The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 04, 1914, SECTION THREE, Page 7, Image 43

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Editor Main T070. A 8035
r Main 7070. A 6J5
: itor Main 7070, A OOfto
s Department. ..Main 7070, A eoftj
latlon Jiam A owo
-room Main 7070. A B0i5
,om Main 7070, A 605
dent Building. .Main 7070, A 6095
1HEATER (Broadway, at Taylor)
pictures. Annette ivellermann in
ss Laugnter, continuous irom l
10 P. M.
- Baker Players In "Little Miss
tms artemoon at x.xa ana to
8:15 o'clock.
I'ourth and Stark) Musical com
lirgain Uays," this afternoon at
tonlgnt at 7 :au ana u:tu.
IION" PARK Portland vs. Los
double-header, l:d0 o clock.
3 (Broadway and AlderlCon-
tertormances Irom l:J0 to IIP. M.
.OEW EMPRESS (Broadway and
continuous irom i:u to 11.
llovinff-Picture Theaters.
-West Park and Alder.
-Park and Washington.
-Sixth, near Washington.
ileventh and Washington.
It Park and Washington.
V'ashlngton, near Broadway.
l.y En-deavor Officers Named.
business meeting of the
bple's Sociaty of Christian En-
the Millard Avenue Presby-
jirch, at the home of Mr. and
Burch, 560 Sixty-third street
J; riday night, the following
the society were elected for
six months: President, Miss
i; vice-president. Miss Myrtle
corresponding secretary. Miss
!d; recording secretary. Miss
dsley; treasurer. Miss Jessie
chairman of prayer meeting
Neil Robertson; chairman of
Immittee, Miss Clara Burch;
of social committee. Miss
round; chairman of rnission-
blttee. Miss Essie Strang;
of music committee, Neil M.
Next Sunday will be ob-
hhe society as Rally day with
Ivices at night.
ssioi Lectures Abb Due.
College Extension course
Ihich are to be given at the
rary every Tuesday evening
per 6 to April 27, will begin
On Tuesday evening Dr.
Iitourette will begin a course
res on "'The War: Its Origin
Icance. ' The first three lec-
le course will deal with the
background giving in some
main events leading to the
Inflict. The next eight leo-
peal with the particular part
the war by each of the na-
deeply concerned whether
Iemselves combatants or not.
ecture will discuss the war
on to the world peace raove
of the Reed extension cour-
len to the public free of
rEsr Seeks "Work. A girl.
Iwho lives at home, wishes
her school work this Pall,
Ir to do so must earn some
anyone has serving, or any
(ould be done by this young
if a family needs someone
rge of little children or help
they may communicate
eople's Institute, where in-
Ind references wil be given.
I Measure: s to Be Topic.
Ivtll speak today before the
l-nts class of the First Pres-
lurch on "The Moral "Value
Measures to Be Voted on
mber Election." The class
mmediately following the
pee. One week from today
B. Wise will speak before
"The Relation of the Jew
ent European Conflict."
Plan Demonstration.
Its will hold a demonstra--r
tonight in Arion hall.
I Oak streets, in defense of
or the strlktnir Illinois:
loyes. The trial is now
kin. 111. Eupene E. Smith, I
the Electrical Workers"
Albert Strieff, Socialist
Congress, will speak.
Iodoe to Be Visited. The
Kenton Lodge and of
Odd Fellows of Portland,
Ir'raternal visit to Hassalo
next Friday, at which
Id degree will be conferred
candidates. A committee
M. Brigss. J. P. Coxton
Iardle is preparing for the
tlano Branch Public Li-
l Anne fc.nannon Monroe, a
r.uraay rjvening i-"ost, will
imam iianiey lor united
lor, and tell stories of
Ironroe tells her stories as
I writes tnem. The public
. or -priiana .fresDytery
tnninrmw nicht in tVi
J sbyterian Church, Cleve-
ana jarrett street. Ke-
reec.vea. Rev. A. M.
McMinnvillp llr. will Ga
llon. General business will
fcRCH Califs Pastor. At
llonal meeting of the Ana-
Ian Church Thursday night
unanimously to extend a
James Thomson, of WIT-
Ish., to become pastor of
h, recently made vacant
Iiation of Rev. Robert N.
at Will Speak. A mass
the Women's Liberal
I be held In Library Hall
lug, October 5. "Personal
be the subject discussed
frail Scott Duniway and
lis leal programme will be
Services Tonight. Serv-
lition of "Succoth" will be
Israel tonight at S o'clock
morning at 10 o'clock,
will be said tonight. All
hen are welcome
for Armory Site. One
site was offered the
lilssioners yesterday by
i son, wno owns live acres
I'cond street, southeast.
L- JS00O.
1 otajis to Gather. All
its of North Dakota are
lend the meeting of the
(Society, Monday night at
room ti of the Central
tt announces tfte disso
aw firm of Scott & Col
October 1, 1914. Mr.
dn in the old offices at
uidg. Adv.
OE. jeweler, will move
morrow from 125 1st
son, opposite Olds, Wort
store. Adv.
Organized. Selling J35
overcoats lor SI down
ek. For particulars see
Broadway and Alder
enus Pins and the new
5 rings. Jaeger Bros.,
orrison. Adv.
French class. Mondays,
o'clock. 203 Clifford
Apartmext, 19 th, Love
ss. Prices moderate.
Dearborn, 800 Union Ave.
ne C 1138.
L everything. 433 Wash-
ftlce. living rooms.
f. Leonard has returned.
Missionary Rallt Set. A borne mis
sion and evangelical conference will be
held In the First Presbyterian Church
next Friday opening at 10 A. M., and
closing will be with a rally at the
Westminster "Presbyterian Church. East
Seventeenth and Schuyler streets, Fri
day night. Rev. H. M. Fuller, a form
er moderator of the Presbyterian Gen
eral Assembly, will preside. Rev.
George Mahy, secretary of the General
Assembly committee on home missions
and evangelical work, will attend and
address the conference. All field work
ers and ministers of the Presbyterian
churches of Oregon have been invited to
attend the conference, which is con
sidered the most important Presbyter
ian meeting in Portland for some time.
The rally In the evening at the West
minster Church will be addressed by
Dr. Fuller and DK Mahy. This rally
will be in the interest of home missions
and evangelistic work.
Dental Lectures Arb Given. Dr.
Jean Cline delivered an address Friday
night in the East Portland Library,
East Alder and East Eleventh streets,
on. the dental measure to be voted on
at the November election. He opposed
the measure, which he declared, would
be a menace to health if it should be
passed. Dr. W. Claude Adams gave
a lecture on "The Mouth and Its Rela
tion to Health," using 75 slides illus
trating his subject. Many of the pic
tures showed the work that has been
introduced at the Buokman School of
this city. The lectures were given un
der the auspices of the Oregon Dental
Society for Public Welfare and Educa
tion. Dr. Adams and Dr. Cline will
speak at the Alblna Institute, Albina
avenue and Goldsmith street, Wednes
day night, and at the meeting of the
Russellville Grange Saturday night.
Rev. J. K. Hawkins Leaves. Rev.
J. K. Hawkins, who has been pastor of
the Sellwood Methodist Church for sev
eral years, will deliver his farewell
sermon today. He leaves for Medford,
his new appointment, the ensuing week.
The new charge i3 considered much
more important than the Sellwood
Church. Rev. A. R. McLean, who suc
ceeds him at Sellwood Church, comes
from Roseburg. He has been district
superintendent and has served many
large cnurcnes in the East.
Y. W. C. A. to Hear Rev. Mr. Rarick.
At the T. W. C. A. vesper service this
afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Rev. C. C.
Rarick, pastor of the Central Methodist
Episcopal Church, will speak and Mrs.
Deenes will be the soloist. All women
and girls are invited to this service and
to join in the social hour which will
follow. Representatives from the Young
People's Societies of the West Side
Churches, are glad to meet strangers
here and introduce them to the churches
of their choice.
Sodvenir Universal Peace Flag. To
assist in establishing a permanent
peace movement, the Classic Ridge In
stitute, beginning today and continu
ing all week, will give colored sou
venir copies of the new universal flag
or peace and anthem of nations to all
who call at the Oregon Conservatory
of Music, 345 Washington street.
corner of Broadway. Adv.
Roast VeaL Pot Roasts. Roast Pork
ana legs of mutton are 12(ic; small
1 bone steak, sirloin steak, veal cut
lets, pork sausage, salt pork, prime
rn roast beef, and mutton chops are
lac; salmon and halibut are 8c; bacon
is 20c; sliced bacon is 25c. You must
go to Frank L. Smith's Market. 22
Alder street, and 145 First street, for
these fine meats. Adv.
Acres of dahlias at Gill Broa show
gardens. Take Mount Hood car on
Montavilla line to Eighty-ninth street,
thence three blocks east and four north
to farm. Automobiles take Base Line
to Russellville school, and north one
mile to farm. They are - better than
ever this year. Make your seleetion in
the gardens. Adv.
"Who Are the Unemployed?" a lec
ture by Prof. A. E. Wood, of Reed Col
lege, at 7:45 P. M. today at the Church
of Our Father. Broadway and Yamhill.
Morning services at 11 o'clock. The
public respectfully invited. Rev. W. G.
1.110 1, jr., minister. Adv.
$40,000 to Loan for three or five
years at 6 per cent by guardian. West
Side improved property only. One
mortgage preferred, but will take two
or three. To receive reply describe se
curity. No telephone messages. N. 289,
Oregonian, Adv.
Concord Grapes for jelly. 3c per lb.
at the vineyard, .1900 East Taylor ave
nue. Bring baskets. Adv. 1
E. Gurnet, ladles' tailor. Mohawk
bldg. Adv.
Effort Made to Connect Pris
oner With Waterfront Fires.
Right in style, right in Quality, satis
faction goes with every order placed
with us. Have us make your suit to
order on the following terms: $10 down
and balance $5 a month. Unique Tail
oring Co., Men s and Ladies Tailors, 309
otarK, oeiween otn ana eth. Adv.
Fdr their kindness and sympathy in
our recent bereavement and for the
beautiful floral tributes we wish to
extend to our many friends our sincere
appreciation and heartfelt thanks.
Adv. Mrs. Paul Semler and Family.
Use Santlseptlc Lotion. Instant relief.
Druggists refund money if it falls. 60c.
' -J I
liptrf iteplilililfe
Miss Edyna Davits.
"Going Into stock Is. In a ma
jority of cases." says Miss Edyna
Davies, the leading lady in "Baby
Mine." which comes to the Heilig
Theater next -Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, "the result of a
desire of an actress to learn to
memorize quickly, add to her
repertoire and perfect her art.
There is no line of work In
the world where mentally and
physically a woman's strength is
more genuinely tested. The lines
of her part and the lines of her
gowns are in her mind always.
Sh"e has nearly twice as much
work to do in a week as the
leading man. He takes his part
home and studies it; his tailor
keeps his wardrobe in order, his
gray and his brown business suit
and bis dress suit, say and there
his worries end.
"Most of the real hits, whether
on Broadway or the Pacific Coast,
the last few years have been
made by recognized stock actors
or actresses." -
Socks Found in Box Set Under Ele
vator Dock Fit Suspect' and Tar
on Clothing and on Kindling
Material Strengthens Theory.
I slipped up on some things I told
you and I lied about others," was the
admission yesterday of Ernest: W. Mills,
alleged fire paranoalc, to Deputy Dis
trict Attorney Robison when being
taken through the harbor and ques
tioned regarding the part be is sup
posed to have played in the burning
of Oceanic dock July 6. A - former
statement that he had never been near
the waterfront was corrected by him
yesterday when he said he had been
in an East Side saloon near the river
two or three times. It was there he is
alleged to have said that he enjoyed
seeing the firemen work.
Mills was taken on the Port of Port
land launch Marie with C. A. Robinson,
Deputy Sheriff. Detective Maher, acting
for the San Francisco Board of Fire
Underwriters, and Harbormaster Speler.
In a dry box, filled with kindling and
rags soaked with oil that Harbormaster
Speler found beneath the Elevator dock
in August was a' pair of black socks,
which were the same size as a brown
pair worn by Mills at the time of his
arrest for the Hotel D'Moy and Powers
furniture store fires. He first denied
having worn black socks, insisting that
he bought only tan, but in his trunk
were found other black ones.
He said he left a restaurant, where
he was employed, at 9:30 o'clock the
night of July 4 and might have gone
to a picture show, but was not abroad
after midnight and said if the Oceanic
dock watchman identified him as a man
seen there about midnight or later he
was mistaken.
Deputy District Attorney Robison
said that the prisoner's admissions that
he had falsified and the fact that he
had been caught in other untruths, had
caused him to believe that Mills was' in
volved in the waterfront cases.
There have been rlo recurrences of
suspicious blazes or the finding of plies
of kindling along the beach since Mills
was apprehended, yet dock owners
have not relaxed their watchfulness.
The box found beneath the Elevator
dock was preserved by Harbormaster
Speier In its original state and besides
the feature of finding the socks there
the officers think tar on the kindling
tallies with that on the knees and seat
of a pair of trousers belonging to
Mills. The prisoner explains the pres
ence of tar on the trousers by saying
he fell from a bicycle "out near Mon
Modern Art to Be Emphasised at Din
funIobs, Particularly That Likely
on Display at Fair.
Th a PnrMon.1 A 1 .. 111
- . . " .. v. jii .iaos mil icauilifl
its work for the 1914-15 season Octo
ber 14, at 10 o'clock at the Museum.
October 14 Recent accessions to
the Metropolitan Museum, Mrs. R. W.
Octobei- 21 Th "Vei-r, T.' c f.a u.
R. Behrends; Van der Weyd'en, Mrs!
A. IV. Crpariinlr Van iop rznaa n
N. Woodley.
October V X Vftmllntr f ,-- t r
French; Matsys. Mrs. Donald Spencer;
David. Mrs. J. C Pnlomnn
In place of the lecture mornings the
Lui 1 copunuiiiK meetings win De de
voted tO rilsCUSRlrtnc .in mnAn n-t
emrjhasia heinir maHa n ti ininta
- ww.. k.atw, ci Ji
AmRrlPjin n rl iiiti- 1, n .. 1 . .
feature of current exhibitions and who
win oe represented at the Panama
Pacifio Exposition.
Application for membership may be
made of the secretary, Mrs. R. J.
Marsh, 494 Twentieth street, or at the
Museum uctODer 14.
Englishman, in With Tuberculosis,
Asks Aid After 140-Mile "Walk.
After walklne 1400 miles from Los
Angeles In hopes the tramp would im
prove his health, William Lawrence.
a native of England, reached Portland
Friday, destitute and in a serious
condition of health and appealed to the
Associated Charities for assistance.
He Is suffering from tuberculosis. He
thought when he began his hike that
the open air and exercise might help
him, but instead his condition became
worse. He was able to work but lit
tie, and finally was barely able to
stumble along from one town to an
other. He left Los Angeles May 24,
and it has taken him four months to
come this far. His condition at the
present is such that Immediate assist
ance is Imperative.
He asked if there could be found In
Portland any Englishman or English
organization that might assist him to
find lodging and such work as he is
able to do.
Series at Oregon School of Com
merce Continues Thursday.
H. B. Miller, director of the school
of commerce of the University of Ore
gon, will deliver the third lecture of
the "Oregon Resource series before
the students In Eugene next Thursday.
W. D. B. Dodson lectured to the stu
dents Wednesday on the commerce of
the Columbia River. Mr. Miller's sub
ject next week will be the resources
of the Columbia River Basin. Follow
ing this C. B. Warner will begin a
three weeks' course on the hydro
electric resources of the Northwest and
their application to development for
light, power, transportation, agricul
tural and domestic uses.
The world survey of hydro-electric
resources - under the auspices of the
Oregon Hydroelectric Commission is
progressing and the seniors of the
school of commerce will prepare from
the findings of this Commission a bul
letin which will be Issued by the State
Xew Plan Proposed to Sell Block of
Bridge Securities.
Recommendations that an entirely
new plan be tried to dispose of a small
blockof Interstate bridge bonds were
made Friday at a meeting of the
i ' . '
ft - - - -
I '
"if i
A nnouncement
I am pleased ' to Inform- my
friends and patrons that I am now
with JAEGER BROS., the well
.known Jewelers at 266 Morrison
Their high standard of doing
business, combined with a mag
nificent stock of DIAMONDS, JEW
me to give my patrons exceptional
I am grateful for past favors and
solicit a continuance of business in
my new location.
Interstate bridge bond committee and
the Bridge Commission will be advised
to Issue securities to the amount of
$125,000 upon which the bidders will
be Invited to name the interest rate.
An effort will be made to hold a
meeting of the Oregon Interstate
Bridge Commission today to act upon
the suggestion of the bond committee.
District Attorney Walter H. Evans;
Henry Teal and Charles K. Williams
make up the bond committee, which
acts In an advisory capacity to the
Bridge Commission. It was recom
mended to advertise for bids, to be
opened November L
Ad Club to Distribute Copies of A.
Ii. Mills' "Prosperity Speech."
Ten thousand copies of A. L. Mills'
"prosperity speech," which was de
livered before the retail merchants of
Oregon during the recent Buyers' week,
have been secured by the Portland Ad
Club, and will be distributed widelv.
The speech was deemed so timely a
review ot tne nnanciax ani commercial
situation by the United States Senate,
that it was ordered printed as a public
document, and the Ad Club secured
the copies from the Oregon Senator.
Copies will be sent to the Commer
cial Club,' Chamber of Commerce and
other 'organizations in large quantities
by the Ad Club and they will assist
in the distribution of the speech among
the citizens of Portland. Copies may be
secured by application to the Ad Club
or to any of the clubs to which It
has sent copies.
Gathering Arranged to. Make Dor
mitory Men Better Acquainted.
The first house social of the Portland
T. M. C. A. was held Friday night.
More than 35 were present. The idea
of the gathering Is to make the dormi
tory men better acquainted.
The meeting was opened at 6:15
o'clock at a dinner and at 7:30 o'clock
a songfest. In which all the men took
part, closed the first successful affair.
Richard E. Randall, religious secretary
of the local association, received a
birthday cake. A special appeal was
made to those who attended to enter
the Bible study classes. Such meetings
will be held once each week, probably
K. H. Simmons Confers With Manu
facturers Before Trip in South.
Roger E. Simmons, commercial agent
from the Bureau of Foreign and Do
mestic commerce of the united States,
was in Portland Friday to confer
with lumber, paper, furniture and box
manufacturers, preliminary to a tour of
South America for the purpose of look
ing into the trade fields In these lines
Mr. Simmons came to Portland as a
result of a query sent by H. B. Miller.
director of the School of Commerce of
I ...rg.-i.- i-j -'j"; :i'n I'-r i
4 Drawer Vertical File
This nlinc cabinet is the standard
by which all others are measured.
Made of Quarter Sawed White Oak,
Golden Velvet finish. 4 drawers each
94 inches Ions: inside. 06 inches of
nline space. Capacity letters.
PRICE $28.00
Stationery 4t Printing; ta
107 2d St.. Bet Wanh and Stark
Tempting Offer in
Carpets and Rti
Another large shipment of Ax
minster Carpets and Rugs has
just arrived. This shipment
includes all of the season's lat
est designs and colorings. This
is an unusual opportunity to
secure brand new goods at
special prices.
22 patterns Axminster Carpet, sold regularly at $1.60 per yard, OZ
Sewed, laid and lined V
15 patterns Axminster Carpet, sold regularly at $1.75 per yard. & -i Of'
Sewed, laid and lined.. P-'-'
These Carpets are not remnants; we have enough to furnish the largest
apartment-house or hotel in the city.
500 Axminster Kugs, 9x12, sold regularly at $27.50. Special 1 7 Cn
this week P A Ovr
Axminster Rugs 36x72 inches, to match, sold regularly at $5.00., 30 AC
Special this week -.
Axminster Rugs, 27x54 inches, to match, sold regular at $3.00. fit?
Special this ,week , pi.OO
Garland Heaters, Steel Ranges
and Gas Ranges
Our full stock of this celebrated product has arrived and is now ready for
your inspection at prices that won't permit competition.
enry Jennin
Second and Morrison Streets
the University of Oregon, to the Bureau,
asking information as to South Amer
ican markets for certain commodities,
and Mr. Miller and W. D. B. Dodson, of
the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday
arranged - the conferences with the
manufacturers of the city.
Oregon Ixind Order Extends En
larged Homestead Area.
ington, Oct. 8. Secretary Lane has
designated as non-Irrigable more than
1,000.000 acres of land in Oregon. The
'Sit for BOYS
College prepara
tory. L.ocation ox
unusual heaithfulne,
nine miles from
Wash. Individual Instruction
n small classes. Gymnasium.
Large athletic field. Separata
residence for younger boy.
For ratfllnrn odil ( rh
Headmaster. R. F. . i. South Tacoma. Wash.
Boole 111 In how i
cur LIQUOR, DRUG and TO-
aawvs namta. sent sealed
s,uu uuiuai uiiDD WQICO
you are interested In. WHITE CROSS IN
STITUTE, 71 Cavla BU Portland. Or.
One Glance
At the stationery, catalogues
and advertising matter produced
by us will convince the observer
that the work was done by a
firm that understands its busi
ness. Would it not mean something
to you to know that all your
printed matter was receiving the
utmost care in its production f
Kilham Quality Printing
Includes complete and satisfac
tory service in all branches per
taining to the Printing Art.
effect of this order is to make such of
these lands as are vacant and subject
to entry available to be taken up, as
enlarged homesteads of 3Z0 acres each.
Those having entries of 160 acres with
in the designated area may apply to
enlarge their homesteads to 320 acres
by taking up an additional 160 acres or
any of the designated land which Is
vacant and which adjoins their present
The order will become effective No
vember 10. The lands lie in the'central
and eastern parts of the state, prlncl
pally In Klamath, Wasco, Crook, Sher
man, Wheeler, Morrow, Harney, Grant,
Umatilla, Malheur and Baker counties.
Woman Loses Damage Suit.
ASTORIA, Or.. Oct S .(Special.)
After being out seven hours the Circuit
Court jury returned a verdict this even
ing in favor of the defendant in the
case of Mrs. Bessie Matthieu vs. Antone
Kuljis. The action was brought to re
cover $20,000 damages for alleged statu
tory assault.
Te first oroduclnic oil well in Vcnezue,j.
recentlv ws bored.
Why Pay $10.50 for Cfoal when
you can get
Direct from our Mine for
Office: 103 Fourth. Street,
Near Stark.
Phones Main 154. Mala 1C43, '
Hmmt 1511. A 1541. -
The Well-Posted
knows the facts on the proposed prohibi
tion legislation.
He reads the editorials in this and other
He has studied the question from the
social and economic standpoints.
He believes in temperance, but cer
tainly not in prohibition.
He knows that temperance is the result
of education and home influence, not of
legislation; that true temperance means
moderation, not prohibition.
He believes in serving in the home a
mild, healthful, strength-giving beverage-Mild,
light '
Our excellent Coffee and finely-flavored, home-cooked Foods have
doubled our trade in two months.
Cozy Dairy Lunch
Never Closed. 323 Washington St.. near 6th.
None Cheaper, Cleaner or Better. Ladies Welcomed