the villalness,
whose scheming caused the attempt to
overthrow the King, found Annette's
charm and upon rubbing it was turned
into a mermaid. Seeding the sea witch
eha .is- etUl punished, for. her
treacnery by being turned into an oc
topus. '
There are 500. scenes,' 7000 feet of
film and it takes two hours to show It.
Cora Belle ' Bonnie Stars in . Ludi
crous "Little Miss Brown."
There is something entirely original
and unique in Philip Bartkolomae's
highly successful comedy. "Little Miss
Brown," which will dispense Joy and
pleasure to the thousands of Baker
Theater patrons for the week begin
ning this afternoon. The title role,
which will be played by Cora Belle
Bonnie, offers plenty of opportunity for
clever acting, for little Miss Brown Is
a demure and unsophisticated maiden
from out of town, who, disappointed
in meeting her fiance at the railroad
station, is obliged to seek shelter in a
New York hotel. She has a night of
startling adventures, through which,
somehow or other, in spite of her help
lessness and babylike innocence, she
manages to acquit herself in a way
that makes one half wonder if she is
quite as unsophisticated as she ap
pears. She becomes the storm center of a
series of domestic upheavals when, mis
taken, for a certain Mrs, Dennison, ehe js
- it;
2 ?a& J-
bustled off to that lady's suite, only
to be invaded by Mr. Dennison before
the wife's arrival. Before matters are
straightened out Mrs. Dennison arrives
on the scene and, being of an extreme
ly suspicious disposition, she waits for
nothing, but starts things.
To make matters worse the young
lady's fiance traces her and Is surprised
to discover tier in such a compromising
situation. This situation, richly em
bellished with numerous sidelights and
extremely ludicrous as well as exciting
Incidents, forms the groundwork lor
one of the best comedies of the day.
It is without doubt the best work of
the author, who also write "Overnight"
and several other recent successes, and
calls for a large cast. All the popular
Baker players. Including Robert
Glecker. William Powell, Walter Gil
bert, Charles Halton. Mary Edgett Ba
ker and Florence Roberts, have excel
lent roles. The regular bargain per
formances will be given tomorrow night
and Wednesday matinee and a matinee
.UUSICAIj fantasy is billed
Play by Howard Kussell, Formerly
of Baker Players, Pantages Act.
Beauty and melody predominate in
"The Kingdom of Dreams," the be
witching musical fantasy which comes
toplined to. Pantages for the week com
mencing with the matinee tomorrow,
with Miss Mattie Townsend, Miss lone
Glennon anj a large company of metro
politan singers and dancers.
The plot is of gossamer construction,
light, exquisite and fantastic, an offer
In? that will appeal to young and old.
The staging of the act is one of the
masterpieces of vaudeville and the
lighting effects are wonderful. Miss
Townsend and Miss Glennon stand high
in the ranks of terpsichorean artistes
and their work is striking. The com
pany is uniformly good and entirely
capable of rendering -the many musi
cal numbers of merit in able manner.
"Smithy and the Eel" is the title of
act nrodured bv Hnwarrl Russell author!
of "The Jap" and for several seasons
tar of the Baker Players. The- act
Is presented by Harry Cornell. Ethel
Corley and an excellent company. Miss
Corley is an extremely clever actress
and Portland folk may well be proud
of this young star, for she was for
merly a Portland girl, and in the past
few seasons she has come to the front
The Acme Four is one of the sterling
musical organizations of vaudeville, its
members being possessed of excellent
voices and the musical numbers sung
are such that they please everyone. Sev
eral excellent solos are introduced.
Best known as the cycling peers.
Grey and Peters will introduce amaz
ing feats on many sorts of cycles. They
perform in whirlwind manner, making
the act truly sensational.
Every minute teems with hilarious
laughter while George Catlin and Bob
Kelly are on the stage in their scream
ing farce laid in a Chinese laundry. The
act is one of the funniest on the stage,
and its producers are , versatile com
edians. Early and Laight, In "Woman 'As It,"
have a lively comedy, in which the
songs play a prominent part. The play-
era are sievejr and osseased, of ei.celj
Xew Show at Empress Arranged In
Xew York to Be Kept Intact.
The first show booked direct from
the New York office of Marcus Loew.
new owner of the local Empress, will
open at the Loew theater on Broadway
tomorrow. The entire show was ar
ranged by Joseph N. Schenck. general
booking manager of Marcus Loew, and
will travel over the circuit intact.
The headliner Is one of Roland
West's best comedies. "Through the
Skylight." involving a pretty girl, who
turns out to be a crook; a "madman
who develops into a detective, and two
college boys whose desire to help
beauty In distress runs away with
their common sense. It is alive with
action and comedy situations, and Is
presented wtih a top-notch company of
Neil McKInley. prince of laughmak
ercs, an old Empress favorite, will be
back again with an entirely new col
lection of "nut" comedy and new
songs. He will be remembered as a
popular gloom-destroyer of last sea
son, and has lost none of his faculty
for starting mirth and merriment.
Another popular return engagement
will be that of the "sinRing stars."
Manuel Romain and Charles Orr, who
appear this season in a singing novelty
act called "The Cockney and the Coon."
High-class minstrels are always wel
come, and the new Loew bill will offer
top-notch black-face talent in Johnny
Murphy and Johnny Foley, both pro
teges of George Primrose, and former
ly features of the famous Prlmrose
Dockstader minstrel show.
Joseph Shrlner and Blossom Rich
ards, the latter a pretty girl with a
keen sense of humor, will appear In a
nifty line of new songs, comedy patter
and dance steps. McClure and Dolly,
equilibrists and Jugglers In a novelty
act, and a selected assortment of firBt
run photo-plays will complete the bill.
"Isch-Ga-Bibble Xighf Big Event
of Week's Entertainment.
"Bargain Day," an up-to-date trav
esty on the modern department store,
creating laughter and merriment, will
be the new bill at the Lyric Theater,
commencing with today's matinee.
There will be special bargains on Mon
day night, when "Isch-Ga-Bibble night"
will be inaugurated.
Wednesday night after the first per
formance the Country Store will hold
the boards and Friday night. In addi
tion, to the regular performance, the
members of the Roly Poly chorus will
hold one of their famous contests for
cash prizes awarded by the audience.
The week's attraction will have all
the ear marks of a high-priced road
show, inasmuch as tabloids allow.
Lyric patrons can look forward to
as good, if not better, than any previ
ous production this season. Miss Mad
eline Rowe will be seen at her best.
Claud Kelly and Gene Gorman will add
to the entertainment and dainty Del
Estea will be heard in a brand new
ragtime selection.
The chorus, under the capable direc
tion of Rhea Curwood, will add to the
production. A vaudeville specialty and
a Keystone comedy will be introduced
as extra features. There will be two
performances every night and a mati
nee daily.
De Wolf Hopper Series at Heilig
Xext Week Recall Old Thrills.
De Wolf Hopper and the Gilbert and
Sullivan Opera Company are coming to
the Heilig Theater. Broadway at Taylor
street, for the week beginning next
Sunday night. October 11. A bargain
matinee will be held on Wednesday
and a regular matinee on Saturday.
What delightful memories the use
of this title conjectures. It is now more
than 30 years since the genius of these
two masters refreshed the earth with
melodic and poetical inspiration. Yet
their good works live on to be enjoyed
by new generations. How much de
pends upon the adequate interpretation
of their operas need not be dwelt upon
here further than have it said that the
use of the name "The Gilbert and
Sullivan Opera Company" is being lived
up to in every way possible by the
The first revival was made three
seasons ago by William A. Brady, un
der whose auspices the present tour is
being conducted. The opera selected "
was "The Mikado." A year later came
"Pinafore" and then "Patience." "Iolan
the" and "The Pirates of Penzance."
These are the operas included in the
repertoire. The organization, which
has been put together with studied
care supporting De Wolf Hopper, who
is too well known to need introduc
tion, includes Idelle Patterson. Gladys
Caldwell. Jayne Herbert, Anabel Jor
dan, Arthur Aldridge, Arthur Cunning
ham, Herbert Waterous, John Willard
and Herbert Cripps.
Of all these works "Pinafore" en
Joyed more popularity in America than
the others, but "The Mikado" and "The
Pirates of Penzance" followed closely
for first honors.
Play of Thousand Lauglvs to Be'Sccn
at Heilig Next Thursday.
William A. Brady, Limited, presents
"Baby Mine," Margaret Mayo's play of
a thousand laughs, at the Heilig The
i "er, Broadway at Taylor, for three
I nights beginning next Thursday, octo-
ber 8.
"Baby Mine" has to its credit one
year's run at Daly's Theater, New
Tork. It has also achieved phenomenal
success at Sir Charles Wyndham's
Criterion Theater in London, where It
continued to please the masses for 360
It is the radiant and glorious fun
and hilarity that obtrudes at every
point throughout the play that holds,
an audience throughout and Justifies
the verdict that "Baby Mine" is the
most eminent mirth impelling comedy
the present generation of theater pa
tpns has ever seen. Most enthusiastic
admirers of the play, whose opinions
are considered those of experts, em
phatically assert that "Baby Mine" is
the very best comedy that has ever been
It is not incredible) that a tireless
and continuous run 'of legitimate en
thusiasm occasioned by an earnest and
forcible demonstration of realistic pos
sibilities, utterly human, is responsi
ble for the world-wide approval of this
Immense comedy success. The human
interest in it touches and concerns all
.Concluded oa f m AJ