The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 26, 1914, Section One, Page 15, Image 15

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League to Make No Choice Be
tween Parties if Amend
ment Is Not Fought.
E. A. Baker's Plan Is Indorsed by
Republican and Democratic
leaders Letter Outlines
Proposed! Agreement.
A plan proponed by E. A. Baker,
superintendent of the Anti-Saloon
League of Oregon, is that the dry
forces of the state pledge themselves
to strict neutrality between any and
11 parties and candidates on condi
tion that those parties and candidates
pledge a like neutrality as between the
wet and dry forces.
This plan, as submitted to the offi
cial party leaders, had received the in
dorsement of Bert K. Haney, chair
man of the Democratic state central
committee, and C. B. Moores. chairman
of the Republican state central com
mittee. While the executive commit
tee of the Progressive party has not
yet taken action, those prominent in
party councils have indicated their
opinion that the proposition is a fair
one and have said that they believe it
will be indorsed. W. 'S. U'Ren. inde
pendent candidate forOovernor. also
lias signified his approval, it is said.
Prohlbltloalsts Xot Anknl.
The letter embodying the proposal
t is not sent to the Prohibition party,
as it is its well-known policy to make
prohibition a party Issue.
According to the understandings as
outlined in the letter, the parties and
candidates are to pledge themselves
further that in case the "dry" amend
ment ts passed they will assist in pro
curing legislative enactment which
will make ample provision for the en
forcement of the law and provide ade
quate penalties to lnsuro enforcement.
Still another condition of the agree
ment t that the parties and candidates
further pledge themselves that In case
of the defeat of the proposed amend
ment they will not become party to
auy attempt to repeal existing laws on
the liquor question that have been
adopted by direct vote of the people.
Avoiding Prejudice Is Aim.
The Anti-Saloon League and the com
mittee of 10. it is announced, are very
desirous of keeping the question out
of partisan politics, realizing that there
are scores of thousands of people who
will vote for the amendment in all of
the parties and that many of these
might become prejudiced against the
amendment If the amendment forces
set themselves In array against their
Superintendent Baker points out that
similar plan was followed in West
Virginia two years ago, when prohibi
tion carried by 92.000 majority. He
claims that the majority was largely
made possible by the fact that the dry
forces did not oppose a single candi
date for any office.
Following the adoption of the amend
ment in West Virginia, the most drastic
regulation bill ever proposed In any
state passed the lower house unani
mously, and passed the Senate with
only one vote against It. Governor
Hatfield Immediately signed It.
Brewery Lawyer Keepa Pledge.
As an example of the working out of
the agreement, Mr. Baker cites the
fact that John P. Arbenz, an attorney
for a brewery, was a member of the
Legislature. He voted In committee to
recommend the strict regulatory meas
ure and voted for It in the House.
The letter which the Anti-Saloon
League has sent out In Oregon to the
state chairmen and state officers will
be followed up by similar letters to
the county chairmen and candidates for
the Legislature. It is probable that In
many counties the local organizations
will take similar steps to Insure neu
trality as between the county candi
dates and the assistance of the elected
officers in enforcing the law, provid
ing the amendment is adopted.
Letter Is Given.
The letter follows:
Portland. Or, July 23. Dear Sirs: The
Anti-Saloon League desires to come to an
Important understanding ith you.
We are a non-partisan body. Wo believe
that those aspiring to public office in your
party ure honorable enough not only to
runpect the will of tne people when ex
pressed, but to leuve the people free from
prejudice and pressure regarding a measure
When that measure is sot a partisan issue.
As a league we have but a single aim in
the niaaent nl it ssinirtiiliP' via.: to secure
the popular ratification of the non -partisan
Initiative constitutional amendment for
"Oregon dry." We desire a free and un
prejudiced expression hy the people on this
ouestlon. uncomplicated with other mess
tires, partv policies, or personalities of can
didates. We do not wish to secure a dry
ote beyond normal through the aid of any
party. We do not wish to be burdened with
the personality of any candidate.
We believe In the fair-minded public
spirit and political honesty of your party
nd Its candidates. We believe that if the
amendment is adopted you are ready to
pledge your aid In the legislative depart
ment in securing laws providing for Its
strict enforcement and fixing adequate pen
alties for its violation.
We believe, further, that you are ready to
pledge the co-operation of the administra
tive and executive departments (provided
you hold them) in making the law effect
ive: and. since the local option laws have
been secured by direct action of the people
themselves, we are confident that you will
not attempt, by legislative action, to re
peal them.
In order that we may defend that belief,
will you assure us from party headquar
ters, and through your candidates for state
offices and legislative offices, that this is
your position?
We shall observe strict neutrality as be
tween parties and candidates, so long as
they observe a like neutrality toward the
amendment. Tf the amendment is opposed
we shall fight, whether the opponent be
an Individual candidate or a political party.
Confusion defeats the purpose of popular
government, delays progress and injures
prosperity. Lt us come together In an
aereement to keep the air clear.
Awaiting your early reply, we are yours
very cordially. .
By IJj. A. Baker. Superintendent.
Sir. Mo Murray, Back Irom Extensive
Trip. Bring Encouraging Report.
William McMurray. general passen
ger agent of the O.-W. R. & It Com
pany, upon his return yesterday from
an extenartve trip through the Inland
Kmplre visiting agents and reviewing
conditions of his territory, declared
that the crops now being harvested In
the Palouse country are remarkable.
"It looks as If the land were literally
burdened with its immense yield," said
Mr. McMurray yesterday. "We expect
a big business in that country when
the harvests are over. Not only will
thera be a heavy movement of freight,
but a large number of those now busy
with the harvest are planning trips
to the seashore."
Mr. McMurray visited Moscow, Pull
man. Colfax. Waitsburg. Dayton, Walla
Walla, Palouse and Pendleton.
Village Is Concession Not Connected With National Exhibit It Will Con
tain Teahouses, Music Hall, Theater and Lofty Pagoda.
v -Vj ;
SAN FRANCISCO. July 25. (Spe
cial.) A feature of the pageant
and ground-breaking exercises of
the tea garden at "The Zone" of the
Panama-Pacific Exposition, July 17,
was the raising of the flag of the Chi
nese Republic by the pretty belle of
the Orient. Miss Mary Wong, the Amer
icanized daughter of the president of
the village concession.
A spectacular parade, with decor
ated floats, a Chinese band and Orien
tal pageantry effects, started In front
of the offices of the Six Companies in
At the ground-breaking exercises
scores of Chinese school children In
native costume took part in the pro
gramme. There was a performance
Gill's Employes Have Outing at
Crystal Lake Park.
Wholesale and Retail Departments
Meet in Relay Race, Dinner Is
Served, Toasts Said and Danc
ing Ends Happy Event.
"All work and no play" has the same
saddening effect on Gill's employes as
It ts said to have on the proverbial
i rniinvin; the implied in-
Junction of the adage, they locked up
the store at 12:30 f.
journeyed to Crystal Lake Park, where
.i i. th.. nrnnrtr ceremonials
attendant on the passing of dull care
and enjoyed themselves as onu
enthusiastic business people can.
Just to show that their prowess on
the diamond equals their ability in the
marts of commerce, they puUed off a
.. ...,,.,, "tlin bovs and the
department managers." It was an im
posing lineup, wnai tne pjti -
in technical knowledge of the game
they made up in noise and nerve.
Relay Race la Run.
. . . i v-it c-amA concluded and
AI 'CI mo r
broken diplomatic relations were re
paired, the wnoiesaie uejjai
with the retail department in a relay
race. .
Then there were athletic contests
.v. i ih trirls. the fats and the
leans, for the managers and those who
are managed, ana mrougn an
of good-natured rivalry prevailed.
Gathered around the refreshing picnic
dinner, toasts were said to Mr. Gill,
and a period ol rest ana jest miuus
In until the dancing started at 8
Cripples Only fjonvaiescenis.
Should you visit this establishment
tomorrow, remember those you might
see in sprints and bandages are not
regular cripples, but Just convalescent
contestants in the athletic events.
The following committees arranged
by Chinese actors, accompanied by a
native band. Visitors were presented
with Chinese souvenirs.
The Chinese village is a concession
owned by a syndicate of Ran Francisco
Chinese capitalists, of which Jim Wang
is president and Fung Ming secretary,
and is not to be confused with the
Chinese government building on which
work has been begun, and which is
located to the west of the Palace ol
Fine Arts.
The village will contain a character
istic Celestial street, with teahouses,
music hall, theater and the like, ir
addition to a lofty pagoda defined as
"a tower with ruffles up the back"
a replica of the ancient Tower of Wil
lows, near Shanghai. The total cost
will exceed $200,000.
the outing: General committee. Miss
Ewtng. Miss Erickson, Mr. Fitzgerald,
Mr. Allen, Miss Herrick: lunch commit
tee. Miss Erickson, Miss O'Donnell.
Miss Landon, Mr. Snyder, Miss Har
bough. Miss Chausse. Miss Jane Allen,
Mr. Williams, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Hen
dricks; excursion committee, H. P. Har
rison, J. B. Hibbard, Harry Allen.
Charles Reynolds to Be Principal of
Tl. M. C. A. College Course.
Charles Reynolds, a graduate of the
University of Oregon, of the class of
1912, has accepted a position as prin
cipal of the college preparatory school
of the Portland Young Men's Christian
Since his graduation he lias had
charge of correspondence courses in
mathematics at the University of Ore
gon, and is regarded as well equipped
for his new work. Besides having
oversight of the college preparatory
school, he will teach mathematics.
The college preparatory work of the
Y. M. C. A. has been, greatly strength
ened in the past few years. Young
man who have completed the course
are now enrolled In the leading col
leges of the East and West. The re
tiring principal, John Purcell, will en
gage in high school work.
Market Co-operation Effective.
Co-operation between the various
public markets of the city was dem
onstrated to be practicable yesterday,
when the supply at the East Side pub
lic market was found to be less than
the demand and several farmers were
sent over from the Yamhill-street mar
ket. Yesterday was the biggest day
of the East Side mart. The biggest
shortage was in the supply of green
Two Ministers to Be Ordained.
Rev. L. Brandes and Rev. H. Schulze
will be ordained at services In the Ger
man Evangelical Lutheran Zlon Church,
Salmon and Chapman streets, tonight.
Mr. Brandes has received a call to
Pe EW, Wash., and Mr. Schulze will go
to Kllama, Idaho. Both ministers were
born and reared in this city and are
graduates of Concordia College.
Fair to Be at Forest Grove.
The Washington County Fair will be
held at Forest Grove on September
23-25, and not at Hillsboro. Secretary
Buxton, of the Washington County Fair
Association, made the announcement in
a letter to The Oregonlan.
i 1
Don't miss this unusual opportunity
to buy the land you want at the price
you want to pay.
Complete abstract and warranty deed
with purchase. Property free and
Terms: One-third down, balance in
four yearly payments, interest 6.
Five per cent discount for full cash.
Good collateral may be taken as part
cash payment if arranged beforehand.
Mary Adele Case, With Soulful Eyes and Big Curls, to Dance for Cause
of Suffrage With Wall-Street Partner.
LUNGS, Mont., July 25. (Special.)
. v. . 1. . . .in ir .-a nf
Snooping inruugii wi "-
t.,, vn.t Mnrnlne Telegraph
. , a lenarthv story
about Mary Adele Case, a Portland girl.
or at least Oregon n B"-
counting is two or three columns in
space and there's a great, big, smash
ing -new picture of Mary Adele off to
one side of the story. Big, soulful
eves has Mary Adele's p dure and lots
of piled-high curls, while a lenth Of
slim, drooping shoulders melts into
nothingness in the lower right hand
corner of her picture.
Mary Adele Dues Latest Thin.
And what has Mary Adele done?
Well apparently, the newest thing un
der the sun. although history says
and vaudeville teaches that there tat
anv such thing. But the venturesome
mind and methods of Mary - Oonn
ly, of New York City, proves that there
is something new or at leas a fresh
wrinkle in something old Miss Don
nelly who has never had to ask to be
Remembered since her campaign against
the corruption of Queen's County Jail
some years ago. has inaugurated a suf
frage dancing campaign. And Mary
Adele Case is her solo dancer.
Now you have it. .
To go back just a minute it seems
that ader Miss Donnelly cleaned up a
few things i" Owen's County New
YoVsh. then turned to the originat
ing, founding and propagation of the
Belmont Club, at 140 fast Thirty-fourth
iUst above the historical, old
uance hln the Murray Hill Lyceum. In
which her newest activities are to
find shelter.
ordicn Enlist Services.
The Belmont Club enlisted the co
operation of a host of notable women
including the late Madame Nordica and
Mrs O H P. Belmont. It was a place
where aUthe girls living In the Four
toenth District, called Murphy s Dls-
ct couwVo from the bosom of their
poor but honest, families and rub
shoulders with a little high life under
conditions of unimpeachable reapecta-
blMadame Nordica gave -Personal I vocal
instruction to huge classes of the M
at once or hired someone to do it for
her when she had not the time. This
club was political also " was the
first definite invasion of suffrage In
Manhattan. ,
It is three years now since the Bel
mont Club passed out of the Four
teenth District and no similar organ
ization has taken its place. Which is
one of the reasons that Miss Donnelly
has selected the Murray Hill Lyceum
for her new suffrage dansant cam
paign. Her new dansant is meant to
bring back to these people some of the
things they have been missing and
Fifth and Third Avenues Mix.
Fifth avenue and Third avenue are
to touch finger tips in the tango and
testify to the common brotherhood ol
women. The immortal glory of suf
frage Is to be innoculated. incidentally,
but decisively, in all the fair maidens pf
Fifth avenue and Third avenue and in
their escorts.
Miss Donnelly is determined that
though they may come but to hesitate
they shall remain to demand the vote
for woman. Her dansant is to be a
rallying place for all the various suf
frage organizations of the district in
and about Manhattan.
Miss Donnelly has announced that
she invites them to step forward and
book their own especial days when each
of them, one at a time, can plan the
coming Fall campaign in businesslike
20th century fashion, between the
maxixe and the lame duck.
"Tell them," said Miss Donnelly In
Auction Sale
Farm, Fruit, Garden, Timber, Residential Tracts
18 of them, ranging from 7 to 25 acres each
Chehalem Hill Tracts
' an hour and a quarter out from Portland on the Southern
Pacific Electric. Will be sacrificed under the hammer
Tuesday, Aug. 4, 1 P. M.
For further information see owner,
V r
I jfcl. v J
Mary Adele Case, Who Will
Dance for Cause of Suffrage.
print, "that I hereby issue my invita
tidn to them all. It is the real way
for every woman of whatsoever social
class to get in touch with every other
woman arid bring along and convert her
men friends where they need it. We
have this huge, cool, ld historical
dance hall. Florists already have do
nated all the palms and flowers with
which we're going to make the place
look like a bower. Prizes are coming
. r ; ;
- ... ..
t Photo Oaks Studio. j
Here are fruit tracts pears and
apples, ready to give you an income:
uncleared land: home sites with fifty
mile view. Springs and ponds. One
tract has large new seven-room house.
No matter what you want in acreage,
you'll find it here at your own price.
This is the selling event of the year
for the home-seeker or the speculator.
Don't miss it.
In thick and fast from jewelers and
Fifth-avenue milliners. Occasionallly.
you see, a girl may rather win the
latest thing In a Paris hat than to
take home a silver cup."
(And here Is where Mary Adele Case
comes In.)
"Then, too. I have an extraordinary
dance soloist, really a sinner by pro
fessionMary Adele Case, the contral
to, who toured England with the pianist
Harold Bauer. Of course, you've heard
of her? Already she has been going
about in the Fourteenth District get
ting acquainted with the girls and
their families and telling them about
It. They all love her. I expect hur to
be of wonderful service in making con
versions and whooping up the great
Fall campaign generally. She dances as
well as she sings, though she's only re
cently begun specializing In it.
Marj- Allele Has I'srtner.
Her partner Is Henry S. Jewett. I
believe when you see them at our open
ing dansant you'll agree with me that
the Castles have nothing on either of
them. Mr. Jewett has boen In business
on Wall street, has been on the stage
and otherwise proved his eclecticism.
n.i-B (net th riilit chan for a part
ner to Miss Case and we're going to do
That the vogue of the dance is at last
to Invade the realm ot pontics anu
statesmanship and that the on-step.
two-step, angleworm wriggle, tango
and turkey trot are to be forces In
civic progress, and all via the suffrage
route, will be no surprise to careful
specialists of femlnis. Most of the rad
ical Innovations of the present era,
from the latitude of a permissible sex
problem to the longitude of the slit In
a skirt, may be traced, by a careful
analyst, to the woman movement di
rect. Moreover, the uprising of woman in
America at least ever has been a thing
of feasting and song, of pageantry,
nhesltatingly hrsl-
I, tim, th.rvrr hesitation was th
,.. mHinm nf fixed resolves
In America woman has wisely and
guilefully turned to her oldest wea
pons, her charm, her allure, her bland
ishment, to bring about her own re
generation. Suffrage In America has
differed from the demonry. -dynamite
and damnation of England, as one star
differeth from another star.
But I started out to tell you what I
read about Mary Adele Casa.
Popularity Keeps Miniature
Circus at Oaks for Week.
View Is if "Stunf Is Trick H 1
a Good One; Closvn Dog Lai) -bones
I Rig Hit and Horw
That Tangoes Is I. iked.
Enthusiastic over th aucctss of the
llieill ill II. CH.II.7W.. l"l NH. Twwmw m v....
The circus seems to have made an ap
peal to everyone, for. from the young
est simian to the staldest old poodle,
every animal actor has won tils place.
Tlio most striking of all the features,
however. Is Don Carlos' hypnotising of
one of his pats, upon which It rises
from the stag fend the dog continues
to rise until It Is floating high up and
without any apparent means of support.
There do not seem to be any support
ing wires and there la never a quiver
of the dog's body to suggest anything
of the kind.
at. If Trick, Is Bat4
The dog appears to be In a cataleptic
state and observers from the orchestra
have been forced to admit that If It Is
a trick. It Is ene of the rlevereet ever
seen in tna m esi. un ii.
maintains that the action of the canine
Is proof positive of the power of mind
over matter.
Tempest and Sunshine are two dog
performers. In private life they justify
their titles. Sunshine will willingly
share all she has with Tempest, even to
a pet bone. Tempeet would not think
of doing anything of the kind and
would fight on the drop of a handker
chief. Lazyhonea. another member of the
troupe. Is one of the funniest natural
clown dogs there sre. Lasybonee la
naturally laxy. Every effort his train
er makes produces the same ludicrous
result. Incidentally. Lasybnnes just
refuses to be trained or to exert liimseir.
La Belle Clark will give a capital
equestrienne exhibition.
II. t loea Tana".
To the tune of "Too Much Mustard. '
her mount, Grand Duke, tangoes on a
resounding wooden table In a manner
that cannot but provoke the utmost
amusement. Grand Duke Is a most ver
satile "high school" trained equine.
Other Oaks features will be rendered
specially attractive by the weather. Tfc
swimming pool, for example, dtcw 21s
people last Sunday, and even then H
was Imposlble to accommodate all who
desired a plunge.
Special efforts are being made to
have the last Sunday in July one of th
memorable days at the amusement
Kelso Teaching Force Completed.
KELSO. Wash.. July 26. (Special.)
r.. . v. .ui.iiAn nf Ml.. Alhl Blrkford.
a graduate of the University of Mlnn-
sota as high school principal, ami rion
ert D. Kodgers. manual training teach
er, the Kelso School Board completed
this selection of Its entire teaching for. .
for the approachtns school year. On
teacher less will be employed In the
high school this year, although a new
Instructor probably will be needed In
the grides. The enrollment for the
coming year promises to be greater
than last year.