The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 27, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 31

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All young rueii seeking employment in
commercial, clerical or technical lines ar
cordially invited to consult the employ
men r secretary.
Record, 1913:
Calls for men from employers.. 285b
Positions filled 1941
Employment membership $5 per annum,
guarantees member will secure employ
ment or refund., of tee. include two
months' full and 10 months social privi
leges. Issued by "employment eecretary only.
Ssecad Floor Jl. M. C. A. Bidg.
AT ONCE Band and circle filer, $125;
commissary managers, $75 and $150 ;
traveling salesmen; oflice men: planer and
jiiiil fwrtmcn, $1-5; engineer-machinist,
10U; aiM't engineer and firemen, $5;
ii! mill linterinan, $3-50; bread baker,
$75; planer helper, $2.50; crosscut saw
iiler, $73; together with 75 other hlgh
ctas openings. We are employers largest
saw mills in South. Address this office.
Maek'a, Little Kock, Ark. .
THE difference between common labor, long
iou rs, small wages and driving and re
pairing automoLr'es, pleasant work, big
wub'es.. la 3 or 4 weeks training in our
practical school. Call or write for our free
trial proposition.
266-208-272 31th St., Portland, Or.
WANTED In a modern, general drygooda
store, located within. 100 miles of Port
land, a competent man to do the ad
vertising, window trimming and card
writing; should understand price goods
sufficiently to take practically entire
charge ; meet proprietor Monday morning
I to 11 at Florsheim Shoe Store, 350 Wash
ington 8t.
ESTABLISHED law firm has place for
young man of education. Intelligence ana
industry, ambitious to become lawyer, who
desire development rather -than imme
i late monev comnensation. Future will
depend largely upon applicant. This is
not a Job but an opportunity. Give par-
ticulars first letter. AP 283, Oregonian.
SALESMAN for general mercantile trade in
Oregon to sell a new proposition of merit;
vacuni'v Oct. 1: attractive commission
contract; $33 weekly for expenses. Miles
F. Bixler Co., Wholesale Jewelers, 2-0-31
Carlin bog., Cleveland, u.
HAN and wife with experience to work foi
family of two; ten acres, 8 miles from city,
on electric. Man to work farm and wo
man to do cooking and housework. We
furnish room and board. State wages ex
pected. Y 207, Oregonian.
TWo" men supervise local mailorder busi
ness; experience unnecessary; spare time;
everything furnished free; opportunity to
establish profitable business. Write to
day giving age, nationality, references.
M ann Co., Box A133. Perry, X. H.
YOUNG MAX not over 23 who has some
Knowledge of drygoods and knows how to
wrap packages neatly; must write a good
legible hand. Salary $45 to start with.
Kttpid advancement to proper person. BD
280, Oregonian.
WANTED Young man to assist photogra-
pher, experience unnecessary, must fur
. rush good references. Apply bet. 7 and 8
tonight. Portland Camera Exchange, 245
Morrison t.
WANTED Men having experience selling of
fice supplies or stationery to consumers.
Fine opening, every city, California, Wash
ington, Oregon. Correspondence contiden
tial. Mark W. Shaw, Los Angeles.
WANTED Auto repair man. competent to
take charge of shop in Spokane agency
for Delco equipped cars; give experience
ami references. Address E. M. Flood, oil
Umpire Slate bldg., Spokane.
and neat appearance? If so, you can earn
$25 per week. Call Monday 1 to P. M.
025 'hamber uf Commerce bldg. Mr.
$u00 IN CASH and' a man that is willing
to work can make good big money for
these times with a truck. We have the
Job and truck. Write us. AC 203, Ore
Ionian. WHITE moving-picture plays, $.".0 each, all
ir spare time; no correspondence course ;
detail free. Atlas Pub. Co., -i'J, Cincin
nati, O-
Help Wanted Agents.
WE start you in business, furnishing every
thing; men and women; $30 to $200 week,
ly operating our "New System Specialty
Canoy Factories' home or small room
a ny where; no canvassing ; opportunity of
. lifetime; booklet free. Itagsdale Co., Box
S. East Orange, N. J.
AU ENTS, salary or commission ; greatest
seller yet; every usfr of pen and ink -buys
on sight; 2uo to 50o per cent profit; one
agent's sales $620 in six days; another.
$32? in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44,
La Crosse, Wis.
FE W comm ission salesman to visit furnl-
ture and hardware dealers; pocket samp
les ; we now have side line salesmen in
. ome territory earning $40 weekly . and
more. State age, territory and lines you
now handle. S. Mfg. Co., 20 Warren et.t
New York.
AGENTS make $25 to $50 wee'.tly selling
self-lighting tips and gas stove lighters;
no matches required; Just turn on gas,
lights itself; sells on sight; send for prop
osition before all territory is taken. Au
tomatic Gas Appliance Co.. 1 Union Square,
New York.
WAR! WAR! WAR! Agents to sell our war
books, beautifully illustrated in natural
colors, cloth covered, retails $1 ; rapid
sellers, big commission ; credit given ;
complete book, etc., sent free to workers.
Send references. Laird Lee, Inc., Pubis.
(Est. 18S 7 Ch lcag a.
AGENTS, either sex In every state for our
.pedal exclusively owned home product;
no competition ; territory protected; prof
- its large; valuable gift to every agent
joining given at once. Address Manufac
turer, 1004 Blake st., Denver. Colo.
FREE to. advertisers; handy book to keep
records; new edition ready; advertisers,
for results use classified section Boyces
Weeklies; circulation 1,250,000 weekly ;
rate 30c per word. Record Book, dept. 77B,
SOS X. Dearborn, Chicago.
WANTED Responsible agents everywhere;
by the largest, best-known nursery in the
Northwest. Liberal commission, steady
position. Address Oregon Nunsery, Or
enco. Or.
GREATEST offer ever made; 11-piece toilet
article set and $1 carving set; all cost
you 50c; sells for $1; 20 sales a day easy.
Write today. Pierce Chemical Company,
Station C, Chicago.
STATE or county, for invisible self-starter.
Ford cars; sells on sight; large commls-
sion; protected territory. Address Indus
trial Mfg, Co., 540 Jackson bldg., Chi
cago. HIGH-CLASS salesman, special edition man
or Insurance solicitor who can- approach
best citizens; must make good appear
ance ; straight business proposition ; good
salary to right party. AV 7815, Oregonian.
N E W mechanical mender, mends without
solder or glue; household necessity ; re
peat orders; sample 10c. Write quick.
Meramec Co.. Broadway and Walnut,
Dept. 170, St. Louis. v
FOR tarnoff silver cleaner; used with com
mon baking soda ; no rubbing or scour
ing; send 50c for sample. Sandberg
Bros. Supply Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
CO-OPERATE with me In a world beater,
$3 to $10 a day easily made; -particulars
sent free. Write Chisholm Supply Co.,
1724 4th ave., Spokane, Wash.
MEN and women, attractive proposition ;
everybody needs article; $."G weekly ; pos
. tal brings particulars; write today. Agents
Mutual Control. 904 Wail st., Los Angeles.
AGENTS make big money and become sales
mgr. for our goods; fast office seller; fine
profits. Particulars, sample free. One Dip
Pen Co.. 731 Daily Record, Baltimore, Md.
KEROSENE-GAS burners cook stoves or
ranges, stop use of wood or coal; patented
1914; money maker for agents. Vapor
uaa Burner io., ucsk. iu, uoiumbus, o.
WANTED Live, energetic men and women
to sell raincoats; good paying proposition.
SEE ME. L. I. RANKLE, Hotel Eaton.
Main 8170. Call mornings or after 6 P. M.
AGENTS Here's the winner: New 25c
household necessity, sells on siirht. Get
particulars. Gantjon Specialty Co., Omaha,
Auh. is fceii guaranteea nosiery; 70 per
centDrofit; make $10 daily; orders repeat
regularly; nest agents' seller in existence.
International Mills. "West Philadelphia, Pa.
SELLS like hot cakes; new laundry wax
perfumes clothes with lasting violet per-fum-i;
working outfit 5c, new offer. Per
fume Gloss, 13 St., New York.
600 PER CENT profit; gold and silver sign
letters for store, office windows; anyone
can put on ; write toaay ; iree sample.
Metallic Letter Co.. 437 N. Cla rk, Chicago.
AGENTS wanted for our fast-selling house
hold rtecesnlty; exclusive territory, with
big1 commission. Jaeger illg. Co., Port
land, Or.
1C POST CA'BO "'HI nut you . in touch with
$20 to $S0 week proposition; don't let
1c stand between you and prosperity. BL
4uo, Keener block, Chicago, ill.
HEX and women; the fastest dollar making
proposition out: a postal to the Eastern
Hosiery Mills, Riverside, N. J., will show
you now.
BOTH sexes: we manufacture and control
fastest selling household articles ever in
vented; exclusive territory. Connolly, 1-3
Lmeny st., rew ora.
PORTRAIT agents Something new, pay to
invesuRdie, - caia.ogue; samples rree.
Friedman & Co., Mfgrs., Martlnsburg, Mc
AGENTS wanted everywhere on new house
hold- necessity; exclusive territory. 12
Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or.
BIG PAY. biar value, low-price raincoats:
free coat: write for agency. The Far West
Sales company, Albany, Oregon.
333 UAh. 61.
Help Wanted- Agents.
CITY SALESMAN wanted by a large cor
poration ; a high-grade proposition with
strong selling points. Prefer man with
book or industrial insurance experience.
If you are energetic and reliable and can
furnish references, address, stating experi
ence, AC 217, Oregonian.
MAKE $21 next Saturday; brand new prop
osition, patented last January; amazing
invention, compressed air washing ma
chine, weighs but 2 pounds; excels work of
high-priced machines; customers excited;
agents coining money ; a sale at every
house; price only $1.5U; 200 per cent profit;
cleans tub of clothes in 8 minutes; works
like magic. F. Hughes made $21 first 8
hours; no charge for territory; businees
supplies the capital. Investigate. Write
now. Wendell Co., 423 Oak St., Leipslc, O.
EVERY household on farm, in small town
or suburbs where oil lamps are used needs
and will buy the wonderful Aladdlr.. man.
tie lamp; burns common coal oil (kero
sene), gives a light five times as bright
as electric; one lurmer cleared over $500
in six weeks; hundreds witn.rigs earning
$10o to $3oo per month; no cash required;
we furnish capital to reliable men. Write
- quick for wholesale prices, territory and
sample lamp for free trial. Mantle Lamp
Co., 20 Aladdin bldg., Portland, Or,
IF you want to control territory on article
without competition, selling to everybody
using knives and scissors, write us at once.
We are introducing Kwicksharp, only ma
chine made that anybody can properly
sharpen knives and scissors with ; abso
lutely no experience needed; field for sale
enormous; price low; yout; profit large; in
vestigate. Spengler-Loomls Mfg. Co., Zi
E. .Randolph, Chicago, 111.
AGENTS wanted, $200 month easily made
selling newly-patented article to stores and
offices. Costs nothing to operate, saves
time and money. yells quickly. Iarge
proiit. A fine opportunity. Write for
particulars or send $2 for sample and if
you do not want agency, return in live
days for full refund. MarkW. Shaw, Los
Russell, noted military writer; introduction
by Bishop Fallows; complete right up to
date history of the European war, its
causes, etc. Thrilling personal experiences.
Fully illustrated; very latest pictures. Big
seller; 50 per cent discount to agents.
Outfit free. National Bible House, Chicago.
$60 WEEKLY for you selling new, amazing
household Invention ; 20th century marvel ;
bathing appliance; gives every home mod
ern bathroom ; no pipes, no plumbing, no
waterworks needed. "Took 8 orders yes
terday, $40 profit." W. A. Bachmann,
Kansas. H. s. Robinson, president, 9a 5
Factories bldg., Toledo, O,
Help Wanted Salesmen.
SIDE LINE salesmen, now Is time to turn
your spare hours into dollars ($).- Time
lost around hotels waiting on trains, etc.,
can be cashed with us by handling our
line as side line consisting of blue and
white, white and white and grey enam
eled ware, aluminum ware, tinware, crock
ery ware, etc.; all staple sellers; .pocket
samples; long terms; liberal commissions
paid weekly ; write at once, giving home
address as well as road address. Mercan
tile Sales Co., 1115 Walnut ave. N. E.,
Cleveland, O.
Wanted Three salesmen for -city work for
the most legitimate and best proven sell
ing proposition in the Northwest. Your
income will bo limited solely to your own
efforts and ability. References required.
Apply before 10:30 A. M- THE OREGON
HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern
Bank bldg.
SUCCESSFUL salesmen working small
towns, increase earnings spare time by
placing our punch board assortments; we
guarantee merchants sales; can use only
men now employed as salesmen capable of
earning $30 per week; state territory. See
our Dunn and Bradstreet rating, also
rating of those who copy our ad and
plans. Devon Mfg. Co., Chicago.
SIX men for Oct. 15 outside of Portland ;
$150 to $250 monthly; we pay every Thurs
day; no samples, no selling or collecting;
simply determination to work; such full
Instructions furnished that success is as
sured. Write and secure splendid Income.
L. V. Browne, Sect'y, 687 Schwlnd bldg.,
Dayton, O.
SALLSMEN lor small towns, whole time or
side line ; special sales plan allowing re
turn unsold goods makes quick easy dally
sales; $5 commission on each order; some
thing entirely new ; write for pocket out
fit today. May Mfg. Co., 212 Sigel, Chi
cago, 111.
SALESMEN wanted; experienced advertising
specialty salesmen to handle great 191
-line of bank supplies, calendars, leather,
. metal, wood and cloth specialties; novel
ties for every business; liberal commission.
exclusive territory. Economy Advertising
Co., iowa city, la.
EXPERIENCED specialty salesmen or
, merchants preferred, well-rated Cleve
land firm, to sell merchants" greatest
specialty or aay; 9ow to month;
commission contract, paid weekly; state
experience. O. J. Kingle, Station C,
cieveiana, o.
EXPERIENCED, capable salesman, travel
for old established house with line that
sens, particularly all classes of merchants:
high commissions, with weekly advance
to right man. D. w. Barrows, Detroit,
MANUFACTURER requires permanent reo-
resentatives ior newiy paten tea demand of
centuries; proven success ; demonstration
convinces; possible earnings unlimited.
Samuel c. Osborn, Masonic Temple, Chi
SALESMEN experienced any line to sell
eenerai trade in .facinc territory; vacancy
October 1; unexcelled specialty nronosi-
tlon ; commission contract; $33 weekly for
expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 9S-39
continental Ding., cieveianq, umo.
EXPERIENCED salesman wanted to sell
atock in wholesale co-operative store ; li
censed under the Blue Sky Law and has
the indorsement of the Farmers Union of
state of Wash; only live wires -need apply
1118 Spalding bldg.
IF YOU are a sood specialty salesman,
write us. Our proposition means biff money
to you. Also profitable side line for cigar
salesman. security required tor samples,
Art Leather Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
WANTED Salesmen to represent factory
salary or commission; auto accessories
exclusive territory ; guaranteed line. Na
tional Puncture Seal Co., Black bldg., Los
Angeies, jai.
SPECIALTY salesmen, new and novel trade
stimulator for merchants, theaters, news
papers; large commissions; only high
grade men wanted. Edgewood Contest Co.,
Greenfield, O.
WANTED Specialty salesmen to sell high-
graae automobile and motorcycle gloves
to general retail trade on special propo
sition. Address, Manufacturer, box 510.
Iowa City, Iowa.
SALESMEN wanted to sell our check pro
tector; it sens to every person who writes
a check; circulars and Information free;
sample 25c. Terry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton
bldg., Toledo, O.
SIDE line salesmen sell grocers, confec
tioners, restaurants; no competition; we
pay freight; very attractive proposition
to dealers; liberal commission. National
Beverage Co., St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED Salesmen calling on the hard
ware trade to sell a line of high grade
tool grinders on commission. Good money
maker for high-class-- men. American
Grinder Mfg. C, Milwaukee. Wis.
SALESMEN, working for us means cash in
your pocket every day; household neces
sity ; duplicate orders ; profits big ; exper
ience unnecessary. Lowell Mfg. Co., Inc.,
108 Fulton st., New York.
SALESMEN for enamelware and crockery;
good commissions promptly paid on first
and repeat orders. Standard Specialty
Co., 2103 East 7Sth, Cleveland, Ohio.
TWO salesmen for our line paints, oils
and greases ; experience unnecessary ; our
salesmen are best paid on road. West
Coast Refining Co., San Francisco, Cal.
SALESMAN wanted to sell stock In pro
gressive concern ; good commission, ex
clusive territory opportunity to put out
sub-agents. 1118 Spalding bldg.
CIGAR salesmen wanted everywhere to
carry line of cigars on the road; $25 per
week and expenses ; experience not neces
sary. Union Cigar Co., York, Pa.
EXPERIENCED salesmen, hleh-erade ad-
stamps and litho stationery; Adstamp erase
Just starting ; we are first in field. Pic-
torlal Printing Company, Aurora, 111.
SALESMAN WANTED Chance for a first
class salesman ; want man of ability that
can make good: line established 2U years.
Apply 413 Corbett bldg.
WANTED High-class salesman to sell ad
vertising signs to merchants and manu
facturers; salary 150 per month and
.commissions. B 293, Oregonian.
DEMOXSTRATORS Improved one-minute
darner, better than m hand work; no can
vassing: unique system does selling; sure
sales, big profits. P 27$, Oregonian.
SALESMAN to call on merchants, also
house-to-house men ; something new.- Call
326 Williams ave Monday from 8 to 12.
W'lX success and wealth. Represent us. Big
pay. Free booklet "How to Win." M. Ef
ficiency League, San Francisco.
big commission ; if you are llvewire, see
me today. 165 Stout st.
SALESMAN wanted. Call Mr. Allen,
1017, Sunday or Monday.
GIRL for general housework in small fam
ily, sood wages. Call 564 Hoyt at.
Cook, out, $50 mo.
Waitress, out, $20 mo., r. and b.
Girl for shooting gallery, $2.50 day.
New positions dally.
Ladies' Dept. 265 Morrison St.
WOMEN make $2.5 to $3 per day. Work
for yourself at home. No canvassing or
peddling, but a respectable . dignified
business where you can use your natural
talents to insure you a. permanent income.
Write at once for ' free information.
Prynol Mfg. Co., Box 1143, Spokane. Wash.
SELL dress goods, hosiery, direct from mak
er to wearer by samples; all grades, cot
ton, wool, silk; domestic staples, imported
fancy novelties; many making over $3i
weekly; spare or all time; no experience;
permanent; credit given. Steadfast Mills,
dept. S1Q, Cohoee, X. Y.
WAX TED Woman, 25 to 45, tactful, edu
cated, intelligent, ambitious, to become
permanently associated with extensive
high-class concern in new tie Id. "" Only one
competent to fill position of importance
and trust need apply. Call mornings only,
924 Northwestern Bank bldg., Portland.
WE want wo men to work for us. all or
part of time, taking orders ior finest line
of toilet goods you ever used. You eaTT
make big money easily. Write for full
facts. DenturU Co., Box 3U, Minneapolis,
WANTED T-acher, competent to teach
academic course, including Latin ana al
gebra, to two young girls, in exchange
for board and room for Winter at Sea
view, Wash. No salary. R Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED cook and gen. housework
girl ; also neat girl to assist fn cooking
and do gen. work. Catholic Woman"'!
League, 123 4 th, 2d floor, from 9 to 4
P. M.
WOMEN, add to your income by acting as
our district manager. Pleasant work; good
income assured ; experience unnecessary ;
write today. The Dentoris Co., Box 30,
Minneapolis, Minn.
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wom
en is now located at room 303 new Police
Headquarters. Information, protection or
assistance given to women and girls. In
terviews confidential.
WOMEN Sell guaranteed hosiery to friends.
neighbors and general wearers; 70 per
cent profit; make $10 dally; experience
unnecessary. International Mills, West
Philadelphia, Fa.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework at Bend, Or., one capable of
taking entire charge. Permanent position
for right party. All modern conveniences.
References. Mrs. C. A. Hudson, Bend, Or.
WOMEN make $25 to $50 weekly selling
our famous toilet preparations; no experi
ence required ; write today for special in
ducements ana lun zacts. uemgria uo..
Box ii'J, Minneapolis. Minn.
COMPANIONABLE young woman for
housework and assist with care of one
child. Call 300 Cook ave., or phono C
FIVE hrishL caDable ladies to travel.
demonstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $"0
per week ; railroad fare paid. Goodrich
Drug Co.. Dept. 3 1 6, Omaha. Neb.
2.50 DAY paid lady in each town to dis
tribute free circulars for concentrated
flavoring in tubes ; permanent postion. F.
E. Barr Co., Chicago.
WRITE moving-picture plays; $50 each, all
or spare time; no correspondence course
details freo Atlas Pub, Co., 42, Clncin
nati, O,
STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, one tamlllar
with manufacturing; must be quick ana
accurate ; state experience, reference and
salary earned. ED 284, Oregonian.
Washington bldg.. 21 Washington, room
35, near 4th. Phone Main 8836 or A 8266.
WANTED Girl for light housework In small
family; small wages. Call 202 College, si.
Phone Marshall 430.
GOOD home and -moderate wages to reli
able woman to help with housework. 3b7
12th et.
YOUNG girl to assist light housework, good
home, small wages. Main 0875 Monday
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Compfony, 42J
Pittock block, 385 Washington.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work; must like children, 1028 Raleigh
st. Main 82S4.
BUSINESS firm in need of apractlcal, re
liable woman, not under 25; experience
not essential. J 2S0, Oregonian.
WANTED A maid for general housework
in a fiat. Call Main 100 between 10 and
12 Monday morning.
GOOD, cheerful girl, plain cook, will find
kind home, $20 wages and most washing
sent out. Call at 434 Holladay.
BRIGHT young girl as apprentice In corset
parlors; must know how to sew. 141
11th st.
WANTED Girl to do light housekeeping In
return, for room and board. Call Sellwood
WANTED Lady solicitor, salary, commis
sion, good proposition. Room 35, Wash
ington bldg., 270 Washington.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
small family. 888 Lovejoy st. Phone Main
7577 or A 5675.
EXPERIENCED girl to do general house
work and assist in care of two children.
565 5th st.
GIRL wanted for' general housework, small
family. Call Sellwood I860, Monday morn
NURSE of steady habits for permanent po
sition to help in private hospital. 2714
Russell st.
FAMILY help, $25, $30, $40 ; waitresses.
Howe's Ladies' Agency, 35 270 Wash-
i n K to n st. -
WANTED Elderly lady to care for 2 child-
ren and do light housework ; good home
and some wages. K 50. Oregonian.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work, American preferred ; must be fond
of children. 800 Tillamook. East 3045.
EXPERIENCED cook for general house
work; 3 In family. 161 14th en., corner
CASHIER WANTED Apply between 8:30
and 9:30 Monday morning. Goodyear
Kamcoat to., Washington st.
WANTED German girl, middle-aged wo
man, that understands some cooking. Ap
ply Hotel Rhein, 232 Front st.
WANTED Three neat-appearing high
oiown taaies oi coior. j. AUDrey J? air,
Golden West Hotel Sunday afternoon.
MAKE money writing stories or articles. Big
pay. Free booklet tells how. Address
United Press Syndicate, San Francisco.
COOK and helper, hotel, $50; mother and
daughter preferred. Hansen's Employ
meat, 345 Washington, room 7.
WANTED Capable rlrl to helo with 2
year-old child and aslst with housework;
omuii lamiiy. rnope i noy.
-COMPETENT serving girl who can carve
no others need apply. St. Nicholas Cafe
teria, 125 6th st.
WANTED Experienced housekeeper. Ad
ply Monday morning. The . Virginia Hill
noiei, zoo i4tn st.
cxxu gins to learn beauty culture; pay
wnne learning. ii ueaum oiag. Sani
tary Parlors.
GIRLS and ladies to learn trade, Portland
scnooi or iniinery, o-iii Union Ave. N
near Russell.
WANTED Two young ladles with business
ability. Call Monday from 0:30 to 12. 340
murgan Diug.
A-l TAILORESS wanted. Acheeon Garment
r nciory. Jul is. zist St.
FIRST-CLASS lady hairdresser and manl
curist. 542 Union ave. X., near Russell et.
WANTED Qualified saleswoman for leath-
er department Address R 275, Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework, good wages.
586 Tillamook.
ELDERLY lady for general housework;
washing; smaH wages. 768 E. 21st St.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply 580 E. 22d N.
WANTED Young girl to assist with bouse
twork. Apply 706 Flanders st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework
tt41 Market St. Drive. Apply Monday.
WANTED Ladies to demonstrate. $2 per
day and up. Call 609 Swetland bldg.
ouod nome to young lady desiring to work
for room and boardr- East 3935.
GIRL for general housework. Portland
Heights. 558 Montgomery Drive. Main 949.
GIRL to assist with general housework for
good home, some wages. Phone C 2209.
GIRL for .general housework and plain
cooking. Tabor 3421.
WANTED Capable man or woman to rep
resent our publications; give references
Benedictine Press, Adv. Dept., Mt. Angel,
PHOTO-COUPON agents. wanted; new prop
osition ; virgin territory; either sex. Ad-dre-s
Harry .Tames. Aberdeen, Wash.'
TEACHERS wanted; principals, specialists,
grade; half-rate enrollment; state quali
ficatlon. N. W. Teachers Agcy., N. Yakima
MODELS for costume and life classes. Ap
ply in person. Museum of Art, 5tk and
Taylor. r
WANTED Oanvasera to sell
products direct to consumer.
Madison st.
Apply 229
AMATEUR performers wanted for enter
tainment. Apply Monday 8-10 A. M. 220
1st at.
STUDENTS fitted for the stage by Francis
aurray, an actor or 2b year experience,
402 Stearns bids;.
WANTED Subscription representatives for
outside territory in Oregon; men and
women who do thorough work will be
given liberal remuneration. Call at 213
Oregonian bldg.
WANTED Experienced teacher, lady or
man, to teacn me evenings to reaa wu
write English. Please state terms in full.
Y'2iS2, Oregonian.
SALESMEN, experience unnecessary, easy
work, big pay; write large list openings
offering opportunities earn . $100 to $500
month while you learn. Address nearest
office. Dept. 311, National Salesmen's
Training Association, Chicago, New York,
Kansas City, San Francisco.
LEARN automobile repairing, drivmg on up-to-date
cars; electric, civil engineering,
surveying ; methods most practical ; room
and board while learning ; position se
cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue
free. National School of Engineering.
2110 W. 7th st., Los Angeles, CaL
THOUSANDS Government Jobs open to
men and women yearly; $i5 ta $150 per
month; ' common education sufficient.
Write Immediately for list of positions
open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 340 R,
Rochester, N. Y.
BE a detective; good positions waiting every
where for trained detectives; work easily
learned ; large salaries and traveling ex
penses; send for free illustrated booklet.
National School of Detectives, 489 Fifth
ave.. New York. Room 532.
and take a bookkeeping or shorthand
course during your spare time; only $5
per month, 0 months $25. Central Commer
cial College, "the school of success." Cen
tral bldg.. Tenth and Alder.
GOOD wages, steady employment, profit
able work, many openings, few months
learning, positions guaranteed, watchmak
ing, engraving,' optical school, 210 Com
monwealth bldg., 5th and Ankeny, Port
land. GOVERNMENT positions, postoffice. rail
way mail, other branches are good; pre
pare "exams" former U. S. Civil Service
secretary-examiner. Bookiet H35 free.
Write today. Patterson Civil Service School,
Rochester, X. Y. -
WE TEACH practically, with actual ma
chlnery In operation, electrical, gas and
steam engineering, machine shop work
and automobile repairing. Send for new
catalogue. Seattle Engineering School, 100
to 110 West Roy street. Seattle.
MRS. HINSDALE Is now ready to take
young men and young women for thor
ough business training in shorthand, book
keeping, penmanship, etc, 502 Empress
you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face
massage a specialty; tools free; positions
guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition
reduced. 233 Madison st.
LADIES to have their old hats made new,
making $1.50, trimming 25c up; firat-class
work guaranteed. Mack's Millinery, 542
Union ave. N., near Russell st. Phone East
and women to learn the trade In 8 weeks;
clean work, percentage paid while learn
ing, tools free ; scalp and face massage a
specialty; send ror tree catalogue. a J. ca
WANTED Man who will be satisfied with
18 per week, willing to work 8 hours per
day ; experience not necessary ; 4i0 invest
ment required. Clean work. 310 Lumber
Exchange, .'d and Stark sts.
WANTED Good barber to buy H interest
in shop; good downtown location. can
clear 540 per week. See this; $225 takes
it. Call 310 Lumber Exchange, 2d and
DO vou want another $2 daily? No expert
ence, constant spare time wortc. Knitting
hosiery, machines furnished on contract
we take product. Helping Hand Stores
Inc.) Chicago.
RAILWAY mail clerks. P. O. clerks, car
riers; exam, soon ; parcel post demands
many more clerks; act at once. Pacific
State School, McKay bldg., city.
PAY. 333 OAK ST.
MRS. QUEST, an experienced teacher, will
open a private school for pupils, all grades.
Monday, Sept. 28. 357 12th et. Individual
instruction given secures best results.
GOVERNMENT nosillons are- easy to (cet.
My free booklet. Y-HtS, tells jow. Write
today now. Earl Hopkins. Washington,
- D. c.
LADIES, work home making shields during
spare time; good pay, no canvassing. Par
ticulars for '-stamped addressed envelope.
Eureka Co.. Dept. 1 10B, Kalamazoo, Mich.
PREPARE to he firemen, brakemen; earn
$12 monti-iy; aena -age. postage. Kail
way Educational Association, care Ore
IK YOU want to make money or add to your
regular income, send name and address on
postal card. Address p. O. Box 3UU3, Sta
tion J, city.
WOMEX Get Government Jobs; thousands
vacancies yearly ; list positions open to
women iree. i'ranKun institute. Dept.
7U3R. Rochester, JN, X.
BE detective; earn $50 te $100 weekly
travel all over world. Write Dept. 11.
United States Detective & Adjusting
Agency, Kaiiway xcnange, st. Louis, Mo.
LADIES for home work; nothing to sell;
23c hour. inclose stamp. Rankin
Lodson, 833 Elm, Hillsdale, Pa.
NAMES and addresses by mall order houses;
big pay; home work; information for
stamp. Direct Appeal Co., Plymouth, Ind.
MEN. IS to 35. become railway postal clerks:
commence $75 month sample examination
questions free. AV 704. oregonian.
WATCHES cleaned. 75c: mainspring. 75c
work guaranteed. 216 Commonwealth
bldg., 6th and Ankeny.
LEARN to drive an auto. Expert Instruc
tor. Call at 86 10th st., bet. 12 and 2 P.
M., or phone Marshall 406.
LEARN moving picture operating; terms
reasonable; steady work. 226 2d st.
404 Commonwealth Bldg., Mar. 4258.
26 14TH ST. M. 389$. EXP. IN9TRCN,
TWO men to learn auto repairing and driv
ing. Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne.
Bookkeepers sud Clerk.
YOUNG married man filling important posi
tion with Portland concern, desires
change; experienced office manager, credit
man, accountant, etc.; would consider in
vesting little money in rignt proposition
u 2b3, uregonian.
YOUNG man with 9 years' Portland ex
perience in all-around office duties, such
as accounting, credits, correspondence and
office-managing, both wholesale and re
tail, wishes to make change. C 296, Ore
POSITION wanted as bookkeeper or office
manager by reliable man of more than
average executive ability ; experience as
manager of manufacturing plantj best ref
erences. Phone Marshall 2182, C 1305.
P. O. Box 3109.
YOUNG man of successfu.1 business exper
ience, . desires position with Willamette
Valley bank in good town ; very best of
references as to ability and Integrity. Ad
dress care of P 283, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or clerk,
will begin at bottom with chance of pro
motion; eight years' xperlence with whole
sale house in this city ; single man, 34
years old ; references. R 24, Oregonian.
CAPABLE stenograper and general office
man, thoroughly experienced, aged 28, de
sires work; city references. A 8l Ore
gonian. A-l BOOKKEEPER or clerk with 7 years'
experience desires position with reliable
firm; can furnish references. W 296,
YOUNG man stenographer and bookkeeper,
over 10 years' experience, absolutely re
liable, could take charge of an office If
necessary. H 292, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position
with an automobile firm ; also have had
several years' experience wl th automo
biles. W 205. Oregonian.
CLERK wants position ; have experience
in drugstore, confectionery, and soda foun
tain; afternoon Job only, AH 299, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man, experienced, hardware clerk,
wants position in country store; willing to
work until Spring for $in per month and
board; references. AE 276, Oregonian.
YOUNG man,- 24, would like to connect
h'msolf with some reliable firm; best of
referecce-i. N 278, Oregonian.
LIVE, wide-awake salesman and solicitor
would like regular line or specialty work
experienced. N 282, Oregonian.
A THOROUGHLY experienced grocery man
desires position In city, wholesale or re
tail; city references. AL 280, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, 10 years
experience ; oest of references. AL 296.
YOUNG man. experienced bookkeeper,
stenographer. needs employment, any
kind. AH 283, Oregonian.
WAX TED Posit ibn, law office, by young at
torney, member of Supreme Court of U. S.
Also expert accountant. 634 Y. M. C. A.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and office
man want position with reliable concern;
excellent references. L 295, Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT wants evening work on small
sets of accounts. AE 229, Oregonian.
A JAPANESE school boy wants a position in
small family. K. 298, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED office manager and ac
countant open for position; H years as. of
fice manager and cashier with largest cor.
poratlon in city, 4 years assistant to man
ager same corporation; exceptional execu
tive ability ; would prefer local corpora
tion or company with future opportunities
to become financially interested. L 73,
Ores onian.
A MAN of 30 with experience in account
ing, auditing and office management
lumber, railroad and public; references
and bond if necessary; will accept mod
erate salary if there is chance to ad-
vance, BF 2S4, Oregonian.
EDITOR of good country' weekly who has
old his interests will take any position
on weekly or dally newspaper from man
ager to linotype operator, if permanent.
Eastern Oregon- preferred. Address BF
i i, oregonian.
WANTED By experienced man, position.
clerk, solicitor or manager, city or coun
try, 12 years" local experience, 30 years
old, married, very best of references; if
you can use a good man, address Y 281,
EXPERIENCED lumberman, 31 years of
4 age. v married, have had 4 years ornce
worn ana years as manager retail yara,
wishes position after Oct. 1. Have the
ability and will deliver. What have you
to offer? AV SIS, Oregonian.
YOUNG German, 21 years of age, who
speaks four languages and has musical
training, desires position. Willing to do
any kind of work. Has been a sailor.
Would like to play piano in a moving pic
ture show. Main 717, A 1317.
CHAUFFEUR, five years' experience in shop
ana out, wen acquainted in city, wan is
position as driver for truck or touring
car; does own repairing- Phone E. 60O3,
Frank Miller.
EXPERIENCED farmer wants position of
farm foreman; fruit, stock or dairy rarm;
understands farm bookkeeping and cost
accounting; first-class references. AV
785, Oregonian. ,
SITUATION WANTED ar superintendent of
electric light and power plant or water
plants; also practical steam engine man;
long experience; best of references. R
281, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED all-around hotel man warns
position as clerk, runner or any kind oi
hotel work; understands heating; reliable.
AF 284, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, Swiss, of good personality.
speaking English, French ana uerman
fluently, desires position, as traveling com
panion or entertainer. Y 277. Oregonian.
PRINTER Steady and reliable; no booxer;
married; 14 years' experience. iaa come
Immediately. Address Box Van
couver, Wash.
EXPERIENCED apartment-house
and wife want position. Capable, nunest
and reliable. Reasonable salary. AK 2b3,
Oregonian. '
SALESMAN, several ears' experience, de
sires position, general store; capaoie tatt
ing charge any department; best of refer
ences. W 277, Oregonian.
W ANTED Position of any kind by young
man: can drive light truck; nas expe
rience in garage
Call East 3044.
know the streets well.
TOL'NG married man wishes position as
chauffeur in private tamuy: morougmy
competent; good references furnished.
Phone Marshall 113.
YOUNG man, attending dental college, de
sires room and board ior services morn
ings and evenings; Jewish family pre
ferred. L 236, Oregonian
EXPERIENCED chauffeur and mechanic
wishes position in private family, garage,
or delivery truck; beat of references. D.
M., tll Commercial ave.
ELDERLY man, neat and clean, nanu
n miinH hniiin and sarden. aiso siock.
wants a place, city or country. Address
X 281, Oregonian.
WANTED By reliable man with family.
any kind of common laoor; nsnoy nruunu
kitchen. Janitor work, etc. Main 717, A
1517. .
YOUNG married man wants position In re
tail or wholesale store: many years ex-
uerlence In both ; reference furnished ; In
or out of city. P 235, Oregonian.
RA RTENDER. Swiss. 13 years' experience.
wants steady position in hotel, club or
saloon; references. Address AH 20. Ore
- ironlan. -
I'LL DO your garden and lawn work for
i0c hour, with my own tools. J. K. It.,
152 Lawrence st. Notify Stebbs Grocery,
East 4381, B 2168.
R V vntmtr man attend in Bf school. Would
like to work before 8:30 A. M. and after
6 P. M. Write 622 E. 10th N. Phone
E 5154.
27 years old, married. 3 years' hospital
experience, wants posit lun, location
contract. AV 790, Oregonian,
YOUNG Japanese boy wants
school boy. F. Hashiuoto,
st., Portland, Or.
situation as
327 Everett
JANITOR work in apartments; room and
board; very small wages. AJ 280, Ore
WANTED By man with family, position as
Janitor, or any kind of common laoor
Must have wofk. Main 717, A 1517.
RV voun rr married man. 4 years' ex per
lence, hardware and groceries; ean drive
auto; best references. AE 283, Oregonian,
WANTED Work on stock and grain farm
by man and wife, no children; references
A-l; something permanent. iast uo.
MAN cook, who knows his business wants
work. Wife will help If needed. Howell.
511 llth st.
Marshall 1S42.
DENTAL student wishes to work for board
and room. Phone East 94 excepting sun
CHINESE boy wiiies woik in a family whore
he can attend public school. Address -
REGISTERED druggist wants position to
begin work about November 1 or sooner.
Address AV 783, uregonian.
WANTED By a young rran. a place to
work for room and board while attending
business college. X 299. oregonian.
YOUNG married man. practical and with
college education, desires to learn some
good business. AE 277. Oregonian.
MAN and wife want Job on ranch; no chil
dren, good references. AR 281, Oregonian,
or Mr. Finley, Main 9021.
GARDENER and caretaker wishes situation
in private family: best of references. Ad
dress Gardener, 251 10th st.
YOUNG man. good education, wants tern
porary position for room and board. L
283, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED man and wife want man
agement of apartment-house or hotel :
competent and reliable. T 282, Oregonian.
YOUXG attorney wants position with relia
ble law iirm or aDs tract company. a 15
2tM, Oregonian.
RESHIXGLING and repairing by expert.
Prices right. Phone Sellwood 1036 eves
MOVING-PICTURE operator wants even
lng work; first-class man; repair anye
machine. Af z, oregonian.
YOUNG man wants restaurant work; nine
years' experience; must have work. C
WASHINGTON High School student wants
a place to work lor room ana board.
Phone Sellwood 1241.
YOUNG man (Swiss), formerly butler, look
ing for wotk; every tning. s 2i8, yre
35 A N and wife want a Job on a ranch
Call or write J. Lyons at 288 Jefforson
St., Portland, Or.
WANTED Mental or nervous cases by unl
versity man; 10 years' nursing experience
best references. Phone A 4754.
EXPERIENCED married man wants posl
tion Janitor apartment; small wages.
Main 01. room .
PAIXTER, all-around hand, married, 3
per day ; good references. P 282. Orego
$5 FOR a Job, young man wants steady po
sition; win taae almost any tning ; auto
mobile mechanic. P 29u, Oregonian.
COOK open for position In few days, country
hotel. No. 1. ail-round man. BF 281, Ore
WANTED By experienced man with family,
work on farm ; are capable of taking
marge. Aiain ni, a iii.
any kind.
larpenter work, or odd Jobs of
Aiain tit. a ui i .
BARBER wants steady Job. Phone 239Q or
write Barber. 448 Columbia.
YOUNG Japanese schoolboy wishes any kind
of position. M uregoman.
EXPERIENCED all-around baker want
steady position. X 277, Oregonian.
WANTED Position on farm, man and wife
nest or rererenccs. j .'is, oregonian.
WANTED, by 2 men, to cut cord wood.
284, Oregonian.
By young married man, reference, work on
farm. O. btronmayer, forest Grove, Or.
A JAPANESE wishes position of any kind
domestic or store. ajh 4, oregonian.
MAN and wife want work, orchard, farm
or othwr work, o 82, oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS kalsomlning $2
Aug. Colav. Sellwood 359.
per room.
PAPERHAXGER and painter wants work
family or 7. Main .ui.
WANTED By man and wife, position
janitor. Main 717. A 1517.
WANTED Position packing crockery,
oisnes., eic. .vi iiranaii t s.
A-l All-round cook wants place,
country. AM 2S2. Oregonian.
city or
MAN will take care furnace or other work
Xor room rent, am 283, oregonian.
MAN and wife of ability as all-round busi
ness assistant superintendent of place, wife
as managing housekeeper, practical nurse
and companion; will take first or both po
sitions; referenrea. Box 304, Salem, Or.
YOUNG man, student, wants work in pri
vate family for board and room; under
stands housework, kitchen and furnace
V 218, Oregonian.
POSITION as fireman, carpentering, Jani
tor or apartments to manage; can give
the best of city reference. B 299, Orego
nian. POSITION by man and wife, no children. In
apartment hotel, institute or family, good
reliable couple, good workers, A-l ref
erence. E 280, Oregoulan.
FIRST-CLASS chlefenglneer, married man,
sober, reliable, wants position as Janitor
to good apartment house. Phone East
MAN aged 37, wants position at some small
ranch or any other kind of work; have
good references. Write to 1105 Hawthorne
FRANK KAMBOLOFF & CO. wants to get
contract work of any kind In digging
ground. Inquire Main 7244.
WORK Those having work to offer stu
dents kindly phone Xorth pacific College,
East 974..
YOUNG man, single, would like position of
some kind in city or country. F 206, Ore
gonian. PLUMBER, one of the beat on the Coast,
wants Job in country. Af . Cotter, 38
N. 10th st.
MAN and wife wish care of residence in
Portland or Northwestern Oregon; refer
ences. Box 304, Salem, Or.
PRINTER Non-union, sober and compe
tent, d.eslres position private plant city or
good country shop. X 293, Oregonian.
WANTED By young man going to school
a place to work for his board. C 290,
STUMP BLOWING end land clearing of ail
kinds anywhere: special proposition. R.
W. Wood. 101 6th st.
SALESMAN Live salesman wants Mve line
on commission ; must be a good line. O
2113, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at home or by
day. A 5688, Marshall 5027.
YOUNG man wants work with horses, as
teamster or in barn. X 298. Oregonian.
MILKER and barn man wishes position! B
2S1. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and
STENOGRAPHIC position wanted by young
woman stranger in city) as correspondent
or private secretary; ram mar wiin vari
ous lins, preferring law or railroad work.
Call today, between 11 and 1. and dally,
Marshall 3786-
STENOGRAPHER, accurate, thorough of
fice man, railroad, commercial experience.
oesirea position, any line ; hi urn est refer
encea. Allen, Main 2801, or AG 283, Ore
YOUNG lady, ex prlenct d
oiTice work,
bookkeeping, billing, tc. ;
like and good references.
neat, busint-s-
Tolephuiiu East
COMPETENT stenographer with knowledge
oz bookkeeping, and a first-class abstract
er. dfires permanent position. E 2S2,
EXPERT stenoi;raphcr, neat, accurate and
rapid, wisnes w ell paying potntiun ; can
furnish best of references and handle
mom difficult work. AH 29l, Oregonian.
bookkefper must have position; prefer El
liott Fisher blller. Phone Main 4 til 7, apt.
CAPABLE stenographer desires position;
year s experience; moderate sa lary to be
gin. Call Marshall 4400. apt. 306.
EXPERIENCED. competent stenographer
wishes position at once, best reiurences.
Tabor 3o46.
STENOGRAPHER. asistant bookkeeper,
seven years' experience lumber business.
dgires position. i'lioue ai arunail 2 1 .
GIRL with. knowledge of stenography wishes
on ice work ; small salary to start. BC
29u, Oregonian.
WELL educated young woman must have
w o r k ; exenange operator or any oiiicv
work. AE 25i, Oregonian
Bx an experienced, educated laily sten
ographer. Phone Main 383. Mrs. Dick
YOUNG LADY, experienced In office work,
bookkeeping, billing, etc. ; can give good
rererenct'S. none ast lb 3.
enced, wants position ; references. Main
- 1 1 .
COMPETENT, experienced stenographer
m guest references, desired position ; lega
or insurance worK preferred. Tabor
EXPERIENCED stenographer, genera of
rice worn, wants position. Marshall eo44,
Main 5273.
ASSISTANT bookkeeper and stenograph e
desires position; references. Phone Wood
lawn 3289.
CAPABLE stenographer with business ex
perience wants position; good references.
v .io, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi
tion, aiiss rarsona, .Main nz.
WANTED Temporary w ork by experienced
Hienograpner. rnone ju-ti.
COMPETENT bookkeper; city experience
an.i rererenccs. t'tioae c l soi.
ty ressm a kers.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailoring
oy iirst-ciass oressinaKer of unuiua skill
and ability; thoroughly competent; fit and
worK guaranteed; price most reasonable
if wanted, will call on you. Mrs. Teade
man, hast asiitngtn st., corner
:oth st. Altamead car tb the end.
THOROUGHLY competent dressmaker de
Aires position with firm out of city. Wi
consider alteration work; references. M
zki. oregonian.
MODISTE recently from San Francisco.
using French styles without patterns, will
maKe suits, gowns, dresses, capes, etc. 245
.cast roaaway, apt. call feast
WANTED Dressmaking by day or at home
au years experience, plain and fancy work
guaranteed Mar. 18S6.
WANTED Dressmaking by the day or at
nome, work guaranteed and prices reas
on a Die. fnone Aiain 2, room r3.
WANTED By first-class dressmaker. evn
ing gowns and nouse arcusea to be mad
at home. phone 1 abor 0421.
WANTED Plain sewing and mending
tuKe nome, or win go out by day. Main
717, A 1517.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the
day; satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Main
Ji.A.iijtifcNCfcD woman to make curtain
nnd draperies by the day. B 2406. Tabu
PLAIN sewing, children's clothes ; price
reasonable. Phone Tabor 2 8 DO or 993 Easi
Canithers st.
r irto i -class dressmaker wishes engage
ments by the day; evening- gowne a ape
ciaity. rrione labor 5421.
DRESSMAKING., alterations, plain sewing.
ii raimon at., corner rarx, waiic
LADY wants to do come sewing for plan
lessons. Marsnan 13 ys.
DRESSMA K ER, alteration at home or out
ny nay ..o. .viarsnaii 3G-9.
DRESSMAKING by day. reasonable rates,
ivortnrup st.
DRESSMAKER and seamstress for $8 week
board included, w 29 1. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes
families ; reference. Main 8345..
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes work by
tne nay or at nome. woodiawn 1542.
DRESSMAKING by day, stylish and rapid
x aoor o-t-t.
PLAIN sewing and children's clothes a spe
cialty. tu- til lean st. Aiain v-t-z.
DRESSMAKING, alterations and famil
sewing by dny. Mrs. Cooper, Main 349ft
STYLISH DRESSES and semi-tailored suits.
ttererences. 2 day. ast & 193.
SATISFACTORY dressmaking done at m
nome. inuj i-ara st. .Marsnan 4a
FAsH ION ABLE dressmaking reasonable,
nome or day. i.o Lane st. Main 9313.
DRESSMAKING at home, work guaranteed.
Airs. Jackson, h Northrup. Main 4597.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $2.30 per day.
s f - urennian.
UNDERGRADUATE Battle Creek, Michi
gan, nurse wishes position as nurse or
companion to woman or child, nervou
cases a specialty ; highest references. Ad
dress AB 275, Oregonian. Phone Tabor
TRAINED nurse with best of reference,
wants worK in uoctor s office. Box 38'
P. O.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes permanent posl
tion, care for infant or children. East
CAPABLE woman as governess, companion
nurse or housekeeper; city or country.
PRIVATE home for invalids; -trained nurse;
homo comforts: reasonable; references
Phone Tabor 2213.
PRACTICAL nurse desires work o( any kind;
extremely nervous or insane patients pre-
ferred. Addiess Y 270, Oregonian.
YOUNG girl wishes situation as curse girl;
Christian Science home preferred. Wood-
lawn 3S76
WOMAN wishes position as housekeeper.
Call 260 East 63d st. North.
A "
REFINED, middle-aged lady, nurse or care
or invalids, day or week; good references;
Nob Kill district preferred. Marshall
HOUSEKEEPER from East, neat, good
cook, Protestant Christian, perfectly re
liable for widower or couple employed dur
ing day ; no trif lers need apply. Ans er
one week. G. S Ai lota, P. o., General
Delivery, City.
A WIDOW with good recommendations anl
experience wants to keep housa for 2 or 3
men. Call at 134 Porter St., or phone
Marshall S 7Sy.
MIDDLE-AGED woman of refinement
wishes housekeeping in men's club or gen
tleman' a home; city or country. K 237,
LADY, unincumbered, middle-aged and re-
imea, wis lies position as companion aim
housekeeper; would leave city. Mam liSb.
A 296, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants position us
housekeeper in bachelor's apartment or
take charge rooming-house or hotel. Tabor
POSITION as housekeeper by middle-aged
woman in widower s xamiiy, o tatce care
of old lady or aged couple. Phone Taljor
LADY of culture wishes position as house
keeper for widower or bachelor; win
travel and care for invalid. K 277, Ore
gonian. NEAT, clean, respectable lady wishes po
sition as housekeeper bachelor, where good
home is more essential iliaa waged. B
208, Oregonian.
WIDOW, 3 6 years, good housekeeper and
cook, desires position as housekeeper where
refinement and ability will be appre
ciated. F 23, Oregonian.
RELIABLE woman, child 0, wants position
a housekeeper with people who want
first-class service; references; small wages.
Main 7017.
YOUNG WOMAN wants position, house-
Keeper ; boy years ; references, 2 2
Taylor, room 45.
WANTED By woman 35. position as house
keeper, j per week. Reliable. Columbia
WANTED A position as housekeeper in a
respectable widower's home. Woodiawn
WOMAN, 3, wishes housekeeper's position
widowers family with two to three chil
dren; no tipplers. AH 292, Oregonian.
ANTED By young widow of 21 years with
buby 7 months, position as housekeeper.
Country preferred. Main 717, A 1517.
MIDDLE-AGED LADY wishes housekeep
ing, widower witu ciuidren preferred. 2t7
Knott. East 19S7.
WOMAN wishes housekeeping, out of city
preferred; good cook. s5 uth st, near
POSITION wanted by first-class cook and
housekeeper, wages not less than $40 per
month. AG 282, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPING desird by lady with
young daughter in gentleman s home;
would leave city. AP 219, Oregonian.
wants work as
city or country.
cook or housekeeper,
Woodiawn 33b9.
COM PET EXT young woman wants general
housework in email xamiiy ; oest retereuce
given. M ain 9244.
woman, posi t Ion
Marshall 319.
WANTED Apartment-house to manage by
woman of experience unu ability. A 40.1.
ELDERLY woman wishes position as house
keeper for w idower. AB 2S2, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER, will go out of city, widow
er or bachelor. A b 2m, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER, manager apt. -house or ho
tel, in or out or city. Ar -8j. oregonian.
M IDDLI'-AGED WIDOW wants position as
huisek- eper. M 2S3, Oregonian.
GEN. HOUSEWORK, cooking in small fam
ily of adults, l'0 to $-.; young gin to as
sist with housework or care of children,
$la to $20; woman for laundry, cleaning
and housework by hour. Cut hollo Woman a
Leaeue, 129 4lh St. Main 24ol.
YOUNG fcirl wishes housework and bo t'
college tnree evenings oi wee. noum
like to get $15 or $20 a month. Call
East 956.
COM PETE NT woman wants general house
work, city or country; good cook, .L 2i,
NEAT young girl wants general housework ;
references. n. ;im n st. ;n.
NORWEGIAN girl wants general housework.
Woodiawn U8U-
NEAT colored girl wishes work mornings;
will get dinner at night. Tabor 2146.
COLORED experienced cook and second r
nurse girl, wishes position. Main !IM.
FIRST-CLASS second girl wishe position
with a good family. A 284. Oregonian.
housework. Marshall 4924.
GIRL, 16, ns assistant housekeeper in small
family. Marsiiaii lJfSJ.
EXPERIEXCED domestic girl wants sec
ond work. Call Woodiawn 213.
WANTED By a woman, housework, family
of two. AD 295, Oregonian.
NATIVE French teacher wishes position as
governess in nrst-ciass lamiiy. xiai ref
erences. X 278. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS laundress will do fine wash
ing at home and rough dry, reasonable.
W oodlawr. 651.
BY two middle-aged women, entire charge
of small hotel kitchen out of city. In
quire room 222, Dayton HoteL
EXPERIEXCED laundresa wishes work by
dny or hour, with references. Woodiawn
19 J 5.
EXPERIEXCED womnn wants day work, 20
cents hour. Phone Tabor 5720. Call morn
ing nnd evenings.
WANTED By experienced pianist, en ga Ke
nt en ts. Expert moving picture player.
Main 717. A 1517.
EXPERIENCED high-school teacher with
excellent recommendations, wishes position
In Northwest. East or B 1071.
LADY wishes work by the hour or day ;
will do anything. Write or call 1561 East
Ash. cor. 60th.
TEACHER, best of references, will give pri
vate lessons, all grades and bookkeeping;
reasonable. AB 281. Oregonian.
EXPERI ENCED primary teacher
private pupils ; country preferred.
O 236,
CAPABLE woman with son in Lincoln
High wants place to earn their expenses,
phone Marshall 54S6.
WANTED Cooking by first-class cook in
best family, best of ret. Phone East 6140.
3 3 3 G rand ave. X.
REFIXED couple, husband working, wife
would like to work for her husband's
room and board. Write BC 280, Oregonian.
mTddLE-AGED woman would like to keep
house for business people; references. Main
EXPERIEXCED cook wishes position in
American family; city references, AJ
2b 4, Oretfonlan.
W A XT ED General housework by woman
housekeeper, at once. 494 Morrison. Mar
shall 2S83.
WANTED By young girl, place washing
dishes or waiting tables preferred; refer
ences. Tabor 317.
A NEAT, colored lady wishes day work In
apartnient-houae. Eajt 6614.
POSITION as cook for five to 60 men;
preferred. Inquire Hotel Dayton.
TWO Finnish girls want general housework;
wages $2 5 to $30. Woodiawn 43.
WOKH wanted, camp, hotel or any kind.
Mrs. Allen. 207 Jefferson st., room 2.
WANTED Work by hour, or as second cook.
430 Jefferson st. A 2761.
COLORED ex-teacher wishes a position it s
nurse or 2d work ; referenda. Main 381
IROX1XG, cleaning, Monday. Thursday; pri
vate homes. Tabor l2."fl, after 4 P. M.
COMPETENT colored girl wishes chamber
maid or day work. East 6763.
A ItELlA BLE colored woman wishes a
place as chambermaid. Phone Main 49.
WANTED Day work or bundle washing.
Main 3424.
TEACHER of English desires foreign pupils.
Room 310 Byron Hotel.
LAUNDRESS wishes day work or laundry
to take home. Phorie Woodiawn 1VM9.
WOMAX wants day work. washing or
cleaning. Phone East 33S4.
WANTED By young women, pianist for
acts and pictures. Tabor 607.
WOMAN wants washing take home, espe
cially for men. 194 Porter. Marshall 6231.
LACE curtains done ; 10 years' experts. C
2O05. Mrs. Scott.
GERMAN woman, cleaning and f irst-cls
laundress, wishes day work. Main 22W.
GOOD laundress wants work1" for Wed. and
Thurs. Sellwood 10SI.
EXPERIEXCED girl wishes general hous
work. Call 844 Savler st.
EXPERIENCED second jsirl wants position
In good home. Call Woodiawn 21011.
WA NT work, cook or housekeeper.
Ll'NCHEONS, teas, etc., planned, prepared
or served ; best reference. Sellwood lti9.
LACE CURTAINS, hand laundered 20c up
by experts. Called for. Sellwood 169$.
COLORED laundress wants small bundles
to take home or day work. Woouiawn 3S10.