WANTED NEW IDEAS Send for Ut of PATENT BUYERS with requests from manufacturers ana promoters for patents secured by us. Also fist of INVENTIONS WANTED. Contains Information as to profitable fields of Invention and prises offered for In ventions, among which Is A PRIZE OF $ 1 0 0. 0 0 0. WRITE FOR OCR SIX BOOKS, SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. We Invite manufacturers and deader to write us for a list of patents for sale. Also advise us what class of Invention you are Interested In. Send model or sketch for free search or Fatent office records. CAN YOU INVENT T FORTUNE AWAITS YOU. Millions of dollars are made every year on inventions. Don't let your Ideas lie Idle. Don't waste your Inventive talent. If you have a patentable idea let us P'lt It in shape so that you can maae raumi out of It. SEND FOR FREE LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. . .... . ,.,,,. offered for Inventions. Send your inquiry today It may be the first step on tne roaa i" fortune. WE ADVERTISE OUR CLIENTS' PAT EXT.S FOR SALE FREE OF CHAR I E. Our patents give absolute protection. We secure patents promptly. Send model or sketch of free search of Patent Office records. Write us today. L. F. RANDOLPH & CO. Patent Attorneys, Dept. 2S5. Washington, D. C COUNTRY HOTEL. 60 guest rooms. 7 help rooms, large lobby, dining-room and barroom; license paid $1000 to May It, 1915; steam heal, private baths, extra nice furnishings; rent $250 per month; $t-year lease; bar aver ages x.'o per day ; rates xj.u to .ati per day: population 13,000-; 34 passenger trains uany; we recommenu mi ...smj. .Trice $14,000: will laKr part trade. DIETZ Ac RINGLER. 31s Railway Exchange BIdg. A CHANCE to get Into business right: owner of excellent holel proposition, long established, will sell or trade on very liberal terms; only reason for sale, can not aive business nersoual attention, hav ing other Interests requiring entire time; next year profits should almost pay for entire investment. Inquirers please give reference if not well known, before details given, g us, oregonian. HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. 1 have for sale stock hardware and fur nlture. inventory value, with fixtures, $12,. fcOO.OO. located at Auburn, Wash.; center of fine fanning district, with large rail road pay roll; inventory may oe seen at my office; correspondence solicited; full information to inquiring purchasers. W. T. BEHNE. Cashier, First National Bank of Auburn. TO rlrht nartv will sell interest In rrocery; one of the best In city; doing fine busi ness; established 20 years; not one aonar dead stock nor one dollar indebtedness; want party to take entire management, therefore, will only consider party wltn best of references. S 142. Oregonian. "BOOKLET FREE." Delivery costs and methods for express and business men. By the Traffic En gineer. Address UERLINCKK MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 604 Washington St., phone Marshall 1913. HOJIESEEKERV excursion to Victoria. Aus iralia. December 9. 1914. Reduced steam ship rates, free rail transportation, cheap government anda 30 years' time. Ideal climate, excellent markets. Energetic white settlers wanted. L. Stcffan. 017 Stock Exchange, Portland. DAIRY in the city. 8 cows, steam boiler, bottle washer, separator, boxes, bottles, aeverat tons of clover, hay. etc. 20 acres rented for pasture, rent $30, barn and city water. Price $1200. O. C R. Ellis 4 Co., 309 Board of Trade. 4th and Oak sts. WILL keep my horses and sell my wagons and good hauling and transfer business In e.-na!. Willamette town at bargain price, as I have farming interest to handle; can prove good business. A V 560, Orego-nlan- WANTED An ideal Who can think of some simple thing to patent 7 Protect your Ideas, they may bring ou wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions," "How to Get Your Fatent and Money." Randolpn 4t Co.. patent attorneys, Washington. D. C. " CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal tor so-called interest In established real estate business, get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary, .'.32 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR ALE Will take some trade; a good general grocery and hardware, good mil1 and Industrial district; stock clean up tc date: good clean proposition; will Invoice $3000; must get outside. Owner, P. O. Box 623. Portland. OWNER wants experienced tenant, small capital required, fixtures all In, good sub urban comer, low rent, store 25x40, living rooms adjoin: operated successfully past six years as confectionary, etc. AK 131, Oregonian. FOR SALE $30111) general merchandise stock, located at Plalnvlew. Or.; new stock, good business: will lease or sell buildings: terms, $2tKK cash and time on rest. Adress F. M. Sturglll, Shedds, Or., R. F. D. No. 2. OPPORTUNITIES in many states Hotels, general merchandise, mfg.. meat mkts., rooming-houses. Jewelry, music and va riety stores, etc.; no commissions; deal di rect with owners. Their address free. Na tional Business Exchange, San Francisco. LADY will trade some good property and pay some cash for a living-making busi ness: prefer grocery, confectionery, etc.; might go Into partnership. T 152. Ore gonian. FOR SALE A fully equipped restaurant, also the only employment office in town in connection: price $1500. Address Mrs. A. Peteretelner. box 372, Klamath Falls, Or. WANTED Owner of a solid growing busi ness wants a partner he can depend on to tend store, keep plain accounts, etc.; en ergetic man can clear $150 month. Call room 3,9 Morgan bldg. CASH grocery confectionery, etc.; has bake oven, capacity 300 loaves, 3 living-rooms, furnished, rent $25, all for $430; $250 cash. bal. terms; a snap. 323 Lumber Exchange. WAN TEL Partner; paying business; young man preferred: $2300. Reliable party only consideretl; will stand investigation. S 130, Oregonian. FOR SALE Interest tn good planing mill worth $2000 located at Eugene, Or.; will exchange for residence In Portland. Address 656 E Sth St., Eugene, Or. COUNTRY general store clearing $2000 a year profit for disposal at a snap; $2200 will handle. 616 Fenton bldg.. Cth and Oak. HOTEL Good town, main line R. R., brick building, steam heat, 33 rooms, office and dining-room, good lease; might consider part trade. L 1.T7, Oregonian. 7 POOL. 1 billiard table, soft drinks, cigars, tobacco, etc.; this place clears $3a0 mot.th; can try before you ouy: price $2300. cash. :tt3 Lumber Exchange. WILL sell half Interest In my cash busi ness; good trade nnd good profits; have other business to look after. J. SINGER, 429 Lumber Exchange bldg. CIGARS, confectionery, etc., waiting-room location. long lease, energetic man can clear $-30 month. Call room 329 Morgun bldg. OOMPLET'I up-to-date Job printing plant: best buy In Oregon: price, $18o0. $1000 cash can handle If taken at once. Box 337. Albany. Or. Kfli SALE -A ood billiard and pool parlor. fireproof bldg.. no outstanding debts; must sell at once; in ill health. X 153, Orego nian. $173 OKIAR STORE $175. Buys a very nice cigar, tob.. confec rruit store, rent $13. good location. 310 Lumber Exchange Bldg. PARTNER wanted, lady or gentleman, by voung physician; services rather than capi tal required: a fortune for right party. O 171. oregonlaru WANTED Party to buy selected stable site and build cheap stable: Investment not ovi.' $30.0vf. terms, guaranteed lease. T 154. Oregonian; FOR SALE Bakery In Southern Oregon town, population 150U. Inquire Gray. Mc Lean A Percy. 4th and Glls&n. MEAT market in J.yle. Wash.; only shop In town: good cash business; sell cheap. Call or write W. J. Chapman. Lyle. Wash. BAP.HER3 naif interest tn 3-chair shop, good town, good business; price right. Box 347. St. Helens. Or. ' WANTED Pnrt.ter In mfg. business doing over J.'IUOO a month: $2500 to $7000 needed. A BITS. Oregonian. I FOR SALE Lunch counter doing good busi ness, in Tillamook city. Walter Baragar, Tillamook. Or. Box 405. PI' TI RE show, $700 : best little money maker In the state: no competition, up-to. dat-. AN 14S. Oregonian. 'WANT to buy light grocery, etc.. having cash trade, trom $.".oo to $1000: price must be riht: no agents. AH 150. Oregonlnu. WANTED Merchandise stock of about $S000 in exchange for concrete bldg. See J. H. Nash. 72-1 Chamber of Commerce. MINER wanted for installed plant In Oregon- must be experienced and responsible part.-. Box 701, Rainier. Qr. CORNER GROCERY STOKE. If vou are looking for a good business I have it, and will stand investigation; new and clean stock, invoice about $180o; sales average close to $100 per day; this is located In a line rebldence district and all good paying customers, and on one of the best corners and the best carline in the city; rent, including barn. $3j per month; it will pny you to investigate. AH 13-, Oregonian. , FOR SALE 142 acres of valuable mining and agricultural lands, consisting of four uuartz aod one olacer claim and tuwnslte; perfect title, all claims patented. Property extending sufficient distance on north bank of Rogue River to Insure Independent unlimited waterpower, which alone is more valuable than price of property; good building sites; about 30 acrea fruit lands. ( of which famous Rogue River bottom. Price $15.000. B 17:i. oregonian. $i0 jo clean turnisneu lum housekeeping suites; all occupied by steady tenants, nice people; rent $30; profit large; owner going East; location 12th St., good neighborhood: buy this quickly; make steady sure income; no phone information. Call at office. F. M'FAKLAND REALTY CO.. aim ieon diub. OPPORTUNITIES Victoria, beautiful cap ital British Columbia, most temperate cli mate on continent, opportunities dalr -lng. fruit growing, poultry raising, new in dustries. No hot Summers, no cold win ters: rainfall 26 inches. Finest residential and tourist city Pacific Coast. Population 03,000. Victoria & Island Development Association. Victoria. B. C. i MONEY-MAKING OPPORTUNITY. To lease, a brand new Hotel, to be com pleted Jan. 1, 36 guest rooms, one-halt with bath. Town with three railroads i UN population; a live hotel town Wiuam ette Valley. Lessee to furnish hotel. Tnis Is vour chance. Communicate In writing with Hotel, S 135, Oregonian. WE haveTfor sale at half its value the best paying country weekly newspaper m Washington and only $4000 cash is re quired to take possession; best of rea sons for selling and splendid location; an opportunity such as this comes only rare ly. Address The Printers Exchange, 22. Franklin nt.. Los Angeles, Cal. CORNER SALOON C w ei I j'iaLc. C-nter citv. location makes this place good. Receipts dally, $30; cheap rent; ho tels all aiouna; uw aiven. . everything independent. AP 132, Orego nian. A SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants rell g bie nany .o iauiu . - salesmen; should pay $3000 to $15,000 an .. ...... a s-i-.il.. .till flnanrp hliSi nuaiij . ooo vo ... an-haii-ed. Sales Manager, 406 Usher bldg.. Chicago, in. ... ......... T.1-OTWCC , , ...!., man In BllfO lave opening iui euei"..- .. . mobile garage; duties are easily learned . .... i. ..mil-.,- owner ana very nvuu wuuvj !" will show you the business is clearing xjiio month average before you invest one dollar. Call room 329 Murgan bldg. l-t.Un.L3 I.1.U1U1..U -.-..., ... ... - - . . . . . v ., in,, T-sfahl shad . ... .-.-nil T X-,-- JTiiD IT at OU St., lOr Biue uj- 18 years ago. Stock and fixtures estimated at gou.uou. All UU-iu-uio. vye. - -- pectlon. Submit bids at room 400 Cham ber 01 commerce '. . ,. . ...ntii. .T.n SfiWlAii rai-iuai. iw On account of Ill-health I am selling bag, towel, sheet and napkin factory; this is a good, clean proposition, bringing in $125 per month. See my agent. Fred W. German Co., 014 -nam, oi cum. DRUG STORE located In one of the grow . nf thH Kiisr Side, doing a good business, free from debt; small ex pense: will discount for cash or consider trade: state what you have. L 139, Ore gonian. GARAGE, doing bis business, from $50 to $75 per aay: w ill mo rigiiv lee w J who will pay cash; only first-class place in town: Summer travel very heavy and Winter business good. Address "Head light." Tillamook, Or. YOUNG Spanish inventor has a new model boat propeller and wisnes to iincnn enough capital to patent same. This Is an excellent opportunity. Investigate this. AP 132, Oregon lan. JEWELRY store in growing town of 800 In the Willamette vauey; lermiuai oi xv. xv. , clean stock, good repair trade, no compe tition; reasons for selling. A. C. Carpenter. Willamina, Or. FOR SALE. BARGAIN. Mlnln.; machinery; 10-stamp mill. com. presoor.' crusher, gasoline engine, cables, rails, donkey engine, shafts and pulleys. Address X 147, Oregonian. BAKERY With brick oven, doing a fine trade in bread, cake and candy: money maker for practical baker. References to bank and wholesale houses. P. O. Box 12. Watervilie. Wash. ' MACHINE SHOP. Partner wanted in ono of best shops In Portland; must be able to invest $1000; good machinist or sheet metal man re quired. 616 Fenton bldg., tith and Oak. FOR SALE Drug store slock, fixtures and lease- good trade; complete stock; if you have the cash or good security, will make right price; no agents. BD 133. Orego nian CASH grocery, fine location. West Side, re ceipts $33; 9 rooms in connection. 6 fur nished; rent only $50 for all: price $2000. $1200 cash, bal. terms. 323 Lumber Ex change. WOODYARD. well established and doing large business; bears thorough Investiga tion. Inquire 616 Fenton bldg.. 6th and Oak. GROCERY store doing rood business, stock and fixtures, worth $i0O: $400 takes it if sold quick- reason, party has other busl ness. Phone East 1261. FOR SALE Grocery; old established, re tiring from business; invoice $3000; sale, $: per month; no agents. J 130, Ore gonian EUROPEAN capital for investment in at tractive Incorporated enterprises. Address, Bankers' Alliance, 11 Southampton Row. London. England. PARTNER wanted in a good cleaning and Dressing works, own their nuto for delivery- clears $75 weekly; $350 required. worth $iiU. dl'J iUimiei CAiliniigv. ME IT MARKET, good location, cheap rent, good fixtures, at about half actual value; must sell account other business. Address 4640 67th -t. S. E.. Portland. Oregon. FOR RENT, reasonable, 70-staIl stable, also good for warehouse. Cor. 12th and Flan der Freedman. 409 McKay bldg., 9 A. XI. to 4 P. M. CIGAR and confectionery, transfer corner, c earing C125 per mo.: rent $25: cheap if taken before the st. 234 YamhllL FOR SALE Three-chair lady barber shop, below cost on account of sickness. Ca.l 150 11th St. Koom - COUNTRY newspaper for sale; payments from proceeds of business. AV 530. Ore gonian. 1 HAVE one-third Interest in a paying re tall business; will sel cheap and accept terms; leaving city AB 143. Oregonian, GOL'D restaurant on West Side, daily re ceipts $50, only $800, worth $1500. 303 Lumber Exshar.ge. . ; : ; ; opportunity for industrious man in cash grocery business. Room 502 Broad way bldg. MONTANA newspapers for salvor trade for coast papers. Two officlul papers. Money makers. Sickness. Weldy. Chester. Mont. CIGAR confec. Ice cream store, fine fixtures, good stock, doing good business: price $500. 3:0 Lumber Exchange bldg. GROCERIES and confectionery cheap with fixtures. 24 East Killingsworth. R. K. Ingram. SALOON In the booming town of Astoria: corner: independent license; good lease. AV 531, Oregonian. u AVE yOO smsJl amount to Invest and will ing to work 8 hours a day, no Sundays, $125 week? 303 Lumber Exchange. trOR 6 ALE Good second-hand store doing fair business. Investigate. Address AV 5S7, Oregonian. TWO-CH AIR barber shop. Koken furni ture cheap for cash. 86 6th St., tear Stark St. t am coinc to Europe Will sell my lock- ..." 3 ,.-! r.nfllr shnn Wnnril-u-n smiin an- ... - -- TWO-CHAIR barber shop; must sell: other bu-lcess to attend to; $130; best location. O 131, Oregonian p , jlTNER wanted for cash business, money maker money secured, chance to make $100 month. Room 502 Broadway bldg. mSH grocery on busy street. West Side; 'price $850, or will invoice. 303 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. HAVE 2 groceries; must sell one. Address FOR SALE Restaurant, doing good busi ness, tuone - CIGAR stand, don't have to buy fixtures; from of Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sts. B A.RKER shop. 4 chairs and baths; cheap rent: snap. 522 Washington st. FOR SALE-r Two-chair barber shop, cheap. Phone Woodlawn 2320. AC 136, Oregonian. COUNTRY store and farm; must sell one. C. Andrews. uge waver, naan. I TEACH chiropody, reasonable. Dr. Nel son. Globe blag.. 11th Wash. Main 7366. RESTAURANT, Depot location, $1500. terms. R 135. Oregonian. FOR SALE Cheap: a good paying business, small. Call Main 2264. PARTNER in wholesale retail fish business: small capital required. AL 151. Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY and poolroom for sals cheap; cash or terms. Phone Tabor 3079 BARBER shop for sale, snap, $60, rooms, rented $10. 88 Front, FREE for six months; my special offer to introduce my magazine, "Investing for Profit." It is wortn $10 a copy to anyone who has been getting poorer while rich, richer. It demonstrates real earning power of money, shows how anyone, no matter how poor, can acquire riches. Investing for Profit Is the only progressive financial Journal published. It shows how $10O grows to $2200. Write now and 1 11 send It six mouths free. H. L. Barber, 482-2-W. Jackson blvd., Chicago. FEW GROCERY SPECIALS. $3300, West Side, unusual offering. $4300, East Side. $4000 monthly. $3500. suburban. $123 dally, auto del y. $2000, Apt. district, best thing in town. $1900, cut prices, $30 cash, no delivery. $12.10, every feature right, dandy store. $800. snappv Wash.. St.. $30 dally. $600. with confy, $25 day, rent fUk And Many Others. Call and get full particulars. P. . Persels. -'69 stark St. WE CAN recommend any of the following as being good, legitimate and paying: Half interest in brick and tile mfg. plant. $2500. - Half interest in produce business, $10, 000. One fine grocery. $2300. -- Half Interest in soap mfg. plant. $2oOO. Call and get full particulars. BLAIN & STROW, Ablngtou bldg. BARBE RS. ATTENTION 2-chair shop, all new fixtures, white chairs, modern. all glass mirror case, large combination washstand, all complete. You will ap preciate to see it; good business; rent only $10 per month; engaged in other business and will sacrifice for half. Phone Sunday East 3SS2. Will show shop to you betw-een 9 and 12 A. M. Week days phono Main 7605. LIGHT manufacturing business, no competi tion with established increasing trade, value stock and machinery $6000; to ex change for property of equal value In a dry climate. East of Cascades or South ern California. Will consider stock of gen. mdse. Not over 1300-ft. altitude. T 133. Oregonian. FOR KALE OR EXCHANGE. One hardware and implement stock, in ...i ,n th.lvlnir Willamette Val ley town and one hardware stock. Invoice e.-.nnn in renter of Portland business dis trict; will consider good real estate as part payment. AO 151. Oregonian. TO CLOSE estate, rare chance to buy estab H....1 ..i,n1-EBlp i-ftniT crncerv. stock $-0, 00(1, fixtures $10,000; outstanding eood debts $10,000: annual business. $200,000. rent $10. 000: $35,000 buys it. G. D. Dick inson. 105 Hudson. New York City. H UT! laundry, fully equipped, ready to run; can put JS00 worth of business in It first rr'.i,. t-..l n.rtn.r with $1000 to $1500; no experience necessary, but would prefer man with r-nice experience 10 in. of books, etc. O 153. Oregonian. INDUSTRIOUS young business lady operat ing delicatessen, light grocery and cafe on Grand ave., will consider taking part ner who Is willing to take cash and do the buying, etc. Room 502 Broadway bldg. FOR SALE One of the best-paying cigar stores and billiard parlors In tho stato; locat.-rt in n town of 2500 populatlJi; reasonable and will bear the closest . In vestigation; best of reasons for selling. A v o i it. ugjaww GENERAL merchandise. old established store In good town. 30 miles from Port land, excellent territory to draw from; Invoice about $8000: might take small ranch nearby and little cash. P. W. Per sels. -nt -taraov. HALF Interest in old established employ- . ...... .on tn Innk after office and ship men; can make $200 month, business will stand full investigation. Par ticulars room . i ,j , n n liltt"-,r- vv .-v.. - . Will trade clear cottage, rented, wortn In cash $1500, for small grocery, wlth mortgage back or for full price. C. a. Jac kson. 314 Stock Exchange bldg. . WANTED R EP RES E N TAT IV E TO 1IANUJ- LA1E.-1 nilT TING EXCLUSIVE ARTICLE. SHOULD MAKE $1000 THIS SUMMER. $100 RE- FOR SALE cheap, good paying ice. coal and .. . , , . t i,n.- inrtn mnnnwn tr;ttrsier uuN-ni - ... out of It In 12 years to retire; come quick for a bargain. W. N. Gary, 1029 li. amlilii YOUNG MAN. who Is steady, wanted for . . t , 1 .... , , r -. t i . m n n pleasant pc-siiion. v.n .v .. .... $100 per month; experience not neces sary; only small Investment needed. Call room l. FOR SALE Grocery store. Owner desires tO retire jrOIll u-suieaii. n.u.-.-.j stock, large, permanent payroll town, population 7000. First-class opportunity, a, Lire AV .ISO. Oregonian. HOTEL. 5(1 rooms, strictly first-class, up-to- (liite e'lii ipiiien l , mi iuii, ...... excellent location: $4000 cash: would con sider some real estate. 319 Lumber Ex- onuange. CONFECTIONERY 'n fine near-by town. ran be bought at sacrince; wouiu unv.uin Invoice take trade, or do an. thing m reuscn: owner going on ranch and must fell. P W. rerseis. N old established automobile business. ' largest of Its kind In Portland on the market, ve.rv cheap, must dispose of same qulcklv: call today or next few days If Interested. 493 Alder street. DRUG STORE Beautiful corner. In high- class neighborhood. aimosi nee . "f competition, excellent trade, low rent; its a bargain, for $3400, part cosh. P. W. Persels. 269 btarK st WANT a partner In finely equipped garage. grand location; can snow niui ! profits; want references and ability with some money. Particulars room 426 Mor gan bldg. FOR SALE Strictly up-to-date elegantly equipped seven-cnair uaruei ..... location; good regular and transient trade. For particulars address K 17J, Oregonian. A RELIABLE business man wants to meet ladv with some money ioi business, where money will be well se cured and profits large. O 170. Orego nian. LIVE WIRE organizer and promoter will consider new prupu-iuu. ...... project, state amount capital required. L 173. Oregonian. CASH grocery business and price rignt. new building; ideal place ior man . wife. AO 152, Oregonian. STOCKS AND BONDS. TALK WITH FLETCHER 6 Alaska Coal Oil J;d 3000 Ogle Mt. Mining Did 7760 Oregon Home Bldrs old 11 Pacific States Fire Ins bid $2000 Realty Associates bonds ....bid All stocks and bonds permitted by the Corporation Commissioner to be sold. 1 WANT Home Tel. bonds Realty Asso. bonds Lumbermens Bank Ogle Mt. Mining Merchants bank Oregon Home Bldrs. All stocks permitted to be sold. Fletcher, 223 Ablngton bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANT location for country bank; state amount of stock would be subscribed lo cally, population town, crops raised, land value, etc.: experienced; can Invest. Write Archie Mueller, general delivery, Spokane. Wash. MAN of proven executive ability, who has successfully put In operation several large concerns desires connection with high class enterprise with privilege of invest ing later on; gilt-edge references required and given. P. O. 3ox 571. HAVE $10,000 to $20,000 to Invest In well established manufacturing or merchandise business, one that is making good now-, and where the services of a high-grade business man can be used; all Information treated confidential. O 151, Oregonian. 200 ACRES of the finest dairy and stock ranch In Rogue River Valley. In high state of cultivation, with all new and modern buildings, valued at $25,000; will sell or trade for mdse. stock up to this value. O. A. Sarles, 300 Henry bldg. HAVE a client wanting to Invest $5000 to $10,000 with or without services In manu facturing proposition that will stand in vestigation. See Mr. Persels. with HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Fourth and Stark Sts. HAVE $4000 to $10,000 to invest in good manufacturing business or commercial line- wish an active Interest; give full out line' of what'yau have in replying. S. A. c care Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill, city. WANT small stock groceries or general merchandise and fixtures, not over $500; have clear lot or nearly new runabout to trade; owners only. N 142. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED business man open for po sition In or out of city: will Invest $1000 to $3000. Call or address. Advertiser, Main 88. Greene Hotel. 6th and Oak. EXPERIENCED business man wants con nection with manufacturing concern re quiring reorganization or additional cap ital. L 174. Oregonian. WILL sacrifice established business for $2000 that is under contract, which guarantees big returns: Investigate. X 151. Oregonian. YOUNG couple would buy good business in or out of city where both could be em ployed. AV 572. Oregonian. 80 ACRES good land valued at $2500; all plowable, to exchange with some cash for city or country store. S 154. Oregonian. WANT tailor shop, small or large. AB 153, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for small grocery. 62 N. 21st st. Marshall 4029. WANTED Location for clothing store, coun try town preferred. L 151. Oregonian. WOODCUTTING rnritract wanted. Address 40 Lan ?0tS North, port-and, Or. WANTED Contract cut two or three thou sand cords wood. O 143. Oregonian. MAN 4o years of age wants to secure lo cation in Northern California or South ern Oregon; varied business experiences, legal training, plenty of executive ability; can invest some money in desirable propo sition: best references given and required; give full details of proposition; no agents. Box 10. Dake Agency. 432 So. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. ROOMING-HOUSES. MARY li. LENT. HOTELS ROOMING APARTMENT HOUSES. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. 508-9 N. W. Bank Bldg., 6lh and Morrison. The following are a few samples of the many good buys we can offer: 6--ROOM HOTEL TO EXCHANGE. Owner is a farmer and wants to ex change for small dairy ranch; this house is paying now, .s a high-class brick building, niceiy furnished: price $3000. 50 ROOMS PRICE $3000. This house is modern, steam heat, hot and cold water, private baths, fine car pets, very clean; you can buy now and double your money In a few months; don't miss this. 38 ROOMS PRICE $1200. Located right near Washington and Cth: easy place for a lady to manage; brick building; free heat, hot and cold water; $600 cash, balance terms to suit. 20 ROOMS, TRANSIENT. Business center, running water in rooms, steam heat, fine furniture, nothing else like this in the city for the money. If you have $600 cash ask to see this. SMALL PLACES. 23 ROOMS, brick building, rent $30; this Is a pickup at $Suo. 20 ROOMS, must sell, price $5-0. 17 ROOMS, housekeeping, price $330. 14 ROOMS Jefferson St. Large yard, modern house, elegantly furniBhed throughout, furniture cost $2500, must sell this week, price $1000. 34 APARTMENTS Arranged in 2-room apartments, each with private bath and dressing-room, nlce y furnished and clean; other business re quires owner's time; don't fail to see this if you want the best buy in Portland, price $6000. 57 ROOMS, RENT $175. 19 3-ROOM apartments, each has pri vate bath; all outside rooms; will take real estate up to $2ouo; price .u.u ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 618-619 Yeon Bldg. Main 481. ROOMING-HOUSE SPECIALS. S0-ROOM APARTMENT. One of the very nicest places in the city: brick building; location can't be beat; run by present owner 3 years; fur niture the best; 34 apartments; clearing on an average ST50 per month. Might consider small amount of trade, but must have some cash. Price $8300. 30-ROOM APARTMENT TO TRADE. All two-room apartments: fine brick building; rent $250 per month; modern. This place clears never less than $150 a month. If vou have some good acreage that you will put In on CASH VALUA TION, call and see us. Price $5000. 50-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE. Hot and cold water in all rooms; steam heat, present owner has run house sev eral years, but Is going East and wishes to sell, and has cut his price from $-000 to $3000. Will take half trade. 19 ROOMS RENT $85. Furnace heat; all housekeeping; best West ' Side location; always full; clears S73 a month. Price $S50; $300 cash to handle. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF ROOMING-HOUSES. HOTELS AND APART MENT HOUSES. SEE US BEFORE BL 1 - XJ YEARS IN THE BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 618-619 Yeon Bldg. Main 4SI. ROOMING-HOUSE 14 rooms. West Side, 15 minutes' walk: cheap rent, low price; makes $0 a month clear and owner's living. Now Is the time to buy. You will pay more In September. Room 506 Oregonian bldg. DO YOU WANT TO SELL? We arc receiving many inquiries for hotels and rooming-houses from outside people asking about cheap rents and good locations for Winter trade. If you have something good at an attractive price let us know and we will send them to JOawALLACE. 506 Oregonian Bldg. Main 10S3. GOOD TRANSIENT HOTEL. 140 rooms, rooms hot and cold water, private baths, large ground-floor lobby-, gross income for June $1700; low rent, good lease; will trade for good farm or city property. particulars at 31C Ry. i-xchange Diog An l -. ..--. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGC 1 Hotels Rooming Apartment-houses.. ALL SIZES AND PRICK-. 808-9 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG, fnoue jkv avu o.'-u. 11 ROOMS. 10th St.. modern house well fur nished, cart houseKeepui. ieui f-i.-v, home for man ad wife with a jour ex penses paid by renting rooms; all for $430. O C. R Ellis & Co.. 309 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. LOCATED . Fl 5 B. ROOMS ALWAYS FULL; MAKING M PER MONTH; FOR SALE REASONABLE. MARSHALL HO.. 5 ROOMS, modem corner house, best W est Side district, steam heat, everything good . income from rooms $126. rent $42.0; price tiv r-i c n Ellis Co.. 309 Board of Trade. 4th and Oak stg 10-ROOM house for rent, with $1200 worth or tumlture tor aaie -rn.. -;. Morrison, on 13th St.; rent of house, 0O. suitable for-boarding-house. B liO, ore gonian. ROOMING-HOUSE 19 rooms: fine location; clearing $50 a montn; sen cm-i. .-... 506 Oregonian DlQg, FURNITURE 50 rooms, long lease, low rent. 51jU0 Clear every iiiuiivn . - " ' leaving Portland, must sell ; don t miss .i,i- hui-traln. Owner. A 146, Oregonian. $7509 ROOMS. H. K almost completely furnished, corner, iaic .a-.., -- ries, garden, good barn; housefor rent. ..s union ave. vui m. - iiui.v . S ROOMS furnished complete, electricity. . i . .... att- iilenl loca- gas, Datn, pnone, '""-. -.-,. tion; a bargain ujutyj. vnw-r., , 20 ROOMS, down town, transient and steady roomers; goou lease, ' "- . $5U. -ail 35 aULll, lie-,. 30 ROOMS, fine transient location, rent reasonable and $isoo casn taaes it. --os Wash, st NICE little 0-room house, with furnishings. down town; must sen qiv. v-- 1218 Northwestern rjai'tv vme- RTIKS want care of apartments or room, lnc-house north of Washington St.; refer ences. Alt l. -. vrcitmii-ii. 30 ROOMS, all on one floor, sold year ago . . ,- ,.,,',1 th. 1st SIMM). ior -'-ivw, iv t casn. oo loin, neai ov-i jv . tt-t-rx'ITI'RE of modern 5-room flat, rent $15; two rented $19 this week, $200. Mar. 239. 227 H Mill. 10 ROOMS, on fine street for roomers; rent $25; nice yard and a snap; price $2-0, a casn. can aa mm, ncai .-v-i-. 10 ROOMS, well furnished. $175; rent snap. Hurry. 502 Couch bldg $30; 10 ROOMS unfurnished; Grand ave. E. Burnside. Phone B 311L FOR SALE Good furniture of 8-room 26 v Nortn turn av. 10 H. K. rooms $125 if sold by Monday- : low rent, owner, jun ..vin. FCRN1TURE of 7-room house, complete . jim mt Tt&rne. $75. shop. B rooms pay v-iiv. "- ... ... LOST AND FOUND. tost From pasture at Country Club; black mare, weight 1000 lbs.; slight blemish on lower left eyelid. E. E. Lyons, Hillsboro. Or. Reward. NO questions asked. July 23 German dachshund (badger dog), lost; $2o for Its .nv.t-v- 234 Yamhill St. Marshall 394. PARTIES taking mowing machine f rom 1429 Vancouver ave., will save trouble by returning same at once. , LOST .Diamond shaped fraternity pin en rL w. Klrkpatrlck. Finder please phone Main C636. Reward. L oST Brlndle Bull Terrier pup, male, 3 W months old: $5 reward. E. P. Evans. 6.1o 58th ave. Phones Tabor 2663, B .ilbi LOST or strayed, large buff and white collie dog. license tag 3778; reward. 1012 L. 8th St. N. , LOST -Gold watch. Swiss, monogram H. M. tj on back of case; name Hazel Bruns inside case. Woodlawn 2S81. Reward. t OST On Sandy River, near Brlghtvvood, July 28, watch fob with initial O. G. C. Reward. 735 Tlbbetts St. WILL lady who picked up lady's gold watch at Oaks Park yesterday afternoon please call sell. --o. LADY who found lady's gold watch In Peninsula Park Thursday, please return to Oregonian. Reward. LOST Diamond ring at Y. W. C. A. Finder return to owner and receive reward. Ta bor 714. jjOSx Flat Belcher diamond ring; return and receive rewam. ----- OST White angora cat. Finder return to 1,13 fatton ave., ic-ci.- ....... PARTY taking grip y - '-take Initialed B D. J -, pnono -mi LOST Small gold brooch pin. Phone Wood lawn 1493. Reward, THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station: July 31 Marshall 5100. A 6131 1 valise. 1 can varnish, 1 pkg. canvas. 1 book. 1 key, 1 pkg. envelopes. I box nails. 1 lunch box. I pkg. gloves, 1 lady's glove. 1 wheel. 1 suit box. 1 letter, 1 pr. pliers, 1 pkg. socks and underwear, 1 nail file. 1 part of watch chain. 2 baskets. 1 scythe handle. 2 pipe wrenches. 1 pkg. meat, 1 pkg. books, 2 hand grips, 2 baskets. 1 grip, 1 lunch box. 1 bag. 2 packages, 1 knife, 1 purse, 1 rule. 1 pin, 1 bottle. LOST A black purse in Roberts Bros, store or on street; if returned party can keep money; I am a working girl and need my keys and glasses very badly. Please call up C 3076 and no questions will be asked. LOST Plain purse containing $15, gold watch engraved E. H., necklace. Finder return watch, keepsake, keep money. Re turn to Oregonian office. -FECIAL NOTICES. Proposals invited. REQUEST FOR BIDS. Established, paying clothing business; 1 win receive sealed bids up to 12 o'clock noon, August 10, 1914, tor stock men's clothing, hats, lurnlsliing goods, etc., in voicing about $15,000, fixtures $1250; At location, cheap rent; will sell with or without lease; best town In Oregon, wltn excellent future; population 10.0O0; excep tional opportunity lor man wanting good business; terms of sale spot casn. cer tified check of ten (10) per cent required with each bid. with an additional certi Iieu check of ten (I0J per cent trom suc cessful bidder, if bid Is accepted. I re serve the right to reject any aud all bids. Further information and inspection of stock to be made by appointment only. Wire or write to AY 573, Oregonian. DRUG STOCK We will receive sealed bids at our office, 005 Commercial blocK, lid and Washington sts., city, lor a stotK of drugs and sun dries located at 23d and Irving sts., of the Inventory value of $1200, together with fixtures amounting to $1000, up to 3 2 o'clock, noon, Wednesday, August 5, 1914. Terms cash. Bids requested for stock and fixtures together and also for stock and fixtures separately. Certified check for 10 'per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right is re served to reject any and all bids. Inven tory may be seen at our office and stock may be Inspected at store. ADJUSTMENT BUREAU OF THE PORT- L AN D AS SOCIATION OF CREDIT MEN SEALED proposals will be received at tne office of the undersigned, 4ul Courthouse, until 12:00 1L, Wednesday, August 5. 1914, for improvement of Lents scnoolgrounds. Plans aud specifications may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore, supt. of properties, C03 Courthouse. Deposit of $2 is required for plans and specifications. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School v-lerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any aud all pro posals. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated July 29, 1014. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 uourtnousa, until 12:00 M.. Wednesday, August 5, 1914 fnr naintlne- of various schools. Specitica tions may be obtained at the office of If. A. Naramore. supt. of properties. 303 Courthouse. Deposit of $2 Is required for specifications. Certified check for 10 per cent ui L'i- iiiuu-i -i tne- -., v.j able to R. K. Thomas, School Clerk, muii accompany each proposal. Board of Di rectors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk Dated July 29, 1814. l wit. I. receive sealed bids at my office. 740 Morgan building, Portland, Oregon, for a stock of general merchandise, located at Cooks, Washington, of the inventory vniiiation of $3294.09. together with fix tures amounting to $395.40, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, August 8, 1914. Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount otierea must accompany each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids, inventory may be seen at my officc and stock may be Inspected at Cooks. Washington. tt. i. .vji.n. Dated" Portland, Oregon, July 31, 1914 SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 4ut L-urmouae, until 12:00 M., Wednesday, August 5, 1914. for 200 waste paper cans. Specifications may be obtained at the office of F. A. TCo.omnre sunt, of Droperties. 303 Court house. Certified check for $40, payable to R. H. Thomas, bcnooi uierk,. must ac company each proposal. Board of Di rectors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. K. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated July SO, 1914. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION. Washington County. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids w.U be opened on August 2, 1914. at 11 A M. by tne State Highway Com mission, at Salem. Oregon, for the con struction of 5 87 miles of the Rex-Tlgavrd-ville road. Plans may be seen and form of specifications and contract obtained at room 442 Courthouse, Portland. Or. H L. BOWLBY, State Highway Engineer, Ealem. Or.. J:ily 21. 1914. Miscellaneous. -LLEN'S PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU. S"l 3D ST.. PORTLAND, OR. PHONE MAIN 6478. Wo read the daily and weekly papers of Oregon. Washington and Idaho. We class ify and segregate information contained therein. We furnish daily service to con tractors, civil sngineers, supply nouses, bonding concerns, politicians, etc. Let us read the papers for you. I WILL not be responsible for any bills contrated after August xl by North Al blna Transfer Storage Co., Signed J. I. Mackey. FINANCIAL. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO.. GENERAL INSURANCE. 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7592. A 3388. WE furnish the money at a low rate of in terest and save you more than the broker age of 2 per cent If we do the planning and building for you; It will pay you to see us. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. 324Ablagtoa. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY for good city loans, 6 and 7 per cent. J. A. Cunningham, 832 Morgan bldg. LOANS on Improved inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no delay. Principals only. Robertson i Ewlng, 207-208 North western Bank bldg. SACRIFICE a 373 first mortgage for $325, good security; might trade for an auto mobile; will not assume. D 172. Orego nian. MONEY to loan on Improved city properties, also farms; mortgages purchased. A. W. Payne, 215 Lumber Lxchange bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO., 85 Fourth St. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' Interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (first and second), equities pur chased F. H. Lewis d Co., 4 Lewis bldg. $650 FIRST mortgage, security worth $2500. Wili discount $125. H 171, Oregonian. WE tuy nutes, bo&dB and mortgages. Rob ertson & Ewlng. 207-8 N. W. Lank bldg. PRIVATE party wants to buy good first mortgages from owners direct. Tabor 4455. Money to Loan ou Real Estate. .it .mounts at low rates of intereaa. 414 Yeon bldg. Or. Bd. & Mtg. Co.. Mar. 83. $1800, $10,000 In sums to suit- N 100, Ore- fconia" aa m FY any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H Sclts & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. E. Thoroaa, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Cm. viviNKY loaned on real estate: contracts and mtgs. bought. H. Mlley, 204 Gerllnger bldg. $1000 TO $20,000 AT 7 per cent. Main 6033. H. L. Murton. 817 Worcester bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, iiuivr-1 -,,RDING 313 Ch of Com. x. MORTGAGE LOANS at 6 per cent and 7 por cent. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 92 h. First st, i.00 $400. $600. $1000. $1500. $2500. J. L. v.".!!. , Vri S24 Cham, of Com. blda. city and farm loans, any amounts, no ue J Wm. C. McClure. 414 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT -MV. ,o c at r,MO-M CO.. "' STARK ST. - . - $200 $350, $600. $900, $1200. $1800, Fred W. au-, ... . r-honvhivr nf fnm m. ei-i-. eri.ian v. $1000 TO 5000, private fund- for good loans, rnuue ..... MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry t. r'""""" ' ' $200 AND up on real estate. Bold Realty (Jo.. -Utl Aiuer si $5000 ON hand at 7 per cent on city In come. BF 106, Oregonian. I WILL loan you $2500 at 7 per cent :f your security is good. AG 152, Oregonian. IF YOU are in need of money see N. W. Realty Co.. aui oregunuiii ui-s J1275 FINE Vi block, near Broadway car. restricted, tain .'.-ig.'-n tui I HAVE $750. can make it $1000. for well Improved roiicii.. i .,,v. $3500 TO LOAN on well linproveu viii-pciij. I. l.i.l. prefcuii:-". $'000 TO $10,000; reasonable rates; no de lay, AJU 153, Oregonian. Money to Loan on Be! Estate. MONEY TO LOAN in sums to suit on improved real estate security. $500 to $50,000. Prompt service. Lowest rates. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO.. 916 Spalding Bldg. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. $20,000 at 6, $18,000 $12,000 10.000 8.000 5.0O0 3,000 a. $00 1.30O 1 . 100 900 0OO M KENZIE .v CO., 513 Gerllnger bids. Main 2801. ON improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as build ing progresses. The Equitable Savings 4k Loan Association. 240 Stark at. MONEY TO LOAN, 3 TO 8 PER CENT. Any amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 428-424 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city aud farm property, 0 to 7 per cent. MALL ii VON BORSTEL. 104 Second ft., near Washington. TO LOAN. 5 to 7 in. .nc.. on inside business prop erty, apartments and dwellings. Principals only. Apply to R. U. Blossom, 310 Chamber Cum'rce. $ 300 AMOUNTS $1500 700 TO 2000 1000 LOAN 2500 HARTMAN -THOMPSON BANK. 6 TO 7 PER CENT MONEY on hand to loan on improved Portland residence and business property only. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg- MORTGAGE loans in any aniuunt. 6 to 8 per cent, city or farm property. U. S. MORTGAGE & 1NV. Co.. 606-607 Yeon Bldg. MONEY to loan on inside realty; "private party." Give full particulars Urst letter. No commission. Principals only. AB 134, Oregonian. $20,000 TO loan at per rent on West Side: will consider loans from $5oOO up; no agents. AH 154. oregonian. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest ratea W. U. Beck, 315 818 Falling bldg. $1800, $10,000 IN stuns to suit, N. 100, Ore gonian. MORTGAGE LOANS. Real estate security, current rates, 201-3 Stock Exchange bldg. 3d and YamhllL, SEE us today for loans on Improved city property, 6 to 8 per cent; $300 and up Cellara-Murtou Co.. 825 Yeon bldg. $5000 TO loan at 7 per cent: will divide; want good security; give description and phone number. AE 151. Oregonian. $1500 TO loan on good security; reasonable rate of interest; will divide; givo locution. AE 152, Oregonian. TO LOAN $12,000 In amounts to suit. 8 per cent; $2,oo at i per cent. William t. -eckendorf. 206 Stock Exchange bldg. $1000 TO LOAN. AK 132. Oregonian. $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. 6 PER CENT 6 PER CENT $!0OO. $1200. $1500, $2O00. Main 1160 DE-HUN a- HAWK. 720 C. of C. Bids. MONEY TO LOAN. On real estate in amounts to suit. A. H. Bell, 201 Gerllnger bd., 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan in residence property; own er; no commission. Irvlngton preferred. AB 151. Oregonian. TO LOAN $4U,000 OR LESS. FARR1NGTON, 80 4th st. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. WILL buy some gopd seconu mortgages on Inside Improved property. Call Marshall 1689. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates A. H. BIrrell Co.. 217-19 Northwest era Bank bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON 1NV. 4- MORTGAGE CO., INC., Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and laiulm.. WANTED To loan $6000 lor 3 years on city income-bearing property; security ample. Address B 174, oregonian. $500, $1300. $2500, $5000 to loan, first mort gage, 8 Per cent, 7 pvr cent, 6 per cent. 422 Chamber of Commerce. Money to Loan Cliavttela ami Sa-arlea VACATION MONEY QUICK We Make Loans 111 Six Hours Time AT LEGAL RATES We loan money on diamonds, planus, livestock, storage receipts, equities, real estate, plain notes or furniture. Business absolutely confidential. No embarrassing investigation. We du as we advertise. An interview alii cost you Nothing and convince you that we play square. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed) Room 205 Rutllcliild bldg.. Bet. 4th and 5th on Washington St. Call, write or phune. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail Jewelry stores in the city; a loan department IS conducted in connection with same, mak ing business STRICTLY CO.NFiDEMlAL aosoiutely no signs designating loan busi ness displayed in front of our store. All merchandise pledged la held lur a period of seven months, whether or not lutuiest Is paid when due. We are licensed and have been established since 189. No con nection with any other loan establisiiiueur In this city. A. i M. . ...... . AGE, JEWELERS. 324 Washington St. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10. TO 1"0 cheapest and best place to borrow money, absolutely no secuuity. business strictly confidential. HOURS 8 A. M. lO 6 i'. M. SATURDAY TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., 009 FAILING BLDG. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS. Diamonds, watches. Jewelry, etc. SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ELBY COMPANY (Licensed), 320 Lumber Exchange J$ld(! MONEY to loan on pianos, furniture, autos, livestock, storage receipts, real estate, etc WE BUY MORTGAGES. MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CO.. Main 6286. 310 Ablngtou bldg. COLUMBIA LOAN CO. Swetland Bldg.. 206 and 7. Money to loan on chattels, pianos, plain notes, anything of value; confidential. We buy mortgages. ACCOMMODATION LOAN CO. Plain notes, salaries, chattels or any thing of value: confidential, c-urteoua SI Lumber Exchange bldg. Main S89s. MOSEY to loan on diamonds or aa.tlitog of value at 3 per cent. Apply 20-6 K-tti-chlld bldg. W E LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokera Marx a Bloch. 74 3d st- QUICK loans without publicity on pianos. lurnlture. auius. iuomiwLiw ..., stock. 206 Alder st. LOANS on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 H 3d St.. near Aider. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry Wm. Hull, room 8 Washington bldg MONEY LOANED on diamonds aud Jewelry. S. W. King, room 43 Washington bldg. Loans Wanted. xisoo THREE years, on house and lot, 1 per cent. R. W. Ifesl. 609 Wells-Fargo building WANTED From private party, loan of $S00 tu $1000; best impruveu oaaj Liivvieivj security. L 136. Oregonian. : , . $2000 WANTED at once irom principal. ner cent.. moral risk. V 131, Oregonian. WANTED $2500 on first-class furnished ho tel value $10,000; good rate interest. Myers. 63 6th st. Main 2311. LOAN WANTED $3500 at 7 per cent from 3 to 5 years on choice house and lot; no agents. BF 150. Oregonian. $1000 ON a 40-acre tract at Hood River will pay 10 per cent. F 154. Oregonian. I WANT $1000 on splendid security AM 99, oregoniam I WANT $8000 this week on best kind OI security. AC 153. Oregonian. $1'00 ON 480 acres. Central Oregon; v av 10 per cent. AC 132. Oregonian. I WANT $150 on good Portland lot 26th. senwooo i.n. $2500 WANTED, B per cent, city property valued $7500. Main 1166. $1.1)00 TO $13,000. on first mortgage, want ed before Sept. 1. t 171. Oregonian. WANT $200 loan from private party on good lot. A 161. Oregonian. $650 THREE yesrs. from private party, on my home; -worth $1500. B 168, Oregoalaa. WANTED ON A-l SECURITY $17,300 at 7 per cent, value $0o.O00. Income over $7otk) per year. $5000 at 7 per cent, value $14,000. $2000 at 7 per cent, value $7000. $2000 at 8 per cent (farm), value $10,000 $3000 at 7 per cent, value $12,000. $400 at 8 per cent, value $1200. M'KENZIE & CO. 313 Gerllnger bldg. Main 20t a-.l -1 i T , - m mi s.-n oon he J.ouo s years. I per cent, on eoavrvi uoiua $55oo years, years. nn v -. .1. ... ra.aitv $430O 7 per cent, on $13,001 nomc. $1500 3 years, 7 per cent, on $3500 horn G RUBER. 401 Stuck Ex. bldg $3000 WANTED at 7 per cent on 13-acrt ranch and substantial buildings, neat Portland. Property valued at $0o0. baft loan. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. $70(111 WANTED at 6 per cent on $23,00. close-in corner, with good building. In come $123 per month. Insurance $9OO0. Land valued st 51... HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. $1500 WANTED on 100x100 comer. IB proved with modern home, garage, poul try house and pens, fenced-in garden, fin yard; occupied by owner; principals only; value $45oo. V 138. Oregonian. $250 DISCOUNT for quick sale, A-l security, $2000 first1 mortgage running one more year, on 24 acres well Improved apple land. Hood River district. AB 132. oregonian. FA KM LOAN NEAR GltESHAM. 2J00. 20 acres, 15 In cultivation. 7-room house, largo barn, value $6200. Will pay 8 pet cent. Fred . German Co., 914 Chambe! of Commerce- WANT $30,000 ut 0 per cent for terra oi years. Ample security consisting of eleo trie light plant and water works In grow lng. thrifty town In Washington. AD 13U, Oregonian. WANT TO BORROW $4000. 3 YEAR. I PER CENT. SECURED II Y WELL-IMPROVED IRVINGTON PROPERTY. NO AGENTS. V 137, OREGONIAN". WANTED To borrow 11150. 1 years. 7 pet cent, on 5-room modern bungalow; flrsl mortgage; close to Hawthorne avt.. hard surface paving. Phone B 1911. $30.0i0 WANTED at once for five yeare. Improved real estate security; value $T$, 000; excellent moral risk, principals ooly need reply. AC 189. Oregonian. MONEY wanted from principals only, first mortgages (or sale; applications on band for desirablu loans, amounts $5iK) to $J0. QQQ Henry C. prudhomnie. Wilcox bldg. $10,000 WANTED for Ave years on Improved farm property valued at $45.0OO. excellent moral risk; principals only need apply, a 174, Oregonian. WANT $5n0, $1500, $2500. 7 and 8 per rent improved resident and business proper! v, from private party preferred. A 171, Ore- gunian. $4000 WANTED at once security improved farm tiotr Portland. 80 acres bottom land, all cultivated. Value $16,000. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg. $20no WANTED at 7 per cent on Alameds Park residence valued at $4500. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423-424 Chamber of Oommeroa. $7500 ON fine home, large grounds, corner, improvements In. excellent location, pa rage, val. property $l?v.iino. pay 7 per cent to private party. V 139. Oregonian. W ANTED --$13,000, T per cent. $15oo. 8 pel cent. $4000. 8 per cent; $4'KMl. 7 per cent. First mortgage security. Morsl risks A 1. P. O. Box 937. WANTED $1300 for 3 years at 7 per cent on fine bungalow in Suiinysids: no agents. Call jit. Boaid of Trade. Main 7452. A 4401. WANTED - At once. $200o to $:iflou. 1 n .1 years, at 8 per cent, flrsl mtg.; good real estate security valued ui $13,000. owner. Ma'.u S774. vmiii i'ash wanted on real estate worth $250o; will give 1st mortgage ItOtO. three years, interest 8 per cent. M 151. Ore gonian. $1X00 3 yesrs. 7 per cent, no commission; .1 -room cottage. West Hide; walking distance. Inquire ..' Morrison. WILL sell st liberal discount, first mortsaga $:I000, three years. . per cent, on prop erty worth IHP'hi. II 152. oregonian. WANTED From private party, flrsl mort gage Inaii ou m honae; $15oO. at 7 pet cent. X 150. Oregonian. $35nn" WANTED ON FINK I I:IGt0n HOME. FROM PRIVATE PARTY. W 139. OREGONIAN. fiSSS WANTED, three years, 8 OS property worth tOOOO; will pay c and attorney's fees. M 133. Or i. s per cent, on oniiiiiasioii egonian. WANT $1250. three esra. per cent, no new -room i.uiigaiovv, i lose in. n On LOAN of $l0O wanted on house; Interest 8 per cent, mere. 305 Lewis bldg. -room Suin- W. J. W A NT to borrow $3oim on house and corner lot; value $6500: restricted district; will pay 7 per cent. AB 136, oregonian. WAVT-KIl-rronl nrlviiln larl. $4000; tin- proved farm; pay a per cent, no commla- alon ; value aver $13,000. 374 11th st WANTED $20,000 at 7 per cent for tbree years, on West Side Income property. AP 70. Oregonian. WANT to borrow $2730 ou house and lot In I ,.,.!,!' Addition at 7 per cent. Y 136, Oregonian. WANT $450 on good town property In East ern Oregon, valued $2000; will pay 10 per cent for one vear. AV .'.34. Oreunlsn. $4O0"i AT 7 per cent, well-lvcted m reage, value $17,000; principals. W 1:12, Ore gonian. WANTED ll00 at a per cent on new East Side bungalow Call Hi Board of Trade. Main 7402. A 4401. i'EK-UNAL. HAIH-HA1K-HA1R-HAIK. tO-lnch convent Hslr Switches $4$ 26-lnch convent Hair Switches, gray, ill Hairdrtsslng JO Face Massage fchampoo Manicure, 25c. o for w 12 scalp ttealfueuls A aw superfluous hair removed by eleetrto nevQie, guaranteed not to return. Cut hair, m any shade, switches, aa luiKth: urii.es halt. Sanliary 1'ai.ors, 4tl! 4)2 piiuiu oKig . SO and vv ash ingtoa. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Melaingfora craduate, f UegmetltTlli narvous and alom-It- aliments uuuer pliyaiclau s UUectlosst lath, u.aaaage. No. ' r.asl 11th St.. sec ond doji aoutn trom Eaai Aukeuy carliae, Pnone Laat J6. B 10. FEB VET m 11 AN SB UT. Leading aTH end toupee makers; no est atovk of human sir gooda, sw lichee (rem s, up liairoraaaiug. luanicunog, face sail rriu ttaauawati eeatbtags maua up to er- . . - -. .. .... vi., ...... tain 54a Oct. Ill tin. ." LADiEa Results, not promises only, la arkJU you wau Curouic compiaints aaa diaeaaea of women are my apecisitlea. beet oi ail drugi.es aietbods used, no opera- ..." ... ,..,iiiion tree. turn. W. Ciecs- well, 'natmvipath. 704-U DakUlll bldg. ki I'l lll'LL olio HA1K. moles, el, penna bi..he.ndOV.08d94. KySLaTtf corner m aim ; WAVi'LD Convalescent pauciiva vi people to care for In my own Home. .arge. all. rooms and pleasant surroundings. ....ni, B 3385. Pl-IVATE Instruction, exp. i ' leu. her of . ,. in. vine. I ill. V wlTt-tni anvl Two-step" V. Line. 230 10ti at. I'liulie -inu"N GERMAN TRAIN lr "". Ior rnuuiiiaviaiM, - - - - and batha. 452 Salmon I tU, cor. I3t- Me. - shall 603$. Open Sundaya mw ITCHES transformations made from yiir own combings. hair '''orouju, washed and rooted. Guaranteed. Mam 1 jgt 514 Ablngtou biOg. wanted Automobile parties, all day ; V.ruo.na $1. uur persona chauSeai. Mam 4-65 ... n.iiii- 5 SKIP, mental and rplrltual ect tions Aim messages. Min. and VVe.i., 8 I'. M. iiiTCALISM Rev. May A. Price. Circles Tuea " Wed. aud Sun. 8 I. M. llaadluga lailv". 003 Fifth St. MADE OF YOUR COMB1NU3. it-Wag 93c, curls ano puita. 73c. Bas ilar" autJL-JTaiiiuraJ 400 begum OKlg. n?vl uaNN. write the address of .that SrtJ ou gave me. J. Powell. Holel &t,.?a.' 12th and Wash. . l i CAS formerly residing at 331 Grand ave.T please communicate with the Fred A. j acobs company. v. u KTKVENS. 20 years Portland's leading M o.iust suu cialrvov ant. has her 1st. boaka Sjjjjjjfijt Morrison su open dally. 77T "m 5)7 KIUS Compound Royal Tonio li ALat vvr "f ph. VI am .lei. Tablets, awa a' -- , u SINC1 ARE. Ten. her of t.larlonet and Saxup.'ionc. jaeianai. n, oiaa Nechyba. chiropractic, steam batha. ur- V1 ..... M..rtnw.at uiua. Main k7SW. egwaii - i LESSONS In phrenology, palmistry and card i.adiug. 235 6lh tit. Phone Main 7548. vWAN'l- BROTHERS moved to 601 North ,,.,.,. !.,., i v.. i,, , r west oiug. own v uol E.. supernuo-v hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fileduer bldg. Main 347$. DR M'MAHON. Chiropractor. 121 4tn. $7t Williams ave.. 1$ treatments. $10 Uatb 14. MEDICAL. USE Bassett'sNaiive Herbs for rl iumatlam. iu tablets for 2Sc AU drugglgtg.