SUNDAY OREGON! AN. PORTLAND, AUGUST 2, 1914. TO EXCHANGE KKAL ESTATE. ACREAGE TO TRADE. 11 acres. Improved. Ju.t west of city on Cornell road. A beautiful tract. worth $i5U0. mortgage fldoo. Will take house for $3000 equity. 10 acres. 1 mile from Tlgard. on Ore iron Electric. Nearly all in cultivation, Jrooi building.; farming equipment goes with It. Price, $6000. Consider trade on house. 25 acres near Tlgard. partly improved, price $7500. Will trade for hotel furni ture and lease, or houses. 10 acres near Washougal: some culti vated, balance pasure; good buildings; all stock and farming equipment Included. Price $5:50. Will take house or lots up to 14000. Wo have many good acreage proposi tions to offer. 1 LUEDDEMAXN, RULEY CO., $13 Chamber of Commerce. GET A WHEAT RANCH. WHEAT la- KING, iu sections. 2300 acres cultivated, olio Mature with creek through It, never fai. lng water; fully equipped with machinery and horses, house, barn and other nec essary buildings. located at R. K- sta tion In North Central Oregon; price $JO an acre, mortgage. $32,000. U P wants unincumbered city saUsmCl gLTj. ley farm for equity; you get one-third oi this year's crop. O. C. R- ELLIS 4 CO.. 309 Board of Trade. 4th and Oaks sts. 6th ana a. FARMS FOR CITY PROPERTY. US. ... 20 a. in crop. IS cattle, team, chickens, etc.. house, barn, creek. Price T2'"A a. cultivated; house, barn, .tock and Implements. Price 000. mtg. ,:ja.. all cultivated; house, barn, fami ly orchard, well, good roads; L-oo. fine land. C. B. Jackson. 514 Stock l".xc bldg WE HAVE FOR EXCHANGE: Houses anu ioi , , V Farms for houses and lots. Acreage for lots. Income property for farm. Cheap land for house and lot. . I ,-.-,tnutioilS. JUU1 HOT. & ,J" " ' I .... , . GARLAND i LINO, llil 4th St. HOTEL FURNITURE AND LEASE Furniture and good lease on -ro" hotel, well located In Portland; hot ami cold water each room. A snap at $4000. "ear. Will trade for dairy "P ' 16000. Lueddemann, Ruley Co., l Chamber oi commerce. 2500 acres, all in cultivation, good W J fngs. produced over SO bushels to acre thlTyear. Price $30 an acre. Will trade for good city property. LUEDDEMANN. RULET CO.. UIO cmm.. --- TO EXCHANGE, with owner only, brick In m. property: also general -gse bUHl neas to the amount of $40.oou, to ex H change for mortgages or securities or would consider well equipped dairy farm in Willamette Valley. If interested ad dress box 131. Forest Grove.Or. BELMONT St.. No. 1104, near 1.37thfJutn"D to new brick. 6-room and bath. Put W .tore front at small price and 1 you have a business property; assume $200 on ions time and turn in cheaper PP"'" ' about S1300 for equity. A. L. Poulscn. 813 Cliamoer oi iumwuv 71S Chamber oi com. TOR SLE or trade for acreage or town propertv 1 six-room residence, corner lot. 2 block's from carllne Two-chair barber shop, with bath, old established shop, fine location. Address 6C14 Foster road. , WILL exchange equity $:.00 in a nice, large modern home in restricted district, near Klllligsworth ave.; will trade for clear acreage ..r small farm with some Improve ments; want valley land; owner only. N 19, oregonian I W t.VT the best five to len acres, nicely located. within ten miles of county Courthouse. In trade for my Ml. Tabor residence worth $SO00; lot lOOxli.O. gar age; house modern in every respect; eie- ga n t location. AC 150. Oregonian. " EXCHANGE. "100-acre stock and grain farm wltn stock and equipments. This Is one of the best, and will trade for good city prop ertv Might take some suburban acreage. Henk'e 4 Hamsun. jei v TO EXCHANGE for city property. 1" rr"' 30 in cultivation. 3-room house, good barn fine well, running stream. Hi MM I orchard. 3 million feet fine fir timber, about 2000 cords hardwood timber; ao miles from rortiand. Call ColIM. AUCTION Most fertile tracts In Oregon, slse 7 to 25 acres, pear orchards, apple orchards, timber, farm. garden JJ and one modern country home; oO-mile view water accessible. They will go cheap. See large ad.Inthi paper. XISUU LM-USii AC i The above Income is guaranteed, will trade for unincumbered timber land, acre age or other property. What have you to at-KENZIE & CO.. 515 Gerlinger Bldg. 125x100 10 rooms and garage, opposite Laureihurst Park; will take lots in Ladd s Addition or other high-grade locality to $7500 sl.H'O cash, balance 2 years, t red W. German Co.. l14 Cham, of Com. MODERN 5-room bungalow, lot 50x100, on Montavllla carllne. Price $2700. mortgage S120O. Will trade equity for beach cot tage. H. Dorr E. Keasey & Co.. 2d floor Chamber oi commerce um HAVE 4 well-located city lots, block and a half from car and business center, free of Incumbrance; price $30O each; will trade all or part and some cash for gro cery or other business. L 150. Oregonian. - , . tTT T . A LocatMl near North Jonesmore School. at $1500; will assume up to Sl.VHj; In good locality; of course, this is good. Fred W. German Co.. 014 Cham, of Com. WAVE new 0-room residence. $3750; mort gage $1750. Will exchange equity of $2000 for cottage at Seaside. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Start St. FOK SALE or exchange. 5 acres improved fruit, garden land located at Greenacres. suburban to Spokane, for Portland sub urban property on East Side; basis actual valuation. 311' Lumber Exchange. WILL trade equity in modern 5-room bunga low, close In. on small place about five acres on good road; preTerably with small house. State just what you have. X 132. Oregonian. FOK SALE or exchange. 80 acres choice, unimproved land 14 miles from Spokane (million and a half feet of timber) fol Portland suburban property on East Side. 319 Lumber Exchange. EQUITIES !n 3 good city houses amounting to $7250 for acreage; prefer suitable for stock raising: owners only address 830 Klrby st o.- phone C 3233. JO- CRES near Hermiston Government ir rigation project, for a good auto; won't consider any but a good one. New Perkins Hotel. Room 100. SO 1.CRES in White Salmon district, unim proved: some fine timber, for equity In modern house. Call 406 McKay bldg. Main 'aM. FOR StLE or exchange, tj section of im proved wheat land in Alberta. Canada. Geo Phllpott & Son. R. F. D. No. 3. Al bany. Oregon PROPERTY on 70th St.. near 45th ave.. 214 blocks from Mt. Scott carllne. for property In Bremerton. Wash. For full particulars pnone laaor -i ' TO EXCHNGE $400 cash and four unm-cumber-d business lots, in Oregon seaport, for bungalow or suburban home. AR 13ti. Oregonian. t HIGHLY improved 7 acres, modern house, close In. near station on electric line, to exchange for city property. Samuel Doak. 1202 Northwestern Bank bl.lg. vot'ITlES in good house and lot and ciose Ir. Improved acre, to exchange for unlm nroved clear property. Samuel Doak. 1202 r. . . . ,...,!, '.Tii L ,vy Tart $50,000 unincumbered Portland .uburlan lots for house and lot. Improved farm, rooming-house, grocery or other business .Write fully. G 152. Oregonian. 40 CRE high-class irrigated land. East ern Oregon, for good city property. $S00O. iw a sc MODERN residence and small grocery; will exchange o?ie or both for city property or r 1.1 llr.ri.niHU MODERN house In Irvington district, for ex change. B. M. Lombard. 11 Madison bldg Ml: -i ."i'-l-, A X-1. "WILL exchange sellers contract on good city property. $1200. What have you? C. n - CIA V, r" ht-"i- Iiooo KQUITY" in a nice lot on carllne in Council Crest Park; mtg. $400. for late ... I.C... I ' ,1 Main '. 'I mouei nutu. ..... . 10 ACRES choice land near Newberg to ex change for small bungalow not oi'er $2300. Tabor 3146. 8-ltOOM home near Detroit. Mich., value - , . r. fn, I'D ! II, nn Coast . tj tlC rirrnnlul. WE have several very good properties, some rlear. to trade. Let us know what you nave, sva ut.uui wiu. $600 EJUITY In a choice H acre. 76th. near Division, to exchange for lot. Tabor 945. CLEAR Portland lots to trade for timber. 603 Dekum oiog. WII I. trade $550 equity In art 00 lot for 5-passenger Ford car. Call Tsbor 4030. GOOD lots or acreage for rooming-house or grocery. Owner, .".n Main st. IF YOU'LL trade. see Kurper. 214-15 Chamber of Commerce. Main 77D9. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. SNAP EXCHANGE 680 A. of wheat land In good part of the country, 6O0 A. In cultivation, com mon bldg. This is good land and will stand Investigation. This land must go. Part trade and terms. 320 A. wheat land in Sherman Co., Or is A. alfalfa land. Part trade and terms. 4 800 A. wheat land, half crop. Payment, small amount trade. ISO A. near Washougal, good house, 20 A. In cultlv.. stocked. Want Portland I residence; this Is a snap. I have city property for acreage. See Mr. Hulse, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark St.) MISSISSIPPI. Would you return South If you could exchange your Western property for good Southern property as follows: . . ,-,a acres of land that will produce three crops each year. Improved with good buildings, situated in nice village. 8 miles north of Jackson, Miss., on t C. R. R. and good graveled county road. Also one block of ground situated on A. A V R. R. in Jackson, Miss, only three blocks of Union Depot. Courthouse. Post office, Governor's mansion, etc.; improved with good cottages, well rented, rot In formation call at 114 E. 47th it. N. or phone Tabor 15-.". evenings. F. S. Hallock. o09 McKay Diog unnr. DtvPB H A NTH. SELL OR EXCHANGE. 39 acres. 23 in full bearing apple or chard, standard varieties, balance in good hay land and pasture; small family or chard with peaches, pears, etc. ; large barn, tenant house, bunkhouse and mill house all in good order; 8-room house newly rebuilt throughout, with running water, bath, etc., on macadam road con necting with Columbia River, road now under way: SVi milea from Hood River. It mile from railroad station; cows, team, wagonj and a., necessary tools. Owner obliged to go East; must be disposed or. Address AV 55S. oregonlal. ( FOR SALE OR TRADE. 214 acres near Lents, $600. half cash, bal. long time; 5c fare. 18 acres near Salem, 7 acres In cherries, no other improvements; ice cold Summer spring, plenty water for irrigation; fine for chickens, hogs, fruit or Summer home; grand view; near R. R. and river. Trade for anything near city; value $2000, mort gage $40O. 120 acres 1 mile south of Mosier. Or., a acres in cultivation, good 3-room house, barn, all fenced. Want small place near city or valley. Value $0000, nil clear. HANSLMAIR, 217 Ablngton Bldg. REDMOND LAND. I have for exchange 120 acres of Irri gated land within 1 V miles of Redmond in Crook Co. There are two main Gov ernment ditches,' with water in and ready. It Is entirely fenced with a 3-wire fence. Forty acres are cleared and 80 acres have juniper brush that can be cleared very easily. The land is level. Price $0000. Will exchange for good Portland property. May assume a little. Y 137, Oregonian. OREGON CITY carlme, strictly modern house and 2 acres. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, oak floors, hot and cold wa:er. furnace, fireplace, bath, electric lights, sas and plenty shade and fruit, garage, lawn, chicken-house, on rock road, to trade for house In Irvington or Ladd addition. EMMA B. SHAW. 509 Nortinvestern Bank Bldg., WILL CONSIDER ANY REASONABLE OFFER. Twenty acrea In Hood River Valley, K acrei in full bearing orchard of com mercial varieties of apples; 8 acre of 3 and 4-year-old trees, chicken-house, barn and dwelling house of 7 rooms and bath, electric lighted. Address AV 559. Orego nian. WE CAN SELL OR TRADE. If you wish to sell your real estate for cash or trade for other property, it will pay you to see us for quick results; 10 years successful business is our guarantee for a square deal. M KENZIE CO.. 515 Gerlinger Bldg. Main 2S01. I OWN. FREE OF INCUMBRANCE. SEV ERAL SMALL FARMS. CLOSE IN AND IMPROVED; WILL SELL ON VERY EASY PAYMENTS OR ACCEPT GOOD PORTLAND PROPERTY. J. O. ELROD. 515 (JORBETT BLDG. ASK FOR MR. CROSSLEY. J WHEAT OR STOCK. We have best wheat and stock ranches in Eastern Oregon and Washington, to exchange for city property and for sale on crop payment plan. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 000-607 Yeon bldg. WANTED Vacant lot for $000 equity in 20 acre ranch near Portland; 10 acres in cul tivation. 4-room house, spring water piped to bouse, fenced and cross fenced. 2 miles to town, on country road, price $1750. in cluding cow, horse and buggy and chick ens. AC 151. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 14 acres, highly improved, near Orchard, Wash.; 5-room house, barn 56x40 and chicken-house, good well water, 1 cow, J horse, chickens and tools. Will trade for a home and assume. M KENZIE & CO.. 515 Gerlinger JJldg. 5-ROOM, bath, attic, fireplace, full lot, on Marguerite St., few feet from carllne, now rented at $18; assume $2150 payable monthly and turn In good property fo. about $IM0. A. E. Poulsen. 719 Chamber of Commerce. WILL PAY CASH. Client want's close-in farm or acreage up to $G500. Will put in clear house in choice residence district of Spokane, worth $4500. and pay balance In cash. Luedde man, Ruley & Co., 913 Chamber of Com. MR. PROPERTY OWNER, If you have a U. V..- V knllfllnif ...n-ir? a Ti.l u.llt tO trade it for a good farm, come and see' me. as I have two good zarms ror ex change. S. N. Steele (owner). 432 Cham ber of Commerce. 100 "-A C R ES W H U A T FARM J 00 A CRES. All level, new land, pear two R. R.s. fenced, buildings, near where the best products of Central Oregon are produced. $5000. Take unincumbered city property or Alberta farm. 503 corhett bldg. WTT.T, trade the very best 5-acre fruit farm in Fruit Valley, Clarke Co.. Wash.. 4 miles from Vancouver, on aut road, for a good 6-room cottage on the East Side. Office hours 10 to 4. J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT FARMS TO TRADE" Are you looking for wheat farms In exchange for your property? We have some good ones, from 320 to 3000 acres. LUDDEMANN, RULEY Sc. CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade, modern six-room house In Spokane, lot 50x140. semi-buBl-ness property, close in. for improved or unimproved Portland suburban property on East Side: basis actual valuation, old Lumber Exchange. 200 ACRES near Salem. well Improved. Price $25,000. Consider Portland or coun try property. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 006-007 Yeon bldg. 4-ROOM house. 2 nice lots 50x100 each. 2 blocks from car: $2100: wants house and lot or acreage to $3000; pay cash differ ence. O. C. R. Ellis A Co.. 309 Board of Trade. 4th and Oak sts. TO EXCHANGE A $500 city lot, $2000 house and lot now rented; or a 10-acre Improved farm near Wllsonvllle, value $3000, for 1 or 2 acres close In on rail road with trackage. Y 151, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Eastern Oregon ranch. Including stock, good set of buildings, lots of water and outrange. What have you to offer? MKENZIE & CO.. 615 Gerlinger Bldg. 2 ACRES unincumbered, close in. on 57th st- 2 block from car. Will exchange for small unincumbered prune orchard or farm. Address owner, X 152, OregonlaTK DIAMOND, jewelry, high-class new goods, for equity In well-rented "house in good location, or other good property. 20S Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. GOOD hotel building, 50x100 lot, Sel'.wood. Or., value $4000. to trade for farm land of same value. Hotel free and clear. In vestigate this, s 152. Oregonian. 3 CITY lots, value. $2300; no debt, to trade for acreage within 40 miles of the city. O. C. R. EJIis & Co.. 309 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. SNAP for cash, one 5-room and one 4-room cottage. 2 blocks from car; both rented. Lots 50x100 each; no incumbrance. B 171, Oregonian. EQUITY in 2 acres, Powell Valley road, and diamond. Jewelry, for equity In house, lot or about 5 acres within 10 miles of Port land. 208 Stock Exchange bidg. TWO ACRES AT GILBERT STATION. Cloae to Lents, water piped to each, will trade. What have you to offer? M KENZIE &CO..515 GerllngerBIdg. TIMBER or" cleared land to exchange for auto roadster preferred; car must be In good' condition; late model. V 1S4, Ore gonian TC NTKD To trade good house and two lots close-in. lots of fruit and flowers; for good ranch. W 131. Oregonian. MY $S10 equity In 4-room house on Clinton street, for unincumbered lot. P 152, Ore gonla::. SOME good clear acreage for exchange for house equities. Will give value for value. ?ee uage. .-to saimou st. $1400 EQUITY In 7-room modern house for anything of value. 971 E. 21st t., N.. or A 175. Oregonllm . 6ROOM bungalow, $2700: rental $13. mtg. $1200. 3 years. Will take lots to $1500. write owner, jv iw, mtguiunn. 33 CRES. 17 acres In fruit, buildings, ex change. Swank. 611 Northwest bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WELL-IMPROVED Alberta farm, $12,000: consider any good Oregon or Viashlnglon property. 800-acre Sherman County farm. Im proved. Summer fallow, farming outfit, price $20,000: consider 'any l lrst-ciaus property to $6000, remainder either A crop payments or long lime. 3280-acre farm, 1500 In Summer fallow, elegant improvements, fine well large amount of stock and machinery, $30 per acre; want well-improved valley farm go as high as $65,000, remainder your own terms. Have $2S,5C0 worth of unincumbered timber, take valley farm up to $40,000 and pay difference. 720-acre improved valley farm, price $43 000; consider Portland property to $40,000. Large tract of unimproved wheat land, very reasonable price; sell on -crop pay ments, all you are required to have is a farming outfit; will consider other prop erty in part payment. L. K. MOORE. 317 Board of Trade. $13,000 133 ACRES one-half mile from Yam. hill. Practically all cultivated. Good 5-room house, barn, pumping plant and outbuildings. Trade for Port land "houses or flats. 263. $13 000 104 acres 3 miles from Yamhill. o acres 4-vear-old apple trees; 10 acres grain, potatoes and vegetables. Good house, barn, outbuildings, springs, etc. Trade for Portland income prop erty, 261. . $ 5,500 Two lots, wejl located. Trade for Hood River acreage. 5071. j S 000 120 acres near Bend, Or. lOo acres In grain and alfalfa. Small house, barn. etc. Trade for Portland prop erty. 313. $ 0.000 100 acres near Lyle. Wash., SO acres cultivated In hay. Small house, barn, etc Trade for Portland house. 314. $ 5 000 32 acres 10 miles north of Vancou ver 20 acres In cultivation. 7-room house, barn, well. etc. Trade for Portland home. 310. We have many other good properties tor exchange. See our large list. City Department. Main 6869: 2110 Washington St. A v2(j7. ... . ,i-IIf .1- D AVI'U To 000. yi.l.M-l "HEIAl . z 1. t Income city property, paying 12 per cent on price. J20.OU0; 100x125. good East Side corner, 4 buildings, one a modern store building, located within 2 miles of Ciy Hall; rentals $2CO a month. Wants wheat ranch not over $10,000, or take smaller proposition or valley farm to tl,uoo anu little cash. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 300 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak Sts. to exchange. OS-acre farm, 70 111 culti vation, balance pasture, all tillable, plen ty water good S-room house and out buildings; only quarter-mile from Oregon Electric station and school. Price $la per acre; will take clear Portland home and small amount of cash as first pay ment. . , . CALLAN & KASEK. T2----4 I eon muK 8 "A ACRES Improved. M mile Newberg; house, barn, orchard, etc.. for Portland bungalow to $5000. 12 acres 4 miles Vancouver; house, barn, 0OO bearing fruit trees; $3000 cash, bal. trade to $3500. , . 40 acres IS miles S. E. Portland; house, barn, orchard; 17 acres cultivated; fine land; $2000 mtg.. $3000 trade. DIKTZ & R1NGLER. 310 Ry. Ex. BUSINESS block, lot 100x100. improved with 2-story brick bldg and 1-story frame bldg. A-l location on East Side. Price $30,000. To trade for Valley farm opto $38 000. Will assume, but must have $ooo cash. This is a dandy. Call Marshall 4200 or 710 Lewis bldg. 0 ACRES. 3 blocks of electric line, 4 acres under cultivation. 1 acre fir grove for park, no rock or gravel, lays level and nice; 34 minutes' ride of city, incumbrance S't.O Will exchange for house and lot and ' assume up to $1000. or pay on In stallments. Ayres & Smith. 401 ,.North; west bldg.. Washington st. between Oth and Broadway. itain uhd nvrvvfl RROl't' 154 acres, near Sycamore station, 7'i Improved. 2 orchard, 3Va clover. 4 round house. 40XS0 barns. 2 chicken houses, 2 springs, fenced and on hard surfaced road to city. Easily worth $6000. Encumbrance $3100. Including interest. Equity for auto, lot. furniture, or offer. Mar. 111. O'i "kCRKS near Lebanon. 03 acres under cultivation; will take modern house as first payment; $3000 to $4000. Call and see views of farm. See Mr. Rohrbough, 269 Stark St., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON EXCHANGE. We have houses and lots for farms, acreage and farms for houses. If you want to exchange on cash basis, see us. -.I TT-X-AUT WV11.TV CO.. 421-422 Cham, of Commerce CHOICE Hood River orchard and city prop- 17. , iitono- in. incumbrance : can subdivide; want' inside Portland property; some income, or good stock farm. J lol. Oregoru in. ROOM good house, near Portsmouth sta tion. 1 neeu an auiu u" ..... m- - - centlonal deal on my $1200 equity, or clear vacant property considered. call henwoou o:'-. $5jo CASH and 25 acres, not far from Port land about 5 acres In young orchard, im proved with good house and well, to ex change for Portland residence In good IllSLTlCl. V. iui v.b-. W NTED House, close in; have 8 full lots and good bungalow, also chicken houses in Portland, value $5000, m ex change. F. Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Com merce FOR San Francisco real estate will ex change my 5OX10O lot. three-room modern cottage pBtry and bathroom, large back porch, 'furniture and piano. See owner. ti'ai Harney ae. jciiwmu I HAVE due me $050 on $1800 contract on Bungalow; will exchange for stock and farm implements, or unincumbered lot. or piano and cash. Owner, AR lull, Ore gonian. RENT of COttaxe for ll months for a few days' work with team: also $400 equity in large lot at Bell Heights for Eastern Oregon property. Call Sunday. 1902 East Washington st. , I WANT to trade my equity in a 5-room bungalow for clear lot worth up to $.00 and little cash. C 1839 Sunday, between ta ana i WILL trade eauity In $5000, 8-room. all . , ll,,.. . Vinmo insf com 1 1 1 e t e tl . modern, Uiiui em m j 'r Jii7,. for vacant lot or small home: sacrifice for cash or will give terms. Tabor o433. TO TRADE SO acres best bunch land, near Kalama, Wash., value $2000. lor house and lot or rooming house. No agents. E loO. Oregonian EQUITY of $1300 in new 7-room modern house. Hawthorne district, for clear lot, Woodmere or other desirable location. AB 140. Oregonian. FIVE acres. A 1 land, vvell located, near Columbia River highway no incumbrance. $730 or exchange for auto. Call ol2 Royal bldg.. Broadway and Morrison. FIFTEEN to fifty thousand dollars' worth of Portland property for dairy ranch near Portland; an Oregon or Washington wheat farm. Geo. A.Rlggs. 1102 Spalding bldg. FINE modern bungalow in Vernon to ex change for suburban acreage. Improved or unimproved. 514 Chamber of Com merce 1VH; ACIVCO AC aiwxaaj. all cleared, located at Crowley Station. What have you to offer? MeKENZIE & CO.. 315 Gerlinger bldg. "3 ACRES-ideal for poultry, fruit and truck; " 5 acres in orchard; good house, well. etc.. to exchange for unincumbered suburban lots. B loS. ureguiiian. rouTI ISD houses wanted for Cowlitz Val ley farms. W. V. Hyde. Castle Rock, v asn 1 1RGE house, close Hawthorne corner, for close acreage or smaller house: no agents. AE 113.' Oregonian. NICE farm, near Spokane, $20,000. for apart " meat house. Rochat, R. F. D. No. S, Spo- Kan EOI1TY Broom modern bungalow, Haw thorne district; will trade for Jot or acre age iiearcityJP2mrojJiasJ';j8iJ CLEAR Portland lot by owner, for Southern Cal. beach cottage; will pay difference. AK154. Oregon i an. VACANT lots, value $3000, to exchange for 2 or three acres, near o i iv-cn E J. Geiser. 420 Chamber of Commerce. 51H0O NEW 4-room bungalow, mtg. S350; trade equity for lot or auto. AF 137. Ore gonian. WILL take horses, cows, hogs or anything 1 can use on a small farm for $325 equity In modern $2000 home. K 172. Oregonian. wTl"l exchange clear lots for cord or slab wood. Tabor 2S34 or address S. S. P., East 04th st s ACRES, cultivated. Willamette Valley. " take city property part trade. L 154, Ore gonian STUDEBAKElt electric, fine for city family, together with acreage for city lots or house equity. Marshall QH46. A PORTLAND lot and some cash for acre age or small farm; give price and loca tion In first letter. B 155. Oregonian. e CRES Improved land, close in, $2000 cash or $2500 In trade; terms to suit pur chaser. Main 321. "30 ACRES near Salem Electric for Income " . -.-.. ., - a T Or. Ilr,7nnlan property, cwnei. jv w.o WANT California, preferably Oakland, for fine East Side home. AC 114. Oregonian. FOR SM.E or trade, good sawmill, capacity. 50 u Commercial bids. 40 M. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 60 acres, 30 in cultivation, good 7-room house and barn, chicken-house, hoghouse, good, young orchard, 1 acres; finest of water for house, stock or anything needed for; stock and farm tools of ali kinds. 17 acres, choicest of land, at Cape Horn Wash., 35 miles from Portland; boat and train every day; $1500, one-half cash,, terms to suit. 80 acres, near Cape Horn, Wash., $3o per acre; good soil, about 60 easy to plow; rent pasture. 60 acres, can't be beat, level as floor, 33 In cultivation, new 6-room house, new barn, 16,000 or IS, 000 feet of lumber for buildings; must sell on account of sick ness. ' 80 ACRES FOR SALE, or will trade for ranch in the valley; this place has 40 acres of young orchard, apples and pears, right In the best fruit belt Wash. 35 miles from Portland; boat and train every day. 80 acres. $03 per acre; 3 miles from boat and railroad, 20 acres in cultivation; or will trade for good Portland property; will assume one-half incumbrance. 240 acres, 40 in cultivation, good, big barn old house, best of water, all kinds of stock range outside the place; will sell or trade for Income Portland property or Vancouver. Price $30 per acre. SO acres, 5 miles from boat and rail: no Improvements, fine water and outside range, about 40 very easy to clear and plow; owner has too much land and will sacrifice this SO for $25 per acre, half cash, balance easy terms. Main 83S9. B. HAFFEY. 54 3d St. TO EXCHANGE .UlSCEI.I.A.NEOrS. EASTMAN 4x5 plate camera with folding steel tripod, 5 plate holders, leather carry ing case, good condition. Camera alone cost $30. Will exchange for canoe, rpw boat or bicycle. Give or take difference. Address C. A. Allen. Newberg. R. D. '2. $73 grafonola, excellent condition, wltn high-class records, to exchange for Graflex or other good camera. Size preferred. 3-4x 5V4. AD 136. Oregonian. MARE, heavy, with foal and horse, to ex change for span of mules or would trade mare for good work mule or horse. Call Woodlawn 2038. FINE motorboat to trade for real estate, 50 horsepower, and one of the best on the river. Come and see me. 432 Cham, of Com. Main 255. iii-FOOT launch, oi beam, 2 cylinders, oak frame, nearly neu ; good launch house; cash $950; will take best offer; must sell. Owner, M. 1140. E. 2305. WANTED To trade a 7-passenger. 6-cyl-inder Fierce-Arrow car for the remodel ing of a small building. Call East 5261 or B 1704. WANT light auto, piano or what have you for my 3 Fergus Falls, Minn., lots, value $400? Box 196, Falls City, Or. TO EXCHANGE for span of mules, mare heavy with foal and gelding; weight about $2400. AF 135. Oregonian. $325 PRINTING outfit for motorcycle or runabout. Call Woodlawn 3664, weekdays. VOICE culture given for furniture, piano, real estate, tailoring. L 172, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. THE Union Transfer Stables, 11th at Hoyt st. are replacing horses and wagons with auto trucks and offer fqr sale the follow ing teams: Sorrel mares, 6 years old, weight 2800 lbs.; have best of feet and legs, true to pull any place, set nearly new harness, price $335; also team black mares, 1100 lbs. each, are gentle and true pullers, plow, single or double set good breeching harness, all goes $150; one chunky built bay mare. 1200, works sin gle or double, gentle for lady to drive or handle; price $S0; also bay mare, 1100 lbs., little sore from street work, price $45, one 4-ton camel-back truck, $100: 2 light camel-backs, cheap; 1 gooseneck truck, like new; one 34-inch Studebaker farm wagon, box spring sea., very cheap. Call, make offer, the above must be sold. Union Transfer Stables, 11th at Hoyt st. CONSIGNMENT OF NINE GOOD HORSES. Team of blocky grays, weight 3200; this ttair with heavy work harness. $240. Team of sorrels, weight 2S00. $103. Team sorrel horse and brown mare, weight 2473, with harness. This team belonged to Seward Hotel bus; price .$250. One blocky bay horse, weight 1050, $70. One brown pony, rkie or drive. S50 lbs., $35. one sorrel pony, ride or drive, 750 lbs., $15. This stock must be sold within 10 days re gardless of cost. If Jookins for horses, will uay you to Investigate. Rose City Stable. 505 Aldei. . FARMERS and colt-raisers, attention; team blacak mares, 2650 lbs., full sisters, and low, blocky. right kind, that will wear forever; proven brood mares; one has fine big mare colt at side now; both have been bred back to imported stallion; bought this pair mares last year, not knowing they were in foal; must sacrifice, as can't use them In city; sell very cheap or trade for big team; are nicely green broken, all their future before them. Call Union Transfer Stables. 11th at Hoyt St. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72, B 1300. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles and harnesses; every Monday and Friday 10 A. M. The only strictly commission stable in city; consignments solicited. 240 E. 8th St. East 6315. FOR SALE The swellest pony in town; young, sound, gentle and a perfect beauty; sell cheap or trade for good motorcycle. Phone B 1569 or call 87 E. 09th St. FOR SALE A good heavy team', harness and wagon; weight 3300 pounds. Owner. 1952 E. Taylor. Call evenings or Tabor 352. WANTED For spot cash ; horse 1200, 1300, good at all single work, not over 10 years; also light spring wagon in good condi tion; no dealers. S 13 7, Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange for good work gelding, mare heavy with foal. AD 138, Oregonian. ' FOR SALE Horses weighing from 930 to 1600 lbs.; will sell on terms. Frazler & McLean, 5th and Taylor sts. TWO good work horses, cheap; must sell, owner leaving city. Also one express wagon, cheap. 141 East 45th st. BLACK team, weight 2000; good workers; must sell at once. $135. 55 East 82d st. Take Montavllla car, Pine, 2blocks east. WANTED 14U0 or 1500 team, 6 to S, sound (not blocky), must be reasonable. Geo. Arnold, 357 E. 34th St. WANTED To hire a horse and wagon for 10 days; slate lowest terms. Y 132, Ore gonian. FOR SALE or will trade for cows, a fine Hambletonian mare with colt b'y side. 240 East Sth St. Phone East 6315. WANTED Work with good team; will haul gravel, wood or work on grading. Phone Tabor 3783. WANTED To buy top buggy; delivery wagon for sale. Main 0257. i $125 Fine large delivery horse, city broke. 267 Knott St. Phone East 19.S7. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. TaborOS CO iw for sale, will be fresh in about 4 weeks. Will exchange for horse. 270 E. 7th st. LIGHT covered delivery wagon and single harness for saie cheap. Sellwood 1027. ONE goose-neck. 1 camel-back, 1 express wagon. 120 N. tlth st. PASTURE for stock adjoining city on Co lumbia Slough. Woodlawn 1908. GOOD tme-horse top delivery wagon and harness. 720 E. Taylor. E. 43S5. FOR SALE Buggy, almost new, only $25. 607 Ellis ave. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. PLAYER cabinet and upright pianos in best shape; $90, $140, $100: must be sold at once. 441 Stark St., corner 12th st. HIVE $105 EQUITY' and $75 music for Bush & Gerts Dlayer. What will you give for my Interest? 901 E. 25th st. North. WILL pay reasonable rent for good piano and give same best of car-;. W 154. ore gonian. $" 0 EQUITY in fine new piano for $50. "balance $100. payable $7 month: leaving city Call evenings. 880 East Yamhill. S175 BUYS ELEGANT MAHOGANY PLAY ER PIANO, ALMOST NEW, COST $750. (17 LI MBH.K r.Ai,nA.i'jc. FOR SALE A beautiful almost new Lud wlg piano In Egyptian oak; $250. 31 Vaucouver ave MHOGNY piano must be sold , at once. What will you give for this $375 upright? 844 E. Burnsioe 1421 MAHOGANY piano, quite new; will sell at any reasonable price; leaving city. 340 E. 4Sth st. $40u UPRIGHT piano; must sell at once; will accept any reasonable offer. 130 E. 19th St. SOjO PL VY'ER-PIANO, late model. 88-note; pric- and terms to suit to sell quickly. 535 E. Market st. $350 QUITE new upright piano; will accept any reasonable price or terms for Imme diate. salellSB Omhast. $4'i PIANO, mahogany, no reasonable offer refused. 330 Columbia st. UPRIGHT Grand. $31 5024 34th ave. Will accept $143. $73 Conn circus bore cornet, almost new, $50. A 158. Oregonian. Vi.N'Tthe use of piano for storage, or would rent one. Main 3324. FOR SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. BARGAIN Why buy used pianos or pay for store rent in buing new ones, when you can get brand new. latest style pianos and player pianos direct from Eastern factories for much less than they would cost here in the stores? Two on hand at present. Call A 5799 for particulars. AGREATPiA.NO SACRIIFCE. Am leaving city and will dispose of my new oak upright piano at a great bar gain; you must see this to appreciate s, big saving. Phone Main 3280 or call .74 college. sune,ay I HAVE my high-grade player piano nearly pail for am leaving city and will sell mv equity at a great sacrifice. Phone Tabor 80. . WANTED Upright piano, must be reason able; state price and condition. N 143. Oregonian. WILL exchange fine talking machine outfit for good piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. , COLUMBIA and Victor high-class records for sale at half price. Phone Woodlawn 183. WILL store piano for use. Sunday, Main 406.1. LOT equity for a piano. Rlggs, 1102 Spald ing bldg. Dog. Birds, Tft Stock ST. BERNARD pups from a pedigreed and prize-winning mother. Rochat, R. 2. Spo kane Twdheautlful Toy Boston terrier puppks, 4 months old. cheap. 463 Nor. 2-Jd st. Marshall 4371. FOR SALE Two black and tan dogs. 8 months old; male and female; cheap. Ulli Broadway, phone Main 8022. BOSTON terrier pups for sale or trade. Tabor 2100. : AIP.EDAI ES. great pals, guards and hunt ers. Laddtx Kennels, Estacada. Or. WANTED To buy fox terrier pup with pedi gree. A 133, Oregonian. FOR S LE High-class English bulls, grand heads and tails, no better. 234 E. 16th st. BOSTON male bulldog for sale. Phone East 4491. LEWELLYN setter puppy, male, 3 mo. old, fir sale. C 1978. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier pups for sale. 286 Monroe St. Furniture For Sale. ANTIQUE furniture, beautiful hand-carved dining-room set In oak, also mahogany bedroom set: both over 100 years old and imported. Call Main S931. lord Auc tion Co. WILL sell as a whole or separately the fol lowing; Dining-room table and 4 chairs, two mattresses. 2 springs. 1 bed, one small table, new piano; quick action necessary. B ias, cregi-mian HIGH-GRADE furniture six-room Hat for sale, rent of Hat $30; four rooms rrjat $-5 2 rooms $20. S03 E. Wash. Phone East 861 1 LARGE leather davenport, $15; 12 yards nearly new stair carpet, $S; other house hold goods cheap. 446 Liberty st. Wood lawn car. FOR. SALE Furniture of 9-room house; close in. West' Side; rent reasonable, rooms all rented; price $300; terms. Phono Main oioi SOME neailv new solid mahogany office fur niture conslstina of desks anil chairs, for sale cheap. AR 15.1, Oregonian. FOR SALE Furniture of 4 rooms. Inc. Ax rug and steel range, both new. M 130, Oie- gonian. SIX rooms furniture on payments or trade Call today; leaving Monday morning. 0 East 12tli st. ELEGANT mahogany office furniture for sale: cost $210; sell for $8u cash; prac tically new. Tabor 103 Pit CTICALIA new fumed oak mission furniture, price reasonable, owner leaving -I.,- Sell wood 227S. 8o.. E. .lith. OAK china cabinet. $8; other .furniture, hair mattress. -o "-) SIX rooms rooms furniture for sale cheap; IraTllB CUV. ""'''U vanei.L... VERY good gas range, medium ize. good -.n,!itinii. Marshal! 1723, A-3.-U4. HOUSE for rent, partly furnished, and fur niture for sale. 294 Jefferson. Automobiles CADILLAC POPULARITY in" a tangible asset to Cadillac owners; not onlv does it afford them satisfaction t,? know that a large number of people agree with them that the Cadillac I. the best car to buy, but CADILLAC POPULARITY means that should they wont to dispose of their car It can be done easily and at Si smalies't possible loss. TLJi that the Cadillac is not only a good car to own. but that It is the SAFEST AUTOMOBILE INVESTMENT Safest because it can be readily turned Into cash. To the man who wants to enjoy the advantages which the Cadillac affords but who prefers not to Inevst the amount which a new car pf thai . ype requires, we recommend a rebuilt Cadillac. REBUILT CADILLACS are cars which we have taken In trade from our customers, and which have been thoroughly overhauled in our own shops by mechanics pai-tlcularly skilled In cad lilac construction. All worn parts arc "enlaced and the cars repainted. They carrv our guarantee as regards mechani cal condition. 1013 Touring Car. 1013 Phaeton 1012 Touring Car. i in Phaplnn . . . . $14071 $1400 $1000 $1000 $ 700 1 hi 1 Touring Car. . 1911 Touring Car. . 1911 Touring cai . Other makes at reasonable prices on liberal term COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Washington Street at 21st. Main 6244. " A 8218 . .$ 4 oo FOR VALUES IN USED CARS VISIT THE OREGON MOTOR CAR COM. PIXY USED-CAR DE PARTMENT. We do not charge you a profit on used cars because we are not second-hand car Sealers. We take used cars In trade on new car sales and sell the used car for exactly what we allow for them. SAVE THE SECOND-HAND DEALER'S PROFIT. Buvlng a used car of the Oregon Motor Car Company entitles you to our service in other words, you have a home In stead of being cast adrift, which Is the case when buying a used car elsewhere. WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS OPEN SUNDAY 1 Studebaker "30" roadster. In fine me chanical condition. $400. 1 1912 Studebaker "20" o-passenger touring car. overhauled and repainted. 1 Chalmers 30 touring car. In first class condition. $330. 1 Stevens-Duryea 6-eyltnder. o-passen-ger touring car. $400. 1 Chalmers 30 touring car, 1911 model, overhauled and repainted. $373. 1 Cadillac 5-passenger touring car, J400. 1 Studebaker 25. 1913. roadster, $600. In fine condition. 1 Studebaker 30. 5-passenger touring car repainted and in fine shape. $450. 1 Studebaker "25," 1013. 5-passenger touring car. run about 4000 miles, and In perfect condition. $700. 1 Studebaker "30" touring car. In fine condition. $400. OREGON MOTOR OAR CO. Studebaker Building. Corner Chapman and Alder sis. Phone Main 9402. A 7636. STUDEBAKER "four" 1914 5-passenger touring car. electric lights and electric starter, demountable rims and complete equipment This car has been run very little nnd Is In fine condition. A bargain at $850. cash or terms. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. Studebaker bldg. Chapman & Alder sts. Mlln D402. A 7636: HAVE a 7-passenger. fi-cylinder car; just the thing for stage run; look at this car before you buy. AR 156. Oregonian. 7-PSSENGER speedwell. 19V2 model, A I condition. $525. Inquire 10th an. E. Burnsifre. East Burnslde Garage. BIG SNAP 1 Maxwell roadster, fine new tires." A-l condition. $175 cash. 331 Beech street. 2-110 4-SEAT Oakland, fine condition me chanlcally: $200 cash, rhonc A 5551. HERE'S A DANDY 5-passenger 4-cyllnaer car. $525 cash. 26e nth st. FORSVLE - Three 37x5 used tires. In good condition. Call Main 5501. FORD auto for sale or trade. C. S. Parker, 140S Knowles ave. Woodlawn 465. 1 STUTZ roadster. A No. 1 shape, cheap for cash. "17 Hawthorne ave. HDP roadater for sale, cheap, $300; reason- able terms. 514 Alder st. W1NTON six roadster; looks good, is good, $425. 206 11th t. FOR SALE. Automobiles. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR SPECIALS. 1912 OVERLAND. 4-PASS. Nickel trimmed, llartiord shock absorb ers front and rear, Jones speedometer, electric lights, new tires rear, car com pletely overhauled, one of the most popu lar models ever manufactured by tin company, an opportunity to secure a high class car at the right ilgure. 1912 POPE HARTFORD. Newly painted and overhauled, runs silently, will last for years. Pope's reputa tion Is enough to convince the motor wise. See the car. TWO REOS taken In exchange last week, will be sold at exceptionally low prices. BUICK PANEL TOP DELIVERY, solid tires rear, tires new all around, a practical light delivery car at less than cost of horse and wagon. OAKLAND 36 DEMONSTRATOR. Just like new, Delco starting and lighting system. Jiffy curtains, crown fenders. 33x4 tires, nobby real, extra 'demountable rim. OAKLAND 48 DEMONSTRATOR, run about 2000 miles, color green, tire 35X41-'.. non-skid rear, extra rim, Delco starting and lighting system, fully equipped. HERRESCHOFF LIGHT. SIX run about seven hundred miles. 1014 model, small motor averages 18 miles on gas, light on tires, extremely economical to operate; let us introduce you to own ers of this same model; what they have to say will Interest you. OTHER SNAPS INCLUDING THE VARIOUS MAKES. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 694 Washington st., cor. King. Marshall 1915, A-1917. USED AUTO SNAP. TERMS GIVEN. Apperson 5-paas.. fully equipped. Owen. 6-pass., fully equipped. Stoddard Dayton, 5-pas., fully equipped. Babcock electric, canopy body, aeau 4. Cole, 2-pass.. roadster, fully equipped. Chevrolet 2-pas., roadster, nearly new; snap. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sts A RENEWED PACKARD Is the best motor car Investmen possible at less cost than a new Packard with the first and heaviest depreciation removed The same pride of ownership remain be cause a rebuilt Packard ha the appear ance and ability of a new Packard. We guarantee these cars the same as new Packard and purchaser will obtain the full measure of psckard service ths same a purchasers of new Packard. We now have a few of various types. FRANK C. RIOGS COMPANY CORNELL ROAD. 2SD ANT WASH. STi FORD CARS. The right way to buy a car 1 to buy a new one. New Ford car sold on eaay terms. $250 down, balance In monthly pay ments. We also have good buys on aecoud-hand cars. BEN J. E. BOONE Sc CO., Ford Agents. 514 Alder st. Main 3066. NEW MOTOlt TRUCKS. Anv capacity from 730 lbs. to 3 ton: you can pay fur It In monthly Installments; will sell without any payment down pro viding you can give sutuituntlal security; let the truck earn Its payments and earn you itood money besides; get the details. A 141. Oregonian. 3-PASSENGER, late model touring car. trimmed In genuine leather, self battery starter, new Llsh tires, extra tires, tubes and rims; chains, tools, pulnt and engine and general appearance , of car best possi ble condition; price $756. (4 cah, balance monthly or trade for big horses. Call 129 N. 11th st. stable. - 50 CENTS on all dollar auto part for dif ferent makes of cars; we have a large stock of gears, wheels, bodies, axles, frames, transmissions, etc. We are the largest auto wreckage company on the Coast. PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO., 323 Burnslde St. G. N. SMITH, Manager. 1912 4-passenger Overjand "40," .lust thor oughly overhauled and in the best of con dition; non-skid Ilres ul! around, all In good shape; car has had the best of care and only driven by owner; extra equip ment shock absorbers. "Klaxton" horn, electric lights and storage battery. X 135, Oregonian. "BOOKLET FREE.' Delivery costs and metliod for express nnd business men. By the Traffic En gineer. Address GERLINGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 604 Washington St. Phone Marshall 1915. WHAT aril you pay in cash for a five passenger Ford car in good repair.' Hui high-tension BaRtdai f magneto, set spark. Stromberg carburetor, electric lights, 2 tool boxes, 4 Inner tubes and one extri rear tire. Phone Main 150. , A SNAP. Six-cylinder, 50-korsepoiver car. onl been run 1000 miles; car equipped. Ora & Davis self-starting and electric light, will sell on terms or take first mortgage. H 175, oregonian. HAVE vour auto painted and your trimming nickel-plated at Portland Plating 4k .aUIo Painting Co.. also upholstering; 22d and Thurman. Main 043. A 5282, $20 and up ward, according to the work. FORD U'TO Am selling my 1913 model T 5-passenger Ford at a sacrifice: excel lent condition; can be een between 9 o'clock and 5 Sunday at garage, llullsday and Union aves THE AUTO LAUNDRY. l 's, , . i a i bmsbj i . MARSHALL 39!.;. A 1644. M KES A SPECIALTY OF WASHING AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE 4-passenger. 3U-35 II. P.. 1910. Mitchell autit, must dispose of It at once, $250 cash takes it; do not answer this aa unlets prepaieo m ;-u7. Hansen, tj&j E. Main St. Phone Tabor 1.69. Si'LtJ-NUlAJ nil wwiii. , -ii tires, splendid mechanical condition, equipped; price only $175, $200 down. $:t. monthly. E. B. Hyatt, 350 Alder. ill trade for tlrst-Ciass live -passenge! a-vfi-a. i'VI 'ill, ffmnllnn envrlne. $50 1-cylfnder gasoline engine, $35. and other engines at snappy prlcea. PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO., 325 Burnslde St. FORD 5-pass. touring car. run abou: IN miles bought July 8; chance to buy new car at reduced price. 501 r-chuyler St. East 5765. Cash, STUDEBAKER "20." canvas top delivery car, capacity 1200 lbs., $375. GENERAL AUTOS CO., 323 Alder. Cor. lth. W NTED 1910. 1U11 or 1012 Chalmers In exchange for new cars. Can give you good deal. Demand greater than supply. H. L. Keats Auto Co. REMY M iGN'KTO, first-class condition, sam is guaranteed; $20, for four-cylinder car. PACIFIC T1HE & SUPPLY CO.. 337 Burnslde St WE WILL sell at a liberal discount a cer tificate of credit which may be applied as cash In the purchase of a new Reo car. Phone Main 150. 1914 ELECTRIC-LIGHTED 7-h. p. Indian motorcycle, nearly new; orlln speedom eter; $200 cash If taken at once. Call or write 127 E. ltd st. N. TIKES, slightly used. $3 to $lif each; tube $1 50 to $3 each; tube vulcanising. 2oC PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO.. U25-27 Burr.slae St. MATHISON Snap; 6-cyl., 6-pasa., extra equipment, $550. GENERAL AUTOS CO.. 523 Alder. Cor. lth. FORD 3-pass.. muring car. run about 200 miles, bought July 8. chance to buy new car at reduced fcrlce. 501 Schuyler St. East 5765. AUTO express and delivery business, $1500; Reo trick, best condition. 1914 model. $500: business goes with truck. Main C121. No. 40 2d SC I OWN a new Federal truck, 1 4 to 2 tons capacity Can you give me a contract? AP 153, Oregonian 1913 CHALMLH&, o-pass., tine in ni re painted, cannot be duplicated at price. H. L. Keats Auto Co. FOR SALE Hudson roadster In perfect condition; xh cash and terms on balanc AM 130. Oregonian. FOR BAT-f Slx-cyllncer Chalmers. 7-pas-enger. A-l condition. Terms to right party. AV 538, Oregonian. WE buy, sell and trade autos. GENERAL AUTOS CO.. 523 Alder St.. Cor. lth. cN- a.p 4-cyllnder Oakland roadster, $285 "cash Phone Main 1523, A 1523. Sunday. 0 to 12 A. M. 1914 CHALMERS. 6-pass.. practically new, seat covers, etc.; price attractive. H L. Keats Auto Co. STUDEBAKER fore door, 5-pass. car cheap. GENERAL AUTOS CO., 523 Alder, Cor. 18th. WILL exchange $2000 equity In business lot on Sandy boulevard for auto. Lot valued at $2500. X 139. Oregonian. STORAGE batteries, all new, $10. 50 each. PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO.. 325 Burnslde St. 1910 5-PASSENGER Cadillac for sale. In perfect condition. AP 09, OregonUn, Slightly used tires from $S to $25 ea. ; vul canized 25c Mre; repairing. 207 Madison ROADSTER. 114 model. recently over hauled, for $300; terms. Phone East 1409. Automobiles. PARTS. PARTS. PARTS, PARTS FOR AUTOMOBILES. 50c ON A DOLLAR 60c. GEARS. GEARS. GEARS. GEARS. BODIES. BODIES. BODIES. BODIES. ENGINES. ENGINES. ENGINES. WHEELS. WHEELS. WHEELS. LAMPS. LAMPS. LAMPS. LAMPS. RADIATORS. RADIATORS, RADIATOR. TRANSMISSIONS. TRANSMISSIONS MAONETOS. MAGNETOS. BEARINGS. BEARINGS, BEARINGS. TIRES. TIRES, TIRES. TIRES TIRES. PACIFIC TIRE h. SUPPLY CO.. 335-327 Burnslde SI. G. N. SMITH. Manager. PRICES CUT ON ALL USED CARS. We must make room for our "w car and therefore MUST acrlflce our used cars. When you once know the Wlnton Com psny's stsndard of used car values tnr Isn't the illghest i-nnre of your pur chasing a used csr aoywher else at anr price. Our thoroughly eqlpped plant, our rigid Inspection system, our service and Its ap plication to used cars, give esch ennsmed value of aV per cent or more. We own every used csr offered for ;al by this company. We sre therefore free to bring every car on floor up to in standard of our used car va.UM It Is therefore a alrople matter for uj to guarantee our ud car and a simpler matter to make good our guarantee. Get our prices on tb following: White gas "40." Stoddard-Dayton, Max weVi. Themis special "TO " All model, of Wlnton from $100 up to $.000. TERMS. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO. Factory Branch, 23d and Washington 8ta. PertUnd. Or. Open Sunday and Evenings ni KG 1.NS IN USED CARS. Thf.e c. . all In good shape, ma chine, that hv. taken In trad, on new Mitchell car.. s0 no Mclntlre road.ter ... - -' - Mitchell. 1913 model 6P"' "" 4-cyllnder car. ran es. than M mile., haa ov.r-.le non-.kld tire, on rear and extra lire. 1. Mitchell'" l& '.nooe.-. - ""-cylinder, u.ed by u. for ' reduced Overland, 1912 model. ..-ps.ener. 4 cylinder -2 1911 Mitchell. 7-p..ner. 6-cylln der, In tine .haP V Mlt.hell. 112 model a.p...enfer JUxwelT. -i-Olinder 5-p.-.n,er. tire. good, new top ' ' American. 4-cyllnder. 7-p.en.r., good condition, tire, good v.; " S'new rZrXaA Ramoier 191". 5-pa..cng.r. good condition a ,ariy as poiistbie Vllly'"..' .napped up ... U'KlT; LEWIS ;TAV,H CO, East Mnrrl.on nn rirsi. HE following list of 'JFJ2? ne .nd 1014 model.. . I rices wn TH ranaeVomVoo .7 1,7 f lrst-cl.i. met-nanl ul . ..n.lli I"" run and look like new ear.. 1012 Knox. IMS Jack.on. 1913 Apperson. 1914 Oakland 11111 Chaliners. 1913 Chalmers Arl 38 N. 23d .1. M 634. ' ELECTRIC CARS .ker electric. In goo,, 8 ai snd tires almost new. JIfw&tJ w, ever had for u.ed car.; onl 3- HB;fS.S tlon throughout. $Soo. A few fine he.vy SSSJSS-fWer,-mak,ng FWJVS 36 on the dollar W gg gk 015-61T wa.hlngton .t.. Portland. auto .uppue. of I',:"y:rvrj,J!3S on the dollar tot the next Vnll. th. Walt, now 1. -"'".'".h All mall order tock 1. large and f "lj ' m" will be promptly sllen.led to P VCIFIC TIRE ft SI PI 1.1 tO.. 3.5-527 Durn.lde St. LOOK. M II. P. fore door t-ei . as part payment, prsrer rir". Sm',h' NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Broadway and Couch Hi a the regulsr price of thl. o'r0w, , W. . raVthirto-r-'to'-be"?: SSS Cnp ACIF It T I Ft IE Sr r ' " ... fully 1012 ne-.j .- ' ,r equipped. gui .mi ,"?" JVaD six: will Lei? Investigate. V 140. Oregonian. WIHK-WHKKI, louring .,r. good " ?;: SS0O H. 1- Ke.lAmJo. XKZSZ1"? rga.n no, seen ..... i 1:111. oreaonlan. ZSSSTm 'tern,.; no real .Int.. V 13.. ISM I Ortoiiian. iYuy'lnTk low1 pricVd h... AJ Urejoiilan. - ' . ...,-..,iaa l-nll - ,912 STODDAliL.-UA.Avr.. "",'',-,-.. ."!"": .rre.restaie" Alt 15.7. .re.o.,1.... WILL .acrlflce my. Maxwell cur; make in nn nlTt!r. All Jdi, ' " rATrF63.ioBii-ica for (ir .. t . . .. . - X 1 T.K. FORD roadster, like new. .. bargain. 41.4 M irenei le ave. i-mv WANTED 5-passenger Ford body; will pay cash. Phone Tabor 54W. i'l.12 ROADSTER, first-, lus will exch-, - light oar. Tabor ,m Automobile. Wanted. : i ,n..,ni.i la i itn (link . TO TKtOB fr goo.. "V"" -for i i , , - or mini i ! - iubdIMslon; a snap. N U Oreg...,lan., WANTED Ford runabout. Call Hotel Clark, M. Chi.pman. WII 1. give $.!' equity III nice lot for road .ter. Main StMl- REAI.INO STANDARD. practlraHy new Phone Tabor .i.n "r -in i WANTED Light runabout to take to East ern Oregon immtmAwo- - WOULD" Mke to buy a 1912. 1013 or 1UI4 Ford auto for cash. F 174. oregonian. 5