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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1914)
17 e;We Ibie oole 2 Q to the THE SUNDAY OREGONIA.X, - PORTLAND, OCTOBER 4, 1914. Opp-or itv tin Sit G - T T H. 5 Years Ago a To the Man Looking for a Business Location For 30 Days Commencing With Sale We Will Offer 20 iscount to the Builder and Cash Buyer You cannot appreciate what this means to the people of the Colum bia River Basin until you visit Flavel and see the mammoth docks and yards Hill is building there as his transcontinental terminus. When going to Flavel stop at the Flavel Hotel Strictly Modern American Plan. Rates $2.50 to $4.50 Per Day Special Rates by Week or Month BELCHER & MURPHY, Proprietors C.T.BELCHER. Mgr. DAN MURPHY, Mgr. Cafe and Grill Salesmen Wanted Announcement Our investment in the tract of land at the month of the Columbia River known as "FLAVEL" set the stamp of approval and faith in the Columbia Harbor as the greatest transshipment point of the Pacific Northwest and on "FLAVEL" as the most advan tageous point in that harbor for the meeting of rail and water transportation facilities. The unqualified indorsement by the late Collis P. Huntington, who at the time of hi3 death was making all arrangements to make "FLAVEL," at the mouth of the Columbia River, his great rail and ocean terminal for the Pacific Northwest. James J. Hill, through his son, Louis W. Hill, President of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle R. R. Co., announced that at "FLAVEL" they found every condition for a great rail and water terminal point more nearly in perfection than at any other in the North west, and voiced the decision of their directors that at this point they would establish their terminals for the S., P. & S. t ' . Within a thousand feet of the high-tide line the channel, with a depth of 40 feet, furnishes an open roadstead to the sea only seven miles away. From this there stretches to the west and south a great level plain, fertile beyond description, studded here and 'there with beautiful spruce,- making a veritable park of the several thousand acres. This combination of a deep land-locked harbor, with a flat adjacent upland, makes the most ideal economical rail and water terminal possible. It also makes street grade and city construction of the greatest permanency at the least cost. So nearly perfect are all natural conditions for city building of great commercial proportions, that it is the common expression, "How could it have remained unoccupied so long?" Faith is the mainspring and stay of human activities. Our faith has been fully justi fied. Hill's great transcontinental railway is at "FLAVEL." He is installing the first unit of his great docking facilities there; millions of tons of import and export are knocking at our door for transmission and calling upon us to make ready by throwing the "FLAVEL" properties upon the market for settlement. Therefore, we have placed the same with the WARRENTON-ASTORIA TOWNSITE CO., as our Sole Agents and we invite the investing public's notice to the literature and advertising of this company as the special features that will surely make this a fruitful investment for any man. Respectfully, FLAVEL LAND & INVESTMENT COMPANY, S. H. Brown, President. 1 OCEAN UbuV meet 0Ql5uU RIVER GREAT NORTHERN FILES ITS ARTICLES Hill Interests Officials as Head of Five Million Dollar Concern to Operate New Steamship Line. SALEM, Or.,. Sept. 30. The Great Northern Steamship Company, with capital stock of $5,000,000, filed articles of incorporation with Corporation Commissioner Watson today. L. C. Oilman, W. F. Turner and James B. Kerr, of the Hill interests, are the incorporators and the company's headquarters will be -at FLAVEL, on the Columbia River, from which point steam ships will be operated to California cities. The fee for filing was $525.15. FREE FACTORY SITES Will be given to the men who will establish pay roll industries ENTIRE WATERFRONT FACING RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE UTILIZED FOR INDUSTRIES MANUFACTURING PLANTS WILL HAVE BOTH RAIL AND WATER SHIP PING FACILITIES WITH THE GREAT NORTHERN, NORTHERN PACIFIC, S., P. & S., AT THEIR COMMAND. PAYROLLS WILL BE FEATURED TO MAKE FLAVEL PROSPEROUS The Great Cities Are at the Great Harbors FLAV EL IS ON ONE OF THE GREATEST HARBORS IN tTHE WORLD IH mum IS NOT IN THE PROPOSED THE HILL DOCKS AND TERMINAL YARDS ARE NEARLY COMPLETED Salesmen Wanted SA 1.1 mif - 5 AW: CTOB ER PRICES JS250 to S500 LOTS; SSO DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH 'BUSINESS LOTS SI 50 DOWN AND $20 PER MONTH WARRENTON-ASTORIA TOWNSITE CO. (Inc.) PORTLAND, OREGON Astoria Office 422 Commercial St. Phone Main 583 Chas. Dodge Astoria, Oregon MAIN OFFICE 201 NORTHWEST BUILDING PHONE MAIN 2675 DAVID DODGE Flavel Office FLAVEL HOTEL C. M. Hemphill Flavel, Oregon i