$rrmmtm. EDITORIAL AND SOCIETY SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 10 VOL. XXXIII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, 1914. no. I OT f Ladies' Home Journal Patterns for September Ready for Distribution Call and Get Your Free Copy of "Good Dress ing" f Q 2 4 -lO)l 4; Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on Charge Accounts if Paid in Full by the Tenth of Each Month Premium Parlors on Fourth Floor Women's $5 Pumps $2.95 Men's $5.00 Low Shoes $2.95 Main Floor All women's Street Pumps and Colonials are included in this sale. Latest styles. ffO Off $.3.00 grades V-r-r E Main Floor Choice of ou entire line of men's blac or tan Oxfords in lace and utton stvles. flfO Off $5.00 grades PW Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Store Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. ETary Business Day Saturday Included $1.25 Pongee Silks at 59c Center Circle Main Floo r Main Floor For one day onlj ott( r genuine impot Pongee Silks in weights desirable for dre-.es 21 HMtaM wide grades selling in our regular ioek hereto ffQ fore at 7(c, 80c. $1.00. .f 1.12 and 1.2."i. at. yardJW S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given With Purchases. EXTRA! Double HvC Stamps With All Cash Purchases All Over the Store Tomorrow! Anniversary Sales! At Mile Post 63 We Commemorate Ou r 63d Anniversary in Portland and Our 4th Anniversary in New Store O. MILE POST 63 Yea 3 I WITH WARRANTED PRIDE we look back upon the 63 years of merchandising triumphs which this store has just passed through, and especially the achievement of our present institution, which stands as a monument to Western progress and enterprise. We reach Mile-Post 63 with all the satisfaction which success can create grateful, indeed, to the founders for having built upon a foundation of honest, noble ambitions, strengthened by an untiring energy which has' steadfastly increased the store's power and accomplished great good in a mercantile Avay. The Pioneers of '51 point with pride to this magnificent store, which stands alongside the wooded trail where they meandered in the days long gone by. Thanks to those old Pioneers who patronized the store when it was but aWoss-roads trading point, and whose influence has extended up to now, and instilled confidence in the great multitudes which throng our aisles at the present day. Special Anniversary Offering DOUBLE STAMPS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS On All Cash Purchases Tomorrow Women's $35 Suits at $9.98 Lines Taken From Our Regular Stock Dept. Second Floor Every favored style of the season is well represented I tliu i did lot of Suits and the materiaLs include the newest and most stvlish weaves, stuli as serges, poplin, cheviots, gabardine cloth and many other woolen materials, as well ns the more dressy silk poplins and silk moire. Smart belted styles in real variety; aUi the fashionable short coat models, trimmed with laces, fancy collars and cull-, tie Skirts in the new flounce tier or ruffled effects and pep tops. All are high trade ESP ments from prominent makers. Suits in this lot selling formerly up to Q Qfi $35.00. We have specially priced them for our (Treat Anniversan Sale al apfefO Women's Tailored Suits l2 Price Dept. Second Floor This includes all short lines, thai i-, all styles whiefa bate -old down until there are but one or two left. Women who are economical! inclined will find in this sale a rare opportunity to save. All arc late styles ami the tna fo fvif f terials are very desirable. Choose from great many models now at jnsl IIVK Anniversary Sale Beautiful Linens $24,000.00 worth of Manufacturers' Sample Linens from two of the largest mills in the world included in this extraordinary sale. Also hundreds of slightly soiled odds and ends from our regular stock. Towels, Table Cloths, Napkins, Tea Cloths, Dresser Scarfs, Pillow Oases, etc. Priced for Anniversary gale at great sayings. $5.50 Damask Pattern Cloths $4.00 $11.50 Pattern Cloths at $8.00 Dept. Main Floor Manufacturers' sample lines of beautiful Pattern Cloths in the Anniversary Sale at great savings. Finest qualities made. White Damask Table Cloths; some of these are a trifle soiled and mussed, but not enough to hurt them in the least. The prices are: Regular $5.50 Cloths now $4.00 Regular $6.00 Cloths now $4.50 High-grade Damask Pattern Cloths with dainty brocaded borders in colors. Exquisite designs and the finest grades. Priced as follows: Regular $4.00 Cloths now $3. OO Regular $6.00 Cloths now $4.25 Regular $6.50 Cloths now $4.75 j Regular $9.00 Cloths now $6.75 Regular $11.50 Cloths now $8.00 Regular $10.00 Cloths now $7.Q0 Hemstitched and Scalloped Towels Anniversary Sale Corsets Closing Out Odd Lines ( n Famous Makes Now at I VI Dept. Second Floor If you can find your size in any of these you will obtain a bargain in the full sense of the word. Discontinued styles and broken lines in Lily of France, Bien Jolie, Bon Ton and Mme. Mariette Corsets; also a few models in Gossard Front Lace. All at y2 Price. Regular $6.50 Corsets for $3.25 II Regular $10.00 Corsets for $5.00 Regular $7.50 Corsets for S3. 75 i Regular $12.00 Corsets for $6.00 Regular $8.00 Corsets for $4,00 j Regular $12.50 Corsets for $6.25 Regular $8.50 Corsets for $4.25 il Regular $15.00 Corsets for $7.50 Anniversary Sale Bargains In Muslinwear Dept. Second Floor Radical reductions on all small lots and broken lines, in addition to many special purchases secured especially for our great Anniversary Sale, which are being displayed at the following prices: $6.95 Lace and Net Camisoles at $2.98 All Hand-Made Lingerie at Third Off Priced for Quick Clean Up 25c Hemstitched and seal- J SSg loped Towels priced for 30c Hemstitched and scal- 40c Hemstitched and scal loped Towels priced for 24c 30c 50c Hemstitched and seal- O ff loped Towels priced for-1' $1 Hemstitched and seal- ff Inner! Towpls nWepH fnr $1.75 Hemstitched and scalloped Towels for $1.25 $1.10 Hemstitched Pillow Cases at 75c $1.00 Dresser Scarfs for 75c Main Floor Hemstitched and scalloped Linen Pillow Cases priced for the Anniversary Sale as follows: $1.10 Pillow Cases' at, each $ .75 $1.35 Pillow Cases at, each $ .90 $1.50 Pillow Cases at, each $1.00 $3.00 Pillow Cases at, each $1.50 Main Floor Sample lines of Dress er Scarfs in a great many styles and patterns, at following savings: $1.00 Dresser Scarfs for $ .75 $1.25 Dresser Scarfs for $ .90 $2.00 Dresser Scarfs for $1.10 S. & H. Stamps With Purchases. 3000 Yards Homespun Linen Crash Anniversary Price 10c Yard Dept. Main Floor Thrifty women will buy. enough of this to last them for an entire year. Splendid quality all-linen Crash Toweling. J ff Good heavy grade and very absorbent. Anniversary Sale price " Dainty Camisoles of lace, net and flowered chiffon, with, ribbon and flower trimmings. Several exquisite designs. Grades sell- GJO QO ing to $6.95, special Our entire line of beautiful French hand-made Lingerie, Gowns, Prin cess Slips, etc., ranging in price from $5 up. Priced for 1 (-ff Anniversary Sale at V $9.50 Black Silk Traveling Night Robes, special $4.98 $5 to $25 Crepe de Chine Gowns, Slips, etc,, 10 Off., Women's $27.50 Suits now for $13.75 Women's $30.00 Suits now for $15.00 Women's $32.50 Suits now for $16.25 Women's $35.00 Suits now for $17.50 Women's $38.50 Suits now for $19.25 Women's $42.50 Suits now for $21. 50 Women's $50.00 Suits now for $25.00 Women's $55.00 Suits now for $27.50 Women's $57.50 Suits now for $2S.7." Women's $62.50 Suits now for $31.25 Women's $85.00 Suits now lor . 12.56 Women's $110.00 Suits now for $55.50 war rre r s cy . g- c r.r j w omen s v.ou summer iuuis p $32750 Women's Coats Special at $12.49 Second Floor Women's and Misses' styl ish Summer Coats priced for the Anniver sary Sale at less than cost of production. Short and medium length styles for dres and sports wear in golfine, serges, crepes, wool poplins, silk moire and silk taffetas; also many in the popular brocaded mate rials; Belted or plain styles; also dressy flounced models. Coats worth AO up to $22.50. Our Sale price P W Second Floor In tin- special lol ot Coata we have grouped the season's moid mpular styles for dress and sports wear, including smart Bnlmacaan models, cnpi- coatt and short cutaway effect-. Materials include wool velours, gabardine cloth, r.ihcliuc. gnlfine, novelty checks, plaid, stripes, etc. Lined with excellent qttMitj bMBmIuM, al-o on lined stle-. Orades T 1 O AO worth to $32.50, now al pX7 Women's Short Coatees Dainty short Silk Coats, to be worn with Summer dresses. Made of good quality tat tela in colors, emerald, rose, old blue and white. $6.50 and $7. "ill Coats now priced for our great. Anniversary Sale at only $3.89 All Women's Lingerie Dresses Are Now Reduced All Women's Wash Skirts at Special Reduced Prices Dept. Second Floor Women's and Misses' Lingerie Dresses of embroidered crepes, marquisettes, organdies, vnils mtJiiB ptc. T..i.t(st stvles at the following prices: $ 8.50 Dresses at $ 6.37H $18.50 Dresses at $13.8 1 $12.50 Dresses at $ 9.38 $21.50 Dresses at $16.13 $16.50 Dresses at $12.38 $25.00 Dresses at $18. o Dept. Second Floor Women's Wash Skin-, of ratine, linen, pique and poplin. Stylish new tunic and peplum effects; also ruffled styles. I'lain color-. -lri"'-. ami checks in white and colors. Kull assort mcnl ot Mzev $2.50 Skirts at only $1.88 '$6.00 Skirts at only $ 1.50 .75 Skirts at only S?Ii..6 I $10.00 Skirts only $7..0 $1750 Dresses at $13.13li$27.50 Dresses at $20.63 II Silk and Wool Skirts also at reined price-. M Floor. Anniversary Sale Laces and Embroideries Most Remarkable Offerings of the Year! Main Floor Dept. Main Floor. $1.25 Camisole Laces at 69c Yard Shadow Lace Flouncings and Camisole Laces in width from 13 to 27 inches. Beautiful assort ment of designs to select from. Laces worth up to $1.25, fSQg now reduced to only 45 In. Embroideries Special, $1.69 Daintiest of designs on fine sheer voiles, crepes and batistes, suit able for dresses, corset covers, etc. See our window display of these Embroideries, fl f flCh Special, the yard P Dainty Lace Veils, Special, 59c Made from fine quality laces in various sizes mesh. Nieely fin ished and good full sizes. Shown in all the wanted shades. Veils worth up to $3.00, EZQf Anniversary Sale price $4.50 Motor Veils at 98c Each Women's hemstitched and bor dered Chiffon Veils. Full line of the wanted colors and styles. Veils worth up to $4.50. Priced for our great Anniver- QQUfa sary Sale at only, each $3.00 Fancy Guimpes Special, 98c Odd lines Women's Guimps to be closed out at once. Net and crepe de chine in high or low neck styles, ruffled and frilled. ' Worth to $3.00 C7e Argentine Girdles, Special, 89c Made of imported suedette and guaranteed washable. Shown in all the new light shades for Sum mer wear. Priced for An- Qfli niversarj Sale, special, at O Double Stamps with cash pur chases in all dep'mts. tomorrow. $3.95 Imitation Panama Hats $1.00 Millinery Dept., Second Floor Extra peejaj niversary Sale offering of Women'- Imitation I niinmn lints at one dollar each. I lie ea-on s latest shapes for street and outintr wear. Hats worth to $.'I.!I5, Monday $1.00 Fall Dress Goods and Silks Arriv ing Daily. Step in and See Them Kitchen Furnishings at Sale Prices Everything for the Home for Less 85c Oval Willow Clothes Basket 69 $1.75 Willow Clothes Basket $1.39 Xo. 8 Wash Boilers, special at 90 $1.25 Copper Bottom Boilers $1.05 $2.50 Copper Bottom Boilers $2.00 4c 30e Water Pail, 16-qt.. for 24 (5c Basting Spoons, 14-ineh, 4 B5e Vacuum Clothes Washers, Priced Special now for only 49 Regular 8c Dust Pans now 6 Regular 5c Candlesticks now 3J 6c Perforated Pie Plates, special Regular $1.00 Household Dolls 50? Reg. $1.75 Medicine Cabinet. $1.15 $2.50 Grade Carpet Sweepers $1.75 05c High-grade Parlor Brooms 55? $2.50 Palm Knife. Fork, Spoon. $2 i!"e Knife and Fork Baskets at 50c Regular 50c Dust Brushes at 40 90c Extra Quality Dust Brushes 72 50c Long-handle Floor Brushes 39 Regular 15c Scrub Brushes at 11 Regular I6e Whisk Brooms now 11 15c Coffee Pots, special at 14 25c Shallow Stew Pans at 20 10c Square Cake Pans now at 8 10c Combination Graters now 8 5c Measuring Cups now only 4 40c Watering Pots, 6-quarts'32 75c Galvanized Wash Tubs at 60? $3.75 Extra Heavy Garbage Cans $3 Regular 35c Dish Pans, special 27 23c Lipped Kettles, 5-qt. size 18 20c Loose Bottom Cake Molds at 16 35c Handled Milk Cans at 27tf 15c Flour Sifters, special at 13c 15c Round Neck Trays for 12c 35c Oval Japanned Trays at 27r 10c Gravy Strainers now at 8 5c Fruit Jar Fillers now only 3 Aluminum Fireless Cooker Pots, like this cut, specially priced, a set, $3.00 Regular 75c Shoe Brushes now 60c $1.50 Down Furniture Dusters $1.20 50c Wall and Window Washers 25 Regular '20c Mop Cottons now at 12r Regular 4c Vegetable Brushes at 3 15c Magic Sink Brushes now at 11 Regular 30c Nail Brushes now at 25c Regular 15c Fiber Chair Seats at 11 35c Waterproof Clothes Lines at 27 25c Telescope Lunch Baskets at 19 Anniversary Sale Furniture and Draperies Summer Furniture Underpriced Third Floor Porch and Summer Furniture in the Anniversary Sale at big reductions. Hickory, Grass, Reed and Rattan pieces. See them. $4.25 Rattan Chairs for $2.98 $7.50 Rattan Settees for $5.45 $5.00 Rattan Rockers for $3.45 $9.00 Reed Rockers for $6.98 $17.00 Reed Rockers for $8.98 $28.00 Tapestry Upholstered Reed Chair, specially priced at $14.95 $35 Upholstered Settee $17.50 $4.50 Old Hickory Table at $2.98 $3.25 Old Hickory Racks $1.98 $11.65 Old Hickory Settee $7.98 $8.00 Grass Chair Rockers $5.65 $12.00 Grass Settees for $8.48 $6.50 Grass Chair, Rockers $4.48 $2.00 Grass Stools now at $1.48 Carpet by the Yard At Sale Prices At $1.50 Yard Best grade of Ax minster Carpets, with border to match. Splendid line of patterns. Regular $2.00 and $2.25 grades, sewed, laid, lined. fl t EZf Special the yard at At $1.35 Yard Body Brussels Car pets, with or without border. Stand ard makes, selling elsewhere at $1.75 and $2 a yard- $1 Off Sewed, laid, lined, yd. P 97c and $1.10 Velvet Carpets, with stair runners to match. Small all-over effects in popular colors. $1.25 and $1.40 grades, sewed, laid and lined, priced at 11 1 f the yard, 97 and $2.50 Wilton Carpets and Borders. In several patterns, tit" "J Off Sewed, laid, lined, yd. P Anniversary Sale Lace Curtains Third Floor extraordinary price reductions on Lace Curtains during our great Anniversary Sale. Don't fail to supply your needs now. $6.00 Irish Point Curtains $3.45 $8.00 Irish Point Curtains $4.25 $35.00 Irish P't Curtains $17.50 $3.25 French Net Curtains $1.98 $5.00 French Net Curtains $2.48 $9.00 French Net Curtains $4.48 $17.50 French Net Curt'ns $8.75 $35 French Net Curtains $17.50 $1.25 Scrim Curtains for 98 $2.50 Srim Curtains for $1.48 $5.50 Scrim Curtains for $2.75 $10.00 Scrim Curtains for $4.98 $1.25 Nottingham Curtains at 98 $1.75 Nottingham Curtains $1.23 $2.75 Nottingham Curtains $1.65 $3.50 Nottingham Curtains $1.98