The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 02, 1914, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 38

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BREAKERS. Wah., Aug. 1. (Spe
cial. With many new arrival
the last week, the Breakers has
been the scene of much gaiety and life.
A hugre driftwood bonfire Monday
night afforded the guests of the hotel
a pleasant evening on the beach. Mu
sic and refreshments added much" to
the occasion. a
Crabbing was enjoyed by many of
the visitors the first two mornings of
the week In the large crab hole Just
In front of the Breakers. It was esti
mated that at least 1000 crabs were
taken from this single hole, the big
best catch ever reported on the beach.
Frank S. Dietrich, of Boise. Federal
Judge of Idaho, joined his family
Thursday for a two weeks' visit at
the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. ! . Mayer and son. of
Portland, arrived at the Breakers Fri
day for a two weeks' sojourn.
Mrs. J. Shemanskl and two charming
daughters are recent arrivals at the
hotel. They plan to remain for a
Benjamin B. Chambers, of Chambers
burg. Pa., registered at the Breakers
Mrs. J. E. Richardson visited here
over Sunday as guest of the Misses
v Dr.rf rr wininm Kittle 'Wells
and two children are stopping here
lor tne summer.
A. Bush, Jr., of Salem, spent the
w-ek-end with hi family here.
From Forest Grove, Or., came Jose
phine Ward, Emma Craft and Edith
Craft for the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Plimpton and
Mr. and Mrs. F. I). Thielsen, of Salem,
were guests of Mrs A. Bush, Jr., for
two days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Nason, of Port
land, are at the Breakers Hotel.
Church Entertainment Is Xotnble
Affair of Week at Resort.
LONG BEACH. Wash.. Aug. L (Spe
cial.) One of the biggest and most
notable events of the present season
at this resort was the bazaar and din
ner given Tuesday afternoon and even
ing by the Ladies' Union Aid Society
of the Presbyterian Church, of North
The bazaar was held in the society's
new rest and reading-room on the
beach. It proved to be a huge success
from a social standpoint as well as
financially. The proceds will be used
to liquidate the debts of the rest
room, which is a new branch of the
society's work. In the evening an
elaborate and Interesting programme
was given in collection with the mo
tion pictures at the Pastime Theater.
The programme was as follows: Read
ing, by Rev. Mr. Bates and Miss
Schloppe: vocal selections, by Miss
Edna Kindred. Reese Williams, Law
rence Dlneen. Miss Elolne Gooley, Miss
Vera Venable. Miss Soule, Mr. Round,
Mrs. Cumming and Mrs. Hammond.
Miss Beatrice Lash contributed to the
affair with several violin solos, ac
companied by Mrs. Joseph F. Qreggs,
of Tacoma. Miss Stevens also gave in
stumental selections.
The members of the reception com
mittee for .the afternoon were Mrs.
W. B. Murdock. Mrs. B. A. Chambreau
and Mrs. N. Pope.
Stationed at the punch table, placed
In a bower of the society's colors, yel
low and white, which predominated
throughout the room, were Mrs. L. C.
Davison and Miss Lulu Martin. The
flower-booth, one of the prettiest cor
ners of the room, was presided over
by Mrs. J. J. Campbell, assisted by
the Misses Baker and Lollta Tinker.
Dr. Belle MacDonald. of New York
Pity, had charge of the preserved fruit
table and also arranged the "postof
flce" game, which was a delightful
part of the affair. Mrs. H. E. Deputy
was particularly active on the enter
tainment committee, of which she was
The fancy-work booth, one of the
most atractive features of the bazaar,
with many handsome articles of hand
work contributed by Interested co
workers, was in charge of Mrs. Ralph
Pogue and Mrs. George W. Veager.
A distinguished patron of the bazaar
was Mrs. Alfred Wilson, of Portland,
a cousin of President Wilson. Mrs.
Wilson is passing the Summer with
friends in Beach Center.
Rev. O. S. Barnhara. rector of the
Presbyterian Church, was another of
the interesting visitors at the sale. A
dinner was served from 5 o'clock until
7 o'clock.
Mrs. Beatrice Barlow-Dierke. pian
ist, of Portland, with her husband. Is
passing a fortnight at Hotel Portland
on the beach.
Maurice Dooley was a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur M. Mears last week.
Professor Stanley, of the Woodlawn
School, and Mrs. Stanley are domiciled
in the Doyle cottage.
Mrs. J. F. Stack, and family, of
Walla Walla, are recent arrivals and
are occupying a cottage for the Sum
mer. Mrs. Clarence Peters is another of
the week's arrivals, who will pass the
balance of the Summer In a beach cot
tage. A pretty little cottage houses the
family of Isaac Gratton for the season.
Mrs. Florence West and children are
domiciled. In a pretty cottage in Tioga
for the Summer.
Miss Katherine Hart, of Portland,
passed through Long Beach Tuesday on
her way to Tokeland to join friends.
In the Sperry cottage the family of
H. C. Flint Is enjoying beach life.
H. C. Webber aud family are now in
the cottage colony at Ocean Park.
The Beck cottage has been opened
by the W. G. Beck family, who will re
main for the season.
S. Baum and family are sojourning in
one of J. M. Arthur's cottages.
Another recent arrival to Join the
cottage colony Is Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
Barnett anil family.
Misses Mabel D. Hall and Ethel
Moore are at Driftwood cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Tilley are
at Driftwood cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mann and
Maurice R Mann are passing a few
days at the Driftwood.
t- , t.-'.., ., Mrle C:ise Ira
Hulinir Charles W. Barr. H. A. Sh'awk,
S1SS r.lltt reeaiy anu .(itiiice - . ... . .
Jke among the week's arrivals at tne
iVf.twood cottage.
ami Mrs. Joseph F. Griggs, of
Tat ma, are passing a few weeks in
Loni,4 Beach, where the doctor is en
joy ;l vacation.
Mr F. L. Lash and daughter. Miss
Beatrice Lash, have joined the happy
family at Driftwood cottage.
- - . ... i .i-n i-. 1 l.vnnN
"C. It. ' v .ill -.... . j ...
are also visiting in i-uns oent".
A,)"'her addition to Long Beach's
cottue colony is W. H. Ferris and fam
ilv who arrived early in the week
anil will remain until the end of the
season. - ""
P. E. Brigham, of .Portland. Is visit
ing his daughter. Mrs. Norris B. Gregg,
at her cottage In Tioga.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Dineen have
opened their cottage on the track for
the season.
Miss Gladys Murphy and J. E.
Klesendahl are house guests of the J.
W. Blakes In Blake Forest.
Dr. C. R. Templeton and family are
domiciled In a cottage at Newton Sta
tion. A cosy cottage near Newton houses
Mis. J. Gansneder and family and their
Many New Arrivals Add to Gaiety of Beach
i r . . , -ii : -iB raHsanHUh., i
guests, Mrs. Hoyt Lesher, the former's
sister, and Mrs. rl. u. Anderson auu
daughter, Cleo. of Kent. Wash.
Merle Rouselout Is visiting li-ienus
In Long Beach.
ir .lames Henrv are so
journing in a comfortable cottage for
a short time.
Mrs. E. E. Tuggle and family are es
tablished in a cottage at Long Beach.
Vincent O'Hare Is passing a ween, at
his mother's cottage. Point Loma.
"Pat" Hughes and family are rest
ing at the family cottage above New
ton's. Mr. and Mrs. R. MacLeod are among
th.. week's arrivals who are to pass
the Summer here in a cottage.
Week Sees New Arrivals Added to
Cottage Colony at Resort.
HKAC!H CENTEK. Wash.. Aug. 1.
fRMSlall) Mrs. William R. Ladd and
children. Misses Lois, Jane. Esther and
Billy, who have been passing several
week's in their pretty Summer home,
returned to Portland Friday.
Mrs. Ethel V liitmer alio jonn iverr
. ...-k -. n. i visitors of the for
mer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. James
Mrs. H. J. Kelly and sister are domi
ciled in tlieir cottage for a month.
Summering in tne anits Dungaiow
v'STjiwKEBBHBHB :aeggg EM I
on the boulevard are ex-Councilman
Monks and Mrs. Monks and daughter,
Eileen, and the I. J- Gordons and chil
dren. Dorrls, Lee and Richard.
Miss Grace Bingham arrived Tues -day
to pass the month with her
parents here at Shelburne Hotel.
A simple wedding was solemnized
Friday, July 24, in the Catholic Church,
"Star of the Sea." when Miss Josephine
Cox, of Vancouver. Wash., became the
bride of Sergeant Ray E. Vail. I'nited
States Army, stationed at Fort Colum
bia. They left for a brief wedding
trip to Portland. Rev. George Sturla
Father Skelly. of the Holy Kosary
Church, in Portland, has taken the
place of Father Sturla, who was in
charge of the little chape: for three
WJIrs. B. Gildner is visiting the W. J.
Corcorans for a short time.
Mrs. Thomas H. Talbottand two small
daughters, the Misses Elizabeth and
Katherine, are occupying the Ditch
burn cottage for the Summer at Shel
burne station.
Bob McMurray passed the week-end
as the guest of the W. P. Adams fam
ily in their cottage.
Edward Shea is visiting Frank Kier
nan. Jr.
Mr and Mrs. A. H. Kerr, John A. and
A. W. Kerr are sojourning at Hotel
Sunset. '' ,
Miss Lois Ladd returned to Beach
Cnter Tuesday, after, a delightful visit
Life-Party Catches 1000
. -..
with friends in Gearhart and Seaside,
Surfing.'' Bonfires, Miotor Parties
and Diincing Popular Frolics.
GEARHART, Or.. Aug. 1. (Special.)
Bonfires', motor parties, dances and
dinner parties have filled the week.
Occasionally there is a swimming ex
hibition with fancy high diving, and
groups of friends wake up parties to
go "surfing" daily. Horseback riding
forms a big part of the day's schedule.
A Jolly afrair was the bonfire ar
ranged by Mrs. Oscar Menefee, Mrs. J.
D. Honeyman and Frank Steele on
Sunday evening on the point near the
mouth of Necanicum River. Dozens
of the younger set toasted marshmal
lows, sang songs and had a generally
good time.
Kurt Koehler passed Sunday with
his fiancee. Miss Dorothy Huber.
Dr. and Mrs. George A. Marshall and
children arrived last week to occupy
their cottajje. -
Mrs. Walter M. Cook and children.
Margaret and Betty, are domiciled in
Hotel Gearhart.
Mrs. Guy W. Talbot was hostesB for
a merry picnic on Elk Creek on Fri
day for about a dozen little children.
She was assisted by Mrs. A. M. Harra-
Crabs From Big Hole Just in
jj 'g
r r r-.
don. Mrs. Jiimes A
A1I 0rtrnrle Talbot
Dougherty and
i- u.- . , . :r..l;.. Hcc'omnanied
navi,i T Hnnvman and Chester G.
Murphy, motored from Portland Fri
day. Miss Jean Morrison passed the week
with Mrs. Joseph Wiley, attending to
the opening of a cottage In the meadow
for her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Jenkins and
Miss Mabel Norris were house guests
of Mrs. F. G. Buffum during the week.
Mrs. R. Lea Barnes came down on
Saturday to visit Mrs. Buffum and
Mrs. Sarah Forbes. .
John Kiernan passed a few days
visiting his daughter, Mrs. Russell B.
Mrs. F. C. Malpas and daughter. Miss
Ethel, are at Hotel Gearhart.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur arrived
on Saturday to pass the week-end with
Mrs. Martin Gay Lombard. Jordan Zan
was also a guest of the Lombards.
Mrs. L. H. Tongue Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. G. Lombard.
Mrs. Jay J. Morrow and small daugh
ter, Lucretla. are visiting Mrs. Oscar
Menefee. Major Morrow passed the
week end with them. Mrs. Morrow
will visit Mrs. James D. Honeyman be
fore returning to Portland.
General J. G. Butler, United States
fUtny, is at Hotel Gearhart.
Mrs. Bert Mackay is visiting Mrs.
C. Edward Grelle. Mrs. Grelle's father,
James Henry, of California, is hr
Miss Lois Ladd was a guest of Misses
Alice and Myrtle Gram over the week
enMrB. Jack Williams, of The .Dalles,
Front of Resort
Is visiting her sister-in-law Mrs.
George A. Marshall.
William Mackenzie and family ar
rived Monday.
Miss Gladys Lang arrived on Satur
day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jonah B. Wise.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Lyons and
daughter Jean are at Hotel GearhaTt.
Mrs. John K. Kollock entertained
Tuesday afternoon in honor of her
little daughter with a dainty tea
party. James A. Dougherty was among the
week-end visitors in Gearhart.
Carroll Dunning was a week-end
visitor at Gearhart with the Langs.
Mr. and Mrs. Starr were week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cooke.
The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion held their usual campfire meet
ing near the mouth of Necanicum
River on Sunday evening. An unusual
ly large number of Summer visitors at
tended and joined in the prayers and
A. H. Harding and family arrived
here recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Llppett and
daughter Judith are at Hotel Gearhart.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Saunders are here
Tor the season.
Mrs. Julius Loulsson and house-guest
Roscoe Nelson passed Monday In Gear
hart. William Kettenbch. of Lewiston.
Idaho, passed a fe days in Gearhart
at the hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cotner Mason
and son Henry Mason urrived Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Mayer are visit
ing their daughter and family. Mia
Julius L. Meier, at Hotel Gearhart.
Lawrence Holman and David Jordan
passed Sunday In Gearhart.
R. Koehler passed Tuesday at Gear
hart Hotel.
Thales Llnthlcum was a house guest
of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davis, Jr.. over
the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunt Lewis were
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. David
T. Honeyman.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Silverfleld were at
the beach on Sunday.
A party of friends Including Mrs. R.
F. Lytle. Doris Lytle. Miss Edith Pra
ter. Miss Phoebe Purker, of Tacoma;
and Miss Tess Mack passed the week
end In Gearhart at the hotel.
Dr. and Mrs. August M. Kinney and
son. Master Maurice Kinney, of As
toria, motored down Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ruby, Portland
ers, were recent visitors In Gearhart.
Students' Monduj Evening Dances
Also Attract at Seaside.
SEASIDE, Or.. Aug. 1. (Special.)
The thes dansants at Hotel Moore
Wednesday and Saturday afternoons
are. thoroughly enjoyed by a large cli
entele of Portland's society folk. Many
of the Summer visitors take this means
of entertaining their friends.
Many of the young girls are truly
wonderful dancers and the tearoom is
thronged with interested spectators.
Russell Summers gives exhibitions each
day. Miss J- ZUlah Crawford enter
tained this week and Miss Lillian M r
gan was hostess today.
The first of the series of Monday
i.Ai,lnv ,tti,.Aa e-iven bv students
Summering here, at the Moore Hotel,
was a gay arrair. Ainona mosr pres
ent were the Misses Helen Gregg,
Annabelle Crawford. Zlllali Crawford.
Gladys Dunne. Helen Dunne. Marj rle
Haussman. flea Nlckerson, Margaret
Hawkins, Suzanne Quinn, Irene Col
lins. Lois Ladd. Constance Taylor. Mnry
Therkelsen. Cntherjne Therkelsen. Miss
Knowlton. Echo Zahl. Frances Soden,
Nellis Hamlin. George Cooke. B. Glen,
Archie Klngaley, Herbert Sessions.
Warren Jackson. Melvln. Ogden, Pnul
Averill and Chester Hunkell.
Mr. and Mrs. Albei t Schweitzer ( Rulh
Slchel) were house guests of Mrs. I.
N. Fleischner last week.
Mrs. L. Forrstrom. of Astoria, was
a week-end visitor at Hotel Moore.
Miss Mildred Mayer Is Iho house guest
of Miss Amy Rothschild.
Roscoe Nelson, of Portland, is at the
Loulsson cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Goodman aro
guests of the Joseph Goodman.
Mr. and Mrs. Gcvilam Jones and
children and Mrs. Jones' sister are
domiciled in the Kerr cottage.
William Ehrman passed the latter
part of the week visiting his flanoee.
Miss Minnie Fleischner.
Miss Clea Nickerson Is a house guest
of Misses Catherine and Marie Therkel-
"eMr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Piper and
familv passed Monday picnicking at
Cannon Beach. J. Proebstel was a
member of the party.
Mrs Warren lv Thomas is a n uso
guest of the W. A. T. Rushonns.
Dr. Locke and Mmlly were among
the week's arrivals and have opened
their attractive cottage. Loeke-havrn.
Mr. and Mrs. M Sharpsten aro
domiciled in The Rocks.
C. D. Sellwood and Miss Floretta,
Vllguth were among the visitors at
Hotel M ore last week.
The Windsor family have opened
their cottage.
Mr and Mrs. W. S Dinwiddle ami
family passed the week-end In Sea
side. .
Mr and Mrs V. M Simmons and
children. R. C. McDnniel George W
Hovt C H. Mayer and F. C. Ransom
were at Hotel Moore this week.
Mrs A D Perkins ana shi
Jo'sslyn were week-end patrons of tho
Hotel Moore.
Ralph D Hoyt passed Sunda at H -
" MrsCBrl Stanley and Mrs. Walter
B. Honeyman passed a few days at tho
Torrey last week.
Charles Cramer was also a visitor at
the Torre Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. C W Stosc arrived
here on Wednesday.
Churles H. Korell. of Portland, and
family are at the Torrey.
A grout- of the patrons f Hotel
Torrey made up a horseback party on
Thursday. Those enjoying the event
were Mrs. Agnes M. Clark. 11. M MIk
kelsen. Misses Inga Jaten and A Me
Daniel. Miss Irene Abbott Is Summering at
Austin's Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. U C Boflnger are at
the Shamrock cottage.
Halycon Lodge Is the abode of Miss
U. Cummins.
Mrs. J. W. Westbroik Is Summering
ip the Pickwick.
Mrs. A. L. Flnley. Mr. and Mrs
Harris. Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. R. K.
Hammell are among recent arrivals st
Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Murray arc oc
cupying a cottuge her.-.
In Small Den Mrs. W. K. Slater and
children are enjoying beach life.
The Snyder cottage is the Summer
residence of merrjf party of Portlaml
people, Including Judge and Mrs. G. W.
Phelps Misses Genevieve ami Margaret
Phelps. Mrs. M Motzer. Ruth Iart
and Mrs. F. Rechlln.
The American Hotel Is the tempor
ary abode of Mrs. W. T. Norton.
Miss Helen Brown is entertaining
Miss Catherine Alexander.
Miss Margaret Hawkins Is passing a
few weeks with her fntnily.
Mrs. Irene De Vany. Mrs. A. J. Mc
Guire and Miss Ida Marshall are pass
ing a month here.
Miss Katherine Perceval Is entertain
ing a huse party nt the Judd House.
A Jolly house party from Astoria in
cludes Captain and Mrs. George Flave'.
Mr and Mrs. Harry Flavel. two chil
dren and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pstton.
Judge Campbell and family, of Port
land were In Seaside last week.
E. L Thompson anU family, of Port
land, have opened their attractive cot
tage. Mrs. Robert Warrnek. her daughter
Marv and son R hert. Jr.. ot t-orusiio,
are occupying their cottage.
Mrs. M C. Bowles Is In her cottage.
She is accompanied by her granddaugh
ters, the Misses Alleyn and Carrlo
Picnics. Bonfires mid lioich Matur
ing Arc Senvlcw Recreations.
SEAVIEW, Or., Aug. 1. (Special.)
Sand Island is the mecca for picnick
ers from points along North Beach who
flock In large numbers to see the In
teresting salmon seining. Oroups of
young people either walk or rldo M
ilwaco. where they board a small
launch that takes them across the bay
to the Island.
A delicious luncheon Is spread and
after viewing the Interesting work of
the fishermen the parties, carrying
empty lunch baskets and a wealth of
the knowledge of salmon netting, re
turn late in the afternoon to their
On Wednesday a number of parties
formed picnics and made the trip,
among them belun large party of
about 10 people, chaperoned by Mrs.
W R. Ladd and one arranged by Mrs.
Levlnson and children, Wanda and
Harry. .
The Misses Rose. Margaret and
Bertha Sachet arranged s plonlc to
Baker's Bav on "Wednesday. Other
members of the party Included the
Misses Madeline Stone. Mi Tile Miller.
Marvel Case. Genevieve Marlon end
Vallere Coffey.
One of the most elaborate and lamest
affaire of Its kind given here his
season was the loach supper cooked In
u huge bonfire on Thursday evening,
arranged by Harry Kllgore. The sffalr
differed from the regular bonfire Inas
much as tHere was roasted corn, frank
furters hot coffee and sandwiches, the
delectable toasted morsh mallow and
watermelon serving for dessert. About
30 of Seavlew's youns girls and boys
were guests at this Jolly affair.
Mr and Mrs Theodore B. Wilcox and
daughter. Miss Clair Wilcox, are en-'
tertaining a number of oung belles of
Portland at their attractive home at
the Willows. Miss Wilcox has her
motorcar here and passes a great deal
of time motoring.
The Mills twins. Thomas and Abbot,
who ware guests of Teddy Wilcox, re
turned to their home In Pnrtlsnd.
Mi'8.)ohn Kben Young and daughter
Miss Klsa. are house gnests of Mrs.
R 8. Howurd. Jr. who returned last
week from a short stay In Portend.
Misses Helen Adams and Margaret
ii.',..a, took a horseback trip to
i i . . .
Shoalwater Bay Inst week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. rl. Mackenzie ar
rived last week and will pass the sea
son In their cottage at the Willows.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Labbe. Mrs Bernard
' .....i I'.ui-kl.l ',!.!.. Tnrnii am
lurnvi " " ' -
domiciled In Shadynook cottage for a
Mrs. J. M. Burke und children are