The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 06, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 27

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Mlscellaaw .
1 20-inch cast lined wood heater SS.50
1 15-lnch round coal heater .uu
1 cast iron coal heater $10.UO
1 -1-inch wood heater suitable for
store room 511.30
1 coal parlor heater J12.0U
1 combination coal and wood heater. $12.0i
1 15-inch hot blast coal heater $12.o0
1 0 Detroit Jewel double oven as .
1 Webb iron office safe S5o.w
18 2-J yards Brussels carpet $t oOc yo
IS yds. velvet, brown and green, 05c
yd., size 9x13.0.
2S yds. velvet, brown and green, q 7qc
Easy payments if desired.
A Good Place to Trade.
180-ltfl First St.
Special prices on plumbing supplies. If
you want to save money, now is the time,
tiee us before buying. Extra special price
of $1M'0 for low-duwn toilets, guaranteed
new, A-l condition.
A bargain in sinks $2.75.
1 tan go boilers, $4.30. Look over our
stock and see how easy It 1b to save money
on fitting out your house.
We give estimates on contract work for
plumbing. If you want to do your own
work, we can furnish all the plumbing
supplier. Also second-hand doors and
A big stock of new and second-hand
pipe, blacK. and galvanized, from V to s
203-205 Front st. bet. Salmon and Taylor.
GREATEST water expert locator, will assist
and show you where to excavate and guar
antee you the exact water depth. Send
me a sketch of your land, the surface soli
formation, if hilly or level, then I will
show you where to sink your well and
prove the water depth. (Where is water
and where is no water? Why neighbors
wells 20 feet deep has planty of water and
100 yards away water is 10 times deeper;
how Nature Influences the water depth at
certain parts of your land. How to sink
Inexpensive well in one day. How to
manage quicksand and etc. All scien
tifically explained. Write today; enclose
20 cents stamps or coin. Address F. Du
'rest. 2237 First ave., So.. Seattle, Wash.
We have just purchased a large quantity
of 4 and ."(-Inch cotton fire hose. This
hose is a suitable thing for your stable
chutes. Buy all you want at a very low
ISO Columbia st. Phone Main 5198.
FOR SALE Dress suits. 1 dress suit and
Tuxedo, size 38 $25; 1 Tuxedo, black
broadcloth, size 44, $25; J Prince Albert,
imported cloth, 40, $25; in perfect con
Eroadway and Union Ave.
".Id-hand Fairbanks-Morse Co. gasoline
engines of all sizes in guaranteed, A-l
condition, for half of new price.
6 8econd St. We sell or rent.
HAVE 7500 cords of wood to cut near
Portland: good roads; can furnish steam
drag yaw tu nipped and Iujuso to live in
will sell wood cheap or go partners with
reliable party. Heilman, 503 Corbet t
Derricks, scrapers, clamshell buckets.
concrete mixers, pumps, etc.
4(j Second BL We set! or rent
OFFICE fixtures, Oak partitions with Col
onial glass. 2 high desks, 4 flat-top desk?,
chairs, type writer chair, 1 Plate glass
show case, linoleum, partitions suitable for
large orrice, inquire elevator starter, wens
eargo Building.
For sale or trade for anything, size 3S ;
cost. S'on. but will take any rash oirer.
What have you? Phone East 4685 or BD
225, Oregonian.
THY tannine your fruit with pure Extracted
Honey, one-half less than sugar; 12 5
pound palls SO. 00. 0 10-pound palls $0.
2 00-pound cans $10. Walter Wixom,
aputu. u ash.
FOB SALE Will sell cheap all tools, stock
and fixtures of established tin anil fur-
0 uun, aei.icv, uvii
McKay bldg.. Main 1201.
4000 CORDS first-growth fir 75c per cord.
Close to Portland and R. R. P. J. Koran,
IS3S Sandy blvd.. cor. 72d st. Phone C
FOR SALE Dayton or Toledo $100 comput
ing scales; oil; $1 "0 National cash regis
ter. $70; 2 big refrigerators cost JJ7o new,
each $15. K. K. Sully. St. Johna. Col. ;.
VALUABLE collection foreign postage
stamps, also collection American 1-cent
piece, 1790 to 1SG0. Telephone Marshall
.'3 13.
D 1 A M ON D DINNER R I NG Brand new;
something beautiful ; will sell for $05 ;
ost double; give phone number. AD
380, oregonlan.
BLAST HOLE drills for contractors, quar
ryrren; greatest cost reducers; success
fully used everywhere. Loomis Drill Co.,
Tiffin. O.
25- FOOT launch in first-class condition for
ante ; goes to the highest cash bidder over
J lot) received by 12 noon Saturday, Sep
tember 12. 50:: Couch bldg.
BANKRUPT'S fixtures sacrificed: latest
computing scale. Moor mil!. Bowser tank,
typewriter, cheesecuiter, etc. 000 E. An
keny mornings.
SAFES All sizes, at cost; safes repaired.
Mosler Safe Co., 409 Northwestern Bank
bldg. Main 7t7ti.
REAL bargain, Winchester arms, 35-bore
magazine rifle, also 12-gauge pump shot
gjn. Call 4 0t McKay bldg. Main 934.
I buy. sell and exchange kodaks, cam
eras and leases. fte North 3d at.
Six. eight and ten-foot cases, mirror
back. $4 per foot. 243 Washington.
HOUSEBOATS, launch and canoe houses.
J. L. Gllham. builder, foot Spokane av.
Residence phone A 3471. l
BAilOXm ST5; stock saddle like new for
less than half price. Apply 287 Fourth
st.. near Jefferson.
MUST sell showcases, peanut roaster, corner
awning, cash register, shelving, candy
iars. store clock scales, otc. Marshall 2000.
FOR SALE Course In Pacific State School.
McKay bldg.. value $30. for $20. Phoue
Main 4314, Bookkeeper.
UOTE L or barber ship bootblack stand :
quarter-sawed oak, marble top, broncs
too treats; cheap. 402 Washington st.
new; must have cash. $100, before Tues
day noon. AD 234. Oregonlan.
IAW BOOKt filing cabinet and safe tor
sale cheap by attorney leaving city. 001
Journal bldg. Main 257.
FUK SALE Press, eraory wheel, stand and
mttcr. small lathe. Inquire 130 Florida
st. Take Riverview car.
GOOD second-hand organ, leather rocker
an.l Shasta heater . for sale sheap. 3&0
Hawthorne ave.
BARGAINS In rifles, shotguns, revolvers,
all makes cheap. Beauregard's, "02 Main
st.. Vancouver. Wash.
MILLINERY store, very cheap, if sold at
once: cood location; cheap rent; owner
leavlnr. Call 4SU Washington st.
E A TING Winchester shotgun. 12
also a Winchester V. S. Carbine,
(range ,
30-40 shell. Phone Tabor 4030.
HOUSEBOAT. ." rooms, furnished; electric
lights, bath, phones; Bull Run water. T
2tl. Oregonian.
GOOD bicycle for sal cheap or exchange
for fuel. AB 23.". Oregonlan.
j5l WINCHESTER automatic. SO shells;
first class condition; $16. 11M 1st st.
VSB assott'i Native Herbs for rheumatism.
30 tablets for 25c. All druggists.
bAFES New and second-hand; bargain. 101
First st.
A SET of Encyclopedli
vela addenda. AD 223
Americana with
WOODSAW Gasoline woodsaw for sale. 403
Jarre It St. Woodlawn 1105.
11-FOOT motorboat. 6 horsepower, running
condition, $75. Main 7584, room 227.
ROLL top desk, cost $153; sacrifice 560. 603
Lumbermens Bank bldg.
BARGAINS In new and second-hand tlx
lures, showcases. 46 N. 10th. Mar. 774.
LOWER t rooms, modern, choicest location.
Wea- Si le . 17.'. 16th st. Main 41P&.
for $4. Main 62T3. A 4441.
20 II P horizontal boiler, firebox. A-l con
dition; a bargain. Ersted, 46 3d. M. S766.
130 OAK bbt. for sale at once, in good con
dition. Wdl. 1033.
FOR SALE Tinner's tools Including Cor
sica brake. AP '-26, Oregonian.
FOR SALE, cheap, buffet, good as new.
Phone Tabor 27TP.
GAS engine And hoist, bargain. Oleen Roe
Transfer Co., 18th and Hoyt.
Mmw-OA LLON redwood tank, pumping out
fit and large tower. Phone Tabor 842.
'.OLL-TOP. flat -top desk for sale reason
Ma. Swank, 601 Northwest bldg.
FINE hammerless shotgun: automatic ejec.
tor: a bargain. Phone Tabor 1661.
VISIBLE typem riler, $5 per month. N 231.
VISIBLE typewriter for rale or exchange.
N 230. Oregonlan.
FOR 5 LE A good, strong pow-r sewing
uiacL 2931a. Stark si., room 207,
Anything in this line, including Boilers.
Engines, Pumps. Pipe, Pulleys, Gears.
Shafting. Cable, Blocks, etc.
Our assortment is complete. Our pries
will please.
Our stock Is most varied. Includes all
kinds Bathtubs, Toilets, Sinlcs, Boilers,
etc.. etc.
Pipe and Fittings, and anything in the
Plumbing Supply Line.
This department stocks anything you
can possibly want or think of.
We can supply you with anything.
Get our prices and we'll do business.
Do business with
22 Years in Portland.
The House of a Million Bargains.
240-244 Front St.
Corner Main.
SEWING machines. Singer. $12.50; White.
$10; New Home, SIS: Domestic, $17.50;
Wheeler Wilson. $15: Gevtirtz Special,
J14; New Royal, ilo; Dunham. $10; Min
nesota, $10; Brunswick. $12. Also several
machines of different make from 5 to $10.
A written guarantee with every machine.
Terms if desired. Sewing Machine Em
porium. 190 3d st., near Taylor. Main
HANDSOME ermine scarf, pillow muff and
hat band. Beautiful embroidered silk
gowns, chemise, combination suits. Two
embroidered crepe de chine silk Japanese
robes. A hand-embroidered sofa pillow
top and table squares. Reasonable, c
400 CORDS No. 1 ffr wood banked along
country road. $1.80 cord: will sell all or
Dart ; 93 cents freight rate ; fine proposi
fition for man with teams. Mr. Russeii,
40t E. Main: call today or this week;
phone East 2425
Four Hole.
Four Burner.
207 E. 2ttth St.
Alternating and direct current. Motors
guaranteed in every respect.
46 Second St. We sell or rent.
STRICTLY' A-l Edison Home phonograph,
plays 2 and 4-minute records, with 30
first-class 4 -minute wax records only
$23.50; $3 down, $2.30 monthly. Hyatt
Talking Machine Co.. 330 Alder.
Latest model, electric connections, cost
$423; will sell for $210. AD 227, Orego
tilan. SEVERAL fine unredeemed diamond rings
and earrings for sale at great bargain.
Elby Company. 820 Lumber Exchange.
2d and Stark.
BANKRUPT'S fixtures sacrificed : latest
computing scale, floor mill, Bowser tank.
tpewriter, cheesecutter, etc. 060 East An
keny st.. mornings.
GOOD eecond-hand farm wagon. 3-inch, or
will trade for cord wood. Main 8930 or
Main 4153.
HOUSEBOAT for sale, fully furnished. Call
Sell wood 2208 or 307 Railway Exchange
auser rifle, automatic saddle
carbine, with IM cartridges, $15. C. H.
McGlrr. Wells Fargo bldg.
10 NEW ostrich feathers to exchange for
used cook stove or sewing machine.
Wood lawn 2362.
OAS stove and gas water heater, $20.
Wood law n 2302.
McCASKEY register. I0u accounts: electric
coffee mili. Main 0103. 0:; East 1st mt.
BARGAIN on beautiful clear white diamond,
rock bottom price. E. 238, Oregonlan.
I want anything you don't need.
I'll go anywhere for anything and
240-42 Front Street.
Main 6J, A ltK3. Res.. Mar. 562.
221 Front st., buys second-hand turnlture.
carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tuola
of any kind. Call A 7174 or Mam 90 72.
Our buyer calls promptly.
Don't give it away. Get our figurea first.
Standard Fur. Co., 182 1st. Main 4773.
DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur
niture befoie you call the Bell Auction
House. 191 2d st. Marshall 171$.
EXCHANGE painting, tinting, paper hang
ing tor furniture. Aiarsnaii oH-JT. AL 22o,
WANTED One-half or one-horsepower
"B. C." motor ; must be In good condi
tion. Main 8072.
WANTED A thoroughbred English Bull
pup. male i brindle), not over 3 months
old. BD 2.j2. Oregonian.
WANTED Good second-hand house and
street reclining invalid's chair, I-lnch
rubber tire. Tabor 1014.
WANTED, house boat, give cash price, all
particulars ana location, ts. 230, Ore
gonian. )VA.N'T bicycle, coaster, single tubes, rea
sonable, juears, iain iiu. -tou Worcester
Furniture, pay best prices. Owl Furniture
Co.. 231 1st st. Phone Main 4tf27.
WILL exchange first-class talking machine
Talking Machine Co., 320 Alder.
WANTED A baby girl from one month to
2 veara old. 1041 E. Yamhill. Phone B
ENVELOPES addressed for campaigners;
NEAT kalsomlning, $2.50 room, woodwork
cleaned, painting, etc. ; guaranteed, rnone
Marshall 3523.
WE tln-t rooms for $2.30; paint houses at
your urice. Phone East 171.
WANTED Three National cash registers at
once; will pay spot cash. Main tiOti.
FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for
auv kind of furniture. Main 8921.
CASH pid for hair combings. Sanitary
Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg.
SURE I pay more for second-hand furniture
ana ciutuiiis- .
WANT several nice palms or plants at bar
gain for Apt house. Call Main 6280.
MAJESTIC or Monarch wood range for cash
r cheap, x san, uregonian.
For your furniture. Phone Sellwood lt2.
WANTED Bed. dresser, dining set, couch,
rocker, etc. Address 1075 Eaat Yamhill.
WANTED a perambulator; must be in good.
fist-class conaition. bunaay. Tabor 5400.
WANTED, good watchmaker's lathe and
tools, if priced right. E. 230, Oregonian,
WANT plain stove, coai or wood, large
enough to heat 5 rooms. Woodlawn 3051.
WANT 1-h. p. stationary gas engine. T 23
WILL store piano or rent cheap; excellent
AO 233. Oregonian.
BEST prices for everything. Call our junk
dept. Main osa or a aoba. tsarae.
WANTED Small organ for schoolroom;
must be bargain Marshal; .Y789.
WANTED- Small cooks tove. AE 235, Ore
go nian.
WANTED Gas water heater and pipe for
a Reliable was luster. E. 4311.
;;oo OPERA chairs. moving-picture ma
chine. C 231, Oregonian,
SECOND-HAND wood heater. Eaat 5S8S.
WANT round oak dining table. Main 6280.
And you will get highest cash prices, no
matter what you have. Call M. 2080.
C195. 203 MADISON ST. OR 251 FRONT.
Highest prices paid for second-hand
clothes, shoes, etc, 129 tth N. Main 2845.
DON'T look for work; there Is big demand
for automobile drivers and repairmen; our
expert instructors qualify you in three to
live weeks and assist in securing good po
sitions. Write or call for full Information.
200-272 11th st., Portland, Or.
WE START you in business, furnishing ev
erything, men and women. $3U to $200
weekly operating our "new swstem spe
cialty candy factories," home or small
room anywhere; no canvassing; opportun
ity lifetime; booklet tree. Kagsdae Co.,
Box S, East Orange. N. J.
HELP WANTED A man 000K for small
logging camp of about 25 men; must have
had, experience in logging camp and be
ablo to give references; would consider
implication from man and wife. Apply
DuBois Lumber Co., Vancouver, Wash.
PORTLAND branch famous specialty de
sires country salesman ; salary, commis
sion, expenses. Must be single and at
present employed with desire to better
condition, otherwise do not answer. X
232, Oregon lan.
HIGH-GRADE solicitor to call on retail,
business, professional men, Oregon; one
capable of earning $200 to $25o month;
advancement, permanent connection to
men who can show results. P. O. Box 30D,
Quincy, 111.
WANTED Factory superintendent: must be
experienced mechanic, possessing the abil
ity to handle men ; unless you have a
record for efficiency, do not apply; state
age, experience, references and salary
wanted. AR 234, Oregonlan.
DRUGGIST WANTED Must be registered
In Oregon; to take charge of drug depart
ment; nine hours" work daily; no Sunday
work; give references and salary wanted.
Stanleys, 04,0-040 Willamette St., Eugene,
EXPERIENCED, sober man to work on
small farm near Portland, and batch;
might consider married man without
children; state wages expected and refer
ences. AE 234.Q re g o n ia n ,
CLERKS for Baker and Pendleton; must
have general merchandise experience; not
over 33. Call at Oregon Hotel Sunday
afternoon between 3 and 5. or Monday
morning,- 8 and tf:30. The Stores Co.
STEADY employment, good wages, easy
profitable work, few months learning,
positions guaranteed, watchmaking en
graving optical school. 210 Common
wealth Bldg., tfth and Ankey, Portland
PORTRAIT agents Send us your originals;
no advance In prices; good portraits ;
prompt shipments; plenty of convex glass.
Independent Portrait & Frame Company.
S 29-31 South State, Chicago.
MAKE MONEY WITH US. Amount depends
upon time devoted. No canvassing. Am
bitious local man wanted. Address Os
trander, Dept. 271, 12 West 31st St.. New
USE spare time to build up mail order busi
ness of your own; we help you start for
a share in profits; 27 opportunities; par
ticulars free. Mutual Opportunities Ex
change, Buffalo, N. X.
TWO high -class bank solicitors for Wash
ington banks; men of experience preferred;
reference required. Call between 12 and 1
Sunday or Monday. Room 321 Kortonia
FIRST-CLASS salesman for permanent JO
sltion with large established institution.
See Mr. Proctor Tuesday, 10 to 2. 702
Spalding building. "
RELIABLE man and wife to go on ranch
in Wasco County, at moderate salary. This
man must be able to take good care of
horses and know how to clear land. Ref
erences required. Postofflce box 716.
F you sre out of work, write for our latest
proposition. We want men in your sec
tion who can earn a day. Sturrock Spe
cialty Co., Port Townsend, Wash.
tA INTER to paint four-flat house, to rent
four-room flat in exchange; best location;
Winter ia coming, be sure of your rent.
1038 Mallory ave. Woodlawn 1241.
WANTED, 2 neat appearing young men to
travel, pay every evening, call at 322 1-2
Stark St.. Monduy A. M., between S and
II. Ask for A. H. Scheid.
WANTED Several neat appearing young
men. 17 to 22. to travel with crew. Apply
S to S:30 A. M.. 2 to 3 P, ' M., room 34
Oregon Hotel.
WANTED A strong youth for delivery
wagon. Apply early Monday morning.
White Palace Grocery, cor. 2lst and
CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy
guaranteed stock; excellent territory; hus
tlers make money. Washington Nursery
Co., Toppenish. Wash.
WANT competent corporation promoters
and stock salesman capable of handling
a large proposition. Musi be a live wire.
H 1505, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER and correspondent, fa
miliar with collection business, $65. Live
wire. Give qualifications and phone. L
WANTED 10 woodchoppers to cut cord
wood by contract, 30 miles from Portland,
p. J Foran. 1S3S Sandy blvd. at 72d st.
Phone C 32.-2.
$J500 ANNUALLY Co-operate with me
evenings, home; everything furnished;
don't worry about capital. Boyd H.
Brown. Omaha. Neb.
IF EARNING less than $2400 year, write,
become our special representative, all or
spare time; no canvassing. L. S. Brown Co.,
Candler bldg., Atlanta. Ga. .
WRITE moving-picture plays; $50 each; all
or spare time; no correspondence course;
details free. Alias Pub. Co., 42? Cincinnati,
In all parts of the country to handle
our household necessity ; big commission ;
large sales. 701 S wetland bldg.
OFFICE BOY Wholesale house; state
age, references and phone number. AM
- -i. Oregonian.
$b0 MONTHLY, expenses, travel, distribute
samples, take orders or appoint agents ;
permanent. Jap-American Co., Chicago.
TWO bright men to solicit for corporation;
big commissions and permanent position.
Apply 0 to 1J. 41S Mohawk bldg.
PHOTO coupon offer; something good, sal
ary paid. Northrup Studio, tith and An
keny sts.
NEED live, congenial man In office business;
tine returns on small investment; give
phone. AN 233, Oregonian.
WANTED Tailor, reliable, who can cut and
work on bench; country Job. D B.
McBrlde Co.. Royal building.
MAKE money writing c'-orles or articles;
big pay; free booklet tells how. Address
United Press Syndicate, San Francisco.
A PAINTER to work by the day. cSl
room -14 Railwway Exchange bldg. after
2 P. M.
WANTED Stock clerk, quick and accurate
at figures, one with packing-house experi
ence preferred. AF Oregonlan.
BuY wanted with bicycle or motorcycle, good
wages. H Chamber ot Commerce at 0
BUTTER-MAKER can secure position by
buying interest in money-making country
creamery. W 237, Oregonian.
WANTED I young men with business
ability Call from 0 to 12. 340 Morgan
WANTED, young man about IS, who can
operate typewriter, apply Bradshaw Bros..
Royal Bldg.
GOOD all-around tailor wanted: investigate
this proposition. Call between 9 and 12
Monday. 12." 4 N. 16th Et.
WANTED Plasterer to figure on plastering
7-room house. Call 1208 E. 25th N. Phone
A 1530.
vVANTED Experienced chicken man to
work oh shares, near city. AV 727, Ore
gonlan LIVE advertising solicitors; leading Italian
newspaper: cash commission: other good
publications. Clyde Agency. 207 Stock Ex.
WANTED Hustlers for Vancouver Fair. Ap
ply at grandstand concession.
WANTED Bright, sharp student that wants
to work his way. Call at 300 Russell st.
ti-ROOM house and ff -acre chicken place
in eXChanje i"' mum imm.- jiitm tyl.
PHOTO agents, something new; extra com
mission paid. Sarony Studio. Royal bldg.
BOY with wheel wanted. Oregon Dye Works,
351 Burnside.
W NT man to carry banner few hours daily
for board. 101 6th. N
BARBER wanted, steady Job. 205 Morrison
WANT good bread baker, bench hand. Phone
408 Vancouver. Wash.
NPERIENCED hard candy maker. Y. F.
Haration A Son. East Cth and Davis.
PHOTO coupon ; new ticket for live ones.
Cutbsrth Studio. Dekum bldg.
WANTED, competent chauffeur, "no speed
kings," B. 237. Oregonian.
WANTRD Mr.n rnd wife to run, farm. Write
622 K. lOtii N.P or phone . Mfti.
All young men seeking employment In
commercial, clerical or technical lines are
cordially invited to consult the employ
ment secretary.
Record. 1913.
Calls for men from employers 2S3o
Positions tilled P1
Employment membership $2 per annum,
guarantees member wilL secure employ
ment or refund of fee. Includes two
months' full and 10 months social privi
leges. Issued bv Employment Secretary only.
Second Floor Y. M. C. A. bldg.
CITY" salesman wanted by a large corpora
tion for house-to-house work; no samples,
a legitimate proposition, with strong sell
ing points; prefer man with book or in
dustrial insurance experience. If you are
energetic and reliable and can furnish ref
erences, address, stating experience, AF
237, Oregonlan.
Hood River opens its school for
apple packing and grading coni
mencing the week of September 7.
If you are interested, go to Hood
River or write to the Apple Grow
ers' Association for facts.
THE RELIANCE Life Insurance Company,
of Pittsburg, Pa., wants a general agent
for this city and adjacent territory. The
opportunity Is a big one, consequently re
quires a high-class man for the position;
he must have the very best references and
business qualifications; insurance experi
ence preferred, but not absolutely neces
eary. Call at 208' Morgan bldg.. Monday
from 3 to 3.
WANTED Boy elevator and general hotel
work. Gordon Hotel. Phone Main 202.
WANTED Salesman. experienced cloaks
and suits. Worrell's, tfth and Alder sts.
Helo Vranied Agent.
GREATEST opportunity to become perma
nent representative largest manufacturers
high-grade soaps, toilet goods: sure, steady
income : $23-$73 weekly ; hundreds doing
it : unlimited possibilities; fastest sellers,
business good year round; particulars free.
Write today for immediate appointment.
E.M. Davis, president. 70-A Davis bldg.,
NEW. amazinir household invention ; 20th
century marvel; Robinson folding bathtub;
gives every home modern bathroom; no
pipes, no plumbing, no waterworks needed;
cannot leak, guaranteed 10 years. 'Took
8 orders yesterday, 40 profit," W. A.
Bachman. Kansas, said. Write me now.
H. S. Robinson, president. 603 Factories
bldg.. Toledo. O.
ATTENTION We will pay $1000 reward If
our home butter merger fails to merge
one pint of milk into one pound of butter
in two minutes, sweeter than creamery
butter; demonstrators and general agents
wanted ; salary or commission ; write for
illustrated circulars and adresses of 1000
. users; wonderful invention. Family Butter
Merger Co.. Washington, D. C.
YOU can have business of your own which
will net you $3000 per year. We manu
facture 400 standard household articles,
retailing from 23c to $kO. This means a
sale in everv home and It is not unusual
for our agents to clear $20 for a day's
work. American Aluminum Mfg. Co., (Est.
1S02). Div. 101, Lemont. III.
BIG TEXT I LE MILLS will employ every -v
where reliable people take orders dress
fabrics, hosiery, underwear, sweaters and
neckwear from samples; factor prices;
manv making over ?30 weekly; spare or
all time; no experience; permanent; credit
given. Steadfast Mill?. Dept. H10, Cohoei,
N. v
territory; new invention guaranteed by
reputable corporation, saving gsne to gwu
line users or money refunded; automobile,
motorboat. stationary engine owners buy
at first offering: territory going quickly.
r.j.K Saver Sales Co.. 1700 Broadway, New
I Ol K.
SLIDING CASTERS, necessity every home
child can attach; saves floors, carpets
fni-altimi! hotels, restaurants bur grosi
lots: cost r,c. sell 10c; agents making $25
to $100 ever week; samples tree. ti.
Slidlns Caster Co.. 10 CO State, New
York City.
AGENTS wanted :agcnta are coining money
selling our big LOG packages of M assort
ed postal cards; "5000 varieties," "big
profits"; sell everywhere at sight; sample
pacRage lOCi particulars ire.. nuui"
Card Co., l-'34 Van Buren St.. Chicago. III.
AGENTS sell rich-looking imported 36x6S
t-oo-D 1 ah farter Tern., sold 115 4
days, profit $57; you can do same. Write
sample offer selling plan; exclude wm
tory; sample rug parcel post prepaid 9s
cts. Kondon. importer. Stonlngtun. Me.
AGENTS, either sex In every state for our
special exclusively owned home product ;
no competition ; territory protected ; prof
its large ; valuable gift to every agent
joining given at once. Address Manufac
turer. 1SMJ4 Blake st.. Denver. Colo.
AGENTS Salary or commission; greatest
seller yet; every user pen and ink buys on
sight : 200 to f.00 per cent profit ; one
agent's sales $620 in six days; another $32
in 2 hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44, La
Crosse. Wis.
SALESMEN wanted by lace and embroidery
importers; must have established trade in
small towns; expenses advanced; samples
light. Merk Co., 410 Broadway, New
LADY AGENTS. 100 profit selling our
brand-new sanitary drawers; every lady
will buy; first time offered to agents; not
sold in stores: send Dostal for particulars
Moss Co.. 20 Moss bldg.. Rochester, N. Y.
hotcakes; biir profit, also big line quick
sellirg goods, nothing like them; parti
culars free. M. B. R. Mfgrs., 13 Water
St.. N. Y. r
IT costs us about $2 to secure your name
and ship sample machine, but It's a dead
sure way of convincing you we've best
household invention on earth. Quaker
Valley Co.. Aurora. 1
32.50 RAZOR free to hustlers; "try it be
fore you buy if plan sells Climax "Angle
Stroke" Razor Sharpener to every man ;
1509b Drofit. Write for territory, guaran.
j T A IT i mMm runtnn. O.
ELECTRIC SIGN, flashes changeable word
ing In radiant sparkling beams colored
electric light; outselling everything at $10;
valuable exclusive territory. Sample free.
Flushtric Sign Works. Chicago.
GENTS for our new 318 Electric Vacuum
Cleaner, lust out; easy seller; make from
S10-S15 a day; exclusive territory for this
and other electric specialties we mfg.
Dent. 2. Llndstrom. Smith Co., Chicago.
GENTS Sell guaranteed hosiery 70 pei
cent profit; make $10 dally; orders repeat
regularly; best agents' seller in existence.
International Mills. West Philadelphia, Pa.
BOTHs"xes We manufacture and control
fastest selling household article ever in
vented ; exclusive territory. Connolly, 12 J
Liberty st.. New York.
WANTED 2 agents to handle fast-selling
household necessities; good commission.
Address the Everett Company. 389 Haw
thorne ave.
PORTRAIT MEN Writs for new catalogue,
4-hour service on prints or flnisWed work.
Write Roberts, 1420 McGee, Kansas City,
VGENTS Men and women, new indispensa
ble desk novelty, nickel steel, sells on
sight large profit, samples 10c. Kut-No-Chek
Co.. 20 W. Jackson, Chicago.
COOi PROFIT; gold and silver sign letters
for store and office windows; anyone can
put on: write today free sample. Metal
lic Letter Co.. 437 N. Clark. Chicago.
SPLENDID line quick-selling specialties;
sell business men only; big profits, fersh-
in- Mfg. Co.. South Bend, Ind.
AGENTS learn about profits made supply
ing perfumes to families. Address Lef
fler & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ,
AGENTS If vou are looking for good, live
sellers, we have them. Write Leary Munro,
1219 Fillmore. San Francisco. Cal.
$4 TO 510 PER DAY
can now be made by an experienced sales
man. Call "3S Chamber of Commerce.
Help Wanted Sales-men.
SALESMAN wanted to sell our Spring dress
goods, novelties and white goods to re
tailers in small towns; attractive sideline;
liberal commission. Purnell Dale Mill.
Box 560, Philadelphia, Pa.
CALENDAR and novelty salesmen; our
new line of white enamel advertising
novelties have selling punch ; distinctive
ly clever, classy. Geo. W. Newton Co.,
Newton, la.
S LESM AN Capable specialty man, Ore
gon, sample line. ne . exceptional terms.
Vacancy now. Attractive commission con
tract. $35 weekly expenses. Miles F. Bixler
Co., 220-36 Cariln bldg.. Cleveland. O.
THREE first-class specialty salesmen to call
on hardware and general stores by an
old established mfg. concern. If you can
show a successful selling record, answer
giving refeiences. Lock box O, Lemont, 111.
LIVE men wanted at once for one of the
best selling propositions on the market.
Will give exclusive territory tvith oppor
tunity of putting out sub-agents. 1118
Spalding Bldg.
SALESMEN to sell our check protector; It
sells to every person w ho writes check;
circulars, information free: sample 25c.
Terry Mfg. Co.. 122 Colton bldg., Toledo. O.
SALESMAN: make $10 day aelling our
punch board assortments; good side line.
Address G. & M. Sales Co., 2950 Woodard
ave.. Chicago.
cTgAR salesmen wanted everywhere to car
ry line of cigars on the road; $25 per
week and expenses ; experience not ne
cessary. Union cigar co., York, Pa,
Help Wanted salesmen.
Originators of famous Kalamazoo Kal
endars, doing National business over 30
years, has opening in fortianu ana n
nuver for clean-cut salesman with educa
tion, good personality ; to begin work
Jan J or oeiore; we are extensive manu
facturer of copyright, exclusive adver
tising calendars, fans, pennants; we in
clude leather goods and specialties in line;
commissions liberal ; exclusive territory
assigned; great opportunity for huatlar
who means business, wants first-class
line. Write sales manager at once and in
close thia ad.
SIDE LINE salesmen to sell a busi
ness service for department and dry
' goods stores. Price $4.0O; commis
sion $2.00 on each sale; outfits free;
references required. George B. Hen
derson, 1182 Broadway, N. Y. City.
SALESMEN, permanent connection worth
$5000 to $7000 annually to producers who
are willing to work ten months In year;
line is strongly advertised best trade pa
pers, is sold to all classes of retail dealers
towns, smaller cities; old established
highly rated firm; do not answer this ad
unless willing to furnish references and
small bond. Dept. A. O., 401 Keener bldg.,
PRODUCER, with retail grocery experi
ence preferable, to sell our Cash Credit
System; indorsed by PROMINENT MER
men run as high ss S-00 week above ex
penses , one man's gross earnings orders
reported during li days past reached $97$.
J. A. Kidwell. president, Dayton, O
STOCK SALESMAN We have a splendid
openlnr for a high-class man, with large
experience and established record as a
successful stock salesman, to take charge
of the states of Washington and Oregon.
High -class proposition. We furnish leads
and circularize. Give full particulars with
references. Address Post office Box -05.
Pittsburg. Pa.
SUCCESSFUL salesmen working imtU
towns, increase earnings spare time by
placing our punch board assortments. We
guarantee merchants sales; can use only
men now employed as salesmen, cspablc
of earning $50 per week; state territory.
See our Dunn and Bradstreet rating, also
rating of those who copy our ad and
plans. Devon Mfg. Co.. Chicago.
SIX men for Oct. 1, outsfde of Portland;
$150 to $250 monthly; we pay every Thurs
day; no samples, no seLllug or collecting:
simply determination to work; such full
instructions furnished that success l as
sured. Write and secure splendid income.
L. V. Brown, sect'y. 5S6 Schwind bldg.,
Dayton, O
SALEMEN Exclusive territory, sell direct to
auto owners. For UH suo- aroureior. posi
tively saves 20 to 50 per cent of gaso
line; sold on money -back guarantee ; con
trivance prohibits formation of carbon,
facilitates starting, lasts lifetime; used by
Sears-Roebuck. Marshall-Field and oth
ers. Price $15; big commissions. Ford Lin
coln Co.. 208 West Adams. Chicago.
SALESMEN making small towns, should
carry our fast selling pocket side line;
special sales plan allowing return unsold
goods makes quick, easy sales; $5 com
mission each order; $. to $15 dally profit
for full time; something new. Write for
outfit today. Canfield Mfg. Co., 0S Slget.
Chicago, III.
CAN-use several ambitions, energetic sales
men; most attractive land and orchard
proposition ever offered; selling rapidly
and giving complete satisfaction : leads
furnished ; one salesman earned $300 in
two weeks. Address Frank R. Adcock,
seo' y . 101 N. Y. LI f e, Kansas City, Mo.
SALESMAN experienced any line to sell gen
eral trade Pacific territory ; unexcelled spe
cialty proposition; commission contract; $35
weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry
Co., 98-30 Continental building. Cleve
land, O.
SALESMAN for thli season and next; com
plete line calendars, leather guods, nov
elties; can deliver import calendars this
season:', liberal commission. Cincinnati
Specialty Advertising Co., CInrlnnatl.
EXPERIENCED, capable salesman, travel
old established house with line that sells
to practically all classes of merchants;
high commissions, with weekly advance,
to right man. D. W. Barrows. Detroit,
FIRST-CLASS salesman for permanent posi
tion with large established institution. See
Mr. Proctor Tuesday, 10 to 2, 702 Spald
ing bldg.
MANUFACTURER require permanent rep
resentatives for newly patented demand
of centuries; a proven success; demon
stration convinces: possible earnings un
limited. Samuel C. Osborne, Masonic Tem
ple. Chicago.
SALESMEN or ex-merchants sell retailers
highclass specialty. Tairly "bristles' with
merit; permanent connection, responsible
firm; commission contract; paiu weeing ,
good for $300 to $500 month. O. J. Ringle,
Station C. Cleveland, O.
SEND us your name and adress for full In
formation of proposition that will make
money for energetic agent. Western Service
Co., box 127. Spokane, Wash.
SALESMEN anxious to carry quick selling
aids line of punch board deals paying
big commissions: give full information;
references. Washington Sales Co., Chicago.
WANTED Girl to work for board and go
to school. Inquire 1213 Hazelfern Place,
Laurelhurst. B 283G. . fc
20 WOMEN agents, good selling article.
Call between 12 and 6 Monday, 10 9th st.
North, apt. 3.
WANTED Experienced nurse girl to take
care of baby and small child. Good wages.
Main 4707.
WANTED An elderly woman to attend old
lady at night for a good home. Phone
Tabor 24U2.
FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay
while learning. 414, Dekum bldg. Sani
tary Parlors.
WANTED 5 girls to work at Fair Grounds,
Vancouver, Wash. Apply grandstand con
Washington bldg., 270 H Washington, room
35. near 4th. Phone Main SS36 or A 32fr..
2 LADY solicitors; pleasant work; good
commission ; permanent position to right
party. Apply to 12. 418 Mohawk bldg.
RELIABLE woman for pleasant farm home.
Benton County; all adults; must ask reas
onable wages. AD 230, Oregonian.
WANTED Competent girl for cooking and
general housework In small family. Main
GIRL for general housework and cooking,
small family. 584 E. 10th st. N., near
Knott st. Phone East 1S30.
ACCOMPANIST wanted, prefermbly one de
siring vocal lessons, u. naywoga winters.
Telephone Main 0641
WANTED Experienced cook; references
required. Call Main 190, mornings after
WANTED Girl, high school or business col
lege student. 804 Clackamas. Apply Mon
day. BRIGHT young girl as apprentice In work
room of corset parlors ; must know How
to sew. 141 Ilth st.
OLD established Arm needs reliable woman
over 23 for, position of trust. AO 22tf.
instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book
keep i n g. -404CoTnmonwealth
WANTED 5 dictaphone operators and sten
ograph ers30lNorthwsjtem
WAIST finishers, experienced only ; must
have long shop experience. -t.i-t aiorrisun.
GIRL to asBlst with housework in exchange
- . J ,. , o- Phnn C ""HQ
TWO women to work in camp. Phont
Main 4963.
TWO women cooks, boarding, cars or camp.
Phone Marshall 706.
TOTTNG girl to assist with housework; good
home: io a montn. -none -i...
STEADY and reliable girl for general house,
work and cooking. Marshal) 2215.
GERM N -or Swedish girl wanted for gen-
t, nnr rail at 345 E. 37th.
HIGH school girl: small family; good home.
Phone East
WANTED Experienced salesladies for
coats and suits. 75 Wash, st.
GIRL For general
Woodlawn i--
WANTED Girl help night and morning in
a private boarding-house. 315 Morrison.
DRESSMAKING at home or out by day.
Main a .o...
fTmILV returning from Beach wishes good
girl for housework, r-ali M ssag.
HOUSEKEEPER for small family; no ob
jection small child. WB E. Sth st. N.
GIRL for general housework. Telephone
Tabor 3421.
WOMAN to work in boarding-house. 221
Grand ave. South.
GIRL wanted for general housework. 730
GIRL for general housework, small family,
g pod wagt-s. -'BQ i 1 1 .amooK t-t.
WANTED First-class family cook; wages
$40. St. Louis Agency, a 7173. Main 2031.
GIRL for general housework. Marshall 11.
QIRL wautsd for general housework. 580 -d.
LADY barber wanted, 285 Vt Burnside st.
Cook, out, $40 month.
Cook, out, $U5 month.
Housekeeper, out. $25 month
Waitress, out. $5 week, room and board.
General work. $20 to $30.
Ladies' Dept. 265 Morrison St.
STENOGRAPHER out). onethat can sing
preferred. 40. room and board; checker.
$00 and board: waitress, $30; 2 waitresses
i out ). $2 day ; cafeteria waitress, $7 w k .
kitchen helper. $23. restaurant cook. $1V
wk. Hansen's Emp t Office, 343 H Wash
ington st.. room
A RARE opportunity ; make comfortable
living home sewing plain cloth seams;
stesdy; no canvassing; any sewing ma
chine . no triflers reply; send 10c post
age, samples, etc. Returned if not satis
factory. Home Sewers Co., Jobbers sewing,
Reboboth. Delaware.
I. A nv renresentatlve. whole or Dart time
famous "KNITTOP" form fitting and silk
petticoats, guaranteed; to Slo unity,
sell on sight; exclusive territory; no
"dealer" competition, apelman Co.,
dept. Yl. 237 So. Market, Chicago.
MUNICIPAL Bure.u for Protection of Wom
en is now located at room 303 new Police
Headquarters. Information, protection or
assistance given to women and girls. In
terviews confrdentlal.
WOMEN Sell guaranteed hosiery to friends,
neighbors and general wearers; 70 per
cent profit; make $10 dally; experience
unnecessary. International Mills, West
Ph;Iadelphla, Pa.
WANTED Young ladles with good voices
to be trained for cafe and vaudevil.e
work; no churge; opening engagement
September 2S. Oregon Conservatory of
M HMO, :!..-'.. Wasftltislon. i or. prustqwmj
WANTED Family of two with baby want
goou gun roc general nuuirwm
with all modern conveniences. 40 miles
from Portland. . W.; if as 135. Must have
local references. PlsMM Tabor 17M.
Ct.ERKS for Baker and Pendleton; must
have general drygooda experience. Call
at Oregon Hotel Sunday afternoon be
tween 3 and 5 or Monday morning. 8 and
:3o. The Stores Co.
WANTED Respectable woman, age 36 or
40, to do chamber work and assist with
housework for room, bosrd and some
wages; give phone number. AK 230, Ore-
WANTED Experienced girl for general
..,..,!.... Mt Or. si modern con
veniences; good wages and permanent pos
ition to right party; fort-lgner preferred;
references. Mrs. C. S. Hudson. Bend, Or.
FIVI3 brisjn"tT capable ladles to travel.
call !r - S '-. to S50
per week ; railroad fare paid. Goodrich
Drug Co.. Dept. 37'.. Omaha, Neb.
LADIES. $12 weekly, making plain aprons
at home; no canvassing; we pay i
tlculsrs and full-slsed apron for 25c sil
ver. Cook Supply Co.. Kokumo, Ind.
ANYONE write photo plas. $100 paid; no
correspondence course or experience neces
sary; detals free. Movies Authors Co.,
710 Walton ave., St. Louis.
GIRL between 10 and 14 years who desires
a good home, her work 10 pay for Mtfi
clothes and schooling. Address box 11..
Ectacada. Or.
REFINED young lady pianist for road
show, good compnny. long engagement, ap
ply Palace Hotel, room 32o, Moaday, be-
rr in i a i
WANTED Experienced girl for general
hull ho w ork: German preferred; 2 adults
and 2 children in family, local references
COMPETENT saleswomen, thoroughly ex
perienced In art needle work, gloves and
notions: none but experienced need apply.
Roberts Brus.. 3d and Morrison.
W ANTED Girl to help young nisi Tied
couple in exchange for room and bosrd;
girl attending school preferred. Heed Col
lege district. O 232. urcgtmlan
EN PER I EN' ED girl to accompany family
of 4 to Lewlston. Idaho for Winter house
with modern conveniences. Phono Mai -shall
4S70. 379 N. 31st st. j
WRIT!-: moving-picture plays: $30 each; all
or spare time ; no correspondence course ;
details free. Atlas publishing ' C 42, Cin
cinnati, O.
WANTED Exp. lady aollcltor, salary, com.
mission: good proposition right usrty. Ap
ply room 35, Washington bldg, 270 H
GIRL, about 20, to run amusement game
at fair; state any experience.
Longuet. Molalla. Or.
A FIRST-CLASS pants finisher; if not first
class need not apply. SN Wash. st. Mac-
leay bldg.. room 413.
WANTED Experienced waitresses at th
Virginia uiu noui, a "
A tio -a.
7 K K money writing stories or articles;
Mr pa : free booklet tells how. Address
United "Press Syndicate. Han Francisco.
WAICTKD Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Company, 421
Plttock block. 383 Washington.
COOKS, cafeteria and hotel waitresses, fam
ily help. Howe's Agency. 35 270Vs Wash
WANTED Young or middle-aged man and
wife to run suburban ranch ; must thor
oughly understand care of fruit trees and
farming la general; submit references;
German family preferred. N 227, Ore-
WANTED Experienced moving picture
pianist; give phone number. BD 228.
Li rag oman
TEACHERS wanted; principals, specialists,
grade; half-rate enrollment; state quall-
PUPILS for dramatic work, ataglng. stage
dancing. 400 Stearna Bldff.
HAVE good side line for aolicltors going
out of city. 43S Worcester bldg.
Fisk Teachers' Agency secures positions for
teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4835
BUSINESS training. 504 Empress bldg., cor.
Broadway and Yamhill st. Stenography,
touch typewriting, speed dictating, book
keeping, general office training; personal
instruction; positions furnished when com
WE TEACH practically, with actual ma
chinery In operation, electrical, gaa and
Bteam engineering, machine shop work
and automobile repairing. Send for new
catalogue. Seattle Engineering School. 10o
to 110 West Roy street. Seattle.
THOUSANDS Government Jobs open to
men and women yearly; $ to $130 per
month- common education sufficient.
Write immediately for list of positions
open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 34V R.
Rochester. N. Y.
you the trade in S weeks; scalp and face
massago a specialty; tools free; positions
guaranteed; pay while learning, tuition
reduced. IBS Madison St.
and women to learn the trade In 8 weeks:
clean work, percentage paid while learn
ing tools free; scalp and face massace s
p eclalt ; send for free catalogue. 48 N. 2d.
WANTED Manager for branch lumber
yard who will invest S2000 In the capital
stock; good salary; investment guaran
teed. Address 400 Yorkshire bldg., Van
couver, B. C.
DO easy, pleasant coloring work home; good
pay no canvassing; no experience re
quired Illustrated particulars free. Help
ing nann oiui. .
LDIES make shields home. $10 100; work
sent prepaid to reliable women ; particu
lars for stamped addressed envelope. Eu
reka Co Dept. 110 B, Kalamaaoo, Mich.
RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. clerks, carriers-
exam, soon; parcel post demamls
many more clerks; act at once. Pacific
ritstes School, McKay bldg.. city.
IK YOU want to make money or sdd to your
recular income, send name and addresa
on P. C. Address P. O. Box 3003. Sta
tion B. city
GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get.
Mv free booklet. Y-3. tells how. Write
today now. Earl Hopkins, Washington.
D. t
PREP 4.RE to be firemen, brskemsn ; esm
$ 10 month ly ; send age, postage. Rail
way Educational Association, care Ore
WK. 333 OAK.
BtJTABLlSH your own business. We teach
Maurtne beauty culture and help finance
you in establishing a beauty shop in your
town. The Maurlne. ."14 Ablngton bldg.
WATCHES cleaned 75c. mainsprings Ms,
work guaranteed. Jio Commonwealth
glfl g.. em mo
LADIES for home work; nothing to sell
JOC an HOUr RU.tllHcru. buiucumh! u nr.
Rankin sV Dodeon. 001 Elm, Hillsdale. Ph.
MAKE MONEY Start your own candy busi
ness at home. Particulars 2-cent stamp.
Turner A Co.. Hotel Edwards.
ONE or two pupils (mentslly defective) for
private institution, by competent teacher.
A 289. Oregonlan
W NTED Names of men. II to ..j, wish
ing to be railway postal clerks; $75
month AV 54s. Oregonlan.
instruction. GREOO SHORTHAND, book
keep 1 n g . 404 Cnrnmoriwelthbd
21 14TH ST. M. :!og3. EXP. INSTRUCTS.
LEARN moving picture operating; terms
reasons ble; steady work. 'JUG '2d st.
EXPERT masseuse and hydrot hi-rapist ; ap
po 1 n tments at home. Phone B -'759.
LEARN to drive an auto: expert Instructor
be 10th su Phone Marshall 4v0.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving en up-to-date
cars, electric, civil engineering,
surveying; methods moat practical; raotn
and board while learning; position se
cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catslogu
free. National School of Engineering, 211"
W. Tth st.. Loa Angaltt, Cat.
LEARN to write advertising; big demand
for experts; 0 months' course; low cost,
only school of its kind in the West
course by practical man; get a start now.
Write for information. Pacific Advertis
ing School ail) Marsh-Strong bldg.. Lot
A u geles. Cal.
SALESMEN, txperience unnecessary; easy
work, big pay; write largo list openingx
offering opportunities esrn $! to $&vo
month while you learn Addresa Bcareri
office. Dept. 311. National Salesman
Training Association. Chicago, New York.
Ksnsas City. San Francisco.
OOVERNMKNT positions, poaiofflce. rail
way snail, other branches are good: pre
pare Txams" former XJ. S. Civil Service
aecretarv-eamlner. Booklet Ills free.
Write today. Patterson Civil Hervle
School. Rochester. N. Y.
DO you want another $2 dally? No expen
ence. constant spare tlrtic work kn'ttln
hosiery : machines furnlahed on contract,
we take product. Helping Hand Store
( Inc. . Chicago.
B kkecpers M !
YOUNG married man dealras position with
reliable concern where pennsneuv and
future will be the reward for diligent, effi
cient services; until recently manager of
lumber office, bookkeeper, stenographer,
buying and selling experience; host of raf
creucds; salary second couslderatlon. AM
ST. Oregonlan. .
WBLL-KDl'CATED msn. 4U wants posi
tion as office manager or accountant; leav.
ing position as manager because vtoe-president
assumes duties to reduce expense-,
will take position anywhere in Oregon or
Washington. postofllce Boa 116, Port
land. Phone C l$0a.
GOOD business man of character, with
$10,000 for Investment ss needao, may
make desirable and profit able OMMI N
w 1th hMlr luterrat and control of mone.
V .'15. Oregonlan.
BOOKKEEPER. ?S. dealres position la or
ojt of town, general office man, 13 years'
experience, good at figures, rood penman.
can furnish best references. AK 21i, Ore
gonlan. M A N . sge n years, wants position as clerk
In store, good reference, 7 yeara' experi
ence: la1 15 months being first nisnag r
of general merchandise store. Address K
Dug Kan. 17.1 Ess t J Id St.
YOl'NO man. married, credit experience,
general office work or anything whrs
honent, ioni leutious work is appreciated.
AO 211. Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT wlshea position requiring
young man experienced In buying, soil -Ing.
mansKlna. A-l referencea and bond
AO 22s. oreg;ontati.
BT m keep vour hooks nudlt your ac
count i evenings or one or two days a
week ; expert services for little mone ,
Phone Knst 14.
POSITION by thoroughly experienced gen
eral merchandise and clothing man; speski
Herman; best references; country pre
fcrred. AR r : Oregonlan.
WANTED Position, grocery clerk ; live
years experlenv e; man of cod hsblt ;
good reference. Phone Main 1349 or A
i ;!.
YOU NO msn wishes position a office keeper
a couple of hours a day. Marshall
A iitiii l..n..t-- Si M V iluirf
ACCOUNTANT w ants evening work on aniaU
! of '-.-out, t AK 22T. Oresonlan.
MAN and wife without children wish oal
tloita on ranch ; can superintend and op
eruie same; bust of reference. G 21ET. Ore
gon i . n.
WANTKT Work to do with good ."-paaa.
car wliii delivery attachment or for pne
sengera. Address Box :U7, Lents. Or. It.
D. No. J.
KNPKRIENCKD grocerman ( 7 years), tft
years of age. wants position, best of ref
erences; well acquainted with the city.
AddresH J. II. Si.. -141 Palling at.
WANT D Otoi horns In Highland School
district for good bo), aged 14: willing
to work around house. Adir.- Bafl 1 wttk
Dillon. Or.
UNIVERSITY graduate, handles Spanish
correspondence, desires position where
brstn and ability count. Address X 33$.
Oregonlan. .
M A It Rl ED man with tranalt and level ex
perience would Ilka poattton with build
ing contractor, or an other kind of work.
Y 2!8. Oregonlan.
EASTERN middle-aged man, good charae
ter. would Uka place on nice widow s
ranch or Janitor hi rooming-house. Y 231.
Oregonlan. ,
PAINTER, good hand, has a family, wants
work; good references. AH ... '. Orego
nlan. J APA N ESE couple wish position; man ex
perienced cook, wira will oo noiiaeworH enu
wait on table. Y 229. Oregonlan.
WANTED Farm work by man and Ife.
experienced; might consider place In ctt
AK 220. Oregonlaiu
EXPERT shlngier wanta to repair or re
shtngle old roofs; tin guttera put in; as
tlmates free. 09 B. Oth at.
POSITION wanted b . man with family toj
take charge of dairy, either on sharca or
ealary; experience. Tabor :tMV
JAPANESE wants position as cook ; good
experience. T. Hhlnuxu, 23 Park st. North.
BUNGALOWS repainted. $X"p up; tinting.
$2.50. Day work. $3.25 per daj. Have all
tools. P 205. Oregonlan.
SITUATION as manager ot ranch, stock pre
ferred ; A 1 farmer . best referencea. or
227, Oregonlan.
WELL-EDUCATED, energetic German, mar
rled. 28, wants position. AO 243, Orego
nlan. PRINTER Steady, saber and who knows
the business, wants steady situation on
country weekly. AO 242. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED orcrfcrdlst lanes charge
of f'ult ranch; Al references. BK 22. Ore
gonisn. A mTiui7l: AGED nisii wants to loos after
furnace or Janitor work ; small ages.
Marshall 4040. Mr. Burton.
HANDY with tools and a practical work
man wishes position In city or country;
board and room. AM 231. Oregonlan.
COLLLTlNQ By middle-aged man; re
liable; aalary no object. AF 2H. Ore
gonlan. i
JAPANESE bov wants general housework,
hotel or saloon, porter or dishwashing.
Call 56 sth st. North.
EXPKHIENCKl) druggist desires position,
wanes reasonable; country. W. L. Pearson.
Jefferson. Or.
A-"fireman or Janitor. I years in last place.
;is. married, can furnish references. Al
22T, Oregonlan.
FIRSTCLAB8 plumber, capable of tnkins
charge, wants Job In country. Arttlrec
M. Cotter. 380 N. IsHh St. Marshall Ift.Vi.
COOK, city or out. capable to manage, so -ber.
reliable, reference. 22tl Madison,
Room 210. Main bOfia.
RELIABLE man wants employment In
warehouac, yard or similar; competent "
take charge K. C. White. 535 Hauler
JANITOR desire position ; understands
steam heating, some plumbing, electricity.
AL ill. Oregonlan
BOY 16 wants work before and after school
hours U exchange for board and room.
Phone E. 110.
MAN and wlfe nrst-clasa rook and waitress,
want position In commercial hotel. Y
0 regoniaa.
GENERAL all-round handy man wishes po
sition In country or city t board ana1
roomi. moderate wage. N 2., Oregonlan.
MAN B wanta position ; not afraid of
work; buslneea ability. AO 23$, org
WANTED Position as horseshoer or blaak
smlth apprentice Apply 1. Benn. 232 Kiwi
GARDENER and caretaker wishes situation
In private family ; bast of references.
Gardener. 251 10th at.
MAN and" wife wloh position on ranch, ran
furnish beat of references. AO Sis, Or"
YOUNG man and wife wish Janitor woik
In apartment-houae. N 334. Oregonian
EXPERIENCED collector want work with
some reliable bouae. V 225, regoniun.
EXPERIENCED elevator man wants place
W. C. Orr, !H4 Yamhill. Mam ITU.
WA NT ED - La wn work, odd aba, lot clear
ing. J. B. Kennedy. Hell wood -Sit.
MILKER, experienced, wishes to handle M
cowa. BC 227. Oregonlan.
MILKER slid barnman open for position.
BC 22S. oregonlan.
MOTION picture operator. 10 yeara' experi
ence, desires position. Tabor t!72.
MN with injured fingers wants work put
tins fn wood. etc. Main 717.
WANTED position as carpenter help. Mala
717. A 1517.
OFFICE work by high school graduate. BD
SM. Oregonlan.
MOTION - PI' TI'RB operator wanta position
In or out of city. C 233, oregonlan.
YOI NO man wnnts pWUM driving private
car. Phone Tabor 135J.
yorxo msn with motorcycle wants work.
Eaat 3&I.
sTHONG. wIIMiij. boy. out of school, wanta
gsn klnil of ork. Main tl7.
HuNKT. Indusfrl js and capable couple