IP THE STJXDAT OEEGOXIAX, rORTLAXD, OCTOBER 4. 1914. EC AT slGHT! "Simplifier" Opens Door to All Aspirants Piano" Lessons In The Soeday Oregonian Beginning Next Sunday A SCHEME GENERALLY INDORSED This simple way of learning music has been approved by many ' of the great authorities. - REALLY A MUSIC SCHOOL By this new method anyone can learn how to play the piano or organ by these object lessons. A fundamental knowledge of the theory of music is easily gained. All annoyances are removed by this new system. This series will treat each key and its relative minor keys in one lesson, making twelve lessons in the course comprising all the different scales. JOSEF HOFMANN The World-Renowned Pianist, Says: "I consider your Music Simplifier a very useful improvement in piano teaching. " DR. HORATIO W. PARKER Theorist of Music, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., Says: "Mr. "W. Scott Grove's Music Simplifier seems to me an excel lent adjunct to first lessons in the rudiments of music." HAROLD RANDOLPH Director of Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, McL, Says: "Mr. W. Scott Grove's Music Simplifier seems to be a very clever device and one which should save both teacher and pupil considerable effort." , WILSON G. SMITH ' The Weil-Known Composer, of Cleveland, O., Says: "A careful examination of W. Scott Grove's Simplifier has con vinced me that it is an important adjunct to teaching and study ing both the piano and the rudiments of theory. Its simplicity and directness render its teachings easily understood, and I recom mend it without reservation to the profession and also the musical public." A series of charts with plain directions which simplify the art to a remarkable degree. The plan is so simple that by simply laying the lessons on the keys of a piano or organ you begin to play. After the twelfth lesson your further advancement depends on your individual efforts, for the foundation has been laid; you have been introduced to the rudiments of the great art and have acquired a love for it which insures further progress. Charts, Which Make It Easy The charts which accompany the lessons tell it all. They sim plify the study of music to a remarkable degree. They show a complete series of chords in all keys, both major and minor. Direc tions show how to fold half page of The Sunday Oregonian con taining the lesson so that the white spaces in the chart will be over the white keys and the black spaces over the black keys. A Royal Road to Harmony The first of these lessons will appear in' The Oregonian next Sunday, October 11. Grove's music charts were originated by W. Scott Grove, and are already known anefprotected by copyright in the United States and Canada, Great Britain, the countries of Continental Europe and their colonies. They offer the royal road to harmony at last. L. A. DU MOUCHEL Organist, Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, Albany, N. Y., says : "I approve very much the Simplifier -invented by Mr. "W. Scott Grove. It will be a great help to young pupils and also advanced scholars in their study of music." GEORGE E. WHITING, Of the Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass., Says: "I have carefully examined1 Grove's Music Simplifier, by Mr. W. Scott Grove, and heartily recommend it to the teaching pro fession and also to pupils." DR. HUGH A. CLARKE Professor of Music, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., Says: 'I heartily recommend the Music Simplifier devised by Mr. W. Scott Grove as an aid to both teacher and pupil." JAROSLAW DE ZD3UNSKI Of Buffalo, Says : "It gives me great pleasure to indorse most heartily Grove's Music Simplifier as a sure and speedy method of teaching the major and minor scales with their signature and fundamental triad. Its use will unquestionably save much unnecessary worry, both to teachers as well as to students." DR. DANIEL PROTHEROE The Eminent Composer, Director and Teacher, of Chicago, 111., Says : "This is to certify that I have examined Grove's Music Sim plifier and find it will help any person desirous of obtaining musical honors who carefulyl studies its contents." W. S. STERLING Dean, College of Music, Cincinnati, O., Says: "The Music Simplifier of Mr. V. Scott Grove on examination should prove a valuable and quick way of familiarizing the student with the triads and their practical application to the keyboard." This Remarkable Self "Teacher of the Music Student Taking Up Piano or Organ Has Been Secured by The Sunday Oregonian Be Sure to Get Every Chart of the Series That You May Master the Piano Order the Paper Now OREGON CONGRESS OF MOTHERS TO CONVENE Parent-Teacher Associations Join in Appeal for Attendance at Meeting in Portland and Membership in State Organization of All Sister Clubs. city, are complimented for the excel- I the fair In an able and capable man- lent Lewis County exhibit at the state I ner.' fair, which was gathered by Degeler. I The letter, in which Mr. Arney ex- THE executive board of the Oregon Congress of Mothers has sent out the following call for th state convention of the organization: Th e Oregon Con gress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations will hold a state convention in Library Hall, in Port land. October 27, US, 29 and 30. You are earnestly requested to send delegates to this convention, where the problems of child welfare will be dlscussel by repre sentatives from all parts of the state. You are entitled to send one delegate for each ten members or fraction thereof of your , Parent-Teacher Association. Your delegates re entitled to vote on all questions that will come before the convention. A copy of the amendments to be voted upon at this meeting accompany this call for the convention. Delegates to the National Convention which meets in Portland m May, 1015, will be elected by the officers and delegates at this meeting. The State Legislature meets in January, 1015, and measures for the protection and betterment of child life will be discussed at the con vention, and changes in present laws and proposed new laws may be formulated for presentation to the Legislature, if after discussion by the delegates such action ifems desirable. The National Congress has had IS years' experience in parent-teacher work and the Oregon Congress has had nine years ex perience. Come to this convention and let us get in personal touch with your organiza tion and let us give you the benefit of this nine years' experience. If you have organ ized a. Parent-Teacher Association and have not yet Joined the state organization, send the dues, 10 cents per capita, to the finan cial secretary, Mrs. John Manning, 551 Courthouse, and be represented at this con vention by a delegate or delegates. Our literature, programmes and loan pa en are at your disposal. We want to help you and we want also to be In touch with what you are doing, for we realize that only by $he united efforts of all parents and t&achers In the state can the best in- tnrpsts nf the child will be safeguarded. The National Convention which meets In Portland next May will be a great inspira tion to us all. Come to the state conven tion in October and help us make arrange ments for a royal welcome to the dele- a-ates to the National Convention next May The State Convention will be held at the same time as the Land and Produce Show In Portland and there will be reduced rates on all railroads, so that the expense of reaching Portland will not be great. Ar rangements are being made to visit the Land and Produce"" Show in a body, an invitation having been accepted, giving free admis ion to our delegates. It delegates will send word to the enter tainment committee, 551 Courthouse. Port land, a few days before the convention of accommodation desired, all outside dele gates will be entertained by members of local circles, with room and breakfasts. Glencoe School Parent-Teachers As eociation will meet Tuesday, October , at 2:30 P. M. " Mothers of tbe district are invited to attend. The meeting will be of a social order. Miss Edith Xarling'a class will have charge of the social hour. Ladd Parent-Teacher Association will meet on Thursday afternoon at 3:15 o'clock. Several officers will be elected Mrs. Lw T. Xewton, president, is urging the co-operation of all the parents ot the district in making the circle an or ganization with a purpose. - The Kennedy Parent-Teacher Asso ciation held its first meeting of the season September 30. Several new mem bers were enrolled. Principal Gary de scribed the boundaries of the district. The time of the regular meeting was fixed at 2:30 P. M. on the first Wednes day of each month. A social meeting" will be held next "Wednesday at the home of Mrs. BushneU, 1192 East Thir ty-second street. North, at which tea will be served to raise a working funa The need of Another portable school- building: was discusser by the teachers present. A committee was appointed to wait on the School Board In regard to their action , on the petition for a permanent school building:. Mrs. Fitz grerald was named chairman of this committee. Llewellyn Parent-Teacher Associa tion will meet on "Wednesday at 12:45 o'clock for luncheon, after which the members will visit the various rooms and reassemble at 3 o'clock for the regular monthly meeting. Miss Irene Tracey will speak on "Playgrounds." Plans for the year will be discussed. resses the desire of his comoany to promote in every way possible the wel fare of the Southwest Washington Fair reads in part as follows: "Lewis County should be proud, not only of the great exhibit displayed at the state fair, but of the splendid and able manner In which the county was represented be fore the people of Washington at this event. You had altogether the finest display of the class I have ever seen at the Washington State Fair, or any other fair, and you were both resource ful in presenting it to the visitors at Mrs. W. J. Hawkins was one of the speakers at the State Fair on noman s day. She represented the Oregon Con gress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations. Miss Gertrude Talbot gave an a-d dress on the Montessori method.. She offered many valuable suggestions. The Oregon Congress of Mothers held reception on Tuesday afternoon and had charge of the entire programme for Woman's day. The clubs, W. C. T. U. and other organizations co-oper ated. The Parent-Teacher Circle of the Richmond School will hold its first reg ular meeting of the year Friday at 3 o clock In the school. There will be solo by Miss Nina Joy to be followed with a reading by Mrs. A. B. Combs. Matters of importance will be 'discussed. m m m The Parent-Teacher Association of Thompson School met in a business ses sion Thursday afternoon, October 1. Committee appointments were made and short talks and discussions fol lowed, touching on the coming year's work, which it is intended shall be both enjoyable and helpful. The meet ?s are to be held the first Thursday of each month. RIDGEFIELD PLANT WORKS Tie-Loading Outfit, Idle lor Some Time, Is Making Run. RIDGEFIELD, Wash., Oct. 3. (Spe cial.) The tie-loading plant here. owned by the Lewis River Boom & Log: gin? Company, opened for a short run the first of the week and will continue to operate until the present contract is filled. The company has a contract to load about 7000 ties being consigned to the O.-W. R. & N. for construction work. It is running: with only a small crew now, but it is thought the force will be increased. The plant has been idle lor some time , as most of the ties that usually come here to be loaded from the mills on the north fork of Lewis River were rafted and towed to St. Helens, Or., for shipment. LEWIS EXHIBIT PRAISED Northern Pacific Official Compli ments Men Arranging Display. CENTRALIA, Wash., Oct. 3 (Spe cial.) George R- Walker, secretary of the Southwest Washington Fair Asso ciatton, has received a latter from C E. Arney, Western immigration and in dustrial agent of the Northern Pacific, la which he and F. A. Dcceler, of this Long Mail Contract I-et. ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 3. (Special.) John Banks and Louis Kohlhagen. of this city, have been granted the con tract for carrying the United States mails between Myrtle Point and Rose burg. The contract becomes effective on November 1. The previous prac tice of carrying the Marshfield mails over the old Coos Bay wagon road has been abandoned and all Coos County mail hereafter will be sent via Myrtle Point.. The contract covers a period of four years. PORTLAND WOMAN ON TOUR TO ORGANIZE TEACHER ASSOCIATIONS. PARENT- ' , v ...il 'T, 7 , - i" X NC?j ' :; ' ' - r - : fkts'.- MV- :: Gror Pfceto. t NEWS ITEMS AND GOSSIP GARNERED AT GITY HALL Policeman, Looking at Acting Mayor Daly, Wonders How ATbee Can Have Changed So Much Jimmy McCool Rescues Family Pup. WHEN Mayor Albee is out of the city. Commissioner Daly auto matically becomes Mayor. While the Mayor was away recently and. Mr. Daly was occupying the office, a fire broke out and Mr. Daly, as ex-offlcio head of the Fire and Police Depart ment, hustled down to watch the flre- ighting operations. By the time he got there, fire lines had been estab lished and policemen were holding the rowds back behind ropes. Mr. Daly pushed up to the front and started through the ropes. "Stand back there; you fellers," snarled a policeman, shoving Mr. Daly back behind the ropes with the rest of them. Mr. Daly pushed forward again. "You'll have to get back there." said the policeman, poking Mr. Daly with the business end of a night stick. Can't the Mayor of tne city get through here?" asked Daly. What's that go to do with you. snapped the policeman. I'm- the Mayor," said Daly, with a smile. "Go tell that to Sweeney," snarled the policeman, crowding Mr. Daly back deeper into the crowd. At this moment Captain Moore hap pened along and Mr. Daly hailed him from the crowd. 'Hello, Mayor." said Moore, ex tend - ng a hand and drawing Mr. Ualy Irom behind the ropes. Mr. Daly and the captain' started off toward the fire zone. "Can you beat that," remarked the policeman. "Albee didn't look like that the last time I saw him. , MRS. ROBERT II. TATH Mrs. Robert H. Tate, National vice-president of the Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations and president of the Oregon Child Welfare Commission, left Portland on Wednesday for a visit through Montana, North and South Dakota and other points as far as St- Paul to make speeches and organize parent-teacher circles. In cities where there are circles already organized, plans are being made to entertain Mrs. Tate and she will be called upon to speak at several large gatherings. At the State Fair on Monday Mrs. Tate spoke on how best to safeguard the boys and girls of the state. In all her addresses, Mrs. Tate will urge women to attend the National Congress of Mothers' Convention, which will be held in Portland next Spring. sat on a 10-inch needle. Investiga tion showed, however, that It was only a No. 8 fishhook. So now Mr. La Roche feeds from the mantle piece and walks like a duck. JIM M'COOL, . secretary to Commis sioner Daly, is the man who gets the brunt of complaints from Irate "taxpayers" whose dogs have been taken by the dogcatcher. McCool up to a few days ago could not see the reasonableness of the numerous com plaints. Last week, however, the dog catcher got the McCool family pup and McCool found himself listening to his own tirade against the dogcatcher. He had to pay up the same as have the rest of the dog owners whose pets have befn taken up. He is a pretty good official to communicate with' on dog matters, now. FR Sui couple of months during the Summer Building. Inspector Plum- mer wore a well-regulated Vandyke beard and mustache. Some persons thought it was becoming and some thought otherwise. In spite of criti cism, it remained intact for the full two mouths, then suddenly was shaved off. This caused some little wonder ment at the City Hall. Last week the puzzle was solved when it became known that Mr. Hummer wore the "brush" on a bet. O. A. C. Regents to Be Feted. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEOK, Corvallls, Oct 3. (Special.) In con nection with the meeting of the boarcl of regents of the Oregon Agricultural College, to be held here October 9, President and Mrs. W. J. Kerr will en tertain with an elaborate reception, at which all of the members of the fac ulty and student body of the college will be given an opportunity to meet the regents. The affair will be held in the new men's gymnasium and will be the first social event to be held In the building. B1 ILL" WARREN, secretary to Mayor Albee, heard two stenog raphers in his office discussing the merits of the different system of type writing. I use the best system of all," said Warren, after listening for a while. The stenographers had not seen Warren using a typewriter, so natural ly were Interested. "I use the Hunt system, said War ren. "Its not so very last, Dut its good. All you have to do is hunt out each key." A COUNTRY woman who visited the City Hall last week stood with her little daughter before the bubbling drinking fountain .near Tom Long's cigar stand. Presently she said to Mr. Long. "Please. Mister, I'd like to get a drink for my little girl." "Help yourself, said Mr. Long cour teously, pointing to the fountain. "But there's no cup," stammered the woman. CITY ATTORNEY LA ROCHE found - it so chilly fishing off the Tocks at the beach that he donned his Win ter underwear. When' he started home he switched back to his Summer garb. During the chill in Portland he resur rected his Winter wear, and, being in hurry to get to work, slipped It on hastily. Arriving at the City HalL he threw off his coat and sat down at his desk. With a wild, exclamation he Jumped into the air and grabbed at the seat .of his paata. He says it te.lt, like -he ml isf SaW of n isemunsirauuii Player Pianos Km ai t i a n o In this Pla yer everyone can en i i j best music artls 1 r iiimsexi, ieenn what he plays. Piano Owner 1 . 1 A Piano. He wouL oil lamps, after us Talk of efficiency ii i i h r i ?i v r" r r $10 Monthly lj??L i nis .-hh.-Kj une jnow .t-SHr uasn or oxu iiauxilmiv i u . j -r t - Knnniu llKe VOU l Lessing, 88-note Bungalow model, mahogany Leasing, 88-note Bungalow model, oak VV'eiler, 88-note large, oak, new Smith & Barnes in rich mahogany Prescott large, dark mahogany Usual Price . .9 H50.00 6T,o.oo 750 .OO ro.o Leyster upright Grand, mahogany - sso.oo Kranich & Bach late molel lOOO.OO Ureher Bros. fine mahoKany 700.00 Universal, 88-note mahogany e,".0.00 Universal large, oak 750.00 Auto-Player large, mahogany 8SO.OO Haines Bros. splendid, mahogany tmo.OO Primatone Bungalow, mahogany SSO.OO Terms Cash, or HO or mare nonthlr. Vprigbt Pianos B5 I)n 14fi 165 190, ete. Vf-rm. Cash or t or more monthly, 1 our old, allent piano (kn In part payment. Sale Price .-VH5.(i RK.-..I sn. S(5. 4S.-..I 7S5. 4.t'.. 4 !.". R3.V 44-' W. 415.1 Graves Music Co. PIOSTEER MTSIC HOI SI 151 FOVHTU STKJilflT.