K 80 Pages Section One Six Sections Pages 1 to 20 VOL. XXXIII NO. 39. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTE3IBER ' . ... . ; . . - : ; j V GERMANS ATTACK ALONG ENTIRE LINE Both Wings Engaged With Especial Fury. FRENCH RESERVES IN ACTION Mew Forces Sent Against Teu l tons in Lorraine. BRITISH REPULSE ATTACKS Situation Between It helms and Ter- dun at Center Said by Paris War Office to. Be .. Tnchanged. 4 Jleuso la Crossed. PARIS, Sept. 26. The following com munication was Issued tonight: "The enemy has attacked" alone the entire front, but has everywhere been repulsed. "On our left wins we are making progress. . ' "On the heights of the Meuse the situation remains unchanged. "In the Woevre region we continue to gain some ground." fighting Heavy on Wings. That heavy fighting continued on both the east and west wings was in dicated by the earlier announcement, by the War Office. It said: "First, on our left wing between the Eommo and the Oiso, the battle con tinues very violently. Between the lilver Oise and Soissons our troops have advanced slightly. The enemy has not attempted an attack. "Between Soissons and Kheims there lias been no Important change in the situation. "Second, on the 'center, between JRheinis and Verdun, the situation also Is unchanged. In the Woevre region the enemy has been able to -cross the River Meuso in the vicinity of St. Mi bell, but the offensive taken by our troops already has, to a large extent, thrown him back on the river, trench Reserves In Action. "To the south ot the Woevre region cue attacks have not ceased- to "pro tress. The Fourteenth German Army Corps has fallen back after having suf fered great losses. "Third, on our right wing (in Lor raine and in the Voiges), the effective German forces seem to have been re duced. These detachments (of the en emy) which had at certain points driv en back our advance posts, have been Repulsed by the entrance into action pt our reserves." LONDON, Sept. 26. The official press bureau this afternoon issued a state ment reading as follows:- "There has been much activity on Hhe part of the enemy all along the tine (in France). "Some heavy counter attacks have teen repulsed and a considerable loss fcas been inflicted on the enemy." A Copenhagen dispatch to the Cen tral News says: "The German general staff in its report of the battle In France states (that the operations on the extreme right wing have led to fresh engage ments, which have not yet ended. "On the center there has been no ehange. "Camp de Romains at St. Mihlel, south of Verdun, has been taken by the Germans and ' the German flag fcas been hoisted' upon It. The German troops have passed the Meuse. "There has been no further change n the western or eastern battlefields." Move Anticipated by Allies. AT THE BATTLE FRONT, via Paris, Eept. 26. All efforts of the opposing - (Concluded on Page 2.) : BULLETINS LONDON, Sept. 27 5:30 A. M.) The Petrograd correspondent of the Dally Telegraph has forwarded the following semi-official statement! "The move ment of German troops from Cast Prus sia In the direction of Warsaw has come to nothing. In the government of Snwalkl (Russian Poland) the Germans have suffered a serlons repulse. The left flank of the Russian army has defeated the troops under the command of General von lllndenburg near Su walkl." LONDON, Sept. 27. "The French have surrounded and annihilated the 109th regiment of reserves," says the Basel correspondent of the Exrh.nKf Telegraph Company, In a message sent by way of Rome. The dispatch addsi "The German wounded Include a Colo nel, a Major, two Captains and two Lieutenants." FLUSHING, The Netherlands, via London, Sept. 27. Two hundred and sixty-seven aurvlTors of the British cruisers Abonkir, Hogue and Cressy sailed for England last night. LONDON, Sept. 27. The Blarrlta cor respondent of the Renter Telegram Company says the newspaper Radical, of Madrid, says the Spanish govern ment has offered to accommodate 30,- OOO wounded soldiers in various hos pitals. Six thousand men would be taken care of In Madrid alone. Rome (via London), Sept. 27. The Russians on Saturday occupied the greater part of the city of Prsemysl, Gallcla, according to adispatch received here from Vienna. NEW YORK, Sept. 2. The British auxiliary cruiser that used to be the Cunarder Caronla kept . strict watch today at .the door of New York She lay as If at anchor off the 'Hook. Her companion of yesterday, the British cruiser Lancaster, had weighed anchor (taring; the night, however, and was not to be seen. . ROME, via Paris, Sept. 26. The Freemasons have offered the govern ment the palace here in which they have their quarters, one of the largest In Rome, for hospital uses In case of war. LONDON, Sept. ' 26 Prince Oscar, Emperor William's fifth son, has been obliged because of heart weakness, to enter a hospital, according to a tele gram from Berlin forwarded to Lon don by the Amsterdam correspondent of the Renter Telegram Company. BORDEAUX, Sept. 2t The Ministry of Marine announced today that the French gunboat Surprise on September 1 ' took possession of Coco Beach. In Kamarun, the German colony In West ern Equatorial Africa. ALDERSHOT, England, Sept. 20. King George, - accompanied by Uuren Mary and their daughter, 'Princess j Mary, speat the day Inspecting a huge section of Field Marshal Earl Kitch ener's new army. Altogether 150,000 men passed before, their majesties. LONDON, Sept. 26. An Amsterdam dispatch to the Central News says on authority of a dispatch from Maestrlcht that between the hours ot 8i30 and li30 P. M. Friday IS tralnloada of wounded Germans passed through Atx-la-Cha-pelle from France. MANCHESTER, Mass Sept. 26. Dr. Constantln Theodore Dumba, the Aus-tro-Hungarlan Ambassador, announced today he had been officially advised by wireless that the reported capture of Sarajevo by Servians was "pure Inven tion.'' ' PARIS, Sept. 28. A .dispatch to the Havas agency from Amsterdam aays that In order to prevent the exportation of contraband articles to Germany the Netherlands government has declared martial law In the eastern provinces.. . KAISER'S FIFTH SON ILL Prince Oscar's Heart Affected by Overexertion, In Field. . BERLIN, via The Hague and London, Sept. 26. Prince Oscar, the Emperor's fifth . son, it .was announced - today, is suffering from a heart affection, due to his exertions in the field, and has been obliged to leave his regiment. He is under the care of physicians at Metz. The Empress received a letter last night from the Emperor, in which he referred optimistically to the situation. PICTORIAL rfi?yG - "" tt-a ' " - L -A -T. I - I I v- rtn r- II 'II if SHE T. PAY - IN END Germans SayThey Will Exact Reparation. NON-RESISTANCE MADE BASIS New Territory Demanded . Kiau-Chau Is Lost. if NEW PROBLEM PRESENTED Situation Regarded as of Moment by Washington In View of "Policy of Guaranteeing ' Integ rity of China. BT JOHN CALLAN O'LAUGHLIN. WASHINGTON. Sept. 26. (Special.) mat bermany is determined to. make China pay dearly for her failure to pre vent Japanese forces from marching mrougn umnese territory to attack Kal-Chau is shown by official informs' tion received by the State Department. It was -no more possible for China to resist Japan than it was for Luxem burg to arrest the movement of the Germans. Moreover. Janan had this ex cellent ground for her action. In nre- parlng for the defense of Tslnsr-tau. the German commander selzart mrVi additional . Chinese territory as he re quired for defensive purposes. This was done before Japan sent her ulti matum to the Kaiser for the evacua tion of the entire Kiau-Chau ' conces sion. Japan Avoids Lasses. The effect of the German comman der action was to make it impossible for the Japanese forces to land with out tremendous losses within tha ter ritory leased by China to Germany. To prevent these losses, the Jananese deemed it advisable to debark their troops on Chinese soil and march over land, to Kalu-Chau. Germany, the official notes of which to China have come Into the possession of your correspondent, has ' threatened we pekln government and to Indicate that she will exact compensation when In a position to do si. That is to say, if Kalu-Chau should be taken from her, when peace has been restored he will insist on the transfer to the German government of other Chinese territory. China's Integrity Involved. Such procedure will be of the high est interest to the United States. It will be a violation of the principle of the integrity of China, and of the fur ther principle of the open door; since the acquisition of territory means ar exclusive market for the. acquiring na tion. More than this: If Germany demands Chinese territory and backs up her de mands, the action will lead to one of. iwo imng5 r-a, resumption of the war or the partition of China. Either would be most objectionable to tha United States. The threat of Germany is In contrast with the policy of Japan, The assur ances of the latter are that Kiau Chau will be restored to China.. That Japan will keepher word is not doubted hero, because It is to her Interest to establish a close rapproachement with the Chinese people and nothing will do this more quickly than the restoration of the territory seized by Germany as a penalty for the murder of two Ger man subjects by a Chinese mob. Germans Give Formal Notice. The first German note, in which the Austro-Hungarian government con curred, was lodged with the Chinese Foreign Office on September 4. This note declared: "China's refusal to prevent the Jap anese troops landing at Lung-Kow con. stltutes a violation of neutrality. (Concluded op page 2) CHINA WARNED IS COMMENTS BY CARTOONIST REYNOLDS ON SOME OP THE PAST WEEK'S KfT A y SfsS GSSY - JL INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 62 8 degrees; minimum, 60 degrees. TODAY'S Probably fair; winds mostly west War. Germany determined to exact reparation irom China for v non-resistance of JaD- anese landing. Section 1. page 1. Germans rushing army corps a day Into i.asl Prussia. Section 1 page 1. Hundreds of thousands In Berlin se-captured guns arrive on Sedan day. Section 1. page X. Battle In France goes on along entire line. Ejection X. page 1. Military spirit takes possession of Quebec. Section page 3. McCutcheon describes hunt for battle. Sec tion 1, page 4. , . Sayvllle wireless station has permit to oper ato with Germany. Section 1, page 4. Japanese advancing toward Kiau-Chau. Sec tion 1. page 2. GertTonnl.Prpg? 6." f Ant.n. Sec- Reported mistreatment of Red Cross nurses proves myth. Section 1. page " Work for relief of Americans In war zona about ended. Section 1. page 6? Toronto troops leave for war. Section 1. Page a. Foreign. o r J-snaaian statesman Section 1, page 7. is sudden. Mexico. Vills la and Zapata working together against Oarranza. Section I. page 7. - Domestic. ' ' American steamer ' seized in act of coaling B.kuuu i, psse ii. Sports. Coast League results Oakland -1. ' Venice 0 - j pale" 6an Francisco 3. feectloi 1,11 i. L ,Jt" over continuous n.-- .. '" nexi year. section a. Big football games In East open auspicious ly. Section 3, page 5. .... . m ,adIy ln need f punter to fill TTfentnn'. i.u. - . i " t i 7 wcwwuu , page o. Ice rink to be completed In three weeka Section 2. naze 3. Aggie Freshmen and Varsity teams soon to mai game oi season. Section 2, Page . Harstad . honor man ln Northwestern pitching staff, .section 2. page 2. -, . , . Lush's no-bit game second he has pitched. Section a, page 8. Victor Johnson thinks popularity of polo is Joe Tinker wants' Bancroft. Is latest rumor. vniuu , page . Daubert and Cobb lead leagues' batsmen. Section ' 1 T, i' -i Pacific Northwest. - Pendleton covers Itself with glory In man agement of Kouudup. Section 1, page V. Idaho primary law In vortex of storm. Sec-tlon-1, page 10. Agricultural College cadets ln trim. Sec tion X, page 8. . Exhibits of 3000 Oregon children go to State H. B. Miller, head of School of Commerce at state University, warns students of "boom literature." Section 1. naze 9. Governor's campaign speeches about prison v.u u, j. uiaiiuwu. . oecuoa x. page s. Newberg prune crop early. Section 1, race 11. , , . . ' Commercial and Marine. Reports of largo sales of" Northwestern wheat in England are confirmed. Sec tion page 15. Chicago traders believe English officials are juggling j-jverpooi - wneat prices. Sec tion 2. pao 10. ' -, Export trade of .American steel mills Is In- wsims. oecuga 2. page to. Two British' steamers chartered to lead t"a tor ifteai Britain, section 1. page tt. Portland and Vicinity. Pupils register for Art School. Secttoa- s. r-age 12.- Oregon delegations Invited to visit Panama- .faclfic Exposition grounds ln November. Section 1. page IS. -' Tag day is this week. Section 1. paaa 19. National Association of Credit Men sends out xnetusage i good tlmea Section X. page 1U. - - - i Enthusiastic "safety first" meeting held at Commercial Club. Section 1. page 14. Eighth person reported missing in Portland in weea. &ectiou l, page 14. Permanent booths to be erected for public 'market Section 1, page 14. Speaker at Oregon Conference reports forc ing oi einoaisi ministers to fight one another - in -war. Section L page la. Oregon Civic. League hears debate on water- tront measure, section L page 13 Case of Mrs. Delia - Marsh, slayer of B C. uovirou, is wiia jury. section L page 18. Character assassination by Democratic or sn is LrmtiMU. bectlon 1. page -18. Coos Bay band entertains and Is entertained in Portland. Section. 1. page 11. Figures show Portland's growl since Jan- ui y i. section e, page lu. FOOD CARGOES WATCHED Britain to Place Limit on Supplies to Neutral Nearby Nations. ( LONDON, Sept. 26. The British gov ernment is daily making Its position clearer as tS what is regarded as con traband of war. Foodstuffs assigned to neutral countries accessible to Ger many ' will not be permitted to enter unless the governments assure England that the food is not destined for Ger many and not Intended to replace other supplies destined for Germany. England. however. desires that neutral countries shall have an adequate food supply for. their own people. ', CAPTURED GUNS ARE SHOWN TO GERMANS Ceremonious Entry 'Made Into Berlin. Is SEDAN DAY IS CELEBRATED People Cheer, but There Is No Excess of Ebullition. WOUNDED ARE LIONIZED Percentage or Recoveries From Bui lets Surprisingly Large, Say Surgeons Prisoners Are Being Treated Well. f BT JOSEPH MEDIX,!, PATTERSON. Copyright, 1914, by the Tribune Company. - dj MimuecKnent wttn tne uni cago Tribune.) oept s. xesterday was Sedan day, the German Fourth of July tne lia .anniversary of the fall of Sedan, of tha capture of Napoleon III and 104,000 of his troops, and of the destruction of the second empire. . t mreo-quartera of a million vxerroans tne guesses are various gathered in the Unter den Linden from the Brandenburger Thor to the iinpe rial . palace, a distance of one mile. Unter den Linden Is one of the widest streets in the world, but it was filled completely, save for a narrow lane in the middle, kept open by the police u mo inuuws along the way were filled, too. The crowd was waiting to see the captured cannon 21 of them, French and - Belgian taken at Namur. Eighteen were three-inch (approxi mately) field pieces and three were machine guns. . Captore-d Guns Arrive Late. The guns came ln an hour and a half late, but the crowd was good natured and always denser. There was no sing ing whatever, but etreet barkers did plenty of business In "schwarz. weiss, und rot" black, white and red German nags and badges. - ... The guns . were preceded by a Ger nvji General and 'a horse nearly white dapple gray. I believe it is tradi tional for conquerors to ride white horses, but I don't think this particular General was the one who took the guns. He merely symbolized victorious gen-, eralocracy. No flowers were strewn anywhere, but the horses pulllcg the guns and sur rounded by solid Berlin policemen, had tiny bouquets of white and piuk-carnations tied tightly to their head stalls. German Crowds Not Vehement. The crowd was in no sense vehement. There Is no doubt whatever, not a shadow of it. that Germany is unani mously, profoundly. Intensely, desper ately for the war and for victory. But the people will not take the lids off themselves. They do all their burning inside. Bo. though there was cheering and plenty of it from this half or tHree quarter million of Germans, it was far less than on national election night before any city newspaper office In America. The guns were placed around the statue of Frederick the Great, some ln front of the Crown Prince's palace, oth ers are before the imperial palace, and knots of people surrounded them ail day long. Mothers lifted their chil dren up to the muzzles to gaze in won der down the shining rifling of the barrels; old men wag their beads and talk of '70-71; girls press their lovers' hands more closely, especially If the lover be in uniform. Wounded Soldiers Are Heroes. In the evening of Sedan day a sol dier ' in his war clothes of gray hob- (Concluded on Psge 0. ) Sunday's War Moves Tp HE widely-separated wings of the A opposing armies in Northern France still are striking hard blows at each other in an effort to break through the respective positions. Both sides, according to the French official report issued today, have made some progress, the Germans on the al lies' right perhaps the greatest. v x or three days or more . a violent battle has been raging in the hills and piaius Detween the . rivers Oiso and Somme. The official accounts, both German and French, are silent as to how this fight is going, but in the frontal attack on the Germans' strong- ly-iortttied and well-reinforced posi iions iartner south the allies have made some progress, the Germans ap parently being satisfied to remain on the. defensive until the battle on the iiank has been decided. v rom soissons to Rhelins and thence to Verdun there has been no change in the situation, but in the south of Woe vre the Urcnch continue to make prog as ana nave defeated with heavy lusses. a German corps. vh me j-rencn extreme right the rrencn nave taken the offensive with tne reservists and. have repulsed the German forces holding the lino along On the activities of the British army, the War Office has been sparing with information. . A brief paragraph re counting the activity of the Germans .i ..uug tne uno and the repulse of ourne neavy counter attacks with con siderable loss to the enemy was the extent of the news given out at Lon don yesterday. The casualties among the officers up to a week ago. are pub lished, but thus far those among the men in the ranks have not been made public. With the continuous flghtin the general staff probably has no time to prepare a list. There has been a lull in the lighting in Gaiicia. while the Kussians are per- -..ne, pian lor the investing of wmcn now is cut off from all communication with the outside world. The Russians have taken Rzeszow. an important railway center between Tar now and Przemysl, and have captured "umea positions to the north -mi south of the latter fortress. This mem possession of the whole of v"1,,"a w,c, the exception of the nar row western neck at the head of which stands Cracow. Along the western frontier of Poland, which the Germans have been threaten ing for some time, they are now ri 7 lo D lortifying themselves. In fact, from Cracow to the extreme north ...i x-russia the Russian and Ger man armies apparently ar fair, . other across the boundary, waiting for a favorable opportunity to attack. The Germans are satisfied they hav rid Uiemselves of tho Russians in East i u.a ana are sending a commission to that country to re-establish the in habitants, who tied when tha Russian invasion drove everything before. There are signs of actlvltv in . Adriatic, where the Anglo-French fleet has been waiting In th.' u Austrian fleet would show itself. This is a difficult sea for naval operations. To minimize this, the allies have tak.n the Islands of Pelagosa . and r.i. which are splendid bases for Small craft wishing to intercept bigger ves serWentering the sea. The taking of these islanda'wlll .t. ford the allies better protection in their attacks against Cattaro. There have been several additional skirmishes ln South Africa. The Brit ish have taken Luedritz Bay, known as Angra Peqena, and one or two ports of German Southwest Africa. London says that Great Britain Is going steadily ahead with the forma tion of new armies. The more advanced recruits, including many of the men who fought in South Africa and in Eng land's "little wars." were reviewed bv the King yesterday. Those less ad vanced are being trained in all parts of the country by drill sergeants, hundreds of whom have rejoined the colors for this purpose. As Premier Asquith, who had been In Ireland addressing recruiting meetings. left Kingstown yesterday, the great crowd on the pier sang "God Save the King" and "Come Back to Erin." The singing of the national anthem at the close of last night's meeting in Dublin EVENTS. vy ' r '1,1 syje- SYAS A fC GERMANS RUSH IN NTO EAST PRUSSIA One Corps a Day Added to Western 'Line. GREAT BATTLE IS IMMINENT 800,000 Troops Gather to Re coup Austrian Failures. BALTIC TRANSPORTS USED Reinforcements Also Travel by 250 Trains a Day Over Four Avail able Railways Fall of Chj -row Is Reported. LONDON. Sept. 27. "Germany is re inforcing her army in East Prussia at the rate of one army corps a day." says a dispatch from Petrograd to Lloyd's News Agency. "Tho reinforcements are being carried by 250 trains on all four available railways. Other troops are being hurried from Berlin and Schneidemuhl to Baltic ports and thence oy sea to East Prussia. "AH this is in preparation for the great battle to be foughf along tho wnoie western line. fr. 00,000 Germans Assembled. "At least 800,000 German troops are now gathered in an effort to balance the Austrian failures. The armies are already in touch and the grand battle Is bound to come soon. The Russians will have the advantage, however, be cause the fighting will be on ground chosen by the Russian leader." The Petrograd correspondent of the Evening News says the fall of the town of Chyrow has completely Isolated tho Austrian fortified position of Prsemysl. so far as railway communication i concerned. Chyrow is 20 miles south of Prsemysl. The correspondent says the Austrian civil government of Cracow has been taken over by Germany. The inhabi tants of Cracow are said to be in flight. The city soon will cease its normal functions and be transformed into a great fortified base. According to these same sources of Information, the Germans have thrown three army corps into the Cracow dis trict. In pr paratlon for the Russian attatfc which. It is expected, will not be delayed much longer. The Russian capital has been advised also that all traffic has been stopped between Ber lin and the Baltic Doris of Danil-. Elbing and Stettin. Anstrtans Retiring; Westward. An official communication issued from the headquarters of the Russian, general staff says that in the region of Druekenhiky, the Russian troops en gaged the Germans on September 25. The Austrian army now is retiring westward, utilizing the railroads lead ing to Cracow. After defeating two regiments of the landwehr. the Russian troeps occupied Turka. The Petrograd correspondent says a Bucharest dispatch to the Novoe Vre- mya says it is rumored that the first Roumanian army corps has been or dered to the Austrian frontier. CHICAGO EGG PRICES LOW Five Cars or Henfrntt Disposed Of at . 20 l-4c a Dozen. CHICAGO. Sept 26. Five cars of strictly fresh eggs were sold here to day to as many different buyers at 20 Vi cents, according to J. B. Mitchell, president of the Chicago Butter & Egg Board. "This price, despite the war. is three to four cents lower than the price a year ago at this season," said Mr. Mitchell. t t