The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 26, 1914, SECTION TWO, Image 17

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Hoosier Kitchen
Made-in-Or egon Furniture Sale
Surplus Factory Stock at Phenomenally Low Prices
An Event of Extraordinary Importance to Everyone in Need of Furniture
This Davenport for
Has a recepta le for bedding:,
makes a comfortable bed.
Frame la of oak; .eat and
back are upholstered over oil
tempered eteel springs, cov
ered In chase leather. Retails
at $30.00. Special this week
Gadsby s' 3-Piece Solid Oak Library Suite,
Genuine Spanish Leather, at $25
This Solid Oak Llbrarv Suite, consisting- of one Arm Rocker, one Settee ami Arm
chair. Upholstered in genuine brown Spanish leather. Spring: seats. Quar- tOf2 ffi
ter-sawed oak. dull wax finish. Special for this sale J,JU
Same Suite In Imitation Spanish leather for S20.00.
Gadsbys' 3-Piece Dining-Room Set Complete, $48.75
We have turned one entire lower
floor over to the display of Dlulna--Roorn
FnralniK, where you will be
able to find anything in that line you may desire. It will
nav vou to see this floor before buylns: we can sell you for
less. The three pieces above are solid oak. finished either in
the popular fumed. Gadsbys price
Imperial Wiltons, 9x12 dOA ttfi
feet, each P J J S
Royal Axminsters, 9x
12 "feet
Extra Axminsters, 9x
12 feet
Sax ony Axminsters,
9x12 feet
Everything to Furnish the Home
Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Gas, Coal and Wood Ranges, Go-Carts,
Perambulators, Refrigerators, all at substantial reductions
Wm. Gadsby & Sons
Washington Street, Corner First
$19.00 Library
Tables for $9.50
This Handsome Library Table Is
quarter-sawed white oak with
rich deep natural markings, hon
estly made, beautifully finished,
either fumed or waxed golden
oak; height 32 Inches; top 46x26;
legs are 2 inch; large drawer
with wood knobs. Otjier stores
ask 19. Gadsbys' half price
golden or
Sussex Velvets, 9x12
feet each
Metropolitan Brussels,
9x12 feet
Eureka Brussels, 9x12
feet, each '.
Special Brussels, 9x12
feet, each
$ 9.50
8 V
Our Club Plan of Easy Installments
Affords You the Most Liberal Credit
Dresser for
Oak, ash, maple or mahog
any finish ; has heveled plate
glass 20x24. Last week
step lively
Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Gas, Coal and Wood Ranges, Go-Carts,
Perambulators, Refrigerators, all at substantial reductions
$12.00 Mattresses for
These Splendid White Cotton
Felt Mattrosses, weighing
pounds, axe compressed down
to six Inches In thickness, re
main soft and elastic and do
not wad; equal to the mat
tresses so extensively adver
tised at Si.'., absolutely sani
tary, durable and comfortable
Gadsbys special
price only
Other Mattresses as
cheap as
Every Mattress Sold by Gadsbys I.
This Style
I I This Style 1 1
Dresser for
This largo Mahogany Dresser with
28x34 French beveled plate mirror
and largo base, measuring 22x45,
made of beautiful figured mahog
any, dull wax finish, two large,
deep, long drawers and two small
upper drawers at the top. Exactly
as illustrated. This dresser sold
regularly $45. Gadsbys' price for
this sale is
Sold on easy weekly or monthly
Made Special and Made In Oregon.
1 "
Gadsbys' Gas Ranges
Always Satisfy
Buy your Gas Range while the price is
low. $20 Gas Ranges, special at
Gas Plates as Low as 50c
m r
Captain Chaplin's Wonderful
Skill Prominent in First
Contest of Series.
Waverly Pint to Score When Hamil
ton Oorbctt Put Over tioal. Two
Minutes After Game Started.
Final Score 1 to 3 1-4.
Excellent teamwork combined with
I the Individual play of Captain Chap
lin and one or two others helped me
Vancouver (B. C.) poloists put over
a brilliant victory yesterday afternoon
on the Waverly grounds with the
Portland Blues losing;, score 7 to 3V.
Just as Hamilton Corbett stands out
of the Waverly mass so Captain Chap
lin figure.- with the Vancouver men.
He is a wonderful rider and plays
with fury and skill that wastes few
Rhots. It was his picking; out that led
to the Vancouver points time ana
time again.
The other members of the team
played well up to their star. His leads
always were taken advantage of and
there were few times when he could
not turn the ball over to a following
Waverly was first to score when
Hamilton Corbett put over a goal two
minutes after the game started. Tills
he picked out In his characteristic way
and carried it well down the field
with three accurate drives.
After five mlnuteR of play. K. O.
Snowden, of the Vancouver team, put
over one after a mass play In which
the entire squad figured.
Just before time was called in the
first period. Gordon Voorhles scored,
following another mass play in which
both teams did considerable plashing.
The period ended with the score. Wa
verly 2. Vancou-fer 1.
Groavenor'a Drive True.
At the start of the second, Grosvenor
landed a lnnK shot squarely between
the posts and tied the score. But a
minute later Sherman Hall had taken
one away from the Vancouver men and
made It count. The period ended with
Waverly again in the lead, 3 to -.
Then in the third Vancouver estab
lished the lead which it kept through
out the game. Snowden and Grosvenor
both scored and the time allotment
finished with Vancouver leading, 4
to 3.
In the fourth Waverlv was In trou
Story of Naps Taking Clyde Wares, Despised by All Other Teams, Told.
Roscoe Fawcett Condemns American Boxers for Being Pikers Abroad.
BASEBALL'S recent capitulation to
the Players' Fraternity In the
case of Clarence Kraft of Brook
lyn, leads one to wonder where this
tight between the managers and the
playvs Is to end.
Personally. I haven't a guess as to
what the fut,ure will bring, but here's
one expert of fame. Fielder A. Jones,
former manager of tho Chicago White
Sox champions, xvho predicts abject
failure for the Fraternity unless it
chanRes its tactics.
This Fraternity stand In the Kraft
case was all right," commented Mr.
Jones yesterday. "If a man Is good
enough to play in AA leagues he should
be given a chance to do so In prefer
ence to the lower salaried A leagues.
"But." added the Northwestern
League president, with a note of warn
ing, "the Fraternity will have to change
Its tactics and really stand on a fair
foundation or It will wreck baseball
and Its own structure will go toppling
down with the magnates.
"The Fraternity should not counte
nance contract Jumping. There should
be no hemming and hawing about the
matter. Any player who breaks faith
with his employer ought to be auto
matically ousted from the Fraternity
and ought never to bo allowed In the
ranks of the organisation again."
Mr. Jones says baseball Is in a bad
tlx all over the Nation because of the
activities of the Federal League and
of the Players' Fraternity.
"Salaries are too high In practically
every league in the land," continued
the ex-Chlcagoan. "Kven the majors
have been going about their salary
raising in a haphaxard manner and
there will have to be some sort of a
readjustment before long.
"I dare say the Pacific Coast League
Is paying double the salary total to Its
teams that It was five years ago. I
don't see how these teams are going
to get by this bad season without big
ACCORDING to Ed. A. Goewey In
Leslie's Weekly, only the refusal
of Cleveland to waive on Clyde Waras
kept -the little Infielder from returning
to the Oakland club of tha Coast
League this Summer.
During the Spring series Wares
showed little batting strength and
Branch Rickey, manager of the St.
Louis Browns, decided to let him go
to Devlin.
Every club In the league waived ex
cept the Naps and this wobbling out
fit offered quick cash for him and
Rickey decided to retain the ex-Coaster.
Now he Is doing sensational work at
short for the Browns and could not
be bought for $5000.
Too many youngsters are sent back
to the minors without sufficient trial,
because the managers don't care to
Jar up their lineups. We can mention
half a dosen cases here in the Pa
cific Coast League.
WHEN England took the relay race,
the golf and the polo champion,
ships away from us things began to
look rather Indigo, and, the loss of the
lightweight boxing title to a Welsh
man did not Improve the outlook.
But. the future is looking up.
With the yacht races, the Davis cup
tennis competitions and billiards our
standard bearers ought to be able to
wave a few tattered strands ere the
curtain drops for Winter.
No one of these is a lead pipe cinch,
however, except It be Hoppe'a billiard
Tbe Australians appear most formid
no. :n.
ble despite Its score. Vancouver was
riding: so Cast and pushing the Port
land men so hard that Hamilton Cor
bett put over a safety to save on
threatening score.
In that same period Hamilton also
was charged up with a half-point for
foul riding. Harry Corbett, captain of
the Blues, made Waverly'a last score
In that period. In the whole time of
the last half Waver!) was kept from
sending any ball acrors the Vaneonv. r
goal, while the vtsltlt g players punc
tured the Portland defense for three
more scores.
Play Fast sad I'urloua.
The play In that time furious.
Vancouver circled attt wheeled and
rallied with Waverly following, yet
never able to regain the upper hand.
In tho fifth period. Captain Chaplin a
riding finally resulted In his making a
score himself. That put Waverly still
further to the rear and the score was:
Vancouver. '; Waverly. 3.
In the sixth Grosvenor crossed tha
Waverly goal again. Neither team did
anything In the seventh, and Vanoouer
finished up with another by Chaplin to
the last period. Just a few seconds he
fore time waa called.
Horses la Gaaar. Tn.
Vancouver appeared on the field ex
ceptionally well mounted with horses
that have had polo experience, extend
ing. In some Instances, over several
years. They seemed to he In the game
as much as their riders.
The Waverly Whites will meet the
Vancouver team SI Monday afternoon
in the last game or-the series, as tha
Vancouver men practically have agreed
to ship their ponies back on Tuesday
morning, discounting the possibilities
of a third game.
"Vancouver has a wonderful team "
declared Victor Johnson, chairman of
the Waverly polo committee, at tha
finish of yesterdav's game. The plsv.
era are real gentlemen, and the ex
hlhitlon today was nothing hut of the
cleanest type of polo and with all pos
sible action In every minute"
The lineup:
Vancouver. Waverly White
F. J. Grosvenor. . . No. 1 Sherman II. I
K. G. Huowden No. 2. .Hamilton cerbalt
captain Chaplin Ne. S. .. Gordon Voorhi
J. G. Hordhim Bark . Harry Cortvrit
Officials Harr Roberts"" referee. MsJ'-r
Koil. umpire an. I Hugh Hume. I Innkeeper.
The score:
First period
Oosl. Made by. Tesm 1 ira'
1 Hamilton Cornell. Waverly 1:1
J K. G. Hnowrien. Vancouver a
3 Gordon Voorhles. Waverly T.Ts
Second period
4 F. G. Grosvenor. Vancouver ' i"
i Xlierman Hsll. Wavrl TsJt
Third period--
4 K. I!. Snowden. Vancouver. I
i K. G. Grosvenor. Vancouver e:.t
Fourrn perlod-
5 Harry Cornell, waverly :
Flflh period-- .
t i.'sptstn Chaplin. Vancouver . 4i
Sixth pel I. Ml
10 K. G. Grosvenor. Vancouver 3
Keren I h period
No goals.
Ruthin period--
M captain I'hspiin. Vancouver s
Total groaa score, V in ou v t T. Waverl) I.
Penalties against Waverly. toul bv Hamil
ton Corbett In fourth p rlol . safety er
Hamilton Cornell In fourth pailod. Totsl net
score. Vancouver 7. Waverly i.
Arthur S. Littleton la Wed
KAN R AFAKI Cat. July St. Mpc
clal.) A marriage license was laeut-4
here today to Arthur S. Littleton, 31
years old. of Portland, or . and Myrtle
Vincent. II, of Ited Bluff.
able In the tennis competition nnd th v
do say that the Hhaiiirin k IV Is llk l
to prove the most dangerous yacht
ever sent acrcss the Atlantic ifter tha
1600 soup tureen that was brought 1
America along about l51.
V 1 1 1 1 .1 : we are on thla International
W .-:m.i t tU'lc. the full
was never so badly humiliated as by
the trio eif boxers who represented this
country during the recent bouts In
Every one of them squealed and
welched about the decision. Ritchie
was the gamest of them all. Willie
said he ought have had a draw but
ho gave Welsh full credit for his great
fight. But the other two would make
a man sick.
Moran waa licked to a fraiale but
he kicked and fussed about the deci
sion and capped this off by going over
to London and "exposing Johnson aa
a faker. Smith, too, raised a hulla
baloo at his defeat, although experts
who witnessed the fight said he fouled
Carpentler not once but several times.
Not one of tho three, come down
to cases, took his medicine like a man.
Each had his howl about hla particu
lar decision. All of which Is common
practice In this country but It puts
America in the role of a piker when
Its representatives abroad pull that
sort of unsportsmanlike bunk.
If our boxers are not willing to ac
cept the decisions they had better re
main out of the ring. They nre get
ting to be like that other great
squealer, Gllmour Doble.
JCDOE Thomas F. Graham, former
president of the Pacific Coast
League, Is the author of an Interesting
baseball contribution In tha August
number of Sunset magailne. recently
taken over by William Woodhaad.
Judge Graham's article Is entitled
"Putting Over tha Next Big League.'
Says Judge Graham In part:
"Judging the future by what tba
past has given us, baaeball on tha
Pacific Coast Is still In the Infancy
of Its development. . . . The next
step for the league will be Its axpan- -slon
Into an elghl-cluh league. At
present there are no cities with suffi
cient population to support these clubs.
"The Pacific Coast league eventual
ly will become a major league, with
equal standing with tha American ami
National leagues. The population la
coming, and, a decade hence, that pop
ulation will demand baseball In no re
spect Inferior to that of their brother
fans of the Atlantic seaboard."
Judge Graham adds that Walter Mc
Credle, of Portland, has sent mora
players to the big leagues than any
other manager and he goes on and
tells how Honug McArdle, former Seal,
conspired to keep out of the majors.
"Report that he was under tha ayes
of the scouts came to McArdle's eara,"
sayi the Judga. "and In consternation
he sought a friend for advice and sym
pathy. " 'I don't like to get In had bare.'
he mourned, "but I guess I've got to
boot a few of the easy ones till these
scouts quit. Nona of this big league
business for me. I like this league,
and I like this town, and I like my Job.
And If I'm satisfied they ought to let
me alone' ."
It sounds nice, but If thata all that
keeps the popular Mac out of the ma
Jors Ty Cobb's butcher battle Is all
that prevents Secretary Bryan from
sending the Oeorgla peach to repre
sent tue tin its navy at Pans