THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND. OCTOBER 4, 1914. S WAR'S CONTRASTS III FIELD STRIKING British Official Bureau Pub lishes Letters Written by -German Prisoners. MEN FEAR POISON FOOD Regiments Declared Fearfully .Re duced, "Without Food and En during Rigorous Weather. Many Officers Slain. LONDON", Oct 3. The official infor mation bureau issued today an account of some of the Incidents of the fight ing in France, to which it appends certain letters taken from German prisoners. This recital bears no date. It says: "In the presentation of striking: con trasts this war is no exception to the rule. Within sight of the spot where these words are being written the chauffeur of a motorcar attached to the general staff is making his toilet in the open. After washing his face and hands in a saucepan, minus its handle.' he carefully brushes his hair with an old nail brush, using the win dow of the car in which he has slept as a looking glass. From the back ward sweep he gives his somewhat long locks it is clear that he had once been a dandy." t Company Has No Officers Left. A letter from a German prisoner tells how the enemy interrupted their needed rest and how, when the Ger mans attempted to advance on Septem ber 16. the enemy, firing from bushes and from houses, swept their trenches. This letter continues: "On my right and left wounded com rades were complaining bitterly that the enemy was shooting from houses. They found too easy a mark in us. If we assumed an upright position we were immediately fired on. After an hour, during which time our company lost about 25 men, we were forced to retire. This brought our total strength down to 80. We started with 251 men. We had no officers left. "On the 18th. at 4:30 o'clock in the morning, we reached a village, where we thought we would be able to rest. Before half an hour had passed, how ever, the shrapnel had again found us out. Villase Constantly Under Fire. "We spent the afternoon in this vil lage, which was constantly under shell tire in spite of the fact that our guns were shelling the enemy's artillery. We heard our Colonel say our guns could not get at those of the enemy satis factorily because the latter were so well concealed. "Our condition is now really a-wful, for we have to sleep out in all weather. We were all looking forward to a speedy end. We are badly off as re gards food. Some of our regiments can muster only from three to four companies." Another letter written in the course of the retreat in front of the French from Mont Alirall says: " "After a 36-hour march we ha-d a rest and arrived just in time for the fight. . For three days we did not have a hot meal because our field kitchens were lost. We got a hot meal last night. Although we are all just xeady to drop, we must march on. Poison tn Food FcareA. "We found great quantities of food, hut. fearing poison, we did not take possession of it until we had got hold of the proprietor of the house and com pelled him to taste it first. We are near Rhetms, after having gone through hard, bloody and most hor rible days. Of our regiment of 3000 men there are now only 1600 left. . "Let us hope that this battle, which ought to be one of the greatest of his tory, will leave me safe and well and prive us peace. I am absolutely done, but we must not despair." farmers the Danish government has prohibited the exportation of all young horses. , Marooned Crew to Be Rescued. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 3. Through agents for the British tanker Elsinore. sunk by the German cruiser Leipzig while under charter of the Union Oil Company, it was learned today that C. T. Bowring & Co.. the owners. "short ly would dispatch a vessel from Guay aquil, Ecuador, to the rescue of the marooned cmw, who were set ashore on the little-visited Galapagos Islands, 600 m.Uo.s off the coast of Ecuador. Consul Is Last to Leave IUicims. PARIS, Oct. 3. William Bardel, American Consul at Rheims. accom panied by his wife, daughter and son, left Rheims today for Troyes. There are no more Americans in Rheims, nor any other reason why he. should Btay; consequently he is seeking safety elsewhere. DE WET HOOTED ATTACK ON SOUTH AFRICA'S STAND CAUSES RIOT. General Botha's . Sympathizers Cast Eggs at . Anti-Government Forces and Fight Breaks Up Meetlns. LONDON, Oct. 3. A dispatch to Reu ter's Telegram -Company from Potch efstrom, the Transvaal, South Africa, says that an attempt by General Chris tian de Wet to address a. meeting of protest against the government's ac tion in regard to the war resulted in the breaking up of the meeting after a demonstration which approached pro portions of a riot. Admission to the hall had been re stricted to ticket-holders, but a crowd of sympathizers with General Louis Botha, who had taken command of the British operations against the Ger mans in Southwest Africa, gathered outside and, battering down the barri caded doors, bombarded the anti-government forces with eggs and bricks. free fight followed. In which the lights in the place were extinguished. Then the crowd from the hall moved into the open, where General de Wet again attempted to speak. Once more he was interrupted by singing, shout ing and cheers for General Botha. Later the supporters of General Botha paraded the streets and ended the dem onstration by adopting a vote of con fidence in the South African Premier. BRITON HAS NO ILLUSION MILITARY" EXPERT SAYS GERMAN RESOURCES "GROW ATOP." Enemy Is Still United and Fleet Will Strike When Hour Comes, Probably ' In Co-operation With Army. LONDON, Oct. 3 The military expert of the Times today says: 'However much we may bend back the German right wing and relieve Antwerp, whatever confidence we have that the shock of the Russian masses in the East will prove decisive, we must not entertain the slightest illu sion regarding the hard and trying condition which awaits all the allies in the future in operating against the German reduced to the defensive. "Germany is still united. Her re sources grow atop. Her might is in arms, all her arsenals are working at full pressure. Her fleet will strike when the hour comes, probably in co operation with the army. "The line of the Aisne, when forced, may prove to be only one of many similar lines prepared in the rear of it. It may take a long time for the allies to compel Germany to feel a weak ness, tt therefore devolves on the allies to look forward to a long war." WHITE BREAD IS LUXURY fCARClTV OF WHEAT FLOUR CON. FRONTS HOLLAND. MISS MORGAN ALLIES'AID RICH .NEW YORKER GIVES HORSE TO FRENCH ARMY. Daughter of Late Financier Arrives Home Telling of Popularity of War In France. NEW YORK. Oct. ?. (Special.) The French liner France, with only 378 passengers in all of the three classes, docked today. No more sailings have been booked for the France, and most of her crew expect to join the French army on their return to Havre. Miss Anne T. Morgan, daughter of the late J. Pierpont Morgan, who was marooned in the Haut-Savoie at the beginning of the war. returned on the France, as did Miss Elsie de Wolfe and Miss Elizabeth Marbury. Miss Mor gan's horses, including a valuable sad dle horse,' were commandeered by the French army. Speaking of the war Miss Morgan said: "Everyone has a heartsick feeling about it and a longing desire to do something. It 13 a popular war in France. The spirit of the French men. women and children is wonderful. Their inspiration is beyond words to describe. Why; we saw children 7 and 8 years old carrying in hay and grain from the fields. "I freely gave my saddle horse for ub in the army. Player Pianos de Luxe can now be purchased for less than the ordinary Upright Piano sells for at any other time. Read page 19. this paper. Adv. Use Santiseptic Lotion after shaving -Adv: A HAPPY BALD HEADED MAN Weil-Known Politician Nearly Bald Now Has New Growth of Hair. Tells How He Did It. A Western politician, well known on account of his baldness and ready wit. surprised his friends by appearing with a new growth. of hair. Many of his old friends did not know him and others thoucht he had a wig. On being asked how he did it, he made the following statement: "I attribute the 'remarkable growth of my hair to the use of the following simple recipe, which any lady or gentleman can mix at home: To a half pint of water add 1 oz. of Day rum a small box of Barbo Compound and oz. of glycerine. Apply, to the scalp two or three times a week with the finger tips. It not only promotes the growth of the hair, but removes dan druff, scalp humors and prevents the hair from falling out. It darkens streaked, faded, gray hair and makes the hair soft and glossy. These ingredi ents can be purchased at any drug store at very little cost and mixed at home." Adv. Precautions to Prevent Shipments of Food From Rescuing Belligerents ' Widespread and Thorough. THE HAGUE, via London. Oct. 3. Elaborate preparations have been made by The Netherlands government to see that shipments of foodstuffs brought into Holland shall not pass Into the hands of the nations now at war. There is now a complete belt of dis tricts under martial law. Along th borders and coast in these districts all outgoing freight is examined by mili tary authorities, in addition to the customs officials. The thoroughness of the embargo is shown in the arrest recently of many country people living along the German border, who ex ported small quantities of grain on wagons to that country. Owing to the general scarcity of wheat flour in Holland, white- bread Is becoming a luxury. At Dordrecht, a town ten miles southeast of Rotter dam, the bakers have announced that, beginning Monday, they will produce nothing but rye bread. . A'dlspatch received here from Copen bxren anvs th.nt on representation nf ew Piano Terms l Per Week. A Tear to Pay. Read Page Fourteen. This Section. Ruptured Persons suffer more from inexperienced truss fitting than from hernia. Yhy not buy your trusses from experts? Try Laue-D&vis Drug Co., t 3d and Yam hill, who are experts and know how. Tobacco Habit Cured Not only to users of pipe and cigars, but the vicious cigarette habit is over come by using the "MTRITK" treat ment. Price, complete, postage paid, $1.00. taue-Davia Iruar Co.. 3d and Yamhill, Portland. Or. (when writing Pacific Phone Macs. 5Q8Q, Home A 2112The JTew Season's Latest and Best Styles Are Here in Ladies Home Journal Patterns at 10c and 15c EachAll Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt and Careful AttentionExpress and Parcel Post Packages Prepaid Free Deliveries to Every Part of the City Fall Style Book Is Now Here 50c Pillow Tops at 35c At the Art Counter A special showing and sale of Tapestry Pil low Tops, ready to use; styles with tassel at corners. -They come in several pretty styles, and are the kind resrularlv -sol.r O P at 50c. This sale at: OOC Our Store ' Opens ' Daily at 8:30 A. M. Saturday At 9 A. M. The Most in Value, The Best in Quality Our Store Closes Daily at 5:30 P. M. Saturday At 6 P. M. Si Stamped. Gowns 79c At the Art Counter A special sale of Stamped Gowns, made of fine quality longcloth. They are semi-made and have the popular kimono sleeves. A variety of pat terns to select from. Keg- 7Q ular $1 values, this sale at In this splendid October Sale the variety is as great as the values are attractive no seasonable want that cannot be filled. Women" will find keen satisfaction in making selection from over a thousand different offerings of which it is impossible to list but a few in this space Unapproachable Values in Seasonable Weight Knitwear and Hosiery For Women and Children Comfort -and satisfaction are com bined with low prices in these popu lar sections of our store. Here you'll find unlimited assortment from the best mills. Garments of the best ma terials, in seasonable styles and all sizes, at prices that are unapproach able for value-giving. The following lines will be on special display tomor rowwe invite your inspection. At 50 Garment Women's Heavy Fleeced Cotton Shirts and Drawers. All sizes. At$l Suit Women's Heavy Fleeced ggafeU Cotton Union Suits. All sizes. At 79 Garment Women's Fine-Ribbed Wool Vests and Pants. All sizes. At $1.50 Suit Women's Fine-Ribbed Wool Union Suits. All sizes. At $1 Garment Women's Extra Heavy Wool Vests and Pants. All sizes. At $2 Suit Women's Extra Heavy Wool Union Suits. All sizes. Women's Hose At 12 Medium-weight, Fast (Black Cotton Stock ings made 'with 'double heel, sole and toe. All sizes. At 25 The Bursou' Fashioned Fine Wool Stockings with reinforced heel and toe. All sizes. At 35, or 3 Pairs for $1 Women's Long-Wear Silk Lisle Hose made with six-thread heel and toe. Children's Hose At 124 For children's medium heavy Fast Black Cotton Stockings" with reinforced heel and toe. All sizes. At 19, or 3 Pairs for 50 Boysy fine lisle-finished, Fast Black Cotton Hose in all sizes. At 25 For boys' and girls' fine mercerized arid extra heavy Lisle Stockings in all sizes. Phoenix Silk Hose for Women A full-fashioned, high grade Stocking that is both durable and perfect fit ting, shown in all sizes and colors 7Ci including black, at, the pair OC Important Offerings in Authoritative Styles Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments There is variety in generous fullness at this, the most far-reaching and authoritative display of Fall. Fash ions we have ever announced. For the woman who is undecided, there are many happy solutions that will save time and conserve energy, and this condition is met at the least possible outlay consistent with true, worth. For the woman who has definite and fixed. ideas of style, the certainty of satisfaction is absolute, for this condition also was closely before us when se lecting the models on view. For tomorrow and the next day we offer: Surprising values in decidedly effective models in Women's Fall and Winter Coats and Suits of the finest materials and workmanship. $22.50 to - Q Att $25.00 lines, priced for this sale at P 0-rO Effective because different, different because out of he ordinary. Each gar ment featured by some new idea, devised by makers whose position as arbi ters of styles is. unassailable. Select as you will, there is hardly a chance of meeting the duplicate face to face. COATS in the popular Pile Fabrics, Plaids and Plush Cloths, such as Ural Lamb, Hindo Rynx, Sylvenhof f Plush, Salts Fabrics, etc.; some in cape effects; others with belted back and so on and so on. Every garment of charming attractiveness. SUITS in various models with 36 and 38-inch coats and skirts either plain, in yoke effects, or with knife pleats. All sizes in black, navy, brown, green, Copenhagen, etc. Particularly popular are the Redingote and Military styles. The' are stun ning, smart creations whose style features and splendid workmanship will compel your admiration at the first glance you take. This surely is a sale worth va41s, for you have choice from regular values C1 O A El to $25.00, tomorrow at ...... V 1 OtO. Women's $2.98 Messaline Silk Petticoats, This Sale at $2.35 Here is another important reason why you should visit our Ready-to-Wear Section tomorrow. A sale of Women's Fine Messaline Silk Petticoats of excellent quality, good fitting styles with or without Jersey top and with va rious style flounces, double-stitched, French hem, neat ruffles, etc. All wanted colors. Regular $2.98 lines, on sale at pi0J 1a ; 35c Beauty Pins 25c Pair Tomorrow at our Notion Counter we place on special sale a fine lot of Gold Beauty Pins. They come in good styles with initial and Roman gold finish. Each pair in a neat box. The kind regularly sold at 35 cents E?r a pair, priced for this sale at ci .- The Most Unusual" Values' Are Offered in This October Sale of roiaene Surplus Lines at Fractional Prices Manufacturers have left over small lots just the same as the retail merchant, and they adopt the same method of disposing of them as we do, name ly, that of price cutting. - Every merchant doesn't get the opportunity to purchase J;hese goods only a favored few, and we are numbered among the few this season, secure these values. And so it is that we are enabled to offer you these unusual values. It is now for you to profit by this fortunate purchase of ours. Come tomorrow and have first choice from following lots: Corset Cover and Flouncing Em broideries Yard for Values to , 39c 1UC Shown in 18 -inch widths. They come in various dainty mate rials and in a full variety of choice new patterns. Some have become slightly soiled from display, but most all are fresh and clean. They are the kind regularly sold up to 39c a yard, on sale at 15. - Allover Embroideries and Fiouncings oCr Yard for Values to 65c An OC assortment from which most any need may' be supplied. Included are 40-inch Crepe and Voile Alio vers, 45-inch Batiste Fiouncings, 18-inch Swiss Allovers, 18-inch Corset Cover and Fiouncings, etc., all this season's goods and all desirable ner patterns. Dainty effects and bold scroll designs. Regular 50c and 65c Embroideries for only 25 a yard. v Baby Sets, Edges and Insertings . C Yard for Vals. to 20c A great variety of patterns to select from; Broken Baby Sets, Edges and Insertions from 3 to 12 inches wide: also Corset Cover Embroideries full 17 inches wide. All of good mate rials and in values up to 20c a yard. This sale while they last at 5 Yard. Corset Cover and Flouncing Em ; broideries qq Yard for Values to 75c An unusually fine line of 27 inch Fiouncings in dainty baby pat terns, in ruffled, hemstitched and scallopededge ; also an extensive va riety of 27-inch Fiouncings suitable for dresses, etc., as well as 18-inch Corset Cover and Fiouncings of fine cambric and swiss. Values as high as 75c a yard, to go at 39. The Most Beautiful and Satisfying Assortments of r Woolen Dress Goods We Have Ever Shown Are Here Now Recent arrivals that brought new weaves and new col orings will be shown this week. In our extensive ex hibit of new Fall and Winter Dress Goods there is a most agreeable change in styles from those shown in past seasons. Whatever the edicts of fashion have ap proved for 1914-15 are here in brilliant array. All are exclusive at this store and all are moderately priced. Will you honor us with your inspection of the follow ing items'? Roman Stripes of foreign and domestic weaves, shown in all the popular new color combinations and in 46 to 54-inch widths. High-class pure wool fabrics espe cially priced at $1.25, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 a yard. The New Plaids just in. Anderson's Genuine All-Weol Scotch Plaids in a great variety of rich color combina tions; exclusive new patterns in 42-inch widths. Fab rics of unsurpassed quality at $1.00 a yard. New Green Novelties in 42 to 56-inch widths. All the correct new weaves and shades in the extremely fash ionable green novelties. Crepes, Granites, Poplins, Empire Cloth, Self-Colored Fancies, Serges, Egyptian Crepes, Henriettas, etc., at a price to suit every purse, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 a yard. New Double-Weight Coatings full 56 inches wide. The m6st extensive and finest assortment of weaves and colorings that it has ever been our good fortune to assemble. Particularly attractive and fashionable are the new Scotch. Mixtures. They are here in every de sirable color combination. Great values at $1.50 yard. The Finest of Coatings Hundreds of yards, including plain effects in Zibelines, Novelty Chinchillas, Shadow Plaids,' Roman Stripes, Scotch Mixtures, Plaid Back and Reversible Coatings. A showing that must be seen to be appreciated. Values that cannot be equaled else where at $2.50 to $2.95 a yard.