TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAK, FOirTLAJTD, OCTOBER r 4, 1914. 13 BUSINESS OPPORTO'ITIM. .BUSINESS man has just returned from the Orient with one of the best money .making propositions ever put on the market; can be sold through agents all over the Jit a tea with a large profit. I want a partner who can furnish from $5000 to $10,000. I guarantee that he money Invested -will double within 6 months and If reinvested business on a , much larger scale can be carried on. This is absolutely a straight, sate prop position. AF 326, Oregonian. INVESTORS Whether rou have $50 or i $5WO, here's opportunity. Small amount f stock of factory making; .world naces , sfty offered $7.50 for $lo rfhares. Ortlv ; t tareo companies in whole world make product. One pays lOO per cent yearly. Company backed by leading business men. World trade already established. Write qui2k. costly prospectus. w. A Nash., Fiscal Am., Dept. 77, Kenosha, Wis. I WANT an experienced druggist who has $4900 to 500v to Join me in the erection vi. iiwiei wnn orug store in connection. I have the location bought in the best ivwn in urearon for such an enterprise. Only one drug store in town, and only the one hotel which 1 rf?ntlv bouxht. A xood proposition. Arrange for personal ' iew. -iciiress W 20. oregonian. IOR. SALE Furniture and lease of 40-room hotel, fireproof building, hot and cold water in rooms, baths, electric lights, steam heat finniv r urn mhe.i (loins' excel lent business; only modern hotel in hustl ing business town in Central Oregon; must live in lower altitude; price 4UOO. AV 14, Oregonian. GOOD BUY". Only confectionery in town of 700; good Ice cream trade, magazines, stationery, cigars and tobacco, with or without bowling alley; part cash, terms on bal.; cheap rent; good reason for selling. Ad dress E. M, Oliver, Ridgefleld, Wash. Phone 153. SAMUEL P. BLUMEN'BERG, m7D., offers Jii':'r Preferred Stock in .Sanitorium for 'URRECT treatment Tuberculosis-Con -umption. Ilia delicate-successful method, fully demonstrated, is based on ADA MANT Laws of Life! No Deadly "Ser ums" used! Office 1805 Sutter, San Fran cisco. DO IT NOW. Let me finance and build you a house en that vacant lot of yours. Pay me like rent. 1 will also furnish the lot on same terms. H. K. DePEEL. Tabor 1712. feTATt: manager by Illinois corporation; es tablish office, manage salesmen. Perma nent connection. Monthly salary and com mission; bank references given; investment of S4u to $1200 required to carry stock of eoodn. Should easily net $7900 annu ally. Marchall. Old Colony bldg., Chicago. .EXCEPTIONAL opportunity; established general store, southern Or. town; 97500 invoice: $4000 business monthly guaran teed ; good building, low rent, lease; terms; owner will remain awhile free. Particulars, 660 E. Ankeny, mornings. No traders or agents. CIGAR STAND. On account of other business must sell my paying cigar fctand, located in one of Portland's best office b'uildings on busy corner. Price $2700. Some terms to par ty that can furnish good security. Call 4 'JO Morgan b Id g. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business get vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PUKSE. SetretRrv. 532 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 00O Modern department store and home in S. W. Washington pay-roll town of 150O; stock and fixtures $4000; yearly business $9000; house, six rooms and bath, located In best part of town; no agents. Address AV 793, Oregonian. 3? REE to advertisers ; handy book to keep records; new edition now ready; adver tisers, for results use classified section Boyces Weekly; circulation l,25U,0O0 weekly: rate 30c per word. Record Book, dept. 77C, 503 N. Dearborn, Chicago. , 'OFFEEri, teas, bakery goods, etc. Here's a strictly cash business where owner will show you he Is clearing $150 month be fore you. invest one dollar. Selling at a big sacrifice on account of rSknesa. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. 3PARTNER wanted, splendid opportunlty caused by war; no speculation; money Invested absolutely secured ; capital re quired, but you handle It. Address E 323, Oregonian. CAFETERIA. CAFETERIA Am obliged to leave Portland, will sell my Interest in big paying cafeteria. Will give sume terms to responsible party. In vestigate Monday. See my agent. Room 420 Morgan bldg. I HAVE a good paying business that I have had for it years which I am willing to sell for x:;000 cash ; no trade or agents. If you want to get into business this will stand Investigation. V 320, Oregonian. OWNER of an automobile garage and re Pair shop wants a reliable partner to do repair work, etc.; good pay and it requires very little money. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. UP-TO-DATE GROCERY. Southern Willamette Valley R. R. cen ter; splendid local and farm trade; stock and fixtures about $3500. Call 018 Yeon bldg. (C717 RANTED A steady, sober man to work as partner In a small cash business; must be satisfied with $100 month. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. JL CASH grocery wants a reliable partner; owner is tired of hired help, will guar antee $100 day sales, all cash. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. 2 WANT to meet some one with $-500 to Invest in a proposition that will make you a fortune ; best of reference furnished. BP 3:9. Oregonian. 6UL1D business. Have openjng for a steady man, willing to work; requires small ln- vestment and .will pay you $4 to $0 day. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. V ATE R-POW ER 8 1 1 e on White Salmon River, , which will develop 10,000 horse power, at a bargain; on easy terms if taken soon. AN -87, Oregonian. ."WANT young man with $500 who is willing to work ; have proposition of exceptional merit; substantial interest in business, and security. AN 286, Oregonian. TOUr. l5-word advertisement placed 100 monthly magazines, month $1.25; 3 months 2.50. Write for list. F. 1 Miller, 1003 Baa table, Syracuse. N. Y. FOR SALE Restaurant In small live town . doing good u'usiness; would not sell, only sickness takes me away. Address AV 812, Oregonian. CIG A R business, a high-class place, will average $50 day sales ; requires about 2500, which will be secured. Room 320 Morgan bldg. CONFECTIONERY, nearby town, 15,000, fine location, low expense, splendid trade, be ing sacrificed 65c on the dollar. P. W. Persels. 309 Stark St.. near ad. .MOVING PICTURE theater. $1200 will se cure this place. Clears $0O week, and your money will be fully secured. Call room 329 MorganHldg. MEAT MARKET; has made money all Sum mer; will do better this Winter: am go ing East; will sell or trade. Woodlawn 448. . GOOD OPENING for active partnership in the manufacturing of motion picture FEATURE films. Investment $500. AE 327, Oregonian. ilOTION PICTURE state-right men get la. on territory of best feature film ever pro duced. H 320. Oregonian. GROCERY, for cash only; rattling good lo cation and business ; am leaving city ; a snap; trade all cash. AR 3-0, Oregonian. $3r6 INVESTED in a going business will net you $15 monthly without services. J 2 39, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, and lunch business. Part ner wanted to be cashier, tend store, etc.; good pay. Room 320 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE cheap, good established oyster cocktail business. Must sell on account of sickness. Inquire .34 Glbbs. PARTNER wanted to travel, young man with small capital preferred ; good prop osition. BF 327, Oregonian. FOR SALE One of the best heating plumb lng and sheet metal shops In Oregon. Ad dress AV 628, Oregonian. ON account of sickness must sell three chair barber shop ; will take diamond; - terms. C 2S9, Oregonian. FOR SALE The only bakery and confec tionery In one of the best towns of East em Oregon. AV 740, Oregonian. FART Y to buy half interest In restaurant, good proposition, cheap to right party. 312 Burnside st. 3tfCST sacrifice very valuable mining claim at Butte. Mont.; pay you to investigate. AE 297. Oreonlan. WO R S ALE Pay i ns confectionery In live country town close to Portland; no agents. Address AV 615. Oregonian. PROSPEROUS Oregon " weekly" no oppo sition), worth $5000, to trade for improved farm of equal value. AV 717. Oregonian. 1'OOLROOM. central location, Morrison st. and Broadway; entrance 846 1 Morrison gt.; a bargain If taken at once. FIRST class re8tau7antTflne location, re tin -onable price. Klmura, 32 N. Broadway A 1192. PARTY to Invest about $2500 in high class business proposition, with or without serv ices. CS2S, Oregonian. PICTURE SHOW and lease, by owner Price $930, or will lease furnished on guarantee hi 327, Oregonian. W A NTE D P a r t nef for office man, must . have some cash nd reference. 650 Plttock block. HEADQUARTERS M OVINfi -PICTUHE MA fHIN'ES AND feUPPL I ES. SE RVICE FILM CO. 333 OAK ST. - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS Is desirad for the following business Undertaking: THE ARTICLE Is a clever amusement specialty of educational value with feat ures of general interest. Instructive arid intensely fascinating. it is entieiy new In its line- it is timely, and the season and general public Interest is right for its uccessiui iauncning. ITS SALE at a standard price allows a margin sufficient to sell profitably direct to tne consumer. ine pian ior tnis an is to invest approximately half in stock, which will Insure prompt filline of orders: and the balance In a publicity campaign that will reaoh both consumer and dealer this under the direction of a concern whose name is a guaranty of maximum results. This besrlnninn. toeether with proper handling at the Panama Pacific Exposition, should establish a demand that followed up will carry it through years of proKitanie sales. , i - . lour, investigation is solicited if pre pared to Invest all or part of the amount in an enterprise of this kind. AE 2feS. OREGONIAN. APARTMENT HOUSE. Am going away. Will give -experienced party a good opportunity to secure a money-maker in an apartment house. Lease and furniture for sale. This place has cleared over $200 per month for the past year. With good management will do better. Fine location ; good building, cheap rent. Hurry if you want this. No agents. AR 320, Oregonian. CIGAR STORE AND BILLIARD PARLOR in best town in Oregon; fully equipped with standard mahogany tables, G pool and 1 billiard mahogany inlaid with white holly ; alt other fixtures to match; doing from $30 to $50 a day; rent $100 which includes 7 rooms; fine stock; $3000 cash to handle. Full particulars 01b Yeon bldg. (C707) FATHERS, attention. I can place your son in a position where he can earn from $20 to $50 a week. I control Pacific Coast for large Eastern adv. house. I want a resi dent representative in Portland, working under my instructions; $300 cash required. For further particulars address IC 238, Oregonian. HAVE several land-clearing contracts and full eq'uipment for operating, want part ner capable of handling crew and keep time as I hae other business to attend to; will pay right party $100 per month; $0oo required, which Is secured. Call Room 426 Morgan bldg. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP. Partner wanted to look after office and keep plain accounts. Owner' will agree to teach energetic man the business and guar antee good profits. See this today. Call Room 42t Morgan bldg - FOR SALE Billiard parlor at White Sal mon, Wash. ; 4 new tables, confectionery in connection doing good business; rent $20 month; must sell as I have other bus iness that compels me to; only one In town of 600 people; will give terms. Ad dress C. C. Russell, White Salmon, Wash. WOOD, COAL AND FEED BUSINESS. Partner wanted, look after office, have 9 head horses and full equipment, doing $17oo per month business; owner guaran tees $300 per month profits; price $1700. For particulars call Room 420 Morgan bldg. FOR $2o0 cash and $50 month for four months I can sell you a motor truck and guarantee you steady work, for it. If Interested, answer at once. Rare oppor tunity to make better than big wages. AJ 2So, Oregonian. FOR SALJS Ladies furnishings and dress making establishment in Juneau, Alaska; doi.ig a tine business; exceptional oppor tunity for two ladles familiar with this line of business. For particulars phone East 5940. WANTED Someone with $500 to take an interest in recently patented article; money to be used for manufacturing same; better than anything of its kind on the market. Write E. I. Prouty, Weieer. Idaho. FOR SALE Butcher shop, modern in every way, located In town of 150O, with large surrounding territory; average daily re ceipts, $100; terms part cash. Will bear investigation. A snap at the price. AL 2S5. Oregonian. FOR SALE, In hustling town, best dray business in Oregon; hauling for more than Co business houses ; 14 years established ; books open for inspection ; opportunity knocks once ; investigate. John W. Allen, lOO 5th ave.. West, Eugene, Or. WANTED Treasurers' as business managers ior opera nouses connected, witn a cir cuit; $35 week and percentage; $1000 cash security required, fully secured. Mgr. International Theater Circuit, St, Regis Hotel, Seattle, Wash. MAN handy with tools as partner In light manuiacturing ousiness; this take $:;50, which is secured; will pay $15 per week salary and a share of the profits. Call Room 42 Morgan bldg. POOL HALL AND BOWLING ALLEY 4 tables, 2 alleys; best East Side business district; netting about $100 a month; cash and reasonable terms. Particulars 618 Yeon bldg. (C738) $1300 GROCERY store, clearing $2000 a year; apartment-nouse District, all casn trade, no soliciting, no delivery; this Is 1500 less than invoice of stock and fix tures. 050 Pittock block. ANTLERS THEATER, Elks' bldg.. Rosa burg, Or. Lease and equipment for sale; thoroughly equipped for all purposes; seats 7S5; $2000 will handle. AV, 7SS, Oregonian. WANTED Partner, young man, mechani cally inclined prererred ; good opportunity for reliable party; established business; is paying well now; not misrepresented; $2500. AH 327, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. Magazines, soda fountain fruits, splen did transient location; $,.5 rent; good money-maker. Inquire 61S Yeon - bldg. (C743) $1000 CASH buys interest In manufactur ing Dusiness; owner guarantees $lo0 month profit to live wire and your money is fully secured. See this and be convinced. Call 050 Pittock block. EXCEPTIONAL high-class Investment, 110- room new hotel apartments, 20 minutes to Panama Exposition. Write owner for pros v pectus and photograph. H. Fredrick, rrcaricK Aparynents. Oakland. Cal FOR SALE; Only theater In city of 12.0OO. equippea ior roe a snows, stocK, vauae ville, pictures; seats 500; scenery, etc.; $500 down, balance' easy. Address 510 South Gold st., Centralia, Wash. MODERN DELICATESSEN. Fully equipped; $50 a day business; $45 rent and 3 years' lease; In thickly settled West Side location; no nearby competi tion Call 613 Yeon bldg. (C736) HARNESS, IMPLEMENT AND FEED BUS- ixcsa, in a tnriving town in the Yakima Valley, doing a splendid money-making business; no competition; $3000 cash will handle, particulars 818 Yeon bldg. C733) MACHINE SHOP, Willamette Valley town; rjKcumuiy equippea ior auto ana contract work; clears good money; $2000. Inquire 618 Yeon bldg. (C740) BLACKSMITH SHOP in good country town ana in tnicKiy settled farming district; well established ; price $550. Particulars CIS Yeon bldg. (C729) GROCERIES I have many, ranging from ?rjj .u 1 j,j7, mm several ueciaea oar gains, some might trade for nearby ranch P. W. Persels, 209 Stark st. RESTAURANT in hustling city, fine "stand una fixtures; ii you want a good place see this. J. W. Allen; 623 Willamette st.. Eugene. Or. EUROPEAN capital for investment tn at- acuvp incorporatea enterprises. Address Bankers A Ha nee, 11 Southampton Row, London. En eland. PARTNER wanted in nice kittle cash busi ness, nnlv -r.O rsniilrcl - tees $20 weekly to right roan. Call Room 42Q Morgan bldg. PARTNER wanted, lady or gentleman, nt experience necessary; little money re quired; guarantee profits $HO0 per month. Particulars 85 k 5th st. Mr. Wilson TAILOR SHOP. In a splendid location, earning $150 a month; $300 takes it. (C750) Call IS Yeon bldg. t RESTAURANT. Dainty em-all restaurant? near car barn; good business; $30t and invoice stocks (C746) Inquire 61S Yeon bldg. IF you have $300 to Invest and want ' to icuin wi auiomooue ousiness and will be satisfied with $50 per month and a share vx. nc y'"""!. van jToom morgan bldg. $2500 SECURES interest in old-established grocery ana iamuy liquor business that is making big money. See Mr Easton, 723 Chamber of Commerce. PARTNER WANTED WITH $2500, GOOD PAYING ESTABLISHED BUSINESS; Jti A I, tu uva .MONEY. -N 23S ORE GONIAN. , ' IF you are looking for a good buy in an Bpnmtiu-iiuu:, o not ian to see Mr. Easton, 723 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Corset business, with well-ea- inotisneu euiuai w agency. A tS alia, Ore gonian. $400 TAKES fine little restaurant"-" fine piace tor man ana wire, see Mr. Easton, 72:i Chamber of Commerce, PICTURE SHOW Will" sacrifice half inter- est; uv casn requirea. a Oregonian. FOR SALE or rent, -Burnside Market. PARTNER to take active part In successful Buioiiiuonq garage. h. Oregonian. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery stand. PARTNER wanted in old-established res- taurmntj $soq BF 288. Oregonian. 4-CHAJR barber shop; a bargain. $6 H 2d. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Ground Ploor Multnomah Hotel -Corner of 4th and Pine sts. $40O BUYS COUNTRY STORE General merchandise, doing about $300 month, fine business for elderly couple; rent $10 per month, with livlng-rooms. Only iOc fare from Portland. RESTAURANT WITH 24 ROOMS Rent for the whole building, only $3 per month Never before offered for sale. Present owner has cleared $14,000 out of this burin ess in past seven years. Price flSOO, terms. CASH GROCERY, $1150 Will sell or exchange for acreage, close in. This is a dandy corner store with good fixtures and clean stock. Doing $25 to $35 per day. All cash business. Rent $25. DAIIT LUNCH ROOM Right In the heart of Portland. Doing $150 per day, cost over $8000; will sell or exchange for good property. CONFECTIONERY STORE Rent only $20 per month, with living rooms, splendid corner location on the East Side, up-to-date fixtures and clean stock; a nice place and a bargain for $1000. MOVING-PICTURE SHOW $0Oo handles -downtown place doing $12 to $22 per day. Total expenses only $8 per day. $4500' GENERAL STORE Will take $2000 cash, balance security or good property, clear of Incumbrance. $8000 HARDWARE STOCK in a good town in Washington, doing splendid business; will take half cash, bal ance good security or property. $120A HANDLES GROCERY Doing $3000 per month. Rent $33, In cluding barn for horse. Stock goes at invoice for cash. Fixtures, horse and wagon. $709, on time or will take clear lot. Books and accounts open for Inspection. No indebtedness. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Bt'SiyJSgS OP PORT UN "OS-WANTE D. Lease on large new 10-room boarding house with Up-to-date furnishings. Rooms always full. Price complete $1500. This is a bargain. KIBS-SMITH INVESTMENT CO.. Room 405. U. S. Hank Bids'., autuuver, v asu. BUSINESS MEN TAKE NOTICE If you want to sell your business or want partner I am the man you want .to see- Have buyers for the following lines: Automobile garage, good wood and coal business, also manufacturing business. ?m l"e and convinced. P J. McDon- iunL-i, Morgan Diag. I want to buy lease and furniture of good apartment house or high-grade room ing or boarding house. Must be a bargain. Give full details, location, price, terms. . u. a. ivi i , uregonian HAVE some good farm lands in the Wil . lamette Valley and other parts of Oregon to trade for dry goods stocks and other stocks of merchandise. If you are inter ested let us hear from you. L 328, Ore gonian. SALESMAN will Invest with manufacturer's agent; have established machinery spe cialty which netted $1000 this year but want larger line. Address G. F. H. 372 East 37th st. 27 ROOMS. 2 blocks from P. O.. A-l furni ture, steam heat. This is a snap. Never sold for less than $1500. Owner forced to sell. Price $000, half cash. Call 88 10th st., near Stark, t WANTED Apartment-house or -rooming-house of value up to $7000; will assume or take smaller place; have two good resi dences In exchange for same. R 3'7 Oregonian. NEWSPAPER wanted by printer-editor; $500 for first payment, or would invest with services in paying paper. Give full par- tlculars for consideration. AV 815. Oresbnian. RELIABLE man with good references will invest $30O to $40o in a good legitimate business where he can take active part to assist; money must be secured. AP 286, Oregonian. CLOTHING or furnishing goods store want ed. I want to buy a good store with from $5000 to $20,000 stock. State full par ticulars first letter, as I want to locate at once. Addicts P, O. Box S10, Portland. POSITION as special correspondent "experi enced in mail-order business, follow-up. ad. writing, etc. Well posted on medical and toilet specialties. References. Address E. M. H., 2o2 Graham ave. , i W'ILL buy a good general mdse. business within 50 miles of Portland, b'ut price must be right. Send full particulars to P. O. box STU. Portland. YOUNG man, 3 years office . experience, would like to run office end of small busi ness; would invest small amount in good v.y mts proposition. Af uo, uregonian. 10 ROOMS, RENT $25. West Side, close in, good furniture. If you are looking for a snap, see this. Price $75 half cash. Call 88 10th. RELIABLE MAN will invest $150 in any legitimate business where he can assist; reasonable wages; city references. AE 328. Oregonian. WANTED A blacksmith and machine shop in a good lively town. Write, giving full particulars In first letter. O. Pietsold, Shedd, Or. WANTED A good picture show in a coun try town; give description; price must be riht. F 2S0, Oregonian. WANTED contract to cut ftOO to 2000 cords of wood; reliable. 2174 E, Couch fit. Ta bor 265. WANTED I want to rent small, furnished country hotel doing good business, option of buying. C 334. Ore gon 1 an. TRADE 10 acres clear land for millinery siock -and fixtures; country preferred. N 328, Oregonian. I HAVE good improved ranch and cash for stock general merchandise, about $15,000. AG 33, Oregonian. HAVE city income and cash for stock mer chandlse. about $Qooo. AG 333, Oregoniam. STOCKS of shoes bought for cash, providing price Is right. A 177, Oregonian. MOVING-PICTURE theater wanted In trade for real estate. East lurid, Woodlawn 7o0. WANTED Grocery stock, other business, for clear Improved land. AF 289, Oregonian. SMALL bakery wanted, country town or lo cation for one. C 285. Oregonian. WANT small business for mechanic with --i ana services. r iiyi, oregonian. WANTED Greenhouse; will consider any location in Northwest. H 239, Oregonian. STOCKS AND BONDS. TALK WITH FLETCHER. 80 Am. Life A Acc snap 12 Mt. Scott Park Cemetery $5.oo 8833 Oregon Home BIdrs bid 30 Ewbank Elec. Transmission. .. .cheap 11 Pac. States Fire way down I WANT: Home Tel. bonds Beaver State Motor All oecutitles permitted to be sold. Fletcher. X25 Abington Bldg. FOR SALE 200 shares, or part. P. R., L. & P. Co. stock, at attractive figure. Ad dress R 2S9, Oregonian. TO sell your stocks and bonds try P. O. box 26i Vancouver, Wash. t STOCKS and bonds; a goodauto forooin machine stock. G 826, Oregonian. ROOMXNG-HOCSES. MARY E. LENT, PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY Hotels Rooming, Apartment-houses. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. 608-9 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. Phone Main 8560. -10 -ROOM apartment-house. 1 and 2 -room suites, fine location, nice home, clears $110 month: $50O cash and $250 easy terms, gives you clear bill of sale; best proposi tion In Portland. Owner, P 335, Orego nian. 14 ROOMS, newly papered and tinted, all o'utside rooms and all rented, fine neigh borhood, steam heat, close-in, will sacri fice account of sickness, $575; small pay ment down, rest on time; no agents. BF 325. Oregonian. ROOMING-HOVSE. consisting of 12 3 -room suites, at 225-227 Market st., for lease. See us for particulars. Rent very reasonable. Parrish. Watklna & Co., 106 Second st. ROOMING-HOUSE. 12 or 24 housekeeping and furnished : good Income, central loca tion; reasonable prlce.a 375 Tuylor, Main 5407. 1 . 16-ROOM hotel and restaurant, auto ride from city. Wet town, lease. One room pays rent. Cheap, if taken at once. AV S32, Oregonian. FOR SALE Furniture of 11 -room house In good condition, low rent, close In. 241 5th st., cor. Main. Telephone Main 23o3, owner. APARTMENT-HOUSE., 42 rooms. H. K.. clearing $125 month ; $550 cash will handle this. 65Q Pittock block. WANTED Rooming-house for lots or $75 equity modern a-room bungalow. AJ 289, Oregonian. IF you are wanting a rooming-house, or have one to sell, see N. W. Realty Co.. 300 Oregonian bldg. SMALL rooming-house at 327 'South Broad way. Phone Marshall 4127. BOOMING HOUSES. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel . Corner of 4th and Pine Bts. HOTELS, ROOMING AND APARTMENT HOUSES s FOR SALE 'and EXCHANGE 20O 165 00 SI 71 69 67 fitt 54 44 42 40 38 30 20 17 15 10 rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms. clears clears clears clears clears clears clears clears clears clears clears clears clears clears clears clears clears clears $300 mo., 600 mo., 4CO mo., 200 mo., 225 mo., 20O mo.. 213 mo., 125 me., 250 mo., 85 mo., 125 mo., 150 mo., 150 mo., 75 mo., 125 mo., SO mo., 75 mo., 50 mo.. price price price price price price price price price price price prioe price price price price price price $25.0O0 20.000 8.WK) 6.0(H) 3,oa 4.5HO 3.4'W 2.100 l.HOO 1,750 800 2.40U 3,500 1;25J l.SOO 850 1.20O 400 REASONABLE TERMS ?art bnge can be arranged on any the above propositions. Call for full particulars. SPECIAL BARGAINING J-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE A" two and three-room apartments. Have private basftts. Holmes beds and good rniLsh.mfr. throughout; steam-heated. bdlng with elevator. Price $3400, change down balance monthly or ex- 70 -ROOM DOWN TOWN HOTEL . dri Jck building. ground floor V?5y.rtd1,i. "Pleodid business: price moJthfy. take$1500 cash, balance am2 ?9MS IX HOUSEKEEPING n.r- . 1 BD.d 'earm" xlx Pr month i2ViConJ.y S00: 550 down- balance per month. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPAXT P?J'A-7?;!L JjE, PTNO HOTEL, ROOM lO. APARTMENT HOUSE ACiE.VCY. " KfLO o . ,MRS- M- E. LENT 608-9 N. w. Bank bldg.. 0U, and Morrison. wa"' o buy or aell we can SI fi-lS- H,ou, ""'el exclusively with ua quickly and quietly. Her,e,are fw aamplea. 200-ROOM HOTEL. .,i7lrn pl"ce- on S paytnK ba.la. will within 60 miles of Portland; price 12300 J5-ROOM BARGAIN o"i " cf ll" hotel, rent only $4 per be.?rn,S,ethl" " once " you wan-the neat ror the money. 11 kJkROOMS- au- OUTSIDE to?- in i-.i";unSlnc 1atr ln rooms, eleva ?" ""-P 'or cash or trade tor dairy ranch up. Price $5000 40 ROOMS. PRICE 2600. nin..'.'J' bath"L outside room., nin th? 1Z "'"J1 Drlck building-, rent f-Hu: Squired fln tran'n' houae. X4O0 ca,n Brlv3! R,9?MS' PRICE $1200. lBr.!f,k oullJlng.. down town, cheap rent, eluding .team heat; this 1. a plTkup tor R1entRI??M.87CfOI TRANSIENT ' Kent 7o. Including heat. Price Cltnn- terma; nice place fo lady alone? ' Nlo. i101113- PRICE 3oO. 200 calh. ' 00 14th near Morrison. . APARTMENT HOUSES jiJlZ , ptB" a,l - rooms and bath and dressing-room, good busine.,; will trade quired1" r e" on term 00 "as "re! K o'n'.VOo'-cT.i, acriecea,?orr R."RO?M HOUSEKEEPING for wwft o ".CiS'Jed re"t: wiI1 trad. !. property or sell on easv terms A hi mlShi.?? 'S60: only V don't this If you want something nice? w.nf , 'RO.M APARTMENTS - ROOMING-HOUSES ' OUR SPECIALTY. .-SOOM APARTMENT-HOUSE . ' "Portment-house district- clear. TW .,?? RPS8. RENT 200 all rln'Sn co d water. ,,eam heat, rooms .nd"S . heat. hot. thSP!Sft ne ',h '" iittlenp.ac8ln aeathowTr1. (B454 " "-t" 15 APARTMENT-HOUSE TO TRADE 61 rooms, steam heat. u modern ei fu l- wfnVradV C,-arV " a month: all -onerU and 17 ROOMS. RENT S0 Furnace heat; Income Jiao to siao 16 ROOMS. RENT "0 enCwoSd",;Clfaa? .7VJ' -"th; leaving city nd iT .iomMV X" AlZT. INVESTMENT CO.. -"lus. Main 4S1 rVvriA. FIREBAUgh: mlnuUtU waika?aornmt-ho0l,e-h abt " o c,- 'Ld. centra, Sin? ,? the citvn'wl"!,ea,ra h,eat- hePeat and som"e yoV'fan SSff S? - well-furnished modern "house ran'reT way?kfuTnbVU,ltea,an1 fgZP ' - "-nfh'; SStdS5 HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN -KV L.IN A FIREBAI'fiH -812 Roya, Blte.LMJi...,.r T Wtl IS TS f a --. -. " ii rooms, modern house, near mn expenses In this house! . family clear profit here. month J2!o(JUb.k-.la TWO APARTMENT-HOUSE "SN'APS. kino iwaa'j-.,nke,?feda-Pafrn?4S corner brick, sold a liar JiM,' 5!'' frte. now KISOcashYooDON-TDE: ''M-'f ,0ativ fiiSS. ?fiVt haa,fhe- "d Boa?d oCf T'rad M ww r kj t Ai-E. S30OO FURNISHED HOTEL $3000 24-room hotel, furnished. J mallVtore roomH with eround 143x173 fee in one of best towns In Oregon; stores rent for $" 50 per month. Hotel for 50. . No other no ha,Ter?flaUr' ln tOWD- O c?i , raHJl Jhn Balance OI terms to suit Ar AddiSL'f.?" inteiew. !u .?"t Sld 'ocation; good lease, full all wni M?: i n.t pronl' v- per mo WU1 stand closest Investigation; for per ?"SA rM?n" must sell immediately price cn' no fades, no terms. If you w a-.th" and mean business write. B Oregonian. THE only hotel in live little country town lot 143 feet by 175 feet- ?.T' i7wbeSroom"i tPTlor' orf'c. kitchen" dining-room, woodshed and barn on prop! 71 - y casn; will take mortcrRre on Property for balance or might consider a trade; 3 stores bringing ?n f'aiO t month rent and hotel $0 month' See owner at 650 pittock block. "VUL"' jfto. 00 F L R N I SHED HOTEL $60 OO v .lr?ora completely furnished hotel. ?a J?.Lavatory- and cold water In bathroom and kitchen. Electric lights Nn ,IWaKt 'urni8hd-. rent $oo per mo! o other hotel or restaurant in ;own. Makes .rood money. Arrange for Interview at once. BF 2S0. Oregonian. interview INVESTIGATE THIS ! ! 63-room house, centrally located mod em. In A-l condition; S-year lease; all rooms except 5 facing on street; well fur nished, making good money- will stay with buyer for three weeks if requesied rent $3 per room; price $4500, half cash rest easy terms. ' $1jt CASH, balance of $423 In monthly payments, for a well-fumished flat of 14 rooms, near 35th and Washington sts rent $40. Here to a fine buy to sell later at a profit, or pay you well to run It.' O. C. R. Ellis Co., 309 Board of Trade 4th and Oak sts. TRADE paper for sale, good reason for sell ing: full particulars and proof of prsCits at interview only. JS 37, Oregonian. LOST AND IOCNU. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light Power Co.. and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder-street station: October 2 Marshall 010O. A 6131: 1 uoi brtftla, 1 telescope, l pkg. art-gum, 1 purse. 1 pr. gloves, 1 blueprint. 1 pkg.. 1 book, 1 suitcase .1 lunch box, 1 pkg. 13 um brellas. 1 bar of wheat, 1 pr. roller skates, 1 purse, 1 dime, 1 pkg. coffee, l check book. 1 pkg. clothes, a baskets. 1 glove. 1 book, 1 cam, 2 lunch boxes, 1 saw, 1 level, 1 grip. - LOST On the 4th of September hand grip with name. -J. H. Richards," written on bide of grip, onthe street somewhere In business section of Portland. Reward. Finder please address P." O. Box 1&3, Wood burn. Or. LOST On 23d st. car, lady's leather sew in bag. cuild's crocheted coat and other articles, valued as gifts. Call Morton Apts., ask for Mrs. James Kerr, receive reward. LOST Gold locket and chain, monoxram A. M. EL. one side, engraved head set with small diamonds other side. Reward. Leave at Oregronian office. LOST Suitcase. Monday afternoon. Wood lawn car. contained pension papers; no questions; reward. Return to OilO Clay St., near 10th. LOiST Wednesday, at ball grounds, lady's Sold handle umbrella. He turn to 256 K. ;td. heward. LOST White pointer dos; with brown spots, license number UO. Return to 234 IM. 14th, corner- Marshall, receive reward. LOST Buckle watch fob with locket, en graved I. D. C. to H. E. B. Kast Re ward. REWARD for return of cash box and acct. book taken from Pruttland booth, Yamhill Market. tSatnrday. Tabor 507. LOST LadiedT told watch, engraved 'E" on back, diamond on face. Reward. B 2190. or 0&1 Kast Salmon. $1U REWARD for Sparton Horn. Model B. No. GJ7G. Phone -Oliver M. Uickey. Phone Main l74. LOST Saturday on Washington st- Multno mah pin. Phone Main 0b7. Reward LOST Silver mesh bag: without handle. Re turn to tWS E- 21st. Reward. LOST Gold pin. amethyst atone. Main 3ir. Reward. FOUND A young brindle bulldoc; no col lar. 41S E. 7th. LOST One pair of uose-K lasses. Phone Main "-i)7, reward. fePCXAI. NOTICES, Proposals Invited, DEPARTMENT of the Interior. United States - Reclamation Service. Sunnyside, Wash.. Sept. 2. 114 Sealed pro posals will be received at the office of the United States Reclamation Service, Sunnyside, Washington, until o'clock P. M. October 2 6, 191 i, for the construction ot about 13.25 miles of. main canal exten sion of the'Sunnyslde Canal, near Benton City. Washlnfcton, with pipe lines, tlumc and other appurtenant structures. Involv ing the excavation of approximately tt7.4H cubic yards of earth and 17,550 -cubic yards of 'rock, the construction of 6 pipe lines, the total length of which Is approx imately 41!40 feet. UU3 lineal feet of metal flume, and the Incidental Irrigation struc tures. Particulars may be obtained at the offices of the United States Reclamation Service at North Yakima and Sunnyside, Washington. I WILL receive sealed bids at my office. No. 740 Morgan building. Portland, Oregon, up to 1 o'clock noon of Tuesday, October 1914. for a stuck of merchandise located at Vth and Washington sts.. Vancouver, Wash., consisting principally of groceries, inventoried at I2iU7.J. together with utora lixtures Inventoried at s.1103. tiS and equities in store fixtures inventoried a t 470.1iO. Terms, cash. Certified check for lO per cent of amount offered must ac company each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and ail bids. Inventory may be seen at mv office and stock Inspected upoi application. R. L. SAB IN. Dated Portland. Or., October 1. 1114. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Lighthouse Inspector, Portland. Oregon, until '2 o'clock P. M., October 21. 1114. and then opened, for furnishing materials and labor for dock ing and making repairs (.including re ptankin) to Light Vessel No, (ii. Blank proposals and oarttcultra may be obtat-ned by address. ne the LiKhthouse Inspector, Portland. Oi . Miscellaneous. , NOTICE that Werner, Petterson Co. will not be responsible for suit orders taken by one, . M. Wtiiisole. Do not place orders with him until further notice- Per W. P. THE Superior Cleaning A Pressing, 11 Otli st. announces tnat all creditors present bills before Oct. tt, 1L14, at 310 Lumber Exchange bldg. FINANCIAL. WE BUY ' MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. bO 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. LOANS on Improved inside property; plenty of monex; low rates; no delay. Principals only. Robertson Si Ewing, 207-2US NortU western Bank bldg. $12,UO0 TO S13,KH Who wishes to invest for 40 years with a guarantee of Jiioo0 a year? Answer if you have the money. AD Mi, Oregonian. MONEY for good city loans, 6 and 7 per cenu J. A. Cunningham, 62 Morgan tlug. .FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' interest, in contracts purchased; Orexun or Wiaash. H. E. Noble, Lumbarmena Plug. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages tnrst and second), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis & Co., 4 Lewis b I d g. WE buy notes, bondsand mortgages. Rob- SOOou OR part on Improved property, mod erate cnarges. u u, uregonian. PRIVATE party will loan on improved city reaiiy. aw uommerciai uiug Money to Loan on Real Estate. TO LOAN $40.U0O OR LESS. PAKH1NUTON, SO 4th St. BOARD OK TKAPB BLDG. : MONEY TO LOAN. WAKEb'IELD, FIUKS si CO., a5 Fourth Street. MORTGAGE LOANS. , Real estate security, durrent rates. 201-5 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. $600, $1000, $1400 AND $2000 to 'loan on Improved city property. Call 209 Board of Trade, 4th and Oalc sts. MORT QAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell co., 217-ltf North western Bank bldg. $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 43-424 Cham her of Commerce. $2000 TO lend, long time', 7 per cent, on im proved city property. J. P. Staver. So4 Northwest bldg. Main 40i3. $100 TO $10O0 to loan, tracts, equities bought, bldg. mortgages, con . .iOU Uerllnger $50 TO $0000 loaned ln a day on real es tate security; lowest rates. Smith Invest ment Co.. Northwestern Bank bldg. ON improved and unimproved real estate, mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn, 448 Sher lock olug. Plvone Main 5119. - SEJu us today for loans on improved city - property, b to b per cent; $ot and up. Ceflars-Murton Co., b'Zo Yeon bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on good city and farm property; give full particulers in first let ter. P. Fuchs. 4i:o Chamber of Commerce. $ 0000 PRIVATE FU NDS on hand to place on first-class Improved farm security; no delays. 704 Spalding bldg. $uo,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, aii B16 Failing bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 .'ER CENT. -LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 229 STARK ST. ALL amounts at low rates of interest. 414 Yeon bldg. Ore. Bd. & Mtg. Co. Mar. MM. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. S13 Ch. of Com. $20O, $330, $000, $900, $1200, $1800. Fred W. German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce. $00 TO loan for 6 months to 2 years. Main C3S4. $&H LOAN, first mortgage. 530 Chamber of Commerce, MORTGAGE LOANS at and 7 per cent. FKED S. WILLIAMS. 92 First St. $3500 TO LOAN on imp coved farm; must be good. AP 325, Oregonian. $7oo TO LOAN on improved Portland property. S 328, Oregonian. JL. PLENTY of money to loan at 7 and 8 per cent, oooaara si wiearyH, 243 Stark. $1000 TO $20,000 at 7 per cent. Main 6033 H. L. Murton. 317 Worcester Lldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme, 807 Wilcox bldg. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per oent, W. H- Seitg fc Co., 310 Spalding bldg. $loo0 TO $7000 for city or farm loan. JTabor 25 or V 1?6. Oregonian. MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts and gitgs. bought, H. Miley. 204 Gerlinger blug. $7K3o OR oart on improved city realty. D o2!. Oregonian. Jp00 TO $10,000 on real estate. BOID REALTY CO.; 20S Alder st. STATE FUNDS, 9 per cent. W. E. Thomas, aent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. FINANCIAL MooeyULoan om Real Estate. WE HAVE the following amounts for Im mediate Investment In approved Portland real estate mortgages: $1,000 at a per cent. 2.oO0 at 7 per cent. $2,500 at 8 per cent. t3,000 at 7 per cent. ,0OO at 7 per cenu $10,000 at 6 per cent. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amount from $500 up; current rates of interest. Straight loans on straight propositions. Get our terms and rates be fore your mortgage comes due. OREGON INVESTMENT & M'TGAGE CO.. 202 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. Main SS21. A 4144. WANTED, on A-l SECURITY. $0U0 at 8 per cnt, value $0,000. 4000 at S per cent, value $12,000. 1000 at per cent, value 600 at 8 per cent, value $2400. M KENZIE & CO., 515 Gerlinger Bldg. Main 2801. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL LSTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS: NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO- 916 SPALDING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN. $2000 cash and $2000 equity in 8 -room bouse with three lots in Portland, to trade for first mortgage on good farm. Elmer S. Shank, 3o2 Railway Exchange. Phones: Res. Tabor 4411; office: Alain 2113, A 1735. TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city and. farm property, 6 to 7 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St.. near Washington. MONEY TO LOAN. We have up to $400o to loan at 7 per cent and 8 per cent; must be first -class security; terms reasonable. COE A. aiuKJSXNA CO., 727 t'hamber of Commerce Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. $2700 on farm worth at least SS000. Don't waste time if valuation below this figure. Elmer S. Shank. 3U2 Railway Ex change. Phone Main 2113. ON Improved city property or for building purposes, a to 6 years' time; .iberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as build ing progresses. 1 bu Eq ui table Savings 6t Loan Association, 240 Stark st. MUX El' TO LOAN, 6 TO 3 PER CENT. Any Amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 4,ia-424 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN. ' Lowest Rate Money on business property, apartments, dwellings and farms. K. Ii. Blossom, 31t Chamber oi Commerce. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN. 410,000 at 6 7000 at 7 $4000 at 1 2,i00 at lyo 12O0 at 8'a SOO at M KENZIE &. CO. S15 Gerlinger Bldg. slain S80L TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. $1000, 1200. flSOO. $2U0O, $2500 at once on Portland Improved property for three years. OQODSELL BRuS., 433 Worcester Bldg. WILL BUY GOOD FIRST MORTGAGE $laO0 to $2000 or will loan ior one year OQODSELL BROS.. 433 Worcester Bldg. MONEY PROMPTLY LOANED On Real Estate. ST CHARLES LAND CO. 204 Morrison St. . MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON 1NV. 6c MORTGAGE CO., INC., Stock Exchange Bldg., 3d and Yamhill. MONEY to loan, 7 and S per cent. Marshall 4b27. A 3b39. $15oo TO LOAN, by private party; must be good security. Q 327, Oregonian. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND J EYVELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail jewelry stores in the city. A loan department is conducted in connection with same mak ing business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, absolutely no signs designating loan busi ness displayed in front of our store. All merchandise, pledged is held for a period of seven months, whether or not Interest is paid when due. We are licensed and have been established since lbS9. No con nection with any other loan establishment in this city. A. 6c M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS. 324 Washington St. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. HOURS ii A. M. TO 6 P. M. SATURDAY TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., 309 FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Etc SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. ELBY COMPANY (Licensed 320 Lumber Excharg eB-dg. Second arid Stark Sts. We Make Loans In Six Hours' Time, AT LEGAL RATES. We Moan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, s tot age receipts, equities, real estate, plain notes or furniture. PORTLAND LOAN CO., (Licensed.) Room 2u5 Rothchild Bldg. Bet. 4tb and 5th .-on Washington St. WE LOAN money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx & Bloch, 74 3d st. LOANS on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 Sd st., near Alder. MONEY LOANED on diamonds and Jewelry. S. W. King, room 43 Washington blag. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. Holl, room S, Washington bidg. LOANS on chattels or anything of value. 217 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 58U8. MONEY" on chattels, notes and mtgs. bought. Columbia Loan Co., 2u6 Swetland. Loans TVsvated. $1000 WANTED on modern. 7-room $2500 home, occupied 4y owner. G 325, Ore gonian. $15O0 WANTED on modern $3250 corner home, 8 rooms, occupied by owner. R. 320, Oregonian. $2500 WANTED on fine two-story bouse, strictly modern; Ins. $3500; lot 50x100, AK 196. Oregonian. $500 OR more; ample Portland property se curity; will pay 8 per cent; year or more. A R 3:J4, Oregonian. WANTED $000, 10 per cent, 3 years; se curity new house, $1700. AJ 327, Ore gonian. 40U ON 2 lots and small house in Irving ton Park Pay 8 per cent. Kauffmann 4k. Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange. WANT $1250-loan on 2 lots. Irvlngton dis trict, corner, street liens paid. Owner, P 325, Oregonian. WANT $250 loan, 2 yrs., 10 per cent; se cury a corner lot worth $800. AN 825, Oregonian. WANT $000 loan. 2 years, 10 per cent; se curity 3 full lots, worth $700 each. Owner, AD 325, Oregonian. I WANT to borrow from private party $350. 6 months, 10 per cent, good security. W 329, Oregonian WANTED To borrow- $300 and $40O first mortgage on town property on Columbia River. V 289, Oregonian. WANTED $3M for 1 year on 1G0 acres in Eastern Oregon; value $12O0. Address 1277 E. 10th N. MUST have a loan of $2200 at 8 per cent on a $4000 residence in Rose City Park, near carltne. P. O. Box 355. $050; 8 PER CENT, on $1700 bungalow; owners allowed broker's commission. AH 326, Oregonian. WANTED to borrow $51 0O on residence in city and large tract of land, value $15,000. M 326, Oregonian. $4500 FRO M private party ; im pro ved c i ty property, worth $10,000. AR 328, Ore gonian. $127.0 MORTGAGE for sale: improved resi dence property worth $3500. AP 326 Ore gonian. $35o0 ON Improved residence property; value $9000. Principals only. P 330, Orego nian. $1800 AT & per cent on Rose City Park bungalow; value $4000. AL 332, Orego nian WANTED $1300 at 8 per cent on home on East 72d; value $3000. D 331, Oregonian. $1SOO FIRST mortgage. Improved city prop erty, for sale. Call 807 Wilcox bldg. FIRST mortgage $3000, well secured, for sale at liberal discount. X 325, Oregonian. $2400 ON good wheat land, 8 par cent, 2 years. AK 2S7, Oregonian. SHORT loan of $300 on $il700 stock of gro cer iesJcHearA0 HSt, Oregonian. WANTED $6000 on Union ave. business and residence property. AH 2S9. Oregonian. WANT $2500 at 8 per cent on improved farm near Albany. AF 327. Oregonian. TO borrow $1000 for S years at 7 per cent; close in property. AG 325, Oregonian. $3000, 3 years. 7 per cent, on my Irvington home, worth $70O0. H 32S. Oregonian. $12,000 ON inside property, partly Improved; 2 years 6 per cent. G 2S5, Oregonian. $0o0o AT 7 ner cent on improved city realty valued et $2".UOO. AG 331, Oregonian. LOAN OF $5nOo wanted on good security of jfo00. Box AV Mil. Oregonian. WANTED ViOOO at 8 per cent, value $19,- wifUt 90 e.fc-nts. AL 334, Orefouujfe a FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. WELL SECURED LOANS. We want from oartles who wish to loan tneir money on high-grade mortgages. Amount. $ 50 l.OOO 1.3M0 1.50O 2..V.O 3,500 5,1m it 20,1) MO Rate. Tune, Security. 10 S yrs. $ 2,000 H 3 yrs. 2.500 8 3 yrs. 3.500 7 3 jrs. 3.5oo 8 , 3 yrs. 5.5H S a yrs. . t.iHH 7 , 3 yrs. 6.5MO 7H 5 yrs. 14.utM 7 r,m 3 yrs. 50.000 ST. CHARLES LAN'll CO St. Charles Hotel, 204 Morrison St. APPLICATION FOR MORTGAGE LOANS. $12,000 4 acres east . of thf city, all in cultivation; value $40,000; 3 years., S per cent. 7,000 60 acres near Reedville. on elec tric line; value $24,000; 3 yesxs, b per cent. $ 5,000200 acres near Latourell; value . M $15,000; S years. 8 per cent. $ 0,000 west Side corner, close in, value $10.0O0; 3 years. S per cent. Many applications in smaller amounts, gilt -edge securitv. OREGON INVESTMENT & M'TGAGE CO.. 2M2 stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. Main 621. a 4144. $Mo on dwelling ; value $1500. $Si"H on lots; value $3000. $600 to $1000, 10 per cent, on 306 acres in Lake. County homestead. Just proved up ; value $3000. UNDER DA HL, 301 Board of Trade. i AN T TOO FIRST MORTGAGE UNIM PROVED LOT. RESTRICTED DISTRICT. 3 YEARS. 7 TO ALSO $4)OU ON URST MORTGAGE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. 3Ml PANAMA BLDG. FOR SALE Second mortgage $100, wsIJ secured by city residence property; will stake $S0O for Immediate sale; this in cludes four months' interest at 8 per ceuu Phone Marshall 240. WiLL PAY IO PER CENT INTEREST. Want to borrow SS50 on security worth $20i)0. Will vuy interest monthly. Want privilege of reducinr loan from month to month. AF lto, Oregonian. FOR SALE $1500 first mortgage. S per cent, ;t years, secured by modern home and 100x100 lot; will give 10 per cent discount for immediate sale. W. B. Roberson. 702 Title & Trust bldg- WANTED $7000. on income property less than 1-3 value. 3 years. 0 per cent; will not pay commU sion. V 2s6. Oregonian. WANTED $20OO on West Side unimproved business property, value $15.00u; will pay 10 per cent to private party. AR St'. Oregonian, I WANT $100 to $30O0 with first mort gage real estate bonds as security; will pay interest promptly every three months. Y 329. Oregonian. WOULD like to borrow from private partv (15U0 for 3 years. 8 per cent. Security first mortgage Portland residence worth $i5-.K. AG 197. Oregonian. WANTED From rivate money owner, loan of $1000 for 3 years. Will pay 3 per cent, and give mortgage on Portland residence worth $4000. AF 198. Oregonian. MONEY WANTED from principals; desir able applications on hand; selected first mortgages for sale. Henry C Prudhomme. Wilcox bldg. I HAVE the following mortgages secured on land to sell: $2500. $8000 and $20.00. S. N. Steele, 432 Chamber of Commerce, Main 255. $1700 WANTED on corner Improved with modern house, occupied bv owner; prop erty worth $4500; ins. $2500. BD 295, Oregonian. I WANT $1350. at 7 per oent. 3 years, on my home, well located; you will not ques tion security if you investigate. Call Sell wood 692. WANTED To borrow $700 on 100x100 with a nice cottace Will pay S per cent Inter est. This Dlace is well located on the West Side. Address AE 194. Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $15,000 on a fine val ley farm, highly developed, worth $75,000. Will uav 7 ner cent interest. Address AN 202. Oreronian. WANT $1000 and $1100 on good residence security: moral rfslt also very good; 3 years. 8 per cent. II. F. Bothiur, 724 Board of Trade. WANTED from principals $2000, 7 per cent, on $5000 Beaumont residence. O 330. Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $300 on house and lot. West Side. Will pay 8 per cent interest. Address AE 195. Oregonian. 1 WANT TO BORROW $'2850 for 3 years at 8 per cent on 320-a ere farm worth $8000. AG 190. Oregonl a n . WANTED A $2500 or $3000 loan on a 160 acre place at Mosler. Call 4O0 McKay bldg. Main 934. WANT to borrow $1000, good security. Main PERSONAL. HAIR-HAIR-HAIR-HAIR. f-lnch convent Hair Switches $4 8$ 26-inch convent Hair Switches, gray.. 4.85 Hairdressing .25 Face Massage .25 Shampoo 15 Manicure. 25c 5 for 1.00 12 scalp treatments 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by elec trio needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair, in any shade; switches, any length; prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 400 412 Dekuxu bldg., Sd and Washington. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best reference; treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.; massage and baths; lady assistant. 452 Salmon, corner 13th. Marshall 5033. Open Sundays. LADIES Spanish hair wash, the eaua as used by ladies of Madrid ; unesjelled for dandr'ulT, greasy hair, and as a hair grower; full directions for making 50 cents. Remit postofflce money order. Useful Ar ticle Co., Box 3003. Station B, Portland. Or. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's directions, bsth. massage. No. 7 East 11th sc.. sec ond door south from East Ankeny carl ine. Phone East 260, B 1803. FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock . human bair goods; switches from 95c up; hairdresSang, manicuring, face and scalp treatment; combings made up to or der. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 546. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, etc., perm a-, nently removed. Electric needle process. Established 1894. Physicians references, lady operator, st room 22 Russell bldg., corner 4th and Morrison. Phone Mar." 19 43. LAWYER Efficient and confidential service, 20 years' experience. DETECTIVE Address Lock Box 252, Port land, Oregon. SAY". ' do you know ""Rum and Pine" cures cold or cough while others merely think about It: 5uc the bottle, at the Clemen son Drug Co., Front and Morrison sts. FOR SALE Superfluous hair remover; re moves the hair by the roots without pain. Harmless and easy; reasonable. 509 Spok ane ave. Phone Sell. 1S47. WANTED Convalescent patients or elderly people to care for in my own home; large, airy rooms and pleasant surroundings. Phone B 38S5. FITS I cured my daughter, simple discov ery; doctors gave her up. Particulars free. Z. Z. Lepso, 150 Island ave., Milwaukee, WML SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A. Price. Circles Tues.. 2; Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M. Readings daily. 603 Fifth st. Marshall S960. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; curls and puffs, 75c Sani tary Beauty Parlors, 4O0 Dekum bldg. AT your residence, competent scalp, facial treatments, snampoo ; uesi reiereuces. Woodlawn 2005. siLECTRIO vibration for rheumatism, neu ralgia, laClHt BUU an. M. J p .niKlLUBUl, 170- gpnable. Phone Marshall 2Q. DIVORCES Lawyer of 25 years experience, reliable advice gf en free. 404 Rothchild bldg. 28" Waaaington st. SOPHIA B SEIP, mental and spiritual sci entist, daily. 302 AlUky bldg. Messages Wednesday, 8 P. M. Main S225. THE FUR SHOP. New orders snd remodeling; best work, lowest prices; trimming. 717-Swetland bid. MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portland's le nowned palmtstand clairvoyant, author of "Palmistry Maue Essy.- 291 H Morrison st. FOR adoption ; strong, healthy baby - boy, use 4 months, mother having died at birth. Call Marf-hall 3S02. HYPEREME TREATMENT. 508 Northwest bldg.; all ailments treated; hours 10 A. M. to S P. M- MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 419 r leiuner Diag main 3473. CARPETS cleaned and relald ; refitting a specialty H. Packer. Tabor 105 DR. McMAHON, chiropractor 121 4 th. Chronic cases, 18 treatments $10;baths I5o MILLINERY order and makeover shopj209 TUford bldg. Phone Main 2531. LESSONS ln phrenology and card readings. otn u ru.iip .ii iii Li on, PHEASANTS " prepared for hats. 717 Swetland. BALM OF FIGS compound Royal Tonic Tablets. 504 Davis Et. phone Main 2393 Dr. Olga Nechybs, chiropractic, steam baths. massage. &ms .ortnwest Ding. Main ,ais. MEDICAL USE Bassetc's Native Herbs for rheumatism tiets for 2uc All uruggists. i