The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 02, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 30

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    . I . oK huv, I ro mtan.
' . -. . . -.. k WANTED AU2CNTS. J WANTED TO KENT. -wTthH -oar- Irl-rlv-tr 1 amlllcs. i ruf-IM AP-----
Mix ilaneous.
AX industrious young man. willing to do
anything, experienced tn hotel and apt.
house line, would like position in a nice
hotel or apt. where honesty and ability are
appreciated; may buy Interest it suited.
Mala 294 1 .
.-1 STATIONARY engineer. Illinois ana
Mas, licenses, thoroughly understands the
care and operation ot steam boilers, tur
bines, geuetators. etc.. willing to combine
watchman's work with other duties, etc.
AP 134, Oregonlan.
SPANISH-AMERICAN war veteran wants
position aa nrst-claa- steam engineer; 1
years experience in big mills In the bait,
capable of running any kind ot an engine.
BenJ. Hodges. Multnomah Sta, Or., box 4.
EFFICIENT, reliable salesman desires po
sition, city or road; can Invest Jfvcrai
thousand and within coming year. Call or
address advertiser. Main 88. Greene Hotel.
6th and Oak.
FvEM manager wants position; experi
enced and competent to take charge hor
ticulture, general (arming or dairying; l
also experienced creameryman. 11 no.
Oregonlan. ,
WANTED Position with reliable firm
where there Is an opportunity for ad
vancement by young man Ho years old.
who has Just finished high school; good
references. AB 131. Oregotiian.
PRACTICAL farmer, age 26. married, no
children, understands dairy, general farm
ing, gas engines and farm machinery,
wants position on farm; can take charge;
highest references. AB 133. Oregonlan.
YOUNG marrle-u man, good dresser, good
talker, experienced timekeeper. hand
with tools, will take any work in city or
out. Phone C 1599 or address BD low.
YOUNG man. 23. wants position with some
wholesale house with good chance for
advancement; have been with a furniture
company for eight years, desire change;
good references. K 170. Oregonlan.
n RST-CLASS-Janitor needs work and
willing to work; with the best references
from 5 or 6 parties in Portland at one
place. Please call Woodlawn 3436.
CllAL'FKEUR, experienced Japanese, care
ful and sober, reliable repair man, wants
position with private family; registered;
reference. a 141. Oregonlan.
WANTED By an experienced hotel man
as all around clerk or manager of small
hotel. Moderate salary considered. A. F.
Stewart. Burley. Idaho.
UI'HULSTEHING by mechanic who thor
oughly understands the business from
every angle; 33 years' experience in best
firms In America. AG 13.. Oregonlan.
PRACTICAL poultryman will manage
ranch on salary or on shares. References
exchanged. Personal Interview desirable.
AP 133. Oregonian.
EFFICIENT high-grade salesman and busi
ness builder wishes to change his present
environment; modest compensation; high
es: references. R 180. Oregonlan.
ST AN with small family wants position as
ranch hand with dairy; will board the men
or will take charge and manage stock
ranch. Box 84. Thornton. Wash.
BY YOUNG married man. experienced in
hardware and grocery. In or out of Port
land; best of references. AC 13H. Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED In bookkeeping, credits, in
surance, freight rain; good correspondent;
neat appearance; A-l references; married;
In or out of city. AV 368. Oregonlan,
WANTED Work by young man 22 years
old office work preferred, but will take
anything where there Is a chance for ad
vancement, K 1T1. Oregonlan.
CH M'KFEL'R, clean, young man will drive
vour machine and care for It for room
end board; must have something to do.
AG 141), Oregonlan
TOL'NG man wants work on rancn; nan
experience with horses, hogs, cattle and
chickens: good recommendations. M 13a,
YOUNG married man, must have work; ex
perienced shipper, timekeeper, hotel work;
will take anything. Mr. Belmont. Marshall
WORK wanted on a farm by middle-aged
couple from the East; no children; man
can do all kinds of repairing; reliable,
reasonable. O 13-, Oregonlan.
FREE painting or tinting with all painting
contracts, old or new work; best mater
ials and workmanship; low prices. BF
16". Oregonlan.
GOOD all-around carpenter with family,
wants work on ranch in Eastern Oregon
or Washington. Address Box 101. Salem.
WANTED A 1ob on ranch by married man
34 years old who knows general farming,
or will lease equipped irrigated ranch.
AR 152. Oreconlan.
MILKER and barnman wishes position on
dairy. AD 180. Oregonian.
LET us do your building, repairing; reliable
work; reasonable. Phone Sellwood 1663.
Bookkeepers and stenographers.
STOP worrying over incorrect spelling and
punctuation. Call Miss King, Main 89io.
expert stenographer; manuscript for au
thors and playwrighters corrected. Type
written circular letters cheap.
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer
desires permanent position. beginning
about August 10. Best of references. K
13a. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer
with three years' experience desires posi
tion, permanent or substituting. Wood
lawn 3650.
YOUNG iady wishes eeneral office work cr
bookkeeping; 8 years' experience; oppor
tunltv for advancement. Phone East 1:637.
F1KST-01.ASS stenographer, with law, mer
cantile and real estate, experience. Main
BOOKKEEPER. 8 years- experience, desires
small set of books to keep evenings; ref
erencea Marshall 1848.
EXPERT bookkeeper-stenographer; 8 years'
experience; wholesale house 3 years. H
141. Oregonlan.
STENO., six years' experience, from East,
wants' permanent position; references fur
nished if desired. BF 131. Oregonlan.
WANTED Young woman wants genera! of
fice work, shorthand and typewriting; will
substitute. Wdl. 1067.
YOU MAY name the salary; must have
work, college education; references. A 153,
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi
tion; moderate salary. Phone Main 5220.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition; references. L 127. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED office girl desires position;
references; moderate salary. Marshall 898.
Y'OUNG, Inexperienced stenographer desires
position or office work. AC 13i. Oregonlan.
WANTED Work by experienced stenog
rapher. E. 1042.
WIDOW with small children wants sewing,
house dresses, children's clothes made, neat
and cheap. Take Hawthorne ave. car. 430
Glenn ave.
EXPEP.IENCED dressmaker and ladles'
tailor desires engagements. $3 per day.
Woodlawn 2'.29.
DRESSMAKING by the day; all kinds of
ladies' and children's garments. Sell
wood 1203.
GOOD dressmaker li"e suitable housekeep
ing rooms, with yard; first month's rent
In sewing. Main 2329.
MAE MART, modlsie. Suits. gowns,
dresses, alterations and makeovers. Main
3933. 132 12th St.. corner of Alder.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will take more
engagements by day. Marshall 2211. 163
17 th st.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and ladles'
tailor will sew by the day. $3. Phone B
COMPETENT woman wants general house
work, country or city ; good cook. AK 150,
GOOD dressmaker wants sewing by day or
at home; $2 a day; satisfaction guaran
teed. Marshll 7?.
MRS. JACKSON dressmaking done at home;
work guaranteed. 787 Northrup st. Main
SATISFACTORY dressmaking. $1.50 day.
simple dress made In one day. Marshall
FASHIONABLE dressmaking by day or at
home reasonable. Hotel Cadillac. Phone
Main 18. .
FASHIONABLE dressmaking in your own
home. J2.5U per day. Miss Buckley. Main
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress
wishes engagements; prices reasonable.
Main 1490. ;
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes day en
gagements; satisfaction guaranteed. Mar
shall S2-7.
DRESSMAKING, children's clothes a spe
cialty. Tabor 7.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day. Tabor
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out by
the day, $2.2.1 per day. Phone East 2272.
DRESSMAKING by day; stylish and rapid.
Phone Tabor 4644.
EXPERT dressmaker, $3.50 per day. Phone
Sellwood 62S.
DRESSMAKING out or home; reduced rates
Aug. A 2386. Call for dressmaker.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day; re
modeling a specialty. Phone Tabor 2i80.
COMPETENT dressmaker will go out by the
day. Phone East 8642.
(SEAMSTRESS wants plain sewing. Main 717.
DRESSMAKING by the day; gowns. dreBses.
shirtwaists, underwear made or remoa
eled band sewing. Miss M. Bell. Phone
Mam 410..
MODISTE recently from San Francisco,
usin-a; French styles without patterns, will
make suits, gowns, dresses, capes, etc. -Mo
" .. . o-ia (-a 1 F.ast BOOT.
.ui oruaua). yi -.
WANTED Sewing by the day: good home
dressmaking; references. East 2S8-.
A WORKER in Christian Science wishes
situation as companion and attendant
where help on same line would be appre
ciated, and not all of time required. Phone
East 1338. .
PRACTICAL nurse desires engagements; in
valid and confinement cases with some
housework; reasonable. East 48i.
GERMAIN trained nurse wants position,
take care for sick, invalid- or Infant.
Phone Main 560.
PRACTICAL nurse with some training and
many years' experience, rnone -
or A 7271.
TRAINED NURSE would like work In den
tist office for the experience and small sal
ary. Mar. 1081
NURSE wishes confinement cases. Phone
Marshall 2480 or Marshall JQ-n
ROOMS Treatments for chronic invalid;
trained nurse; reiereiiees. a-.
UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants any kind
of case: reasonable. Main 38 1 8.
UNDERGRADUATE nurse; reasonable. Main
TRAINED nurse wishes engagements, very
reasonable ;wllldohouseworkTaboT 383-.
A GOOD practical nurse wants work; wages
IS. 107 X. 15th st. Mrs. Thare.
LADY would like position in good family
as housekeeper; no objection to small chil
dren ; understands sewing and fine needle
work: no washing, but would help with
Ironing; references given, - 130. orego
EXPERIENCED housekeeper, capable taking
full oharce rooming-house, hotel or apart
ments, city or country, desires position.
Marshall 3031'.
POSITION as housekeeper by young Swedish
woman, in widowers family; good home,
small salary, country. Room lo, oOU Jei
ferson. ,
HOUSEWORK Elderly couple or widower's
home: small family; good home more than
big salary: excellent references; state sal
ary will give. AO !- onriii.
MIDDLE-AGED woman as working house
keeper for man witn or wimuui e...-.,i.
Call Sunday. 496 E. 18th st. N.. between
Thompson ana tirnzee.
WANTED by a woman of dignity A posi
tion as housekeeper for single gentleman
or as cook for a few men. Tel. A oj92.
I. 112, Oregonlan
WANTED by refined, middle-aged lady, po
sition nouseKecper lur pe-.,,." , T
or charge of home of widower with child.
V 133, Oregonlan
WIDOW with daughter wishes position as
housekeeper for widower or bachelor or
as camD cook. Mrs. Doris Kin?. 220 Grant
St.. Portland. Or.
GERMAN lady, middle-aged. good cook.
housekeeper, w isnes pom emu. J
charge of small household. A Ii3. ore
REFINED, educated lady desires house
keeping, widower or elderly couple. AO
173. oregonian.
WIDOW with daughter 14 wants position
In widower's or bachelor's home either
In or out of city. BC lot., oregonian
POSITION as managing housekeeper by re
fined capaDie, unincumucicu ,. ,
references. BD 152. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE young woman wants position
housework or care or ciin-icn.
wages; good references. Q 14, Oregonian,
. - it. ,.n,itlnn Housekeeper.
WUXA., O. nn.i.i. H.,...... ,,"T TAT
bachelor or widow; fond children. lu w.
REFINED lady desires housekeeping for re.
spectable widower, bachelor, or small fam
ily. V lau. oregonian.
A WIDOW wishes position as housekeeper.
a good home; uo anca. a--u. ......
YOUNG woman wants housekeeping place;
gentleman oniy. J r.'-t. u's""'""-
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work
hn.lifi'npr. A 1517. Main 717.
D, nic eties.
UEFINED woman will care for invalid or
elderly couple at beach In exchange for
board and room for self and child; stale
particulars; good references. BF lol. Qre-
YOUNG married woman wants position In
refined family doing general housework;
husband to live with me and $7 a month;
husband working; can give reference. East
tjli'M. asK lor iwuiii
COMPETENT, reliable girl wishes general
housework or second work. Phone East
GIRL 16 wants work private family where
she will be treated as one of family.
Phono l-o.
GIRL wantB housework, some experience.
Phone woodlawn -uoo.
W IVTEU Man and wife will take a posi
tion a' housekeeper or will take charge
of an apartment-house; have experience
and will give best reference. Phone Main
J02 or call noiei oruou.
LADY of 3 years' experience wants posi
tion In private telepnone exchange. call
Tabor 27S7 or write box 405. R. F. D.
No. 2. MilwauKie. or.
MASSAGE given by trained nurse; will go
to homes or will give treatments at my
apartments. 353 Harrison. Park Apts.
Phone Alar, iwi
WANTED A few more pupils for piano
instruction; special attention given begin
ners; w 11 go to the house; prices reas
onable. Phone Woodlawn 2029.
YOUNG lady from East wishes position wait
ress HI Sinn.ll ui e.u,..fc.- . " -
ing to work a few days free. Phone Main
-7?,7 '.. A. M. to 4 P. M.. Apt 22.
FRENCH vounu lady, speaking o languages,
w ishes position in refined family as nursery
governess: best of references. Phone Main
2109 between 9 and 12 A. M.
REFINED, competent young woman desires
light work In congenial home. Phone Main
00"" or address AF 154. Oregonlan.
WANTED Cashier work by young lady;
best of city references given; would leave
city. AE 154. Oregonlan.
RELIABLE cook wants cook or serve din
ners; satisfaction guaranteed. Marshall
FIRST-CLASS middle-aged chambermaid de
sires position,' city or country. Marshall
LACE curtains, draperies, blankets, laun
dered, 10c to 20c each; experts, oellwood
1696. '
COMPETENT mother needs work; take
home hand laundry or sewing; no other
Income; city references. Main -ol9.
WNTED By experienced woman cook, po
sition out of city. In small camp or on
boat. AN IDS, oreBOiiuii
WANTED Washing ana nouse cieanius.
phone East 0039, room 14. ,
WOMAN will assist housework for music
lessons, room, board. O 136. Oregonlan.
prTv" TE lessons in English to grown peo
ple: Eastern teacher. R 136, Oregonian.
DAY work wanted by young colored woman.
AO 134. Oregonian
WANTED Day work; live In Rose oity
Park. Phone laooi
LAUNDRY work done at lowest prices.
l none uuu.""
COLORED woman wishes laundry work by
the uay. can i.
LVUNDRY done at home by experience-V,.a-
-r.n.1 work guaranteed. East 24.m.
WANTED by a woman, day work for Tues
day. Wednesday, Thursday. Est 6614.
WANTED Ch.imberwork or kitchen work
acllv in neeu. ruunc
CHAMBER work in rooming-house. Marshall
i mi. room -iv.
EXPERIENCED waitress would like steady
'nositlon out of city. AP 108. Oregonlan.
DAY' wort wanted by neat woman. A 1517,
Main J17.
HOUSE cleaning or laundry work wanted
by reliable woman. A 1517, Main .17.
FIRST-CLASS family laundress wants day
work. East 2861.
REFINED woman with child wants work.
A 151i, ain in
WOMAN will care for elderly couple or keep
house for widower. A 1517, Main 717.
COLORE r GIRL wants chamber work or
day work. Call Woodlawn 3436.
WOMAN wants work by the tla
Col. 298.
CAMDY' secrets, complete candy book; every
one bins on sight; 25c for sample and free
start offer. More Co., dept. 140, Temple
bldg.. St. Louls
jfpfx"fd vvomen sell De Luxe ink tablets:
fine vest pocket side line. Big profits,
large, continuous sales. DeLuxe Mfg. Co.,
233 Manhattan bldg.. Chicago.
500 PER cent profit, gold and sliver sign
letters for siore and office windows. Any
one can put on. Write today free sample.
.Me taillc l.eciei v-o.. -w i -
MEN and women for permanent, profitable
business; constant repeat orclers assure
steady Income. Wm. L. Cahill. Fort Hall,
TO HANDLE, "no rnv-.-
A great property, consisting of acreage
villa sites and suburban home farms, .0
miles from San Francisco, is ready to put
on the market. Located within commut
ing distance and selling at most attract
ive prices; $2,500,000 worth of properO.
It requires some money to properly adver
tise this tract, but to right agents having
proper means, owners will make most
liberal commission proposition. A prop
ertv that could be sold out during expo
sition year. 1915. Karvey M. Toy. 8Jo
Market St., Dan r ranciscu
. . . i in... i, qt-v ilcnt in
OUt, notnillg Mae nac .v. , .,,,
pocket; biggest seller out today, enormous
profits, coins you money. Anyone can
now have cooling glass of lager beer when
ever they want it. It's simply w-onderfu ,
amazing, great. Show it, sell them all.
If J50 a week looks good to you, senn
postal today. Ambrew Co., dept. 1B11.
Cincinnati, o.
MEN AND WOMEN who are well acquaint
ed and have a following to solicit Insur
ance city or state, for a SIOO.000,000 com
pany: most attractive and up-to-aate con
tracts to those who are willing to work
and can get the business; become Inde
pendent and work for yourself. Call or
write B. W. Rubin, general agent, Bin
Morgan bldg.
WE start you, in business. 'lsh'"fn
thing; men and women. ISO to -00 week
ly operating "new system specialty candJ
factories," home or small om
where; no canvassing. Opportunity life
time; booklet free. Ragsdale Co.. box S.
East orange, n. a.
WANTED Representatives to sell mal
machine tool on commission; ""'versa
used: does work of lathe, miller and drill.
Fine side line: only first-class men of good
appearance with references considered. No
other similar tool in world. Address 320
Lissner bldg.. Dept. los --ve.""'
AGENTS wanted to sell my quick money
making articles; can be carried in P0""'
sells on sight; somat hing everybody uses
and buys; you do not need any money to
start; good vacation money easily eained
by boys and girls. Write today. E. Kirk-
patrick, uaruon, ejr.
REDHOT Summer seller. Concentrated soft
drinks, orangeade, grape, raspberry, etc..
7 kinds, small package enormous demand
Whirlwind sales, astonishing profits. Get
it quick while It's new. Write today full
particulars. American Products Co., 3o0a
Sycamore, Cincinnati, win
AGENTS make $23 to $50 weekly selling
6elf-llKhtinc gas tips and gas stove llgni
ers: no mltfhes required: Just turn on
gas, lights itself; sells on sight; send
for proposition before all territory is
taken. Automatic Gas Appliance Co.. l
Union bquarn, .e imp.
LADY AGENTS 100 per cent profit selling
our brand-new sanitary drawers; every
lady will buy: first time offered to agents,
not sold in stores; send postal for partic
ulars. The Moss Co., 15 Moss bldg.. Roches
ter. N
WE have several good fields open for active
canvassers, on liberal commission basis.
Our men are making as high as ?la0 a
week Good record and references re
quired Writo Oregon Nursery Company.
urenco. or.
BIGGEST money-maker out in years; con
centrated beer extract; makes real beer
by adding water; not near beer; enormous
demand, large sales, long profits; stamp
for particulars. Ambrew Coast Agency,
Box lliP. forimnu.
AGENTS sell rich-looking Imported 3faM
runs. $1 each; Carter. Tenn., sold HO 4
days; profit $57. You can do same. Write
sample offer selling plan; exclusive terri
tory. Sample rug parcel post PrePalo"MJS
cents. JVOIluau, ugyyiwi o
SLIDING casters, necessity every home child
can attach; saves floors, carpets, furniture.
Hotels, restaurants buy gross lots; cost
8c. sell 15c. Agents making $25 to JlOO
every week. Samples free. H. O. Sliding
faster jo., iu--u "tr" a.
MAKE $1000 THIS SUMMER. $100 RE-
1K1.LI 11. lltf, y.vvjw-. .
NEW household necessity; sells like hot
cakes; big profits; also big ltne quick
sellinc goods; nothing like them; particu
lars free. M. B. R. Mfrs., 13 Water St.,
N. Y
$300 MONTHLY, tremendous demand, power
tire pump, ibimi duiuuiui.i. -
agents cleaning up everywhere Get busy.
Woodward Tump Co., 222 3d, Detroit,
AGENTS In every town, men and women to
represent and handle profit-making spe
cialties of merit. Write for particulars
today. Manufacturers Sales Co. Box 9b6,
AGEN'TS WANTED Agents make 500 per
cent profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards' ;
merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight; 80O
....i.ti... -free. Sulnvan Co..
1234 Van Buren St.. Chicago. 111.
NEW mechanical mender; mends without
solder or glue; household necessity; re
peat orders Sample 10c. Write quick.
Meramec Co.. Broadway and Walnut, de
partment no, at. Louis.
WANTED Five first-class agents at once;
high-grade specialties, quick sales, large
profits, unlimited demnnd; no competition.
Mr. Brown, Hote.1 Ramapo, this forenoon.
WANTED Reliable salesman who covers
the state of Oregon, including small towns,
to take good side line; can be carried In
pocket. Apply at S6 N. Uth St.
MAKE bigger money selling our UpO-Uta
novelty signs; catalogue free. Novelty
Sign Card Co., desk 30. St. Louis.
Salesmen Wanted.
SALESMEN Earn $2000 to $4000 a year.
New combination, 12 tools in one. Sells at
sight to contractors, farmers, teamsters,
fence builders, threshers, minors. Weighs
21 pounds, lifts 3 tons. Stretches wire,
pulls posts, hoists, etc. Chance for men
who want honest money-making propo
sition. Harrah Manufacturing Co.. box K.,
Bloomrieia, inu
SALESMEN. WANTED To fill vacancy:
good traveling salesman "" - --
year or better; staple, well-advertised
line selling direct from factory to mer
iha'.': position permanent; big chances
for advance. Box 490. Iowa City, la.
SALESMAN wanted to carry ollr 1ulck-
STsiaVsof Oregon and Washington ; lib
eral commission; send references and state
territory covered. La Crosse Pennant Co.,
La LTosse. vv is
SALESMAN wanted with $1000 to engage
in countrv selling propontion : will have
2 Ford cars and 4 men; average net
profit each per day $15.00. This Is worth
your while to Investigate. F lo2, Ore
WANTED Salesman to sell a line of well-
known temperance annas in ii..i -
try towns; 25 per cent commission and
$40 weekly drawing account. Red Cross
Company. 206 S. Main. St. Louis. Mo.
SALESMAN wanted by lace and cmWold
erv importers; must have established
trade in smaller towns; expenses advanced;
samples light. Merk & Co.. 416 Broadway,
New lorn
IF YOU are out of work, write for our lat
est proposition: we want men in your
section who can earn $3 a day. Co-operative
Specialty Co., 2821 Manitou ave.. Los
Angeles, e-ai.
SALESMEN wanted, high-grade -ty
salesmen to handle best-selling advertising
proposmon ever introduced. Experienced
premium or contest men preferred. Eagle
Importing uo.. ai. puis.
SALEM AN for city tea and coffee route;
will require some cash to handle this es
tablished route; references required. Grand
Union Tea Co.. 44S Washington.
TR AVELING salesman wanted; I have the
best money-maker on the roaa: I've wires
only need to apply. 288 21st N. Robinson
Mfg. CO.
WANTEP! Salesmen to carry dairy prod
ucts and imported delicatessen as side line
for Eastern Oregon and Washington. Ad
dress N 77, Oregonlan.
cat eMFN Live-wire men to sell flavor
"ing extracts to retail and Jobbing grocery
trade throughout the West on commission.
Mr Schanz. Box 3S3. Colo. Springs. Colo.
WANTED A house of five rooms and bath,
rent not to exceed $1S per month; respon-sfbl-
tenant. Address, stating street and
n um per, al !-
WANT to rent modern house, not less than
Wven rooms, on the West Side; state o
cation and price or no attention w.ll be
paid to same. N 136. Oregonian.
WANTED 6-roomed modern furnished
house by 4 adults; close In; must be rea
sonable; West Side preferred. Address D.
B. W., JHUnaii
SMALL furnished cottage, flat or apartment
by couple, within walking distance of
Water and Main sts.: sleeping porch pre-
terrea. "
MODERN 9-room residence, 5 bedrooms,
garage or roam to build garage; 4 in
family; no small children. Address D 131,
WANTED To rent at one. 5-room unfur
nished bungalow or cottage, bungalow pre.
f erred; electricity and gas. Hawthorne or
SunnysIde.Phone Tabor jo39.
v.- . s-TED Unfurnished house. 7 or 8 rooms,
modern, with yard. In good location. R 150,
WANTED To rent or lease for 2 or 3 years,
modern house, not less than 8 rooms. West
Side; low rent, iv .t,...-..
WANTED 5-room furnished cottage at
Seaside, close in. Address 287 Morris st.
Phone C ibiu. wooo.--n
WANTED To rent small modern house with
"irace in desirable neighborhood; will
garage 'ii
take lease aqi
o-ROOM modern bungalow on Mt. Scott
carline. 194 Ivy St.
YOUNG couple, no children, would like mod.
ern. well furnished 4 or 5-room cottage
to take care of during owner's absence for
Winter; highest possible reference given;
exceptionally good care taken of house;
reasonable rental; Sunnyslde or Haw
thorne preferred; give particulars and
phone numoer. an casi -tv-u at.
HIGH-CLASS modern house, not less than
5 bedrooms. hardwood Boors, sleeping
porch, garage or place to build one; fam
ily all adults; responsible party. AP 130.
If you want to rent ypur property at
once, see me. C. B. JacRson, 014 Stock
Exchange bidg.
WANTED Modern house in Irvlngton, about
7 rooms, with sleeping porch. Garage. Not
over $40 per month. Permanent tenant.
R 187. Oregonian.
WANT modern apartment, In exchange for
painting and papering. AN 171, Orego
nlan. Rooms.
WANTED To rent. 2 rooms and sleeping
porch on West Side south of Morrison;
light housekeeping for mother and son.
Writo A G. 208 Stock Exchange bldg.
TWO elderly ladies want furnished house
keeping rooms, light and heat included,
vicinity of Alberta and Union ave. Y loO,
Oregonian. ' ;
NURSE will pay $6 to $7 for unfurnished
room, light houseker olng ; central, private
family. sellwooa jyio.
WANTED Unfurnished room, housekeep
ing, private family, central. X 131, Ore
gonian WANTED, by lady, clean, outside housekeeping-room,
use of piano; West side;
reasonable. AP 150. Oregonlan.
Rooms With Board.
A LADY wishes room and board in private
family; must be reasonable and close in;
good home desired. O 154. Oregonlan.
YoL'NG Kentlcman wants room and board.
East Side, close to Broadway bridge. AR
150, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN desires not only room and
board but pleasant home. AM 141. Ore
gonlan. ,
VERY' good rooms; $10 monthly and up.
Kamm bldg. 1st and Pine.
Furnished Rooms.
4th and Alder.
Center business dlstrtst; quiet, cool,
rooms for Summer; hot and cold water and
phone in every room. Special monthly
rat.s. Room without bath, $10 up: with
bath, $2 uPj
11th between Morrison and Yamhill.
New. clean rooms with steam heat, hot
and cold water, telephones, large closets,
three mirrors, medicine chest, comfortable
beds large tiled baths. Rates for two per
sons $4 per week; $1 per day and up.
West Park and Morrison Sts.
Large comfortable rooms at modest
prices, single or in suite, with and with
out private bath; every possible comfort;
special rates by tne ween ana momu
U U 1 J'. iJ A.fc.
Washington St., at Thirteenth.
50c per day; weekly $2.50 and up.
Running water, phone in each room, steam
heat, fireproof bldg., ground-floor lobby,
all-night service. Business Is eoi.
. . . rT IT T CT A XTWT.TT
Cor 11th and Stark. $3 week up; elevator,
hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone
connections in each room; no extra charge
for two In a room; room and bath, $1 day;
transient cm.-.-
.m T opct B7V
Morrison St.. at 10th; central location.
"Summr rates," 50c day up, weekly
$2 50 up; neat rooms, running water, free
pnones aim uatn.
207 Vi 4tn st.
Modern, clean and respectable; rooms
il" Der mo.; free phone and baths; best
I . . Caa U.rsh.n 14
for tne niouej. ouu h
$2 WEEK up, largest, cleanest, beat fur
nished, coolest rooms in town for the
money; baths free, water always hot; a
nice quiet homelike place. Hotel Cadillac.
a j .., Tffpraon.
733 Washington. Family hotel, hot and
cold water and phone In every room;
rooms without bath, $10 up; with bath.
$10 up.
HOTEL Buckingham, 652 y Washington
new fireproof brick, quiet, cool, clean out
side' rooms. H. and C. water each room,, private or public baths; $2.0o week.
124 14th corner Washington Nicely
furnished rooms, strictly modern; rates
$3 50 week aid up. Phone Marshall 1470.
uriTFL EDWARDS, Grand ave; and East
lielmont Rooms, $12 month up, $22.00 up
win, ni'lvate bath; large, pleasant lobby;
i ,-onnection. Phone East 3223.
LOi ...
'mi'l-FI. SAVON. 131 Eleventh st. New,
modern brick building, steam-heated, pri
vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort
aEJij. furnished; transients solicited.
HOTEL CORDOVA, 209 11th St. Strictly
niern- private baths; en suite; rooms
2o ! Main 9472, A 478.1.
.-, vtRABEE HOTEL, 227 H Larrabee st. If
v-,Vwant an exceptionally clean, homelike
room below regular price, phone East 849.
ZT, RTtO ADW AY. corner Madison. Phone
-6M?,hll 1681 Newly furnished sleeping
room, modern, $2 per week
7; 16TH ST, West 'Side, near Yamhill
Newly furnished rooms in modern flat;
HOTEL NORR1S. 033 ',. Alder, cor. 17th.
Outside rooms, modern, $2 wjieku'p;
Furnished KwmlnPrlTiitgmlUcii1
vii 'FT Y furnished rooms, all modern con
veniences; no other roomers. 847 E. Pine.
Ankeny car to "i"
ELEGANT room, new, modern home, rare
opportunity for gentleman; se ect rieigh
wri..irt,i Kifi nvnress. Ladd s Add. E. .lloS.
VERY nicely furnished large front room
$10 per mo.; 10 min. walk to P. O. 332
Harrison st.
SLEEPING -ROOM, quiet, modern home; $10
ii-i- month 742 Irving St.. between 22d
and 23d sts.. West Side
TVRGE room, new furniture, minutes
walk from Postoffice; $10. Phone -Main
FURNISHED rooms $l.ol) and up- house
keeping also; free phone and bath. 208
iTih st Call Main 7923.
,.,Fi- furnished room with housekeeping
privileges for employed Christian lady;
steam heut. private porch. 448 clay.
VERY pleasant front room, cool and well
furnished; fine location; $2.30. 466 Main
st. Main 359.
LARGE, pleasant, well-furnished room, with
bath and phone, for one or two gentle-
on 424 3d st. Main 5400.
1 " OR 3 desirable rooms, new location,
'walking distance; references. 266 Grand
ave. North, cor. MuUnomah C ajWa.
DESIRABLElngie or en suite, new, clean,
convenient sleeping or H. K. -IS Morri
FOR RENT Nice, newly furnished room,
furnace, fireplace, large porch, breakfast
if desired. 3uHi E. 12th S.
nTceT'cooI outside rooms, very reasonable,
finfl location. Dhone. bath. 221 13th.
10 Large beautifully furnished room in
modern home. 31 E. 10th. East 155.
ji; Front room for gentleman. 04 Lucretia
st., near a u
$10 Large, beautifully furnished rooms in
modern home, oi ,. win, .--ov
FIRST-CLASS rooms, with or without board,
in lipautiful home. 311 11th st.
LARGE room, hot and cold water; double
closets. 745 Hoyt. Mar. 47u3.
Modern, shower
bath, sleepinst-porcn.
LARGE front room, well furnished; private
PLEASANT. plain, comfortable sleeping
room, moderate price, -oa i-m se
ONE very large corner room, suitaoie 101
two gentlemen. 392 Columbia St.
TRVlN'GTON Well furnished room In private
home. 1 '-4 blocks from I or B car. C 2871.
AT 19013th Modern rooms, $2.50; elec
tricity, phone, bam, naa.
LARGE front room, walking distance; rea
sonaoie. casi i-J-tw.
WELL furnished room, bath and Phne '
good location iqi Briiiipm.
NICELY furnished rooms. Call 391 Yamhill
Phorie Mainluoi.
THREE furnished rooms $12. $10, $S; bath
and phone. io um "- "" -....
WELL furnished room In modern private
YV- 111. T.Kn, -tlMl'l
home; reason-mv. f
$7 A MONTH, comfortable room, walking
distance, an T""
FOUR rooms, furnished, all conveniences.
S7 00. Inquire 260 lUtti.
CI 15 AN quiet room, good bed. $1.25 week;
locality, close in. 292 10th.
riciv-T front room, with homelike, pri-
EftnilO - V.I.. Coal iKQS
iamuv . icaiuiiAum.
FURNISHED rooms, with or
194' 13th t.. cot. Tavlor.
without board.
Main .".Olio.
QUIET looms for respectabl. elderly gen-ill-mall.
309 Td St.
FURNISHED rooms $1.50 per week and up.
189 West Park.
PLEASANT room, attractively furnished,
for two young ladies; best board; In re
fined home with every convenience; home
privileges; close-in on West Side; $ J
per mo. Phone Mar. 2438.
$9 MO., finelv furnished front room with
bath, for gentlemen or business woman,
choice location, easy walking distance,
modern, near East Morron-t. carllne.
652 Belmont st., cor. East 18th.
TWO nice light rooms with bath; $4 each
per mo.; can have use of piano and phones.
Woodlawn 2027 ; 20 minutes out on L.
or St. Johns car.
FIRST-CLASS room on Hoyt st.. near 23d;
hot and cold water; excellent places to
board nearby. $15 per month; for 2 peo
ple, $2 additional. Phone Main 1780.
FOR RENT Private family. 1 large front
room with alcove, with or without board;
also use of parlor and piano; very reason
able. Main 6116.
LARGE front room with sleeping porch,
lady employed; everything complete, reas
onable. West Side, walking distance. Mar
shall 3403.
EXPERIENCED male stenographer having
new typewriter at home, solicits confi
dential and special work. Terms reason
able. X 134, Oregonian.
A LARGE front rpom, nicely furnished,
modern apartment, near 22d and Wash
ington, suitable for one or two gentlemen.
715 Wayne st., apt. 3. Phone Marshall 3600
NICE furnished room for 1 or 2 people, all
modern conveniences, very reasonable.
Phone Main S3S9, A 0165, close in. West
NICELY furnished light, airy rooms, in mod
ern apartment, 10 minutes' walk from P.
o. 4oa . uroauway, apt. u.
FURNISHED rooms by day or week, with
or without board. 778 Glisan st., near St
Vincent's Hospital.
NICELY furnished room in private family.
Fordham Apartments, 23d and Washing
ton. Marshall 1849.
IN modern home two very desirable rooms;
Summer rates; - good cooking; close In.
188 13th st. Phone Marshall 5099.
BRIGHT room Portland Heights lovely lo
cation and view: breakfast if desired;
modern. Phone Main 6451.
Unfurnished Rooms.
$6 A MONTH Nice, modern room. 384 Col
lege st. Phone Marshall 2322.
TWo-KOOM suites, $4 and $0; three-room
flat. $9. 342 Front St.
Rooms With Board.
14th and Jefferson sta
An excellent residential hotel ; attractive
rates to transients or permanent guests.
Main 9283. A U628.
Family id residential hotel; special
Summer rates now in effect; half block
from City Park, cuisine excellent. Phone
Main 70S4. A 7933.
386 Montgomery St., at West Park Mod
ern conveniences; rooms with or without
bath; excellent tabic service; reasonable
rates for regular or transient guests.
The Whitehall. 203 6th St.. has fine
table board, modern rooms, sun parlors.
a real home; reasonaoie rates.
BUSINESS women and students will find
good uoard and room. $4 and $4.00 week.
Portland Women's Union, 010 Flanders.
THE STRYKER, 054 Couch Choice rooms
and board; all modern conveniences; rea
sonable rates.
THE HAZEL, 285 3d St. Modern rooms,
with or without board. Special rates.
11th and Yamhill sts. Rooms $12 and up.
BEAUTIFUL corner front room, nrst-class
table service. 374 Park St.
Rooms With Board in Private Families.
A REFINED young working girl to board
or share half of the expenses with an
other girl; piano, modern conveniences.
sleeping porch
939 Commercial at.
PLEASANT room, good home cooking, 3
meals, use of parlor and piano and all
home comforts; walking distance; all for
$1S a month. 525 Clay st. .
NICE clean rooms with board; good home
with right privileges; few nun. ride from
city on Huwthorne carline. Call Tabur
4106. Residence 313 Glenn ave
PIaEASANT airy front room in attractive
modern home. 2 in family, best of home
cooking, walking distance; terms reason
able. East 4679.
ROOM and board for one or two In private
home, every modern convenience, hot and
cold water in room. 344 Salmon St. Main
WIDOW wants ladles or gentlemen or man
and wife to board and room In pleasant
home- every modern convenience; close in.
Phone Sellwood 014.
ROOM and board for two In attractive Irv
lngton home, near B carllne; cool,
restful surroundings; wholesome food.
Phone E. 3220.
ROOM with board, neatly furnished, elec
tricllv. bath, phone, reasonable. 329
Salmon, between Broadway and Sixth
i -ii -tro
BUSINESS GIRL or middle-aged lady to
......... u-lth twn business nirls;
splendid location, every convenience. East
24 19.
INVITING modern room for two men or
mar. ana wne, .........
ii . . ........ Vlurah.i "...,.
in.? e.xeeiieni luiauuu, - -
ROOM and board $5 and $0 per week, free
phone and bath. Phone C 1243. 32- East
1st. North.
FINE room for gentleman. $3.50 per week.
...,.! i. ..l.t. I.. ... .nrn.l- FnKt 16th allU
H.illv sts.. Ladd's Add. Phone East 1318.
BEAUTIFUL horne. small private family;
Ti. , i ,. MMita n-MMonab v. Tabor
$5, $5.00 WEEKLY; rooms and board gat
ing distance. 33 North17th. Marshall 1375
DESIRABLE modern steam heated front
. k .L.'u.a rou Ulin.-l 1 1 111 tO
rooms, inciuuiiiK uws. .- -
iit people. Marshall 4ib6.
BEAUTIFUL room and 2 meals In attrac
tive home; walking distance; West bide.
Main 7265. 335 11th St.
WOULD like woman employed to 5l;ar,
my nice three-room apt. Phone Marshall
5676, or call 408 12th St.
TO a gentleman, furnished modern room,
breakfast; object, company. Y 134, Ore
NICELY furnished room, excellent meals, in
modern llat, fine location, $5 per week.
A 3 IO-. Ot I oi"
BOARD and room inr b-'"i-' ----
home. $25 per month. 434 Salmon, corner
' : . i . a n m nn Arn
ROOM and board reasonable. beautiful
home, nice, large, shady lawn and porch.
close in. case iu
i" " 50 NICE large 'room and board, all con.
veni'ences. West Side, walking distance.
Main 31U0.
1 I I'CRETIA ST.. clean, cool room, modern
Home, to one o.- -
fast and dinner; reason.uie-. - n-.
sill A MONTH, desirable front parlor B. R. ;
board optional; walking distance; home
nrtvileares. 410 6th st.
BEAUTIFUL country home on 5c carllne
heEt board, piano and home comforts: i
I curing. reaMiiiiAuie. n - -. -b
PLEASANT" room, best board in city for the
price;; lovely location; walking distance,
everything congenial. Main 3280.
FOUR girls can have room and bourd. with
exceptional privileges, in strictly modern
home, close in, .sine, a
A HOME away from home" Want one or
.iAi- nrivim home: Dlentv of
ht; i.leasant rooms, etc. Main 739-s.
NEATLY furnished room, villi board, $25;
uithmit SIO per month. ".GO 12th st.
ROOM and two meals in attractiy. bonie.
close in. West Side. Main i20o. 3i ''"
iOMTbard. private home. 574 Ladd ave..
avw, K -nrl Ua uthnnii- East 514. .
near r.asi j-in
ROOM, with board. 166 N. 22d st
n.-ar Irv-
ing st
FIRST-CLASS board and room, private Jam
ily, reasonable. 350 Salmon. Marsha. 1 o3-q.
HOOMand board for two gentlemen. 44
.VOU 1 ID. 11 c, --
ROOM and board with Scotch family. $5.50
11UUJ1 sj,,i, 17th st
per w eea. a aa ........ - -
ROOM and board in private family. 473
V. . .. wli HqOft
Mam. iwaraiion
ROOM and board, 5H7 Mulberry St.. Ladd's
Addition. East 4842.
FURNISHED rooms, with board. 320 11th
St. pnone a iiwi-
LARGE front room with board ,. nome pr.v-
eees. i - - --
ALL comforts of home. Call at 5
ROOM and board, 332 10:h st., walking dis
tance. Phone Main 6979, A 28tio.
ROOM and board. 706 Flanders st., good
In. me COUKIIIE. .Main aom-i
NICE room, all home comforts, with break
fast It uesucu. a n.. "
a MOTHER, once a teacher, wishes to board
II children ;suburbs. Sellwood 308.
EXCELLENT room, best hoard: two refined
i ...... tn.Tst itiiii.
vnnn a n-n no. a .......
rjiriLo to board ; mother's care. Sellwood
130i. . .
FURNISHED rooms, board if desired. 414
.lutnbla St. .via renaii a-iv.
EldlPLOYED people will find a good home
at 140 E. 26th, st. ,
NTCELY'-furnlshed room with board, home
-iSj-W, Betweenjlth and 12th. 427 Clay.
i-LEASANT rooms, with good board, youna
ladles, reasonable. .709 Irving St.
Rooms With Board in Frtvat ram iUt
DELIGHTFUL Summer home, large rooms,
beautifully furnished, good board, piano
and homo comforts; married or busings
people preferred; also young lady wishes
roommate. Main 63S1. SOI Harrison, near
14ib st.
VERY large, desirable room with board in
private family; good home cooking: ail
modem conveniences: very pleasant loca
tion, few minutes' walk to est side
price reasonable. 28 East Kth st. North.
Phone East oois.
AN ideal place on the knoll above the bridge
on Vista ave. with hot and cold water,
bath and showers, slesping-porches for
tired business people who aro not apie
to lsave city. Call up Main 10o. -
Prospect Drive. Portland Heights.
LARGE ' room " w ith alcove, also a large
room; runniug water mid small room wltn
running water: walking distance; gjod
table. 015 Moirlson st. Phone Marshall
t . nn cirnMrauun V'BflNT
room with board, private family; taoma
privileges; terms reasonable. Marshall
WANTED To board children. 1 to t years
old; clean, comfortabls country home;
mother's care; references exchanged. B
134, Oregonian.
FOR RENT Elegant furnished front room,
with 3 windows facing park; suitable for
2' home cooking, moderate price. 304 Vi
Park St.
WIDOW wants ladles or gentlemen to room
and board: all home privileges good, and
home cooking, pleasant evenings, musk,
nice yard: reasonable; close in. A :i60i.
TWO large entire rooms with huunlng water.
cheap rent, in mouerii nousc, one
front room with kitchenette and water
In. 220 13th st.
Furnished Apartments.
22d and Glisan Sta.
Walking distance.
Completely furnished four and five-room
apartments; reasonable price.
Marshall Jl2.
Ea3t First and Multnomah Streets.
The most up-to-date 2 and 3-room fur
nished apartment-house. Each suite has
two disappearing beds and two dressing
rooms; all uutsiue rooms; roof garden and
sun parlor. Uusurpassed view. East 14-6.
Furnished or unfurnished. 3-room apart
ments, linen, silverware, private phone and
bath, sleeping porch; nearest the Union
Depot of East Side apartmeuts. Ross
St. Phono East 3173.
WESTFALL. 410 6th. near Hall. 3 and 4 r
apts.. furu or unfurn.. day. week or mo.;
concrete oldg.. elevator, free use electric
sweeper; thoroujsiily renovated; Inspection
invited; coxv and comfortable $110; up; best
for money In city; easy walking distance
Corner Park and Taylor
Best .ocatlon in the city: cozy home;
well furnished In 2. i and 4-room suites;
first-class service.
SEE the Overton Apartments Furnished
and unfurnished; cheapest and best in the
city; private phone, bath and electric ele
vator no inside rooms; new manager.
Take W car. 274 N. -1st St.. cor. Overton.
$31.00 West Side. 710 Wan st.. bet.
Kin and St. Clair, one block south of
Washington: can be Inspected toda), 11 to
2; adults only.
14tn and Columbia.
Two three and four-room apartmenta
furnished, nrst-claas; roasonabie ratea
Main i3:7. Hume. A 361 o.
GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave.
Sew building, nicely furnished; private
Dhone and baths; automatic elevator;
moderate prices; walking distance. Phone
East 208.
Resident 5th and Columbia Transient.
6-Minute Walk to Postoffice.
Furnished 2 and 3-room apanmenta.
Marshall 5198. References. A 33J8.
Park st., at Madison.
Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart
ments, close In, by the week or month.
Two-room iurnished apts.; all outside
rooms; walking distance; cut rates. $14
to $21.50. 204 Porter st. .viam i.ii'-.
COMPLETELY furnished 2-room apt, bath,
dres-inn-room. large closet, 3 landscape
windows close In. on carline. Malcolm
Apurtments. $25. Tabor 54HQ.
Si vivnnn APT, 10TH AND II ALL.
Beautiful lobby, social hall; modern.
J-room furnished apts.; walking distance;
FOR SALE A nicely furnished 4-room
apartment including silverware and linen,
piuno if ueslred; reasonable. Phone Main
LUCILLE COURT. 20th and Lovejoy; 2 and
4-room modern apartim nts. furnished or
unfurnish-d. sleeping porch, fine park
Phone Marsnau
Corner E. Morrison and tth sts.; cosy, well
furnished 2 and $-room apartments, pri
vate phones and baths; $18 to $27.10.
H1SLOP HALL. cor. East 6th and Haw
thorne; 2 and 3-room furn. apts, private
bath and phone, first-class In every par
ticular, very reasonable. Phone iv vs
TWO rooms and sleeping porch, closet, bath,
uiione light, heat, walking distance, or
would' chare apartment with business lad
Sau 1710. East Yamhill.
THE Bruce Apts, 2f( N. 25th st, large
rooms, front veranda, new. modern, hard
wood floors, phones, bath and heat; beau
tifully located, attain iwb, -a..
616 Marshall
Furnished apua. ; light, phone, AB
ranges; 1 us.
iii-vfi a LOW Epartmrnt for rent, fine view
electric Hgis. telephone water fur
nlsiied. walking distance; $30. Marshal
, TUSmnS iTfNfl ALOW.
Four and five-room apartmenta all
mod-rn. janitor service; walking distance.
404 llth St.
r AND 3-room apt, $12 a mo, new, mod
5 convenlencwalWmg d.s.anc
145 N. Grand Ave.
"THF SUN' V YS1DE." E S7th and Belmont
Very desirable furnished apartments. 2. 1
and 4 room; clean and strictly first-class.
private baths, phones, etc.; reasonable.
fnir i-ARMAR 704 Lovejoy 3 and 4
THoLoms. furnished or ,?.ta,V
menia. Summer rates. $18 to $32.50. Mar.
2916. ;
NEW brick building, 3 blocks from 14th st,
rnrner Mill: east front. 2-room apartment;
lent $25. 305 Chapman.
NICE furnisned 2 and 4-room houseaeeping
suite, at 244S, Kllllngsworth ave.; low
I-- . , Wood awn SML c. ISS7.
THr: winsio" . .....
141 14th st, at Market, new 2 and 1
rooms. furjilshereaonable. Main 171t
TWO furnished apartments. With sleeplng
porch or 3 furnished, without. $12.o0.
Tabor 483.
a..i- r.., a. completely furnished.
$16. 1 and $3O.hjmMajhalIJ074
WANTED Business woman to share 3-room
apt.; very reasonable, walking distance.
Call ' Main 8776.
3-ROOM front apartment, private furnish
ings; uluno. balcony. Marshall 240.. Des.
emlorf Apts
Al TONIA. lth and Marshall its Large
airy 2, .1 and 4 room apartments; quiet
and exclusive neighborhood.
Modern furnished 2-room apartmenta
$22.50 up; close in. MaJn 23$6.
HAMMERSLY COURT. -00 12th St. 2 and
a-room apartments, close In: modern, rea
.nnabUPhoneJlarsliall 2052. References
i:iTrfl-:NCE 388 llth 3-4-room furnished
-Dartments. roof garden, by week or
SSSS ood location; walking distance.
a . , t 1 nt mv top-tloor 4-room turnisnea
Ipa'rtment very reasonable, until October
ri A,.nlv 705 Davis St.
i"li SUMMER RA I L, ;-, not '.vi.s.
ii .miside rooms, furnished with phone,
A1! i.-rt. and table linen. Phone B 1003.
T7 o"nTH and up. 2 and 3-room apart-
Jt' light, outside rooms Harrison
inenis. .. . u.iHuin
court atu nn a.
- 1 1 n H ST. Central; room with kitch
enette, large closet, hot water, electricity.
phone, bath.
"vrFVA HOTEL A PATS, San Francisco,
4 0 , Van Ness, near Ellis. All outside.
unnyjmns'5"! J?eat; week or month.
,, Tr.nlty Place. 2. 3. 4-room apartments,
modern Mar. 150. apt.36.Naw managem't.
TTTTTTp let ELY furnished aoartments. In
COconcr'et block. $12 112 Union ave. N.
TiVnvENIA. 400 Hall st, 3 and $ rooms
HnlV,, Summer rates. Marshall ll8.
Ivn Troom furnlahed or unrurnlshed
The Bjelland. A 1 .67. Main 1M7. A HIT.
Irivn-DAVIS APTS , 64 Kln 3 and 4
rom. hlgh-cU..; reference.. Main 2058.
jTTE TO $5 per week, i-room apartment.,
all conveniences. 828 Mill.
t,l- ELMS. 14th. near Tamhlll Two and
T"-roonut.ldeialklnlId $16-$23
rTrtlksTON 448 lltlx Choice two and
3-room modern apartment. Marshall 57.
KEARNEY APTS. 4 and 5-room apts.: $20
.,rt -30. Apply manager, 872 Kearney.
FURNISHED 2-room apartments. 10 .
N. 14 up.
and 3-room,
220 K 17t"h. Main 31$.
furnished, reasmable.
rv a a -
Convents tee.
lie lability.
Central local lea.
Courteous ir-iin-A
Kth and Taylor.
Most mod-rn apartments oa the Pacma
Coast; furnished complete
Roof garden in coiiu-.s..-
Walkl'ig distance.
Reff reneee,
CUMBKR1. VNU. West FsrB ami Sa'""i"
Very choice 2 sud n-toom wwy?.- -nlshed
apartmenta all modern cnv"'
cee; beautiful location, facing 'he paras.
i; mlnut- .' lk from busine.e center We
alwass maintain our reputation for first
class, clean apartments, with best of ..rv
Ice at reasonable prices; references rsMUin
kib and College.
Clean, cosy three and four-room rur
nlshed apartments, very cheap.
Also bachelors' apartments. ...vl-
Heat, water, phone and Janitor service
Included. .
NICELY furnished apartment in private
home, lower Portland Heights; large view
porch. Dutca kitchen, dressing-room. Isrga
parlor, with wall bed. also piano, praiar
women employed; references. 1 131, Ore
Walking distance. llo N UM el Glisan.
Beautifully furnished 3-room apart
ments, all outside roma. light and a r ,
every modern convenience. high-clsia
service; rates 2U to $30. refereneea
Corner East Sat- and Market; MM com
pleted; 2 and 4 rooms, furniahed or un
furnished; private phone, batll, heal, elec
trier , etc. all windows with full acreens.
C44 Everett bet 20th and Ella eta
Furnished I rooms and sleeping porch;
located tn one of the choicest residence
districts; walking dlstsnce.
COMPLETELY furnished 3-room apartment
$20 per mo.. Including light", bath. Jan
itor service, etc. It? 11th. pear Vain hill.
COMPLETELY furnished 5-room apt., sleep
ing porch, fur one mo.; small rent. A 1474.
SA.V MARCO. East lh and in
Outside 3-room apartment, core
BOZANTA APTS. .".-riium apt.
sleeping room. Muraliall 294.V
Cnlurninhrd Apartim-nte
It you are going to look for somethlns;
pretty nice and comfortable this Winter
now is your time to get busy while the
opportunity affords to get either a or
a 7-room unfurnished apt. with all mod
ern conveniences In a most desirable
neighborhood. Tne 3-room apt. la equiva
lent to 5 looms, having 3 dlsappearlnc
beds, buffet, writing desk, etc; 7-room
apt 3 bed-rooms and a disappearing bed.
References Main lil or Marshall H9.
Central West Side, highest-class apart
ments, four, five and six rooms, ail out
side every convenience, rents rasonabie.
Marshall 331HI. Main 7J1S. A 2U7 Amer
ican ncajiy V.Q-, '""
LLeilbllA AAA.
Lucretia st, bet. Wash, aud Everett, near
23d st. Very high class 2 to 4-room apts
all large outside rooms and reception halls
and haidwood llooia, free private phones,
reasonable rates; ret required. Appi Mr.
u I..llnr Mar l&IMY
aar, iiiu '-'- . --. ai .1.
Very htaU-cla a three-room unfurnished
apartments, extra large, light rooms, pri
vate balcony, splendid view; clean and
new exceptionaf Janitor service; electrlo
vacuum cleaner; rent reasonable, rd
t., near Washington, il. a .1.
CLAY ! OLE Apartmenta, llth and Clay;
most desirable turee-room apartments;
private balcunita. ail modern, cue tnraa
roo.n aparlm-nt. first floor. 131.10, ona
three-room apartment, second floor. $21 tu.
Main MM.
A few large apartments to rent Is most
modern and exclusive apartment-house
hi Portland. Apply on premises.
bTl EFfTkL D Al'Ain MLN i s. 273 Broad
w ay corner Jefferson . easy walking dis
tance; 8 or 4 rooms with private baths;
very reasonable rent, btst service, spies
did arrangements). All outside rooms.
Ifttn anu couvu.
I and 4-room apts.. large sunny rooms,
all outside; private bath and telephone la
each; central. $27.00 to $-.
THF WASHINGTON, 0o Noi thrup 5-roem
unfurnished apartmenta with bath and ail
modern conveniences. telephone, ,
heat. gas. electricity, eta. .'
to 2lt and Northrup. Plume Xleln 43i
GARDNER-" East 13th and Ash; large ft
ruom. all outside, P replace, hardwaast
floors, hot-water heat: liiiuit"l clean
ail new, dutiable location; reference .
iiraCF. APT.-, 24th and Northrup; 6 larsja
rooms, uiiturnlsh.d. large veranda,
sleeping porch, new modern. hardwood
floois. phone. balh.Jieal. Marsliail I'--
WAS8ELL Corner E. Yamhill end llth;
4 and 5 nice unfurnished apts. East, north
slid south view, fine location, moderate
rent, brick mug.
BELLE COURT A PT8. Four rooms, Inattl
.Hid sleeplim-Piiicli. ii.. n-i ..,, ...,
term of unexpired lease. see Janitor or
phone Main 037O.
LUC! LE COURT. 20th and LoVfJoy; model-2-3
and 4-rooin a ertlllelits rurnlshed by
unfuriuahed. sleeplng-poi i h. line park.
I none mar
a J and 4-room unfurnished suite., private
vestlbults. phon-s and neths. wltn steam
heal. hot. cold water, refereneea
Modern 3-room front iftl, 20 and
3 Olt 4-ROOM unfurnished spat UMHS
--!. .,.H rinnra Unlit In -looms. i lose
in; tor particulars, Marshall 1400.
1 FUKN1SHED. $1. 1 unfurnished 110,
modern, phone, walking distance. Inquire
Hal l loa -. -vn
itOsi- 1 HI blND, corner llroadway and
ferenn Elegant unfurnished apartments;
nrst-class service; private pnona; rat.
THE ORMONDE LlghC f.-room apartmaaL
636 Flanders it. Main 8SS1.
4-ROOM apt., with sleeping porch. TSe Uryn
Mawr. isn i.-i",
lurptsbedand Vnfurnlsfc4 Ap-rtme-t-.
Furnished and unfurnished apartmelite.
from 2 to 5 rooms, from l0 to $ per
month. If you want one, telephone Mam
auifi Sundays, or A -Ui
Evenings, call for Mr. Balden.
Marshall 22M.
Our automobile will .all at any ad.lrsss
with our agent, who will be glad to snow
Ihtf- apartmenta References required.
We own and control the folowmg:
Cecilia. 22d and 'ilsan sta.
Claypool. llth ar.u t lay sta.
Columbia, llth and olumbla.
Fordham. 170 Ford St.
Hanthorn. 201 12ih st, near Mala.
Knickerbocker, .10 Harrison, near llta.
Hanover. 165 King, near Washington.
OrdcrleiSh. 82 Grand ave.
8t Clair, 170 St. Clair st, near Wash
St Francis. 21st and Hoyt sta
Wellington. 10th and Everett a
813 s-I xinrgen n'H.
49-57 Trinity Place.
The flne.t apartment, oa the r.firto
Coast with ever) modera conv.nifnce.
apartment. furnished and unfurnl.had;
term, reason, ble; t.f.rence. required,
furnl.hed bachelors' qoarters with olvja-
rooni M.nagei. Msr.l.all 1101.
East llth and Morrl.on.
Opposite Ka.t Side Public Llbrarr. 4
lory brick building, automatic elevator;
2 and 3 rooms, all outside, with everf
modern convenience; rate, very reason
able, beautiful view; walking distance.
THE BARKER, corner 3Ut and IrvlaS
Furnished and unturiil.hrd apartment. In
2 3 and 4 room.; four-. lory brick; elec
tric automatic elevator, disapp-aring beds,
built-in buffet, and writing de.k.. pl.uty
of cloeet room. vacuum cleaner tree.
Phone Marshall 291
NifE Usht, elry 3-room basrment a part -
ment, furnl.hed or unfurnished. $11 s
month. Including- llgnt. (a. nd Vhona.
Also .inl room 2H3 Ross. ta: .11 2.
Aval on Apts
or not, tins place
neighborhood, am
that know : rents
tance. Cor. East
:; or 4 rooms, furritehed
I. In a qui-!, homelike
Is will liked by those
sa.onaiilc walking dla-
208 ltlh t, near Taylor. M.rrhall 33S4.
Nice 4 and 5-room furnished and un
turnl.hed apartmenta
FREF RENT July. BUO Flanders. larra a
rooro unf apt, nlih porchea etc.; nlw I
and 4-room furn. apt..; rry low rent.
THE CHETOPA. llth and KI-P-aTS.K-
and 4-room modern apartment., rurni.ned
and unfurn l.hed. be.t location in arty.
.1 1 . D-A- . I'llTl
12th and Harrl.on. 2 and S-room apart
ments; bast service. Apply on pr.-mi.ea
On'. fit to I2 per month. 15 to Pr
we-kfo'r c.!.npletT, A-?"HE
ing :-room apartments including MMM
lights, private bath and phoae, all
convenience.; new brick .ulldln-J. I.
utea' walk from P. O. Lincoln .ApU.. cor
ner 4th and Llneoln. Main HIT. A tin.