The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 04, 1914, SECTION THREE, Page 9, Image 45

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Delegates and Alternates Will Be
Legislature Will
Clouts women in ail parts of Oregon
are looking forward to the 14th
annual meeting of the Ore con
Federation of Women's Clubs which
w ill open on Monday, October 12. in
Eugene. All the clubs that have not
J'et named their delegates will do so
this week and final plans for the con
vention wiil be made. The Fortnight
ly Club of Eugene will be the hostess
organization and Mrs. W. P. Boynton
will give the greetings from, the en
tertaining club. The opening meeting
will be held on Monday night, October
12, in the Methodist Church and the
convention will close on Thursday
The delegates and alternates will be
provided with rooms and breakfast by
tne hostesses. The official headquarters
w ill be in the Hotel Osburn. The wo
men of Eugeneare known for their
charming hospitality and a good time
I as well as a busy series of meetings
is assured tuoso who attend.
Meuurni to Be Considered.
Several bills to be voted on at the
I approaching election will be among
tiie weighty subjects considered by the
I clubs. The Vniversity Glee Club will
furnish music which will be an ideal
interlude between business and al
I dresses.
The officers of the federation are as
I follows: Honorary presidents. Mrs.
lAbjjjat Scott Duniway, of Portland,
laud. Mrs. C. B. Wade, of Imb Angeles
president. Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, of
Portland: tirst vice-president. Mrs. Lee
l-Yioorhouse, of Pendleton; second vice-
Ipresident, Mrs. F. 15. Marrick. of Med-
Kurd; recording secretary. Mrs. H. F.
Davidson, of Hood River: correspond
ing secretary, Mrs. Saidie Orr-Dunbar.
lot Portland; treasurer. Mrs. C. N. Ran-
:in. of Portland; auditor, Mrs. W. P.
I .Boynton, of Eugene; directors, Mrs.
Agnes BraJshaw, of The Dalles, and
Miss M. l' Beatty, of Salem: general
federation secretary, Mrs. Kaidie Orr-
Junbar, of Portland.
The complete programme of the con
teution follows:
Monday f'all to order at 8 P. M. hv fhm
resident, Mrs. Sarah A. Evans; Invocation,
jri. a. w iiuuiBon ; -welcome trora tne
Ity. Mayor Torani University f Orfrnn.
resident Campbell; Commercial Club, Alex-
. . jittrnu, presiueni; greetings irom the
-uieriaimug' ciuu. airs, w. p. Boynton,
ortniKhtly Club. EUKene: resDnmtA frnm turn
Vderatlon, Mm. Vincent Palmer. Kelirh-
orhood Club, La Grande; music, selected,
i'-irls' Olee Club Of Unlversitv nwnm
luesday morning 8 to 9:15, registration
uciesaies at jictnoaist Cnuroh; 9:30. call
vruer: invocation. Kev. J. W Vord
I America," led by Mrs. Mabel ParKona:
jeyurt or creaential committee; to.
imports of officers: reoorts of nranriino- rm-
niLveBi ii, reports or biennial convention:
reneral Fed.ora.tlon, Mrs. W. Fear, Mrs.
1:50, announcements; 12, adjournment.
Tuesday afternoon 1:30. call tn ni-rit-
local solo, selected, Miss Louise Toran; 1:40,
iiud -ttilcs," Mrs. c. X. Rankin, public
t-anii section, Airs, uunoar, chairman, pre.
liainsr: !:;;. rPDOrt: 11:05 'Knralna- 4n h
!oine,"" Miss B. K. Bailey, late of Tn-nt
J., stale hospital: Questions: "-3s "'irn-
itlon In Public Health," Miss Bethesda I.
I'ealH. executive secretary Washington State
ni.i-xuoercuiosi3 Association: discussion
vocal solo, selected. Mrs. R. s Hamil.
I'u: civic section. Mrs. Castner nhniirnan
residing; 3:30. report: 3:40. '
Professor Peck. Oreeon AirHniiitumi
lollege; discussion; 4:15, "The Scholarship
oau Fund," Mrs. Frederick Esreert. chalr-
kljournment. ' '
"xii ouaru oi trustees: annnniippniantK K
Tuesday evenins 7:45. music. lnk-ltv
I. , ' ui,eLtu oy aiiss j-ornes; 8, pres-
nfc Huur-ess, -irs. &aran a. svans; read
. "PaEOlnir of the Third rinor Tingle"
ferotne K. Jerome), rrofess'or"iRedd;e,- Uni-
'rauy or uregon.
Wednesday niorninir- 9. rail tn nrAmw
otic'sonff, led by Mrs. Ma-hel pnnno.' o -t i
lub i-eports (three minutes each time
lied) ; reports of clubs not nersonnIl
rented will be filed with the secretory
lit not read; clubs not present at roll call
ii iuso piace; n:.iu, "District Federation."
rs. E. R. McKlbben: m
lljournment. ' '
Afternoon 1:30. oall to order:
Iniversity Glee Club: home economic. ,,.
Iju, Mrs. William Fear, chairman, presdd-
isi i.-sr, repuni j:,iu, "iooa Problems."
D. - Mlckle. State Dairy and Food Pnm.
issloner; discu-sion; 2:40. vocal solo mm-
c-iea, Aioert i.iiier.te; educational section.
Irs. O. II. Pettinper. chairman. nt-eMlrllnv-
150. report: 3. State Normal Schools; 8:15,
i """ riiasea ui r.nucauon Abroad," Mrs.
M. Blumauer: educational o..ti.n
hiued to 7-S45 P. M.i 8:53. "Both Side, of
Evening -7 :4! music, Monday Musical
ub; educational section: S. "Peace and
ar," W. H. Gal; 8:4o. "The Home
nool for the School Home" (illustrated),
:'s. Alice V. Joyce.
(Thursday morning- 9. call to order; min
es; unfinished business: , reports of spe-
" committees; revision of constitution;
lO, resolutions: new business: invitations
next convention; "Blest Be the Tie That
-- u aujournment.
Mrs. Kay Antlem and Mrs. A. J.
ii.pBuii win oe oeiegates to the State
-deration convention from the Wnm-
li's Auxiliary to th naiix.. xrn
jerks' Association. Mrs. F. B. Em-
ons and Mrs. A. D. Stearns will be
Mothers clubs throughout California
I a raiding to tne financial support of
e Pioneer Mother Monument Associa-
u. wmcn is ralslnar funds for th
I.iiiument to the women of '48, first
be shown at the Panama-Pacific Tn.
I -national Exposition and later being
I fcw ,oi. a' i ttllClBCO.
IContrlbutlona are beinc- ripivi k.-
le Monument Association's treasurer,
I1" wiuunD a cuouk, room 702. Ex
alt! on bulldlne. .
IMrs. Agnes 8. Hauch, of Alameda.
kiasurer of the second district
less. Is aiding In this phase of the
rrn. ana tne contributions announced
aterday Included three eent through
I irum tne aistrict itself. I2.B0
lun the Parent-Teachers"Association
I we .ieirose rleltits School, Oak
hd, and $5 from the Haia-ht Schnni
Iithers" Club. Alameda.
iThe Portland section of the Council
1 .lew mo. nomen win meet next
eflnesday In the new B'nal B'rlth
m ui iuca.. jirs. isaao bwett,
'filnpnl ixlll u i
' ..... w mo Difnanar, jirs.
led I )1 win xx-1 11 v. , , i . . i . j
- nviuiai ttiiu a. social
ur and reception to new members
i& VUH1.1UUO ine aiternoon.
m m m
Mombers of the Coterie Club are tak-
- an active interest In questions of
ai importance which relate to the
me, as Indicated by the following
gramme, which la to be given at the
tel Benson at 11 o'clock Wednesday:
cal duet. Miss Charlotte Ti.fii j
J Miss Irene Yerex; paper, "Home
vlronment," Mrs. Emma B r'.n.
al duet, Misa Charlotte Ranfl.M -j
Tre ?rex raper- "Mother and
Ud." Mrs. Martin Wagner. Luncheon.
he year book for the Portland
mans Club has gone to press and
1 soon be ready for distribution to
members. Mrs. Harry Chipman.
ilrman of the programme committee
' ':OI"keU untiringly to prepare for
club a series of afternoons that
1 be lntoi I'Hiino- in .i,.n, a
ume f tne programmes for the gen-
inceiings toiiows:
tober 9. .
trmlto solo. Mailume y,. M. HuntinrTonT
.. ' Q . wrraan ; tjreetins;
the president: uuet. Madame Hunting-ai'-?..M'i
?r"'"n: ""rapanlj:. Mrs. Elsle
d Hlsohoff : f.ute solo, R. E. Millard, ac
. panted by Mordaunt a. Goodnough: re
Ion - to officers and chairmen of com
te3. t vl 23. Businea 1 .1 . i .
hat do live tor if not to make the
a oetier mr eaco omer:" order of bust
j; echoes Irom the General Federatlon
Provided Witfi Rooms and Breakfast
Be Among Subjects for Consideration
57 c3r s S?-m
Mrs. J. A. Pettlt. Mrs. X Coulson Hare and
Mrs. W. H. Fear; reports from the State
Federation: discussion.
November 13 Violin solo. F. Hampton
Wins;: vocal solo. Mrs. Fred L Olson; con
certed - music (trio for piano, violin and
cello). Mordaunt A. Goodnoush, F. Hamp
ton Wins; and Charles Duncan Raff; bari
tone solo. Stuart McGulre; 'cello solo, Charles
Duncan Raff; duet, Mrs. Olson and Stuart
McGulre; concerted muslo (trio for piano,
violin and 'cello), Mr. Goodnoush, Mr. Wing
and Mr. Raff; over the teacups.
Jfovomber 27, Business Order of business;
music; art department, Mrs. F. L. Stinson,
chairman: discussion.
December 11 Music. Weber's orchestra;
address. "Our Duty to the Children of Our
State." Mrs. R. M. Tate, second vice-president
National Congress of Mothers; con
tralto solo, Mrs. Bertram O. Carl; address,
"Modern Methods of Educating the Deaf
and Dumb," demonstrated by children, Mrs.
E. A. Ward, chairman of State Child Wel
fare Promotion; social hour.
January S Soprano solo, Mrs. Pauline Miller-Chapman;
stereoptlcon lecture en tho
celebration of the Panama Canal and Pacific
Exposition. George M. Hyland: baritone solo,
Hartridge G. Whlpp; duet, Mrs. Chapman
and Mr. Whlpp. accompanist, Mrs. Leonora
Fisher Whlpp; social hour.
January 22, Business Order of business;
psychology department. Mrs. . C. B. 3im
xnons, chairman;
January 27. Scholarship Loan Fund Day
Programme in charge of dramatic depart
ment. Mrs. Helen Miller Senn, chairman.-
February 12 Music under direction yt
Julia Helene Swenson; address, "The Great
War and Christian Education," Dr. J. C.
Bushnell. president Pacifio University. For
est Grove; reception to Dr. Bushnell.
February 26. Business Order of business;
Shakespeare department, Mrs. Anton Gie
blsch. chairman: discussion.
March 12 Music; tenor solo, Joseph Fin
ley; harp solo. Miss Carmel Sullivan; bari
tone solo. Dr. Clement Shaw; reading. Mrs.
Adah Losh Rose; duet, Messrs Shaw and
Finley: Oriental tea.
March 26. ls'omlnatlonji Polls open from
1:30 to 8 P. M. : order of business; music:
current literature department, Mrs. N. T.
Palmer, chairman: discussion.
April 9. Oregon Day Music, under direc
tion of Leo Charles Sparks; "Our Birds,"
William B. Finley: "Our Flowers." J. Fran
cis Drake; "Our Writers," Anne Shannon
Monroe; "Our Scenic Wonders" (stereoptl
con). C. C. Chapman; social, hour.
April 23 Order of business; music; lit
erature department. Mrs. J. D. Spencer,
chairman: discussion.
May 14. piano solo. Mordaunt Good
noush ; soprano solo, Mrs. Nannie Brown
Thlehoff; stereoptlcon lecture, "A Trip
Through Our Island Possessions," Rev. J.
Richard Olson; refreshments.
May 28, business Order of business;
music; dramatic department, Mrs. Helen
Miller Senn, chairman; discussion.
June 11. reciprocity Music; reading, "The
Rivals,' -Henry Lawrence Southwick, dean
of Emerson School of Oratory, Boston,
Mass. ; reception.
June 25, business Order of business; an
nual meeting; club sing, "God Be With You
Tin We Meet Again," led by Mrs. P. L.
Thompson, Mrs. Warren B. Thomas, ac
companist. .
One of the progressive federated
Clubs U the Dallas Woman's Club,
which has done a large amount of civic
work and has a large and active mem
bership. A splendid adjunct of the or
ganization i Is the young women's de-
:&Bj ' I '
, ..5s ' t- X - - ' f'V' ' S
Helen and Wesley Zurbuchen, the children of Mr. and Mrs. F J
.Zurbuchen, of 1034 East Tibbets street, spent their vacation at the
home of their aunt. Mrs. J. E. Davis, at Beaverton.
The "kiddles'" chief delight while on the farm was to feed the
So well did the children care for the fowls that they did their
Best to repay their small benefaatora by laying plenty of eggs.
Several Bills to Come Before Next
of Convention.
partment. Among the members of
whom the club is justly proud Is Mrs.
beorge T. Oerliuger and. Mrs. Ella G.
Metzger, who Is a member of the wom
an's auxiliary to the Republican State
Central Committee.
The Woodstock Parent-Teacher's AS'
sociation held Its first meeting -of the
1914-15 season at the schoolhouse Fri
day afternoon.
Mrs. E. H. Ingham, president, called
the meeting to order. The constitution
of the Oregon Congress of Mothers was
adopted and other routine business
transacted. x
A,short programme consisting of vo
cal numbers by Mrs. W. F. Parry, who
charmingly sang "Last Night," and lit
tle Dora Faber, who, although only a
little girl, sang sweetly.
superintendent Alderman gave &
short talk on Co-operation."
The mothers present gave an en
thusiastic demonstration of their ap
preciation of the return of Mrs. Prl
deaux to the princlpalshlp of the school.
It is not given to every principal to
have the hearty co-operation and warm
personal friendship that Woodstock
gives Mr. Prldeaux.
He has demonstrated his worth and
sincerity, and the patrons of the school
have" been quick to show their appre
ciation. At the conclusion of the tiroirramme
the meeting partook of the nature of a
reception to the teachers.
The hall had been decorated with
Autumn leaves and masses of flowers
in the teacher's honor
Mrs. Kaln poured the tea and was
assisted in serving by Mesdamea
French. Tefft and Thomson.
The McMlnnvllIe Civic ImDrovement
Club is planning work for the Fall and
w inter, this organization Inaugurated
domestic science work In the schools
of McMlnnvllIe and did a vast amount
of civic work last season.
The Grant's Pass Woman's Auxiliary
to the Commercial Club is another club
that deserves foe mfllrtm, f , . ;.,
more beautiful.
Medford is a center of club activities
ami Its wnmAn apa toml.,.. n an -. --. .
date measures. The club members have
oncuurageu me planting of thousands
of rose bushes and of dahlia bulbs and
the city is famed as a flower garden.
The regular meeting of the 6oclety
oi ureson Artists win De neid Monday,
October 6, at 8 P. M. at Central L.1-
hraTV Ptia(na r, f lmnntnAA j
rf- ....... . ...j i .myui vaiiw llu V.
Fall exhibit is to be considered. All
memoers are requested to oe present.
The regular meeting of the Portland
Grade Teachers'. Association will be
held in the Library next Wednesday
afternoon at 4:30 o'clock and will be
louoweq oy a dinner at the Hatelwood.
T'M 4
v -4, e v-
Music will be furnished by the chorus
under the direction of Mrs. Lou Gray.
Miss Alice V. Joyce will speak. Last
Friday afternoon a large number of
grade teachers assembled In the head
quarters. Courthouse, to attend an in
formal tea, whlctr is one of the social
features of the organization. Miss
Gertrude Greathouse. Miss Margaret
Gleason and Miss Florence Keynolds
presided at the tea tables.
The school beautifying committee
met early in the week in the Library.
Allen Eaton gave an Interesting talk
on "School Beautificatlon," expressing
mo approvn.1 or tne plans outlined by
the committee. Mrs. J. C. Elliott King
presided. Tb,e last week in October
there will be anexhlbition of suitable
schowljiictures in. the Ainsworth School.
Of this work Mrs. Hinman Loomls is
chairman. Miss Henrietta Failing re
ported that 1000 pictures had been
mounted and left with the librarian for
use ia the schools.
The Tegular monthly meeting of the
Portland Woman's Union will be held
at 2:30 o'clock Monday at 610 Flanders
The New England Conservatory Club
ha3--sent out invitations for a recep
tion and mueicale to be given October
12 at the home of Mrs. John H. Hall,
865 Lovejoy street, in honor of Miss
Winifred Bird, of Salem. Miss Bird is
a pianist of wide renown and her ar
rival in this city is awaited eagerly by
her many friends and admirers.
Cards are out for an "at home" for
the Portland Shakespeare Study Club
at the home of its president, Mrs. Ed
ward P. Preble. 875 East Twenty-ninth
street Nortli, tomorrow afternoon. The
three plays chosen for study "Ham
let," "Romeo and Juliet" and "Much
Ado About Nothing" promise many
delightful and interesting afternoons.
The plays will be studied thoroughly
by the analytical department under the
able leadership of Mrs. Julia Le Barr,
while the dramatic department, with
Mrs. Boy Peterson as dramatic chair
man and Mrs. Adeline Alvord as dra
matic coach, will present at least two
of the three plays for the club and Its
The club will hold a business meet
ing on Tuesday at 2 o'clock in room
F, Library.
The Women's Political Science Club
had a large meeting Tuesday after
noon in room H, Central Library,
when Anne Shannon Monroe spoke on
William Hanley for United States
Senator. The women voters ques
tioned Miss Monroe as to Mr. Hanley's
attitude In regard to vital questions,
to which she responded.
The club promises to do some good
work this Fall and Winter. Various
committees have been appointed to
co-operate with the committees from
the women's clubs of the city, who
are Interested in the same line of
work. The club has a prison reform
committee under leadership of Mrs.
Mattie C. Rhoades, another on' school
gardening and night school, under the
leadership of Mrs. Sarah A. Biifirt.
Next Tuesday afternoon Paul C.
Turner will address the club on "Aboli
tion of Capital Punishment-" As this
week is Peace Week, there will be an
address on "Peace." The public is in
vited. The Tuesday Afternoon Club will
meet at the home of Mrs. A. A. Bailey
at 12:30 October 6, at 1516 Hawthorne
avenue. The members are giving a
luncheon in honor of the officers. The
officers for the following year are:
President, Mrs. George W. Tabler;
vice-president, Mrs. Robert Smith; sec
retary. Miss Grace M. Amos; treasurer,
Mrs. E. J. Halght. Mrs. Harry L.
Vorse is the retiring president. The
club is anticipating an instructive and
enjoyable year. The calendar commit
tee Mrs. E Ia. Sanborn. Mrs. A. J.
Stiles, Mrs. J. B. Laber and Mrs. Rob
ert Smith have prepared an excellent
course of study on "The Modern Dra
ma." After the luncheon and business
meeting the following programme will
be given: Mrs. H. L. Vorse will talk
of the "Development of the Drama."
Mrs. W. J. Vincent will give a brief
sketch of Walter Brown's "Everywo
man." Mrs. L. Bronson-SalmolT" will speak
before th State Woman's Press Club
next Wednesday. Her subject will be
"The Newspaper Woman of Yesterday
and Today." Mrs. Bronson-Salmon was
connected with the San Francisco news
papers several years ago. She is an
interesting speaker.
The Business Girls Delphian Club
was organized on Thursday evening
with Miss Madeline Angell as presi
dent. Miss Eloise Huntington as vice
president and Miss Lena Jacoby as
secretary. The members will study
literature and parliamentary law and
will enjoy a social half hour with each
meeting. The Delphian course of read
ing will be the basis of study. The
next meeting will be held with Miss
Mary Thew in Glen Court Apartments.
The membership includes a number of
business girls occupying responsible
positions with some of the larger busi
ness firms.
(Continued From Page 8.
of a Hood River apple ranch, he. Mrs.
Arens and Mr. and Mrs. Brodie spend
a large part of their vacation together
as a family party. The rooms at the
Brodie home were tastefully adorned
with roses and Autumn foliage. Mrs.
George A. Harding, of Oregon City,
mother oi the hostess; Mrs. Carleton
Harding, Mrs. Nieta Barlow Lawrence
and Mrs. O. M. Ellsworth presided at
the table and were assisted in serving
by Miss Kathleen Sealy, Miss Josephine
Miller. Miss Madeline Groh, Miss
Haussman, Miss Dorothea Nash, Mrs.
Henry William Metzger and Mrs.
George Foster Hammond. There was
no music at the reception. Mr. Arens
leaves tomorrow for his New York
home, after being extensively enter
tained. '
Miss Helene Butzlaff, soprano, sang
a group of songs which were cordially
received at the meeting of the Hanley
Club, in the Public Library, last Fri
day night. For her first song she
gave a sparkling rendition of "The
Air" (Eden) and for encore "Some
where a Voice Is Calling." Miss Butz
laff sings the German lieder with a
beautiful understanding of their mu
sical values, and it Is as a singer of
these songs that she is most suc
cessful. Harold Hurlbut is arranging- a pro
gramme of sacred music for the
"Peace day" meeting of the Rotary
Cliub at the Benson Hotel Tuesday. Mr.
lur!Dut win Be assisted by "the First
Congregational Church choir, of which
be is director.
Mrs. Jean G. S.) Macdonald Birnie,
a successful vocalist of La Grande, has
passed the last two weeks in this
city. She availed herself of the op
portunity to study with F. X. Arens.
Mrs. Birnie is the lucky possessor of
a soprano voice of splendid quality
and range. -
It will be refreshing to listen to
the operas which the Gilbert & Sul
livan Opera Company will sing at the
tieilig Theater, starting October 11.
for a week's engagement. The unusual
east Includes De Wolf Hopper, Idelle
Patterson, Gladys Caldwell. Jayne Her.
Deri, .Ana Dei Jourvlau, Un Brooks,
Maude Mordaunt Arthur Aldridge.
Herbert Waterous, Arthur Cunningham,
John Willard and C. W. Phillips. "The
Mikado" will be sung October 11, and
Saturday matinee and night. Others
on the list are "Pirates of Penzance,"
"lolanthe," "Pinafore" andv "Trial by
Miss Hazel Koontz sang an effective
solo, "Charity" McDermid). on Rally
day at the First Christian Church last
Sunday. Miss Koontz has a sweet, sym
pathetic soprano voice and is being
prepared for a public recital by Mrs.
Rose Coursen Reed.
Harry Parsons, violinist, will again
play this season for the New Thought
Temple, this being his third season
with that society.
Master Albert King, spoken of as
"the boy wonder pianist," played with
great success at a series of window
concerts at Eilers store last Friday
and yesterday, and his piano exhibi
tions attracted large crowds. The sec
ond piano exhibition of . this nature
will be given at Eilers store tomorrow
and Tuesday by J. M. Waterbury,
known as "the world's champion long
time piano player." His record now is
65 hours, and seven minutes, this rec
ord being made in Boise, Idaho, a few
weeks ago.
Mrs. Fay M.' Huntingdon, contralto,
and Rev. Frank W. Gorman, tenor, will
be the vocal soloists, and R. E. Mil
lard, flutist, at the opening session
of the Women's Club at Women of
Woodcraft Hall Friday afternoon. Mrs.
Huntingdon will sing (a) v"La Cieca,"
from "La Gioconda" (Ponchielli), b)
"Sylvelin" (Christian Sinding). Mr.
Gorman will be heard in (a) "From
the. Land of the Sky Blue Vale" (Cad
man), (b) "Der Asra" and (c) "Golden
Neath My Feet" (Rubenstein). Mr.
Millard will play "The- Hungarian
Dance" (Popp), and Mrs. Elsie. Bond
Bischoff and Mordaunt A. Goodnough
will be accompanists. Mrs. Huntingdon
and Mr. Gorman will sing the duet,
"The Sailor Sighs" (Balfe).
"You persuaded your husband to join
a glee club?"
"Yes," answered Mrs. Biggins, "when
he starts to sing at home I can now
advise him not to tire his voice, and
when he sings in the club I can't hear
him. Washington, D. C, Sitar.
m m m
The old-fashioned singing " school,
which proved popular last Winter, Is to
be continued by Professor Chapman,
director of music In the public schools.
The classes will meet Monday nights
at the Arleta SchooL They will begin
at 8 o'clock.
Annette Stoddard, organist of Trinity
Protestant Episcopal Church, will play
these pipe organ selections at this
church tonight: "Sonata No. 1." first
movement (Guilmant); "Largo" from
"The New World Symphony" (Dvorak);
"In Springtime" (Hollins).
The musical services in connection
with the celebration of the Jewish New
Year at Temple Beth Israel, this past !
weeK, nave been, or marked devotional
choral beauty, and reflect great credit
on the members .of the choir: Mrs.
Zeta Hollister Politz, soprano; Mrs.
Delphlne Marx,, contralto; Norman A.
Hoose, tenor; Dom J. Zan. baritone, and
Edgar E. Coursen, organist and direc
tor. These violin selections were ad
mirably played by Henry L. Bettman
Atonement day: "Kol Nidrei" (Max
Bruch);. "Adagio" (Franz Ries).
Miss Zira Lesche Harris, the attrac
tive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan
Harris, of this cityi whose engagement
to Henri Tussenbroek was announced
a short time ago,, was married to Mr.
Tussenbroek in New York Citv Septem
ber 28. Mr. Tussenbroek is well known
as the young and talented conductor
of the Montreal and New York Grand
Onera Companies. Mrs. Tussenbroek is
to be remembered in Portland as a vio
linist who for the past six vears haa
been pursuing a musical and literary
career in New York City.
W. C. T. U. Notes
AT THE recent Multnomah County
Woman's Christian Temperance
Union the president appointed as com
mittee on credentials, Mrs. N. E. Ras
sico, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Hall, of
University Park; on resolutions, Mrs.
Donaldson, Mrs. E. Jolly and Mrs. Del
mer Trimble; -on courtesy, Mrs. Dal
rlch. Mrs. Hattie Wilson. -of the circula
tion department, reported 4485 pages of
literature distributed by unions and
3000 pages by herself. Three unions
reported on medal contest Brooklyn,
Arleta and Sunnyside. Arleta and
Mount Scott gave a good report on
temperance and labor.
The flower mission department re
ported 50 pounds of vegetables. 49 lars
of Jelly, 45 garments distributed. Spe-i
ciai attention was called to the talk
of Letitia Ross on flower mission
Marlon Coatee.
Marion Coates. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Coates. of Til
lamook, Or., and granddaughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bell,' of
813 East Forty-eighth street.
Portland. Of., who won the sec
ond prize at the Tillamook coun
ty fair in the better babies con
test, with a score of 98.5 points
of a possible 100.
She is 20 months old, and be
sides winning the second prize
received a diploma and a bronze
medal from the Woman's Home
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work, and the decoration of sailors'
graves of those who die at this port,
being far from home: and It was re
solved that the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union decorate these
graves yearly. Attention also was
called to the need of comfort bags,,
an-d each union was urged to make
them for distribution.
Brooklyn Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union met Monday afternoon at
the- home of Mrs. N. E Rassico with
a goodly number present. After the
usual devotions a report of the Mult
nomah County convention was read.
Hood River and Underwood Guests
at Tiite Salmon ReceDtlon.
WHITE SALMON, Wash., Oct. 3.
(Special.) The annual reception of the
White Salmon Woman's Club to the
.Hood River and Underwood Woman's
Clubs was held yesterday at the Jewett
farm. The Invitation this year was to
a luncheon on the lawn at tables
placed in the shape of a horseshoe at
which places were laid for 200.
Mrs. A. H. Jewett was an able toast
mistress and after .her own address
of welcome, introduced the speakers in
a sprightly manner.
Mra Pearl. Jewett. the president of
the White Salmon Club, welcomed the
visitors oil behalf of the White Salmon
Club and Mayor A. H. Jewett. repre
senting the city, made a short address.
Mrs. J. O. McLoughlin, president of
the Hood River club; Mrs. Charles
Castner. Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. H.
Rodweil responded for the Hood River
Mrs. William Hussey, president of the
Underwood Club, and Mrs. J. Haynes
spoke on behalf of the Underwood
Five-minute talks were made by the
following White Salmon women; Mra
J. C. Holcomb. Mrs. W. Scott Cbe, Mrs.
Melville and Mrs. Bert ileaman. The
tables were decorated with flowers and
Autumn leaves.
Have you seen our new store, 25,
000 square feet floor space, six
Have you seen the. new Kranick &
Bach player grand something en
tirely, new?
Have you seen the new Haynes
Bros.' Stoddard-Amico Electric,
just like hand playing, absolutely?
151 Fourth St., near Morrison.
Boyer's Recital Hall
- -Available for - -
Rehearsals, Lectures, Recitals, Etc.
Ohickering Grand Piano.
W. H. Boyer
Teacher of Singing.
605 TUford Bldg..
Cor. 10th and Morrison.
'' " Phone Main 7085.
Music Co.
Saeet Muslo, Teachers' Knpplles. Band
ana Orchestra Instruments.
12S Fourth. Between . Alder and
... . - Washington.
AH Leading- Publications.
Send for Catalogues.
MorfM itaf Idlnar.
125 Broadway,
Stearns Bids;-, 6th at Morrison.
Phone Marshall 1062.
Best methods. Good Enstllsh used' In
vocal culture. Also Mason's technic.
The American piano method. 'Harmony
and musical composition tausrbt. See
DR. X. M. PARVIX, Teacher, room 38,
4th st. AT. XV". X. School of Manic
and Art (Inc.)
Lenore Gregory
Teacher of Violin.
Five years' study with noted Euro
pean masters.
Residence-Studio, 818 Hancock St.
Methods: Leschetliky.German and Virgil
Pupils Prepared for. Concert Work.
MARIE A. S. SOl'LE, B. M -Piano
and Harmony.
Pupil of Albert Roes Parsons; Metro
politan College, New York City; Xaver
Scharwenka. Berlin; Klavier HalL
London, Eng., and Post Graduate Chi
cago Musical Collesre, Virgil Piano
School, New Tork City.
252 13th St. Phone A-7292, Mar. S20.
piano Studios
MALV 8324,
r i rmmwt-m-M 1-sisss.s -i ii
Har grave
Piano Studio
609 Kllcrsj Bid.
Certified Pupil of tha
- Famous Pianist,
William H. Sherwood
Prices Reasonable.
Srleatifie Hand
Mnsle Lertam for Clubs anal SchooN.
Pupil of Wm. Russel Case. New York.
allace Goodrich and Kurt Fischer.
Studio BI3 Kllera BldK.
Residence Phone Marshall 4115.
Local Representative of
Royal Academy of Music,
London, Kngland.
Residence -Studio' 4H TVortk 20th St.
Phone Main 418.
Available for Concerts, Musicals.
Pnntl or CnrI Bacrnsss, Ronton, and
Teresa Camno, Berlin.
Address Wl Court Street. Salrm,
Begins Teaching: September 15.
lit. Francis Apts. V" Carllne.
Main S710.
Pupil of Harold Bauer 1909-1912;
Royal Academy, London and
Rerlin, etc., etc.
Class. Instruction Free to All Pupils.
Accompanist Cosck.
Teacher of Piano
Studio 613 Weidler St.
Phone KasHSol
Lachmund Conservatory
of Piano Playing
Miss Avis L. Benton. Sec'y and M(t,
306 Stearns Bldg-.. Opp. P. O.
"New York ndvsntaares at your own door.
Arthur von Jessen
Pupil of Franz Liszt and Royal Con
servatory of Copenhagen.
404 Eilers Bid. Tabor 1505.
Children a Specialty.
Pupil of Godowsky School of Vienna
70 Woodward Ave.
Phone Sellwood
Geo. Hotchkiss Street
Tone Production
Diction '
TeachtDg Experience.
Sinsrlns Experience
Fall Season Begins September 1.
" Voice Trials by Appointment Only.
Studio, 331 Eleventh Street.
Phones: Main 566. A-5466.
Mrs. Elsie Bond Bischoff
Teacher of Singing
Soprano Accompanist.
Studio 610 Kilers Bids.
Phone Marshall 31S.
BnKllsh Diction a Specialty.
Miss Edun R. Gates
Home Studio. 35 East 22d st. North.
Phone E. 5907.
Rose Coursen-Reed
Studio 308 Eilers Bids.
Phone Main 1469.
.Residence, A-7635,
Pupil of Lombardi. Will accept pupiU
by appointment.
Available for concert work.
Robert Boice Carson
Vocal Studios
304-30S Stearns Bid.
(Over Sherman. Clay & Co.)
Highly authorized by leading artists.
Aaron H. Currier
Prospectus Sent on Request.
C$S Eilers BldaT. Phone Msln S170.
Joseph A. Finley
Robust Tenor.
Studios 6OK-10-11 Northwest Bid.,
Cor. Sixth and Washington Sta,
Tel. Main 70S4.
Mrs. Herman T.Bohlman
K4. Etudio 202 Occident street. 1
Phone East 4499. 4
Voices Tested by Appointment. - 4
iL. . : . . . . .f n m
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