The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 13, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 32

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EXPERIENCED housekeeper, at present
employed in suburban home, MM MM posi
tion in city so she can send her 11-year-old
daughter to schooL Good home pre
ferred to high salary. 3 years in Present
position. Inquire 414 E. Pine st. Phone
East iHi.
WuMAN with two boys, 22 months and 4
vears, wants position as housekeeper for
widower, or would take charge of apartment-house.
-2ttt Jefferson. Main 71..
A 1517.
RELIABLE, refined, capable and agreeable
woman, widow, unincumbered ; 3d years
old, good housekeeper and cook, desires
position as housekeeper, In or out or
iiwn. X 24. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman would like position
where son can room and board; widowers
family preferred; ret. exchanged. At,
247, Oregonian
WOMAN with two children, aged S and b,
wishes work as manager of apartment
or housekeeping for bachelor; references.
Main 717. A
CAPABLE, refined woman wants position
as housekeeping; widower's or working
couple's home preferred. P 2-46. Orego
EASTERN LADY wishes keep house for re
fined widower who owns hi home, or
aged couple. Mrs. Bob Cunningham, gen
eral delivery, roatuuitc,. wiw.
UNINCUMBERED widow. 41'. wishes nos.
tion as housekeeper ior elderly couple oi
for elderly woman or man. Phone i..
2101. or It 2o2, oregonian.
COMPETENT housekeeper in "JgJ"?
home or for man and wife; no trlflers.
Marshall 4741
YOL'VG Swedish widow, with boy 4 years,
desires housekeeping. widower s home.
A 717a. Main gjgft.
REFINED widow, housekeeping for wid
ower, bachelor or charge of rooming
house. Main 4336, room 3.
RELIABLE middle-aged woman as house
keeper for a couple, orwidower, with l
children. ia.ii w i
"WANTED To make comforters, table and
bed . linen, hand-embroidered. Marshall
POSITION as housekeeper for apartment
house. Marshall 35'J7.
LADY "wishes position as housekeeper for
widower. Tabor 4U17.
"WOMAN, with boy 11 years, wants posi
tion as housekeeper or housework, private
family; reliable, neat appearance. Main
717. A 1517.
NORWEGIAN girl wants genera house
Vork; can't speak English. 1062 East
luth st. N. -
CAPABLE young lady desires housework in
Christian Science family, or as house
keeper, seiiwoou -!.
PL'E to assist in housework by middle
aged woman, with experience. Give ad
dress. AG 23U. Oregonian.
LADY wishes housework, 11 per day. Sleep
home. Main 11 8 foom1L
EXPERIENCED girl desires cooking, gen
eral or sl'coiiu w j
FIRST-CLASS cook wishes pos tion in
gentile family. 3o, $40. Marshall 42.7.
GTRL wants housework, good plain cook.
1M6 East Flanders st.
YOL'NG woman with reference wants cook
ing In delicatesen or restaurant. Could
take full charge of same. Call main .444
or 290 ll'tn st.
MILLINER. Chicago experience, stranger,
wants position trimming or selling, snort
season, work at reasonable salary. BD
2o, Oregonian.
FOREIGN lady wishes work as chamber
maid or as second girl. Call 301) Taylor
St., or Main 4210.
TUTORING in foreign languages and mathe
matics by experienced high school teach
er. Tabor 3144.
YOUNG LADY wants position as cashier or
sales lady ; experienced in suits and ml.
linery. Phone Marshall 4947.
LESSONS in grammar, English and read
ing to adults by experienced 'earlier. Aiv
1!3.. Oreuoiilan.
W VNTED By refined woman of 30, posi
tion in dentist's or doctor's office. AJ
24V), Oregonian.
GOOD-LOOKING ouug lady, age 21, wishes
position in suithouse, cashier or pro
tessional man's ol5 -:a11 A .;
COLORED woman wants chambermaid or
day work Monday and Thursday. Mai
MK8. ,
JEKFl.RHON High School student desires
place to work for her room, board ua
some wages. Phone Wood lawn Gil 3.
A COLORED woman with child 4a years
wishes a place to work In small family.
Main -381.
EX 1'ERIENi'ED middle-aged woman wants
to care for children; best of references.
Phone East S841. .
PI.EASjfcf" givn-me light hotel or housework,
plain family only ; must be close in, all
week. E. 3377.
CAP liLE laundress, fine ironer, wishes day
work; also fine dinner cook. Marshall
HIGH school girl wishes home with small
family, near Washington High for assist
ance in housework. ANS440regoPian.
W A XT E D A p or i U on as governess, willing
ti leave city; best of references. BD 240,
EXPERIENCED womnu wants a few days
or hal? days' work, steady, expert washer,
Ironer and cleaner. Tabor 4773.
EXPERIENCED cook wishes position in pri
vate family ; good references; no washing
or housework. Woodl.iwn 30,"i7.
Ti lOKiNG in elementary subjects by teach
er experienced in graded scnools. Phone
Mntn 145S-
FlUS'-CLASS colored laundress wants'
small bundles to wash at home. Wood
lawn 3S10. .
MOTHER and daughter, cook and waitress,
would like camp work, boarding house, in
or out of town. Inquire 2b4 Yamhll su
LADY with daughter will exchange work
for housekeeping rooms. AC 261, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED waist draper and design
er wants position In first-class shop. AJ
2 42, Oregonian.
BE C OND W OR K or day work. Norwegian
girl, good references.
Box 737-D. R. 1,
EXPERIENCED laundress will do washings
at home, reasonable, fine work a specialty.
Woodlawn ttCl.
FUR woman to work by hour or day. Call
Woodlawn M37. .
DAY WORK Any kind, sewing, mending
or Housework. Woodlawn 14S2.
EXPERIENCED woman wants taundr,
cleaning or cooking by day. Mar. 5211.
YOl'NG lady wishes care of babies or chil
dren, day or night. East 300. apt. 31.
WOMAN wants tailoring or repair work.
Address U72 SSd St. &,
LACE curtains, draperies, hand laundered
30c up: called for; experts. Sellwood 169K
COLORED woman would like housework;
very neat. Phonr Mar. t)4.
FRENCH and piano ia.quired abroad-. Hist
references. Main U474. 106 Lownsdale.
WoMAN cook, experienced; hotel or board
house. Go anywhere. AO 200, Oregonian.
A MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work In
country or small town. East (091.
COM PETENT colored girl wants ." amber
work or second work. Call East 1050.
WANTED Position by first-class fitter, will
ing to leave city. uicjj'-1''-'"
COLORED woman wishes day work, or will
go out to get dinners. Phone East
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes
a position. Main
WOMAN wants day work, washing or clean
ing. Main 7883, Call a:l week.
EXPERIENCED teacher wants pupils in
English. Room 213, Hotel Renwiik
WANTED Cleaning, ironing, two days a
eok. Tabor 1256.
LADY "wants light work; reasonable w:iRes.
Main 2n;;.i, A 7175. Call Monday.
WI I.L care for children day or night ; re
sponsible person. Phone C 32'.S.
PR1VTE lessons in English given to grown
p.-ople. K -17. Orego n lan.
LESSONS given In grammar grade studies.
Genu an or music; oOc . Mars ha 1 1 "13.
GOOD musician wants position as piano ac
companist. Phone Mar. 2241.
f a I ndhy ntnl cooking by the day, can
srvc luncheons and dinner. Tabor 4723.
RE KIN ED oung lady wishes position in
Christian ffctence home. R 250, Oregonian.
CAPR1.E woman wants day's work. Main
YOUNG lady wishes position in delicatessen.
Phone Marshall 27VH, room 20S.
LADY wants work by hour or day. Phone
East Ihitf, Anna.
GOOD laundress wants work for Wednesday,
Thursday. TuUv 32 42.
yor.NG YADY wishes post t Ion as cashier.
Phone Main 11S2, Sunday, from 0:30 to 5.
LACE curtains washed; 10 years' experience.
Tabor 144."'- R 2HU5. Mrs. Scott.
WANTED Day work;
Mrs. Powell. Phones
Main SZ. A
COI-ORED woman wants hour or day work.
MambsJl 2719. .
COLOREO woman, competent cook, wants
place. Marshall 2718. .
WOMAN wants da work. Phone East 3334.
sitcat.onb wanted female.
WOMAN of refinement, best of references,
would take charge of child, invalid or
elderly person to New York or Philadelphia
for first-class fare. Phone Woodlawn 114.
MUST have po-ition at once, fitting and
altering ladies' suits and dresses; will
leave city, best rcf. ; state salary in first
letter. N 251. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wants
exchange or anything in telephone line.
Phone before 12 today (Sunday). A 21 w.
BY TEACHER, fiTth, sixth, seventh graue
or rural school; five-year certificate. Ad
dress M., ll?- Minnesota ave.. Portland,
WANTED To make ladies' combings into
switches, etc.. at your own home if pre
ferred; absolutely honest, expert work; si
per strand. 3U1 Broaqyaj.
FIRST-CLASS German laundress wishes day
work. Main 22ttf. ,
WANTED Unfurnished flat or apartment, 3
rooms and sleeping porch; must be bright
and airy and modern conveniences, with
heat, West Side, walking distance, reason
able rent. Phone Woodlawn 1107 Mon
day. Houses.
RESPONSIBLE party, no children, wants
well-furnished house with garage for the
Winter. Not to exceed 8 rooms, and in
good neighborhood, within walking dis
tance. References given." J 245, Ore
gonian. WANTED By two adults, half of fur
nished house or three or four housekeep
ing rooms in private- family; Irvington
district desired; best references. AF 201,
W A NTED Unfurnished modern house, with
garage, in good locality; will give excel
lent care, by young' couple ! no children ;
$3U to 833. by Oct. 1; will give refer
ences. A 24S, Oregonian. .
RESPONSIBLE parties want to rent seven
room bungalow; Central West Side or Irv
ington; must be modern and new. Phone
A. M-, Marshall 1753; P. M.. Main 0400.
WANTED Free rent, by refined Eastern
family for taking care of rooming-house,
apartments or house; have three sons.
32. S, 6. K 254, Oregonian.
REFINED people wish to rent small fur
nished bungalow for the Winter. What
have you for $20, not close In. Address
party. oUi, bnenocK mug.
1 HAVE several clients who desire modern
furnished and unfurnished houses, renting
from S75 to S150, West Side preferred. A
244, Oregonian. .
FAMILY of three adults want small mod
ern bungalow, anywhere car service is
good; can give references. W 262, Orego-
ABOUT October 1, strictly modern 6 or 7
rooni house, completely furnished; West
Side or Irvington; references. Marshall
WANTED Small furnished house, close In
on West. Side. Must be low rent, modern
YOUNG married couple desires four or five
room nicely furnished flat or bungalow.
- . . : . . a 0.7 i Orferm tan .
WANTED To rent 5-room unfurnished
bungalow. nar Williams ave. Ar w-.
uF5 RENT HOUSES und collect rents; fees-,
nominal; prompt attention and care. C.
De YOUNG & CO., 514 Chamber of Com.
WANTED a furnished bungalow of 5 or 0
rooms, -out of town, with garden and
chicken houses. Phone Marshall Jtitf
MAN and wife wish care of residence, Port
land, or ."sonnw esiciu irsvii , "
Box 304, Salem. Or.
FIVE or ; rooms, with garagr, couple with
out children, not more than $30. AN 247.
Oregonian. i
WANTED To rent 6-room bungalow or
house, with furnace. State location. AH
245, Oregonian. ,
WANTED To rent furnished cottage at
Newport. Or. V 212, Oregonian,
FURNISHED house. West Side, 4 bedrooms,
small English family. AR 248. Oregonian.
WANTED By Oct. 1, C-room furnished or
unfurnished apartment or flat. East Side,
west of 2Sth st.; adults; must be first
class. AJ 243, Oregonian.
WANTED- By young lady, steam-heated
room. West Side, where light cooking
can be done. Reasonable. BC 241, Ore
gonian. TWO modern H. K. rooms, with lath; must
be close In, West Side, permanent tenant
If suited. Mar.3330;
WANTED Small furnished apt. for two or
three mmths; must be first-class; West
Side. S 274, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN ami wife desire comfortably
furnished housekeeping rooms In good
neighborhood ; state particulars. AN 245,
Oregonian. "' .
WANTED Strictly private family by teach
er, furnished room with kitchen - privi
leges. H 245. Oregonian.
HEATED room for private kindergarten, in
residence north of Sandy road, between
E. 50th and 50th North. V 24S. Oregonian.
WANTED H. K. rooms in private famllj
where girl of 7 will be cared for during
day. S 240. oregonian
GIRL wishes nice warm room, close In, ex
change for sawing or companion. S 245,
HEATED furnished room by lady stenog
rapher, near 10th and Montgomery. AO
250. Oregonian.
UNFURNISHED room in apartment-house.
C. S. family. Phone Marshall .VJS7.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED Refired .business woman would
appreciate room and board in cultured
home in exchange for companionship.
Can pay small amount If necessary. Ad
dress BD -44. Oregonian.
WANTED Board and room In private fam
ily for young man and daughter 7 years
old; references given. C. E. Traverse, care
Kenwick Hotel, room ui. ..i.. am.
BY INVALID LADY Light, well-ventilated,
heated room ; simple food ; good care
more than style. Price must be reason
able. Tel. Tabor 2700.
WIDOWER, with child, aged 7. desires a
home In a private family, 2 or 3 rooms,
clos in; nothing Aut a refined high-class
home considered. Af roo. uregomau.
YOUNG lady employed wants- room and
board, private family of few boarders;
price reasonable; state particulars. V 263,
W NTED board, room by couple with child
5 close in modern, reasonable. Give
phone. location, price. BF 240, Ore-
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes plaee close In
to room and board ; must be reasonable.
A Zal. Uregouian
YOl'NG man of refined habits deslMS
room with breakfast and dinner, private
home. West Side. AO 240, Oregonian.
TO UNO married couple want good room
and board near dental college. O 24,
East th and East Morrison Clean
rooms, large closets, recessed lavatories,
wide halls, spacious lobby. "Better uc
commodations for less money. . H.
G. M. Strong, Proprietors
FURNISHED $10 and up, unfurnished $5
, trTv.m hlHe- tut and Pine.
I'urnitdied Kconis.
7i5 Washington. Family hotel; hot and
cold water and phone in every room,
rooms without bath. lt up; with natn,
$3 up
WHY pay more? U per week; hot and
cold water in every room; steam heat,
free phone and bath; modern brick. 2tS
r.d t.
FRCN'- und
tside rooms. Maxwell Hall, p
i all rnnmn.
bteam :
large parlor, piano, phones and POTCIl, ,
rooms $10 and UP- jgj Taylor.
HOTEL teuw aui-, u."u
Belmont Rooms $12 month up. $22.50 up
w'th private bath; large, p.easaut lobby.
cafe in connection. Phone East 323.
Light p'easant rooms, private bath and
phone in each, large parlor. $15 and up.
14 14th sL. corner Washington KlCMl
rurntshod rooms, strictly modern, rates
$3.50 week and up. Phone Marshall 14U
HCTeT SAVON. 131 Eleventh St. New,
modern brick building, steam heated, pri
vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort
ably furnished; transients solicited.
HOTEL CORDOVA, 26W 11th St. Strictly
modern, private baths, en suite, roums
its afl ud. Main 04 72. A 4783.
4rt4 JEFFERSON, two clean front hou
"keeping rooms, private entrance, close
533 'i Alder st.. cor. 17th. Modern rooms
$2 to $2 per week.
RYN Hotel 200V- 5th st.; new brick build
ing brand new furnishings, hot and cold
waur, steam heat, private o- public tath.
LARKABEE HOTEL. 227 H Larrabee St. If
"you want an exceptionally clean, homelike
room below regular price, phone East 84J
NICK steam-heated rooms, $2 per week and
up. Olive Ayts.. 494 Morrison st.
SINGLE steam-heated room, bath, $9 per
sno. 187 17th. near Yamhill.
Furnished Rooms.
Ilth. betweeen Morrison and Yamhill.
New. clean rooms with steam heat, hot
and cold water, telephone, large close ts.
three mirrors, medicine chest, comfortable
beds. large tiled oaths. Rates for two per
sons, J I per Ween; l per uay -u .
SOMARCO, Uth and Washington, under
new management; thoroughly renovated
and refurnished; modern rooms at very
reasonable prices; rooms with private
bath. $1S per month and up; you'll like
Cor. 11th aiid Stark; $3 week up; elevator,
hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone
connections in each room; no extra charge
for two in a room, room and bath, $1 day.
Transients solicited.
Washington at., at Thirteenth.
50c per day ; weekly $2.50 and up.
Running water, phone in each room, steam
heat, ureproof blag., ground door lobby,
all-night service. Business is good.
HO TEL RO W LAN D, .107 hi 4TH ST.
100 ROOMS.
Modern brick building, centrally located-
nice, clean rooms, hot and cold water;
rates 50c, 75c and $1 per day; $3 per week
and up.
West Park and Morrison Sts.
Large, comfortable rooms at modest
prices, single on en -suite, with and with
out orivatu bath; every possible corf on;
special rates by the week und month.
$PER WEEK up, large, well-furnished,
absolutely clean rooms. We cater to good
class workingmen; quiet, decent place; no
rowdies, no sports; baths free. Hotel
Cadillac, 3d near J ef f erson.
Morrison St., at 10th; central location.
Summer rates," 50c per day up; weekl
$2.50 up; -ieat rooms, running water, free
phones and bath, steam heat.
2 Blocks from Union Depot.
Modern, clean and homelike; the housn
that treats you right; 60c up per day; $11
up per mo. Tourist trade solicited. M. 3413
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 20th and Wash.
sts. Fireproof brtoJt, outside, clean rooms.
running h. and c water, Bteam heat.
phones, public or prlv. Oaths; $2.50wk. up.
NEWLY renovated rooms, brick building,
walking distance, free bath and phone.
steam heat. Transient jOc and up ; per
week $1.75 and up. 2S3 13th st.
Furnished Rooms in Private Families.
TWO newly furnished room3. one large one
suitable lor four; modern, lovely surround
ings; home comforts; 10 minutes' walk;
lowest rates; with or without board. 307
11th st. Phone A 2707.
PLEASANT furnished room in private home,
two in a room; adults only; fine location,
near school, church and walking distance.
Tabor 564U.
NICE, light furnace-heated room. with
home privileges, piano, phone, bath, use
of kitchen; $S per month. Call Main
7444. 290 12th st.
TO LET Nicely iurnlshed room, $1.50 per
week, housekeeping If desired. 10H2 E.
Wash, st., near 37th st.
LADY employed to share room ; good loca
tion ; all conveniences. AD 24H, Orego
nian. LARGE front room and one smaller room
with or without board; walking distance.
12 East 10th st. N.
NICE large front room, suitable for two
gentlemen; close in; reasonable. 426
Alder st.1 -
LARGE outside room for two in steam
heated apt.; also sleeping porch. Nob
Hill. Marshall 1405.
NICELY furnished rooms, 2 blocks from
Lincoln High School, 1 block from Shat
tuck School. 4 05 Broadway.
BRIGHT, large room In private Jewish fam
ily for gentleman. 301 Jackson st., near
West Park.
DESIRABLE room with bath, walking dis
tance, reasonable. 200 Grand ave. N, near
Multnomah st. Phone C 2803.
NICELY furnished room, modern conveni
ences, private family, central, reasonable.
4i4 Clay, near 10th.
WELL furnished small room, walking dis
tance, fine location, reasonable. 320 West
WE H.iVE a nicely furnished front room,
hot-water heat, all conveniences. Phone
Marshall 3326.
A HOME for a gentleman, r.icc, airy room,
home privileges, private family, in Ladd's
Addition. Ladd ave.
FURNISHED or unfurnished arse Croat
alcove room with privelege of kitchen if
desired: suitable for two. 2S E. Main.
,$1.50 PER-WEEK, furnished room in pri
vate family, breakfast if desired. 763
Hawthorne ave.
$14 TWO connecting front rooms, suitable
for two gentlemen. In a private home.
713 Belmont, East 6175.
ROOM and garage for rent In private fam
ilv. Call Monday, 30t Cook ave., near
Williams. Phone C 17U0.
REFINED young woman wishes employed
young lady to share apartment. 324 13th
st. Phone Marshall 325.
FRONT room, suitable for two or three
gentlemen. Also sleeping porch. 414 Sal
mon. FINE furnished rooms in Nob Hill district,
one block from Washington St., walking5
distance. 7U Lucretla St. Main 1054.
LARGE front room, nicely furnished, mod
ern conveniences, walking distance, 214
11th st.
DESIRABLE room, furnace heat. Ladd's
Addition One or two gentlemen. Sellwood
TWO good front rooms, easy walking dis
tance, electric lights, iurnace, bath, phone.
474 MargeL A 35G0.
NEWLY remodeled and furnished large
front, also single room, conveniences. 4 to
FURNISHED room private family. Ford
ham Apartments. Gentlemen only. Mar
shall 1654.
ONE furnished front room, upstairs; fur
nace heat. $6 a month. S46 E. Flan
ders. East &024.
LARGE ROOM or sleeping porch and room,
new house, family 3; breakfast if desired.
Tabor 156.
FURNISHED ROOM In private home for 1
or 2 gentlemen"; bath and phone. Refer
ences. Tabor 945.
FURNISHED ROOM near MdStnomah Club
house ; also room suitable for 2. Main
fini.l'TETA' clean, well-furnished rooms.
electric lights, hot and cold water, fur
nace heat. 32 East 15th, East 1551.
FRONT room-, furnished, in strictly modern
home, close in, gentleman preferred. 87
North ltfth. Marshall 2477.
LARGE light front alcove room $3 per
week. 550 Taylor st.
Main 77G 3.
NICELY furnished front room, steam heat,
near Washington High. Phone East 806&
NICE room in apartment -house; walking
distance. Phone Marshall 300.
NICELY tprnished room, all modern con
veniences. J1.50 per week. 123 N. 23d.
WEX L-FU RNJ SHED ROOM, heat, phone,
bath; good location for Winter. 251 10th.
NICELY furnished front rooms; modern,
cheap. 54 N. 16th, near Washington.
TWO nicely furnished rooms. 54ti hk Kear
ney, near 16th.
JS MONTH Furnished room .walking dis
tance, bath, phone. 438 3d. Main 4712.
LARGE front room reasonable, private fam
ily. 24S N. 20th st.
FURNISHED room, 1108 E 21st st. N. Gas,
electricity, phone Woodlawn 1359.
NICELY furnished room, near Buckman and
Wash. High School, $.v 027 E- Couch.
STEAM-HEATED room, all modern conven
iences, close in. Marshall 2536.
NICELY furnished rooms; prices reasonable
475 Clay st.
NICELY furnished single and double rooms,
close in. IStf 14th st.
FRONT room, $2 up, heat, bath, phone,
walking distance. S23 12th et.
STEAM-HEATED room, central ; couch bed
It d-.-eirea. Mam
TWO pleasant rooms, modern, with home
(1 .. .. fall IT h'Ul
NEWLY furnished front room, very rea
SINGLE sleeping room for a working man
SUITABLE for four high school students.
Phone East 2376. 115 East 12th St.
nE nicelv furnlslied front room; steam
heat; walklng distance, 401Vj 12th.
NICE front, rooms in private family, near
St. Vincent's Hospital. 7S7 Gilsan st.
IRVINGTON Furnished room with fire
place; 1 Vs blocks to I and B car. C. 2871.
LIGHT.' clean rooms. reasonable ; heat.
phone, barn. -i uinst
FURNISHED room, central. reasonable.
33 jroaawa. a m
DESIRABLE front room In bungalow very
reasonable. Tabor 1S40.
SIO-FURNISHED room, modern, walking
T j-! tat mt XTxIn ftSjOSj
U i3in IH P. Jmaa -"
NICE from rooms, reasonable rent, plenty
heat and not water. o? i
TWO l.tcge front rooms; walking distance.
oo4 East Yamhill.
FRONT room, new carpet, comfortable;
reasonable, -ju i-tu
SUITE of two front rooms, nicely furnished.
In steam-heated apartment. Marshall 2596.
Furnished Rooms in Private FamlUcs.
PLEASANTLY furnished room. Including all
modern conveniences and comforts of our
home; excellent car service via Broadway
and Union ave.; located in West Irving
ton, Southeast corner bth and Thompson.
FURNISHED room in private home, light
and airy, no other roomers, modern, priv
ilege of getting breakfast to refined busi
ness woman; walking distance. '"" )
iiOOMS, in good location; laundry privi
leges; deslraCble environment; terms rea
sonable; businesswomen preferred and ref
erences required. Phone Main soix. Ad
dress o75, cor. itftn ana Kwswwj
TWO nleasant, cheerful outside rooms with
y .... m n within v-iiiiirip distance
a renueu --., .
of Lincoln High and P. O. ; one $13 and
one $R; breakfast if desired. 333 1-tn
st. rar
Vntu rnUhed Rooms.
When you can rent all outside rooms
at 75c per week each? Suites of two; a
plate furnished 4S0t Belmont St., S.
-c--, at. anH Rdmnnt.
FOUR unfurnished rooms for rent. Inquire
before 12 M 502 Jefferson st., between
14th and 16th.
WANTED Unfurnished housekeeping room
In private family; answer with telephone
v ?fifl. ureeonian.
Rooms With Board.
14th and Jefferson Sts.
An excellent residential hotel ; attractive
rates to transients or permanent guests.
Main D2S3, A tid28.
3S6 Montgomery St.. at West PartMoU
ern conveniences; room with or without
bath excellent table service; reasonable
- i rr-Li STUeStS.
rates iuf rc-gumi " "
ONE nicely fV'ihtd. ?"ldA i?;!.1Ui
insr meais uauj , --
home; private boarding-house; y
Sir mouth. 131 17th at., near Yamhill.
The Whitehall. ai3 Uth t.. baa An.
table board, modern rooms sun parlor.
real home; reasonable rates.
THE HILL HOTEL, 7 Washington sl
otters the very best accommooalkms at
L "nable rates. A joy to'live here. Main
Choice rooms and board, all modern
conveniences: rates reasonable.
.-IT a A T .V
STIVFSS women and students will nnd
Koud board and room. 4 and $4 50 week.
Portland Women's JJnlon. 510 Flanders.
LL1U. Luum,
11th and Yamhill sts. Room, and board.
$35 and up. .
fli . HAZEL 3 5 ad st.TModer n rooms.
W i 1. 11 m 1
BEAUTIFUL corner front room, first-class
. T i 77i Vnrlr Bt.
witn or WlUlUUt "
UDIC ser ice. .
Rooms With Board In Private FamlUes.
7. .... ,m tnrl hn:ird
-ji UTH SI. l1 roni -J - V" '
suitVbTe for two gentlemen Bf hJ"tm
cookinK; ail conveniences; six minutes
walk from PostolTlce
j'hAILt furnished "front room; all cony.D
lences. piano, walking distance will Kuod
w-rf .-.II and 120 month. JS i 1-th St.
cooking anu rr -
u imip Airirsnau
uTR5iI 1.50 and up; excellent home cook
ing: use or parlor and piano, i-o Wash
lnxton. Marshall l"J.
: : : r-. ii.. imme
phone E. Bao
W ANTED One or two children to board
and room, good home, motherly care, ref-
erences.32914 tl t. --4U-
vii7 v-ttiti children to room and board.
Wrt35tolw5 schools. .ll3o East Morrison
st" 1 block north of MtTaborcarline
KOOM with or wlthTnnboard steam heated
two gentlemen or business fclrls .ies
Side; walking distance. Marshall ll-o.
ri-idms with board, private family, ona
R??o?k-from Hawthorne car; rererence. re-
quired. Phone B 10i,bunday.
SmmSum flat 127.50; latest improve
lS; oLrDm';e,' unfurnished. Inquire
owner, oJ4 a
tance. Main i--o.
WANTED To board school teacher, Sell
wood "r LlveUyn d.strlct; pnvto home.
i-.ii t.. nth st. Phone taeli. llo.
VlOTH ST Rooms suitable for working
o-S 1U1H 1. " Home cooking.
people, waiei i"
Sii. .asoiuible.
.VUELY furnished rooms with f
Witt, good none r L)avl8.
Li-tiL kiin ii. ' - .
iTv'wife to board with private family
Mn?w SSme. lain, flowers, will board cheap
SsS TlQbetts at.
WASTED One or two children to room and
board L Price reasonable. Call or write. MM
E. 32d st.
v XTFD Care of children; will give them
motherly care I.. private home.
terms reasonable, i -
: " 7Z V,,. rrl
buiv or children under 3 jeans w
Bsood Some mother's care; reference h en.
Phone bmww
i m. .
,,. . vTrii To board school teacher bell-
17 th
WTiD-To- board olyor -n.U
W ooa la w n w.
L RGE, well-furnished front room for youns
man. walking distance o9 E. Tajior.
iTith LIU amm
FTrHe nicely furnished front room, all
?&Jr .""s ,tr
: y -.1 t, v u'iilow
!L ZVrX. Person s, Main
nhone Main 10.11. .
East 2030. Ttrms $23
WISH to board and room respectable lady
as roommate In private home, all con
veniences. PhoneEast j-J-u-
inrVai.V'fnisSiM room suitable for two.
N Excellent meals, flue location. 3 a week.
A 3752. 547Vjth St.
mnivniTt'n ROOM In private family:
FLbfeak!fast: andKdinner if wanted. 364 Was-
co st. n-aet pv"-
248, Oregonian,
.TT-'rC-A young business woman as
Meld 247. Oregonian.
rjruT"urr"oom and board; 3 a Close
in. Main 7763.
FURNISHED ROOMS and board. 320 Uth
NICE .."room, tM'
family. ' " :
RoOlTand board for two gentlemen: sleep-
u ;.e t .. ave. East -. .
lng porcu. . "
NICELY furnished rooms with board
beautiful nome. ,i.
eTIRLY-people will find good care and
guoa nome. -v ---j "
PKONT r-wllh ffi
;,riviieges. -i-i- -
LARGElront room7siltable for three boys.
ROOM and board, walking distance. 2 blks.
from Hawthorne, Ladd's Addition. E. 4842.
nnnMS every convenience, board -de-ROOMN
eer Tavior. near 13th st.
sireu ; niuui ,
: . -" v.mwm and 3
THE ELMS, inn, bsw - Z n t
room. MKide:walklna-dUtance; H-22.
IRVINGTON Light, airy "STiS
board, vers- reason abjle.400th.
LARGE room, suitatbje for two, with board,
hafvwn 11th and 12th. -42i Clay.
ROOM and board rflM " T "'-
tance. Phone MainbSiyA JSitto.
FOR 1 or 2 young men. walking distance
F Jeff lrnHUch. Woodlawn U2t.
VICE furnished rooms for young men: board
' if desired. 47S W.Taylor at.
W NTED A child to care for In my home.
Woodlawn 2S43. . ;
50OM and board. Private famHy Irvington
v,..m references reauired. East 3410.
: : : , . . -.t live..
"'near' SStl&Z Hawthorn. East 5145
ROOil and board .walking distance .2 blks
Irom nuwLim.
S?ftETK CTJSt5 3oowi2tSut
J5 WEEK, rooms, home cooking, 3 meals
per ca. "
KOtS and board, 32S Jacksou st
Marsnaii "ii
CI.EN. comfortable rooms with , excellent
board! home privileges, phone Main .4.
BOARD and rooms, family style. 347 Hall
fnone Jiai-
ROOM and board with P'rater.;"m"'-,'-
near join aim "iwi '"
GOOD home U children $10 montli near
ROOMS witn boardL 712 Flanders. Main 147.
Booms With Board in Private Famllle..
IF two young ladles ot gentleman want
nice large room, with good board, home
cooking, in private family, with all mod
ern conveniences and few minutes' walk
to West Side, call at 28 East uth North.
Fries reasonable, and plsasant location.
Phorie East 601
NICELY fuTnished steam-heated r,oom';
suitable for one or two jwrsons; splendid
meals, home privileges, in nice, pleasant
home with all conveniences. Easy walking
distance. West Side. Very moderate rates.
.uarsuan 4o.
BOAK1) or room and board In private Jam
llv. four blocks from Washington High
school, nlco olace for teachers or busi
ness people- everything modern, new ana
clean. 661 East Washington. East 32Si.
NICELY furnished room, and board for
young ladles in pleasant home: steam
heat all conveniences and home privi
leges: rate for two. 122. 50 each, jtii is
Glisan. Phone Marshall2438:
TEACHERS and business persons can find
excellent board, large and beautifully fur
nished steam-heated rooms, hot and cold
water. every convenience; reasonable.
Main 63S1. 501 Harrison St.. near mo
121 A MONTH and up, comfortable front
"room, suitable for one or two; 10 mla.
walk to the heart of the city: all homo
conveniences with excellent meals. 44j
Uth st
BOARD or room and board in private fam
ily, four blocks from Washington High
scnooi, nice piam . - " j
ness people; everything modern, new and
clean. U61- East Washington. East -1
DO you want a real house or do you Just
rooms, and a fine table, at 101 E. 17lh
St.. at reasonabel rates: references re
KICE front room. 3 windows, in modern
house, with good home cooking; good
home for 2 young men or married couple
J3 week for each. .Phone E. 207o. 441
Halsey at.
IjAittl K. aewly furnished front room In new.
moaern house, with good board for two
gentlemen; homelike, piano, ail conven
iences. 147 17th st. North. Main 21...
iiODERN. steam-heated rooms for three in
strictly private family; good home cook
ing; reasonable. o Flanders, Apartment
3. 'Phone Marshall 1121. .
TWO refined g-entlemen who would appre
ciate nice, modern home in private family,
home privileges, gymnasium, tenn.s courts
and croquet grounds, call A WC.
PLEASANT room, good home cooking,
phone, bath and all home comforts, walk
ing distance, all for $1S a month. Gl!6 clay
PLEASANT single rooms. very best of
board, walking distance; nice location,
home privileges, use of piano; reasonable.
Main 3180. .
ELEGANTLY furnished front room, three
windows, facing park, suitable for two,
all conveniences; good home cooking,
moderate price. Call aolVf Park st.
LARGE newly-furnished home, strictly mod
ern; excellent board: every convenience:
85 ud. Main C3SL 501 Harrison st near
PRIVATE family wishes lady to board who
Is employed; 828. 541' East 27th. Rich
mond car to 'J'tU. one block south. Ref
erences exchanged. .
WANTED Two refined genelemen to room
and board In private home. Reasonable.
Walking distance. Use of piano. 15 East
loth st. n Jt none sjaw uoi.
LADY on the East ftflde with nice home
wishes I young ladles or gentlemen lor
room and board with home comforts.
Teachers preferred. Tabor 2871.
WEST SIDEV-52 Lucretla st. Large, wel'
furnlshed room in attractive modern home
for gentlemen. Breakfast and dinner rea
sonable. A FEW newly furnished cheerful rooms at
42 Ella, between 2uth and 2lst, just off
Washington, within easy walking dislance;
meals L desired; no sign.
Furnished Apartments.
Corner East Burnside and E. SCa sts. -Desirable
ii-room furnished apartments,
open fleplaces, convenient location, mod
crate terms.
Resident Fifth ti Columbia Transient.
0-mlnute walk to Postofftce.
Furnished 2 and 8-room1 apartments.
Marshall oliiS. References. A Ji6.
BERKELEY Apartm-mts. M Trinity Tlace,
well furnished apartments, 2 and a rooms,
private balconies elevator; all mJer;
i 2-IOOJCL 825; 1 3-room, 827.5U. Marshall
1U50. ,
GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave.
New building, nice furnished; private
pi,0no and baths ;autumatlc elevator;
moderate prices; walking distance. Phone
East 208.
Park st., at Madison.
Modern 3 and 4-roem lurmshea apar
ments. close In, by week or mont hJ
THK LOIS, 70 Hoyt st. Very desirable
modern 2. 3 and 4-roum apartments, fur
nished or unlurnlshed, sleeping norche
references. Marohall aOll.
FINE 1--3-room apartments at Ramapo
Hotel 14th and Washington; steam heat,
free phones, elevator service, 8l2.oO to
825 and up. Main bbUl
H1SLOP HALL, cor. E. Cth and Hawtho-ne,
nicely furnished apartment; private batn
and phone; everything first-class. One z
roora ?14, one 3-room 20. E. 882.
CHELTENHAM Furnlsned 2 and 4-room
anartiuents. with all conveniences; best
house iiuarantced; tyth and Nortnrup; wi.l
rent cheap If taken this week.
BEATS apartments, four-room house, all SO
yourself; completely furnished, only lu
minutes' walk from P. O. Two bedrooms
and bath. 15 month. 500 Columbia su
44 Everett, between Ella and 20th.
Furnished 3-room apartment; all out
side rooms ; retereaces.
Cor East Morrison and 7 tn sts, ; cosj ,
well lurnished 3 and 3-room apartmcnta.
private phones andbaths; $18 to $2...u.
Completely furnished 2-room apt.. 820
per month, irtcludins lights, bath, janitor
service etc. 187 17th bl, near Yamhill.
LUCILE COURT, 20th and Lovejoy Modern
I 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished or
unfurnished ; sleeping porcn ; fine park.
Phone aiarsiiau gwsj
"THE SUNNYSIDE." E. 37th and Belmont
Very desirable lurnished apartments, 2, 8
and 4-room; clean and strictly first-class;
private um , ynw". v
NEW HART, - and 3 rms.. bachelor; 1 rm.,
cooking gas, phones, lights, heat free,
automatic elevator; 85 to 8.B( J2.50 to
84 50 170 2d. near Morrison. 4th floor.
1 Ml'. iJin.l a.j-.i-a.
Neatly furnished two-room apartments;
walking distance; reduced Winter rates.
rx. . . . ft', vt-iri I"
$ 13 to -U. -'J' rortci ai. .tiiii i ..'.
3 4 5-ROOM furnished apts. in private
'house, light. heat. gas, 81. 820. 8-5. Ta-
nor iwu. c,.
FINE 1-2-3-room apartments at Sambrook
Apts East 7th and Yamhill; steam heat,
frev phones: S12.50. 825 and up. B 3401.
YOUNG man wishes to hear from bachelor
Uesiring to share moderate-priced upart
ment on East Slde.BF247,Oregonian.
NEW CLARK. 616 Pettygrove 2-room fur
nished apartment, large kitchen. Phone,
liwht. heat, etc. 815. Marshall 505e.
. - -v- -T- ,'tl!PC 'IBM 1 1 TT-I
Modern furnished two-room apartments.
832.50 up. Close in.
ALTONI V 10th and Marshall sts. Large,
irv 3 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet
and exciuai e"""w".
841 14th St. at Market. New 2 and
rooms, furnished, reasonable. -Main
t-SZZm Tr rtm rvis $"(1
J a cre cie1. u . m . . -
phone, bath, bed and table linen. B 1053.
1,... i,..- nnvtll
DESI RABLE 3-room modern apts., stearn
heat, not aie.,
and 823. East 2710.
PVUKHURST. 20th. corner Northrup;
room modern furnished apartments, out
side rooms; references.
HAMMERSLY COURT, 250 12th St., 2 and
3-room apartments, close in; modern, rea
sonable. Phone Marshall 2052. References.
AT THE" Glen Court, cor. Park and Tay
lor. handsome 4:room apt., completely
rurnisneu, a "
Modern two rooms, completely furnished,
$10. 818 and 820. Phone Marshall 2074.
NICE furnished 2 and 4-room housekeeping
sunes at :44 Klllingx worth ave.. low
rent. Phone Woodlawn OHO. C 1387.
JACKSON bungalow, all newly furnished;
janitor service; walking dietance. 454 11th
LUXOR APTS.. 324 13th st; also single
rooms, not aim '
COMPLETELY furnished apartments In con-
re te uioci. e 4v-t v . . . -
"aRDM Y TERRACE. 305 12th St. Large
" -room apartments. Mrs. John Cran, mgr.
BIRMINGHAM. 3!0 12th St.; furnished;
A 1 k 1 n g mstanee. a4-s.-4.
3 AND 4-room furnished or unfurnished.
ti'i RtpMand. A 1667. Main 1S67, A 1857
DRU'KTON 44S 11th. Modern two and 3-
room. furnished apartments. Marshall 57
THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur Furnished
2-room apts. Steam heat, light, 815 up
YOUNG LADY will xhare 4-room apartment
with 1 or 2 girls. Main 2251.evenlngx.
W VNTED 1 or 2 refined girls to share cosv
apartment, close In. Phone Main 117S.
NICELY furnished apartment at the Keeler
Apartments, 14tn and Clay. Apt. 33.
Furuifcbed Apartments.
Comfort. Quality.
Convenience. Reliability.
Service. Cential locatlou.
Courteous treatment. .
THE 1 1 1. l."I.. 'U.N ANNEX.
12tb and Taylor.
Most modern apartment on the Pacific
Coast; furnlsned complete.
Roof garden lu connection.
Walking distance. References.
Ct'M REKLAND. West park and Columbia-
Very choice - and 8-room completely fur
nished apariineats; all modern conven
iences, beautiiui location, facing the pains.
0 minutes' walk Irom business center. W
ala maintain our refutation fof first -claas.
clean apartments, witu best of serv
ice, at reasonable prices; references re-
Tin x l.TiUO.VT.
Fifth and College.
Clean, coxy Uiree and tour-room fur
nished apartments, very cheap.
Also bncnelurs' apartments.
Heat, water, phone and janitor service
WEtiTKALL. 41U 5th, near Hall; S and 4-r.
auts.. lux
Or UlilUi st UJ , W cru W4 ... .
elevator, free use electric
UIUt cisiaiui, aia. w
sweeper; thoroughly reuovated; luspection
lnvitbd; cwsy ana cuiufortable, up. best
tor money m clU; easy talking dlsianvc,
Furnished or unfaruisiiwd j-room apart
ments, linen, silverware, private phone
aud bath, sleeping porcn ; nearest the
Union Depot ot East tilde apartment.
-t5 Koss st. 1'hone East 11-.
BEAUTIFUL &-room unfurnished apart
ment, With sleeping porch, all light and
airy rooms; also one 4-toom furnished
apartment. Highland Court apartment,
l';:d and Gllsau. Kefeiences i. - Mai -shall
3162. .
Corner Park and Taylor.
Best location In tlie clt , cosy home;
well furnished in 2, 8 and 4-room suites;
first-class service.
jENVEH APTS. See them before locating
for Winter; 'furnished elegantly, all out
side rooms, private bath and phone, hard
wood floor, new manager ;refurencea. Take
"W" car. '214 M. lst st. Marshall 3u.
ORDERLK1GH APIS.. 82 Grand ave., cor.
E. ttark; well furnished 3-room apart
ments, easy walking distance. (18 per
month; cheapest rei.i, furnished apts., in
city. Bast 300. '
14th and Columbia.
Two, three and four-room apartments,
furnished, tirst-class, reasonable rales.
Main 7337. Home, A 3015.
2-room sunny apartments, first floor;
heat, electricity, phone, hot and cold
water furnished; 818 and $20. 145 North
Grand ave.
3-ROOM furnished apartment, wotn large
sleeping porch and fireplace; also use of
par ty -room. Call W oo dla w n 1 045.
I niuriLhdicd Apart men is.
251 12th, near Main. Best arranged and
most desirable 3-room apts. In city; ell
outside looms; beautiful surroundings,
large private balconies; 5 minute' walk
to busuieas center; up-to-date In every de
tail; 1 3-roora, 2d floor. 827.50; 1 3-room.
3tl IlOOa, too. Mar. )4U.
Very high-class three-room unf urnlshsd
apartments; extra large, light rooms, pr
vate balcony ; slpenuid lew ; clean auc
new; exceptional Janitor service; NMItv
vacuum cleaner; rent reasonable. Korft
st.. near Washington Uaju 5537.
LucreL a su, bet. Washington and Everett,
near 23d Very high -class x ic ft-ion.
apLs. ; all larjte. outside nums and recep
tion halls; hai dwood floors, f rea private
phone; reasonable rates; rcf. required. Ap
ply Mgr., Mfcr. 1513; Janitor. Mar. 1500.
East Firsthand Multnomah Streets.
7'hu most up-to-uatj 2 and o-iootn fur
nished apartmeut-house. Each suite has
two disappearing beds ana two uiessilig
rooms; ail outsiue rooms; roof garden and
sun parlor; ur.surpased vie w. Liti-t 14,'tf.
KN1CKJBRBOCKSB APTS.. llarrisoa. be
tween loth ai.d 11th, very desirable three,
room apartments; every convenience; best
of serv ice ; easy walking distance ; light
and airy; private balconies; 827.00 and
up. Main 1320.
ST. FRANCIS APTS.. 21st and Hoyt, .Nob
Hill wistrict up-to-dat In every detail,
large corner balconies, excellent service,
1 4-r:n.. 1st iloot. 822.50. 1 J-mi., xu
Hour, 27.5U. 1 4-riii.. 4ih lloor, 835- Main
4-ROOM unfurnished modern apartment,
built-tn buffet, bookcases, hot and cold
water, private batn. gu range, Dutch
kitchen, 2 closets, linoleum in kitchen ana
bathroom, new orick building. 40th anu
Hawthorne ave, ltent ia.
18th and coucli.
3 and 4-room apaJ itnenta, large, sunny
rooms, all outside, private bath and tele
phone In each, central. 127.50 to j5.
FokDHAM APTS. 17o Ford it . 1 4-room
apt. 2nd. floor, 830 ; all hard w ood floors,
q darter sawed oak finish, finely papered
vvalis, tile bath, private ba)cou. Main
. . ' . . . i . APTS.. 22d and Glisan Very nice
g-room apts.. all outside, niooern. private
baih phone and balconies; 1 3-riu., 2d
door, 823, 1 3-rni.. 3d i.oor, 22.5d. Mai.
WELLINGTON Court, 13th and Evarett
E-sy waUuig distance, private bain,, tic, x 2-rm.. 81o. including elec
tric lights; l 3-rm.. iu; 1 4-rm., 22.ju.
1 a-:m.. 32.50. Main 1343.
CLATPOOLK APIS., llih and Clay sta
The very best lu a-rouin apartments, targe
pr.vatt Ohlcunies, tine viuw. Eastern ex
yodure; 1 -rm.. '.roni. 827.50; 1 J-rm., 80.
Main o8Ul.
M I 111 HMIMlI'llH
21st and Flanuers. 5 and O rooms, large
and iwmelike. more service and conven
ience lor the pnee thau jou will lind w
the city. rouue j " ZZZ-
cor. Jefferson Easy w alking distance ; 3
or 4 iooms, with pr.vaie oaths; very rea
sonable rent, best xervlce; splendid ar
rangements; all outside looms.
BRICK bldg.. south exposure, 2-room apait
meiits, bath and dressing-room connected,
gas range, phone, 820; 3 blocks from 14tu
til.. COr. SUSAa l,uaj(
nl C XI L".U It'lV
"list and Johnson. High-graue 3, 4 and
rooms, with porches; high-class tenants
who appreciate btrviee. prices reasonable.
Phone Marshall 3300 or A 2uJU.
THE WASHINGTON, 080 Northrup 0-room
unfurnished apartments, with bath and all
modern conveniences telephone, steam
heat, gas. electricity, etc Take "STJX
to 21st and Northrup. xJhone Main 43 iQ
T" 1 ' 705 DAY IS ST.,
- A few large apartments to rent In most
modern sod exclusive apartment-house in
l'ortiana. vyy-. y
MODERN 3-room apartment. with neat
store; good for dressmaker or any clean
business; rent for both only 820; steam
heat. Sunnysldc Apartmeiits Uldg.. 37tb
and Belmont, raow tww Qjsw
COLUMBIAN APTS.. lUh and Columbia
Easy walking distance, very pleasant,
spacious rooms, all outside, private bath
aid telephone each apartment; 1 3-rm.,
s'.10: 1 4-rm.. $27.50. Main 1011.
GKAlE APTS.. 24th and Northrup 5 large
rooms, unfurnished; large front veranda,
slerping-porch; new, modern; hardwmM
noan nhone. bath, heat. Marshall 10. o
ALL outside rooms, 816 to 825 per mo.;
sleeping porch, bath, phone, gasrange, elec
trie llgnts. water and heat. 2W East M
t. Take Hawthorne car. Last 10i8.
GR VCE AI'TS., 24th and Northrup 5 large
rooms, unfurnished; large front veranda,
sleeping porch; new. modern; hardwood
. nun J. uiiiim. u"ii - - - -
, . r . . c ci t C'lva.riwim tnart metiti. unfur
.i.i.,i hBt. hot water. 3o, at 070
Kearney xt. Janitor or Portland Trust Ac
savings iai;..
MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3
and 4-room apartments, 820 and up. gpod
Janitor service; walking distance; refer-
ences. tax zllzZml
HANOVER APTS.. 170 King St. Absolutely
f ir...rnof buildlnc. new and modern, pri
vate corner balconies, every convenience .
1 2-rin.. 818. 00. I a-rn... j,o. Aiar. .uv.
. :t and 4-ruuin uniurnlshed nulten, pt i
v.i, vratibulex. phones and bathx, witn
steam heat, hot and cold wter; references.
ROSE FRIEND, corner P.roadway and Jef-
feison t.lgant hiwiibhw primon
first-class xervlce; private phone; ref.
Five rooms unfurnished, modern.
C 1608, East 347.
MM o Ar Ali 1 -1 i - - i
5034 Union ave. N.. near Broadway, new.
IiriCUJ iiiu-jDiii, v
6 AND 7-room apartments, large, weil-jlgnt-
ed roomx. 1j jonnson at. mu mrw.
421. WEST PARK and Hall. 4-room xtea.
Mraieil irnlimciii, aa.
THE DOVER 4-room unfurniKhed, 81-
uuire JS( -m. '"
BAM MARCO. E. Mh and Couch sta; mod-
aja a-room outside apts.. 8l7 andup.
dITiCKSTON. 448 JUt. Modern two and 8
room upiumi.ocu
MoDKKN-. apartmsnta, llv.
rooroa 587 Eaat Main.
I afunilstie
Jtm completed and ready for o.-eo-pancy
; a modern, 5-story, fireproof brick
building of class ar.d refinement, very de
slrablv located, with 37 8, 8 xnd 4-room
unfurnished apartments, which hsva large
light rooms, plenty of ventilation and
closet space, with hardwood l.oorx, marble
bathrooms, private phone, latest lighting
flxturex; up-to-date conveniences; the
building Is equipped with a large laun.ln
room, wt(h steam driers and an eaeellrnt
heating xyxtem. For rexervxtlons apply on
premises. Take either 16tu or "d" car
north to Lovujoy.
M and 3 rooms, uulurnli
Mala 2080.
Iteferences required.
bath; all newly done up; 830 y r month.
Apply Msnaer. 872 Kearney xt.
Jrnrniohnl or I nf urnUheol Apartments.
Strictly modern light and slry apart
ments, elegantly furnished, at reasonable
rates; no worry ou your part about light
and heat; no lawn to cut when you're
tired; no carfare to pay. short emlk to
business center.
17th and Evsrett.
Open Today.
bl3-S81 Morgan BUg.
Furnished and unfurnlxhed spsrtmenis
in all carts ot the city: grest variety m
locations, slxe and price, our free auto
mobile at your service in vtsllltig sny of
our arsrtmenls.
Main 2013. A gPlS.
4t-57 Trinity Plaoe.
The finest apartments on the rxclflo
Coast, with every modern convenlsacs;
apartments furnished end unfurnished;
terms reasonable; references required,
furnished toxche:ors qusrterx with club
room. Manager. Marshall llul.
Club of gentleman tan have bes
furnished apartments, en suite or
Including light and bath, phone ar
ice; xlio 1 completely furnished
im nt w tih sleeping porch ; referel
quired. The Stelwyn. Mar. SMtL
THE BAKER, corner of 21at xnd Irving
Furnlhed end unfurnished apartments. In
Z, 3 aud 4 rooms; four-story brick; elec
tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds,
built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty
or closet room; vacuum vleaner free.
Phone Marshall 2841. ,
DEL REY COURT, on Htxntnn si., be
tween Williams and Rodney sves. ; clean
a-rooui apartments, with bath, etc.; all
outside rooms, furnished and uirfurnUhed ;
good quiet neighborhood, rate reasonable.
Apply Apt TeUph o ne East 3834
'MliNTH Two or
walking dlxtano.
lean and has some
liked 8) those witu
ind Ysinhltl.
t h ree bea u 1 1 f ul rooms
This place Is new and
nice uorches. It Is we!
live there. EaU Uth
THE IRIS Apartments. SU and Mill sta.
w ill be completed octobvr 1 . rente from
$17 up; S 4-room sit modern Improve
ments; he largest hestlna plant la the
city; furntxhed or unf urnished.
FOR RENT 3 ami ..-room unfurnished
auiirtiu- ntB. im :ii.nn .tin. ... w;-!.
lights, phone anu gun laagXji S15 to
Phone Vsbcr 381
S and 4 rooms, furnished or unCuruished,
new, modern end quiet, references.
SOI Uth st.. near
Nice It-room fur
apsrtments. also i
or. Marshall 2324.
t and unf urniahsd
l-room apt
12th xnd Harnaon, 2 and J-room a part -mentx.
best service. Apply on premiees.
BUCK 3-room furnished or unfurnished
apartments, eUvatur. sleeping put eh, walk
ing distance. 107 North 31st.
BEAUTIFUL furnished anu unfurnished
apartment, euu Bk a natn j . i none
THE CHKTpPA. 18th and Handera, X
aud 4-ruom upartuienta, lurnisncu or uh
furnlahcd, ground floor apartments eheep.
CAMAR, 701 Lovejoy. Three-room rront
apartment. Turnmuea or ewsraaaav
from $23 to 832.50. Marshall 2H13.
FINE 6-room Hat. newly tinted, East Hiae,
walking distant; a bargain ul $lv Phone
r. 1046. Tabor 3340,
NEW. heateu 5 and 0 roonic. f try conven
ience; sleeplng-i'orchea. garuae- 772 Kear-
rlVBROOM mo4orn flat, fireplace, furnace,
-I ..I ,..,rnh . nn.n l.wlat VUT K "J 1 (
Adulta. Hawthorne cur. Tabor 15B7.
MODERN 5-i ooni flat a i
a Eaat Side, close
M. b8u2 or Tabor
in, reaxonuDic. i-nonu
MODERN 5-room flat ; bax furnace, fire
place, roonin newly lint u , t neap icut i
dexlrnble person. Call 441 1 1 Hi
quire 104
-7-tuom flai,
... St. Pil'l,
414 I'aik i
Main U3
143 b.
G- ltutjll FLAT- Sleylnx' ,
Broaaway bridge. 4oo Hua t.
UPPER or lower fiat, .nod uui. a-i r.eign
borhood, hardwood floorx and modern; te,1.. ,.rll..a nfllk VuibMbII 17S1
A-I neigh-
pari lea cnly.
ill 471.
I'PPM, un.i loue
0 rooma. nil out
.u . tjt tgon sl
side. 820. Grand
Phor.e Exit 4071.
CORNER flat. 5 large rooms, xll modern.
near ttroudway uriage, rent x...v par
month. Wood law n 125Q.
taEASONAHLE, modern 4 rbovas, I king
dlstunce, 235 Sheridan, nor. 20 ; take H.
or F. car Phone Marshall U'uo.
SUNNY, newly tinted, modern 4-loom list.
bath and basement ; best location. Jo.i
Mai lory ave. Woodlawn 121 L
u ROOMS in good condition, gas xtova and
heater, free 'phone, rent cheap E 24th,
bet. Ankeny xnd Burnxlde.
b'i'EAM HEATED. modern. Wat Side,
walking distance; 5 rooms IftaaMtj Mm-
shall 556.
SIX-ROOM furnished upper nnd lowi-r flats.
near primary nign seiiooia, .i.i anu
573 East Salmon st.
corner of
room upper
12th and E.
and lower flat.
Madison. Tabor
NEW flat, with all modern coi.vrnlet.ces.
including gas range. 0bV E. 2Sth. East
FIVE rooms, heated, sleeping porch. 7xl
Kearney Marshall 4887.
MODERN 4-room flat, linoleum. $14.
11 McMUIen, 2 blocks Broadway lrtdx.
j MODERN 0-room flats cheap. 12th and
Mill. Inquire 430 Mill. Main 4018,
j 10 4-ROOM flat, $ol E. 11th; no children,
pnuna Eaxt M3.
SIX roomx, lowor, modern, cholcext locatl n,
Wext Hide, lbqutre 175 18th.
LARGE 3-room Hat. bath, gas, $12.50. 4 BP
West Para.
oott HOYT ST. near 2txt Upper flat,
rooniH. lame ngui momi f i.
FOR RENT Excellent flat, walking dlxtance.
East j"Oi.
U N FURNISHED modern - roo m f 1 x t . 48 T
Hxrrison. near 14lh. Call Tabor 2B4.
$12 MONTHLY for nice 5-room flat,
N. IlSt. Kej nri. uuui.
FURNITURE for sale; very attractive), strict
ly modern flat, iven rooms. 23 13th st.
FLAT of rooms and bath. 73$ Hoyt XL
Inquire W th St. Phoat Msto 4$f8.
TWO modern 4-room flats, upper mm
lower. Ulce cornet ; furnace. K. .. U 1404.
STTdERN 4-room flat. 110 Handy boule-
,1.1. nrar .diii. iw . .
FOLK HOOM hol-wat.r h.atad flaU; naw.
niod.rn. as raniaa. .11 m. Htn it.
FOR RUNT mxlsrn r. and -room fiat.. it
Kv.nn st. aid.
4-ltooM mod.rn flat. H tlroon BTfc.
?ld and wa.hlnton. Main Sltl. A UTt.
STRICTLT mod.rn 7-room flat. 17H
at Apply HI lth. cor.Tamhj.
HOI.LADAY ADDITION Flvt-roam com.r
Cat. 1JW Wucn at. I'hon. Kaat 1I0.
j-RcOM mod.rn flat on Jackson, Ml r.rk
MOPCitN flAt.. i and It room.. chMp
j,H h.lril'tn. ivry .1 vww.
i.nfiwM mod.rn flat
nt, Chapman. Wt
lit. Corasr of Msln
dward. 14 lo.
nodrrn flat, tarj do
bon. C 1111.
;0 FOR a l-rooi
irabls and cloa
OS'E 3 -room, ono 6-room mod.rn flat. 71
Hawthorns, cor. JOih.
SWKLL .1-room mod.rn flat; alca
yard. TU E. Yamhill. Phoa. Bast H)4a
it. In
ur A
Lino, Bi
.t . -ttJ