The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 04, 1914, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Developments at Liege Show
Why -So Much Money Is
Spent to Obtain Secrets.
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Nation Only Recently Awake to Ne
cessity for Improvement and 3fow
Additions It Ordered Are Be- -Ing
Installed by Germans.
LIEGE, fa'ept. 11. (Correspondence of
the Associated Press.) Surprise is oft
en, expressed that so much money and
effort are spent in setting plans of
fortresses m time of p ,ce and that
the vigilant efforts are made to pre
vent espionage in fortified places, while
general outlines and weak spots of a
fortress must be disclosed as soon as &
eerious attack is launched against it In
time of war.
A visit to the battered and shell-rent
forts of Liege, under the guidance of
German artillery and engineer officers
now engaged in restoring the Belgian
fortress, indicates one reason at least
for this mystery. This is to prevent the
enemy from learning in advance 'the
location of the gun turrets. Liege
proved that these turrets, despite the
heaviest armor and many feet of ce
ment wall protection, are vulnerable to
modern artillery once their c- loca
tion is established.
Turrets Withstand Bombardment.
Each fort virlted showed scenes of
Titanic devastation and destruction.
Great, gaping holes were opened in
the earth wherever shells from big
siege mortars landed, debris of stone
and cement fragments littered the sur
face within the fort enclosure to a
depth of a foot or more, the cement
walls of the revolving gun turrets were
battered, cracked and smashed, and
their armor-p.ate roofs showed great
dents where shells had landed; but
with few exceptions the turrets were
still intact, despite the heavy bombard
ment. The guns were put out of action,
not by shells penetrating the turrets,
but because the turrets themselves
jammed, making the aiming of the can
non impossible.
The German shells, even those of the
dreaded 16-inch siego mortar, had
bounded off the armored roffs, leaving
deep marks and splashes where they
had exploded, but without penetrating,
but those striking the concrete casing
had "racked off fragments which filled
up the space between turret and casing,
effectively jamming the turning ma
chinery. German Turrets Better Hidden
German artillery experts say that the
gun turrets in German fortresses have
the same general construction and the
same weakness, but point out that In
case of attack much time must be
spent in locating the turretB, for which
hidden positions are skilfully chosen.
At Liege the forts were on the sum
mits of ridges, with the gun position
in plain view for miles, so that the
German artillery, even without the ex
istence of their maps of the fortresses,
could drop their shells upon the tur
rets as upon the bullseye of a gigantic
The forts themselves. In the opinion
of the German officers, were well laid
out and well designed for forts of their
-24 to 26 years dui we teis "
since then Had done nmo v
up to date. Only of late had they
awakened to the necessity of modern
izing the forts by putting In a better
system of fire control and more tele
phones and had placed orders with
German firms for the necessary electric
wiring and plant and for additional
cannon. They are now being installed,
but by the Germans, with the aid of
the original fortress plans captured
when Liege fell. .
Socialist Opposes Annexation.
A most interested spectator during
the inspection trip was Dr. Liebknecht,
the Socialist Deputy, whom the for-io-
rsnnrisd executed early in
the war. He enjoyed the special favor
of the army officers In cnarge 01 ino
... Thir were ad
dressed to him; the Governor of the
Fortress Liege. General Goleve, camo
. .. ..inm him. After his inspection
of Liege, Dr. Liebknecht departed for
Louvain and Brussels, where he was
x,ith the same favor. Dr.
M.hVn.rht will not hear of the annex
ation of Belgium or any part of it, a
condition of peace on wnicn ine supe
nstrint.i already have set their
' ' -
"The minute that an attempt is made
to incorporate Belgium or any part of
it in Germany, that minute the boasted
thia fierman carties will dls
aoDear." he said to the representative
,i, antral staff who accompanied
him in the automobile ride around the
I I fort girdle.
t I Receiver for Defunct Raymond Trust
t Company to Be Asked.
t I RAYMOND. Wash.. Oct. 3. (Special.)
i ; Assistant State Bank Examiner Hay
5 1 in whi has had charge of the Ray-
i I mond Trust Company since its failure
. last week, has practically compieieo.
his examination of the affairs of the
; defunct bank and probably will issue
: S some statement of the condition of the
1 : institution early next week.
t i It is expected that application will
I " be made for a receiver, after which
the affairs of the bank will be wound
up as speedily as possible. There are
three applicants for the position. C. W.
Reed, of the realty firm of Lewis &
Reed of this city, has the indorsement
of local depositors, while W. P. Cressy
and A. V. Hammond, of South Bend,
are also out for the position.
f ; Talk on Play Given Normal Pupils.
mouth. Or., Oct. 3. (Special.) The fac
ulty and students of this school heard
a lecture by Miss Marie Ruth Hofer on
The Evolution of Play." Above all
things she urged the girls not to play
baseball. She says, "that girls playing
k-all will lead to the rough, rude, vulgar
ilass of people."
Germany Building 50 Submarines.
LONDON. Oct. 3. The German flock--aiHu
are working with feverish
enerary, says a Copenhagen .dispatch to
the Daily Mail, r uty supmarines are
being built, it Is reported, the sub
marine successes having made the Ger
man public clamor for more ships of
this kind.
Xew York Park to Get Joan of Arc.
NEW YORK, Oct. 3. A committee of
nrominent men and women announced
todav that it had engaged Miss Anna
Vaughq Hyatt to make an equestrian
statue or joan oi Arc m in pivcu in
one of the city's public parka.
German Right, Whl-1t n Week Ako Had
Where Heavy Figatlng Occurred Saturday. Sixth French Army Is Bearing Brunt of Attack by German Klth
Line Extends Eastward, and Beyond Soissons Is Practically Identical With That at a Week Ago. Continued A
Left to Outflank Each Otber Have Served Gradually to Extend the Line Northwnrd Almost to Arras, Which
German Vice-Chancellor Says
Economic Position Strong.
Measures Taken to Divert Labor
Front Unemployed, to Busy l)e
partments General Mora
torium Not Expected.
BERLIN. Oct. 3. via The Hague and
London. Germany's position economi
cally and financially Is such aa will
enaole her to carry the war to a suc
cessful conclusion. In the opinion of
Vice-Chancellor Clemens Delbrueck.
The country cannot be starved out, said
the Vce-Chancellor in an interview to
day. Unemployment was steadily decreas
ing, with from 6.000,000 to 6,000,000 in
the field, he said. Many industries
were working overtime on war orders
and measures had been taken to divert
labor from idle branches to busy de
partments until now the unemployed
numbered only from 6 to 7 per cent of
the workingmen In the country.
Measures have been taken also to
put the finances and the credit of trade
and industry on a war footing, and
these have been so thoroughly success
ful that a general moratorium un
doubtedly will be warded off during
the entire war, said Herr Delbrueck,
placing Germany in a far better posi
tion after the war than that of states
whose industrial life is affected by a
"Men and Jobs Put Together.
In opening the interview Vice-Chan
cellor Delbrueck, who also holds the
office of Imperial Minister of Interior,
referred to the unanimous demonstra
tion by representatives of labor, agri
culture, commerce, industry and trade
of September 28, of the determination
of the German people to see the war
through to a successful conclusion, and
declared that this was no bluff, but was
justified by the spirit and prepara
tion of the. country. The currency
crisis which immediately preceded hos
tilities was quickly and completely
overcome and now there was an abun
dance of circulation media.
"One serious consequence of the mob
ilization." said the Vice-Chancellor,
"was the lack of employment, despite
the fact that the call to the colors
took from 5,000,000 to 6.000,000 able
bodied men from the industrial field
into the army. The idleness was due
to the fact that the curtailing of In
dustries caused local unemployment.
The provincial employment agencies
then were merged in an imperial em
ployment bureau, with the immediate
result that the question of employ
ment was solved by putting the man
and the job together.
Employer nnd Men Agree.
"The dead center passed, every change
produces an improvement, because the
representatives of the employers and
the employes are working in patriotic
co-operation in this bureau without re
gard to partisanship or creed.
"As an efflicent intermediary, the bu
reau has obtained harvest workers, who
are gathering Germany's promising
harvest. This Is an instance showing
how the job and the man have been
brought together.' The same is true in
the mining and shipbuilding industry,
Map Sbevrlng the Arrangement of the Forts and Redoubts Guarding
the City. Verdun, the Northernmost et the Krencn Fnrtrensen Fo
lag the German Frontier. Lies SO Miles Southwest of Luxemburg
and About SO Miles From Loimy, Wnrre the German Army Made
It First Attach. It Must. Therefore, Be Captured or Masked Be
fore a Further Advanee Can Be Made by the German Army of the
Mosel. It Is Only 35 Milrs to Met but 173 From Paris. The Fig
ures on the Diagram Indicate the Height of the Positions Above
the Sea in Meters. '
Been forced Beyond St. ttnentin. In
In the case of the textile industries,
the hours f of labor have been short
ened, the trades unions working most
efficlen'ly in this equalization.
LnemDJoyinent since the outbreak
of the war has been steadily decreas
ing. At present all Industries supply-
ng the army are working to their ut
most capacity. Our production of an
thracite is generally meeting the de
mands of Germany, Austria and sev
eral neutral countries. Other industries
which are natural world monopolies.
such as dyestuffs and potash, are nec
essary to neutral countries, who, I
suppose, will buy them during the war.
Raw Materials Taken Over.
"There Is a certain difficulty regard
ing raw materials. One of the first
steps taken when the war began was
to form an organization to institute a
careful stock-taking and take over nec
essary materials, the same to be later
served out to the industries in need
of them. We found the supplies greater
than had been expected and certain ar
ticles have been obtained In consider
able quantities in countries occupied by
our armies.
"Our population can be starved out
as little as can our industries. Germany
produces almost the whole of her own
consumption of breadstuffs and meats.
Certain deficiencies in fodder supplies
we are prepared to counteract by a ra
tional use of our large crops, particu
larly potatoes.
Germany, he continued, was now
abundantly supplied with food that
that would last until the next harvest.
The sugar supply was so ample that
next year the fields would be planted
with crops in which there was a de
known as the Kayo Maru and was sunk
in Laohan Bay.
The German forts and ships, it is also
announced, are constantly shelling the
Japanese army, which is slowly pre
paring for the big assault on Tsing-
Tau, the German stronghold.
A German aeroplane from Tsing-Tatt
has made two unsuccessful attempts to
attack Japanese warships. Japanese
aeroplanes went in pursuit of the Ger
man air craft and were subjected to
bomb fire.
A captive balloon, .. -ich has been
seen above Tsing-Tau. has been hauled
down- It is believed to have been dam
(Continued From First Page.)
but the squadrons . of the enemy were
put to flight and completely dispersed,
sustaining heavy losses. They carried
along in their rojt Infantry which was
protecting them. v
"The Russian troops have occupied
Raygrod. Kalvary and Mariampol (all
in Russian Poland).
TnHitrnificant engagements have tak
en place in the neighborhood of Klelce,
on the right bank of the Vistula.
"In the Carpathians the Russian
trooDS repulsed near Mikoulitz an Aus
trian detachment, which lost Its cannon
and mitrailleuses.
(Continued From First Page.)
most elementary tactical points In sit
uations 'on the battlefield. It also was
frequently charged that many Russian
officers lack courage.
Anti-Trust Vote Goes Over.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. Efforts to end
the debate on the Clayton 'trust bill
and to adopt the conference report on
the measure again failed today in the
Senate, and the vote went over until
next week. .
Xott Before Albert. Where Heavy h'l
Roads Leading to Belgian
Coast Being Repaired.
Germans Admit General von Kluck
Is Going Jfortljw ard, but Assert
He Is Taking Own Time
and Holding Foe Well.
(Continued From First Pay-
the north of the Varennes-la-Harazee-Vlennes-la-Vllle
"In the Woevre district and on the
hefghts of the Meuse our progress is
always slow but continuous.
"In the Belgian field the Germans
are bombarding the front southeast of
the Antwerp positions without being yet
able to produce any considerable ef
fect on the works. They have deliv
ered many Infantry attacks, which have
been repulsed." e .
The official announcement of the
Paris war- office says: -
"First, on our left wing the violent
action which has been progressing since
yesterday continues without Interrup
tion, particularly In the region of Roye,
where we have repulsed all attacks,
although on this part of the front the
enemqy has been reinforced by new
additions taken from the enemy's cen
ter, previously reported.
The German official statement, re
ceived from Berlin by way of London,
"The right wing of the German army
in France has repulsed renewed ef
forts on the part of the French to out
flank it. To the south of Roye the
French have been dislodged from their
"The situation in the center of the
battle front remains unchanged.
"German troops advancing in the
Argonne region have won substantial
advances In a southerly direction.
"East of the Kiver Meuse' French
troops from Toul undertook energetic
night attacks, but were repulsed.
"Before Antwerp. Fort Wavre St.
Catherines and the redoubt Borpevelvt,
with their intermediate works, were
assaulted yesterday afternoon at 5
o'clock. Fort Waelhem has been in
vested. "The western and Important outer
epaulement of the Termonde fortifica
tions is in our possession.'
Russian Monarch Thoeskt te Be a
Warsaw, German Enptrar to Have
' Left Breslam -for Posen.
LONDON. Oct. 3. (Special.) The
Czar and the Kaiser have hastened to
the v battle line, along the German
frontier. Correspondents of newspa
pers in Rome and London report that
the Czar has left Petrograd for the
front. It is assumed that the Russian
ruler Is at Warsaw, base of the great
Russian central army now advancing
directly toward Posen and already in
collision with German armies In the
line of Posen, Kalises, Czenstacbowa
and Cracow.
There is information from German
and Russian sources that the Kaiser
has left Breslau for Posen and Is dom
inating the strategy of the German de
fense. If these statements are accur
ate they signify that the monarch!
comprehend that a decisive phase of
the conflict of Russia against Germany
is at hand at various points along the
front, particularly from Posen and
Germans are attempting a vigorous
offensive, numbering about 750,000.
Their purpose is to beat the Russian
forces advancing from Warsaw so de
cisively that the Russians must again
abandon East Prussia and withdraw
forces in Poland for the defense of
Warsaw. The rumor persists that the
Kaiser is In supreme command of these
Philadelphia Judge 5aj Most Di
vorce Cases -Due to Meddling.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 15. Seventy
cases were called before Judge Browu
In the Desertion Court, and in many
of them he succeeded In effecting are-
. - . -
kMIuk Ueeurred K rid a v. nnd Rove.
t. From a I'olnt South of Roye, the
ttempts by German Right and Allies'
la 10O Miles orth of Paris.
conciliation. As usual, mothers-in-law
figured prominently among the causes
given for disagreements among young
married people, and the court took
occasion to sharply rap interferences
by the mother of either husband or
"A surprisingly large number of the
cases brought Into this court are
caused by the Influence and interfer
ence of mothers-in-law," observed
Judge Brown."
"Apparently some mothers fail to op
predate and reflect on what they have
to endure from their mothers-in-law.
When their sons or daughters marry
they overlook the fact, that the chll
dren have entered another stage of life
and while the parent may be solicitous
for their comfort and happiness she Is
constantly Incurring the disapproval of
either husband or wife, and this In
evitably leads to bickerings and dis
cord In the family. It would be more
estimable for the mothers to keep from
becoming Involved in the quarrels and
spats of the young folks and let them
adjust their own differences. With this
done fewer family difficulties would
be brought Into thie court."
Pacific Beach Hotel Quickly Con
"siitncd In Early Morning Fire.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Oct. 3. (Spe
cial.) The raclflc Beach Hotel. located
at Pacific Beach, a fashionable Summer
resort, 18 miles west of here, owned by
Carl Cooper, was burned to the ground
early this -morning, with a loss of ap
proximately The place was
Insured to the amount of $7500.
The Are. which started shortly after
6 o'clock this morning in the second
story of -the building, enveloped the
entire hotel in flames within a few
minutes. Mrs. Sterling, of Walla Walla,
a guest at the hotel, fainted In an up
stair corridor. Carl Cooper, however,
picked her up and carried her out of
the building.
German Women in Italy Generous,
Chambermaid Giving $600.
ROME, via Paris, Oct. 3. A meeting
of ths Germans was held here today to
collect funds for. a war present to the
fatherland. The women In attendance
gave all the valuables they possessed
and a chambermaid insisted on giving
her bank book, calling for 3000 lire
(about $600), though she was urged to
keep part of It.
The German women here have sent
to Germany tljfW cars loaded with
ravelings for the woundea. made from
their household linen.
of Morrison, III.,
Struck Blow, Is Held.
DIXON, 111., Sept. 26. James Sinn, a
druggist of Morrison and manager of
the Morrison baseball team, was held
to the Whiteside County grand jury a
few days ago for murder.
During the ball game between the
Morrison and Charlotte (la.) teams,
Dorsey Palmer, who was Intoxicated,
mistreated a young son af Sinn's and
Sinn slapped him with bis open hand.
fracturing his windpipe. Palmer fell
from the seats to the ground and lay
there durng the IS innings of the game
un-noticed. His death was discovered
when he failed to rise at the close of
the game.
Germans Play March to Tempt War
Levy From French Town.
LONDON, Sept. 28T The Times cor
respondent In Coulommlers, Depart
partraent of Seine-et-Marne. France,
says iae Mayur ana rTosecmor oi tnat
town refused absolutely to pay 320,000
demanded by the Germans as a' war
Rheumatism depends on an acid
which flows In the blood, affecting the
muscles and joints, producing inflam
mation, stiffness and pain. This acid
gets Into the blood through some de
fect in the digestive processes, and re
mains there because the liver, kidneys
and skin are too torpid to carry it off.
Hood's Sarsaparllla. the old - time
blood tonic. Is very successful In the
treatment of rheumatism. It acts
directly, with purifying effect, on the
blood, and through the blood on the
liver, kidneys and skin, which it stimu
lates, and at the same time It Improves
the digestion.
Get Hood's Sarsaparllla today. Sold by
all druggists. Adv.
I pfd Dr. Brown; ow I quit. Lucore,
Read page 14, this section. Adv.
Designed by Roseawald & Weil, Chics
Perhaps you've noticed some
one wearing a Ballymede II Overcoat;
you wanted one like it, naturally.
We have just received a stock of these
Rosenwald & Weil Overcoats. They are the
most stylish garment we have offered in years.
The Ballymede II is one of the smart
est new season models. It is cut out of only
two pieces of cloth, cleverly tailored; loose fit
ting, full back, coat lapels, and the wide velvet
Pickwick collar. Your tailor might produce
one at $80.00 we offer them ready to slip on at
less than half. .
The lining is genuine imported French silk.
Phegley & Cavender
Cor. Fourth and Alder Sts.
They ware taken outside the town, to
be shot, and the Germans played
Chopin's funeral march as a, last threat
to induce them to pay.
"War "Maps, Globes, -State and City
Maps, Atlases, Etc., at Saving Prices
Latest edition, cloth mount
ed map of Europe, in colors,
size 40x60 inches; Gill's price,
Pocket map of Europe,
with cover, size 20x28 inches;
price 25c
Map of the World, size 48x
68 Inches; a splendid refer-'
ence map; price f.1.50.
Blue and White Print Maps
of the Counties of Oregon
and Washington, now priced
at, per copy. $1.00.
Government Quadrangle
Maps of Oregron City; Boring
etc., etc, 10c.
Gill's colored map of Ore
gon, size 49x39 inches, (1.00.
Rand McNally's Map of the
States, pocket size, with cov
er; per state. 25c.
Plttmon's street a-uide to
Portland, with map, inlorma- .
tlon. ate., etc, 25c.
(Book. Dept.
The J. K. Gill Co. Third and Alder Streets
Toronto. Kansas, .March 4, 1914.
Bankers Life Insurance Company,
Lincoln. Nebraska.
GENTLEMEN: I am today In receipt
of your check for (951.71. settlement
of my Policy No. 3073. taken out with
you 20 years ago today.
Your General Agent. Chas. Sims,
settled this, and I want to say I am
well pleased. I paid you (667.00 In
twenty years, had a Policy of (1,000.00
taken out at age 29. Had I died any
time 'In 20 years my estate would have
got (1,000.00 and all I paid in.
Two other men In town are matur
ing policies. In New York Life, and .
when they found my settlement was
so much better than theirs, they were
sorry they were not in the Bankers
I shall always say a good word for
your Company.
' Yours very truly,
Ask. the man who owns one of our policies. We have a good agency for you.
Write Us. Assets $7,700,000.
ICou are guaranteed at this office. The guarantee is
backed by 27 vears' continuous practice in Portland. Peo
ple come to this office from all parts of the Northwest.
Our skill is acknowledged and our promptness in finishing
work in one day when required is appreciated by out-of-town
Wa Extract Any Number of Teeth Without Causing the
Slightest Pain. ,
We have the best equipped dental office in Portland. We
give the best dental, service obtainable at any price.
What we can't guarantee we don't do.
Geod Red Ribhcr Plates, each as.OO
The Best Red Rubber Plates. eaeb-.S7.50
23-Karat Gold er Hwreelatn
Pkm Mala 302SV A ZOZSl
1XV laird btreet. Falling Building,
The English, however, saved their
lives, as a retreat was ordered before
the threatened execution could be car
ried out.
War Atlas, size 10x14
inches; priced at 10c
Gill's complete Atlas of the
World, size tnx( inches,
bound in cloth. (1.50; bound
In leather. (2.50. A complete
and comprehensive volume.
Considered the best.
Hammond's Standard Com
mercial Atlas of the World,
beautifully bound and print
ed, size 14&X21H inches.
Bartholomew's Atlas. im
full colors; a splendid small
size volume; price 25c
Automobile Guide Book
and road maps of Oregon
and Washington, bound In
paper, (1.50 each; In cloth,
(2.50 each.
All varieties of globes from
6 to 18 inches, priced from
60c and up.
First Floor)
Twenty Payment Life Policy
Matured in the
Old Line Bankers Life Insurance
of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Name of Insured. . -Thomas Owens
Residence Toronto, Kans.
Amount of Policy $1,000.00
Total Premiums Paid to
Company 667.00
Total Cash Paid Mr. Owens $951.71
And 20 years' insurance for nothing
S. !. Coraer Third aod Waahlnrtoa.