The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 02, 1914, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 29

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" T .t, I K, WAVTEU-UU.IH HELP WAMKI MAI-E. , llrl.l' WAHnMMUU. , MKl.r W.XTEl)-MITKIXAXt:ol -
Auiouiobllce Wanted.
kJU '' - -" - -' 1.1 , . V
million feet of old-growth fir; good farm
with timber off. well located, mortgaged
$1500. due on or befose 4 years at 0 per
cent; price e-v ji -
my equity for good five-passenger auto
mobile: give full description of car. Ad
dress Box 4S1. .Newport. Ortgoc.
. -. -j .-...) I'll! alx cylinder
automobile; must be in good condition.
F 15S. Oregonian.
WANTED To a lot on a business
street. 50x100. In Kenton, free from In
cumbrance, for a flve-passenser automo
bile of standard make. In good repair.
none nuvuimu ''.
WILL, trade 11500 choice resident lot in an
exclusive section of Oregon City for a 1S13
tourinz car of equal value. Apply to Price
nros.. urcgun nj.
HAVE good hrst mortgage, II. oO, on new
Mve-room bungalow; will take good auto
up to 1800, balance cash. Auress M lo-.
WANTED Ford auto. Will trade IjOO
equity In dandy little house and lot on
Flak st.. near Lombard St. See Riffle,
Pine st.
WILL " exchange I1U00 equity In 8-room
house, strictly modern, rented -o Pr
month, for --passenger car. Phone Last
WANTED to buy a used auto, two to five
passenger, give make, age, ml.eage, con
dition of tires and lowest cash, not
over s-juu. a iai. mefunu
"WANT good auto, not Junk; havo good 1600
lot and some cash; want machine up to
B0Q. Give or take difference. Hi lo-.
Su D5TER or touring car; must be cheap;
will sacrifice lot at IS50 with balance cash.
AO 151'. oreRoman.
CLEAR lots t.i trade for autoa.
i;3 Aider, cor, mm.
WANTED Auto, some cash as first pay
ment on -H acres, close In. BF 108, Ore
CASH for god runabout; must be genuine
bargain; sia-.e ni-ne. j 1 n ' . ........
lowest orice. AB 139. Oregonian.
u ACRE Bit? water; JT.1U; will take small
auto up to $300; balance easy terms.
Phone Sellwood 470.
- .. .nrlfr.
tiian 1810 model; strictly cash' deal. Main
S52. ask ior -. -
MW'E monev and clear property; win
auto; mean business. 430 Worcester bldg
WANTED Automobile for good picture
kacb ... rrarto Main 3112
WANT 1200 to 1300-lb. truck for 40 acres.
Phone sellwood b4.
One 1913 7 H. P. Excelsior In flrst-cl-ss
condition. This Is a bargain.
One 1913 Dayton 0 H. P., first-class In
very respect; a bargain.
6 H. P. Twin Indian, 90.
4 H. P. single Indian. $90.
1912 7 H. P. Reading Standard, in flrst
class condition. $125,
WIS 0 H. P. Eagle, fully equlrtped, with
presto, lamps, tandem and exhaust whis
tle; a snap at $200.
1913 9 H. P. Dayton, nearly new; has
lamp and presto; $250; a bargain.
Try us for prompt and satisfactory - re
pair work.
210 Broadway.
1914 ELECTRIC LIGHTED 7-h. p. Indian
motorcycle, nearly new; Corlln speedometer-
$200 cash if taken at once. iu.l
East 4308. 10 A. M. today.
PRACTICALLY new 1914 9 H. P. Dayton
motorcycle complete, with tandem; cost
$320; price $200 cash. Phone Sellwood
A GOOD, cle-ir lot, valued at $150. undsome
cash ror a good motorcycle now.
WANTED Motorcycle lamp, complete, with
brackets; must be cheap. P 154, Ore
gonian. 1912 TWO-SPEED Indlun speedometer an
dem; Presto light and whistle; price.
$175; $30 down. $15 a mouth. 808 Stark.
STRICTLY A-l. 1013. two-speed Indian
motorcycle. completely equipped; price
$185. $50 down, Slo monuiiy. oo aiu.
1913 HARLEY-DAVIDSON. twin. fully
equipped, A-l condition; bargain; terms.
Call 3101 Third St.
BARGAIN slngl? Harloy; excellent condi
tion. East 1008.
spi.FNnjn 11)12 llarlev-Davldson. eQulpped.
$100. $30 down. $15 monthly. 350 Alder
1913 POPE TWIN Trade on good
for equity. Woodlawn 593.
LOT of chickens for sale. 460 E. 00th st.
Hawthorne car.
CATTLE investment; have 5000 acres of ex
tra good pasture: will buy. sell and han
dle on percentage; you will make from
25 to 50 per cent on money. See Mr. Bliss
at once. 431 H Wash. St.. Portland, Ore
gon. 15 HEAD of good milch cows, fresh from
1 to 4 weeks; 10 larte Durham. Guernsey
Durham and Jersey-Durhams, 4 to 6 gal.
a day. Take Woodstock car to 59th ave.,
walk 4 blocks west to 37 th st.
YOUNG family cow, fresh 2 months, Dur
ham and Jersey. Good milker, for sale
reasonable. Sellwood 102(7.
BROWN Leghorn Bantam chickens. 873
Albina ave. Woodlawn 188.
YOUNG beef cow for sale. 400 E. 00th st
Hawthorne car.
10 YEARLING steers, one cow and ctlf.
Address J. B. Robinson. 717 Corbett bldg.
WE have a large supply of first-class guar
anteed electric motors for sale and lease;
motor repairing and rewinding. B. E.
Davis & Co.. 103 E. Water St. East 3146.
FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting
engines, contractors' machinery, all kinds.
Railway Equipment Co., 1st and Oak.
FOR SALE One advance traction engine,
in first-class shape; a bargain. Address
Segesseman Bros., Sherwood, Or.
Mode 5, 84 characters. $40.00
Model 4, 76 characters $35. 60
Model 3. wide carriage $40.00
Model 10, back spacer, two-color
ribbon $45.00
Model 6 and 7 820.00
Model 3 Ollverg 83O.O0
Model 2. L. C. Smith Bros 830.00
Model 10. Smith Premier $35.00
Model 2, Smith Premier $20.00
All thoroughly rebuilt and fully guar
anteed. TERMS $5 cash and $5 per
month. Machines sent for 3 dsys' exam
ination to any point on Pacific Coast,
and if not satisfactory return at our ex
pense. Retail department.
321 Washington St.. Portland. Or.
TYPEWRITERS for rent. I months for 85
and ut : 6 months' rental applied on pur
chase price. Remington Typewriter Conn
pany 86 Broadway, Portland. Or.
WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on sit
makes of typewriters: send for our illus
trated folder, retail department, WHOLE
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65.
262 Stark Street
NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut
rates. P. D. C. 231 Stark st. Main 1407.
RENT visible typewriters 3 months for $4.
244 Stark St. Main 6273, A 4441.
We carry the largest supply of new and
second-hsnd pipe In the city. We also
carry the largest supply of new and sec
ondhand plumbing supplies in Portland.
Give us a try before you buy. We also
give estimates on all kinds of work.
203. 205. 205 Front St.
From to 6-inch black and galvanised,
second-hand and new, all plumbing sup
plies; cast Iron Mermo bathtubs from
$12 to $14; toilets, new styles, from $10 to
813. See our prices first before buying
.'60 Front st- Main 6325.
CAKH for .".A specisl Goers Dagor or Zeiss
leas. AD 133. Oregonian.
VNDRRWOOD typewriter No. 5.
new. Cheap. D 173, Oregonian.
good as
GOOD wheel for sals. Main 2266. 387 1st st.
1 1H h. p. Bulldog gasoline engine.
1 24 h. p. Bulldog gasoline engine.
1 6 h. p. Bulldog gasoline engine.
1 100 K. W. S00 R. P. M.. SiO-volt D. C
generator or motor.
1 35 h. p- 12U0 R. P. M., 220-volt three
phase motor.
1 10 h. n 220-volt D. C. motor.
h. p. 1200 R. P. M.. Z2U-V011 a. c.
1 75 h. p.
1 20 h. p.
1 75 h. p.
00 R. P. M.. 220-volt A. C.
1200 R. P. M.. 220-volt A. C
720 R. P. M., 220-volt A. C.
1 35 h. p. 900 R. P. M... 220-volt A. C.
slip-ring motor.
1 CO K- W.. 220-volt, single-phase, 125
cycle generator.
1 5 h. p. 220-volt, 1650 R. P. St., D. C.
G. E. motor.
See us for all kinds of new and second
hand machinery for rent or for sale; re
pal trig and rewinding; all work guar
anteed. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO., 31 N. 1ST. ST.
Phone Main -Hi.
Dining set consisting of 1 Bldebourd, 1
extension table and 0 high-back chairs.
SIS. White enamel bedroom suite consist
ing of 1 dressur, 1 commode, 1 while iron
bed, $15. 18 yds. good linoleum for $0.50.
Kitchon treasure, $1.50. Kitchen table, $1.
Kitchen chairs. 00c. Good No. 8 cook
stove with water coil. $10. Good ranges
from $15 to $30. $45 Davenport bed, $20.
Box (wardrobe couch. $3. Flat couch, $2.
Refrigerators. 3 to 112. Ruud gas water
heater, the kind that costs $10, for $i.50.
Roll ton office desks. $9 to $25. Flat top
office desks. $7.50 to $15. English break
fast tables, any finish. $2.75. Gas ranges
. m large variety, $4 to $15. Brass and
iron beds. $1.50 and up. Room sire car
pets and rugs, good selection. $2.50 and
up. Rockers, $1 to $10. Our store is
overflowing with all kinds of furniture,
carpets, rugs, stoves and ranges, at way
down prices. We sell on easy payments
and we carry both new and fine used fur
niture. All kinds of exchanging allowed.
Free delivery to any part of the city.
Both Dhones. Western Salvage Co., 545-547
Washington, between 10th and 17th sts.
4x3 CAMERA, Sanderson model. Beck
symmetrical lens, Bosch & Lamb auto
matic shutter, reversible back. 3 polished
mahogany plate carriers ami carrying
case $12, cost $10 new; also kodak de
veloping tank, 5 In. and other photo
graphic materials. Godfrey, 229 N. Ibth.
2d-hand Fairbanks-Morse Co. gasoline
engines of all sizes in guaranteed, A-l
condition, for half of new price.
46 Second St.
FOR SALE Comforters; travelers' 1914
samples consisting of 10 downs; 15 wools,
50 cotton; made by high-grade Eastern
manufacturer; first of week at room 340
Sherlock bldg.; come early as these will
soon go.
HOUSEBOAT, 5 rooms and bath, electric
light, city water, telephone, completely
furnished Including dishes. silverware,
cooking utensils, linen, groceries, canned
fruit, etc.. for cash or on terms. Call
Sellwood 2210 today. '
Derricks, scrapers, clamshell buckets,
concrete mixers, pumps, etc.
46 Second St. We sell or rent.
SEWING MACHINES Fifty slightly-used
machines of different make of the latest
models, cheap; must be sold this week;
terms and guaranteed sewing machine em
porium. lU'l 3d St.. bet. Yamhill and Tay
lor. Machines rented. Main 04:11.
Alternating and direct current. Motors
guaranteed in every respect.
46 Second St. We sell or rent.
BEAUTIFUL plr.k sill; mull dress for after
noon or evehj-g wear, size 30 or 38, never
worn; also 8 yds. black Spanish lace, dress
pattern 45 inches wide, scallop edge, bar
gain. Tabor 5050.
SPECIAL sale on all used sewing machines
as low as $3: Singer. New Home, Free,
White. Davis, New Royal. If you are in
need of a machine, it will pay you to
call at 349 Morrison St.
FOR SALE CHEAP A One 21-ft. motor-
boat, with full equipment and In the best
of running order. Week days call Main
801 or Woddlawn 2043 and ask for Mc
Kever. 22-FT. LAUNCH, fine condition; cost 60O;
$150 equity in 2 acres at Ulllls; sell tor
cash or exchange anything. What have
youT Also 2 lots cheap. AJ 152, Ore
gonian WANTED Small pocket camera with anas,
tig.-nat lens; preferably vest-pocket kodak
or Premoette Jr. Give full description and
price for cash. BC 151, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Stnerer sewlns machine. $1
Hall-Borchert form. $10: large mirror, $i;
box lounge. $0; other furniture, all prac
tically new. 430 Fliedner bldg.
NEW nlain wax furniture. Latest mixed
brown rus. etc., for less at 048 Williams
ave. M. H. Calef. Ask about them
East 0417.
for salts or trade. 20-ft. motorboat. 14
H. P., engine. dual ignition, finely
equipped, V-shaped bottom, double plank
ing. bargain. 201 Cherry St.
BEAUTIFUL blue-white diamond; a little
over Ilk karat: Tiffany mounting; will sell
for less than wholesale cost. AP 166, Ore
Sample line, ladies' strictly tailored
skirts. latest styles In silks and wash., at
greatly reduced prices. 181 blast 33d st.
SMALL greenhouse for sale, also 2 dosen
full-blood White Wyandotte chickens. Call
Columbia 270 or address D. E. Brodahl.
St. Johns, Or,
ONE large bob cat and one wolf skin, both
beautifully mounted. $25; mounting cost
$10. Bushmark Hotel, room 5, 17th and
Washington sts.
I buy. sell and exchange kodaks, cam
eras and lenses. 44 y. North 3d st.
HUNTING rifle, 351 automatic, practically
new, equipped with peep sights, $18. In
quire at Budelmons, 424 Wash. st.
LAUNCH, fully equipped. $75 Call at Gra
ham's Boatyard, foot Lowel st. Mon. or
Tuesday after 6 P. M.
FOR SALE New hot air furnace In first
class condition. Phone East 4075, fore
noons. WANTED Second-hand steel traps, Nos. 1,
1H. Address 1050 'i Hawthorne ave.,
apt. B.
GOCART, sanitary couch, dishes, electric
iron, evening dresses cheap. M 137, Ore
gonlan. WOULD like to exchange talking machine
for printing. Hyatt Talking Machine Co ,
350 Alder.
HOT air engine, jigsaw, lathe, steel air
tank, Reo, enameling oven, vises, benches,
drawing board, safe. 3ellwooj 105,
HOWARD watch and solid gold double
chain, cost me $65; will take $30; need
the money. L 141. Oregonian.
SAFES -All slaes at cost; safes repaired.
Mosler Safe Co., 408 Northwestern Bank
bldg. Main 7676.
UNDERWOOD letter duplicators, $10; 2 elec
tric celling fans, $15: flat-top oak desk,
815. Corbin, 200 Alder st.
A BRIDGE BEACH cookstove. has 20-In.
oven and hot water coils, used 3 months.
Will sacrifice. Phone East 0787.
A $30 ALMOST new gas Vulcan range, 4
burner, half price; will take gas water
heater for payment. Phone East 837.
FOR SALE Al Morris canoe, practically
new. Inquire Graham's Boathouse, foot of
LoweI4 ave.. South Portland.
FOR SALE 16-fL family launch, 3i-h. p..
complete equipment, in good condition,
$03 Phone Sellwood 686.
PREMO Camera, postcard size, with carry
ing case and tripod. Maple folding bed
with mirror. CtfllMatnlu51.
MOTORBOAT. 23 ft. long. 10 horse motor;
new. A J 153, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Gas stove, gas water heater
and refrigerator. Phone Woodlawn IMs,
$15BUYS lady's fine diamond ring. 320
Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts.
FOR SALE 30-30 Winchester rlne. new
- best cash offer. AM 152. Orkonlan.
HOUSEBOAT. furnished or unfurnished;
easy terms. AD 133, Oregonian.
GOOD 8-horsepower motor and 20-horsepow-e
boiler for sale. AD 135. Oregonian.
HOUSEBOATS, launch and canoe houses.
J. L. Gilham. A $471.
SAFES New and second-hand; bargain. 101
First t-
17-FT. Morris canoe, paddles and easy back;
30. Marshall 5432.
SAFE at bargain. $05; of Its value. Phone
East 303.
MUST sell six Oriental rugs worth $301; rea
sonable offer accepted. 404 Morrison.
WILL sell a canoe, reasonable price, flrst-
lass condition. Call Marshall 3392.
f8 YARDS brown velvet carpet In good con
dition. Call 135 10th St. Monday.
WORK mnre for light wagon or what have
you? V 1.13. Oregonian.
FOR SALE or lease, candy outfit quite
complete. East :55. Call Monday.
FOR SALE Gas range, cheap. Phone Ta
bor 2129.
RANGEP. bicycle for sale, little used: bar
gain. MOGel .1U JUU, CJreg'm itt ii.
1 30x4 A J AX tire, slightly used; $7.5.
Phone B 1875.
i 'HEAP 2 Edison phonographs, records.
, Call Sunday. 127 W, Wygant,
17-FT. CANOE for sale. Call Sellwood 21(51.
The Globe Second-Hand Store Reopened.
Highest cash prices paid for ladles' and
gents cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture,
bicycles, trunks, suitcases, etc
Call Main JOSO.
MAIN 8185. 2US MADISON ST., OR 231
Sixteen to eighteen-foot; cheap for cash;
must have heavy square stern for attach
ment of Evlnrude motor. y 154, ore
Highest prices paid for second-hand
clothes, eboes, etc 128 8th N. Main 2845
J21 Front St., buys second-hand furniture,
carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools
of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 8072.
Our buyer calls promptly.
217 MADISON ST. MAIN 3595.
TELEPHONE Main 4317. M. Glickman.
Highest cash price for household goods,
clothing, store fixtures, restaurants. 189
Front street.
WANTED Your ideas to develop; models,
general machine and experimental work.
Portland Model Works, specialist In
. charge. 142 H 2d st. Main 9103.
Will take diamonds to the value of $400
as part payment on onu of the finest lots
in Laurelhurst. AO 153. Oregonian.
Don't give It away; get our figures first.
Standard Fur. Co., 182 1st. Main 4778.
WANT 12 or 15-h. p. marine or second-hand
auto engine; give make and lowest price.
O 141, Oregonian.
Furniture, pay best prices. Owl Furni
ture Cc, 231 1st St. Phone Main 4627.
WANT furniture, will pay cash. See J. H.
Nash 723 Chamber of Commerce. Office
hours 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.
I WANTED To buy three-seat bootblack
stand: must be good make. Address av
578, Oregonian. "
WANTED Small cold-storage outllt, also
two refrigerator showcases in good order.
John Roll. Kent. Wash.
DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur
niture before you call the Bell Auction
House. 191 2d st. Marshall 4J83.
SECOND-HAND watchmaker's bench and
some tools; must be oheap and in good
condition. East 3281.
WANT to hear from party" who has old lum
ber to sell, planks, boards and studdlngs.
Phone Tabor S7S".
WANTED Second -hand electric coffee mill,
commuting scale, safe oil tank, McCasky
cabinet. Address AV 506, Oregonian.
WANTED Visible typewriter; must be
good; not over $25 cash. AL 150, Ore
gonian. WANTED- Two 8-foot floor cases suitable
for milliner; must be cheap. L 152. Ore
gonian. POULTRYMEN and farmers, I want fresh
egRS. four to six cases a weea. ui
WANTED Mahogany
walnut antique
dlnins table and chairs
J 152, Oregonian
WANTED to buy, second-hand bicycle; must
be cheap. Phone YVoodlawnd4U
WANTED Scow about 28X50, suitable for
building house on. AV 570. Oregonian.
WANTED Wood hauling contract.
A 134.
V.' NTED National cash register. Phone
Main SOOil. Address 090 Nortnrup St.
WANTED Three National cash registers at
once; will pay spot casn. jaain mu.
WE TINT rooms for $2.60; paint houses at
your price, pnone raoor ioio.
MICROSCOPE Will trade $80 set Century
Encyclopedia. Phone Tabor 408.
For your furniture. Phono Sellwood 1682.
''sll paid for hair combings. Sanitary
Ueautv Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg.
OFFICE furniture (Hat-top desk);
pieces and price, u l-iv, uregor.ian.
TVANTED Drop-side child's bed. Give de
scription and price. N 130, Oregonian
WANTED Second-hand safe or flre-prooi
Wernecke file. Address G 174, Oregonian.
WANTED Watchmakers' lathe; take good,
practical outfit only. R 134, Oregonian.
WANTED Hay Dailer. Brown, R.
8J4A, Portland.
DIAMOND wanted by private
ticulars; no peddlers. G 172
party; par
Oregonian. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for
any kind of furniture. Main 8931.
SALESMEN to handle fast-selling special
ties,; paying proposition of merit. write
for particulars, or call 008 Stock Exchange
bldg., Portland.
WIDE-AWAKE man to handle hotel and
roonilng-house department for old-established
real estate corner, c 158, Orego
Will show you how you can make $125
during the month of August. Call 738
Chamber of Commerce. Call in afternoon.
$4.00 TO $10.00 PER DAY.
Good salesman can easily make this.
Full particulars at 738 Chamber of Com
merce bldg.
WANTED A young man for grocery store :
one having had some experience In the
grocery line preferred. Apply O. H. Du
puy. Kenton.
MAKE money writing short stories or ar
ticles. Big pay. Free booklet tells how.
Address United Press Syndicate, San
WANTED First-class saddle-makers; steady
employment. Apply Great West Saddlery
Co., Calgary. Canada.
MAN to slash or clear 18 acres near Lents,
.on contract. McCoy, 2183 East Stark.
Call today.
WANTED To hire 25 teams, $30 a month
and board. Write, phone or wire P. J.
Hanley. 28 N. 2d sL
DENTIST, registered In Oregon, for perma
nent position at good salary. Address AV
570. Oregonian.
SOLICITORS, new proposition
liberal com
mission. Call Monday, 8 to 9 A.
Lumbermen's bldg.
M.. 020
FARM hand wanted, steady job, 420 per
month, room and board. Call at once, 544
E. 17th St., corner TaggerU
DENTIST, suburban location, good opening,-
free rent to start. Give phone num
ber." G 153, Oregonian.
WANTED A few more experienced tea and
coffee solicitors. Call Hotel Bdwards, room
205, between 0:30 and 11 o'clock A. M.
WANTED A young man to keep books;
must understand the transfer business and
know the city. C 172. Oregonian.
STItONG. sober man, work on ranch, slash
ing brush, sawing logs; $1 per day and
board. AL 154, Oregonian. .
FORENOONS for tw-o weeks, man to operate
typewriter and mimeograph. C 175, Ore
gonian. WANTED Two salesmen for housc-to-house
proposition ; good opportunity. Cull bet.
8 and U A. M. 27 Union ive.
WW'TED Young man, quick in movements,
not under 18: must bo willing to hustle;
$0. J 150. Oregonian.
WANTED 2 young men to work as news
agents on passenger trains; cash bond re
quired. Apply 109V; X. 10th st.
WANTED Three A-l solicitors to call on
mercantile trade. Good proposition. Call
8 to 12 A. M. 013 Chamber of Commerce.
YOC mako six dollass In 30ld dally, light
w ork: lady or gent. 202 Gerllnger bldg.
LIVE young city salesman for office goods.
231 Stark st.
FIRST-CLASS automobile driver. good
wages and right man. W 135. Oregonian.
OPERATORS wanted on custom pants.
Room 004 Goodnough bldg.
V.'tNTED Man to tajte contract lo dig
well. 734 Haight. Woodlawn 2035.
MEN with patentable ideas write Randolph
se Co.. Patent Solicitors. Washington, D. C.
PHOT.'i coupon agent, best offer, weekly
oav commission-. Moore Studio, E:ks bldg.
I'HOTO agents, something new; extra com.
mission paid. Sarony Studio, Royal bldg.
PHOTO-COUPON agents: new offor; pay
weekly. Vassar studio. 523 Abinyton bldg.
WANTED Good live experienced man to
ell advertising space. AB l-t'J. Oregonian.
WANTED A moving picture operator, non
union. Phone between 9 to 1. East 8231.
TO EXCHANGE Dental work for carpen
ter and plumbing. Main 1609 Monday.
TWO live salesmen wanted. Inquire at 333
Morgsn bldg.
WANTED Tea and coffee solicitors, after
10 A. M. Apt. 32, 204 Porter st.
MAN to do milking on farm: msrried man
preferred. Tabor 147.
PHOTO coupon.
Cutborth Studli
new ticket ror
. Dekum bldg.
WANTED Solicitor, 342 3d.
AH young men seeking employment i
commercial, clerical or technical lines are
cordially Invited to consult the employ
ment secretary.
Record. 1918:
Calls for men from employers 2650
Positions filled 1941
Employment membership, $5 per annum,
guarantees member will secure employ
ment or refund of fee. Includes two
months' full and 10 months' social privi
leges. Issued by Employment Secretary only.
Second Floor Y. M. C. A. Bldg.
diate position. Must be competent. State
experience and salary expected. AM 170,
HAVE opening for high-grade automobile
salesman; only those with experience and
acquaintance In Portland need apply. The
new Oidsmobile at $1385, and the Oakland
line of cars afford you an exceptional
opportunity to make sales and better your
preseut position. Apply Gerllnger Motor
Car Company, 684 Washington st.
sax men for Sept. t, outside of Portland,
$150 to $250 monthly; we pay every Thurs
day; no samples, no selling or collecting;
simply determination to work; such full
instructions furnished that success Is as
sured. Write and secure splendid income.
L. V. Browne, secy., 441 Schwlnd bldg..
Dayton. O.
DON'T look for work; there is big demand
for automobile drivers and repairmen; our
expert Instructors qualify you in three to
five weeks and assist in securing good po
sitions. Write or call for full Information.
Pacific Auto & Gas Engine School,
266-268 11th St., Portland, Or.
WANTED Garage man, for private garage,
first-class, steady, reliable mechanic capa
ble of dissembling, repairing and assem
bling Pope Hartford and Stuti cars, also
familiar with vulcanizing; references re
quired. Lewiston Land & Water Co., Ltd..
Lcwlston, Idaho.
SALESMAN experienced any line, to sell
general trade. Pacific territory; unexcelled
specialty proposition; commission contract;
$35 weekly for expenses. Continental
Jewelry Co., 98-31 Continental bldg., Cleve
land, Ohio.
SALESMAN Capable specialty man, Ore
gon, staple line, new, exceptional terms.
Vacancv now. Attractive commission con
tract, $35 weekly expenses. Miles F.
Bixler Co.. 220-31 Carlin bldg., Cleveland,
Ohio. .
SALESMAN to travel for leading importers
of laces, embroideries, handkerchiefs and
white good6; territory not restricted: lib
eral commission, expenses advanced; sam
ples light. Address O. C. Fctdheim. 115
117 East 23d st.. New York.
EXPERIENCED, capable salesman, travel,
old-established house with line that sells
to practically all classes or merchants.
High commissions, with weekly advance,
to right man. D. W. Barrows. Detroit,
Michigan. .
SALESMAN, Oregon, sell merchants great
est specialty of day; experienced specialty
salesman or merchant preferred: $luo
week to right man; commission contract.
Commissions paid weekly; state experience.
Champion Register Co., Cleveland. O.
COMMISSION men 10 per cent or 12 per
cent paid those acquainted with haber
dashery trade to cover state of Oregon;
rMiitve territory. Small samples. No
reolv to applications without references.
P. O. box liuy, ftew oneaiiM
HUSTLING man under. 50 years wanted each
locality, Introduce our new memberships,
either spare or full time; 860 to $500
monthly; experience unnecessary. Address
the I-L-U, 2059. Covington. Ky.
WANTED Competent and experienced male
stenographer for traffic department or
commercial concern. Railroad experience
desirable. State age, experience and sal
ary. AG 139, Oregonian
WANTED Man for dairy work (Guern
says mostly) ; man who has had some ex
perience in buying and selling; very good
chance for competent party; near large
city. AJ 137, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED fish aud poultry man;
young man as assistant In fish, poultry
and vegetable department; must be neat,
active, sober and reliable, and a good
salesman. Y 153. Oregonian.
WANTED Man lor dairy work (Guern
seys mostly); man who has had come ex
perience in buying and Belling; very good
chance for competent party; near large
city. AJ 137, Oregonian.
SALESMAN wanted for house to house
work; no samples; a nign-giaue ici'
aontatlvA desired: prorerauiy one
book or life Insurance experience,
dress, with references, AM 11, Ore,
ST LOUIS house wants representative in
Portland, sell boiler skimmers; must buy
mni: iloo weekly for hustler. Write
Harris Bros., 6281 Reber Place, St. Louis.
RESIDENT salesman to sell human hai
f.rnd :nd oowder DUffs to department an
drv eoods stores, 10 per cent commission;
sample line weighs 4 pounds; state rer
orencos. S. Simon. 20O Fifth ave.. N.
f.nrai to sell our cheok protector; 11
n- ... rron who writes a check
circulars and Information free. Sample
23c. Terry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton bldg
Toledo. O.
GOOD wages. steady employment. tew
months learning, easy projuauie worn, u
sitions guaranteed; watchmaking, engrav
ing oDtical school. 210 Commonwealth
bldg.. 6th and Ankeny, Portland
take orders
for good seller,
Call A 1728 to
land. Apt. 1L
low price, good profit
of Its.
rranae Interview
SALESMAN. experienced nou3e-tr.-nouse.
commission oniy; goou ouiiui
country; big commission and large sales.
701 Swetland bltls-
DO YOU want $10 day siae or fin .
retail, premium ana puncn .
Five propositions. American Factories
Co.. St. Louis. Mo.
WRITE moving-picture plays, .,o eacn. ii
or spare time; no i-uniiuinicin.c v.--.
details free. Atlas Pub. Co., 42. Cincin
nati. O.
CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy
TSuai-aiiteed stock; excellent iwinwi?, ti--tlers
make money. Washington Nursery
Co.. Toppenlsh. WaBh.
THREE specialty salesmen for city and out
side territory; 35 per cent commission.
Call Sunday alter lv a. aa. ruroieno
68 East 31st St.
SALESMAN for new proposition. See me Sun-
dav, 2 to 4. or oerore iu -v. -u. uubj.
3nr. l.nml'r Exchange bldg.
How to Find Real Salesmen-
or Positions as Such
Behind Every Successful Concern Stand Salesmen
If you want to keep the dollars pouring into your strong box
you must have real salesmen salesmen who can make an intel
ligent tactful, and forceful presentation of your goods. To a busi
ness house the difference between salesmen and mere''order-takers
or clerks is the difference between success and failure. If your
salesmen are incompetent find producing salesmen cheaply and
quickly with cur Want Ads.
Or. if you are a real salesman or alewoman and you want a
position or a better place than you now have, you will find our
little Want Ads splendid position finders. Scores of employers and
hundreds of employees read and use our Want Ads daily and
profit greatly by the habit Write your Want Ad like those below.
Make it definite and to the point.
Then send it to us promptly.
You will be pleased with th
results. Learn to
The Want
28 North Second.
Main T2T. Phones A 2290.
Edgerman tpony edger), $3 day.
Fuller- 35c hour.
2 Buckers. aOc hour.
10 Tunnel workers (Scandinavian. $2.73
to $3.
Flunkey. $35 mo. and board.
10 Lumber Dilers. $2.25 day.
Rock foreman. $3.50.
Gang station men (trap tunnel), 50,000
yard contract.
Steam shovel laborers, $2.25.
Guthrie. McDougall & Co. and Rejette.
Fobert Winters. Milwaukee work near
10 Laborers (state highway, near As
toria). S hours, $2.25.
10 Coyote men (Swan Benson Co.),
Btanfleld. Or., $3 foot.
100 Laborers and tunnelmen, $2 to $3.
for Porter Bros., Grant-Smith Co.
Coos Bay Sr., free fare to Eugene and
end of track; free fare to Drain: also free
fare, berth and meals on steamer Break
water to this work.
Teams and Team Outfits
for Grading Work.
Can place 30 teams, $30 mo. and found.
Free transportation to and from the Job.
10 Close up dump wagons, yard and one
half to Two yards.
15 No. 2 Wheelers.
13 No. 3 Wheelers.
Will pay reasonable rate for the above.
Office open until noon today.
Orders given prompt personal attention.
Office Open Sunday, 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Lumber arrades from planers. $2.75 & $3.
Night fireman (sawmill), $2.50.
Camr flunkey. $33.
10 Laborers, $25, 9 hours.
Others too numerous to mention here.
222 and 224 Couch., bet. 1st and 2d.
WANTED at once, cotton oil mill mgr..
$1800: supt., $100; commissary mgr.. $150:
band flier, $6; helper. $2; circle sawyers
and filers. $100; heading sawyer, $100;
mill foreman, $100; bookkeeper, $60; of
fice men, stenographers. $60; flour sales
man. $100 to $300; also salesmen for other
lines; blacksmiths. $4: engineers, $100;
lbr. Inspector, $80; planer foreman, $100:
blocksetters, $3; together with all kinds of
other high-class sawmill positions. We are
employers for reliable firms. State po
sition desired In first letter. Call or write
this office. Macks, Little Rock, Ark.
SIDELINE salesmen making small towns.
Just the premium proposition you are look
ing for. Something a little different
than other houses are putting out. We
guarantee our goods to sell or tako back
unsold goods. For full particulars write
today. May Mfg. Co., 212 West Slegel,
ChlCagO. Ill;
EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen, repre
sent well-established manufacturing con
cern, hardware and general store trade.
We need three more men to help take
care Fall business which begins July.
Positions permanent If make good.
references. Lock Box O. Lemont, III.
SALESMEN for complete line of Calendars
and advertising novelties. Excellent line.
New features assist salesmen. Winning
combination. Liberal commissions paid
semi-monthly. C. Felgenspan Co., Cincin
nati. SALESMAN to represent on the road strong
line of Men's popular-priced neckwear on
commission In Oregon, Washington and
Idaho. Address, with commercial refer
ences. Hartford Neckwear Co., Broadway
and 17th st.. New York.
r8fl vour spare lime to build up a mull order
business of your own; we help you start
for a share in profits. 27 opportunities.
Particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Ex
change. Buffalo. N. Y.
TRAVELING salesmen, best side line yet;
pays expenses; pocket sales outfit; easy
seller: prompt commissions. Southern Nov
elty CO.. 210 Van Buren. Chicago, 111.
PAINTER, phone Sellwood716. between 10
and 12 Sunday.
COMPETENT stenographer who can Invest
or loan some money, new growing business.
Y 131, Oregonian.
Washington bldg., 270 H Washington, room
85, near 4th. Phone Main 8830 or A 3200.
FIP.ST-CLASS millinery trimmer for exclu
sive trade In Portland. State where you
have had experience. N 170, Oregonian.
WANTED Girls to enter training school
for nurses. South Bend General Hospital.
South Bend. Wash. '
RESIDENT governess for two girls. B und 11.
living on farm. MIS. W. L. Bishop. Hotel
Benson, Tuesday 2 to 3 o'clock.
WANTED Refined capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 428 plttook
blk., 335 Washington.
FIVE girls to learn beauty culture, pay
while learning. 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes a companion,
must not ba over 40; must be refined. Ad
dress N 140, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced young women oper
ators for power machines: millinery
work. Apply Luwengart & Co.
ANTED Competent girl, good cook, for
general housework, small family; city ref
erences. 1088 Vaughn St.
WANTED Piano player for picture theater,
moderate price. Apply after 1 o'clock
Sunday. 408 Dekum ave.
COMPETENT girl for general housework
and assist In care of 2 small children.
565 15th St.
A YOUNG girl to
Woodlawn 29GS.
assist with housework.
GIRL to assist with
Phone Marshall 1244
general housewurk.
WAITRESS wanted,
Hawthorne ave.
must be neat.
GIRL to assist with housework and care of
child. Phone C 2209.
AN experienced chocolate dipper wanted;
must be first class. 1)1 Union ave.
GOOD opportunity for lady barbers.
Ash st.
WANTED Neat girl, about 16, to stay with
sick woman. Marshall 146 today.
Phone B 2331.
for general
YOUNG woman to keep house for widower.
AC 131. Oregonian.
WANTED Good girl for general housework
1004 Ouinlhy. Main 4782.
(Sagetions for You to Adopt)
ftALRPMKN WANTElCornprtent retail Clothing
flR.esran, We wnt expert meed men of food
ppearanc wtio knew tno talking points f men's
dothing nc! who can prewnt am rnerehaiirtlse
ftttract'.relj and eonrtnoingly to customers. Will
pay food ARlar? to capable men. Write, giving
full details of experience, ttc, or call. Addreaa:
POSITION WANTKD By experienced retail shoe
salesman. Thoroughly understands selling points
of shoes; knows leathers; competent to fit ihoee
correctly. Will handle your customers with tact
gnd produce sales. Will learn your stock TetJ
gulcltly. Salary reasonable. Addreaa:
Ad Way"
2 cooks, out, $30.
1 cook. In, $30.
2 waitresses, out, $20. room snd board.
2 waitresses, restaurant, $8 per week.
Housekeeper .out, $15.
General work, out, $35 and 840.
General work. in. $20 and $85.
Ladles' Dept. 265 Morrison.
A LARGE departmsnt store In the city
wishes to secure the services of an ex
perienced woman for their art needle de
portment workroom. Must understand
stamping. Give full particulars In first
letter. O 134, Oregonian.
WANTED Competent and experienced
young lady stenographer, one accustomed
to billing and other office work requiring
accuracy and attention to detatl. Plate
age, experience and salary. AG 133, Ore
gonian. CAPABLE woman with business qualities
accustomed to earning good money; earn
est, practical effort will lead to respon
sible, executive position; no phone num
bers answered. Address AF 152, Oregon
ian. WANTED By wholessle house, an experi
enced lady stenographer; must have good
training in the use of the English lan
guage; give references, age, experience salary expected. J 18$. Oregonian.
WANTED Al lady stenographer; must be
good penman, accurate in figures and fa
miliar with general office work ; glvs
Serlenrs and references. Address H 144.
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Proteotlou of Worn
en Is now located at room 303 new wolles
Headquarter. Information, proteotion or
asslstar.oo given to women snd girls. In
terviews cnnflnentla'.
WOMEN sell guaranteed hosiery to frlendi
and neighbors: 70 per cent profit: full or
part tuns: big seller: make $10 dally. SSx
perlenoe unnecessary. International Mills.
Boa02U, Philadelphia. Pa.
WANTED Lady canvasser, house to house,
or bailor, eggs and poultry; none but
eroducwr hsoif npplyi at 300 Chamber ol
ommei'ct net later than 8:50 Monday A.
W ; nn familiar with lrvlngton preferred.
WANTIt) Monographer; oxperlonoj and
good rsfsrshoss roqulrod Apply Monds,
stwoon 10 and U A, M,
V, N, t'LAIllt & COMPANY,
303 Tllto A Trust Bldg.
1VANTBD Two college-bred women oer33
year of ss who are Interested In the
welfare of children to work In Portland
and vlolnlty. Call 208 Lumber Exchange
tildg. Monday from 10 to 1 o'clook,
MAKH money writing short stories or ar
ticles, Big pny, Free booklet tells how.
Address United Press Syndlcuie, Sun,
FIVE bright, capable Indies to travel,
demonstrate and soil dealers. $86 to $50
per week; railroad faro paid. Goodrich
Drug Co., dept. 578 Omaha, Neb,
LADIES, $ll wse1Ty7rnaklngplaln aprons
at horns; r.o canvassing; ws psy you; par
ticulars and rail stall apron for :.c silver.
Cook Supply Co., Kokomo, Ind.
REFINED business womsn to room with
widow lady, nice room, good home, rent
ressonsbls. walking dlstsnce. Marshall
etc., taught,
and evening,
scalp treatment, hair work.
Individual Instruction, day
Maurlue Co.. 514 Abtngton
WANTED Competent stenographer to as
sist In pluno otors' must play piano nlcs
ty,. Bush st Lane Piano Co., 43:1 and 435
Washington it.
THE Holts Htnrs requires the services nf a
first class hair goods saleswoman. Apply
0 to 10 A, 31., Monday, to superintendent.
The Holts Storo. nth and Washington
V.'KITB msvlBstoBletOM olara 830 esh ; all
nv snare time; no cnrrounndotics course;
details tree. Aliss t-uu. t o.,
natl, O.
WANTED Prantloal. businesslike woman,
abls to manage others; splendid salary
to right pot-sen; references: uo phone
numbers. Addreso AS lr.O, Oregonian.
AS old hoHlnrns firm needs a mnture wo
man for a position or trust; no clerical
work: referonies. A hi l :i, ( iregnnni n .
WANTED At onoe, experienced girl or
woman for general housework in smalt
homo out of town. H 13(1, Oregonian
WANTED Al once, womsn to oo"k In
hoarding house, lo to 18 regulsr hosrders.
Apply lo-o. f. l-toeyo, siui c uy, nr.
WANTED Mn nnd women to represent
guaranteed hosiery. Call Marshsll 8075
today (Sunday) for appointment.
WANTED Girl to help about the house
for room and board. Keed College dis
trict. Aa inn, oregonian.
WANTED Young girl to assist with house
work no cooking; references, (.'all Wood,
lawn luu.
DRESSMAKER snd milliner, axcelsnt open
ing for both; give phono number. G 150,
WANTED 300 hopplrkern, families prefer
red: good ysrd, good hops, finest of camp
ing ground, free berries. Apply at O. 1.
C. liquor store, 240 Morrison, for particu
lars, come and register now.
urnn HOOM 520. PORTLAND. OR.. ON
TUESDAY, AUG. 4, 1814, FOR Till-: REG
WANTED Man and wife about 40 years of
age to take charge and work on large
farm with cattle; good position to ngni
parties. Csll at 705 Ycon bldg.
rAKl'! mnnev wrltlnir short stories or ar
ticles. Big pay. Free booklet tells how.
Address United Press Syndicate. San
WANTED 8 good solicitors to complete a
crew: salary and traveling expenses. Call
at Athens Hotel. P A. M. or 1 P. M. Sun
day and ask for Mr. Hall.
GENTLEMAN wnnre Instructor In rudiments
music, reudlng especially; flay or evening
moderate price. W 134. Oregonian.
TeaCHEHS wanted: principals, pecisnsts.
grade; half-ruto enrollment; stxts qualifi
cation N. W. Teachers' Agcy.. N. Yal::m.i
EXPERIENCED Janltnr and wife for flrst
clasa qpartinent-liouso. Phone C 2072.
l'Isk Toacheru' Agency secures positions for
teachers, :u0 Journal bing. Main 4835.
wanted M.inr for branch lumberyard
who will Invsst $20O0 lu the capital stock;
rood sslary: Investment guaranteed. Ad
dress Yorkshire blrtg., Vancouver.
B. C.
you ths trade In i weeks; pay while
learning; give you a set of tools free
position guaranteed, tuition reduced ror
Aue. and September. -3.1 Madison St.
WOMEN lor Government clerkships,
month. Portland eiamlnstlons soon, speci
men questions free. Franklin Institute,
dept. 03-O. Rochester. N. T.
LE RN to write advertisements snd mako
more money. I tesch you by ms'l WWW
. .A.v M.rvln K. Wick. 31'."-U Trln-
Los Angeles. Cal.
WRITE motion picture plays; SM to $100:
experience or correspondence course not
necessary, details free. New Writers' As
sociation. Itltia Wright bldg.. t Louis.
BE detective: earn $S0 to 10O weekb :
travel nil over world. Write United Stale.
Detective Adjusting Agency, dept II.
Hill.iv E-rhange blilg.. St. Louis. Mo.
RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. tMft W
rt- .-rem ooin i osrcel nos t demanns
man4 more clerks: act st once.
State School. McKay bldg.
1250 A MONTH Everybody inn arn. Also
as Incidental earning 2 per hour gaiii-t-cd
All particulars free and poetpatd.
Clan i. M Miller ate., rrniuiuo.-.
DO EASY, pleasant coloring work,
good pay. no canvassing, no experience re.
n-.ilreo. mus. p-i .
Hand Stores, Chicago.
LADIES Mako shields home. 1o lilt): work
sent prepaid to r?itooie '
lars stamped addressed envelope. Eureka
Co.. Dept. 110b. Knlama-oo. Mlcii.
GOVERNMENT csitlor.s are aasy to get. My
fr-f... Krtn-lj.t -fl tell how. W
now. Earl HorXs. Wasblns-tou.
D. C
WANTED Names of men. IS to IS, wish
Ins to be railway postal clerks: ITS
month. AV --, Qrsgonlan.
RFHNKE-WALK Kit certificate for $M 01
7 months' schooling; willing to sell at
$-0. Marshall 1-1M betw ton 0 and 3.
Imrtrucllon. GREUG SHORTHAND, book
keeplnK. 4i 'ornmon ealtli luiig. Mir. tW
LEARN motrlDg-piCtore opemlllig; oe.tir-
rteady wrK. -t !"- w s
2 Mnit to learn aoto repairing and driv
ing. Hawthorns Oarage. 4li Hawthorne.
289 lsTH ST. M. -8-3. EXP. INSTKUCN.
LEARN automobile repairing, drl
to-dats cars; electric, civil i
surveytag; methods most prac
and board while learning; I
cured; satisfaction guaranteed
free. National 8choo! of I
2110 W. 7th St., Los Angslss,
SALESMEN Experience unaece
work, bis pay. Write Urge II
offering opportunities en
wnuc you irmn
Dept. 811, National
Association. Chicago.
City, Ban Francisco.
Irsmens' Training
New York, Ksns
W rite for our free booklet. "The Miepping
Stone to Success." It will Interest )"u
LEARN to wills advertising, big demand for
experts; 6 months' course; low cost; only
school of Its kind In the West; course
by practical man; gel a start now. Wilts
for Information. Pacific Advertising achool.
IC43) Marsh-stroug bldg., Los Angeles,
GOVERNMENT positions, postol
mall, other branches, are
"exams," former r. H. Civil
retary-examlner. Booklet H3;
today. Patterson Civil Ser
Rochester, N. Y.
LEARN the barber trade: barbers always In
demand: big wages, easy work; few wsekr
will save months by our methods; tools
given: reduced rstss for Hummer mocths.
diplomas granted; catalogue tree. A 8 N.
Secoi.d st.
WATCHES cleaned, 73c. inalnspi lug. 75 .
work guaranteed. 216 Commonwealth
bldg., 0th and Anketiy.
Bookkreprro sad Clerks.
SITUATION WANTED Executive position
by high-grade Chicago accountant, tech
nically educated, age 28. married; at
present executive officer in charge of
about 125 employes In progressive cor
poration doing country-wide business; ex
perienced In directing ssles. msnufactur
ing, accounting, construction snd fliian
CUU departments. Exceptions!' ability In
organizing and systematizing; a splendid
cost, detsil and sfflclsacy fnsn. Contribu
tor of organising and accounting arllcl i
to' leading magazines. Broad experience,
clean record, bonded. Address H. A. 11 .
6506 Greenvlsw avo . Chicago.
YOUNG MAN. well known In Oregon.
Washington and California, wants posi
tion of responsibility with reliable house
In sales department: capable of man
aging this departmsnl and will guarsn
tse results; will give bonds for any
amount to right parties with financial re
sponslblllty; salary to depend on results,
no promises, but hsrd and fast contract
H 181. Orsgonlsn.
TRAVELING salesman high-grade,
years' experience, ihoroughly familiar
with furniture and steel rang bust-ess.
hsvlne not only sold both ,'Ut hsxmg
M'lng not on
manufactured botn
capable, sober, si
make Coast con
lieat of bank and
anv legitimate
traveling or local.
id ki
Phone B
WANTED 11c energetic, .lean-cut young
man. 34 years of age. position In general
mershandlss or hardware store, seven
yosrs experience In hardware with nm
In groceries; can glvo best of reference,
prefer place with chance of advanrsment.
A I' 131. oregonian.
WANTED- -E. perlencsd bookkeeper adapted
to all kind of clerical work willing to fill
position during vacation; am school prtn
clpnl, therefnrs cannot serve longer than
Hept. 14. Coort reierenceo: age 25. T
134, Oregonlsn.
CMBDIT-man. attorney, with -ears -nerlance
with rsllnmd tranoportstlon de
partment, dsslrss position wholesale
house, crsdll or transportation drio i
ment. What have you to offer? AV 52
AMBITIOUS young man 20 yenro of age. de
sires a position In a mluhls office; 1 have
a good knowledge of bookkeeping snd east
manlputato typewriter; eaa do riist-elaas
work at figures. AF 151. Oregonlnn.
YOI NO MAN. 17 years old, would like a
permanent position ss stenographer and
typewriter, or to assist In general office
w'otk. AF 131', Oregonlgg,
YOUNG mnn, 18 sr old. would like n
ernl offlc work; Initirnneo preferred; 2
yesrs experience, good local reference.
J 153. Oregonian.
huslncJS experlen- , .
daily well equipped
lection wor'.t A.I IM.
educsted, long
eferellfco; C"Pe
credit aud nol
YOUNO man with retsll lumber exporlsnco
wishes position with manufacturer; con
sider auytblns with opportunity; refsr
ences. AD 13 7. orsgonlsn.
CREDIT man, offlcs manager and thorough
accountant, open for position. 15 yenro
experience; highest credentials. Address
T 132. Oregonian.
WNTED -Kmploj ment . experienced ssles
men collector, correspondent and office
work; am steady and reliable: must have
work. Woodlawn 578.
1- IKS I CLASS 11- ro
w.mts position In country
many years' experience,
shoes a specially. AO 154
WANTED Position In
or clotplng store; tin
slso speaks German
preferred. AD 132. t )
sncsd .
EFFICIENT office man with railroad ami
steamship experience deslren position,
ft rst-clsss references. K ! oregonian.
GENERAL office work or bookkeeping by
experienced joung man , goou ii
G HO. Oregonian.
.vcci t nt a nt , Kirn
YOI NO man di-slres to ntte
erenccs. Address N 171.
HCtiTi'llMAN Mints work on country place:
uan garden, milk ami Is lunni. Waller
Ross Trautmann Hotel, port In nil.
PAINTBR iill-sround hand, married, wsrts
work: tS per day; references. AP 181.
MAN age :ltl. wants steady work on farm
or fruit ranch; can milk. Hi- 13. Ore.
Y01'N(J mun wants pO Itton on ranch fr pri
vate country place; experienced farmer.
O l;:i:. Oregonlsn.
55 store man with yests of experi
ence wants position with country in-reliant.
AV Bfc. Oregonian.
AM evpert suto repair mnn. understand
gurnge business from A lo X. I-or MMt?
million call Tabor 17011.
WANTED To lenrn moving picture opsrst
Ing: state particulars and terms. A ITU.
iregonlnn. .
i MtltlLlT man wisnsi posltlog i. tivtmg
for grocery or meat msrket: expaflencsd
know city well. Phone II W
MAN and wife want a J
tnsn farmer and gord,
no children. Al' 143,
Ion on a ranch,
end wife cosk;
JAI'ANESK. marrl'd msn. wishes position
Janitor work apartment houss of ston .
O 171. Oregonian.
WANTED Hltusllon as janitor; sxpsrl-
inced flrsl-ilsss references. Phone Tsuor
4M. '
DO NOT wsnt wsgss. but a chance to lean
trade, auto repairing and ilrlslng. L
KI.DKRLT num. good gsrdenrr, lisndv and
clean with housework, rsfercnevs. M 113.
1 men would like work on good form
Portland for few weeks. Address All
Ishes sltuslluti
ifirences. Ad
In prlvite rsmti
dress Hardener.
nd oake hskrr
nr bakery. W.
wledgs of ell).
work as team
MARRIED man. w
sober stin rename
ter. Main 717.
If AN wsntp steady work
ss Janitor or
kind of llht
watchmen : will iskc on
work. Main 717.
rook, s
csn go
ence. A D 1
GOOD bread x
country. At
i repair work.
rket. Mar. 4em.
: Will gO lO lie
MAN wants
Ing. day o
. paint
rN. small a-o
CAfll'KNTER want
work. A 1017. Main
ODD Joba wonted by married msn; willing
t.i do snythlngA 1-1 7. Main 717.
COM I'ETRNT man wnnta work of IWlM
beat references, t'sll Woodlawn l.ts.
c ARPENTKR foremsn wants situation, gar
or contract. Ut)l4 40th at. S. K.
W NTEI -Bf young man of 'J
any kind, anywhere. V 134 Ot
, gonlsn.
AMBITIOUS voting msn wr'jla work.
Tabor SSI. i
CONTRACT lo 'in. "
largo job. A at 11.
CHOREM AN wtshe, "
wages. 473 S Broad'
CARPENTER, flrat-cl
POSITION as florist.
rut and haul wood
AC 1-4. Orsgonlsn