8 TITE STJXPAY OREGOXIASr, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 4, 1914. - i ' ' rif vets? I - ' 1 1 r 1 1 Jt St: t i f. f ' V : 1 iium unnift 1 " - " ' 1 1 ill ; xt ll 1 1 1 1 EDITED BT JOSEPH M. QUENTIN. 'EEN anticipation is evidenced ill the flrst concert of the Portland. Symphony Orchestra, which takes place at the Heilis Theater Sunday af ternoon, November 1. with Harold Bayley as conductor. The first re liearsal of the season is slated for Fri day mornlTig. There are many other financial de mands presssing- on concert-goers Just now, but friends of the Portland Sym phony concerts have not weakened In their enthusiasm and it Is reported that the financial response so far has been encouraging from prospective season ticket holders. "Portland Is now being Identified and classed as a musical center with Minneapolis, St. Paul. Loa Angeles and San Francisco," says M. Christensen, president of the Portland Symphony Orchestra. "Through Its work dur ing the past four seasons our orchestra is mainly responsible for this distinc tion. "With this recogniton gained, this point may be well conceded: That the fund raised to pay the expenses of the entire organization Is far less than, is usually paid to the musical conductor in any of the other cities named. The members of the orches tra are not only helping to place Port land in the front rank of musical prog ress, but are also educating the school children of the city free of charge to an understanding of better music" During Its six seasons of successful work the Apollo Club, Portland's leading male chorus, has grown re markably In membership, both active and associate. The charter member ship numbered but 18, several of whom took no active part in the work, but were in sympathy with the movement. Today the membership numbers 76 ac tive members and more than 400 asso ciates. Probably no city the size of Portland In this country has a more creditable club of this kind. By actual compari son It is the largest male singing club west of Chicago and the class of music presented Is of the highest order. The entire membership, both active and as sociate, is looking forward with keen est anticipation to the coming concert, with Madame Julia Claussen as soloist. Some uneasiness concerning the possi bility of Madame Claussen's inability to secure transportation from Europe In time to meet her numerous engage ments has been dispelled by the an nouncement of her arrival In this country. While her work In the well known grand opera contralto roles has set musical critics astir with wonder and admiration, her pronounced success In concert is said to be remarkable. Speaking - of her appearance in San .A?;'ft-V:.-.V-V J 4 5 11 1 I Francisco, a newspaper of that city said: "Julia Claussen was superb. She sang so beautifully that the au dience encored again and again." The Chicago Inter-Ocean says: "Such a voice is the prize of a generation." George Seymour Beechwood, organ ist of the First Congregational Church, will give a short organ recital before the regular church service this evening. Mr. Beechwood's admirable pipe organ work is winning him a great deal of favorable comment. Miss Lyla Prosser, soprano, has been added to the faculty of the University of Oregon Conservatory of Music Miss Prosser recently returned from a year's study with the great Italian voice teacher, Giuseppe Campanari. May Schelder, an American soprano, who has been singing leading roles at German opera-houses for several years, has returned to New York, one of the many fugitives of war. She came from Paris, accompanied by her mother and grandmother, arriving on the Phil adelphia. "When the war broke out," said Miss Scheider, "I realized that to travel with my grandmother, who Is now past 80 years of age. from one bel ligerent country, to another, would, be &ry-A. .- ...... t f ; U tinhlHi- Mi'll Tl itfAirinl iTIT (ti l nVifiii Tfcilltii -L 2L "Xl fond of music He gave at his chateau a number of Wagnerian operas and engaged the best German artists he could secure to entertain his guests, all devotees of music It was a stu pendous undertaking and his guests numbered only 25 people. And now I learn that Rheims has been shelled." Miss Schneider was prepared for the operatic stage by Lampertl. Recently she has been studying French roles with Jean de Reszke in Paris. She sings 40 roles. In Karlsruhe she cre ated the part of "Zerbinetta" In Strauss' "Ariadne auf Naxos." At a recent meeting of the Oregon Chapter, American Guild of Organists, it was stated that unless officials of Portland churches pay more attractive salaries to their church organists they may soon be confronted with the situ ation of a scarcity of pipe organists. The latter are offered more money to play pipe organs In motion picture the aters, and it was stated that one Se attle organist has resigned his church position to play a pipe organ in a pic ture house at 9100 weekly, it is likely that a meeting of clergymen, church choir committees and organists will be held In the near future to discuss the subject. A protest is also to be made that singers who. are not professional musicians earning their living as such, occupy lucrative choir positions. It is thought that these positions should only be held by "bona tide professional musicians." Mrs. Margaret Redding Kaon, con tralto, recently returned from a Sum mer in the East, accompanied by her niece. Miss Edith B. iCoon, a faculty member of the piano department of the University School of Music Ann Arbor, Mich. Wallace Pvke. tenor Anil rff pntlv onA of the sololRts with thA Ahnrn English Grand Opera Company and (Jastie-bquare Opera Company, has ar rived In this city to fulfill a profes- MXSIC1AX9 ACTTFB XX CUBRENT MVblC. Madame Jennie Norelll, grand opera prima donca. leaves for her home at Tacoma, Wash., to prepare for her concert tour In Middle West cities. MUs May Bchelder. soprano, u Zerbinetta in "Ariadne Auf Naxos." Bhe relates her war experiences In Bnrope. E. X. Arena, of New York, la, with Mrs. Arena, tendered a reception by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sverett Brodle. . Mr. Arena leaves tomorrow for the East. Madame Julia Clausaen, contralto, in the role of Amnerla She appears as soloist at the Apollo Club male onorua concert, October 23. Mrs. Fay M. Huntingdon, con tralto, one of the sololats at a con cert to be given at Women of Wood craft Mall. Friday afternoon. . Misa Hazel Koontz, aoprano, aang at Rally Day exerclaea, at Flrat Christian Church, last Sunday. Harold Hurlbut, tenor, will pre- aent a programme of aacred mualo at the peace meeting of the Rotary Club, Benaon Hotel, Tuesday. . L,. Ruzzl, manager of Ruzzl's Band, returns from a series of band con certs at Crook County Fair, held at Prlnevllle, Or. Wallace Pyke, tenor, late soloist with the Aborn English Grand Opera Company. Is fulfilling a professional vocal engagement in this city. Mrs. Q. S. Blrnie, of La Grande, returns home after vocal study with F. X. Arena, of New Tork. too strenuous for her, so we decided to turn our faces toward the Statue of Liberty. We had a small apartment at Kurlruhe, and when . we gave It up we stored all our household effects there, having lost all the family silver plate in a safe deposit vault at Ber lin. When we started for London we were obliged to leave our trunks be hind. My dog, to which I was per haps more attached than even our effects, could not be taken with us. So I left it with the Countess Gaston de Montesquiou-Fezensac That dog was given to me by one of the royal family of Baden. I shall never see my dog again. Perhaps I shan't see my trunks or my furniture. It Is only a few weeks since I sang at the chateau of the Marquis de Polignao at Rheims. Tho Marquis Is a bachelor ana very sloual engagement' as a singer, and hopes, he says, to make this city his future home. Mr. Pyke bears creden tials that he has also sung with suc cess at symphony concerts and in church choir work. He received his vocal training in New Tork and Milan, Italy, his student course as a singer extending to eight years. He Is stated to have a dramatic or roDusio icuui voice of nurity and unusual Btrength, and has tall stature and admirable uhyslcal development. L.ast Summer, when Mr. Pyke finished his grand opera engagements in the East, he planned to go to Europe to sing in opera, but the war changed all his European plans. Miss Kathleen Harrison, wlfo was nresented in recital last Spring by Wil liam R. Boone, has been appointed organist of the Congregational Church at Oregon City. As a pianist and organist Miss Harrison shows marked ability and conscientious study. w Fred Hampton Wing, concert violin ist, left this city last week for a month's visit in Chicago and other Eastern cities. This tiroaramme has been arranged by Mrs. Catherine Cooach-Fredrlck, for by Mrs. Catherine Covach-Frederick. for rendered at the Columbus Club Wednes day night, with Miss Ethel Mahoney at the planol Trio from "Mikado" (Sul livan), sung by Miss Zlta Manning. Miss Gertrude Hogan. Miss Gertrude Kung; "The Yama Yarns Girls," Miss Genevieve Layne, Miss Muriel Johnson, Miss Frances Keating, Mrs. H. Scharff and Mlsp Nelly Lincoln, with Miss Edith Williams as soloist, and Miss Edna Halstead In the tango. Mordaunt A. Goodnough, pianist; Dr. Clement B. Shaw, basso; F. Hampton Wing, violinist, and Mrs. J. I. Loomls, reader, rendered a musical programme of high order last Friday night at Multnomah Hall. Each soloist was well received and the bouse filled to its capacity. "Christie's old Organ" will be rendered tonight at Rose City Park Methodist Episcopal Church. Services of this kind have been immensely popular In Great Britain, where many thousands ox copies ot me music nave been sold. This service is superior to others in the adaptaballty of the music to the theme of the story. The songs do not simply "fill In," but are writ ten Into the heart of the story so that story and songs together are a unit in - thought. It is admirably ndapted for a Sunday evening service. The minister will tell the story and a chorus choir will render the musical numbers. Last Summer at this church there was presented as a feature of Rose Festival week. "The Story of the Pink Rose." by Mrs. E. M. Whlt temore. William H. Boyer has resigned as choirmaster of Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church choir, after several years' service in that capacity. Dr. A. A. Morrison, who is the rector of that church, will hereafter also have charge of the choir. Dr. Morrison Is a trained musician, has an excellent baritone voice, and has won distinc tion as a composer of sacred music. The United States may before long be visited with a musical deluge. Mark Hambourg. the pianist, who, despite his Teutonic name, is really a Rus sian, In a London Interview predicts that this country will, because of the great war, be deluged with musicial talent. "All the leading virtuosi," he says, "will be out of a Job. Touring the continent of Europe is out of the question. In England the people will still go to look at athletic games, but will not for some time be in the mood to patronize concerts. America will remain as the virtuosi's happy hunting ground and is likely to be so overrun with them that competition will render it difficult to make a trip there profit' able." Louis Creitz will present In violin recital his son, Albert Creitz, Thursday night, October 15, at Lincoln High scnool auditorium. Among the num I bora oa tbe programme wlU be the difficult "D Minor Concerto" (Wlenlaw 8ki) and, "Ziegvenerwelssen" (Sarasate). Mordaunt A. Goodnough will be the pianist and Mrs. Rose Friedel Glanelll, contralto, the vocalist. Miss Genevieve Bingham, a soprano rrom tspoKane. W ash., is studying vocal music with Robert Bolce Carson, and will be presented by him In recital in December. At Sunnyslde Methodist Ertlscon&l Church tonight. East Thirty-fifth and East Yamhill streets, the first of the series of regular monthly aacred con certs for the coming season, under tne direction or Jasper Dean Mac Fall, choirmaster, and Mrs. Samuel F Grover, organist, will be rendered by tne comDinea aouit and vested choirs of the church, consisting of 100 voices. The recently organized East Side Anon jiud, composed of male voices, exclusively, will be heard on this pro gramme tonight for the flrst time. Miss t'amllle Taylor, violinist, will be the assisting soloist. The newly organised male chorus, the Arion Club. comDo&ed exclusively of singers residing on the East Side, meets every Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock at the parlors oi cunnysiae Aietnodlst Episcopal Church. Membership Is open to any one who has a singing voice. RuzzI'b band, of this city, recently Played at the Crook County Fair, held at Prlneville, Or., and won much com mendation for excellent, high-class concerts. The soloists were: A. De Caprio, L. Blancone. Francesco Viole, M. Salvatore. Ben Drlscoll Mori Gloli and E. Fonella. Tho opinion was ex pressed that tbe band was the best that has yet appeared la that portion of Eastern Oregon. . Mrs. Eva Wells-Abbett, soprano, and Gustav Cramer, baritone, were-soloists at a musicale at the Mount Tabor Sanitarium last Sunday by an orches tra composed of H. W. Parsons, violin; Ernest Helm, violin;. Ralph Morris bass; J. c. Abbett, flute; C. A. Sund bom, clarinet: A. A. Buck, oboe; W. H. Bequealth, bassoon; J. C. Boyer, trum pet, and Mrs. Hulda Grandstrom-Hoyt, piano. Patients who could be moved were conveyed to the verandas and in the parlor, while others enjoyed the music through their opened windows. Among the orchestra numbers were: Serenade d' Amour" F. von Blon); nunganan uance (Brahms), "At Vespers," "My Dream Lady," and a raedley.selectlon. Lucien E. Becker gave a successful piano recital .at the First Baptist Church, Oregon City, last Monday night. Mr. Becker was .assisted by Mrs. L. H. Olmsted, mezzo soprano; Mrs. H. A. Berkman. accompaniBt, and Gustav Flechtner, violinist. Miss Ada Alice Tuttle and Harold Hurlbut, tenor, were heard at an en joyable musicale given last Wednes day night by Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tut tle at their residence on Mount Tabor. Miss Tuttle recited "The Birth of the Opal," with Incidental piano accom paniment by herself. This style of reading has been extensively adopted by David Blspham. Oscar Wilde's "Happy Prince," with Incidental music by Liza Lehmann, proved a charming number. Miss Tuttle also sang four children's songs by Liza Lehmann. de lightfully conveying their whimBlcal words. Mr. Hurlbut sang an aria from "Pagliaccl." "Rudolph's Narrative." from "La Boheme"; the "Serenade," from "The Barber of Seville"; Magi cal June" (Turney); "There Are Birds in the Valley" (Liza Lehmann). , and "Funiculi Funicula" (Denza). Mr. Hurlbut was In excellent voice and sang with fine ease and expression. Mrs. Rose Coursen-Reed sang two numbers, "I Hear You Calling Me" (Marshall) and "The Little Damozel" (Novello) at the recent lecture on "Alaska" given under the auspices of the Mazama Club at the Library hall by Herbert M. Gleason. of Boston. Mrs. Reed was enthusiastically recalled. Miss Geraldlne Coursen. was a sympa thetic accompanist. Arthur Alexander, the tenor, and who formerly lived in this city, has reached New Tork City from Paris, where, at the outbreak of the war, he drove an auto for the Red Cross. She (at the ball game) Why does he make those motions with his arms be fore he pitches the ball? He Those are signals to the catcher. The two men work In concert. She Dear me! Is that the concert pitch I've heard about so often? Bos ton Transcript. In the midst of wars' alarms. Mile. Anna Pavlowa has opened her Fall season and is now touring the prov inces of the British Isles. Pavlowa and her imperial Russian ballet and sym phony orchestra recently appeared in Manchester, England, according to ca ble advices received. The English tour Is of necessity limited In extent, for Pavlowa will come to America about tho end of this month and open her American tour of the Metropolitan Opera-House November 3. . She will then tour the East and Middle West, going as far West as Omaha. In Feb ruary she will open a 10-week season at the Century Opera-House, playing alternately with Dippers Opera Co- Olive Fremstad says of the Steinway Piano j uiavju J Kira.jXAJj, the premier soprano of the Metropolitan Opera House, will sing at Heilig Theater Wednesday, uctoDer . Mme. Fremstad says (shd reiers w wie oiemway cook containing many expres S10H3 oi appreciation oi me steinway Piano) : T 1 1 . 1 ' 1 . , i snouia liKe Aery union to express m opinion ui me oteiuwiiy jl iano. DUt tnis It difficult. If you take all that is said in youd a o auu civxtx little more, you will have the opinion I -voul like'to express." I The Steinway is universally acknowledged as th STANDARD by which all Pianos are judged. The Steinway Piano Will Be Used at All the Fremstad Recitals. MME. FREMSTAD RECITAL Wednesday Evening1, October 7, at Heilig Theater Tickets $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 and 75c Seat Sale Monday, October 5 Sherman, May & G V1UTUK TALKING MACHINES. PIANOLA I STEINWAY. WEBER AND OTHER PIANOS. I Morrison at Sixth, Portland, Opp. Postofficf mlque. Following the Century Opera House season, Pavlowa will again go on tour eventually reaching the Pacific Coast. At San Francisco she will ap pear for several weeks during the Panama-Pacific International Exposi tion, and following this she and her en tire organization of artiste and musi cians will sail for Australia for a tour of the world. The New York Symphony Orchestra. Walter Damroech. conductor, has en gaged its entire quota ot 85 musicians 'or the coming season. While other or ganizations are endeavoring to conr plete their orchestras by filling the places left vacant by musicians who have gone to the front for the various European nations now at war the New York Symphony is fortunate in the fact that none of its members could be called for military service. Alexander Saslavsky will again be the concert master. The first rehearsal -of the sea son, under Mr Damrosch will occur Oc tober 5, in preparation fot the two weeks' engagement of the orchestra at the Pittsburg Exposition. The New York season will open October 23. at Aeolian Hall. Under the direction of riaensel Jones, the orchestra's Spring festival tour with a quartet of vocal soloists begins April S, and extends through the South Atlantic States to Texas, thence north to Iowa and East to New York. Miss Edith Foley entertained her senior students recently at her home, 367 East Thirty-ninth street, when" a short programme was creditably ren dered. Those who took part were: Miss Eva Wilson, Miss Foley. Miss Bertha Hockman, Dean Morey. Miss Edith Ma gown, Miss Litta Morey, Clyde" C. Foley and Miss Helena Hardy. Among the audience were: Miss Lillian Ertle Mlse Gussle Freyler. Miss Helena Hardy, Miss Farmer, Miss LJllian Freund, Miss Frances Freund. Miss Litta Morey, Miss E. Hayde. Mrs. F. a Cryner. Mrs. R. Morey, W. Thomas and Clyde C. Foley. Mrs. Edith M. Smythe entertained the Inmates of the Patton Home for the Friendless with a few musical selec tions recently and was assisted by her students. Miss T. Balch and Miss M. Fisher, who sang two songs. Mrs. Smythe was asked to pay a visit again. The Treble Clef Club has resumed Its weekly rehearsals under the direction of Mrs. Rose Coursen-Reed. and has taken up the .study of Brewer's "Twi light Pictures," a beautiful cantata for women's voices, four parts, with Inci dental soli for dramatic soprani and contralti. The music is written to a poem by Charles Noel Douglas, which is full of beautiful thoughts and pic tures. The personnel of the club this season Is: Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mrs. CHARTER MEMBER OF PORTLAND POLICE BAND. V t. ' -' :" . y rs- - t v. " 1 u.: 4 "v ' -1 M. M. Rudolph, one of the charter members of the Portland Police band, waa born in Croaaville. TIL. and came to Portland from .Denver In 1904. He has been a member of the monuted patrol since his appointment in 1905. Mr. Rudolph baa served as secretary of the band and at present is vice-president. Be J11B35S ba JtmnHlmw arm iss sa Annate lan of accepted ability. He Is 35 years Sanderson Reed. Mrs. John Mrs. Ralph Hahn, Miss HazJ Mrs. Helen Bingham-Gregg, garet Gray, Miss Edna SI I Madeline Stone. Miss UiudJ Mrs. Raymond McKalson. ?J Brune. Mrs. Rose Friedle-Glal uenevleve Butterfield. Mis Lewis. Mrs. Donald Lamont. onerman. The accompanist i aioine coursen. Robert Boice Camon singer, and Miss Beatrice were married recently at the I l nnity Protestant Knisron; the officiating clergyman btl a. aiornson. Mrs. Carson tralto singer and sune as sol of the leading churches in a! before coming to Portland. son is a member of the MoncJ -iud ana will appear In a rd in the winter. e Fifty singers were present hearsal of the Portland Ol ciety and Handel Vocal Sol blned chorus, last Tuesday chorus was well balanced were 9 altos, 23 sopranos, 8 10 ban se a. Choruses were Judas Maccabaeus" and "Ml Joseph A. Finley has reed compliments on the splendid Dy nis choir at Centenarvl Episcopal Church during conference of Methodist especially pleased were t: witH the rendition of "The Telling" (Hadyn's "Creation day night before a large co wnen the choir, augmented by members of the Portia J Society, sang "And the Glor: Hallelujah Chorus" IHandt Robert Boice Carson musicale Thursday night it Miss (Jiara Thorberg, who today from the East. Miss a pianist who has played success in Eastern cities. Mrs. Sara Glance Bowma has been appointed soloirl centor at the Third Churcl Scientist, and also Instruct! music at Willamette Univet Or. Mrs. Bowman possessel contralto voice, and is one! Portland soloists selected t I Apollo Club male chorus cl . . . The First Presbyterian sd was reorganized last Wedr at the parish house. Geod kenzie was elected presi rielen Bennett, secretary. Marian v. Lester, soprano! ence Hadlock ,alto; J. A. bass, and A. Cruikshank. leaders. Thirty-five were a chorus membership of 100 is expected next raeetinl parts were well balanced. 10 altos, 4 tenors and 4 Maua uesner was acconl will continue in that posi- A. jrimey, tne director of Oratorio Society, will dir.! "The Messiah," which will! December 29 by the choJ junction with the Forth; and Handel Vocal socletiei chorus of 150 to 200 voices. will meet every Wednesdi room H, Presbyterian pa Thirteenth and Alder stre' Qeorge Wllber Reed. teJ of the soloists last seas Apollo Club male chorus. with Mrs. Reed, In Londi engaged In professional He plans to reach Portlanl 1915. Dr. Clement B. Shaw series of expositions of Italian. French and Germa at suite 600-607 Tilford ginning Saturday night. sion Verdi's "Aida" will the story unfolded and arias Introduced. Morda l nough, pianist, will assij No admission will be chail . . . Madame Jennie Norelli opera prima donna, has home at Tacoma, W ash., tl her approaching tour oii Middle West cities. She at Denver, Cincinnati si cago and other Eastern pacts that her tour wil months. She is also next Spring in New York I . . . John Claire Monteith ii concert club for this seal consists of his student friends who attend the of the season in a body beforehand to study thj which Is to be given, thl tics of the work of thi the composers and sel rendered. Quite a number of Ff slcal people attended the I distinctive reception Thursday night by Mr. ward Everett Brodle, 61 street, to Mr. and Mrs. 11 New York City. Mrs. 11 singing with Mr. Arens in New York City an. Summers, since Mr. Arenl Concluded OB J )