The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 20, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 29

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Help- Wanted bsuesmeo.
SALESMAN wanted to represent a high
grade prooosition ; preferably a man with
So ok or life Insurance experience; propo
sition is legitimate and has strong selling
points; if you are energetic and reliable
and can furnish references, address P
256, Oregonian.
Am returning to the Pacific Coast with
15 advertised Eastern manufacturers' lines
and want several good side-line or whole,
time salesmen for Portland and tributary
territory on commission basis; credit given
salesmen for ail business, whether direct
or Indirect; permanent sample room in
Portland. Wnen answering give experi
ence, line carried, etc.; same will be treat
ed as confidential. Will be in Portland
shortly. Address Eastern Lines, AJ ItHi.
SIDE LINE salesmen to sell a busi
ness service for department and dry
roods stores; Price $4; commission
S2 on each sale; outfits free; refer
ences required. George B. Hender
son. Broadway. N. Y. City.
SALESMEN European war forces dealers
to buy American-made merchandise; add
to your income by selling our enameled
k it chen ware as a side line; pocket sam
ples; easy sales, good terms, liberal com
missions paid weekly. Write for territory.
Stewart Co., manufacturers of high-grade
enameled ware. Sales office 1023 Schmul
bach b 1 d g.. Wheeling, W. Va.
fcALESMEN Just few openings lef t ; if you
can show us that you are A-l man mak
ing small towns in territory still open, we
can show you best side line, punch board
proposition, ever offered; special territory;
big commissions, prompt commissions, re
peat commissions. Answer quick. GHOVE
.MFG. CO., 2502 Cottage Grove ave., Chi
cago, 111,
SUCCESSFUL salesmen working small towns,
increase your earnings spare time by plac
ing our punch board assortments; guaran
tee merchants sales; can use only men now
employed as salesmen, capably of earning
$50 per week; state territory. See our
lunn and Brads treet rating, also rating
of those who copy our ad and plans. De
von Mfg. Co., Chicago.
SALESMEN making small towns should
carry our fast-selling pocket side line;
special sales plan allowing return unsold
goods makes quick, easy sales; $5 com
mission on each order; $0 to $15 dally
profit for full time. SOMETHING NEW.
Write for outfit today. Caniield Mig. Co.,
20S sigel, Chicago. 111. -
SIX men for October 1, outside of Portland,
$150 to $250 monthly; we pay every Thurs
day; no samples, no selling or collecting;
simply determination to work; such full
Instructions furnished that success is as
sured. Write and secure splendid income.
L. V. Browne, secretary, C57 Schwind
bldg., Dayton, Ohio.
WA XTED Young wideawake salesman for
high-grade, low-cost specialty; must be
hustler with a record;, salary $00 and
commission. Prefer men acquainted with
retail trade in Portland and vicinity; ref
erencea required. 008 Northwest bldg
MANUFACTURER requires permanent rep
resentative, newly patented demand of
centuries ; proven success; demonstration
convinces; possible earnings unlimited.
Samuel Ci Osborn, Masonic Temple Chi
cago. 4
EXPERIENCED, capable salesman to travel,
old-established house, with line that sells
to practically all classes of merchants;
high commissions; weekly advance to riKht
man. L. W. Barrows. Detroit, Michigan.
WANTED A high-class salesman to sell
advertising to the leading merchants;
new proposition; special opportunity to the
right man; must have best of references.
O 257, Oregonian.
CALENDAR and novelty salesmen; our new
line of white enamel advertising novelties
have selling punc h ; distinctively clever
and class. Geo. W. Newton Co., Newton.
1 owa.
SALESMEN wanted by lace-embroidery im
porters; only men with trade smaller
towns need apply. Expenses advanced
Samples light. Standard Lace Works, 410
Broadway. New York.
feA LESM AN Do you want $12 a day side
line working small towns on jewelry pre
miums on punch board deals? Western
Jewelry it Novelty Co., Hunter bldg., Chi
rago. SID E LINE salesmen to sell grocers, con
fectioners, restaurants; no competition ;
we pay freight; very attractive proposi
tion to dealers; liberal commissi on. Na
tional Beverage Co., St. Louis, Mo.
SALESMEN wanted to sell ITign-grade foun
tain pens as side line; 20 per cent com
mission; samples easy to carry; references
mut accompany application. Edison Pen
'onipany, Petersburg, Va.
WANTED, Salesman Sober, industrious
man to sell on commission in city of Port
land, a high-grade line of engine-room
supplies; must be a resident of Portland
and a diligent worker. AP 205. Oregonian
MAK.E money writing stories or articles. Big
pay. Free booklet tells how. Address
X tilted Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
WANTED A neat girl to heip care of baby
and assist with light housework ; good
homf. small wages. Woodlawn 2002.
GOOD general housekeeper iu small fam
ily, one who loves children and is good
seamstress; reference. BC 208. Oregonian
GOOD, neat girl for housework. Call af
ternoon. 055 Lovejoy st., bet. 20th and
VA-' oiri lor general housework and.
am v n ii i wo cnuuren; reierence. 544
E. 40th si. N
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
mall family; must know plain cooking
hU to 12. US 1 Thurman.
SCHOOLGIRL, college student, to
home privileges and $1 a week.
assist ;
GIRL or middle-aed woman to assist with
housework and care of child; references.
all before 2. 715 Northrup st.
WANTED Exp. lady solicitor, fluent talker;
salary, commission; good position. Room
o.i vvaBningion Diog., 2j0 Washington.
w i ih-A w AlvE women to visit the homes.
Experience unnecessary. AF 257, Ore-
WANTED Schoolgirl to assist with house-
worK, email wages. Tabor 1475. 40
olid ave. S. E.
WANTED Girl for creneral
sist with cooking; references. 735 Kear
jirtL. or miacae-aged woman to assist In
housework. C 2245. 350 E. 47th St. N cor
ner uroaaway. Rose City Park car.
GIRLS to learn the millinery trade. Port
itwiu ounooi oi .miiiinery, am -cm on ave.
ix .. near xtussen.
WANTED Refined, capable woman tor re
sponsible position. Viavi Company, 423
i iliulk uiocK, ooi) w asnington.
WANTED at once. 5 ladv demonRtrtC7T
also agents in smaller towns Barcley Cor
set Shop, 204 Fliedner bldg.
RELIABLE German girl for general house-
wur.. Appiy mornings, 494 East 22d N
East 6842.
girjs 10 learn oeauty culture; pay
wniie itarnmg. ii ueicum blug. gani
tary Parlors.
SCHOOLGIRL will be given room and board
wages, in exchange light housework. Call
1 1 trillions. o".j til n St.
t muul or msn school girl to assist with
nsni nouseworK, near Lincoln High. Call
UKUiHr oupiness woman, over 35. to enter
iniu a permanent DUSiness. 407 Selling
WANTED Girl to assist in housework
per week. Call B ai04.
PANTS and vest maker wanter. Apply 131
. -IBL HI.
EXPERIENCED hairdresser that under
stands hair wprk. 147 Broadway.
EXPERIENCED alteration help on ladies
suits. :. rvi. noiiuiay to., 3m Alder.
WAN FED A kitchen helper at
! West
WANTED Ladies to demonstrate, $2 and
up per day. Call 609 Swetland bldg.
MAKERS and trimmers,
cart & co.
Apply to Lowen-
WA XTED Girl to assist family work. Phone
10 to 12 A. M. C 159; East 205.
WANTED ,ady hair dre5ser
maker. 60d Swetland bldg.
and switch
S? ANTED An experienced shirtwaist iron-.-r.
PaclMi Laundry Co., 2:1 Arthur st.
Gl RL wan tea for a pri vate boarding-house
to work night and morning. 515 Morrison.
GIKL fur light housework in small family.
5M oth st.. corner Grant.
GOOD home for a schoolgirl to assist with
work for room and board. Tabor -07S.
experienced girLat. the Broadway Cafe
teria. GIRL to assist in general housework; small
family. 745 Overton st. Apply Monday.
WANTED Girl to assist
houeework. Call E. 5456.
GERMAN girl for housework,
ings, 321 6th st.
Call morn-
GIKL wanted for coffee
Couch. o5 N. 5th.
house, Cth and
FIRST-CLASS lady manicurist and halr
drcsser. 542 Union ave. T., near Russell.
work, 674 Everett,
for general house-
TH O ROUGH LT experienced picture sales
woman: must understand taking frame
orders; permanent position and good sa.1
ery; do not apply unless thoroughly com
petent. Apply Tuesday superintendents
oiTice, 7th floor, 9 to 10 A. M. Lipman,
Wolfe & Co.
IF YOU are young, neat, attractive, not
over '60, and can talk pleasantly and In
telligently, we will pay you salary of $12
a week; chunce for increase; city work;
no house canvassing; experience unneces
sary. Reply with particulars. Address 6
20S, Oregonian.
EASTERN corporation wints three attrac
tive, neat-appearing young ladies, age -0
to 25, for clean, refined work ; salary $2
a day ; steady employment ; chance for
advancement. Phone or apply Sunday af
ternoon, W. W. Cowan, Wheeldon Annex.
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wom
en is now located at room U03 new Police
Headquarters. Information, protection or
assistance given to women and girls. In
terviews confidential.
WOMEN Sell guaranteed hosiery to friends,
neighbors and general wearers; 70 per
cent profit; make $10 dally; experience
unnecessary. International Mills, West
Philadelphia, Pa.
SEAMSTRESS to do general work on pen
nants, pillow covers, etc. ; must be good
designer; steady work to satisfactory
party; references required. Apply 345
Washington st.
COMPETENT saleswomen, thoroughly ex
perienced in notions, muslin underwear,
dresj trimming and dress goods; none but
experienced, need apply. Roberta Bros., 3d
and Moirison.
WANTED Youn? lady attending business
college or Jefferson High to assist with
housework for room and board ; good
home, two in family. Phone East UJ35.
OM7 Schuyler. car.
BACHELOR with nice home would like
young married couple or widow to keep
house, co-operative basis; no objections
to child. V 254, Oregonian.
FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel,
demonstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50
per week ; railroad fare paid. Goodrich
Drug Co., Dept. 076, Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Neat-appearing woman for gen
eral housework; cook, wash for 3 young
gentlemen ; $20 month, room and board.
Apply Sunday P. M., 1046 Grand N. E.
WANTED A Swedish girl to do general
housework in small family. Must be ex-
I perienced. 614 Hawthorne ave. Phone
East 2234. Call after V.
WAN TED A girl who has had
in second work to assist with housework.
buO Hancock st. Take Broadway car. Eadt
K451, c-1001.
$2.50 DAY paid lady in each town to dis
tribute free circulars for concentrated fla
voring in tubes. Permanent position. F.
E. Barr Co., Chicago.
WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and
general housework; German or Scandi
navian preferred; no washing; no chil
dren. Phone E. 934. Call 645 E. fith North,
WRITE moving-picture plays: $50 each; all
or spare time ; no experience nor corre
denco course; details free. Atlas Publish
ing Co., 42, Cincinnati, O.
WANTED Neat young girl who likes gen
eral housework, email house, email fam
ily. Phone Marshall 4322 or call 720 King's
WANTED Woman to assist in general
housework and take care of child. Cath
olic preferred. Mrs. J. F. Gallagher, 480
Montgomery st.
WANTED Ladies to have their old hats
remodeled. Hats made $1.50.. Trimming
25c up. Mack's Milliuery, 542 Union ave.
N-, near Russell.
WANTED Experienced skirt hands for la
dies custom tailoring. Apply Tuesday, su
perintendent's office, 9 to 10 A. M. Lip
man, Wolfe & Co.
WANTED An elderly lady to care for two
small children for room, board and -small
pay. 268 Jefferson st. Call some evening
between 6 and 8 or Monday.
WANTED Lady to run female employment
office ; must have some cash. See man
ager Pacinc Employment Co., Men's Dept.,
2H2 Couch st.
HAVE good home for middle-aged lady
who will assist with housework for board
and room. Phone East 5901.
W AN TED A giri for general housework ;
must be a good plain cook. Apply 732
Hancock or phone East 1008.
Washington bldg., 270 Washington, room
35, near 4th. Phone Main tSo0 or A 11260.
month. Rev. J. F. Dolphin, Milwaukee.
Oregon City carline. i -
WANTED, at once, office girl with some
business experience. State experience, age
and salary desired. X 207, Oregonian.
A LADY wants a working girl for company.
. Ajny ounaay aiternoon or evenings. 1106
E. 12th North.
WANTED Girl for general housework in
tsmait zamuy; good wages. Call 504 Hoyt
WANTED Housekeeper for four men In
apartment; tJii. Apply Monday evening,
8 to 9, 21 Trinity Place apartments.
AMBITIOUS, energetic woman over 25, for
position witn local nrm; permanent; cx
perlenoe unnecessary. AE 270, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl to he!n vounsr marrind
couple in exchange for room and board;
school girl preferred. Phone Sellwood i;il.
WANTED Girl to care for baby and assist
wnn nousework; must go home evening,
1040 E. Main St., corner 35th.
SCHOOLGIRL wanted in small family. Call
004 E. Burnside, before 2.30.
WANTED Subscription representatives for
uuisiue territory in Oregon; men and
women who do thorough work will be
e'fn ii u era i remuneration. Call at 21.
Oregonian bldg.
vva.nieu Men and women, live, wide
awake men and women for good -pay lug
I'uaiiioun; ii you want to work and SO.'
vance, see manager, S08-00-1Q Selling bldg.
TEACHERS Wanted; principals. HDeehilism
graae; nair-rate enrollment; state quali-
'"-ltuu"- v J-ccners Agcy., . Yakima
TWO steady lirst-class solicitors, good pay.
-i. wuny. or write ALr 2 1 2. Oregonian.
i-irt art ot acting; engagements open
' -"-""' "n"' a. tu teams J lag.
:;:td i
good solicitors. Cull Ki
Monday, bet. H and 10 A. M.
Fisk Teachers' Agency secures positions for
icnuiierB. 010 journal bldg. Main 4 S3 5.
UAtlDLK 1:1 )I.I .KriK1 u- a n r t. mm
nu women to learn me trade in 8 weeks;
clean work, percentage nai.i whnM lnm.
ing, tools free; scalp and face massage a
-. . v nco catalogue. L'G
BE an electrical motorman; good pay, pleas,
ant work ; v. e plane students everywhere
particulars free. . International Institute of
Electric Railroading, Dept. 20 Interna-
MRS. HINSDALE, former Instructor of the
commercial department of the Young
v which b v,iirjsijan Association, ! now
ready to take young men and women for
ousiness training. 002 Empress bldg.
WOMEN Get Government jobs; thousands
vacancies yearly; list positions open to
rv uiiicu uoe. r iMllMlQ All ail I Ut C, JLfepL,
RAILWAY mail clerks, ' P. O. clerks, car-
1 icib , buwii , parcel post demands
many more clerks; act at once. Pacific
r-iates acnooi. mcnay blag., city.
MAKE BIG MONEY; learn automobile driv
ior ana repairing Dy mail; new, system.
Automobile correspondence School, P. O.
rx .mi, roniana, or.
BE a detective, earn $"i0 to $100 weekly
travel all over world. Dept. 11, United
'"lavi'n fctecuve Ac Adjusting Agenay,
ivmnTj c-AViiniise, at. IjOUlS, AlO.
iiv- v i.u-r-1 J.U KM OPtiKATING. OPER
L ? 'iU x. .-1. La ill
1F YOU want to make money or add to your
" niuuie, neiiu name ana address on
postal card. lAddress p. O. Box 5005, Sta-
DETECT1VES Made, not born; learn how!
uo inuepenuent, travel, increase incorm
particulars free. - Standard System. 5 I
. Dearborn, Chicago, 111.
i-iui-aivq iu uo 1 11 1-men, oraKemen; earn
i-u in 011 wny ; sena age, postage. Rail
way Educational Association, care Ore
GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get.
Aiy tree pooKiet. Y-aoo. tells ;.ow. Write
wuu.y uu. au nupKins, w ashlngton,
DO EASY, pleasant coloring work at home
goou pay, no canvassing; no experience
required, inus. particulars rree. Heloine
LKAKN to drive an auto. Exnert inatet
tor. Call at 80 10th St., bet. 12 and 2 P.
ai., or iiiuut; Jiiiisuaii iuo.
MEN. 18 to 35. become railwav nnstnl rli-v
commence $75 month; sample examination
questions iree. a v u. uregonian.
LEARN moving picture operating:
reasonable; steady work. 220 2d st.
WATCHES cleaned. 7oc; malnsorlnff. T:
work guaranteed. 216 Commonwealth bldg.
TURE M AUnl.N HiSa. 333 UAK.
404 commonweaun Btag. Mar. 42a.
"The School of Success."
Day school $10 per month. Evening $5.
Text books FREE. Our employment de
partment assists all -competent student
to positions. New classes Monday.
Central Bldg.. 10th and Alder. Main 6599.
SALESMEN Experience unnecessary, easy
work, big pay. Write large list openings
offering opportunities earn $100 to $5oo
month while you learn. Address nearest
office. Dept. 311, National Salesmen t
Training Association, Chicago, New York.
Kansas City, San Francisco.
Waitress, out, 35 and. board.
4 waitresses, out. $20, r. and b.
1 waitress, out, $S wk, r. and b.
2 gen. work, out, $:;0 and $40 mo.
Ladles' Dept. -(5 Morrison st.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date
cars; electric, civil engeerlng.
surveying ; methods most practical; room
and board while learning; position se
cured ; satisfaction guaranteed : catalogue
free. National School of Engineering.
2110 W. 7th st., Los Angeles, Cal.
A BETTER SALARY cornea to those who
are prepared for opportunity' knock.
Evening classes in all business subjects,
shorthand, typing, only $5 per month.
Central Commercial College, loth and Al
der. WE TEACH practically, with actual ma
chinery in operation, electrical, gas and
steam engineering, machine shop work
and automobile repairing. Send for new
catalogue. Seattle Engineering School, 100
to 110 West Roy street, Seattle.
WANTED Bookkeeper or office man at
present employed, intelligent and am
bitious, to work up and hold the most im
portant positions through us; give age,
education, experience and present salary.
H. G. Phelps, mgr., Ashland, Or.
LEA RN real estate. Insurance and loan
brokerage. Earn $3G0o or more yearly. Be
independent. Complete instructions, over
25o subjects, delivered for $1.20. Equals
any $40 course. Brown db Co., Candler
bid;?., Atlanta, Ga.
GOVERNMENT positions, postoffice, railway
mail, other branches, are good. Prepare
"ex-ims" former U. S. Civil Service Secretary-Examiner.
Booklet H35 free. Write
today. Patterson Civil Service School,
Rochester, N. Y.
ASSISTANT MANAGER who will invest
$5000 in profitable going concern to en
large Dusiness and devote time to man
agement thereof. Good salary. For In
terview see N. R. Jacobson, Attorney,
Northwestern Bank bldg.
THOUSANDS Government Jobs open to
men and women yearly ; $05 to $1 50 per
month : common education sufficient.
AVrite Immediately for list of positions
open. .franklin institute. Dept. B-itf R.
Rochester. K. T.
you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face
massage a specialty ; tools free ; positions
guaranteed : pay while learning; tuition
reduced. 233 Madison st.
NAMES and addresses by mall order houses;
big pay, home work; information for
stamp. Direct Appeal Co., Plymouth, Ind.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
A. THOROUGHLY capable and experienced
cashier and accountant with several years
experience In the mortgage loan business
and a practical knowledge of real estate
conveyancing, wishes to secure a position
in Portland; Al references as to character
and ability. Address or inquire, at the
office. u!3 Corbett bldg.
GOOD bookkeeper and office man wants do-
sition ; leaving present position account of
dull business making It necessary to re
duce expense: will consider work any
where in Oregon or Washington. Address
a nox liuu, Portland.
YOUNG man, 25, ex-groceryman, with two
years" experience in me canning of iruits
ana vegetables, wants worK, also Knowi
ed go of bookkeeping and stenography. i
250, Oregonian.
WANTED Position in law office by young
attorney, member or bunreme Court of u
3. Also expert accountant. 034 Y. M.
C. A.
perience, good record and looal reference,
will cake moderate start in permanent
place. Auaress jno. 4, is 1 ureen ave.
HOTEL Thoroughly experienced hotelman
desires position as clerk, bookkeeper or
cannier: nignest reierences. AH :
SALESMAN of ability, best of reference!
wants situation, either commercial or pro
motion anta capaoie 01 na nan 112 salts
men and getting results. J 208, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, 23 years old, sober and indus
trious, wants position In small business
as shipping clerk or bookkeeper. Ah. 270,
POSITION wanted as bookkeeper or clerk ;
years experience with wholesale mf jr.
company of this city; references; U-4 years
old, single. V 2o., oregonian.
YOUNG married man, 24. desires a position
as snipping or receiving clerk ; excellent
references. AN 20s, Oregonian.
SUCCESSFUL bookkeeper wants work;
handle any kind of accounting. J
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. 8 years'
experience; best of references. N 265 , Ore
ACCOUNTANT wants evening work on smal
sets 01 accounts. au seau, oregonian.
WANTED -Position as manager of livestock
rancn. a tt 2 u, oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT, first-elass, open for engage
ment. K 20.'t, Oregonian.
M iscellanroos.
CAP A BLE, experienced young man desires
position as janitor or porter, office bide.,
hotel or apartment ; can handle steam
pluut and handy with tools. AL 271
WANTED Position in general store, small
town preferred. ; good salesman and stock
er; understand the business. Can do buy
ing. AV yri!. uregonian.
WANTED Position as traveling salesman
witn reliable house: salary and expenses
am honest and energetic; 8 years at last
place ; references, x 2;iii, oregonian.
MAN with good team wants Work on farm,
capable of ta king charge of place. Call
Woodlawn 2JSW or write Teamster, 1224
Montana ave., Portland.
RELIABLE young man wants position take
care of furnace ; is nandy witn tools or
general work of any kind. AL 22, Ore
RELIABLE elderly man wants work, cook
ing, lanitor work, driving team, watching,
rk. driving
Tabor 450.
odd jobs.
PAINTER Good all around hand, married,
wants work, $3 per day; good references.
AF 2.i0, Oregonian.
MAN past middle asre wishes employment
can do carpentry and painting; is genera
useful man. For particulars address AR
2o. oregonian.
PIANIST Yountr man pianist, non-union,
experienced moving picture work, wants
evening poeition. A K i:ti. oregonian.
FURNISHINGS and clothing salesman: ca
do bushellng, excellent stock keeper. AV
700, Oregonian. ,
STL'Uli.tT wants work in exchange for
room and board. Kererences furnished,
Address N "38, Oregonian.
WIFE and husband, cook and helper, board
ing-house or hotel, 20 years' experience.
iirst-ciass. Tel. juarsnau st.
JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants positlo
in private Iamiiy in or out 01 city.
1500, Main 13(51.
MAN and wife, no children, want Job on
ranch; good references. Air. Finley,
Main 0021. W -20T, uregonian.
MAN wants work as teamster or in ship
ping room, or any kind of work. Phone
Marshall &48.
EXPERIENCED married man wants posl
tion as lath grader, porch column giuer
or teamster. Mam in, a idIi.
WANTED Position as janitor or any kin
of oommon labor; must .have work. Mai
717, A 1517.
MAN with family wants work on farm
capable of taking charge. Main 717,
PLUMBER, one of the best on the Coast,
capable of taking charge, wants job i
country, m. cotter. n. lutn st.
WANTED Position as hardware clerk.
small town preferred. Main 717, A 151
WANTED Position as janitor or running
elevator. Main 717, A laii.
MILKER and barn man open for position
AO 20,. oregonian.
GOOD Japanese wants short-hour work i
morning. E 26i, Oregonian.
WHEN you want a carpenter for any kin
of work, day or job, call East 130.
FIRST-CLASS paper hanging and painting,
Phone E. 26S0.
MaN wants work painting, tinting, clean
ing. repairing; day or hour. Marshall 42
DENTIST, registered in state, wishes posi
tion In Portland. F 204, uregonian.
WANTED Contract to cut 100 cords of
wood. P 264, Oregonian.
YOUNG man. experienced helper on cakes,
wants position. M 2k, uregonian.
YOUNG married man wunu position
dairy ranch. N 255, Oregonian.
WANTED Lawn work; garden work an
odd jobs. Sellwood 182. J. B. Kennedy.
YOUNG Japanese couple wants positlo;
housework; private. W z&s, oregonian.
LEAKY ROOFS repaired; work guaranteed
prices low; estimate free. 600 E. 9th
MAN wearing artificial limb wants an
work, Maiu 3aU2. Room Selling- bids,
Miscellaneous. "
POSITION wanted by expert gasoline engi
neer, marine or stationary, experience ana
technical knowledge of electricity, also
some machine shop experience; general re
pair work in garage preferred N 2-03.
MAN and wife, German, with boy 12, man
nas experience in i arming am a poultry,
wife good cook, want position on farm,
and will take farm on shares; good refer
ences Write H. Kolek. Box liUo. Route
2, Milwaukie, Or.
WANTED Situation aa night watch or Jan.
ltor; w eu acquainted witn steam neat,
understand oil burner; good city refer
ence; can furnish bonds. Phone Tabor
3401, or address David Leech, ... F. D.
No. 2, Milwaukie, Or.
MAN and wife; man of ability as all-around
business assistant, superintendent or place;
wife as managing housekeeper, practical
nurse and companion ; will take first or
both positions; references. P. O. Box 304,
Salem, Or.
WOULD like position taking care of place
in city or country; am sober, use no liquor
or tobacco, and can give good references;
will gladly call and talk over the situa
tion. John Houts, 29 North 9th st., Port
land. MAN and wife wants position as caretakers
of place; good cooks and exceptionally
handy any kind of work, at present em
ployed on farm. Address L. Williams.
Y a le. Wash.
COOKS Young couple, good plain cooks,
wish to handle culinary department any
where, but will take anything where we
can work together. Phone F. A Wood,
Main 0202.
YOUNG Christian chauffeur wishes posl
tfon with private family or in a garage.
Can furnish best of reference by proles
slonal men. Mr. fioak, Jr., care . Y. M.
C. A.
EXPERIENCED middle-aged man; can
take care of elevator, steam plant, repair
ing, janitor, house wont, etc. ; wants
steady position of any kind. Y 200, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED man and wife want position
to manage apartment-house or rooming
house; man is a good repairman and un
derstands nesting of all kinds. AN 207,
MARRIED chauffeur wants steady position
with private family; 7 years experience
In driving high-powered cars; can do own
repairing; best of reference. Phone Eaat
WANTED Position as engineer, either
etam or good repairman ; can furnish
best of references; will go out of town;
state wages. A. F. Hanson, 400 Pearl at..
Oregon City, Or.
VIGOROUS elderly man, single, temperate.
reliable, nanuy mecnanicaiiy. garuener,
etc., wants steady employment, moderate
ages. Home place. .Recommendations.
H 257, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by first-class general
merchandise salesman, well experienced
and know the business; best of references.
AC 265, Oregonian.
WANTED, from 1000 to 1500 cords stump-
age. Will pay 50c to uc per cord, or will
take contract to Cut. a. Simmer, 223i
Madison st., city. Room 39.
YOUNG MAN wishes employment in auto
repair snop, unaerstanus Diacxsmitning ;
will work for reasonable wages. L 274,
PRINTER An all-round, experienced printer
aesires position; joo or ta worn., tu
handle presses; steady habits; married.
Union. Address AV 761, Oregonian.
ALL-AROUND dry goods man. window
trimmer, card-writer, live wire, expert
salesman, married. Address BF 273, Ore
gonian. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, American, abstain
er, careiui, excellent to. reierences,
years' experience, any position, reasonable.
Barr, Tel. Tabor 1526.
MAN and wife, waiter and waitress, want
country notel or reaiaence; urea 01 city
life ; good workers and tend strictly to
business. A 200, Oregonian.
POSITION by man and wife, no children,
in apartment, notei, institute or ramiiy;
good reliable couple, good Workers, Al ref
erence. AO 206, Oregonian.
BOY 17 years old desires position; have had
experience in paging ana cnecKroom op
erator for club, also can operate telephone
exchange board. O 270, Oregonian.
AN experienced, capable young man and
wire wishes tne management of gooa
apartments ; can give the best of city
reference. V U67. Oregonian.
YOUNG married man, steady, sober, wants
work of some kind at once; in sine work
preferred, but willing to try anything rea
sonable. AR 274, Oregonian.
WANTED Team work. Have A-No. 1 big
team; want hauling in or out of city. J.
Bradbury, Beaverton, Or. Phone Beaver
ton. Or.
POSITION by iirst-class general merchan
dise and doming man, tnorougniy ex
perienced, also speaks German; reference.
A J 20S, oreaonian.
PRINTER Steady and reliable; no boozer
married; 14 years experience, can come
immeu lately. Address Box 120, Van
couver. Wash.
JAPANESE boy wants position. general
housework, washing, in private xaxnlly.
C 2 r, Oregonian.
MARRIED man, no children, wants posi
tion on farm ; capable of taking full
charge; reference. 15. H. Willis, Lents. Or.
MA RR1ED farmer, with long experience.
wants position on ranch; can furnish ret
erence. AG 20S. Oregonian.
MECHANIC Auto and gas engine Install
tions and repairing, any mechanical work;
references. X 20W. Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN or lady to assist me teach
painting oa velvet and art. 1. Kremer,
2y0 4th st.
WANTED To exchange carpenter work for
electrical work and fixtures; also plurab-
tngfc Phone 1 anor 741.
YOUNG MAN, 22. desires to learn hardware
business; experienced In machinery and of
flee work. A 2d. Ore-ronlan.
GARDENER and caretaker wiRhejs situation
In private family, best of references. Ad
dress Gardener, 251 12th st.
MAN and wife wish care of residence in
Northwestern Oregon; references. Box 304,
Salem, Or.
YOUNG MAN, high school graduate, wants
position where there is chance for ad
vancement. AO 2fiS, Oregonian.
YOUNG man. German, reliable and steady
worker, wanta work on iarm. am 20
POSITION WANTED Storekeeper, experi
enced and rename; want position; refer
ences. AM 208. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man, trustworthy, reliable,
position nightwatenman. am 2ttU, Ore
FIRST-CLASS Japanese baker, has long ex
perience, wants a position. A 2US, Ore
YOUNG man. going to trade school, wants to
work for room and Doara with smai
wage. BF 274, Oregonian. m
MAN and wife wish position as cook and
helper; both competent ; camp work pre
ferred. BF 271. Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN attending school, desires work
after school ; experienced in apartment-
house janitor work. A 2... Oregonian.
BRIGHT, enersretlo high school boy desires
position for half day, afternoon. Phone
Tabor 303.
rOL'NO man. eood all-around mechanic,
wishes work of any kind; a willing worker.
F Cromien. 3&1 Yaranin. Main 1031.
ACTIVE, reliable man, open for agency at
Spokane; 10 years experience, sales and
collections. AE 274, Oregonian.
WATCHMAKER, engraver, salesman, wants
position; single; small salary. BC litis,
O rego n I an.
CHAUFFEUR, 10 years experience, can do
all repairs. A-l macninist. v ore
APARTM ENT-HOUSE engineer. 15 year
experience; all-around machinist, AB
272. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants position
in private family in city or country. K.
20S, Oregonian.
WANTED Steady position in city by robus
young man, age 24, not afraid of work
can give references. Tabor 1052.
MAN and wife with two children to take
charge of farm ; had experience. Mr. F
Rickert, 1797 Division st.
WANTED Place to earn all or part of
room and ooara oy senior aentai student.
A J 195, oregonian.
STUDENT, age 20, wants work before and
after school In exchange for board and
room. Ph, Main o4S.
AN EXCELLENT Dutch harness and sad
die-maker (just immigrated), wants
place. X 260. Oregonian.
healthy young man, ager 24. not afraid!
of hard work. Phone Tabor 152.
JAPANESE contractor wants cutting wood
or brush. Main oozi, 21 uurname.
JAPANESE boy wants housework, porter or
any kind. Main tioz. 'juj urnsiae.
ENGINEER Steam, electric, gas, wants job
along that lice, a a zt, oregonian.
YOt"N.J man. 3S out of school, wants nosi
tion; references. Phone Woodlawn 2543
MAN and wife want work; orchard, ranch
or other work, u 20, uregonian.
WANTED Brush cutting, also lot clearing.
Box Montavma.
WATCHMAN, reliable, seeks position; sal
ary 4Q montniy. can Main ai4S.
COMPETENT Japanese Doy wants job as
porter. F 266, uregonian.
WANT position us milker oa dairy, rauch
3ki iMcellaneou.
GET your lawn and roses in shape for Win
ter and you'll not have so much trouble
in the Spring. 1 will do your work rea
sonably. Address
152 Lawrence St., Cor. Nson.
Or notify stubbs Grocery, East 4381 or
B 2108.
PLACE on ranch by married man, age 38;
can take full charge or would run on
shares; can handle steam traction, handy
with carpenter or blacksmith tools ; will
go any place. Address AL 270, Oregonian.
MAN and wife with one child want place tn
the country with a small family. Wife to
keep house, man to do outside work. For
full particulars write 531 Main st., Mus-
kogte, Oklahoma.
RELIABLE young German. 25, desires em
ployment of any nature ; is not afraid of
hard work, and guarantees to make good
in almost any capacity; wages no object.
F 2."., Oregonian.
YOUNG man. married, home In Portland, de
sires position ; seven years' experience in
selling on the road ; also retail selling
experience; total abstainer; can give good
local references. AN 255, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS wall tinting,
per room. Sellwood 359.
91.50 and 2
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
INTELLIGENT. energetic young woman,
efficient stenographer, good kitchen me
chanic, laundress, housekeeper and home
maker, wants work at any or all of above
by day. week or month, at reasonable
Pay, in or out of city. Phone East 5081.
WANTED Position as private secretary,
companion or chaperon by widow; 110 ob
jection to traveling or country; references
exchanged. AP 252, Oregonian.
POSITION by experienced, competent lady
bookkeeper and accountant; best of refer
ences. Phone East 6445, AO 254, Orego
STENOGRAPHER. young lady familiar
with law and Insurance, wants position.
all or half day, moderate salary. Main
0( (4.
STENOGRAPHER with practical office ex
perience desires position; references. Phone
v ooaiawn 2o4X
CORRESPONDENT, experienced in many
lines of onice work; good references. A
20 1 , Oregonian.
POSITION as stenographer and office as
sistant or exenange operator ; references,
A-0717. Apartment 215.
Y'OUNG lady bookkeeper, good penman,
quick at figures, wishes half day work.
reierences. am 274, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, 5 months' experience.
wants position ; also general office work.
Main 3n7. Call S:30 A. M. to 10 A. M.
perience, desires stenographic position
mornings only. Phone B 143.
EXPERIENCED stenoKrapher wished perma
nent or temporary position, call Marshall
WANTED Position as stenographer and
bookkeeper for half day work. Call Col
umbia 477 before 11 A. M.
YOUNG lady, experienced In beauty culture
and hair work, wants position; good rei
erence. Phone -fr 7730.
nine years experienw wishes position. BD
201). Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and assistant
bookkeeper desires position; best refer
ences. Woodlawn 32S9
EXPERIENCED biller and telephone opera
tor wishes a position. Main i2b2.
PUBLIC stenographer desires location and
small saiury lor services. labor -Zi.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per
manent position. o J 1 o. Oregonian.
WANTED Private telephone exchange by
experienced operator, bi. 40i.
WANTED Position as typist and biller;
experienced. Main jl, A 117.
D resnmakers.
Experienced seamstress and designer or
coats and dresses; prices reasonable ; will
go out or call for orders. Phone East 428.
DRESSMAKER, designer and tailoress from
East, just attended convention, will sew
in families, also take in sewing. Mar
shall 1107.
MODISTE recently from San Francisco,
using French styles without patterns, will
make sului. gowns, dresses, capes, etc 245
East Broadway, apt. 214. Call East 66c-l
LADY with small boy going to school wants
position as per, city or country,
or cook In small camp ; good references.
2'i." Morrison st. Phone Main 1002.
FIRST-CLASS tailoress from the East; will
sew In family or take work tn, suits a spe
cialty; good city references. 225 11th st.
Phone Main vio.
PLAIN sewing, childrens clothes, lace and
embroidery. Dy day or piece. Woodlawn
WANTED Plain sewing and mend ing by
day at home or will go out. Main 71
A 1517.
THOROUGHLY competent styl tsh dress
maker, $3 per day, or take work home.
Marshall 5470.
Fl RST-CLASri dressmaker wishes engage
ments by the day; party gowns a spe
cialty. Phone Tabor filJl.
YOUNG lady from Chicago wishes dress
making . at your nome; reasonable. Mar
shall 5000.
DRESSMAKING wanted by the day or at
home; prices reasonable and work guar
anteed. Phone Main 9:tl2, room 53.
CHILDREN'S and plain sewing, also cm
broidery done at home. A 2U4o. Main
207 V).
MRS. BURROUGHS SMITH, expert dress
making, evening gowns a specialty. Main
WANTED Work with dressmaker, sewing.
assist with housework; neu t, good finisher.
W ili go out of city. N 250. Oregonian.
DRESSMAKING and ladles tailoring
the day, $5; experienced. Tabor 483.
DRESSMAKING by day stylish and rapid;
reterences. Ta&or -1044.
home or day.
15o Lane at.
Mam K510.
DRESSMAKER by day. children's clothes
a specialty. Woodlawn 1575.
DRESSMAKING. 2 per day; satisfaction
guaranteed. pnone
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes work by
the day; reference. Main 54i7.
WANTED Sewing by the day, reliable
dressmaker; .references. Phone Main 487.
NEAT, quick dressmaking, $1.75; references.
East ZbSH.
WANTED Sewing by day; your home. J
200, Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nurse wants work by day or
week. Can manage house and not afraid
of work. Best of references. Tabor 4oh;.
UNDER-GRADUATE nurse of St. Vincent's
Hospital would care for invalid or chil
dren. East 2158.
CHILDREN or invalids cared for at your
home by elderly lady, afternoon or even
ing, 50 cts. and carfare. Phone East 5837.
PRACTICAL nurse desires work of any kind;
extremely nervous or insane patients pre
ferred. Addiess Y 27Q, Oregonian.
RELIABLE lady would like care of a child
in her own home. Woodlawn 2rt4S.
TRAINED NURSE would like care of child
in own home. BC 2t7, Oregonian.
NURSE wishes to assist lady traveling back
East. AG 267. Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nurse wants cases, wages reas
onable. Main 158.
LADY, from the East, educated and re
fined, desires position as housekeeper or
companion, free tn leave city; no objec
tion to children. T 250, Oregonian.
REFINED young widow, child 6, wants
place as housekeeper in refined home; good
cook and manager, dressmaker and milli
ner. B "OS, Oregonian.
WIDOW lady wants position as housekeeper
In widower's or bachelor's home. Ad
dress Mrs. Anne Musser, 04 East 12th st.
Phone East 1SJS0.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housekeeper's
position, widower's family, only respect
able answer. K 204, Oregonian
A CULTURED widow with home would
keep house for gentleman or bachelor In
their apartments. Main 41-SS.
YOUNG woman with child four years old
wishes position as housekeeper; man pre
ferred who has children. Main 774.
KEEP HOUSE for refined widower, bach
elor or aged roup!. Triflers save stamp.
L. Kremer, 290 4th st.
LADY wishes position as housekeeper for 1
or more gentlemen; state wages. AM 273,
MID D LET-AGED unincumbered woman wants
position as housekeeper. Ella Sullivan.
Phone A 5306.
WANTED By an experienced housekeeper
from the East, position In hotel or club;
best of references. AL 205, Oregonian.
WIDOW, good cook, wishes position In wio
ewer's family or club men as housekeeper;
can give good reference. Main W2o:t.
YOUNG widow wishes place as housekeeper
for widower; no objections to one child.
8 271. Oregonian.
WIDOW, unincumbered, wishes position as
housekeeper or nurse. Woodlawn 2975
after 8 A. M.
SCOTCH woman wants position housekeeper
nx Placft o trusii 212 11th, st,
Houttc keeper.
WANTED By a reliable woman from East,
position as housekeeper in widower's
home; neat, good cook ; references ex
changed. Call or address E. G-, 4NJ0 u-d
st. S. E., city.
WIDOW, 32. good cook, neat and sensible,
wants work as housekeeper for widower.
town or country; good home main object;
no objection to children. AM 251, Ore
gonian. A REFINED, trustworthy and capable wom-
sooa cook, will taKe run charge or a
home or do the housework and cooking;
position out of city preferred; salary
P er mon t h. P 20 7 . Ore gonian.
A LADY, 35. no incumbrances, wishes house
keeping; glad to care for invalid. AP 207.
WANTED by Eastern star elderly lady.
housekeeping. B 23W, Oregonian.
CAPABLE woman would like the care of
business man's home; does not object to
a child. R 207, Oregonian.
A NEAT German girl wishes to assist with
cooking and general housework. Main
S55 4.
SCHOOL girl wishes to work for room and
board, near Franklin High. Call or write
4.S24 Powell Valley Rd.
EXPERIENCED colored cook and second
girl wishes position; city references. Main
COMPETENT middle-aged woman wants
general housework, good cook. O 259, ore
gonian. NICE Japanese Rirl desires position in small
faintly. F 20;, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl wants housework by
day or week. East 2457.
GOOD Japanese woman wants Job in small
family. F 2Q5, Oregonian.
GIRL wants general housework in small
family. Good reference. Marshall 4352.
RESPONSIBLE woman desires a position as
oil ice attendant in doctor's or dentist's
office; absolutely neat and can meet the
puonc with courtesy, small wages in de
slrable office. BC 272. Oregonian.
RELIABLE woman with best city refer
ences, wants charge of residence while
owner Is absent; salary no object; best of
care taken, ilrs. A. Smith. 515 Vista ave.
x-iiune .Main lOli.
WIDOW lady, attending business college,
Will do liKht work in exchange for house.
keeping apt.; must be clean and near puo-
uc school Mrs. u., R. F. D. 2, box 50,
an, t asn.
WANTED Private home; with old neonle
jircicrreu ; wnere young woman uiigut do
housework in return for board and room
ur sen ana husband. AC 2ti, Oregonian.
WOMAN of refinement, expert cook and
housekeeper, in small family, or nursing
iur uociors; nigmy recommended. Mr
M. Grey. Pendleton. Or.
GOOD reliable lady going East about Oct. 1
win care ior euieiiy person, invalid or
cnua ior rare. References if desired. Ad-
rrsa yj it oregonian.
NEA1. active VOunz ladv wanta itfrnlv
place as clerk or cashier In grocery or
uom;nioBeu, exenenceu ; n.ast eiae pre
ferred ; $lo. J 266, ' Oregonian.
WOMAN of refinement, business ability,
wishes position caretaker. apartmenis,
club or rooming-house; excellent house
keeper. Woodlawn 1227.
DAY work by capable woman. eleamnc
sewing, cooking unci serving luncheons and
winners a specialty; city references given.
ritmin Main iVH.
WOMAN of refinement, best of references.
nuiu i;iit.e cuarge or cuiia. invalid or
eiaeriy person to New York or Philadel-
pina. ior lat-cmss rare. Phone Wdlwn. 114
. in me mimes, experienced in va
rious lines, will consider any employment
mat win anora a living to herself and
daughter of S. Phone Woodlawn 11M12.
W ANTED By refined woman position as
cumpanton to elderly lady; more tor good waKfs. rnene a iiij.
YOUNG woman,
exchange for
U!5 Yamhill.
employed, wishes work i
1. home and small wages.
DINNER parties, etc., planned, prepared or
served; hour work, any kind. Sellwood
1 Ot'U.
COMFORTERS made and recovered reason
uie; aiso miants laundry. R 250. ore-
b -nian.
LADY would like position as clerk or helper
o wora oy tne nuur.
FINE washing done at home by an experl
encea laundress; prices reasonable. Wood
II (1 J 1.
" 1 ai once, uy a business woman
vmiauiias fcuous ior tne ruau or a ape
v-v-j, 4i, oregonian.
WANTED Room in exchange for piano les
sons by competent ludy teacher; refer
cm-tra given, u oi'egonmii.
MOlHhH and daughter, cook and waitress,
notei, restaurant or boarding-house. Mai
2.N4. Yamhill House.
ABLE.woman wants work bv the dav. wnh
ing. ironing or house cleaning ; expert
t.-mTt-u ; reierence. i'none JUaiMhail fcyti.
WOMAN with 3 children must have stead
uay wort for 6 days weekly; please help
in. 1 a. v . xl.. cmiin, y.'t il,. a.'d at, N
EX PE RI ENCED launil ress w is hen washing
-wu in'iiing. a, 1 r-ast 5obN, rrom o t
w, evenings oniy.
PRACTICAL woman wants day work wash
ing. ironing, sewing and cooking. Tabo
POSITION by first-class lady cook in cam
or small country hotel, good referenc
given. Isabel Martin, The Dalles, Or
LADY nrinter and llnotvne onerstor wunt
work; or would solicit ads for newspuper
uiuuii. xtx 411, 1 acoma, v asn.
1 UL.XG lady wishes to assist in office work
'in forenoons. Can give references. Phone
ai a 1 n 1 xt.
EXPERIENCED cook would like cookiiw :
log ping camp where husband could ge
Kfi iv. .1 i -. uri'sonian.
bArhnlbMbU movltlK - Dicture i1h ni
wishes position; also plays for vaudeville.
h j.t.iH. 1 1 lirand ave. N.
BY middle-aged woman with references.
light work; good home more to be desired
man pig wages. a' 2o. Oregonian.
WolllC '-anted, earn p. hotel, housekeeping
take charge rooming-house. Mrs, A len,
L"tt7 Jenerson St., room 2.
W IDOW with one child w lilies position
housekeeper or chambermaid in small
town; experienced, neat. J 201. Oregom
lui.-Nii laciy, experienced casnier and ex
change operator. wishes evening work
reierences. a is a.. oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes position In dentist'
office immediately ; experienced, N 278,
HIGH school girl wants home with eiderl
couple ; will assist with housework for
board and room. AN 2i0, Oregonian.
FI KST-CljAi-S colored laundress want
small bundles to take home. Woodlaw
US 10.
LIVE saleswoman, good appearance, want
good article to sell or demonstrate ; will
travel. Call Main SI i0, room 2u6.
DAY WORK washing, cleaning,
Woodlawn US-'.
WOMAN wants day work. Phone Wood lav.
LACE curtains, draperies, hand laundered
2o up, called for; expw, Sellwood 1000.
CAPABLE wo nui n wants day work ; good
worker. Alain -t.n.
OOi K and helper wants position camp o:
country hotel. Main phone 7i2.
LADY wishes work evenings, from 8 ; can
give rer. Main zv-k-i.
EX PERIENCED laundress with referenc
wishes day work. Woodlawn 1035.
LADY wishes housework; $1 per day. Sleep
home. Marenaii juiu. Apt. au.
LADY would like day work, by day or hour.
Call Sellwood 1O05.
EXPERIENCED teacher wants private pu
pils in English. Room si.i. Renwick.
COMPETENT woman desires day work. Ta
COLORED woman wihe
work. Call Mar. 504.
day or uiaid
EXPERIENCED lauiidretts and housecleauer
wishes work by day. Main 421 1.
WANTED Apartment-house to manage, b
woman of experience and ability. A 407
A GIRL wants day work,
Thursday-. Call A 387S.
Monday and
WANTED General housework by girl. 02
GIRL wants general housework. 1500 E
YOUNG lady wishes light housework. East
;ih:t4. c 3 100.
FRENCH and piano acquired abroad). High
est references. Main 4i4. nw Lownsdal
TRAINED nurse desires position in doctor
office; A-l references. Address box :is
COLORED woman wishes day work.
Marshall 5'jl0.
WOMAN wants day work, washing an
cleaning. rnone cast
WANTED Day work and laundry to take
home. Main in. a 1&17.
WANTED Position as housekeeper or wal
rese :n restaurant. Main ill, A 1517.
LAUNDRY and cooking by the day : ca
. serve lunches and dinners. Tabor 4iJ:t.
SCANDINAVIAN woman wants washing,
ironing ana cleaning. mast
NEAT colored lady wishes day work
apartment house. " K;st 'fil 4.
LACE CLRTAINS done by expert. B-20U:
. uaDor iiit. jurst scon.
WANTED to rent, 5-room unfurnished bun
galow near llhams ave. O 237, Ore
b on tan.
WANTED To rent 4 or 7 -room modem
buns alow with sleeping porch, convenient
to Jefferson High ; also to Union, Wil
liams or Mississippi cars. AB 26b, Orego
nian. WANTED by a teacher, and her father, a
smau iurmsned nouse between Portsmouth
and town, w 1th in walking distance of
Portsmouth, preferably near St, Johns car.
Room. 415, Hotel Arthur.
WANTED TO RENT, strictly modern sub-
urnaa nome, iu rooms or more, within a
miles of Postoffice; only first-class place
considered ; state rent and . ull particu-
lars. S 200. Oregonian.
WANTED TO RENT, modern house, fur
nished. 10 rooms, garage and nice grounds
in first-class district; give location anil
rent. S 25, Oregouian.
WANT 7-ROOM house, west of 20th. be
tween Gllsan and Hawthorne; modern and
reasonable; will lease; state full partic
ulars. E 209, Oregonian.
REFINED COUPLE want & or (-room mod
ern and well-furnished house; must be
reasonable. State location and price in
answering. AM 2 70, Oregonian.
WANTED A furnished 5 or 6-room modern
bungalow or house, in Woodlawn or Al
berta, convenient to cars; two in family.
W 272. Oregonian.
IV E or 6-room furnished modern bunga
low for 0 or S months; must be clean and
close to school; rent reasonable. C 208,
WANTED 4 or 5-room modern bungalow.
yard; cast Mae; reasonable rent. Address
K., 20S Lumber Exchange.
WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfur
nished small bungalow ;. must be modern ;
prefer Rose City Park. Call Tabor 4478.
WANT a 4 or 5-room bungalow, partly fui-
n is neu, ior latter part or September. Rent
$15 or SIS a month. Y 205, Oregonian.
lo rent 4 or 5-room house from
$12 per month; walking distance.
S to
WANTED to rent Furnished 5-room cot-
taee at Seaside, reasonable. Tabor 5013.
& OR G-ROOM residence with garage. Phone
8-ROOM modern house in Rose City Park;
oesi 01 references, fiione Tabor lol.
WANTED Vacant housa, 12 or 15 rooms.
walking distance. Address 704 E. 20th S.
WANT four-room well-furnished apartment
In flrst-clus building in West Side dis
trict, for six or eight months, from Oc
tober 22; no children, responsible tenant.
Address B. care Hotel Seward, No tele
rrhone call answers.
4 OR 5-room flat, about the last of October;
must De stric t y modern ; reasonable rent ;
prefer heat furnished and West Side. No
children. Y 202, Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman wishes steam -heated
room, plenty of hot water; good location;
In reply, please give terms and street
number. G 25i, Oregonian.
WANTED Neatly furnished rvmi witji
respectable Jewish family ; reasonable: by
gentleman. Jos. Boner. AK 200, Ore
gonian. WANTED; 'A furnished house keoing rooms.
mouern. on rortiana iegnts, not iar
from school ; must be reasonable. Phone
Main bJ20.
UN FU UN ISH ED room, private residence or
apartment, heat lurnisnea. Close in. .
20tt, oregonian.
WANTED By a couple, o or 4 unfurnished
rooms for housekeeping in private house.
AH -74. Oregonian.
T WO nice sleeping rooms with heat and
light, near Muitnomaa i,iub; must be reas
onable. F 250, Oregonian. (
I" USE will pay 7.5
for unfurnished
mall family ; gas
housekeeping rooms in 1
and electricity. H 25.
PROMINENT pianist and tearher would like
to exciuuige instruction lor a room. R
20S. regoiiiau.
AT Ructo City Park. 11 large room for single
gentleman; reterence. Call Tabor 122s.
G E N'T T.EM A N desires room, permanent, in
strictly modern private home. A 2o4,
Room With Board.
GENTLEM A N having good position wants
room and hoard for hinmeir and son
aged 1J. near good school; prefer private
home, where lady will be interested in
boy; must be refined, cultured people;
none others need answer. All replies strict
ly ronf idential. AK -'73, Oregonian.
WILL exchange night service for room and
board, private home. Portland Heights ;
can stay with children evenings, assist
it h lesfoiia, do mending, etc. Address
Y 24, Oregonian.
W A NT ED Room and board In cultured re
fined home as company, Portland Heights
preferred ; no ot her hoarders ; all modern
conveniences, sleeping porch, etc; referent;-..
Address Y 27i. Oregonian.
WANTED Hoard and room by couple both
employed in strictly private modern homf,
close In, or on good car line. Give partic
ulars. AF 271. Oregonian.
YOUNG gentleman wishes room and break
fast in ctncenlal home; walking distance;
state particulars. D -j, oregonian.
B Y young man. In private family on East
Side, north of H olladay ave. ; state terms,
AH 273. Oregonian.
WANTED A bright, airy room with hoard
in a private home for a girl 1 1 going to
school. West Side. A B 20, Oregonian.
WANTED Rom and board by young man.
private home, est bide. E 2bS, Ore
gonian. FOR RENT.
CUE A N" rooms for men, bath and phone.
si.25 a week. 104 Lownsdale (loth) st.,
cor. Taylor.
$1.50 A WEEK. neat, small front room,
home privileges, walking distance, board
optional. 44. Oth st.
FURNISHED, $2.50 weekly and up; unfur
nished. S5 per month. ICamm bldg., 1st
and Pine.
Furnished Hoomi..
735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and
cold water and phone in every room ;
rooms without bath (10 up; with bath
$16 up.
2 Blocks from Union Depot.
Modern, clean and homelike; the house
that treats you right; 50c up per day; $13
up per mo. Tourist trade solicited. M. 3413.
SAN MARCO HOTEL. 11th and Washing
ton. Newly renovated, refurnished, strict
ly modern. Rooms $-.50 week up, with
free bath, $lt mo. up. You'll like them.
124 14th St.. corner Washington Nicely
furnished rooms, strictly modern; rates
$3.50 week and up. Phone Marshall 1470.
HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh St. New,
modern brick building, steam heated, pri
vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort
ably furnished; transients solicited.
Light pleasant rooms, private bath and
phone In each, large parlor, $15 and up.
Marshall 61 70.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 20th and Wash,
sts. Fireproof brick, outside, clean rooms,
running h and c water, steam heal,
phones, public or prlv. baths; $2.50 wk. up.
FRONT and outside rooms. Maxwell Haii,
Steam heat, running water all rooms,
large parlor, piano, phones and porch ;
rooms 10 and up. 207 14th, near Taylor.
HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and East
Belmont Rooms $12 month up. $22.50 up
with private bath; large, pleasant lobby;
cafe In connection. Phone East $23.
Outside rooms, steam heat, free phones
snd bath; $2 per week; $S per mo. up.
5334 Alder st., cor. 17th. Modern rooms
$2 to $3 per week.
NICELY furnished, room in steam-heatjd
building, easy walking distance, only $9
per mo. 187 17th, near Yamhill.
NEWLY renovated room, brick building,
Fteam heat, free phone and hath, transient
SOc up: $1.75 up part week. 2;3 13th st.
RYAN HOT EI j. 2'. H, 5th st. New brl.k
bldg.. brand new furnishings, hot and cold
w a ter. steam- heat, private or public ba t h .
LAKRABEE HOTEL. 2274 Larrabee st. If
you want 111 exceptionally clean, homel'.k
room below regular price, phone East 84s.
HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th St. Strictly
modern ; private baths, en suite, rooms
$3.0 up. Main 9472, A 4783.
TWO young ladies want another to share
apartment with them or rent furnished
room. King and Washington sts. A Ci047.
LA Rt E front room in apt., Broadway and
Jefferson; prlvnte entrances to hall and
V.Hth. Phone Main 2!44.
W ESTONIA 171 v. Park, furnished room;
team lieat. tot water.