74 Pages Section One Pages 1 to 18 Six Sections VOL.- XXXIII NO. 38. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS. CITY OF RHEIWIS IS BOMBARDED Fighting Rages Violently on Crayonne Plateau.. GERMANS ARE REINFORCED French Say They Have Made Progress on Western Side of the Argonne. JAIN FALLS IN TORRENTS British Bear Brunt of Foe's Counter Attacks, Acquitting Themselves Brilliantly. PARIS, Sept. 19. The last official communication issued tonight says that in a serious encounter near Craonne, the allies have captured num bers of prisoners and a standard. The Germans are reported to have gained no gTOund, notwithstanding their violent counter attacks. The sit uation is described as unchanged. The statement follows: . "On our left wing we have captured a flag south of Noyon. l Rheims Bombarded All Day. "Following, .a rather serious en gagement on the Plateau- of Craonne we have made several prisoners, be longing to the Twelfth and Fifteenth corps and the Guard corps. The Ger mans, notwithstanding attacks which were of extreme violence, were, not able to gain any., ground, around Rheims, which they have been bom barding all day. 'On the center we have made prog ress on the western side of the Ar gonne. .There is nothing new on the right wing. ' "The general situation remains fa vorable." Bordeaux Reports Progress. A dispatch from Bordeaux says: "The allies' left wing is slowly working its way around, but it is too early to announcethe -success of any movement. Progress, however, unde niably has been made upon the ene my's right, in spite of the natural dif ficulties of the conntrv where a cen tury ago General Blucher, flung back by Napoleon, found a temporary rest ing place. "Already the fury of the battle is waning, but it cahnot.be said whether this is due to fatigue on both sides or whether it points to a resumption of the enemy's retreat." LONDON, Sept. 19. Accounts from French, British and German Sources of the battle of the Aisne, now in progress, agree in the particular that (Concluded on Page 2.) i UTr rrTFrz x- I I 1 I - i I J 1 i aasaaaaaa I- y 4 s&ts, y -wlrrfJ rAt svrv. yo?- rofvr owy . v-A S sggg startup SoMrrsvG- 1 JJU I I I 1 6yoA j .r I BULLETINS LOMJO.V. Sept. 19. Six steamers carrying; 60OO American left the Brit ish Inlea today for the Vnited State. This makes the total of Americas de partures durinic the week 15,000. LOXDOX, Sept. ID. The Star has published' a dispatch from Rome sarins that warships cruising? In the Adriatic have captured -n Austrian steamer fly Ins; the Greek fias loaded with arms and ammunition destined for Albania. PAIUS, Sept. 19 The Germans ore ntronarly entrenching-. on the River Aisne. with reinforcements from Lor raine, according to official announce ment 'made In Paris today. LONDO., Sept. 10. In a dispatch from Rome the correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph Company says that six Austrian torpedo-boats have bombarded Antivart, a fortified port of Montenegro. They made a special but fruitless effort to destroy the Preach wireless station. So damage was Inflicted on the town. LOVDOX, Sept. 19. The American cruiser Tennessee will start for Amer ica about October 1, earryliS home virtually all the Army officers who came over to Europe on Government relief work. The Tennessee left New Tork August with more than 5,0OO, OOO on board to aid stranded Amer icans In Europe. LONDON, Sept. 1. A dispatch to the Evening News from Venice saya that one adde of the Austrian dreadnought Virions Unitls was badly damaged In a fight in the Adriatic, but she es caped her pursuers. ROME, Sept. 19. A report received here from the Austro-Itallan frontier aays that 300,000 Austrian troops are watching the Italian border. Trieste has been left with a garrison of only so.ooo LONDON Sepr. 19. In a dispatch from Rome the correspondent of the Exchange Telegram Company says ad vices have been received there from Vienna describing violent scenes said to have occurred last Thursday outside the Austrian Ministry of War. All the windows In this bull dins were broken. BERLIN, Sept. 19, via wireless to Ssyvllle, L. I. According to the Co logne Gazette, Japan sent a special com missioner to a German motor company during the- first days of July to order 40O aeroplane motors to he delivered within the shortest limit of time. The order, however, was not carried out. BERLIN, Sept. 19, via wireless to Sayville, L. L The German Governor ef Belgium, General von der Golts, has appointed Privy Councillor Dr. von Falcke to decide on ways and means to effect the protection of Belgian treas ure of art asainst burglary and hostage. - Dr.. von Falcke is msklag m tour of Louvain. Namnr, Buy, Nlvellea and Liege, accompanied by a Belgian. art expert, and will take whatever steps to this end that may be neces sary. LONDON, Sept. 18. Emperor Nicholas, according; to n Petrograd dispatch to the Renter Telegram Company, has au thorized the adoption f a new flag symbolising the union of His Majesty and the Russian people. It combines the Imperial arms and the national characters. BELLINGHAM. Waih, Sept. 10. Ac cording to the master of a halibut boat, an attempt was made the night before last to born the Canadian coal bunkers st Nanaimo. Two territorial residents of Westminster on suard were killed. The cruisers are circling Vancouver Island in pursuit. WASHINGTON, Sept. 10. Amb dor Herrtck at Paris has arranged. It became known here today, to transfer the American Embassy to William G. Sharp, of Ohio, the newly appointed Ambassador, on October 1. The State Department had. left it to the men in volved to arrange the date, and Mr. Herrick suggested the end of this month. "PARIS, Sept. 10. The Nlsh, Servla, correspondent of the Havas Agency has sent the following dispatch: "Con cerning rumors that Servla and Austria-Hungary will conclude a separate peace treaty, a semi-official note says that Servla will not conclude peace alone and will not separate from the powers In the triple entente." HOW SOME OF THE PAST LEADERS AGREE-ON WAR REVENUE BILL Schedule A Features Expire With 1915. STAMP TAX PLAN ADOPTED Insurance Policies, Telegraph and 'Phone Messages Pay. AMUSEMENTS ALSO LISTED Measure to Be Introduced Monday. Republicans Record Opposition and Bis Fight Is Expected to Come In Senate. WASHINGTON, Sept. 19. An emerg ency revenue bill to provide 1105,000, 000, taxing beer, wines, gasoline, sleeping- and parlor-car tickets. Insurance, telegraph and telephone messages, amusements and & variety of docu ments, was agreed on today by the Democratic members of the Souse ways and means committee. It will be in troduced by Democratic Leader Under wood next Monday. ' The Republicans of the committee will be called in Tuesday to vote on it and the Bouse will begin consider ing it. next Thursday. Fight W1U Come la Senate. Republicans of both House and Sen ate already have gone on record In opposition to any war tax measure. The Democrats hope to rush the bill through the House and the bis fight against it. It is realized, will be in the Senate. . The committee increased the internal revenue tax on beer by 50 cents a bar rel, making the new tax total (1.50. Domestic wines are to be taxed 20 cents a gallon on sweet wines and 12 cents a gallon on dry wines. Gasoline is to be taxed 2 cents a gallon. Many Items of the bill are adopted verbatim from the Spanish War tax bill of 1S98, including: the administra tive features. Stamp Tax Has Time Limit. Stamp tux provisions of the bill and the tax on tobacco dealers, brokers, bankers and. amusements are carried in schedule A, which will continue In effect until December SI, 1915. The remainder of the bill will be In force until repealed. " Bankers are to be taxed S2 on each (1000 of capital, surplus and undivided profits; brokers will pay (50 each, pawnbrokers (3.0, commercTaJ brokers (20. customs-house brokers (10. Pro prietors of theaters, music and concert halls in cities of 15,000 population or over are to pay (100 each. Circus pro prietors are to pay (100 a year, pro prietors of other exhibitions (10 . and proprietors of bowling alleys or billiard-rooms, (5 for each alley or table. Tobacco Dealers Taxed. Tobacco dealers and manufacturers are to be taxed thesame as in 1898, except that in the largest class, "to-. bacco dealers not specifically provid ed for." the tax is to be (4.80 each. In 1898 there was a (12 tax on tobacco dealers having annual sales of 50,000 pounds"br more. Bonds ana certificates of indebted ness are taxed 5 cents for each (100 involved, and freight and express re ceipts 1 cogt each, with a mandatory provision that the shippers must pay this tax. Telephone messages are to be taxed 1 cent on all tolls of 15 cents or more, and telegrams 1 cent a mes sage. The bill carries taxes of 50 cents on each Indemnity bond. 2 cents on each certificate of profits. 25 cents on each Concluded on Page 4.) WEEK'S LEADING NEWS EVENTS APPEARED TO INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TESTER D AY S Maximum temperature. 64 degrees; minimum. 64 decrees. TODAY'S Probably fair; southwest winds. War. bombarded. City of Rhetma BscUoa 3. pace 1. Anne XUttenhouse describee time. Section 1, page 3. Paris rn war- Battle victims are burled in .layers. Seo- uon l. page 4. German General von Moltke is picturesque character. Section 1, page 5. New German projectile seals doom ef fortress in war. Section 1. page Exhausted armies take night's rest. Section 1. page 1. Olympla, London pavilion, is prison for hun dreds ot aliens. Section 3, page 7. Russians report capture of two fortified positions from Austrian in Gall els. Sec tion 1. page .2. German privates say losses In their armies have been enormous. Section 2, page fiw British Coast declared by naval expert to be untakable. Section 1. page 3. Marconi wireless told It most explain Its violation of neutrality or be shot down. Section 1. page 4. Kaiser far from beaten, says war reviewer. Section 1, page S. Lloyd George tells Welshmen Prussia is road hog of Europe." Section 1, page X, National. Filibuster against harbor Mil results tn recess until Monday. Section 1, page 8. Democratic leaders complete war tax bill Section 1, page 1. Domestic Colonel Roosevelt admonishes labor It has responsibilities. Section . 1, page 7. ; " Sport. Coast League results Tenet 3-3, Portland 1-0; Missions 1, San Francisco 0; Los Angeles 4. Oakland 3. Section 2. page 2. McGinnlty signs Venice contract. Section 2, page 2. Aggie football squad home today and facing college's heaviest schedule. . Section 2. page 4. New Portland club enters amateur sports. Section 2. page 5. Matty lays setback of Giants to Johnny Brers. Section 2, page 8. Exposition oval model for races. Section 2, page S. Welsh quibbles on terms tor Ritchie. Sec tion 2, page 6. Northwestern league not te re-enter Port land. Section 2, page 2. Interscholastle League squads are depleted.1 Section 2. page 4. Lack of nerves great help to youthful golf ers. Section 2, page 5. Ralph M. Paver, noted Ohio athlete, to as sist "Doc" Stewart at Corvsllla. . Section 2. page 4. Portland wins from Boise team in polo tour ney at Spokane. Section 2. page 2. Pacific Northwest. Fifty-eight perish on schooner Lecrett, ac cording to official list. Section 1, page 1. Recent tragedy in which Jens Jensen was hero, recalled. Section 1, page 7. J. A. Farrell. one of two saved off Leggett, floats for 10 hours on tie. Section 1, page 6. Hill murder ease comes up again soon Sec tion 1. page 11. Programme announced for Oregon's greatest State Fair. Section 1, page 10. Normal school has enrollment of 205. mostly new students. Section 1, page 8, Republican Congressional Committee resents attack on Mr. Hawley. Section 1. page 9. Final day of Frontier Days is hummer. Sec tion 1, page 10. . Hugh Q. Todd, chairman of King County Democrats, has opponent. Section X. page a. - Commercial and Marine. Demand for hops subsides with compietlen of harvest. Section 2. page IB. Heavy European buying c.-.ses whest prices . to boom at Chicago. Ejection 2, page 15. Marked improvement In week in financial situation. Section 2, page IS. Loading of floor for California delays de parture ot steamer Bear for hour. Sec tion 2. page e. Real Kstato sad BnUdlag. Building loss light from war. Seetiea 4, page 8. Cains made by dry backed up by building operations on or planned. Section 4. page 8. New York magazine pays compliment to Portland project. Section 4, page a. Portland aad TIctnny. W. H. Dean allowed extensren of 30 days in telephone purchase. Section 2, page 14. Jackson-Mulkey waterfront measure at tacked by E. L. Covert. Section 1, page IT. H. C. Sampson urges more fruit canneries. Section 1, page 12. Retiring head of Willamette "TP- leaves for iast bepteraoer -a. cection 1, page l. Tax levy for 1913 to be low. Section 1. page IB. Clubwomen gather at first Fall meeting ef council oi Oregon eaeratloa of Clubs. Section 1, page Id. Vaccination order meets further Apposition. Section 1. page IT. Southern Oregon land ease bearing set for September -a or .1. section 1. page 14. Only four cases on docket of Ninth Circuit Federal -Court of Appeala Section 1, page 14. Alleged originator of payroll forgeries In Portland, is belief. Section 2. page 0.- C E. S. Wood criticises Senator Chamber lain. Section 1, page. 14. Oak-street extension will soon he completed. bection J... page js. Temple Alexander, paroled prisoner. 28. is reported as having eloped with Miss Carrie M. Ellwert, fa3. Section 1. page 8. Republlcsn women to help campaign and schedule first event. Section 2, page 6. Inquiries for space at Land Show increase. Section 2, page 10. Weather report, data and forecast. Section 1. page 8 EXHAUSTED ARMIES SNATCH BRIEF REST Cannon's Roar Almost Ceases for Night. BOTH SIDES ARE ENTRENCHED Deadly Machine Guns Have Taught Lesson of Caution. RUSH TACTICS STOPPED Xews That Germans Have Received Reinforcements From Lorraine Officially Confirmed Mil lion Men Engaged. ON THE BATTLE FRONT, Saturday, by way of Paria, Sept- 19. Overpower ing fatlg-ue and privations, i. suiting from five days of unrelenting struggle, brought about latt night a temporary lull In the combat of the powerful ar mies that are face to face along the rivers Oise. Alsxe and Woevre. The roar of cannon, machine guns and rifles died down early last night and the presence of two r Teles com posed of probably altogether 1,000,000 or more men within touch on an un even line and ready to spring to a fatal grip scarcely could be conceived, so Intense was the stillness, broken only by an occasional vagrant report. Equinoctial Storm Continues. The soldiers of the allies and the Germans alike were snatching a little rest, huddled In the strong entrench ments, the trenches In places being half filled -vita, water as equinoctial storms continue. The Frenc r -d British, like the Germans, have now entrenched and settle-T down lor the stem fight, which threatens to be even longer and r. are sanguinary than the battle of the Marae. Progress Is being made at some points by the allies, but slowly, and the de velopments ot the last 24 hours are not important, except that it is officially confirmed that the Ger-aans have re ceived reinforcements . om Lorraine. R. ashing; Tactics Abaadoaed. There were a Jew Isolated encoun ters today but both sides appear to have abandoned the rush . movements across the open which marked the early stages of the war. Obviously the deadly machine guns have taught a lesson. One of the incidents of yesterday when the fighting was awful in its sac rifice was widely recounted today. A British Infantry regiment, on re ceiving an order to advance and to take a German position, knelt for a moment In prayer. Then the men. knowing that their charge 'was to be terrible In cpst, sprang to their feet and with fixed bayonets, clambered out of the shelter of the trench. In short and rapid, rushes they advanced In wide open order, alternately lying down and then making another dash of IS yards. Acts ef Bravery Xuenna. From the German position came the thick hail of .the machine guns, the attacking soldiers hurrahed and sang as they pressed forward. Many fell with cries of determination on their lips. Finally those who remained of the regiment reached and took the German position after a desperate hand-to-hand encounter. This was only one among many sim ilar acts of courage and discipline on the part of French, British and Ger mans alike at various points along the line. CARTOONIST REYNOLDS IS HEREUNDER SHOWN. Saturday's War Moves ALTHOUGH no decisive result has been achieved by either of the ar mies facing each other in Northern France. It Is quite clear that severe fighting continues and that heavy rains are adding to the discomforts ef the contenders. The German official report says the French attacks have been repulsed, that Beaumont has been stormed and that many French prison ers have been captured. French re ports, on the other hand, while agree ing to the stubbornness of the contest, declare the situation is "satisactory." despite the fact the Germans have re ceived reinforcements, presumably from Lorraine. A battle of especial ferocity Is being fought on the plateau of Cray onne. v The French army, operating on the right bank of the River Oise in the region of Noyon, according to this re port, has made some progress, while the Anglo-French force which a week ago crossed the River Aisne in the face of a withering fire from the German guns, now holds the ncights to the north or that point. In the center the Germans have not moved from the trenches which they dug when they were compelled to fall back, while the Crown Prince's army, which holds the German left, again has retired. From this It is gathered that the main French attack Is directed against the German left with the object of driving it back towards Stenay and Sedan, thus cutting its line of com munication to Metz. This would ac count for the strong reinforcements estimated at 50.000 men that have been sent to support General Von Kluck. who Is making such a stubborn stand on the German right. As long as he can keep the allies busy there It would be impossible for them to detach forces to assist In the main attack on the Crown Prince. It Is apparent from the French ac counts that the German right is In no small danger, particularly If It Is true that a French turning movement is In progress from Amiens in the direction of St- Quentin. Of this there is some evidence because of the presence In that district of British airmen. The troops. however, are " handicapped greatly by the heavy rains which have caused swollen rivers and miry roads. They must fight for some days yet be fore a decisive result Is reached. The outcome depends largely on which side can bring up most quickly the strongest reinforcements. The two armies are about evenly placed. The Germans have behind them the rail ways stretching Into Belgium and Luxemburg and Germany Itself, while the allies have all France behind them in addition to the sea, which the Brit ish navy has kept open for them. While the French railways have suf lered greatly in the German advance ou Paris and. the retreat from that dls trict. array engineers have relaid the tracks and reconstructed the bridges. The government had In reserve mate rial already prepared to duplicate every bridge likely to be destroyed by the enemy. This was taken to the ap pointed places in sections. 1 1 Lorraine and Alsace the situation seems unchanged. None of the reports refer to fighting there. The Russian offensive against Austria is developing slowly. There are great stretches of-country to cover and enor mous numbers of men to move. Aus tria, It Is computed, has not more than 500,000 men left to guard her northern frontier against the Russian millions. but if she can withdraw them to Cra cow in some sort of order she can rely on the help of a well-trained German array corps. It Is to prevent this that Russia is bending her energy. She has at present an army drawn across Galicla from Tarnogred in the north right down to the Carpathians, passing east of the fortresses of Sienawa, Jaroslav and Przemysl. all of which she is about to attack. This army Is moving westward while another, driving the second Aus trian army before it, according to Rus sian reports. Is moving south from Zamosc and Radom between Przemysl and Cracow. xdo Ausinans are forming a new front to oppose this move, and the two armies must soon come together. Talk of peace has been dropped. President Wilson la said to desire to avoid arousing resentment by ill-timed insistence. 5GPERISHWHEN LEGGETT SINKS Upofficial Report Says, Maybe 70 Vent Down. ONLY TV0 PICKED FROM SEA Lifeboats Containing 38, In eluding Women and Chil dren, Are Swamped. PISTOL FORCES MEN BACK Alexander Farrell, of Sacra mento, Cal One Saved, Re lates Tale of Horror. ASTORIA, Or.. Sept. 19. (Special.) Fifty-eight persons, at least, and prob ably more, perished when the steam schooner Francis H. Leggett sank In a 90-mlle gale CO miles south of the Columbia River and SO miles northwest by north of Taquina light, off the Ore gon coast shortly after 3 o'clock Fri day afternoon. ' Such Is the Information obtained here today. Other estimates place the number of dead at 70. Five women, a boy and a girl are among the missing. Three Reported Saved. Two persons are known to have been rescued, after clinging several hours to wreckage tossed by a vicious sea, and an unconfirmed report says a third per son has been ' picked up. The known passenger list, furnished by the owners at San Francisco, to taled 35. Besides Captain Maro, the Leggett carried a crew of 21 men Two lifeboats are reported to have been filled and lowered. One contained SO persons and the other eight. All the women and children were included. Heavy seas swamped the lifeboats im mediately upon their striking the water. TamVer Picks l"s Two. The known survivors are. Alexander Farrell. of Sacramento. . Cal and George Pullman, or Pollman, of Winni peg, Man. Both were rescued by the oil tanker Frank H. Buck, which is lying off the mouth of the Columbia River tonight awaiting a quiet sea to enter this harbor. Farrell waa trans ferred to the steamer Beaver and taken to Portland. He told a thrilling story of his experience and gave pathetic ac counts of drownings of persons at tempting to cling to wreckage. The Leggett was en route to San Francisco from. Grays Harbor ports, having left Portland a few days ago for Washington towns to load lumber. Passenger List Gives. The passenger list furnished by the owners is: From Seattle Charles P. Warner. Thomas Watklns. C L. Stanley. John Maes, John Reutzmer, Mrs. B. A. Parks, Carl Dale, George Mortimer. John Kng stroni. F. H. Davis, Mrs. Snedeker, Ho mer D. Snedeker, Raymond Snedeker. E. Messner. H. Van Heusen, George Pollman, D. A. Goldsmith. P. H. Fields. C A. Roherbacher. From Hoquiam Earl McFeeley. J. M. Oh man, M. Peterson, James Smith, Vern Lansing. John Peterson. R. T. Taylor. From Aberdeen Mrs. Nellie Ander son, Helen Anderson, aged 12, Miss Go mez. Miss Tilly Wunderling, George Concluded on Psce 6. V i